11,000-hp HEMI V-8 engine time-lapse: DSR’s U.S. Army NHRA Top Fuel dragster | Redline Rebuild S2E3

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 3,1 тыс.

  • @Hagerty
    @Hagerty  6 лет назад +258

    Want more details on our experience rebuilding this monster with Don Schumacher Racing? Click here: www.hagerty.com/articles-videos/articles/2018/09/12/redline-rebuild-top-fuel-dragster-engine

    • @EVAN-re2yo
      @EVAN-re2yo 6 лет назад +6

      Hagerty the engine already clean. why did you do general overhaul?

    • @bigcncguy
      @bigcncguy 6 лет назад +2

      1Slamalama1 sercerts

    • @bigcncguy
      @bigcncguy 6 лет назад +3

      UCHUX RAVER clean doesnt mean not used

    • @alexissimonin8863
      @alexissimonin8863 6 лет назад +4

      It is a MONSTER

    • @ttvlogs9183
      @ttvlogs9183 6 лет назад

      Imprecionante e muito satisfatório

  • @Random-rt5ec
    @Random-rt5ec 3 года назад +198

    11,000HP with a semi-guaranteed lifespan of 3 seconds. When you think of all the forces involved this is an amazing engine.

    • @zyvox113
      @zyvox113 Год назад +1

      Why 3 second ? What would happen if we used it for a few months? Would it break down

    • @FigQc
      @FigQc Год назад +6

      @@zyvox113 over 10k RPM in one second, yes it will break down the day you floor it

    • @zyvox113
      @zyvox113 Год назад +1

      @@FigQc So can that engine be used again?

    • @TeewopShiesty
      @TeewopShiesty Год назад +1

      @@zyvox113no bro they rebuilt it in this video because you have to. it’s too much power they have to rebuild it every time they make a pass

    • @zyvox113
      @zyvox113 Год назад

      @@TeewopShiesty okay thank you bro

  • @Ferreal92
    @Ferreal92 5 лет назад +2054

    These guys could rebuild a toaster and I'd still watch.

  • @lifethrownoutofthewindow
    @lifethrownoutofthewindow 4 года назад +530

    imagine completing the whole engine and finding one piston ring is still lying on the table.

    • @nikolasstankovic6794
      @nikolasstankovic6794 4 года назад +22

      literally impossible to miss but ok

    • @lifethrownoutofthewindow
      @lifethrownoutofthewindow 4 года назад +95

      @@nikolasstankovic6794 nothing is impossible except me getting laid :/

    • @kroisi4616
      @kroisi4616 4 года назад +40

      Nikolas Stankovic You will laugh, 4 weeks ago i got an new engine from the factory without oil control Rings on every cylinder.

    • @lifethrownoutofthewindow
      @lifethrownoutofthewindow 4 года назад +2

      @@kroisi4616 hahaha

    • @nikolasstankovic6794
      @nikolasstankovic6794 4 года назад +4

      @@kroisi4616 sheesh rip lmao

  • @bigospig
    @bigospig 6 лет назад +1496

    If there is ANY kind of cinematography award for youtube videos, you deserve it! Amazing work on every level.

    • @Hagerty
      @Hagerty  6 лет назад +31

      Thanks so much!

    • @KDog410
      @KDog410 6 лет назад +3

      i love watching these types of videos. so much time and effort was put into them.

    • @matthewmiranda594
      @matthewmiranda594 6 лет назад

      How did they do that panning while on timelapse?

    • @My.Name.Is.Chris.
      @My.Name.Is.Chris. 6 лет назад

      You should watch gears and gasoline they make great videos

    • @victordjinn632
      @victordjinn632 6 лет назад

      Hagerty. Nicely done video. Well presented. Very enjoyable to watch. Insofar as the 531 thumbs down...well, that needs to be addressed. So I have this for them; Snowflakes, Logical fallacy, and (my favorite), the Dunning-Kruger Effect. Compliments? Hardly. They should all go and look in a mirror. That "thing" lookin' back at them is what a dumbass looks like.

  • @adamrydstrom9026
    @adamrydstrom9026 5 лет назад +2937

    That is 1375 hp per cylinder...

    • @brentrichards1200
      @brentrichards1200 5 лет назад +113

      Crazy, huh

    • @skyline2601
      @skyline2601 5 лет назад +429

      One cylinder alone could power a race car.

    • @sling__sh0t909
      @sling__sh0t909 5 лет назад +27

      @@JoeyLovesTrains and theres 2 of themblol

    • @ngontraktor9990
      @ngontraktor9990 5 лет назад +134

      1000 liter per minute

    • @Tylerjrb
      @Tylerjrb 5 лет назад +86

      Not bad for a combustion engine. The Space shuttle for example ran 300,000bhp’s worth of fuel and oxidiser pumps alone across its 3 engines. True power :).

  • @andynixon2820
    @andynixon2820 4 года назад +127

    It's amazing to think that such an incredible engine still operates with push rod valves .

    • @abrahamleyva4692
      @abrahamleyva4692 3 года назад +16

      MURICA baby

    • @doyinawosanya17
      @doyinawosanya17 2 года назад +8

      Reduced weight up top that way

    • @alexeidenier4072
      @alexeidenier4072 2 года назад +3

      @@doyinawosanya17 imagine how large the head would have to be to have an OHC Hemi 👀

    • @matrinezkevin11492
      @matrinezkevin11492 2 года назад +2

      @@alexeidenier4072 there was a mock-up of a potential DOHC gen 2 Hemi for Nascar back in the late 60s in response to Fords 427 OHC project and sure enough it was even more massive than the already huge 426 Hemi.

