actually, it's succeeded brilliantly--this is usually the job of a mounted weapon. Making one that's usable by an infantryman (who uses it properly, as the second guy does--note he goes against the instructions) is brilliant.
Yes, this allow the concealed use like from inside the building, but otherwise a backblast system might be much better because it has near zero recoil if you have the luxury of confined areas.
neither can this, that's obviously a publicity lie, besides 20mm rounds are still smaller therefore more easily carried & supplied and are more useful in any situation
@Razgriz the Mandalorian Me, a history buff: *grabs PIAT in one hand and this thing in the other* The people in the room a hundred foot behind me: "WHERE DID THIS GUY COME FROM?!"
This is a Direct Fire Support Weapon. I.e, its a shoulder-mounted mortar with high kinetic properties, giving it increased power when using certain ammunition types and a higher accuracy than RPGs. It is not meant to fully replace shoulder-mounted rockets or missiles, but is intended to offer another option. A particularly useful load in low oxygen environs would be a FAE load.
@21boxhead I agree, it is overlapped by several other weapons already in service. but this isn't the only man-portable weapon that has this big of a recoil, there is an pretty powerful anti tank launcher (i forgot its actual name) that's in use by Canadian forces and you need another person wrapped around one of your legs in order to fire it effectively (as opposed to being flung back). As for RPGs, its an aging design and tank armour is becoming better advanced to resist weapons like that.
*So all it does is counter the accelerating projectile with a counter weight in the lower barrel. The two masses moving in opposite directions reduces the kick.* The same thing can be done by ejecting water, sand, sawdust etc etc out the rear, but for some reason they want to avoid that.
Backblast (of any kind) has the potential to be highly damaging. This has none of that. Plus, with this system you have to carry around ONE counter-weight inside the weapon at all times, versus with any kind of "use something other than back-blast pushed out the back of the weapon" system, you need to carry as much of that stuff as you carry ammunition, making the load on the (already borderline overburdened) soldier just that much worse. Basically, it gets rid of back-blast, plus it trades some (reusable) weight in the gun for some (not reusable) weight in the ammunition.
Maybe one of the reasons there's not much info on this is because it works really well? Potential future (I hate this phrase but here it goes) "game changer". For those that say " what's the point in it? A rocket launcher can do better!" Well this thing can be fired in rooms and (most probably THE excellent thing about it) the projectiles are most probably cheaper than rockets/missiles. Think about it you only need one guidance/aim system which will be on the chassis of the weapon (most if not all modern rocket systems need 2, one in the chassis/frame of the weapon and the other in the rocket/missile) which is more simple. Also it'll be countermeasure resistant (last time I checked electronic warfare can't stop bullets! Lol) Rockets are really expensive (javelins in the British army are affectionately known as Porsche's, you can get a 911 for one missile!) but these would be much cheaper in the long run. Also this technology could be applied in other weaponry...... Big bore sniper rifles (making future snipers rifles that reach out to 3-4 maybe 5 kilometres would have one HELL of a kick from the recoil!), bigger two man portable infantry mortars, bigger artillery on planes that don't shake the airframe apart! (Ac130 style!)........ Who knows what imaginative designers could come up with with this tech?
You can fire Armbrust, AT4 CS and a whole host of other rocket launchers and recoilless guns/rifles in rooms. One of the Russian thermobaric rocket launchers only requires an enclosure the size of a 1-car garage. This thing is a joke. Stats give it half the muzzle energy of a Barrett M107, and the recoil system therefore probably does nothing at all.
@@worldwar2freak12 Yes, but bad tech _stays_ unimpressive. You'll notice we don't have any improved versions of steam-powered aircraft or the Tsar Tank concept.
LOL, I am not saying to cut off the index finger just saying not have the capacity to move it,if you can not move correctly the middle finger you would also not be capable of correctly showing the middle finger because it relaid on the other two to move correctly, so you wouldn't be capable as well to show it, which is another good reason why the system should do that and have all cells not capable of moving any index finger, great idea man, thank you.
@HAJS5 The best use for this weapon were if it was used to fire 60mm mortar rounds. They have 7.4 times the explosive filling of a 40x46mm grenade, and would be very useful for a direct fire role in urban combat (40mm grenades barely make a dent in reinforced concrete, whereas a 60mm mortar would blow a large hole clean through). They could even fire the awesome 25x137mm round which the bradley IFV used in both iraq wars to knock out those old T-55 tanks. They would be deadly at close range.
