Very cool, I got to ride the Woodstown central a few weeks back, this actual train 6:05 with the GP38 and the S2, but I must get back now that #9 has arrived! Happy New Year guys!
Thanks for showing the entire train in your railfan videos. I don't like railfan videos that only focuses on the locomotives and then cuts off to another scene of just locomotives. I like to see what freight cars are still running today. Speaking of which will Yankee Dabbler be selling the Rapdio Cryo-Trans Greenbrier 7780 reefer cars?
Only one I cut off was the Altoona train cause it was way too long, but I agree. I hate cutting off the train after the engine. Off the top off my head I have no idea. I recommend giving us a call and asking or preordering them. We had and have so many things coming in it’s absolutely ridiculous!!!
Happy New Year to everyone at Yankee Dabbler!!🎉
Hi Engineer Hall & DJ and i like yours video & Engineer Hall & DJ & Friends Randy & Hello Engineer Hall & DJ & Happy New year's & 2025
Happy New Year guys!🚂
Happy New Year, guys! I sent 2024 out in style and ordered some of those Walthers Mainline hoppers you guys had on sale!
Happy New Year to everyone at Yankee Dabler
Very cool, I got to ride the Woodstown central a few weeks back, this actual train 6:05 with the GP38 and the S2, but I must get back now that #9 has arrived! Happy New Year guys!
It’s a fun engine to see, sounded great for only being an 0-6-0. Great to have steam back in Jersey!
Thanks for showing the entire train in your railfan videos. I don't like railfan videos that only focuses on the locomotives and then cuts off to another scene of just locomotives. I like to see what freight cars are still running today. Speaking of which will Yankee Dabbler be selling the Rapdio Cryo-Trans Greenbrier 7780 reefer cars?
Only one I cut off was the Altoona train cause it was way too long, but I agree. I hate cutting off the train after the engine. Off the top off my head I have no idea. I recommend giving us a call and asking or preordering them. We had and have so many things coming in it’s absolutely ridiculous!!!
DJ, I thought you were a steam guy?? There appears to be a lot of diesel power on those shelves behind you. 🧐🚂
This year was the year of the diesel for me. I went a little diesel crazy, don’t worry steam still dominates my railroad!!!
It’s not new years yet