Juan Cole: Infidel or Pagan? Understanding Kufr (كفر) in the Qur'an | Muhammad the Prophet of Peace

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024
  • In this video I interview Professor Juan Cole, the Richard P. Mitchell Collegiate Professor of History at the University of Michigan. We discuss the historicity of Muhammad's raids as well as the picture of the messenger that is obtained when one focuses on the Qur'an alone. The bulk of our discussion concerns the meaning of the word Kafir or the verb kafara in the Qur'an. Professor Cole puts forth his thesis that Kafir in the Qur'an does not mean "infidel" or polytheist in the conventional sense, but rather closer to the Latin meaning of the term Paganus.
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Комментарии • 81

  • @DrJavadTHashmi
    @DrJavadTHashmi 10 месяцев назад +13

    As a Colian, I very much appreciated this interview. Thank you, Professor Reynolds, for having on the great Professor Juan Cole.

    • @Cassim125
      @Cassim125 10 месяцев назад

      Havent seen any videos from you in a long time. Taking a break ?

  • @adnanmahmutovic
    @adnanmahmutovic 10 месяцев назад +3

    One of the best episodes you have done. Wonderful.

  • @musdoc
    @musdoc 10 месяцев назад +6

    I wish you could do an episode on how the Quran is chanted in the history of the Quran and the way it’s read loud

  • @akashicturtle1827
    @akashicturtle1827 10 месяцев назад +5

    Interesting discussion. It makes sense to me that Roman law would impact early Islam, and this would have been lost on later Muslim commentators (who were operating in the former Sassanian empire).
    I’m curious if Juan Cole would endorse Shabir Ally’s Interpretation of the infamous “wife beating” verse - that it’s directed to judges rather than husbands.

    • @ibrahimelmasry-z3k
      @ibrahimelmasry-z3k 10 месяцев назад

      ليس في القران ضرب للسيده الزوجه السيئه من اين اتيت بذلك؟ كلمه ضرب لاتعني صفع كلمه ضرب لا تعني لكم لاتعني وكز كلمه ضرب اتت في سياق الايات بمعني المباعده والافتراق ضرب مثلا هل تعني تصقع المثل؟ اضربوا في الارض ضربا في الارض هل تعني لكمات الي الارض او صفع الارض؟ ضرب = ابتعد = وفارق

  • @travellerme2401
    @travellerme2401 10 месяцев назад +1

    Very interesting conversation. Loved it.

  • @bobbycalifornia7077
    @bobbycalifornia7077 10 месяцев назад +1

    So awesome to see him here 😊

  • @anaveler4147
    @anaveler4147 10 месяцев назад +1

    I used to wonder about this one word because its occurrence in that one Safaitic scribble where its Christian registers might come into play, not quite hoping that this seminar could happen, wherefore - Thank you indeed.

  • @sidneysentell2510
    @sidneysentell2510 10 месяцев назад +8

    I have been wondering when Professor Cole was going to be a guest!
    His book mentioned in the introduction was the first book about the Prophet and Islam that I read. 💚

    • @theguyver4934
      @theguyver4934 8 месяцев назад

      If you want non muslims to respect and praise our religion ( islam ) then we muslim must do the same for others and their faith

  • @mustafasom1426
    @mustafasom1426 10 месяцев назад +7

    Kafir (ك ف ر) in the Quran, means to cover up or concealed. Usually it is used for those who hide or manipulate the message of God before or after the quran.

    • @fallinginthed33p
      @fallinginthed33p 10 месяцев назад +1

      It could have another meaning if you look at Ahmad Al-Jallad's recent discovery of a Safaitic inscription describing a god '-s-y and the words n-s-r and k-f-r in the same line.

    • @nuri_sunnah
      @nuri_sunnah 10 месяцев назад +7

      ​@@fallinginthed33pYou must understand why the user made this comment in the first place.
      There's a huge element of insecurity among muslims when it comes to the idea that non-muslims may know things about Islam, Quran, ect that Muslims do not know.
      Hence, the user felt compelled to try to "teach" Reynolds/Cole the meaning of the root كفر (as if theyve never heard the definition the user offered 😂).
      The user more than likely lacks the multi-disciplinary knowledge that it would require to reach the conclusion that Cole has reached in regards to this words meaning.
      The user probably also things Prophet Muhammad rode to heaven on a winged animal...
      Allah knows best.