My first thought when seeing this wasn't to use it as direct fire support, but as a theoretically lighter mortar replacement. No baseplate to lug around? Imagine a lightweight 60mm- if it comes in at less than 40 lbs, they'd be ecstatic (assuming that the increased ammo weight/bulk doesn't lead to suck). The problem lies in utilizing it as such, so... drawing board. Also, the argument that it is not innovative is bunk, and there are other battlefields to think about than Afghanistan.
my input: if there is no gravity, no atmosphereic pressure, and no atmospere at all, then if you were to fire a bullet in space it would travel untill it made a collision because there is no gravity to drop the bullet, and no atmosphere to de-accelerate it. if you have seen bullets go off in a campfire they launch the brass not the bullet because the brass is lighter, thats because they are not in a barrel. so if you were in space there would be no recoil if there is nothing to stop the bullet..
@Verliebt If it can fire a mortar round at low velocity, it can fire a 25x137mm round, too. That is a round which can pierce the armor of ANY vehicle on the battlefield (except for modern main battle tanks). It can be used in the style of the old WW2 anti-tank rifles, against vehicles and structures. Sure, the HIWS would have a short range (which, due to its design, would be no further than an RPG, and you know how much they suck), but you have all kinds of additional benefits.
new tf2 weapon:impulsive lil' bastard dissables enemy sentries +50% clip size -60% damage done 18% slower firing speed "today is a good day,for the soldier that is"
Nealing might be a better platform when firing this thing being that you'd have a lower center of gravity... I wonder since this thing has no back blast if it can be fired from inside a building
my friend, u must realize EVERY HUMAN posses the ABILITY to make ANYTHING happen in their lives simply by THINKING about it CONSTANTLY n continuously setting monthly goals for urself n thinkin about everythin needn to be done to achieve your monthly goal then taking taking action and BELIEVING U CAN succeed. Through these monthly goals your DREAMS n THOUGHTS become a REALITY. A huge part in people failing is DOUBTING themselves, u MUST ALWAYS have faith that one day u'll achieve ur life goal.
This is interesting, the maker says that the ability to handle the recoil is mostly due to the material the that the shoulder brace is made of but he completely skips over the other ways it reduces recoil. If you watch at 38-42 sec when the shooter fires the moment the round leaves the launcher the shell is also launched backward. This is the same design that any other recoilless rifles use. It should also be noted that if you watched carefully you can see that the barrel is on a spring system.
a recoilless shell does not leave a wake or a rocket plume, only some news shells have flight rocket assistance for ranges up to 1,000m. There are still large stocks of ammunition of 90 mm and 84 mm for the M67 and the Carl Gustav. Moreover, they are returned to service in Afghanistan because they're inexpensive and offers different kind of warheads
@ConnorXV well said but I thought armour penetration had everything to do with primary and secondary explosions set up within the round itself, or is that only when talking about rocket propelled things?
@CanyonRedRock Actually, you CAN see most projectiles in flight with the unaided (naked) eye under the right conditions. Standing near the shooter and have good lighting from behind the gun, like truck headlights or good sunlight shooting downhill, I have seen everything from 9MM and 44 Mag rounds easily, and even a 7MM Magnum while truck hunting Hogs at night on our ranch.
Would depend on what the warhead is. It's something like 76mm, so you could fit a pretty nice and big shaped explosive charge in the projectile, which can cut through steel armor and heavy barricades. If it's enough to matter depends on the tank in question. Of course, when you have the 66mm M72 LAW, and 84mm AT4 / M136, both which are lightweight recoilless rocket launchers, and which have special Confined Space variants available (using saltwater as a countercharge to absorb the majority of the backblast), this big shoulder-howitzer which knocks you over like a bowling pin if you don't have the correct stance, feels a bit quaint.
You don't see this one at the Big Sandy shooting range! How much does the ammo cost for this thing and what does it do to a target? Also you need one hell of a big holser to wear it on your hip.
This is a very interesting weapon, but I thought bore size on shoulder fired grenade launcher type weapons was limited to 40mm by the geneva convention.
