bueno y que, si le pagan o no, no es su problema, para miles que amamos la aviacion es una bendicion que JustPlanes suba estos videos, es una dicha vivir de primera mano los detalles de un vuelo, si no los quiere ver , apartese, para uste JustPlanes, Dios lo Bendiga
jajajajajaja, muy bien respondido, lo apoyo y nunca dejes de darnos la oportunidad de vivir esos magnificos momentos de los detalles de un vuelo desde la cabina, BUENA SUERTE Y GRACIAS.
I'm puzzled by your comment. What brings you to say that? They are in no way distracted at all (I assure you after being a pilot myself). These pilots could land half asleep. They are making money by recording footage (with consent of the crew and airline) of the cockpit and flights for pilots and other viewers. I think it's a great thing this company is doing. It gives people a chance to see what it's like in the cockpit. You should re-look your comment.
Lool nice! What he doesnt understand is that the pilots are only talking during the cruise when very little pilot input is needed. In the DVD's I have bought off you, when the cockpit becomes "sterile" the pilots are fully focussed :D Ignore this guy!
Of course a right minded individual would be able to see the publicity that it gives to airlines who allow this filiming to take place, thankfully many do see the potential and are not all small minded
It just occurred to me, after watching many many of your youtube videos, you are making money off distracting the pilots (just by being there), all the while I am sitting behind in the cabin. I don't think you should be selling these videos, you should be paying me, the pilots and the airline companies that allow you to do this.
bueno y que, si le pagan o no, no es su problema, para miles que amamos la aviacion es una bendicion que JustPlanes suba estos videos, es una dicha vivir de primera mano los detalles de un vuelo, si no los quiere ver , apartese, para uste JustPlanes, Dios lo Bendiga
jajajajajaja, muy bien respondido, lo apoyo y nunca dejes de darnos la oportunidad de vivir esos magnificos momentos de los detalles de un vuelo desde la cabina, BUENA SUERTE Y GRACIAS.
I was just there for vacation
Like from Dominican Rep. Keep up the good work
I'm puzzled by your comment. What brings you to say that? They are in no way distracted at all (I assure you after being a pilot myself). These pilots could land half asleep. They are making money by recording footage (with consent of the crew and airline) of the cockpit and flights for pilots and other viewers. I think it's a great thing this company is doing. It gives people a chance to see what it's like in the cockpit. You should re-look your comment.
Lool nice! What he doesnt understand is that the pilots are only talking during the cruise when very little pilot input is needed. In the DVD's I have bought off you, when the cockpit becomes "sterile" the pilots are fully focussed :D Ignore this guy!
Of course a right minded individual would be able to see the publicity that it gives to airlines who allow this filiming to take place, thankfully many do see the potential and are not all small minded
great hair raising approach! Great left seat.
its really bugging me that I cant figure out the airport right at the beginning of the video lol
Rain-X helps a LOT. : P
Are the windscreen wipers from a 1978 Ford Cortina ?
Nice hot dog approach :p cool
There's always one!!! (Killjoy)
Which airport are they landing?
4200 hrs. logged, not going to happen. Sorry
It just occurred to me, after watching many many of your youtube videos, you are making money off distracting the pilots (just by being there), all the while I am sitting behind in the cabin. I don't think you should be selling these videos, you should be paying me, the pilots and the airline companies that allow you to do this.
dude, get off the flightsim..