    • @JETZcorp
      @JETZcorp Год назад

      ​@@alexeidenier4072The Ford SOHC 427 was effectively just that. Pretty much every OHC 2-valve engine in the 70s and 80s were basically hemis. Just run a cam down the middle of the head to lift the rockers and there you go. Very similar size. Pushrod engines CAN be compact, but once you deviate from the classic wedge, things get big real quick. There are OHC wedge motors though, and they're only a little taller.

  • @TheDutyPaid
    @TheDutyPaid 6 лет назад +1609

    The top of the supercharger inlet is in witness protection.

    • @MCXL1140
      @MCXL1140 6 лет назад +156

      Yeah, it's super interesting that is the only part of the engine under wraps.

    • @JM-yx1lm
      @JM-yx1lm 6 лет назад +51

      @ 2:55

    • @ARSVids
      @ARSVids 6 лет назад +117

      Probably a trade secret design is why, they don't want competition copying their performance.

    • @john-martin
      @john-martin 6 лет назад +15

      they are borderline regulation dimensions if not going over. no well never know

    • @MultiCheapguy
      @MultiCheapguy 6 лет назад +12

      Whats so special about it that it has to be blurred out?

  • @lifethrownoutofthewindow
    @lifethrownoutofthewindow 5 лет назад +565

    How many horsepower you want? 50? 200?
    "How about 50x200?"

    • @s4rg380
      @s4rg380 5 лет назад +1

      How much can we get with this blank cheque sir? Well take all of it, thanks.

    • @f00kinglasrsights89
      @f00kinglasrsights89 5 лет назад +2

      Equals how many Prius? LOL

    • @s4rg380
      @s4rg380 5 лет назад +9

      @@f00kinglasrsights89, I don't know man, I thought a Prius produces cat power and kitten farts as emissions. Probably every single one ever produced.

    • @popocatepetlyiztaccihuatl1767
      @popocatepetlyiztaccihuatl1767 3 года назад

      HEMO V-8 Engine Dragster Has 11,000 Hp.

    • @replynotificationsdisabled
      @replynotificationsdisabled 3 года назад

      Someone's girl cheated on them with a Prius driver

  • @Pappy63
    @Pappy63 4 года назад +51

    A car traveling 200 mph covers 300 fps. There's three 300' increments plus a hundred feet in a top fuel run. I'd venture to say that a top fuel dragster could give a car a 180 mph head start and run it down for a photo finish or possible win. Absolute brutal acceleration!

    • @coopereaton5263
      @coopereaton5263 Год назад +4

      I remember reading that if you pass a dragster in the 1/4 doing 200mph it will not only catch up, but beat you with a few fractions of a second left!

  • @abdurrahman1755
    @abdurrahman1755 6 лет назад +99

    I love to watch your video when you guys rebuild classic car engines but this one is beyond my expectation. This channel deserves more subscribers. Congratulations for the hard and precise work. Can't wait for longer version video of this project

  • @SuperfluousIndividual
    @SuperfluousIndividual 6 лет назад +418

    Trying to build one on my own in my backyard and you guys ain't helping, what the hell..

    • @noahmorales7758
      @noahmorales7758 5 лет назад +12

      Set your playback speed to below normal to counteract the effects. But your not building one because you probably dont have the equipment if it's in your back yard

    • @pdl46lundy55
      @pdl46lundy55 5 лет назад +53

      Not sure which is funnier.... Sasquatch's comment or Noah's response!!

    • @knightryder4021
      @knightryder4021 5 лет назад +5


    • @knightryder4021
      @knightryder4021 5 лет назад +8

      @@noahmorales7758 and r/woooosh

    • @alejandrozuniga4426
      @alejandrozuniga4426 5 лет назад +7

      @@knightryder4021 captain grammar back at it again

  • @logantallguy7462
    @logantallguy7462 4 года назад +15

    I don’t know if you anyone knows this, but in between each run they do this. Insane teamwork needed

  • @SERP92_
    @SERP92_ 6 лет назад +504

    If that engine was tuned to 1000 hp it would run for 300 years

    • @discothequee1
      @discothequee1 5 лет назад +40

      Not 300 years but maybe 30 years.

    • @CanadaBud23
      @CanadaBud23 5 лет назад +28

      Oh the parts are more than durable enough. They are much stronger and durable than what we are allowed to touch. It's pretty simple though, HP/TQ pretty much equals heat and stress. If that motor was only making say 300/300 the heat and stress is well within the limits of the parts. Although I haven't got to see one of these in person I imagine all the liquid systems in these blocks are probably designed to work under harsh acceleration something like 5 or 6 g's or something like that. But if you can modify those nuances to run within a normal working car it would act like a old motor making low power.

    • @Al-mx6ru
      @Al-mx6ru 5 лет назад +15

      @@life-te7to those parts are top of the line. Those engines are built right. Low boost 3, to 5000hp all season long without a rebuilt. Only reason the crank up the HP is to show off for the fans making 320+mph passes.n shack the ground u stand on.your very wrong.

    • @CanadaBud23
      @CanadaBud23 5 лет назад +5

      @@Al-mx6ru Uh-oh we reeled in an expert here. Since he worked on a few cat engines, his word is bottom line. Better do as he says or else lol.

    • @theblazenscot618
      @theblazenscot618 5 лет назад +16

      Comparing a cat engine to a drag engine is apples to oranges. Diesel and gasoline engines run compleatly differently. The high heat and compression of a diesel leand to longevity. These dragsters are using compression and fuels that no long term running engine will ever be able to handle. It's just a bomb waiting to go off. Hence the need for rebuilds when cranked up like that.

  • @bcubed72
    @bcubed72 5 лет назад +204

    Wow. The blower is "weaponized fidget spinners."

    • @bcubed72
      @bcubed72 5 лет назад +11

      So we can't ever talk about them again?
      Why, I'll bet there's a dozen YT videos about the Pet Rock.