@TheJamesrocket my point exactly. since it wont pierce the armorof a tank, why use it? even a bazooka kind of weapon can pierce the armor of lighter armored vehicles and has almost 0 recoil and longer range. this weapon doesn't seem to provide any advantage damage wise over a bazooka, and on top of that is harder to handle because of it's crazy recoil, maybe even a bit big bigger in size.
uh. what the fuck do you think almost every recoil mitigation system ever does. we've been doing this with artillery for over a hundred years. this level of dampening is only practical to a certain point though due to factors like weight and size. at that point you have to just suck it up and move to a bigger platform. this is nothing new.
I really do need to start writing. since I have crohns I have a lot of free time on my hands in the bathroom, and it usually leads to space wizard battles
@21boxhead It could be used possibly as a turret (the recoil would be easily solved if it were mounted). Aside from an application like that I doubt it would be used.
Only thing is, this is an artillary piece, not a rifle. So basically what we have here is a portable, shoulder-mounted artillary piece. I'm no expert on weaponry so my opinions should be taken with a grain of salt. But I think that has some pretty useful applications.
NOT more lethal because a large portion of the missile is the fuel , whereas weapons with explosions that occur within it allow its projectiles to be entirely useful against the target. This is why self propelled howitzers are more damaging than multiple launch rocket systems.
@tLlXenonFire Massively reduce recoil using magic. With this weapon you could fire the equivalent of an 80mm mortar, if the technology advances and finds wide spread use you could have teams of men that could provide light artillery support standing up without having to prepare any sort of rigging like conventional light mortars.
so it's a shoulder mounted mortar system??
actually, it's succeeded brilliantly--this is usually the job of a mounted weapon. Making one that's usable by an infantryman (who uses it properly, as the second guy does--note he goes against the instructions) is brilliant.
I do like how it goes so far as to incorporate the shell ejection.
Chuck Norris' sidearm.
WH250398 His primary is a man-portable M777 😂😂😂
he dual wields these
Not entirely impractical. This type of system could eliminate dangerous back blast from shoulder fired rocket launchers.
Yes, this allow the concealed use like from inside the building, but otherwise a backblast system might be much better because it has near zero recoil if you have the luxury of confined areas.
They have mitigated backblast with special CS variants of the at4 , smaw and carl gustav ammuninition that uses simple salt walter if im not mistaken.
+NoOdL3z18 or you could just use an anti material rifle.
+super desu Last for the party, But a anti material rifle can't pen over 750 mm of RHA.
neither can this, that's obviously a publicity lie, besides 20mm rounds are still smaller therefore more easily carried & supplied and are more useful in any situation
I have decided I want one... That his all
Who makes an IWB holster for this?.
haha I laughed my ass off
"Oh, fuck- that's an anti-tank rifle.
"I am heavy weapons guy and this is my weapon...."
The future is now old man.
@Razgriz the Mandalorian
Me, a history buff: *grabs PIAT in one hand and this thing in the other*
The people in the room a hundred foot behind me: "WHERE DID THIS GUY COME FROM?!"
That was right outta the pages of some Heavy Metal comic ! Thats a Gun, I say.
This is a Direct Fire Support Weapon. I.e, its a shoulder-mounted mortar with high kinetic properties, giving it increased power when using certain ammunition types and a higher accuracy than RPGs. It is not meant to fully replace shoulder-mounted rockets or missiles, but is intended to offer another option. A particularly useful load in low oxygen environs would be a FAE load.
Oooh. Excuse me, is it really as kinetic as firearms?
Doesn't it have really explosive damage?
Excuse me, what about 40mm version ?
@21boxhead I agree, it is overlapped by several other weapons already in service. but this isn't the only man-portable weapon that has this big of a recoil, there is an pretty powerful anti tank launcher (i forgot its actual name) that's in use by Canadian forces and you need another person wrapped around one of your legs in order to fire it effectively (as opposed to being flung back).
As for RPGs, its an aging design and tank armour is becoming better advanced to resist weapons like that.
*So all it does is counter the accelerating projectile with a counter weight in the lower barrel. The two masses moving in opposite directions reduces the kick.* The same thing can be done by ejecting water, sand, sawdust etc etc out the rear, but for some reason they want to avoid that.
because you dont always have that stuff around and its really fiddly.
