Solinco Whiteout 305 Tennis Racquet Review! ☑️

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 73

  • @alejandrogandolfid
    @alejandrogandolfid 4 месяца назад

    Thank you very much for all the information you provide. It allowed me to try this racket with the 52 pounds they recommend and it was spectacular. This racket is of a higher level and quality. The fact that Roman Prokes participated in its preparation cannot go unnoticed. Excellent racquet!

  • @40luv84
    @40luv84 Год назад

    My friend lended me and I just played with this racket today. I loved it! Better than the blade 98 and the Yonex vcore 98. It has everything I need. Big topspin, power, control, great feel! 👍

  • @asantesamuel13
    @asantesamuel13 2 года назад +3

    I'm getting this racquet tomorrow and will play with it on Thursday 😀 I also have a Pure Strike 16x19 from you guys I need to try out so I'll be able to give you guys good feedback on how these two sticks compare 😊
    Update: So I played with the Pure Strike 16x19 and I played great with it, though on volleys it needed a little better stability; I hit about 10 aces in 4 service games and multiple forehand winners and my one-handed backhand was on fire.
    Then, I switched to the Whiteout and unfortunately it didn't suit me. I was expecting it to feel very dampened just like the PS but it wasn't - I could feel the strings very clearly as though there was no dampener, even though there was a dampener. It's just a personal preference that I like the strings to be totally muted. The racquet felt solid though I just wish it were more dampened.

  • @alejandrogandolfid
    @alejandrogandolfid 4 месяца назад +1

    You who are racket experts, what difference do you see between this racket and the new Vostra V9 from Volkl? Thank you for your answer!

  • @powurr
    @powurr 2 года назад +2

    Thanks for the review. This is a good one. ⚡️⚡️

  • @dyrdee
    @dyrdee 2 года назад +1

    glad to see you're back, troy! hope that knee injury's healing well!

  • @cesarelodesani1384
    @cesarelodesani1384 Год назад

    Great racquet, i modded mine to 336 grams unstrung and i love everything, big spin and very forgiving. And i like the touch and the dampeninig too. Probably i will buy a third racquet.

    • @michaelsigurdson3878
      @michaelsigurdson3878 9 месяцев назад

      Where did you put the lead ?

    • @cesarelodesani1384
      @cesarelodesani1384 9 месяцев назад

      @@michaelsigurdson3878 leather grip and 7 grams of silicone in the handle, 12 grams total of lead (6 +6) at 3 and 9 o'clock, 2 grams at 12 o'clock.

  • @tenniswithandy
    @tenniswithandy 2 года назад +3

    Michelle, I know you love your RF97A but you're playing smooth with this Solinco stick. It seems like a good fit. Troy, have you gone to the other side and switched permanently to the one hander? I like the variety you were showing with your slice and dice.

    • @tenniswarehouse
      @tenniswarehouse  2 года назад +6

      @Tennis with Andy,
      Right?! I can't speak for Troy, but as for your question for me -- I think everyone, myself included, was surprised how much I enjoyed this playtest. And definitely can appreciate the ease of use with this racquet vs the heftier RF! While I'm not quick to jump ship to new never know...🙃
      Michelle, TW

  • @uncopy
    @uncopy 2 года назад +2

    Hey Michelle, Sage, Mark and Troy! Really insightful, exciting review. I made an order based on this, just waiting for it to arrive!
    Question: How does this compare to the Pure Strike 16x19 Gen 3 or Pure Aero VS?