    • @noahmorales7758
      @noahmorales7758 4 года назад +1

      @@bcubed72 hater

    • @theimprovisor8998
      @theimprovisor8998 4 года назад

      Jamison Massae It should have never been a trend, fidget spinners are for add, adhd, and focusing problems. People with adhd like myself have to much mental thinking and are always trying to focus but our mind goes crazy but we can multi task well so we have fidget spinners to help our brain focus on main task while getting all the distractions onto fidget spinner.

  • @camthehedgehog
    @camthehedgehog 4 года назад +857

    When the engine you’re rebuilding still has assembly lube on it... XD
    EDIT: Thanks for the likes!

    • @zvish7739
      @zvish7739 4 года назад +1


    • @Whoflungpouu
      @Whoflungpouu 4 года назад +37

      Right wish I could rebuild my engine every 3 seconds lol

    • @connorssmallengines6663
      @connorssmallengines6663 4 года назад +112

      The engines have to be rebuild every time they are raced. They idle for about 1 min, and full throttle for about 10 secs and that’s enough to burn all spark plugs, piston rings, and near destroy the pistons and rods

    • @jimbo396
      @jimbo396 4 года назад +18

      @@connorssmallengines6663 this man gets it

    • @17456spartan
      @17456spartan 4 года назад +6

      @@connorssmallengines6663 but not enough to burn assembly lube off?..

  • @Dengezik100
    @Dengezik100 5 лет назад +13

    You guys make probably the best engine rebuild videos on RUclips. Just can't get enough!

    • @Hagerty
      @Hagerty  5 лет назад +4

      Thanks for being a fan!

  • @k7y
    @k7y 5 лет назад +264

    all that for some 3.5s seconds

    • @samuvonbach5404
      @samuvonbach5404 5 лет назад +23

      ace iimov i bet it feels like a minute in the driver seat

    • @jasonneal
      @jasonneal 5 лет назад +31

      ace iimov seeing these live is indescribable. It is a experience you will never forget. It’s so loud that it shakes your whole body.

    • @Tanner-bg2qn
      @Tanner-bg2qn 5 лет назад +35

      jasonneal it takes your breath away and leaves your chest feeling hollow. It will truly be a sad day when these things become a thing of the past.

    • @Toxic2T
      @Toxic2T 4 года назад +1

      @@Tanner-bg2qn true, we're living on the pinnacle of motorsports tech.

    • @fokjohnpainkiller
      @fokjohnpainkiller 4 года назад +9

      Ejaculation lasts about as much too though doesn't it?

  • @RizLazey
    @RizLazey 5 лет назад +502

    Torque: am i a joke to you?

    • @mongolordofdarkness
      @mongolordofdarkness 4 года назад +39

      Horsepower is how often the torque is repeated. Do you want an impact wrench that delivers 1,000 lbs of torque 1 time a minute or 10,000 times a minute?

    • @RedVenomProductions
      @RedVenomProductions 4 года назад +14

      mongolordofdarkness yes equation I believe is HP=(torque*RPM)/(5252)

    • @ronindraco4194
      @ronindraco4194 4 года назад +56

      Horsepower is how fast you hit the wall. Torque is how far you take the wall with you.

    • @RedVenomProductions
      @RedVenomProductions 4 года назад +10

      @@ronindraco4194 eeeeh not necessarily. based on the equation its actually rpm that determines how fast you hit a wall which in essence comes from changing the gear ratio. changing a gear ratio will change the rpm and torque such that one will drop and the other will rise leaving horsepower exactly the same. as you can see that one (rpm or torque) can go lower or higher infinitely meaning that cars can go as fast as infinity mph. problem is because of air resistance the forces of drag and the force of the engine will eventually be net zero (equal and opposite) meaning the car will no longer accelerate. fortunately if we changed the gear ratio in a torque oriented manner we could basically lift anything we want it just would take a very very long time depending the gear ratio and the weight were lift. pushing a wall is a bit more complicated if we torqued up and went slow we could either push the wall like no problem or our tires would start slipping and that would mean that the static frictional force is not enough to break the molecular bondage thats connecting the wall to the ground. so if we increase our rpm (momentum) then we could reach max output force by the force of impact. however this relies on the time of the impact so it depends on what kind of wall we're talkin here. its structure and elasticity.

    • @shwoop3273
      @shwoop3273 4 года назад +5

      Dude I'm sure this thing has at least 9000 ib/ft of torque

  • @darkridge
    @darkridge 5 лет назад +98

    My mechanic works this fast, too. Now, if I could only get him to stop trying to schedule this type of service every quarter-mile I drive. I live 7 miles away from his shop--I haven't made it home in four and a half years.

  • @6Twisted
    @6Twisted 6 лет назад +859

    11,000hp out of that... 100 years ago a block that size would have only put out something like 30hp.

    • @QurttoRco
      @QurttoRco 6 лет назад +64

      Its all about boost and fuel

    • @No_Way_NO_WAY
      @No_Way_NO_WAY 6 лет назад +134

      In 100 years we won't even have engine blocks anymore.... (except in museums)

    • @ctrang0458
      @ctrang0458 6 лет назад +279

      It only makes 11000 hp for 3 to 5 seconds.... then it needs to be repaired

    • @_BAD_MERC_
      @_BAD_MERC_ 6 лет назад +134

      Oh yeah. It burns the plugs off and welds the clutch together. But it makes a sound, a feel, and a smell you'll never be able to replicate.

    • @lahaya237
      @lahaya237 6 лет назад +35

      @@ctrang0458 how do they dyno that engine if it only survives 3 to 5 sec?

  • @22iskander
    @22iskander 5 лет назад +13

    Thats a serious group of talented engineers they don't even smile

    • @A6Legit
      @A6Legit 4 года назад +1

      Too busy working

  • @AudioCrossingVideos
    @AudioCrossingVideos 6 лет назад +112

    Can't wait for the 40-minute breakdown video on this one!!!

