It was really nice talking to you today Haachama! I really have fun talking about Mexico and Mexican food. I hope you have a nice day, rest well, take care and have a nice start of the week!
I've been super busy with work and haven't been able to put in a comment, but wanted to. I think Haachama is amazing in the way you push forward. When you said you wanted to make your own future, I smiled and said "That's why I like Haachama". I find that inspiring and try to do the same thing, ever since high school. I love your positive energy and personality. It's fun to watch your streams and when you interact with people you bring that same energy with you. Always lots of laughing and giggles. Thank you for speaking both English and Japanese this stream! It was great to see the interactions with both your JP and overseas fans! When it comes to these games where you're playing a complicated game like ARK or GTA with a lot of people, I get a little sad when I see you playing alone and getting frustrated. If you play another game like this, I hope you try to reach out more to others to help you figure some things out or when you need a little help. It's only natural and I think expected to ask for help when they put these large collabs together so that new players have fun too. The alternatives are to study the game in advance of playing, so you don't need as much help. Then maybe you can be the one helping other people out :) I was happy to see your progress on day 3 (and later days during the ARK collab) where you were having fun with everyone. The fact that you came away feeling positive about both experiences made me happy. I hope it gives you more confidence that you can enjoy these types of games that you don't usually play!
Thank you for the stream today haachama chan you are very kawaii the kawaii angel princess hololive vtuber i love you feel free to call me nicholas kun
7:43 音聞こえてる?
8:09 そろそろ始めますか
8:23 配信スタート
9:07 それって私の為に起きてくれたって事?
10:26 ドレス衣装は久々
15:50 結構俳句作るの好き
19:30 昨日のリプ返タイムの話
20:34 英語の勉強するんだったらカリオペちゃんかな
22:33 英語の話した後に英語喋るのはすごくプレッシャーが高まって片言の英語になる気がする
24:12 6周年記念のグッズは結構かわいい薄ピンクのグッズが多め
24:55 最近女の子のファンも増えてきた気がする
28:34 色んなはあとんが居て色んな個性が有るんだなって思って嬉しくなった
30:13 アメリカのイベントの話
39:10 前回の龍が如く配信の話
44:17 はあちゃまぺろぺろ
47:02 薔薇の話
51:34 最近ONE OK ROCKのONION!って曲にハマってて好き
58:12 はあちゃまがプロレス下手くそだって言いたいの!?
59:42 ほーら、ほらやっぱりはあちゃまの事舐めてるw
1:03:18 今後の企画配信予定
1:07:35 よく読んでた漫画の話
1:11:56 はあちゃまが叩く側なのに!やだわぁ、もうちょっとムチで叩くSMプレイの漫画を読んで勉強しよう
1:13:42 私はもうちょっとSを学んで行きたい
1:15:25 Sなはあちゃま
1:17:33 リスナーがはあちゃまを初めて知ったきっかけ
1:21:51 シオリンからのレイド
1:25:25 tacos
1:27:03 お・た・の・し・み♡
1:29:08 pizza
1:31:28 懐かしい、会長とコラボでフライパンで焼いた時有った
1:34:24 スペイン語気になる~
1:35:50 変態TSKR
1:37:11 エチエチ?
1:39:21 今海外から日本に来てる先輩って居るんかな?
1:43:01 昨日のリプ返の話
1:48:50 口でクチュクチュするのは何ていうんだろ英語で
1:50:57 あ~、最高の10月の始まりだ~
2:00:18 おはるーじゅの話
2:05:05 好きだった乗り物は何ですか?