    • @tenniswarehouse
      @tenniswarehouse  2 года назад +2

      I found some pretty similar characteristics to the Pure Strike 16x19 3rd Gen. The Aero VS is a bit quicker feeling, and a bit more lively, or a bit easier power. The Whiteout 305 packs decent power, but also has some control and feel. Somewhat in between a Pure Strike and like a Blade 98 or Pro Staff 97 when it comes to precision. Let us know what you think, after taking it out for a hit? Troy, TW

    • @uncopy
      @uncopy 2 года назад

      ​@@tenniswarehouse right on with the review! it felt like a crisper Pure Strike 16x19 3rd gen and hitting the sweet spot with this racket is just a wonderful experience! Definitely a "sleeper" racket compared to more established lines like the blade, pure strike, extreme tour, radical, and the new TF40 as well! Thanks for the giving a relevant and helpful review before my purchase 🙏🤩

  • @HypnoticLasagna
    @HypnoticLasagna 2 года назад +2

    I am kinda shocked with Sage's review of being able to hit flat shots. As a flat hitter, I am struggling with the whiteout, as I really have to try adding a lot more spin that usual to get the balls to stay in.

    • @tenniswarehouse
      @tenniswarehouse  2 года назад +1

      I think a lot of it can come down to mechanics as well and possibly even string set up! What do you normally play with? I found the racquet to have good maneuverability so I was able to generate good spin but also felt I had good command of my shots and could flatten out when I wanted. But, definitely comes down to a few things here and there that could mean we all experience the racquet just a bit differently! :)
      Michelle, TW

    • @HypnoticLasagna
      @HypnoticLasagna 2 года назад +1

      Yes that is true, I wil have to film some of my matches to check, not giving up on this one! I currently am playing with Confidential 17g at 50lbs. Typically play at at 48 lbs in other frames (diadem elevate, blade which both have lower SW than the whiteout). I just got the weight modules, so I will be testing with those shortly to see if that helps my swing a bit by changing the balance.

    • @tenniswarehouse
      @tenniswarehouse  2 года назад +1

      Yea! That will be fun to see how it changes anything! I was hitting one day and had a few issues all of a sudden and realized someone had installed one of the weight modules, which just didn't jive well with my swing, so instantly realized I preferred it stock. Good luck!
      Michelle, TW

  • @albertoescobosa179
    @albertoescobosa179 2 года назад +1

    Hello Troy, how will you compare this raquet overall with the new TECNIFIBRE TF40 16 x 19 …thanks and greetings from Mazatlan

    • @tenniswarehouse
      @tenniswarehouse  2 года назад

      A slightly firmer feel with the Whiteout 305, and maybe just a bit more pop or energy return, although power level is pretty close. The TF40 305 16x19 feels slightly more comfortable, and for me I find maybe just a bit more feel for the ball. That said, both really nice racquets. Troy, TW

    • @albertoescobosa179
      @albertoescobosa179 2 года назад +1

      @@tenniswarehouse thanks for the response Troy ! 🙂and input ...I have a TF40 315 16 x 19 with weight on 10 and 2 o'clock plays a lot better, but my VOLKL 10 320 v cell feels great too, my aching shoulder needs the extra weight in absorbing the impact...thanks again !!

  • @darrinbaker00
    @darrinbaker00 2 года назад +1

    When did Troy switch to a one-handed backhand?

    • @tenniswarehouse
      @tenniswarehouse  2 года назад +2

      He dabbles in the land of one-hands! Troy is one of those players who can execute new shots so well, you'd almost never know he hit it any other way!
      Michelle, TW

  • @0marenllamas
    @0marenllamas 2 года назад +1

    How does it compares with a Head graphene XT speed pro?

    • @tenniswarehouse
      @tenniswarehouse  2 года назад

      This one has easier access to spin, and a higher launch angle from the open pattern. It plays a bit more like the Pure Strike 98 16x19, or Blade 98 16x19. Troy, TW

  • @brunis_m
    @brunis_m 2 года назад +1

    This looks exactly like the RS 300... Wonder if it plays much different?