Backblast (of any kind) has the potential to be highly damaging. This has none of that. Plus, with this system you have to carry around ONE counter-weight inside the weapon at all times, versus with any kind of "use something other than back-blast pushed out the back of the weapon" system, you need to carry as much of that stuff as you carry ammunition, making the load on the (already borderline overburdened) soldier just that much worse.
Basically, it gets rid of back-blast, plus it trades some (reusable) weight in the gun for some (not reusable) weight in the ammunition.
Feels like Fallout with that thing
Maybe one of the reasons there's not much info on this is because it works really well? Potential future (I hate this phrase but here it goes) "game changer". For those that say " what's the point in it? A rocket launcher can do better!" Well this thing can be fired in rooms and (most probably THE excellent thing about it) the projectiles are most probably cheaper than rockets/missiles. Think about it you only need one guidance/aim system which will be on the chassis of the weapon (most if not all modern rocket systems need 2, one in the chassis/frame of the weapon and the other in the rocket/missile) which is more simple.
Also it'll be countermeasure resistant (last time I checked electronic warfare can't stop bullets! Lol)
Rockets are really expensive (javelins in the British army are affectionately known as Porsche's, you can get a 911 for one missile!) but these would be much cheaper in the long run.
Also this technology could be applied in other weaponry......
Big bore sniper rifles (making future snipers rifles that reach out to 3-4 maybe 5 kilometres would have one HELL of a kick from the recoil!), bigger two man portable infantry mortars, bigger artillery on planes that don't shake the airframe apart! (Ac130 style!)........
Who knows what imaginative designers could come up with with this tech?
Reminds me a lot of the PIAT, but more practical if they work out the kinks.
You can fire Armbrust, AT4 CS and a whole host of other rocket launchers and recoilless guns/rifles in rooms. One of the Russian thermobaric rocket launchers only requires an enclosure the size of a 1-car garage.
This thing is a joke. Stats give it half the muzzle energy of a Barrett M107, and the recoil system therefore probably does nothing at all.
All weapons tech starts out unimpressive. The first guns were metal pipes, the first plane a rickety plywood motorized kite.
Yes, but bad tech _stays_ unimpressive. You'll notice we don't have any improved versions of steam-powered aircraft or the Tsar Tank concept.
Quite true - note how we're making these statements decades after the fact.
Thumbs up for the real life Graves
For Super Earth!!
This thing is wild
LOL, I am not saying to cut off the index finger just saying not have the capacity to move it,if you can not move correctly the middle finger you would also not be capable of correctly showing the middle finger because it relaid on the other two to move correctly, so you wouldn't be capable as well to show it, which is another good reason why the system should do that and have all cells not capable of moving any index finger, great idea man, thank you.
Wow, this reminds me of that gun from the end of Ghost in the Shell :O
It came out in 1995 just like the movie so...
@@jingochesh Batou's gun? The SPIW 2020 Mini 14 "Penetrator" you mean? That has a toggle-lock.
@@YaoiMastah nah man the literal gun in this video
@HAJS5 The best use for this weapon were if it was used to fire 60mm mortar rounds. They have 7.4 times the explosive filling of a 40x46mm grenade, and would be very useful for a direct fire role in urban combat (40mm grenades barely make a dent in reinforced concrete, whereas a 60mm mortar would blow a large hole clean through).
They could even fire the awesome 25x137mm round which the bradley IFV used in both iraq wars to knock out those old T-55 tanks. They would be deadly at close range.
All this tech and they miss the money shot in the video. Fail! LMAO
Ghost in the shell.
This will be perfect for when the revolution comes!!!
Dubyah, why couldn't you have been this awesome, eloquent, and idjit-shatteringly on the ball when you were in office? :D
My first thought when seeing this wasn't to use it as direct fire support, but as a theoretically lighter mortar replacement. No baseplate to lug around? Imagine a lightweight 60mm- if it comes in at less than 40 lbs, they'd be ecstatic (assuming that the increased ammo weight/bulk doesn't lead to suck). The problem lies in utilizing it as such, so... drawing board.
Also, the argument that it is not innovative is bunk, and there are other battlefields to think about than Afghanistan.
my input: if there is no gravity, no atmosphereic pressure, and no atmospere at all, then if you were to fire a bullet in space it would travel untill it made a collision because there is no gravity to drop the bullet, and no atmosphere to de-accelerate it. if you have seen bullets go off in a campfire they launch the brass not the bullet because the brass is lighter, thats because they are not in a barrel. so if you were in space there would be no recoil if there is nothing to stop the bullet..