  • @RizLazey
    @RizLazey 5 лет назад +382

    What you should do after you drive your car?
    Average Daily Car = hmm probably went to gas station for refueling
    *_Top Fuel Dragsters = after driving ill need new pistons spark plugs clutch packs crankshafts piston rods and basically a new engine_*

  • @cliffordgill9052
    @cliffordgill9052 5 лет назад +268

    Reminds me of all the work you put into getting a girl to sleep with you, then there's that sweet 3.0 seconds or so

    • @s4rg380
      @s4rg380 5 лет назад +14

      Hahahahaha, good one... 😅

    • @Ja2808R
      @Ja2808R 3 года назад +4

      It’s any hobby.

    • @estebanfranco6427
      @estebanfranco6427 3 года назад +2


    • @dae1925
      @dae1925 3 года назад


  • @joeybrodd7174
    @joeybrodd7174 5 лет назад +19

    I think I am about to cry from the beauty of this engine.😢😢😢

  • @AndreRicardo-pj4gq
    @AndreRicardo-pj4gq 4 года назад +7

    This is not an engine, it is a work of art!

  • @urnotmydad1282
    @urnotmydad1282 5 лет назад +286

    0:01 me coming home from the area 51 raid lol

    • @Outlaw_orgins
      @Outlaw_orgins 5 лет назад +8

      Dude did you see them sliding in🤣🤣🤣I had to put it in 0.25 to see it good and there sliding😂

    • @RizLazey
      @RizLazey 5 лет назад +9

      The funny thing is, is that those guys dont walk, they slide XD

  • @JGCRAFT2003
    @JGCRAFT2003 4 года назад +51

    HP: 11.000
    Torque: a number that makes the tectonic plates move!

    • @THESLlCK
      @THESLlCK 3 года назад +1

      about 7.5K lb ft

  • @justincase2281
    @justincase2281 3 года назад +3

    Incredible!!! Super skilled and they must have memories like elephants to rebuild this without leaving out a washer or something.
    I've rebuilt a few small engines, a 1950 Army Jeep 4 cylinder, six cylinder engines, and a Caterpillar D343, but this is a learning experience.

  • @pan4909
    @pan4909 4 года назад +4

    I cant be the only one is literally mesmerized by how and the way superchargers look.

  • @HairBandDan
    @HairBandDan 5 лет назад +87

    Go to NHRA race and watch em live rebuild it takes em like 20 mins when whole team is working on it

    • @chocolat345
      @chocolat345 4 года назад +3

      What do they replace? Do they have to do it every time they race or just when something goes wrong?

    • @HairBandDan
      @HairBandDan 4 года назад +8

      @@chocolat345 after every race everything is replaced except for engine block and supercharger.

    • @tomschweikert9537
      @tomschweikert9537 3 года назад +2

      @@chocolat345 every run

  • @TheColonel915
    @TheColonel915 4 года назад +5

    You know funny enough I watched this when I went to tech school. Now I watch this everyday working for DSR. @Hagerdy thanks for the inspiration 🙂

  • @ghost_traxx
    @ghost_traxx 3 года назад +1

    It's wild to think an engine block this size can produce so much power. The crankshaft on that thing is just incredible.

  • @sealoftheliving4998
    @sealoftheliving4998 5 лет назад +6

    Amazing! They memorize everything from small parts to big and assemble perfectly. Well Done!

    • @davidstinson5095
      @davidstinson5095 5 лет назад +1

      They will re build that engine at the track in 35 minutes 5 men though

  • @odysseas7705
    @odysseas7705 6 лет назад +87

    If uploaded the uncut version we would still watch it❤

  • @sethhughes2163
    @sethhughes2163 2 года назад

    Best R & R turnaround ever filmed! Thank you! Seth

  • @TheBobes
    @TheBobes 6 лет назад +379

    Will it fit into my Suzuki Swift tho?

    • @Hagerty
      @Hagerty  6 лет назад +166

      Nothing a welder and a hammer can't solve, right?

    • @mrbrianc
      @mrbrianc 6 лет назад +57

      It will fit; whether it stays in the car or not once you mash the gas pedal is another story.

    • @yannisgouras4482
      @yannisgouras4482 6 лет назад +8

      I WOULD LOVE TO SEE THAT! The blower would be where your windshield currently resides and your driveshaft would just be a universal joint!

    • @kirkjohnson9353
      @kirkjohnson9353 6 лет назад +42

      It could affect your gas mileage

    • @daltonkenworthy8970
      @daltonkenworthy8970 6 лет назад +4

      @@kirkjohnson9353 I think it's fine lol

  • @GiantMeteor2028
    @GiantMeteor2028 5 лет назад +77

    The key to all that hp is the twin fidget spinner supercharger.

    • @CrisPBacon-zy6wh
      @CrisPBacon-zy6wh 3 года назад

      And paint the cover black
      Black paint adds 50 psi

    • @tomschweikert9537
      @tomschweikert9537 3 года назад

      which draws 3 to 4000 horsepower

    • @keithdmaust1854
      @keithdmaust1854 3 года назад

      Don't forget nitro-methane fuel!
      You can't make that kind of horsepower on regular racing gas...

  • @billalhossain3134
    @billalhossain3134 2 года назад

    How on earth I got to this channel I will never know!
    But it is the most satisfying thing to watch on you tube.
    Gents I salute you!

  • @L_T_Z
    @L_T_Z 6 лет назад +288

    2:54 Why is the supercharger inlet deliberately blurred out? This part must be some sort of trade secret for each team. Does anyone have a more detailed explanation?