    • @tenniswarehouse
      @tenniswarehouse  2 года назад

      Compared to the TFight 300 RS, this one feels just a bit more firm on contact, and also swings with a bit more heft. The TFight 300 RS is a bit faster or maneuverable, and feels slightly more comfortable or dampened, at least that was my feeling when it came to comfort. Not to say that the Whiteout is uncomfortable, but felt just a bit more firm and crisp. Troy, TW

  • @nevinliauw
    @nevinliauw 2 года назад +2

    How would you compare this to extreme tour and pure aero vs? Thanks!!

    • @tenniswarehouse
      @tenniswarehouse  2 года назад +1

      Fairly comparable to the Extreme Tour, but with a slightly heftier feel due to the higher swingweight. The Pure Aero VS feels a bit more powerful and slightly more firm. Troy, TW

    • @nevinliauw
      @nevinliauw 2 года назад

      @@tenniswarehouse i just ordered one! Excited to compare to my prototype extreme tour and pure aero vs since these comes pretty similar, plus the buttcap weights are awesome. So I will be getting 5g and 10g buttcap on top of the one in the racquet yeah? Nice for counter balancing with lead tape for sure!

  • @franciscorobledo510
    @franciscorobledo510 2 года назад +3

    First time I see Troy hit a one handed topspin backhand. Am I just going crazy?

    • @tenniswarehouse
      @tenniswarehouse  2 года назад +2

      Nope, you are not going crazy! And probably not the first time (you might be able to find some footage of him hitting it before this video!) Pretty, right?!
      Michelle, TW

  • @yangchen8551
    @yangchen8551 2 года назад +1

    How do these compare to the new TF40 305 and 315 16x19s? Especially they are all foam filled 98 inch white colored racquets with relatively thin beams.

    • @tenniswarehouse
      @tenniswarehouse  2 года назад +2

      It swings more similarly to the TF40 305, with the same weight, but a bit higher swingweight, so actually pretty close to the Blade 98 18x20 v8 for overall maneuverability. For the feel, this Whiteout 305 is slightly stiffer, so maybe in between the TF40 and a Pure Strike 16x19. Troy, TW

    • @yangchen8551
      @yangchen8551 2 года назад

      @@tenniswarehouse Thanks Troy

  • @islandmerchandise3017
    @islandmerchandise3017 2 года назад +1

    I hear there is an extended version of these. Will they be coming to tennis warehouse?

    • @tenniswarehouse
      @tenniswarehouse  2 года назад

      From what we have heard there will likely be an extended version coming. Troy, TW

  • @natakornchulaserikul9465
    @natakornchulaserikul9465 2 года назад +1

    Does 290g version has the same playability in term of comfort and stability?
    305 version with 330g swingweight seems a little too much for me.
    Thanks for your sharing.

    • @tenniswarehouse
      @tenniswarehouse  2 года назад +2

      @Natakorn Chulaserikul,
      Yes, it has the same "bones" and technology but is just at a lighter weight. And what is also helpful, if you find you are looking for more weight and want to bump it up, you can always utilize those weighted butt caps to add 5 or 10 grams. The 290 should play stable for its weight and offer you the same attributes as the heavier 305!
      Michelle, TW

  • @SwedeCT
    @SwedeCT 2 года назад +1

    How does this racquet compare to the new Yonex Ezone 98? Thx

    • @tenniswarehouse
      @tenniswarehouse  2 года назад +1

      Fairly similar in terms of overall power/control levels. The EZONE 98 (2022) feels a bit more plush and comfortable, and is a bit easier to maneuver with the lower swingweight. The Whiteout 305 feels slightly more firm or crisp, and swings with a bit more plow through having a higher average swingweight. I found the Whiteout 305 to be a bit more similar to the Babolat Pure Strike 16x19 and Tecnifibre TFight 305 (but with a more open pattern). Troy, TW

    • @SwedeCT
      @SwedeCT 2 года назад

      @@tenniswarehouse Troy, Thanks for the feedback!

  • @lsfire3489
    @lsfire3489 2 года назад +1

    Is this racquet and the extended version coming to tennis warehouse europe. also can you use the weighted butcaps in other racquets?

