ah yes, one of my earlier videos on here LOL! i have that one on display for newcomers of the channel so the song can play while they are scrolling. i'm happy you were able to find me, it's really flattering thank you.
@@glmybraptor indeed, just brings back so many old and past feelings of such old games and such you WISH you could bring back, but personally i also love the style it just sounds better than the original music to me because it sounds pleasing to my my ears
i guess the pro of the new age is that we can revisit most of those older medias with a faster load time/internet connection LOL! i also agree that the crunchier audio quality makes it sound better
@@glmybraptortrue, isn’t as slow and can be found quicker than older times without buffering in between video LOL, and yeah crunchier audio sound so GOOD for some reason and I don’t know why
The crunchiness has a level of Originality that cannot be beaten.
it kinda changes the song i cant explain how though
Nice and crunchy like an Autumn leaf
perfect description
Everytime i hear this it always reminds me of that creature feature from October last year that was sick and it was also how i found your stuff!!
ah yes, one of my earlier videos on here LOL! i have that one on display for newcomers of the channel so the song can play while they are scrolling. i'm happy you were able to find me, it's really flattering thank you.
YAHOOOOO, more The Lazarus Plot recognition
always nice
yayaya i love this i love crunchy sounding audios its so cool sounding and nostalgic feeling
it's a wonderful sound, takes me back to older flash animations and old game chat mic quality
@@glmybraptor indeed, just brings back so many old and past feelings of such old games and such you WISH you could bring back, but personally i also love the style it just sounds better than the original music to me because it sounds pleasing to my my ears
i guess the pro of the new age is that we can revisit most of those older medias with a faster load time/internet connection LOL! i also agree that the crunchier audio quality makes it sound better
@@glmybraptortrue, isn’t as slow and can be found quicker than older times without buffering in between video LOL, and yeah crunchier audio sound so GOOD for some reason and I don’t know why
@@ryu_ishigori i said this on another comment but it's such a minor change but it changes the entire song's feeling somehow.
Awesome love ur character :3
thank you!
“For a shhigarette to kish”🤓
(great british quality)????? yuck..