@Verliebt If it can fire a mortar round at low velocity, it can fire a 25x137mm round, too. That is a round which can pierce the armor of ANY vehicle on the battlefield (except for modern main battle tanks). It can be used in the style of the old WW2 anti-tank rifles, against vehicles and structures.
Sure, the HIWS would have a short range (which, due to its design, would be no further than an RPG, and you know how much they suck), but you have all kinds of additional benefits.
Does it fire non explosive projectiles?
new tf2 weapon:impulsive lil' bastard
dissables enemy sentries
+50% clip size
-60% damage done
18% slower firing speed
"today is a good day,for the soldier that is"
Nealing might be a better platform when firing this thing being that you'd have a lower center of gravity... I wonder since this thing has no back blast if it can be fired from inside a building
Uploader please confirm you are alive to prevent this video being purged by google
my friend,
u must realize EVERY HUMAN posses the ABILITY to make ANYTHING happen in their lives simply by THINKING about it CONSTANTLY n continuously setting monthly goals for urself n thinkin about everythin needn to be done to achieve your monthly goal then taking taking action and BELIEVING U CAN succeed. Through these monthly goals your DREAMS n THOUGHTS become a REALITY. A huge part in people failing is DOUBTING themselves, u MUST ALWAYS have faith that one day u'll achieve ur life goal.
76.2mm; check their website. Also available in other calibres.
Now we need those space marine technology more than ever
This is interesting, the maker says that the ability to handle the recoil is mostly due to the material the that the shoulder brace is made of but he completely skips over the other ways it reduces recoil. If you watch at 38-42 sec when the shooter fires the moment the round leaves the launcher the shell is also launched backward. This is the same design that any other recoilless rifles use. It should also be noted that if you watched carefully you can see that the barrel is on a spring system.
This is a must for deerhunting, and doves and chipmunks and.... *grin*
I think they are shooting practice rounds not blanks.
a recoilless shell does not leave a wake or a rocket plume, only some news shells have flight rocket assistance for ranges up to 1,000m.
There are still large stocks of ammunition of 90 mm and 84 mm for the M67 and the Carl Gustav.
Moreover, they are returned to service in Afghanistan because they're inexpensive and offers different kind of warheads
Portable kinetic mortars...gotta love em!
Dear Santa,
please make those who keep calling you for everything to go away.
And when firing that weapon, im expecting some kinda mushroom cloud at the end of the range?
What benefit would this give over something like a 40mm grenade launcher (M32A1?) apart from the increased projectile payload?
Very Nice Work...Impressive.
Bright future, when man can fire ridiculously overpowered manual weaponry, have finally come.
the guy that fell over at least he kept his weapon pointed down range obviously knows what hes doin ;)
@ConnorXV well said but I thought armour penetration had everything to do with primary and secondary explosions set up within the round itself, or is that only when talking about rocket propelled things?
@CanyonRedRock Actually, you CAN see most projectiles in flight with the unaided (naked) eye under the right conditions. Standing near the shooter and have good lighting from behind the gun, like truck headlights or good sunlight shooting downhill, I have seen everything from 9MM and 44 Mag rounds easily, and even a 7MM Magnum while truck hunting Hogs at night on our ranch.
is there any more info/ videos on this monster
@ThroatSlitta ive made an impact on someone life! WOOHOO!!! thanks dude. definitely made my day.
We did invent recoil-less rifles (a.k.a. rockets) for a reason. 20mm rifles just weren't cutting it, and that was back in world war II.
I am genuinely curious what became of this thing. Anyone know anything?
*soildier*Yay ok so i can absorbe the imapact? *speaker* Yes yes go ahead *TINK falls to the ground*
just standing behind that thing is dangerous enough
makes me think of the type of thing you'd get on lost planet
I'm curious how this weapon would perform against tanks
Would depend on what the warhead is. It's something like 76mm, so you could fit a pretty nice and big shaped explosive charge in the projectile, which can cut through steel armor and heavy barricades. If it's enough to matter depends on the tank in question.
Of course, when you have the 66mm M72 LAW, and 84mm AT4 / M136, both which are lightweight recoilless rocket launchers, and which have special Confined Space variants available (using saltwater as a countercharge to absorb the majority of the backblast), this big shoulder-howitzer which knocks you over like a bowling pin if you don't have the correct stance, feels a bit quaint.