    • @bfdtyper
      @bfdtyper 6 лет назад +99

      You nailed it! Gotta keep those trade secrets, gotta keep that edge over the next team!

    • @matthewhall9530
      @matthewhall9530 6 лет назад +68

      I mean they blurred the inlet but not the rotors so there might not be anything

    • @Highstranger951
      @Highstranger951 6 лет назад +26

      There’s magic there

    • @jmurphy1973
      @jmurphy1973 6 лет назад +10

      Probably nothing. Send others on a wild goose chase

    • @codycall6513
      @codycall6513 6 лет назад +21

      Nitrous and methanol injection ports with hidden runners.
      Just playin. Probably nothing.

  • @NOLAMarathon2010
    @NOLAMarathon2010 6 лет назад +152

    I have a feeling those guys have done that once or twice before...

    • @meskaltu
      @meskaltu 6 лет назад +8

      Tom Nally 2 thousands or so😂

    • @jessecarpenter6434
      @jessecarpenter6434 6 лет назад +12

      I might be young but I tend to know more about top fuel racing than some. After each trip down the track almost everything needs to be replaced. Spark plugs, gaskets, injectors. Things like that and more. If the team makes it to the finals during that race for the day they might take it apart and re assemble it about 30 times that day. The mechanics really know the engine. They repair it in about 30min to about an hour and a half

    • @RadDadisRad
      @RadDadisRad 5 лет назад +10

      Nah, they saw a video on RUclips and thought they’d give it a go.

    • @Tottleminerftw
      @Tottleminerftw 5 лет назад +2

      And engine that powerful needs to be rebuilt every time it goes down the dragstrip once so their probably use to it

    • @RizLazey
      @RizLazey 5 лет назад

      Well actually every race/drag, the car would undergo some rebuilding session where the car and the engine are completely torn down and rebuilded in about 30 mins then it gets assembled back

  • @DadbrosGarage
    @DadbrosGarage 4 года назад

    Listening to one of these at the drag strip is a life changing endeavor.....the sound and vibration that rattles your bones is so instense and amazing

  • @erbivore9427
    @erbivore9427 5 лет назад +84

    3:45 why is the top of the blower being blurred?

    • @HeimertOgKaffe
      @HeimertOgKaffe 5 лет назад +21

      MotoTard Mason blurring because of the company making that piece have their logo there and the blurr it cuz of advertising

    • @erbivore9427
      @erbivore9427 5 лет назад +4

      Oliver Heimdal i see

    • @gorb2518
      @gorb2518 5 лет назад +8

      Because there trying to avoid copyright or plagorism (I don't remember) so they blur the logo.

    • @WhistleTeets85
      @WhistleTeets85 5 лет назад +46

      @@HeimertOgKaffe no, it's a secret design... something that they don't want the competition seeing and copying. I hope u were joking.

    • @keithadams897
      @keithadams897 5 лет назад +8

      @@WhistleTeets85 thx I was wondering too

  • @THEgameDeity
    @THEgameDeity 6 лет назад +112

    The only fidget spinners you need.

  • @simonpeter5987
    @simonpeter5987 3 года назад

    So pretty much if fuel goes in it you can fix it! These are without a doubt my favorite videos. You are a very talented man!

  • @legolas5684
    @legolas5684 6 лет назад +301

    I feel sad knowing this engine is gonna run for 10 seconds

    • @DOZDDMGator
      @DOZDDMGator 6 лет назад +41

      Thats at least 3 passes tho isnt it?

    • @legolas5684
      @legolas5684 6 лет назад +2

      @@DOZDDMGator yup something like that!

    • @makerstories4008
      @makerstories4008 6 лет назад +44

      usually these engines explode after ever run. i mean, think about the fact they are BURNING 1.6 gallons of fuel every second.

    • @phtevenmolz5030
      @phtevenmolz5030 6 лет назад +64

      @@makerstories4008 no, the engines don't explode. They do get rebuilt after every pass, though. It takes a good team less than 10 minutes to fully rebuild the engine and trans. The trans pretty much welds itself together on every pass, though.

    • @KrautSpaceMagic
      @KrautSpaceMagic 6 лет назад +19

      @@phtevenmolz5030 if you consider a trans basically only 6 clutch disc's then yeah lol

  • @InfiniteSith136
    @InfiniteSith136 4 года назад +41

    The HEMI engine, used by Dodge, Chrysler and Plymouth.
    The Shaggy of V8s.

    • @charliebianchi4665
      @charliebianchi4665 3 года назад +3

      It's not a Hemi it's a replica bc the Hemi couldn't a fully make enough power sorry

    • @alexandercurtis4427
      @alexandercurtis4427 3 года назад +6

      @@charliebianchi4665 It's a Hemi because it is based on the architecture of the old school 426, now up to 512 cubes, and still has Hemi heads.

    • @mikehawk6175
      @mikehawk6175 3 года назад +2

      @@charliebianchi4665 HEMI as in hemispherical cylinder heads and not the HEMI Chrysler uses in their road cars lol

    • @THESLlCK
      @THESLlCK 3 года назад +2

      @@charliebianchi4665 it's literally a hemi

    • @adamspicer2925
      @adamspicer2925 3 года назад

      And ford and chevy look up the history.....

  • @donaldmoser212
    @donaldmoser212 3 года назад +1

    I found this video far more satisfying watching it at 50% speed. Can see more of the little details.

  • @stek96
    @stek96 6 лет назад +27

    Да,вы парни конечно красавцы)))

  • @NC-123-45
    @NC-123-45 5 лет назад +5

    Holy monster of all engines. That thing is major beast!!!!

  • @birdmandave
    @birdmandave 2 года назад

    I have watched these time lapse videos over and over. AWESOME videos

  • @vrj5009
    @vrj5009 6 лет назад +63

    all that just for 1 launch, thats crazy...