2:05:38 360度回転の乗り物が好き
2:08:27 ジェットコースター大好き~
2:09:20 ホロGTAの話
2:13:42 色々学んだからこそもしまた次が有ったらやってみたいなって気持ちが大きい
2:17:32 イチ推しトークの時に感謝の言葉を伝えてくれる先輩がたくさん居てそれも凄く嬉しかった
2:18:38 ホロGTAの切り抜きの話
2:19:42 愛の有る切り抜きだなと思った
2:20:31 常に楽しい事ばかりのお笑いとかギャグとかたくさん有るコメディも大好きで、でも何か切なくなるような辛い事ばかりの話も好き
2:21:57 よく振り返るんだよ
2:23:26 明るい1日の始まりだ~
2:27:06 あっ、すごいお腹鳴った
2:29:04 辛口は今控えてる
2:31:25 そう言われるとセルフコントロールって大事な気がしちゃう
2:33:50 一種の縛りプレイの様な物だと思ってる
2:35:58 あの時のポルちゃまのMCが良かったと言って貰えて嬉しい
2:36:40 それに乗ってくれたポルちゃんが優しくて嬉しい
2:40:47 朝から何話してるのよw
2:45:10 ポンチョ装着
2:45:25 この衣装の大好きな所は色んな所が有るけど一番大好きなのはスカートのデザイン
2:46:10 はる雪パッパがこの靴を描いてくれた
2:46:37 これはとにかく好きな衣装の内の1つ
2:47:26 ポニテ衣装
2:47:53 コート装着
2:48:23 このお部屋に居る時はドレスが良いなと思ってる
2:49:15 このステージめっちゃ大好き
2:50:06 いつかの歌枠でこのステージを使って歌いたい
2:51:30 リアルイベント有る時とか歌枠の時等色んな時に使って行きたい
2:53:55 いっぱいお部屋が有るってのは好奇心旺盛な所が出てるんだと思う
2:54:49 この部屋を作ってもらった時の話
2:56:24 そうなんです、かわいいが詰め込まれたお部屋
2:57:46 TSKR
3:01:12 初めてクモと出会った話
3:02:14 ラオーラちゃんにクモの話した時の反応
3:06:56 色んな髪型やってみたい
3:07:50 秋の料理?焼き芋かな~
3:11:47 スペックは能力系が大好き
3:13:06 みんなはどんな能力が欲しい?
3:14:09 龍が如くの続きが気になる
3:16:33 今日はもうとにかくポジティブだ
3:22:20 あっヤバいっ、小さくなっちゃった!
3:24:12 ホロGTA2日目で眼帯を付けた衣装で過ごした時の話
3:26:25 今日は何か淑女の気持ち
3:27:12 こんなにたくさん喋って楽しかった、おつるーじゅ!(配信終了、音量注意)
08:08 配信スタート
31:54 はあちゃまの研究成果
44:31 朝から何言ってんの(ぺろぺろ)
58:13 拗ねちゃま(プロレス下手)
1:13:10 朝からなんやねん(SM)
2:45:03 ポンチョと下半身
┣ 2:47:28 ポニテ衣装
┗ 2:49:16 はあとんランドステージ
2:56:55 I love you
2:58:11 男子ってヤ~ネ~
┗ 2:58:24 たまんねぇな
It was really nice talking to you today Haachama! I really have fun talking about Mexico and Mexican food. I hope you have a nice day, rest well, take care and have a nice start of the week!
Thanks for the morning stream Haachama!
Thanks for the cute morning chatting stream Haato! 🐖❤
Thanks for the comfy morning stream
Thanks for the fun stream
おつるーじゅ!!! ✨
Thank you for the stream Chamirri
Thanks for Fun Morning Talk
Stream Haachama ❤
Have a Nice Day Haachama ❤,
see you on next Stream.
OtsuChama ~
I've been super busy with work and haven't been able to put in a comment, but wanted to. I think Haachama is amazing in the way you push forward. When you said you wanted to make your own future, I smiled and said "That's why I like Haachama". I find that inspiring and try to do the same thing, ever since high school. I love your positive energy and personality. It's fun to watch your streams and when you interact with people you bring that same energy with you. Always lots of laughing and giggles. Thank you for speaking both English and Japanese this stream! It was great to see the interactions with both your JP and overseas fans!
When it comes to these games where you're playing a complicated game like ARK or GTA with a lot of people, I get a little sad when I see you playing alone and getting frustrated. If you play another game like this, I hope you try to reach out more to others to help you figure some things out or when you need a little help. It's only natural and I think expected to ask for help when they put these large collabs together so that new players have fun too. The alternatives are to study the game in advance of playing, so you don't need as much help. Then maybe you can be the one helping other people out :) I was happy to see your progress on day 3 (and later days during the ARK collab) where you were having fun with everyone. The fact that you came away feeling positive about both experiences made me happy. I hope it gives you more confidence that you can enjoy these types of games that you don't usually play!
1:42:50 Chama rejects me on X and in this stream again. I’ll never give up!! 😏
美しい ありがとう 愛しています Haachama
Thank you for the stream today haachama chan you are very kawaii the kawaii angel princess hololive vtuber i love you feel free to call me nicholas kun