Englishman Reacts to... When Will UK Living Standards Slip Behind Poland?


Комментарии • 63

  • @stanleyuk1
    @stanleyuk1 День назад +5

    Looking for to back to Poland after 21 yrs in UK. We are very optimistic and future is there.

    @NASZYSWT67 23 часа назад +4

    I feel for United Kingdom, their government hasn't done right by their people. Amongst other things I pray things will turn around for UK and everyone else that's struggling do to incompetent government, EU, Brussels and other organizations. Not to mention Illigal Migrants that are too expensive for any country, economicly, housing, medical, etc.

  • @kroll01
    @kroll01 День назад +9

    4 years ago I was earning £2,200 a month in Southampton, after covid and returning to Poland I now earn £2,700 in conversion... So I'm happy and many of my friends are already back, even Polish-English families...

    • @RobReacts1
      @RobReacts1  День назад +2

      Well that's bloody decent!

    • @Tomm4070
      @Tomm4070 32 минуты назад

      @@RobReacts1 that happend only in IT

  • @andrzejkowalski4021
    @andrzejkowalski4021 12 часов назад +1

    In every country should be only as much population that the land can feed. UK has to import more than 50% of its food!!! there is too much population in UK.

  • @mariolondyn50
    @mariolondyn50 21 час назад +3

    ( Cicha niepozorna brytyjska polityka )
    To , że Uk sie pogrąża to głównie wina najgłupszego PM w historii tego kraju , a w mniejszej mierze z powodu odpływu polskich speców z Wyspy .
    Ich Anglicy już uzupełnili zatrudniając Rumunów i Bułgarów , a ostatnio sukcesywnie dochodzą Brazylijczycy , którzy do niedawna dostawali tylko wizy turystyczne .

    • @Dumamigo
      @Dumamigo 20 часов назад

      jedyna Prawda

    • @dariadi8260
      @dariadi8260 19 часов назад

      Hej 😊 Nie wiem jak w UK, ale na co dzień, to od Brazylijczyków to się odczep. Pracowałam w Brazylii, poznałam trochę Brazylijczyków w Polsce. To naprawdę ciężko pracujący naród. Wiadomo czasem mija chwila zanim ogarną system... Ale ja miałam tak samo będąc u nich w gościnie. Pewnych rzeczy uczymy się tylko z czasem doświadczając. Nie da się wszystkiego opisać w podręcznikach😅

    • @mariolondyn50
      @mariolondyn50 8 часов назад

      @@dariadi8260 - a gdzie ja sie przyczepiłem do tej nacji ? Dopiero teraz to zrobie - z jednej strony faktycznie ciężko pracują ( od ekip od kruszenia betonu , aż do zwykłych labuerów i sprzątaczek włącznie ) , a z drugiej nie mało jest z tego narodu wąchaczy , wciągaczy i dilerów . Do tego krzykliwi jak inni południowcy np. Portugalczycy . To tyle z realnej obserwacji i obcowania z nimi w Londynie .

  • @andrzejkowalski4021
    @andrzejkowalski4021 12 часов назад +1

    18:43 It is better to have cheep gas by pipe from R than 8 times more expensive liguified gas. This is poland that has stop buying R gas not the oposite! It was poland decision!

  • @MrSztyrlic
    @MrSztyrlic 19 часов назад +1

    UK is in the position in which it just can't be hurt too much. US language is spoken there, and the distance is closer than to most of European countries. Cousins. Poland is farther and is no cousins. That ends the theme.

  • @miroslawobr3383
    @miroslawobr3383 День назад +3

    We love You to, mate 😂

  • @MarcinKdoL
    @MarcinKdoL День назад +5

    I left the UK in 2016 as well when the English started asking me why I was stealing their jobs✌️

    • @RobReacts1
      @RobReacts1  День назад +5

      Good for you! Bloody racist English. The ones saying it were probably the lazy ones who are on benefits by choice

    • @Piotrek4500
      @Piotrek4500 22 часа назад

      @@RobReacts1 we heard a lot of them sadly..

  • @adamjankowski959
    @adamjankowski959 День назад +2

    GDP is not right indicator. Polish industry is agriculture and most of profits are exporting to western countries. So polish people are bulding not own prosperity.

  • @blubrydarka2028
    @blubrydarka2028 День назад +12

    Dear Rob. Unfortunately, the European Union of thirty years ago, the Schumman Union, is a completely different entity than today's communist entity under the aegis of Artielo Spinelli. I recommend reading the biography of this Italian. It is his ideas that guide this institution today. The EU should be like the Schengen area. Today, unfortunately, it is only something of a sect. Producing law, several thousand pages a month. Who is able to read all this, who is able to implement it. The number and complexity of regulations only ruins the economy and development.
    Subsidies don't come out of nowhere either. First we have to pay them into the common budget. Later, after complicated procedures, some official or EU officer not related to our country will tell us whether he will make them available to us at all. As long as we believe in the same thing as him. In addition, to use these subsidies, Polish municipalities must have more than half of their funds. From where? From German banks. Because there is no Polish capital left. And loans in Poland have much higher interest rates than in the UK.
    In Poland, everything you do and want to earn money is bad. However, the same behavior in Germany is ok. Example. We want to build an airport in Poland. No need, it's in Germany. Coal-fired power plants are being closed in Poland, while new ones are being opened in Germany. In Germany, rivers can be prepared for use by boats, but in Poland it is uneconomical and unecological. Heating houses with gas was OK until the Germans traded in Russian gas. Now it's not. Now pellet heating. Because Germany produces the most of it. A Polish company cannot win the tender for new trains because it is tailored to the requirements of the German company. And there are many such examples.

  • @77seban
    @77seban День назад +1

    From 1st of January 2025 gas price will inc-rise again for 25% we have the highest prices of electricity in Europe.

  • @paweszawowski9337
    @paweszawowski9337 22 часа назад

    In fact 5 or 10 years is far too long span of time to be sure the predictions come true, but I siill feel feel satisfaction that there is a perspective of catching up the UK in terms of economy. On the other hand I woudn't like British economy to slump down. My sister's son -a medicine doctor moved to Wiltshire He''s already got to stay there for the rest of his life. So have his 3 sons raised and educated in Britain. Unless they change their mind. My Dad worked in the British company's factory in Łódź before the war but he learned English in a German POW camp during the war from a German handbook and the officers there were secretely listening to the BBC Polish programmes . He kept on listening to it until he died in 1972. Maybe for these reasons I'd like Britain to keep on being a leading country in science, invention and culture.

  • @matrixmannn
    @matrixmannn Час назад

    Ten film jest w zasadzie sprawiedliwy. Z kilkoma stwierdzeniami bym podyskutował ale to już jest temat do poważnej debaty. Co do samych Polaków to my jesteśmy urodzonymi kapitalistami. Mamy to w swoim DNA. Nawet za komuny dawaliśmy sobie radę i można o tym pisać bez końca. Słyszałem ostatnio taki dowcip, że Polska jest nazywana Texasem Europy i pewnie coś w tym jest.😂😂
    Na powrót Polaków do Polski rasizm pewnie ma wpływ i brexit też ale liczy się ekonomia, a my potrafimy liczyć kasę. Jakby się nam opłacało siedzieć w GB to pewnie mimo rasizmu byśmy tam dalej siedzieli ale zaczyna się nie opłacać więc wracamy i to coraz liczniej i nasza zarobiona w GB kasa też.
    Zresztą większość Polaków wyjeżdżających za pracą nigdy nie zakłada, że gdzieś zostanie, no chyba, że okoliczności się zmienią ale to też temat na oddzielne opowiadanie.
    Co do samej Polski to wszyscy zdajemy sobie sprawę z tego, że nie jest różowo i przyczyn tego możemy szukać zarówno w kraju jak i w otoczeniu geopolitycznym Polski ale najważniejsze jest to, że zdiagnozowaliśmy problemy i wiemy co i gdzie jest źle, a to jest pierwszy przyczynek do tego aby naprawiać to co jest złe i poprawiać to co można i należy poprawić oraz budować nowe, które poprawi nam warunki i poziom życia. Jak nam to wyjdzie to tylko czas pokaże?....

  • @Angielska_Dama
    @Angielska_Dama 19 часов назад

    Britain has been and will continue to be a good place to live and will overcome all difficulties!!!I love England!! 💜💜💜
    You move to Poland and i will move to England, we can even swap houses...you will have the big one you want(why do you need it if you don't have a family?children?..) and I want a small one...with two bedrooms is enough.... besides, wooden houses are beautiful and natural, if there are no tornadoes in the country you can build yourself a wooden house (look at the scandinavians)...they have great and stylish houses (ikea mmmm)
    nationalism is bad - agree
    patriotism is good-yes,o course, but what do u know about patriotyzm?do You feel it at all?

  • @user-pf7nl7xx4n
    @user-pf7nl7xx4n 2 часа назад

    Okay, I am tired of 'EU funds beneficiary' argument. Yes, Poland is a beneficiary to those funds and they do help the economy a bit, BUT no country is giving away free candy to Poland. It is a COMPENSATION from those EU countries and they giving it only because it is financialy benefiting them to do so. NO FREE CANDY
    Membership in EU helps Poland to grow economically mostly due to shared market. EU funds are meagre when compared with it.

  • @arachnida7537
    @arachnida7537 20 часов назад +1

    To complain so much about your country.... There is a Pole in you there.
    But... In Poland complaining works then in UK maybe it will help too 😅

  • @scoff7032
    @scoff7032 20 часов назад +2

    We got Donald Tusk so it won't happen

  • @thebuggerdev
    @thebuggerdev День назад +2

    7:40 problem with EU is that it's one institution that do lot's of things, often unrelated, like defining standards for toilet flush, allowing to work in other countries, banning classical lightbulbs, unificating documents like ID's and driver's licences, limiting power of vacum cleaners, giving money for highway constructions etc. You can't just say EU is good or EU is bad. You can say only if it has in concluision more good or more bad aspects.

  • @ratiolibek
    @ratiolibek День назад +2

    It's not Brexit's fault that the UK is doing poorly right now, it's the fault of their politicians. Frankly, I do not want Poland to leave the EU, exactly for the same reason-our politicians are failing, and we'd probably be worse off after a "Polexit" than we are now. However, that doesn’t mean Poland couldn't do better outside the EU.
    You can see how much funding Poland has received, but I also notice how many Polish companies have been bought out by German and French capital funds. Wages are rising, but it's not Polish companies that are paying them to Poles. There have been several occasions when Poland became the EU's leader in the production of certain goods, only for the EU to change regulations, causing us to lose that spot.
    A current example is the production of car batteries. Poland is now second in the world after China in battery production, and the EU is already trying to change regulations to ensure French companies can dominate this market. On the other hand, Ursula von der Leyen is “selling” European farmers in exchange for a new market for German cars in South America. She is even attempting to do this without proper voting in the European Parliament!
    And let’s not forget the problem of building our first nuclear power plant. Because of Germany, we’re already several years behind on completing it before we declared we would shut down our coal power plants. This means we may face extremely high energy prices, or we could be forced to pay penalties.
    I don’t even want to start with the EU’s shameful meddling in issues where we didn’t grant them power in the treaties. It shouldn’t matter to them what we do in Poland, yet they blocked us from receiving funds for several years simply because they didn’t like the changes we made to our laws. The EU is one big lobby marketplace, where the bigger countries always win, and the two biggest-Germany and France-ensure that all other countries lose, regardless of whether we receive 5, 10, or 20 billion euros.
    (By the way, I have a feeling those numbers are absolutely untrustworthy and should be much higher. 11 billion is a drop in the ocean; I suspect it was actually more.)
    Sure, the EU is great in certain aspects, and it could be a lot better. But you can't just say it’s all roses. What the EU has really given us that’s good is open borders for trade. That’s the main advantage. Not transfers for the chosen few, which mainly lead to corruption. Just open borders. Everything else is mostly regulations designed to help some at the expense of others.
    And the worst part is that the EU is mainly controlled by Germany, which itself can't manage its own country properly and has been dragging the whole Union down for years. I think you can sleep easy - we won’t catch up with the UK in 10 years. Not because the Labour Party came to power, but because 40% of Poland’s exports go to Germany, so they’ll drag us down with them.

  • @Angielska_Dama
    @Angielska_Dama 21 час назад

    Rob...Robert ..... nieeeeeee 😟😔🥺😞

  • @stawros22
    @stawros22 10 часов назад

    Im always happy to discuss. But calling me an idion bc i think different than you isnt good start

  • @Richardxx11xx
    @Richardxx11xx День назад +9

    UK economy will further decline under the disastrous Labour government

  • @TheDekazer
    @TheDekazer День назад +1

    That’s a vast minority of the Poles that saying that thrash about EU.

  • @bountytracker
    @bountytracker День назад +5

    Rob, "you idiot" please don't talk about Tusk and other Polish politicians if you have no idea what is going on and what they're doing with our country. Just ONE data: During the year of the new government, state-owned companies achieved profits that were 83% lower than a year ago. This way Poland will collapse faster than you think. Don't use one source to make your opinion.

    • @mismoonkie
      @mismoonkie День назад

      Po co go wyzywasz, lol

    • @bountytracker
      @bountytracker 23 часа назад

      Zrobiłem dokładnie to samo, co on...

    • @dbpol1683
      @dbpol1683 23 часа назад

      ⁠@@bountytracker clearly your a PIS supporter. You think the repeating PIS propaganda is helpful….? When the previous government was stealing, messing with women’s rights, changing the constitution for their own benefit and using Pegasus to listening in on oppositions phone calls. Think I rather Tusk than the Mafia. Keep saying it how it is ROB 👍

  • @johnalmighty2052
    @johnalmighty2052 23 часа назад +1

    Rob - you should run for president of Poland in our elections. You know more about the Polish language and Polish history than many nationalists in Poland. You have also visited more Polish cities than many of our politicians. And you certainly wouldn't flee to Hungary like one of those pseudo-Polish nationalists sponsored by Putin.

    • @RobReacts1
      @RobReacts1  23 часа назад +1

      Haha I may need to be a polish citizen for that

    • @johnalmighty2052
      @johnalmighty2052 23 часа назад

      @@RobReacts1 You are practically already Polish because you have mastered Polish tongue twisters and you know who Pope John Paul II was. Don't worry about formalities.

  • @mismoonkie
    @mismoonkie День назад

    Instead of diving into politics, maybe you could try commenting on „Magda Gessler's Kitchen Revolutions”? It's pretty popular on Polish RUclips right now XD

  • @Richardxx11xx
    @Richardxx11xx День назад +10

    Trump and Brexit are good you’re wrong

    • @Richardxx11xx
      @Richardxx11xx День назад +4

      Wrong again EU is bad

    • @gozergozerian7627
      @gozergozerian7627 День назад +2

      and youre a ruski ork i presume?

    • @Polans-gd
      @Polans-gd День назад +2

      Go look for your brain, because you lost it somewhere, głupi człowieku !!!!

    • @mismoonkie
      @mismoonkie День назад