    • @tenniswarehouse
      @tenniswarehouse  2 года назад

      We have heard of an extended version coming, however we still are not sure if/when they will come to TW Europe. The weighted trap doors are specific to the Solinco racquets. Troy, TW

  • @jonathanchen1026
    @jonathanchen1026 2 года назад +1

    How does this racket compared to 16x19 blade?

    • @tenniswarehouse
      @tenniswarehouse  2 года назад +1

      They are pretty similar overall, but this Whiteout has a slightly thicker beam, and is stiffer when it comes to the frame flex, so a bit more pop or energy return with this one, and firmer feel on contact. The Blade 98 16x19 v8 is softer, giving more comfort, and a bit more control and pocketing feel. Troy, TW

  • @jonathanchen1026
    @jonathanchen1026 2 года назад

    Free gift bag for the first 100 orders, so does that mean if I want 2 of the gift bags(so I can get more of the weighted buttcaps) I would need to order 1 racket twice with separate orders? I can’t order 2 at once and get 2 kits?

    • @asantesamuel13
      @asantesamuel13 2 года назад

      Just call customer service and place the order through them if you aren't sure, they're super helpful!!

    • @tenniswarehouse
      @tenniswarehouse  2 года назад +1

      Yes, you can get two of the gift packs with a two racquet purchase. You can call our racquet expert line to place the order just to make sure, 1.800.799.9230. Also, you may want to order soon if you are wanting the gift packs, as there aren't many left. Troy, TW

  • @dunsdonjone1537
    @dunsdonjone1537 2 года назад

    What shoes are Sage wearing?

    • @tenniswarehouse
      @tenniswarehouse  2 года назад +2

      He is currently testing out some Diadora shoes, stay tuned. Troy, TW

    • @dunsdonjone1537
      @dunsdonjone1537 2 года назад +1

      @@tenniswarehouse stay tuned for how long? :(

  • @nicolelee7440
    @nicolelee7440 2 года назад +2

    Regarding the grip shape, is it more square like Head and Yonex or rectangular like Technifibre?

    • @tenniswarehouse
      @tenniswarehouse  2 года назад

      It feels more similar to the Yonex, or the modern Head grip shape. Troy, TW

    • @Dejan254
      @Dejan254 2 года назад

      @@tenniswarehouse and what about the size of the grip? I’m playing with Yonex Ezone 98 Tour and grip size 2 is like Wilson’s grip size 3. Which to order, G3 or G2?

  • @jeddiaz7055
    @jeddiaz7055 2 года назад

    Would the 290 grams version stiffer and less stable?

    • @tenniswarehouse
      @tenniswarehouse  2 года назад

      @jed diaz,
      The stiffness level is just one point higher, so not noticeably stiffer, but yes -- the lighter version will be a bit less stable, a bit stiffer but faster and easier to swing.
      Michelle, TW

  • @Badickerson1990
    @Badickerson1990 2 года назад +2

    Can you use the weighted butt caps in other racquets?!?

    • @tenniswarehouse
      @tenniswarehouse  2 года назад

      They are specific to the Solinco racquets, Whiteout and Blackout. Troy, TW

    • @Badickerson1990
      @Badickerson1990 2 года назад

      @@tenniswarehouse Darn that would be sweet though. Come on tenniswarehouse. Make it happen hahaha

    • @tenniswarehouse
      @tenniswarehouse  2 года назад +2

      We just use this on the inside of the trap door, It seems to work pretty well. Troy, TW

    • @jonathanchen1026
      @jonathanchen1026 2 года назад

      @@tenniswarehouse are you going to be selling the trap doors for them individually?

