Domestic Issues: Murume wangu akaitisa ex-wife yake vana vairi mushure mekunge tava tese.

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024
  • Tilder LIVE ZIM, Biggest Reality Talk Show In Zimbabwe-
    Tilder Moyo-Karizamimba is a Zimbabwean radio personality who is well known for tackling sensitive social issues. She made a name for herself at Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC)'s Radio Zimbabwe where she hosted a no-holds barred Sunday morning talk show which touched on various social issues. Some of the controversial issues that the programme has dealt with include those of satanists, child prostitutes, victims of rape and business people who use juju to enrich themselves. It was a phone-in programme and many a times perpetrators and victims called in airing their views and experiences making it worthwhile for the audiences to tune in. She also presenter of the Popular Tv Music Programme Ezomgido/Mvenge-mvenge on ZBCTV Before she left zbc for greener Pasture
    Tilder left Radio Zimbabwe in September 2013

Комментарии • 85

  • @Fayrwa06
    @Fayrwa06 Год назад +18

    These two Doctors are good together
    Well done Tete Tilder for choosing the best TEAM.
    Rudo Rudo Rudo Rudo 🎤 🎤🎤🎤🎤
    Should be song for program

  • @godwinchiutsi9183
    @godwinchiutsi9183 Год назад +5

    Tete Tilder, doctor Choga, ndapa kutenda. You are excellent. Your advice is not on this world. Makapenga imi. Munogona kani. Haaa vabatei ma bhachi vana ava. My advice: This programme should be on a daily basis for at least 8 hours.

  • @cmusarurwa6309
    @cmusarurwa6309 Год назад +5

    Kudos team. Today's advice today was maturely and calmly dispensed in all instances. Ndiyo chete inenge iri shuviro yedu. I would subscribe and like twice if it were possible

  • @chipomuyengwa2510
    @chipomuyengwa2510 Год назад +8

    Basa repamba rinorwadza kupfuura anoenda kubasa

  • @LadyGee9303
    @LadyGee9303 Год назад +17

    These men don't understand that taking care of a child is 24/7 job.

    • @jamesbond1157
      @jamesbond1157 Год назад

      Not all men 😂

    • @caswellshoko4617
      @caswellshoko4617 Год назад +1

      Learn to treat every situation as it is not to generalize everything. Vamwe tinozvitemba when it comes to family issues

    • @pumpkins5390
      @pumpkins5390 Год назад

      Even akarara mwana wacho

    • @pumpkins5390
      @pumpkins5390 Год назад

      @@jamesbond1157 user said “these” not all 🙂

  • @ruthchinaka2725
    @ruthchinaka2725 Год назад +3

    Thank you doc and Tete for the program

  • @shaungrant2699
    @shaungrant2699 Год назад +2

    Much appreciated show l wish kuva nezvivindi yekutaurawo maproblems angu pamhepo

  • @ashleighkwari1079
    @ashleighkwari1079 10 месяцев назад

    First caller haaa Boe bamunini batai babe wenyu Boe ❤❤

  • @chantellewhoever3047
    @chantellewhoever3047 Год назад +1

    Let me enjoy my childfree life😊 vakadzi remember to have children because you want to not to do it kutadza murume

  • @PrimaTauz
    @PrimaTauz Год назад +3

    doctor Choga kana uchitruster munhu azvireve kt hauchamufungire zvekutadza kuvhunza

  • @LadyGee9303
    @LadyGee9303 Год назад +7

    Sex is not by force if a person feels like not having it they shouldn't be crucified please

  • @nancyncube2656
    @nancyncube2656 Год назад +1

    Makadii vana Tilder Moyo

  • @samanthamapiye7682
    @samanthamapiye7682 Год назад +3

    Nhaka tichatadza kukwira mota dzevanhu nekuti takaroogwa imika

  • @silindiwetshumasilindiwe7811
    @silindiwetshumasilindiwe7811 Год назад +2

    Mainini vatove pabarika shame.....kungoramba vachizvarisa ex wife 😢

    • @maiyeukai9346
      @maiyeukai9346 Год назад

      Hakuna chinonzi ex wofe or ex husband. Mwari akati NO divorce and anyone who marries a divorced man or woman os commiting adultery maiti zvee Mwari anopenga. Nyangwe akafa..ex wife ndiye anogara pakona

  • @priscillakuchuna9434
    @priscillakuchuna9434 Год назад +2

    Ndafarira couple murume anoda mhuri yake dai Mwari vokudenga vapindira

  • @lorrainemazhawidza6790
    @lorrainemazhawidza6790 Год назад

    Thank you Doctors

  • @ashleighkwari1079
    @ashleighkwari1079 10 месяцев назад

    Second caller ❤❤❤❤

  • @cmusarurwa6309
    @cmusarurwa6309 Год назад +3

    I heard a lot of empathy in today's programme. Thank you tete and the Dr tag team. I think the Zim law now presses criminal charges on the parents and guardians who allow minors to get married

  • @priscillandoro4014
    @priscillandoro4014 Год назад +1

    CHIHERA rambai kujairirwa imi munhu angapinda mumba midnight haiwawo bathing munhu imi adzoke mugwara.

  • @patriciatshabalala800
    @patriciatshabalala800 Год назад +3

    Kkkkk well done mfundisi selikhuluma sibili

  • @mildredzinhema1123
    @mildredzinhema1123 Год назад +1

    Doc Nyamakawo sooo kaaa

  • @rebeccachigutsa92
    @rebeccachigutsa92 Год назад +2

    Vanhu vacho nhasi vana chete vari kufona vanotoda dzidziso chaiyo😂😂

  • @ruthkunyongana2756
    @ruthkunyongana2756 Год назад +3

    Tete mune basa😅😅😅😂😂😂😂❤❤❤❤

  • @alowismusodza
    @alowismusodza Год назад

    Thanks for the enriching show... I don't agree with advising child marriages. I think they should be assisted kuseri because it comes across as an endorsement... what do you guys think???

  • @priscillandoro4014
    @priscillandoro4014 Год назад

    Ivo vana ngavarege kuroorwa kana kuroora vachiri vadiki neky vanozingoda kutamba hujaya nehumhandara hwacho vava mudzimba hazvizonyatsobuda mushe kani veduwe. Avo bbmunini ngavabvunze ana madhumbe ky chebasa chemumba ichi hachina kumira mushe kani veduwe.

  • @shamisomatora1248
    @shamisomatora1248 Год назад +1

    Vana tilder moyo makadii 😂

  • @priscillandoro4014
    @priscillandoro4014 Год назад

    Avo bbmunini vane mukadzi anoda zvekurara asingaiti basa tete nana Doc muri kuudza munhu uyo nhema mukore uno kurara rugare munhu ngaatsvage zvekuita kwete kurara ko akanzi mafa hatogona kuzvishandira ka. Munhu kana asingaendi kubasa ngaaitewo mabasa epamba kwete kurara pliz

  • @silindiwetshumasilindiwe7811
    @silindiwetshumasilindiwe7811 Год назад +1

    Barika in style 😂ini zvirinani pafe munhu kkkkk

  • @chiyenyumba7135
    @chiyenyumba7135 Год назад +3

    Ko kana munhu aramba kuuya paphone asingade counselling yevatorwa vepaRadio imhosva here? Imi mochiti ngaarongedzeswe nekuti aramba kutawura nemi hamuwone kuti makuzvinyanya here???

    • @nyashajay85
      @nyashajay85 Год назад +2

      Anenge asingade kubatsirwaka saka toita zviripo

    • @chiyenyumba7135
      @chiyenyumba7135 Год назад +1

      @@nyashajay85 hamusi hama dzake, and should respect people's choices. It's arrogance to think everyone anofanira kutambira rubetsero rwenyu

    • @nyashajay85
      @nyashajay85 Год назад +2

      @@chiyenyumba7135 munongoregaka kufona kuradio kwacho mobatsirwa nehama dzenyu dzacho simple pane kutipedzera nguva nekusada kutaura

    • @chiyenyumba7135
      @chiyenyumba7135 Год назад

      @@nyashajay85 ko iye murume kana mukadzi achida kubatsirwa neveRadio ikodzero yake. Haangarege kufonera vatete vake nemadzisekuru ake paRadio nekuti umwe haasi kuda. Even the late great Dembo sang kodzero yemunhu wese ngayiremekedzwe... It shouldn't be a condition kuti munhu wese amanikidzwe kutaura paRadio asingade ikodzero yake... Anoda ikodzero yake zvakare.

    • @nyashajay85
      @nyashajay85 Год назад +4

      @@chiyenyumba7135 iye arkuziva kuty murume afona paradio arkuda kubatsirwa kuty marriage iifambe mushe.. anofana kurespecter woo decision yemurume kana kungogara amuti asafone vopedzerana kumba kwavo ikoko zvekodzero dzake yatoodrama ngaabvume kubatsirwa

  • @anywaychimwe3982
    @anywaychimwe3982 Год назад

    Very well educating show ❤

  • @Fayrwa06
    @Fayrwa06 Год назад +7

    Mainini vekurara- Depression is real how old is her child?? Have you considered Post Natal Depression???

    • @Bee-833
      @Bee-833 Год назад +2

      It’s true they did not ask those questions. It could be depression. They did not handle the situation well.

    • @Her_Self..
      @Her_Self.. Год назад +4

      Hanti she refused to come to the phone here veduwe thts a sign yekuve rude. Ana sekuru hv told ppl abt PND before dai ataura vaimubetsera.

    • @EmilyVenge
      @EmilyVenge Год назад

      Kkkk mainini musarove bamunini zimbama imi tambai chikudo zvakanaka😂

    • @chiyenyumba7135
      @chiyenyumba7135 Год назад +1

      @@Her_Self.. kuramba kuuya paphone yepublic counselling is not being rude. Ko kana asingade counselling yevatorwa paRadio it that not her choice???

    • @fadzaimunaro3213
      @fadzaimunaro3213 Год назад +1

      @@Her_Self..ndinobvumirqna newe ipapo .dai ange auya pafon atsanangura zvanonzwa nezvinomuita arare mayb ku depression ikoko kwaizosvikwa

  • @ziminiesta4225
    @ziminiesta4225 Год назад +1

    Kuita murume its hard wena

  • @silindiwetshumasilindiwe7811
    @silindiwetshumasilindiwe7811 Год назад

    17 & 22 what's the rush ummmm you were supposed to be in school.Think work think money 🤑 not stupid marriage.Munosvikepi ummm sad

  • @bchis8806
    @bchis8806 Год назад +3

    Hanza kambama kekumasofa kari bho✋️✋️ taa taa kkkkkkk

  • @pumpkins5390
    @pumpkins5390 Год назад

    Muskana uyo wekusiya school for a boy is not normal
    Andiitisa hasha mxxm

  • @chiyenyumba7135
    @chiyenyumba7135 Год назад

    Sando dzenyu vedare mufana uyo mamutawurira chokwadi kuti swera muswere uchibata basa rinobatwa nemudzimai wako uwone kupfava kana kuwoma kwazvo.

  • @tracylyson1371
    @tracylyson1371 Год назад

    Chihera vazviramba 😅😅😅😅

  • @chiyenyumba7135
    @chiyenyumba7135 Год назад

    We murume we kuita vana neExwife chingozivai kuti muri paBarika

  • @tichaonagoliati6226
    @tichaonagoliati6226 Год назад

    Panetsa pa mverechena 😅😅😅

  • @priscillandoro4014
    @priscillandoro4014 Год назад +1

    1st caller izvo zvinowanikwa asi hazviiti ky munhu anyarare ka nhai bbmunini. Secondly mabasa ari kunetsa asi mufaro ngaugare uripo bb uye musatarisa ky vana ningi vari kushanda ini handusi mukana inosiyana ufunge. I like makhoti uyi sure dai ari wangu nemafungiro are ayo ndamada ufunge.

  • @fortula.tichwagoramuog8784
    @fortula.tichwagoramuog8784 Год назад

    Please siyai tumashoko tusina kufanira sekuti maTutsi nemaHuti.A very inappropriate expression given the gravity of the 1994 genocide in Rwanda.For highly educated team like yours please withdraw that expression and apologize for the hurt you caused a lot of people.Ndinovimba kuti ma comments atinoita haazi ekusvora asi kutsiurana kuvaka chirongwa!

  • @silindiwetshumasilindiwe7811
    @silindiwetshumasilindiwe7811 Год назад

    Kuda hubaba and not behaving like one.lni handiiti izvozvo never

  • @rebeccachigutsa92
    @rebeccachigutsa92 Год назад

    Kambama 😂😂😂😂