You don't see this one at the Big Sandy shooting range! How much does the ammo cost for this thing and what does it do to a target? Also you need one hell of a big holser to wear it on your hip.
Actually a pretty smart system
We shall call it the science cannon
this is the weapon that humanity built before the spartan laser
@uwmil13 it seems very usefull to me.
It shoots very far, meaning on short distance a very high penetration rating.
Great for knocking out tanks?
Shoulder replacement should come with that warrenty
looks like something out of HALO
looks and sounds like a "big iron" prototype from mass effect 3!
it would be so cool to fire it in space! :D
damn, when is Super Earth deploying these to the Automaton Front?
@TheSamaell essentially its a shoulder fired mortar. think recoiless rifle with more kick.
i like that ting sound it makes.
This is a very interesting weapon, but I thought bore size on shoulder fired grenade launcher type weapons was limited to 40mm by the geneva convention.
? can you make it so you can ues and fire it from your back when using a iron man sute
I think all weapons should be like this, they floor the person firing them !
@TheJamesrocket my point exactly. since it wont pierce the armorof a tank, why use it?
even a bazooka kind of weapon can pierce the armor of lighter armored vehicles and has almost 0 recoil and longer range.
this weapon doesn't seem to provide any advantage damage wise over a bazooka, and on top of that is harder to handle because of it's crazy recoil, maybe even a bit big bigger in size.
haha, good idea to test this out while standing on a really muddy dirt patch
someone finally looked at F=M(D/T**2) and said "hmm, yes, I will change.. time itself!" and now we have this, finally. took em long enough.
uh. what the fuck do you think almost every recoil mitigation system ever does. we've been doing this with artillery for over a hundred years. this level of dampening is only practical to a certain point though due to factors like weight and size. at that point you have to just suck it up and move to a bigger platform. this is nothing new.
dude your mom is so fat
Freder Snorlax oh no a call of duty kiddie what ever will I do. Loool
That will level a building. I wonder how much range the recoil control takes of the rounds.
@LithuanianWolf where does that saying or meme come from?
@DbozenD I think demonstration was for the platform, not the shells.
God before they even get to war they'll all need shoulder surgeries after this thing lol
Recoiless rifle, minus the recoiless part
At least he sacrificed his back to protect the weapon.
I really do need to start writing. since I have crohns I have a lot of free time on my hands in the bathroom, and it usually leads to space wizard battles
Don't forget no backblast. Smaller visual footprint, quieter and can be fired from inside a building.
@21boxhead It could be used possibly as a turret (the recoil would be easily solved if it were mounted). Aside from an application like that I doubt it would be used.
chuck norris called he wants his nerf gun back
0:38, just saved 38 secounds of your life
@flonga1 there is no backblast, don't you mean overpressure?
Questions. How is this better then the Carl Gustavs's we use today, will it ever be put into service?
when was this made? ive seen this awhile back but cant recall the date
thats my new dear hunting rifle
Only thing is, this is an artillary piece, not a rifle. So basically what we have here is a portable, shoulder-mounted artillary piece. I'm no expert on weaponry so my opinions should be taken with a grain of salt. But I think that has some pretty useful applications.
Chuck Norris has a 6 barrel minigun version of that. One in each hand.
so...a shoulder fired 76mm single man mortar system...nice
portable artillery achieved, this is unstopabble.
I like how you can hear the shell go off at 00:59, and nobody seems to notice or care... tough guys don't look at explosions.
Dude,it's like a FATMANLauncher in real life....HOLY FUCK THAT'S AWESOME!!!
gotta try this while on a unicycle
NOT more lethal because a large portion of the missile is the fuel , whereas weapons with explosions that occur within it allow its projectiles to be entirely useful against the target. This is why self propelled howitzers are more damaging than multiple launch rocket systems.
Wow George I didn't know you were so smart!
Definite gun for next COD
Basically a shoulder mounted mortar
@tLlXenonFire Massively reduce recoil using magic. With this weapon you could fire the equivalent of an 80mm mortar, if the technology advances and finds wide spread use you could have teams of men that could provide light artillery support standing up without having to prepare any sort of rigging like conventional light mortars.
Girls: "Nerf is boring"
Me and the boys: