안녕하세요 辛메라니안 여러분🙇🏻♀️ 오늘은 반숙후라이 올린 제육덮밥 + 계란국 + 부추김치 꿀조합 만들었어요 ❣️ 돼지목살 양념으로 버무린다음 휘리릭 볶아서 만들었어요! (* 제육볶음 팁: 파기름 내고 볶음 다음, 고기 넣고 물도 넣어줘야해요) 매콤달콤 양념이 잘 배인 제육볶음..🥺 반숙후라이 톡 터트려서 흰쌀밥에 챱챱 비벼서 먹으니까 너무 맛있었어요오… 아삭아삭한 부추무침 올려서 먹어도 진짜 맛있고요, 김에 싸먹어도 진짜진짜 맛있어요 😭👍꿀맛탱…. 주물팬에 따뜻하게 먹어서 더 맛있었던 것 같아요! 아! 빨간 제육덮밥에 계란국 조합도 환상입니다! 덮밥 먹다가 중간중간 계란국 마셔주면 최고!! 제육은 언제 먹어도 사랑이죠..? 만들기도 쉬운 제육덮밥! 입맛 없으시다면, 조만간 제육덮밥 드셔보시는건 어떠실까요! 오늘도 시청해주신 모든 분께 정말 감사드립니다! 항상 건강하고 행복하세요 🙆🏻♀️✨ 🔥My Instagram : instagram.com/fume_yamyam 🐶Sleepy White Fox's Instagram: instagram.com/mozziiya Hi, guys! Today I made pork deopbap with Jeyuk-bokkeum (Stir-fried seasoned pork. The seasoning is made with red pepper paste, green onion, and onion), a.k.a. Jeyuk deopbap! I prepared egg soup made with kelp broth, egg, and green onion and chives kimchi, and dried seaweed, too! I used pork neck, so it wasn't greasy but tender! It was so delicious! I was so happy while eating the well-seasoned pork, rice, and sunny side up eggs! It tastes even better to eat the egg soup and crunchy chives kimchi together while eating the meat! Wrapping the bibimbap (jeyuk and rice) with the seaweed and eating them together tasted heavenly! Eating pork alone is already delicious. Can you imagine how tasty eating sweet and spicy seasoned pork is? Jeyuk bokkem is one of the most beloved Korean foods in Korea! I highly recommend making delicious jeyuk deopbap with my recipe! Thank you for watching my video today! Halo semuanya! Hari ini saya membuat daging babi dan nasi goreng pedas Korea yang disebut Jeyuk-bokkeum! Itu dibuat dengan pasta cabai merah, daun bawang, babi, dan bawang! Saya menyiapkan sup telur, telur goreng, daun bawang, kimchi daun bawang, dan rumput laut kering! Daging babi itu sangat lembut! Saya terkejut karena lebih enak dari yang saya harapkan! Saya sangat senang saat makan daging babi, nasi, dan telur goreng yang dibumbui dengan baik! Rasanya lebih enak lagi makan sup telur dan kimchi kucai yang renyah bersama-sama sambil menyantap dagingnya! Membungkus babi pedas dan nasi dengan rumput laut dan memakannya bersama-sama terasa nikmat! Bisakah Anda bayangkan betapa enaknya makan daging babi berbumbu manis dan pedas? Babi dan nasi goreng pedas Korea yang disebut Jeyuk bokkem adalah salah satu makanan Korea yang paling disukai di Korea! Bagaimana kalau memasaknya dengan resep saya hari ini? Terima kasih telah menonton video saya hari ini! Chào các bạn, hôm nay mình đã làm món thịt heo xào với gia vị cay, hành tây, hành lá sau đó ăn cùng với cơm. Nói cách khác có tên là Jeyuk deopbap. Canh trứng mình nấu bằng nước dùng hải sản với hành lá và trứng, món ăn kèm có kim chi hẹ và rong biển! Mình chọn phần thịt heo mềm ngon ít mỡ! Các bạn sẽ rất hạnh phúc khi ăn thịt heo xào đậm đà với cơm và trứng chiên lòng đào ❤️ Ăn thêm canh trứng và kim chi hẹ giòn thì chuẩn luôn! Sau khi trộn cơm với thịt và ăn cùng rong biển thì thực sự rất ngon! Thịt heo đã ngon rồi giờ thêm gia vị chua cay ngọt nữa thì các bạn có thể tưởng tượng ngon đến thế nào rồi chứ? Đây là một trong những món ăn mà người Hàn Quốc rất thích! Các bạn thử tham khảo cách làm và thử làm Jeyuk deopbap thật ngon nhé! Cảm ơn bạn đã xem video ngày hôm nay! こんにちは、みなさん。今日はチェユックポックム(豚肉を甘辛いコチュジャンのタレ、玉ねぎ、ネギと一緒に炒めた料理)をご飯にのせた韓国の豚丼!つまり、チェユックポックム丼を作りました!出汁に卵とネギを入れて沸かしたかき卵スープと一緒に自家製ニラキムチ、海苔も一緒に用意しました!豚肉は肩肉をを使って、脂身が丁度で柔らかくて美味しかったです!タレがよく染み込んだ豚肉と一緒にご飯、そして半熟目玉焼きを一緒に食べると、絶対に幸せになります❤️途中かき卵スープとサクサクなニラキムチを一緒にたべるとさらに美味しいです!皆さんもレシピを参考にして、美味しいチェユックポックム丼を作って召し上がるのをお勧めします!今日もご視聴ありがとうございます! مرحبًا بالجميع! لقد صنعت اليوم لحم الخنزير الكوري المقلي الحار والأرز المسمى جيوك بوك كيوم! مصنوع من معجون الفلفل الأحمر والبصل الأخضر ولحم الخنزير والبصل! أعددت حساء البيض والبيض المقلي والبصل الأخضر والثوم المعمر الكيمتشي والأعشاب البحرية المجففة أيضًا! كان لحم الخنزير رقيق جدا! لقد فوجئت لأنها لذيذة أكثر مما توقعت! كنت سعيدًا جدًا أثناء تناول لحم الخنزير المتبل جيدًا والأرز والبيض المقلي! من الأفضل تناول حساء البيض والكيمتشي الثوم المعمر المقرمش معًا أثناء تناول اللحوم! لفّ لحم الخنزير الحار والأرز بالأعشاب البحرية وأكلهما سويًا بمذاق سماوي! هل يمكنك أن تتخيل مدى مذاق أكل لحم الخنزير المتبل الحلو والحار؟ يعد لحم الخنزير الكوري المقلي الحار والأرز المسمى جيوك بوك كيوم أحد أكثر الأطعمة الكورية المحبوبة في كوريا! ماذا عن طبخها مع وصفتي اليوم؟ شكرا لمشاهدة الفيديو الخاص بي اليوم! हेलो सब लोग! आज मैंने कोरियाई मसालेदार हलचल-तली हुई सूअर का मांस और चावल को ज्युक-बोकेम कहा! यह लाल मिर्च पेस्ट, हरा प्याज, सूअर का मांस और प्याज के साथ बनाया जाता है! मैंने एग सूप, फ्राइड एग, और हरी प्याज और चिव्स किमची तैयार किया, और समुद्री शैवाल भी सूखा! सुअर का मांस बहुत निविदा था! मुझे आश्चर्य हुआ क्योंकि यह मेरी अपेक्षा से अधिक स्वादिष्ट है! अच्छी तरह से अनुभवी पोर्क, चावल, और तले हुए अंडे खाने के दौरान मैं बहुत खुश था! यह मांस खाने के दौरान अंडे के सूप और कुरकुरे चिव्स किम्ची को एक साथ खाने के लिए बेहतर होता है! समुद्री शैवाल के साथ मसालेदार सूअर का मांस और चावल लपेटना और उन्हें एक साथ खाने का स्वर्गीय स्वाद लिया! क्या आप सोच सकते हैं कि मीठा और मसालेदार सूअर का मांस खाने में कितना स्वादिष्ट है? कोरियाई मसालेदार हलचल-तली हुई सूअर का मांस और चावल जिसे ज्युक बोक्कम कहा जाता है, कोरिया में सबसे प्रिय कोरियाई खाद्य पदार्थों में से एक है! आज मेरी रेसिपी के साथ इसे पकाने के बारे में क्या? आज का मेरा वीडियो देखने के लिए धन्यवाद!
Awwwwww❤️❤️ that cute pup was almost sleeping towards the end of the video when she was talking. I watch these videos for the pup majority of the times 😘😘
You really make me satisfied always with your videos Fume thats why i like you so among those mukbangers especially when you eat fried chicken the way how you clean the bone of a chicken i like it so much.