    • @w_callaghan8300
      @w_callaghan8300 6 лет назад +15

      all that for every 10-12 launches. it was written in description

    • @vrj5009
      @vrj5009 6 лет назад +3

      sorry my bad.

    • @CluebotUK
      @CluebotUK 6 лет назад +19

      Actually, they're right - these engines are stripped down and rebuilt like this after _every_ run. The engine is _completely replaced_ after 10-12 runs if it hasn't already failed.

  • @michaels.ramsey7803
    @michaels.ramsey7803 4 года назад +35

    Never heard of a dyno that can measure 11,000hp. Gonna need to see that print out.

    • @joaomachado101
      @joaomachado101 4 года назад +3

      Fueltech dyno in Atlanta can...

    • @michaels.ramsey7803
      @michaels.ramsey7803 4 года назад

      @@joaomachado101 proof? Dyno run on video?

    • @joaomachado101
      @joaomachado101 4 года назад

      @@michaels.ramsey7803 It is a promod and topfuel dyno, on youtube you can find

    • @matthewgray1115
      @matthewgray1115 4 года назад +9

      They can measure torque and rpm during a run then they can calculate hp from those numbers

    • @ScoredPiston
      @ScoredPiston 4 года назад +9

      It literally says that it’s “estimated” in the description - don’t you people read?

  • @fabricepierrot4520
    @fabricepierrot4520 Год назад

    Wouhaa !!!!!
    This is FANTASTIC !!!
    CONGRATULATIONS for the crews of team !
    Thank you very much for this vidéo !🤩🤩😉👍👍👍💪💪💪👍👍👏👏

  • @mr.babycolonte7190
    @mr.babycolonte7190 5 лет назад +6

    “That was pretty good wasn’t it?” THAT WAS GLORIOUS !🔥

  • @Theunforgiven5649
    @Theunforgiven5649 5 лет назад +93

    Machine shop: what billet parts do you need?
    Them: Yes

  • @princesalazar7067
    @princesalazar7067 4 года назад

    took apart and put back together in 7 minutes wow, and it was fast double wow the speed on the guys and vehicle are amazing

  • @MH3GL
    @MH3GL 3 года назад +6

    The throttle punch at 7:09 is one of the most impressive sounds I have ever heard (of course, that's coming from a guy whose never been to a track, so...).

    • @lobserve1
      @lobserve1 2 года назад +2

      If at all possible, you must go. Indescribable experience.

    • @High-Overlord-Snarffie-Pug
      @High-Overlord-Snarffie-Pug Год назад

      put it on a bucket list, there is nothing like it, look up "top fuel virgins", you feel the power literally, people who go in without being warned don't get startled or shocked by it the first time, they panic out of fear because they've never felt something like that before

    • @steveschu
      @steveschu Год назад +1

      They can literally charge the pressure of the air around you.

    • @legostar55
      @legostar55 Год назад

      Let me tell you. It's literally an experience that is out of this world. They are so loud that they'll shake your entire body even outside the stands

    • @zealandwylie489
      @zealandwylie489 Год назад

      NASCAR cup car sound is the best in motorsports

  • @dudedude7998
    @dudedude7998 5 лет назад +17

    i finally know how to build my next honda engine swap

  • @МаксимП-с5д
    @МаксимП-с5д 5 лет назад +1

    Супер профи, и ролики супер, команда и станция тоже супер. Спасибо, от видео невозможно оторваться.

  • @arthurfernandezjr9752
    @arthurfernandezjr9752 5 лет назад +105

    It's basically a 11,000 hp grenade.

    • @s4rg380
      @s4rg380 5 лет назад +21

      No not really, it can not run long enough for catastrophic failure to occur, the plugs are dead 2 seconds in. Pistons fried, clutch welded 3 seconds in, and about 4 seconds in the fuel it carried is consumed, all 18 gallons of it. The superchargers friction alone brings a "hypercar" engine to a complete standstill with it's 600HP parasitic draw. So it fails and falls on its face pretty quickly though. But I bet it takes your breath away in those 4 seconds... LITERALLY.

    • @PabloGonzalez-hv3td
      @PabloGonzalez-hv3td 5 лет назад +4

      That's exactly what it is with about a 10 sec fuse at full power

    • @jackfarrell1369
      @jackfarrell1369 5 лет назад

      Yeah it takes your breath away it sucks it out your lungs

    • @Anarchy-Is-Liberty
      @Anarchy-Is-Liberty 3 года назад

      @@s4rg380 So that's not "catastrophic failure"? In my book, I'd call that absolutely catastrophic failure!!!!

    • @codywilliams6057
      @codywilliams6057 3 года назад

      @@s4rg380 catastrophic failiure has happened plenty of times in top fuel

  • @curiengutierrez3222
    @curiengutierrez3222 5 лет назад +33

    In 3:11 I just noticed the top of the blower is blurred why is that?

    • @squidvis
      @squidvis 5 лет назад +22

      Cuz it's naked

    • @chinchillakilla8186
      @chinchillakilla8186 5 лет назад +15

      It’s due to each team having their own “secret” design of the blower inlet. Each team thinks they have the best design and don’t want the competition seeing what they have.

    • @curiengutierrez3222
      @curiengutierrez3222 5 лет назад +1

      @@chinchillakilla8186 yeah make sense

    • @cutty-mg3kf
      @cutty-mg3kf 5 лет назад +1

      It's to hide the secret power adder!lol

    • @reallybadaim118
      @reallybadaim118 5 лет назад

      top secret?

  • @timothysarris9742
    @timothysarris9742 2 года назад

    I mean dang, these two guys are awesome! I guess it becomes a routine for them. My hat’s off to them!