  • @tom5oo508
    @tom5oo508 2 года назад

    Hey Guys from TW , is it possible that you make a Racquet Review from the new Weapon of Gael Monfils ... this would be very interesting. The Artengo TR960 Tour Control

    • @tenniswarehouse
      @tenniswarehouse  2 года назад +1

      We do not carry Artengo, so unfortunately we won't be reviewing those racquets. -TW Staff

  • @GeneralRock114
    @GeneralRock114 2 года назад

    Why does your racquet spec have the Power Level specified as Low and your review gives a power rating of 83. Whereas, the Wilson Blade’s spec has a Power Level of Low-Medium and your review gives it a 77. Just curious as to why the Solinco has a Power Level of Low. Is that a misprint?? That almost kept me from buying the racquet, and I’m glad I ignored it. This is the best racquet I’ve purchased in a long time and have about 14 other ones. I have wrist issues and absolutely no vibrations using this racquet compared to others I have like: Yonex Vcore 2022 98 and 100, Ezone 2022 100, Dunlop SX Tour 98, Head Extreme 360 Pro and MP, plus several others. I actually have two White Outs where one is strung @53 and the other @51 using Dunlop Black Widow 17. One last note, you all have the best racquet reviews out there and I never purchase a racquet without watching your review.s. Thanks for being so helpful, and keep up the good work!!!

    • @tenniswarehouse
      @tenniswarehouse  2 года назад

      @General Rock,
      Good question! The "power level" is put in place based on the specs of the racquet and who it would be best suited for while the power rating is determined by the playtest team on that playtest so it is super subjective and varies from playtester to playtester depending on their style of play, personal experience, personal strength to swing the racquet and even racquet of choice. We try to remind people not to hang too much on those numbers as you might experience something slightly different and it can change from player to player! Thanks for the kind words, and glad you are loving this Whiteout 305 (the extended version is AWESOME as well!) Hope that helps explain it a bit,
      Michelle, TW

  • @GeneralRock114
    @GeneralRock114 2 года назад

    Great review as always!!! What gauge strings are you all using??? Did you all try Hyper-G original and soft, and if so, were there any noticeable difference between them?? Also, we’re there any noticeable difference between Hyper-G and Confidential??? I received a demo on 5/12 and really like the feel and it hits great, and I’m really thinking about getting one. I’m told it was strung at 55lbs which I found a little surprising. I thought it would be around 53, but not sure when it was strung. I’m also told it was strung with Hyper-G 16g. I have the new Vcore 98+ and new Dunlop 300 SX Tour 98, and after one hitting session, I like the White Out better especially comfort wise which is what I’m looking for. Thanks.

    • @tenniswarehouse
      @tenniswarehouse  2 года назад

      We have tried a variety of gauges in this racquet, but because of the open string pattern, we preferred 16L (1.25mm), or even some of us with the 16 (1.30mm) for max control. Hyper-G Soft plays a lot like Hyper-G, but a little more elastic or little less firm, which is a bit better for comfort, but Hyper-G holds up play-ability and tension a bit better over time. That is usually a common theme with co-polys, softer feels a bit more comfortable, but will also stretch out and lose some of the fresh feel a bit faster than the firmer co-polys. So a bit of a trade-off. When we string this Whiteout 305, with a string like Hyper-G, we usually prefer it around 52 or 53 pounds, although some of our testers like it a little tighter, and some like it looser than that, so it really comes down to the player. Hope that helps, Troy TW

    • @GeneralRock114
      @GeneralRock114 2 года назад

      @@tenniswarehouse Thanks. We’re there any noticeable difference between Hyper-G and Confidential as far as control, power, and comfort?

    • @tenniswarehouse
      @tenniswarehouse  2 года назад

      @@GeneralRock114, We found the Confidential to have slightly more control, feels slightly more firm, so a tad bit more power with Hyper-G, and a bit more comfortable feel. Troy, TW

  • @jordanlebow9105
    @jordanlebow9105 2 года назад +4

    Tennis Warehouse....What if I don't want to "wipe out my opponent" but just have fun and enjoy playing the game??

    • @jonathanchen1026
      @jonathanchen1026 2 года назад +3

      Then get the blackout and knock yourself out!