Mozzi was cracking me up falling asleep at the table. 🤣 Such a cute pup. 🐶❤️ I enjoyed the video. Everything looked really good. Thank you again, Fume and Mozzi. 😀
I love Fume's mukbang so much! I don't know but whenever I see other mukbangers I am never satisfied !You eat so cleanly!! I found your videos recently and I have finished watching most of your videos! I am never tired of watching you eating! Keep up your good work!!!
I've said this before countless times but still I'm gonna say it again, you're literally one of my absolute fav person in the entire world and your videos are always so fabulous. Sending you all the love from Pakistan 🤗😍😘🇵🇰❤
안녕하세요 辛메라니안 여러분🙇🏻♀️ 오늘은 반숙후라이 올린 제육덮밥 + 계란국 + 부추김치 꿀조합 만들었어요 ❣️
돼지목살 양념으로 버무린다음 휘리릭 볶아서 만들었어요! (* 제육볶음 팁: 파기름 내고 볶음 다음, 고기 넣고 물도 넣어줘야해요) 매콤달콤 양념이 잘 배인 제육볶음..🥺 반숙후라이 톡 터트려서 흰쌀밥에 챱챱 비벼서 먹으니까 너무 맛있었어요오…
아삭아삭한 부추무침 올려서 먹어도 진짜 맛있고요, 김에 싸먹어도 진짜진짜 맛있어요 😭👍꿀맛탱…. 주물팬에 따뜻하게 먹어서 더 맛있었던 것 같아요! 아! 빨간 제육덮밥에 계란국 조합도 환상입니다! 덮밥 먹다가 중간중간 계란국 마셔주면 최고!!
제육은 언제 먹어도 사랑이죠..? 만들기도 쉬운 제육덮밥! 입맛 없으시다면, 조만간 제육덮밥 드셔보시는건 어떠실까요! 오늘도 시청해주신 모든 분께 정말 감사드립니다! 항상 건강하고 행복하세요 🙆🏻♀️✨
🔥My Instagram : instagram.com/fume_yamyam
🐶Sleepy White Fox's Instagram: instagram.com/mozziiya
Hi, guys! Today I made pork deopbap with Jeyuk-bokkeum (Stir-fried seasoned pork. The seasoning is made with red pepper paste, green onion, and onion), a.k.a. Jeyuk deopbap! I prepared egg soup made with kelp broth, egg, and green onion and chives kimchi, and dried seaweed, too! I used pork neck, so it wasn't greasy but tender! It was so delicious! I was so happy while eating the well-seasoned pork, rice, and sunny side up eggs! It tastes even better to eat the egg soup and crunchy chives kimchi together while eating the meat! Wrapping the bibimbap (jeyuk and rice) with the seaweed and eating them together tasted heavenly! Eating pork alone is already delicious. Can you imagine how tasty eating sweet and spicy seasoned pork is? Jeyuk bokkem is one of the most beloved Korean foods in Korea! I highly recommend making delicious jeyuk deopbap with my recipe! Thank you for watching my video today!
Halo semuanya! Hari ini saya membuat daging babi dan nasi goreng pedas Korea yang disebut Jeyuk-bokkeum! Itu dibuat dengan pasta cabai merah, daun bawang, babi, dan bawang! Saya menyiapkan sup telur, telur goreng, daun bawang, kimchi daun bawang, dan rumput laut kering! Daging babi itu sangat lembut! Saya terkejut karena lebih enak dari yang saya harapkan! Saya sangat senang saat makan daging babi, nasi, dan telur goreng yang dibumbui dengan baik! Rasanya lebih enak lagi makan sup telur dan kimchi kucai yang renyah bersama-sama sambil menyantap dagingnya! Membungkus babi pedas dan nasi dengan rumput laut dan memakannya bersama-sama terasa nikmat! Bisakah Anda bayangkan betapa enaknya makan daging babi berbumbu manis dan pedas? Babi dan nasi goreng pedas Korea yang disebut Jeyuk bokkem adalah salah satu makanan Korea yang paling disukai di Korea! Bagaimana kalau memasaknya dengan resep saya hari ini? Terima kasih telah menonton video saya hari ini!