  • @zobrymanga289
    @zobrymanga289 5 лет назад +4

    This engine is so reliable

  • @aleajactaest4975
    @aleajactaest4975 6 лет назад +12

    Respect from Greece..! 🇬🇷🇨🇾🇬🇷
    This is a american power..! 🇺🇸®️✔️

  • @erlexar
    @erlexar 3 года назад

    I never knew they can build such monster V8 engines. That thang has maaaad power.

  • @PACKERMAN2077
    @PACKERMAN2077 6 лет назад +60

    *How many seconds can it make that eleven thousand horsepower before it needs to be broken back down?...*

    • @Hagerty
      @Hagerty  6 лет назад +61

      In races, the engines get refreshed after every pass. And a complete rebuild like this one after 10-12 passes. More info on our website: www.hagerty.com/articles-videos/articles/2018/09/12/redline-rebuild-top-fuel-dragster-engine

    • @Highstranger951
      @Highstranger951 6 лет назад

      Daver G haha good one

    • @greggv8
      @greggv8 6 лет назад

      Would they last longer if the engine could be broken in on normal gasoline for an hour or two?

    • @N1GhT0FtHeW0Lf
      @N1GhT0FtHeW0Lf 6 лет назад +10

      @@greggv8 these engines cant run on normal gas, the compression is to high, runs to hard, stuff like that. Normal gas would probably F it up

    • @Your_username_
      @Your_username_ 6 лет назад

      N1GhT0FtHeW0Lf yes, normal gasoline would spontaniously combust rather than on a specific time due to the huge compression ratio you mentioned.

  • @chanc8r38
    @chanc8r38 4 года назад +1

    i love the precision go lads absolutely love it, skill to provide a thing of beauty!

  • @eksine
    @eksine 6 лет назад +4

    Finally I can finish that mobility scooter for my grandma, thank you jesus

  • @car-man
    @car-man 5 лет назад +162

    I run the car maintenance RUclips channel in Korea. I'm always learning such a great ideas on your channel. I hope we have a chance to be together. Thank you.

    • @jamesthehandsome8582
      @jamesthehandsome8582 4 года назад +2

      Korea do you have legal
      Drags there

    • @brettnorris3140
      @brettnorris3140 4 года назад

      damn nice

    • @slipknotfan2217
      @slipknotfan2217 4 года назад +1

      i think ive seen you on a similar video lol

    • @hamstirrer6882
      @hamstirrer6882 2 года назад

      Your channel looks pretty good, if you considered putting english subtitles on there i and a lot of others would surely watch it, subscribed just in case 😁

  • @Trapper50cal
    @Trapper50cal 5 лет назад

    Was stunned to see how deep the main caps went down...and those connecting rod beams...gadzooks.

  • @tidepods3182
    @tidepods3182 5 лет назад +70

    Hey I need my golf cart engine back!!

    • @Blaze40488
      @Blaze40488 5 лет назад +6

      Yeah.... Talk about death in seconds

    • @joeorozco3918
      @joeorozco3918 5 лет назад

      Lol I like this comment ... dope

    • @hebelehubele872
      @hebelehubele872 4 года назад +3

      Thats not even a golf cart engine its clearly a lawnmower engine stop lying

    • @aubreywhaley7729
      @aubreywhaley7729 4 года назад +2

      Yall are both seriously wrong it's clearly an R.C. toy engine. C'mon guys be truthful

    • @Nameis404
      @Nameis404 4 года назад +1

      @@aubreywhaley7729 you are clearly lying its my musquito lamp

  • @evanbennington
    @evanbennington 5 лет назад +11

    I’m gonna swap one of these into my mini bike

  • @Don.E.63
    @Don.E.63 5 лет назад

    Amazing power from that beast! 1175 hp per cylinder! Awesome job guys!

  • @Kmecha84
    @Kmecha84 5 лет назад +8

    If everything goes good and nothing breaks these top fuel engines costs 1k per second to run

  • @tazor4562
    @tazor4562 6 лет назад +18

    Spoon: 11k RPM
    them: 11k HP
    see where im going?

    • @remi009340
      @remi009340 4 года назад +1

      "Don’t let this distract you from the fact that Hector is going to be running three Honda civics with spoon engines, and on top of that, he just went into Harry’s and bought three t66 turbos with nos, and a motec exhaust system." Someone had to say it lol

  • @sawboneiomc8809
    @sawboneiomc8809 3 года назад

    I love my speeders....one of the most underrated tools out there.

  • @carbineZDH1
    @carbineZDH1 5 лет назад +9

    Why does the Army get a dragster? Meanwhile here in the Marine corps we are using recycled oil for hwmmv, NVGs that never work and our COM is an awsome remembrance of the 80s.

    • @Layman169
      @Layman169 5 лет назад +1

      @carbineZDH1 we're literally still flying jets from the 1970's lol and cant get new equipment for anything. Imagine the combat power the Corps could create with new equipment alone?

    • @carbineZDH1
      @carbineZDH1 5 лет назад

      @@Layman169 I know right!

  • @mr.kobayashi1675
    @mr.kobayashi1675 6 лет назад +4

    First time here, it was very informative, never seen a supercharger from the inside. Is this type called the Roots?
    Greetings from Hungary!

    • @mr.kobayashi1675
      @mr.kobayashi1675 4 года назад

      @Michael Fritsche Blower with ~ 50 kg weight. Not a child's toy... :)

  • @shadetreetrades.jackofall2188
    @shadetreetrades.jackofall2188 Год назад

    The parts attrition and money spent at this level of racing is nothing more than mind blowing!! Nitro methane is a crazy fuel!

  • @Twitch760
    @Twitch760 6 лет назад +8

    What's up at 2:54? Something top secret in that super charger lol?

  • @christiandiaz8828
    @christiandiaz8828 5 лет назад +10

    3:52 music?

    • @FBI-gc6vs
      @FBI-gc6vs 4 года назад +1

      You find da music?

  • @romainlavoie1526
    @romainlavoie1526 3 года назад +1

    What fantastic peice of engineering!!!

  • @mephed
    @mephed 5 лет назад +4

    Pro tip! Settings (top right of screen)
    Playback speed set to 0.5

  • @t.t.6398
    @t.t.6398 5 лет назад +16

    Powering the fastest cars on Earth for over 50 years, the MOPAR HEMI engine.

    • @captaintraction4024
      @captaintraction4024 5 лет назад

      Until the lsx motors came along...

    • @commando2074
      @commando2074 5 лет назад +3

      @@captaintraction4024 explain? cause if LS was superior it would have bested the records set by hemis in the golden era. And if LS is so great...why do top fuel dragsters use HEMI.

    • @commando2074
      @commando2074 5 лет назад +1

      do answer me..please

    • @captaintraction4024
      @captaintraction4024 5 лет назад

      @@commando2074 you are completely right, that hemi in the dragster is the king hands down, but when you buy a crate motor, an ls is the way to go. There is a CARBURATED lsx that is more powerful than a hellcat. And there is no denying that the ls is a block that will go down in history as one of the greats.

      @STILLNIGHTPEARL 5 лет назад

      I’ve always wondered if they would make more power if they went DOHC with turbos?

  • @TheMattc999
    @TheMattc999 5 лет назад

    You're right in your description, I don't have an hour, but I can find an hour or several to watch this in real time.

  • @satxblackss
    @satxblackss 5 лет назад +5

    The map to Jimmy Hoffa must be on top of the supercharger.

  • @carloemiliozuniga
    @carloemiliozuniga 6 лет назад +132

    Leroy's next engine?? 😂😂

    • @derpypedro9589
      @derpypedro9589 6 лет назад +6

      carloemiliozuniga cleetus dreams of the day lol

    • @landonsquires4207
      @landonsquires4207 6 лет назад +2

      hahaha I was waiting to see this comment

    • @mikedugan671
      @mikedugan671 6 лет назад +1

      that would be insane

    • @ryanabitter
      @ryanabitter 6 лет назад +3

      He does have a new project coming... I have a feeling RUclips recommended this video because of the sub to Garrett’s channel. Do it for Dale!!!!

    • @nobodyheretoexplainthejoke6183
      @nobodyheretoexplainthejoke6183 6 лет назад +3

      He want twin turbskies tho

  • @luanwmatos1
    @luanwmatos1 5 лет назад +1

    An engine is masterpiece and Hagerty is the Michelangelo!

  • @Swedishlifeboat
    @Swedishlifeboat 6 лет назад +4

    why is the supercharger inlet blurred ? @2:56 ?

    • @niccadoodles
      @niccadoodles 6 лет назад

      because it looks like a penis.

    • @fixitrippitreckit6963
      @fixitrippitreckit6963 6 лет назад

      Umm idk blurred from other teams

    • @Stylemaster911
      @Stylemaster911 6 лет назад +2

      I think it is so that the geometry of the intake can't be copied by other teams.

  • @coleparsons4355
    @coleparsons4355 6 лет назад +27

    Name of songs ?

  • @wayneshannon3028
    @wayneshannon3028 Год назад

    These guys could piece together a 1000 pieces puzzle and I'd still watch😁👍

  • @speciosa146
    @speciosa146 6 лет назад +9

    Wait why does the army have a dragster? To entice more people to join?

    • @BigUriel
      @BigUriel 6 лет назад +20

      Well duh the US military constantly needs a steady supply of poor young men to keep the machine going.

    • @johndc2998
      @johndc2998 6 лет назад

      Nailed it!

    • @susika2226
      @susika2226 6 лет назад +1

      Sérgio Alves bro just stfu

    • @eriktheelder6957
      @eriktheelder6957 6 лет назад +2

      truth hurts???

    • @Taydrum
      @Taydrum 6 лет назад +4

      Because taxpayers are footing the bill

  • @dr.hugog.hackenbush9443
    @dr.hugog.hackenbush9443 6 лет назад +10

    And that, boys and girls, is why these things cost $100,000 per pass.
    I have NEVER seen a fuel car re-use pistons, rods or valves though.. 🤔

  • @stevedriver1476
    @stevedriver1476 Год назад +1

    These guys can build anything

  • @Thekidsinafrica14
    @Thekidsinafrica14 5 лет назад +3

    Crazy how an engine this size, not even half the size of one of the engines on a tugboat I work on make more power 😳

  • @lassel33tify
    @lassel33tify 6 лет назад +20

    What's the name of the songs?

    • @zackaria4338
      @zackaria4338 6 лет назад

      nobody to answer ?

    • @Jordster360
      @Jordster360 5 лет назад +1

      Alex Clare - Too Close is first song but remixed version and no vocals

  • @oleriis-vestergaard6844
    @oleriis-vestergaard6844 3 года назад

    Awsom crew - seems like they have done it before , a hole lot of times , man that engine looks strong

  • @hexa-tube4945
    @hexa-tube4945 5 лет назад +3

    I'm just wondering...What if you put this engine inside an Abrams tank ! That's gonna be the biggest supersport vehicle ever,, a real fun

    • @godzilla1569
      @godzilla1569 5 лет назад +1

      Holly 11000hp on an Abrams !!! Well this is the most crazy pleasure I’ve ever seen 😂

    • @hexa-tube4945
      @hexa-tube4945 5 лет назад +1

      @@godzilla1569 yeah man a real pleasure ❤️

    • @paub5100
      @paub5100 5 лет назад +1

      But,it will burn down after 5 sec,it will be overloaded

    • @ricochetonthepanzer3395
      @ricochetonthepanzer3395 5 лет назад

      @@paub5100 yas