Chào các bạn, hôm nay mình đã làm món thịt heo xào với gia vị cay, hành tây, hành lá sau đó ăn cùng với cơm. Nói cách khác có tên là Jeyuk deopbap. Canh trứng mình nấu bằng nước dùng hải sản với hành lá và trứng, món ăn kèm có kim chi hẹ và rong biển! Mình chọn phần thịt heo mềm ngon ít mỡ! Các bạn sẽ rất hạnh phúc khi ăn thịt heo xào đậm đà với cơm và trứng chiên lòng đào ❤️ Ăn thêm canh trứng và kim chi hẹ giòn thì chuẩn luôn! Sau khi trộn cơm với thịt và ăn cùng rong biển thì thực sự rất ngon! Thịt heo đã ngon rồi giờ thêm gia vị chua cay ngọt nữa thì các bạn có thể tưởng tượng ngon đến thế nào rồi chứ? Đây là một trong những món ăn mà người Hàn Quốc rất thích! Các bạn thử tham khảo cách làm và thử làm Jeyuk deopbap thật ngon nhé! Cảm ơn bạn đã xem video ngày hôm nay!
مرحبًا بالجميع! لقد صنعت اليوم لحم الخنزير الكوري المقلي الحار والأرز المسمى جيوك بوك كيوم! مصنوع من معجون الفلفل الأحمر والبصل الأخضر ولحم الخنزير والبصل! أعددت حساء البيض والبيض المقلي والبصل الأخضر والثوم المعمر الكيمتشي والأعشاب البحرية المجففة أيضًا! كان لحم الخنزير رقيق جدا! لقد فوجئت لأنها لذيذة أكثر مما توقعت! كنت سعيدًا جدًا أثناء تناول لحم الخنزير المتبل جيدًا والأرز والبيض المقلي! من الأفضل تناول حساء البيض والكيمتشي الثوم المعمر المقرمش معًا أثناء تناول اللحوم! لفّ لحم الخنزير الحار والأرز بالأعشاب البحرية وأكلهما سويًا بمذاق سماوي! هل يمكنك أن تتخيل مدى مذاق أكل لحم الخنزير المتبل الحلو والحار؟ يعد لحم الخنزير الكوري المقلي الحار والأرز المسمى جيوك بوك كيوم أحد أكثر الأطعمة الكورية المحبوبة في كوريا! ماذا عن طبخها مع وصفتي اليوم؟ شكرا لمشاهدة الفيديو الخاص بي اليوم!
हेलो सब लोग! आज मैंने कोरियाई मसालेदार हलचल-तली हुई सूअर का मांस और चावल को ज्युक-बोकेम कहा! यह लाल मिर्च पेस्ट, हरा प्याज, सूअर का मांस और प्याज के साथ बनाया जाता है! मैंने एग सूप, फ्राइड एग, और हरी प्याज और चिव्स किमची तैयार किया, और समुद्री शैवाल भी सूखा! सुअर का मांस बहुत निविदा था! मुझे आश्चर्य हुआ क्योंकि यह मेरी अपेक्षा से अधिक स्वादिष्ट है! अच्छी तरह से अनुभवी पोर्क, चावल, और तले हुए अंडे खाने के दौरान मैं बहुत खुश था! यह मांस खाने के दौरान अंडे के सूप और कुरकुरे चिव्स किम्ची को एक साथ खाने के लिए बेहतर होता है! समुद्री शैवाल के साथ मसालेदार सूअर का मांस और चावल लपेटना और उन्हें एक साथ खाने का स्वर्गीय स्वाद लिया! क्या आप सोच सकते हैं कि मीठा और मसालेदार सूअर का मांस खाने में कितना स्वादिष्ट है? कोरियाई मसालेदार हलचल-तली हुई सूअर का मांस और चावल जिसे ज्युक बोक्कम कहा जाता है, कोरिया में सबसे प्रिय कोरियाई खाद्य पदार्थों में से एक है! आज मेरी रेसिपी के साथ इसे पकाने के बारे में क्या? आज का मेरा वीडियो देखने के लिए धन्यवाद!
حبيبتي انتي صاحبت القناه احبجج
ممكن طلب حبيبتي صاحبت القناة
How many international fans here? 🙋❤️
Can i get honest feedbacks for my recent Mukbang video? I work very hard as a 13 year!
I really like her eating.👍👍
Yeah and then I was like ate similar thing
Can i get honest feedbacks for my recent Mukbang video? I work very hard as a 13 year!
Fume is such an energetic & positive person, I didn't get how some people can dislike her video, keep on going girl, we love you.
I'm always feel so happy when I read ur comment! Thx a lot kind Harshit!
부추김치, 김, 계란국 메모메모!! 담에 그렇게 먹을게요😆
Fume's Korean food looks so delicious 😊😊 I love Fume ❣💕 Who loves Korean food?🙋♂️🙋♀️😊
*I love Fume*
*Who loves Fume?*
Let's see,, how many international Fume fans here....!!!
Love from Indonesia 💓💕💕
your food looks really good..👍👍
Love from indonesia too!! 🥺💕
I'm from US
Love from india🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳
I think u should become chef I don't know who r those lucky people to have dishes from your magical hands
Why is your food always so perfect?? Teach me your ways Fume 😩😩
If your reading this comment, may your family live along time. 😁😆🙏
벌써한달이 넘어가고
2월에두 좋은일 많이 하세요
감사합니다! 2월도 함께 화이팅해요! 🥰
Me: Just finished eating my food
Fume: Uploads a new video
Me: Hungry again 🤤🤤🤤
흄은 언니를 사랑한다고 말할 수있는 최고의 밥솥 💕
Who Loves Fume??
We want a Question Answer video plz
Fumes videos are always so satisfying and mouthwatering
ill never get tired of watching you eating! love from the Philippines!
Awwwwww❤️❤️ that cute pup was almost sleeping towards the end of the video when she was talking. I watch these videos for the pup majority of the times 😘😘
i luv ur videos i got notification from u but i am late 💛💛💛💛
She looks at her food like a child with excitement.
Hey fume!!hope I'll meet u soon!love from India🇮🇳🙋♀️
اكلاتكم شهية😋😋😋😋😋😋😋
موكلش عادي يعني شحلات الدولمة
هاا يعني الخنزيرر طيبب موو؟😭
İyiki müslümanım📿🤲🏻🧎♀️
You really make me satisfied always with your videos Fume thats why i like you so among those mukbangers especially when you eat fried chicken the way how you clean the bone of a chicken i like it so much.
2:56 꿀조합
*Your ASMR Channel is Amazing. Seeing here from Brazil. 👏👩💕🤗🙏*
Still cute when she's eating😍😍
I love how she smile while eatingg.😊
Mozzi was cracking me up falling asleep at the table. 🤣 Such a cute pup. 🐶❤️
I enjoyed the video. Everything looked really good. Thank you again, Fume and Mozzi. 😀
Love from India 💙💜💚💛❤
Fume: talking about chives kimchi
At the same time...me:- measuring the size of my mouth 😅
Crunching sounds of dried seaweed and chives
Munching sounds of jeyuk deopbap
I am salivating 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤣
I think u love different types of kimchi the most as it's always with u while enjoying main meal😁😁❤️❤️
제육덮밥에 반숙 계란후라이..🍳 진따 맛있겠다.. 제육덮밥 ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ❤❤
Eating noodles right now but watching FUME i can't still get enough she is the best chef😊
She looks normal, but beneath the facade, resides a queen.
Strangely beautiful, perfectly flawed. 💞💞
Yo quiero, se ve ricooooo😋😋😋😋😋😋😋
Muchas personas en el Corea le gusta esta comida para el almuerzo
Nunca me pierdo tus videos !! Saludos desde puebla México!! Mundialmente famosa
فدووه انتي جميله جدا 🥰🥰🤩🤩🤩💜💜💜💜
تخبل غير
@@srr_i8851 ييي صدك تخبل فديته تخبل وحلوه وانتي هم تخبلين وحلوه🇮🇶
Half fried egg are love 😄
Nothing can beat a perfect half fried egg
푸메님 요리사 하실래요 너무너무 맛있어 보여요 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ❤❤제 사랑 푸메님...🥺❤
시켜주세요 🤭❤️🙏🏻
I love Fume's mukbang so much!
I don't know but whenever I see other mukbangers I am never satisfied !You eat so cleanly!!
I found your videos recently and I have finished watching most of your videos! I am never tired of watching you eating!
Keep up your good work!!!
A carinha do Mozi no final é a coisinha mais linda do mundo ❤️🇧🇷
Really like her eating style
미술전공한 언니여서 그런지 이언니가 만들면 계란후라이도 아트다💕
Omgiwanttnis it looks like heaven in a serving >]
Korean food looks delicious, how can i get all those foods here 🥴 there is no Korean restaurant in my city 😭
한국인은 입이 커요 😀😀😀😀😅👍❤️
Love the way she eat 😋😋
직접 준비하는 음식이라 건강에도 좋을듯 해요^^
행복한 영상 감사합니다
이건 말없이 👍👍이거하나로 정리
정리 🤭❤️
@@Fumeyamyam 👋💋👍👍👌
@@Fumeyamyam 싸랑해용!!💍
진짜 제육은 사랑인듯,,. ㅠㅠㅠ
It's too be early for me to be punishing myself with all this delicious food always the best😘😘😘
الف عافيه حبيبتي 😘
شهتني والله هم اكلهة الف عافية مثلج الة طبق الخنزير
I've said this before countless times but still I'm gonna say it again, you're literally one of my absolute fav person in the entire world and your videos are always so fabulous. Sending you all the love from Pakistan 🤗😍😘🇵🇰❤
Aww.. So sweet... I'm sooo happy to hear that! Thanks a lot!!
U changed the profile pic right
@@varsha447 yes
Can i get honest feedbacks for my recent Mukbang video? I work very hard as a 13 year!
저는 당신이 식사를 할 때 당신의 에티켓을 사랑하고 당신의 비디오를 보는 것을 좋아합니다. 😊😊✌️
The best chef I ever saw in my life........You are the definition of talent 🏆👍🤩❤️
제육덮밥 진짜 맛있는데....!!제가 좋아하는 것 중 하나!♡-♡
정말 맛있게 드시네요~!!!
오늘도 재밌게 시청하고 가요^^
Yeah Korean people have been eating many kinds of kimchi for hundreds of years. It is truly fact that kimchi is the original Korean food.
Always Love From India To You Fume 😘😘😋😘
2:08 start eating 🥀
When will you taste turkish food l will wait for you to eat it impatiently ,FUME 🥺❤
Ahhh turk yes bee
Indonesia hadir 🇮🇩👆
who loves fume 😍😍
I love your eating and cooking🍲🍲👨🍳👨🍳.
I am hungry looking at this. It is 8.32am!
I really love watching your videos.💓💓
Wow i am your big fan fume..
Love your channel so so so so so so so much. And u r so beautiful. And your pet is so cute❤️
Rally i like your eating an each day by day after watching you i love you fume🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
When I Am Watching Your Videos I Always Crave 😍😋 Love your video as always❤️❤️❤️
Spicy stir fried pork with fried egg and rice looks so delicious 🤤.
Lots of love from India ❤️.
Please try indian maggi noodles🤗🤗🤗
Fume has prepared food for us.. let's eat
Acho esses videos uma tortura kkkk eu posso ter acabado de comer que me da fome uaii 😂😂❤
I really like Fume asmr
Mi vida el perrito se duerme en todos los videos😍😍, es hermosoo
Never tired of watching you cook and eat. Your so beautiful fume. Hope I go to Korea and meet you❤️
Who wants fume to try indian noodles (maagi)👍 like here
So yummy and delicious. 😋😋😋 watching always here from Philippines. 🇵🇭🇵🇭
금손 오브 금손🖐 얼짱 오브 얼짱😄
I love the cooking part than the eating part😂
0:14 the intro is so cute its like the lion thing
거기다가 자세한 요리설명까지...ㅠㅠ완벽그자체♥♥
Wow fume kimchi and egg soup🤤🤩
I now love korean food😍😋
오늘도 선댓후 감상합니다아~!
썸네일부터 맜있어 보이네요! 글구 제육은 제가 젤 좋아하는 음식중에 하나이거든요...
또 살찌겠네요~
배고파! 낼 점심은 제육이다!!!!
세상에,, 이렇게나 빠르게,,! 너무 감사해요오 😭💜
@@Fumeyamyam 답글 감사합니다!!! 사랑해요♥♥
Please try magi noodles❤❤🙏🏻😗
언니~항상 응원하고 사랑합니다~!❤
i want a few yaaaammm💫💫💫
Hey fume, can you make a live video of all food you try
Love from India🇮🇳🇮🇳🤗🤗🤗
The food looks delicious! Thank you for sharing a meal with us, Fume!