    • @samuelmorales2344
      @samuelmorales2344 10 месяцев назад

      @@fallinginthed33p Reading the Qur'an in full passages, is fairly clear, without specifically identifying them, it is talking about Talmudic Jews who cover up the Torah with extra layer of interpretations. To understand the Qur'an you must know Judeo-Christian history. Since Muslims believe their alternate history that basically removes itself from the Judeo-Christian tradition and proclaiming itself a separate independent source of monotheism, they lack context to what the Qur'an is talking about. Ever think to ask yourself this, why is the Qur'an so mysterious to Muslims 1,400 years later in connecting the dots and yet Jews and Christians don't have the same level of problem. Basically everything is a borrowing from the Judeo-Christian tradition while removing the context and creating an alternate history. Even "Muhammad" is a Judeo-Christian borrowing that dates back many centuries long before Islam's version of Muhammad. There are no pagans in the Qur'an. The Qur'an is a dispute between monotheist.

    • @Cassim125
      @Cassim125 10 месяцев назад

      ​@@nuri_sunnahdamn did you just roast the OP so bad. you are right though. Theres always this insecurity holier than thou attitude

    • @brenda726
      @brenda726 8 месяцев назад

      @@samuelmorales2344 lol judeo-christain. the biggest irony the athiest west has ever devised, meant to help keep the plebs believing in both an imagined unity and nothing both at the same time. The only people that understand the ridiculousness of the statement are actual Jews and real bible christains,

  • @traveleurope5756
    @traveleurope5756 10 месяцев назад +4

    Let's assume that his reconstruction is correct then the question is why this history was lost by the Muslim historians so quickly? In particular, why there is almost no trace of the Sasanian-Byzantine war in the Islamic history as far as Muhammad or Quran is concerned?

    • @user-yz1dl3eu8l
      @user-yz1dl3eu8l 10 месяцев назад

      Since there is no 'Mecca' before Islam (no sources) there is no 'Muhammad'.

    • @user-yz1dl3eu8l
      @user-yz1dl3eu8l 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@mostarac7297 It is pure logical thinking. I'm the King of England. Do you think I am?

    • @user-yz1dl3eu8l
      @user-yz1dl3eu8l 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@mostarac7297 You believe I'm the King of England?

  • @matthewpopp1054
    @matthewpopp1054 10 месяцев назад

    44:59 could it be a way of saying “those who don’t submit” verses those who do (Muslims)?

  • @attila0073
    @attila0073 9 месяцев назад

    Kofir in Hebrew is a verb that means deny
    An كافر is a denier of truth in general
    God , prophecy, books, otherworldly , Angels etc

  • @fedesetrtatio1
    @fedesetrtatio1 10 месяцев назад +3

    Isnt it true that the universal brother hood verses are abrogated by the later verses that call for the universal subjugation of man, by the laws of abrogation.

    • @nonomnismoriar9051
      @nonomnismoriar9051 10 месяцев назад +3

      @@mostarac7297 Would have been good if you'd been there to explain that to a great proportion of classical Islamic jurists.

    • @fedesetrtatio1
      @fedesetrtatio1 10 месяцев назад

      @@mostarac7297 Abrogation applies to verses in the quran. And by census many of the kumbaya Meccan verses were abrogated by the harsher Medina verse. based on the principle of Nash where older verses are abrogated by recent verses when there is a contradiction. For example Surah 9:29 abrogates Surah 2:109 by consensus.

    • @fedesetrtatio1
      @fedesetrtatio1 10 месяцев назад

      @@mostarac7297 According to Ibn Kathir Surah 9:5 abrogated every peace treaty that had been made with the idolaters:
      This is the Ayah of the Sword ...
      Abu Bakr As-Siddiq used this and other honorable Ayat as proof for fighting those who refrained from paying the Zakah. These Ayat allowed fighting people unless, and until, they embrace Islam and implement its rulings and obligations... In the two Sahihs, it is recorded that Ibn ‘Umar said that the Messenger of Allah said,
      This honorable Ayah (9:5) was called the Ayah of the Sword, about which Ad-Dahhak bin Muzahim said, "It abrogated every agreement of peace between the Prophet and any idolator, EVERY TREATY, AND EVERY TERM." Al-‘Awfi said that Ibn ‘Abbas commented: "No idolator had any more treaty or promise ever since Sura Bara’ah was revealed. The four months, in addition to, all peace treaties conducted before Bara’ah was revealed and announced had ended by the tenth of the month of Rabi’ Al-Akhir." (Tafsir Ibn Kathir (Abridged) Volume 4 (Surat Al-A’raf to the end of Surah Yunus), by Shaykh Safiur-Rahman Al-Mubarakpuri, First Edition: May 2000, pp. 375, 377; cf. online edition; bold italic and capital emphasis ours)

    • @nonomnismoriar9051
      @nonomnismoriar9051 10 месяцев назад +4

      @@mostarac7297 No, it's simply not. The vast majority of (Sunni at least) scholars believed in the classical doctrine of abrogation of Sura 9 over Meccan Suras for example, and a large proportion within that subset believed that offensive warfare upon non-Muslim states was legitimate and indeed required. So that's that. I also recall Cole admitting in one of his books that he engaged in "radical reinterpretations" of Quranic ayat that no one else did, such as in Sura 9:29 saying it doesnt even refer to warfare upon Christians and Jews (see his book prophet of peace, chapter 7, note 7), which is his right as a scholar to be open to new hypotheses, but he takes it too far, twisting evidence to fit his agendas in my view.

    • @fedesetrtatio1
      @fedesetrtatio1 10 месяцев назад

      @@mostarac7297 said: You keep repeating something that is not true ....................
      Are you sure it is I who is repeating and insisting or you. Jurist, consensus, Pope Urban (dont know what that has he got to do with abrogation in islam) you keep repeating these talking points. You comment is just a complaint not an argument.
      I have not insisted any where that islam is a monolith. As a matter of fact it is a syncretic religion, a Hodge podge of pre - islamic, Christian and rabincal literature. There is nothing monolithic about it. You keep creating your own wind mills and then attempt to destroy it claiming victory. All I did was ask the question and then provided my evidence. The fact that abrogation does exist in islam is self evident. There is a science behind it.
      It is evident that Abrogation is applied to the ayats of the quran, replacing later ayat with earlier ones - where contradiction occurs. This in turn leads to evidence where harsh verses to kill the kafir replace Kumbaya verses. And I have provided evidence for all of this.
      What you need to do now is to replace your emotionally charged pious nonsense, with solid scholarly evidence to contradict what I have presented.

  • @babulsarwar3714
    @babulsarwar3714 10 месяцев назад

    I read somewhere that Arabic word kafara means to cover, hide hence the English word cover originated from. To cover or hide what? The answer is cvering or hiding the truth.

    • @m1ha5
      @m1ha5 10 месяцев назад

      One understanding taught in the seminaries is it’s to know the truth first and believe it independently then to actively cover / hide / against it (while knowing it’s the truth).
      It’s not a rejection of the truth you don’t believe.
      Example 2+2 = 4 but I say it’s 5 while knowing it’s 4.

    • @babulsarwar3714
      @babulsarwar3714 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@m1ha5 The Arabic verb the way it works is pretty amazing at least to me. Give you an example ie., allama meaning 'he taught (the root of verb with third person singular number with past tense) and to teach. Koran tells us that knowledge comes from God and He taught us meaning human being and we believe in other words God teaches us everything and that is how we human being come to know. Source of knowledge is He. Therefore whatever HE taught us by the Quran human being must not hide or cover 'cause that is the Truth. Sura Rahman is one of the good examples.

    • @ibrahimelmasry-z3k
      @ibrahimelmasry-z3k 10 месяцев назад


    • @ibrahimelmasry-z3k
      @ibrahimelmasry-z3k 10 месяцев назад +1

      كفر = غطي وحجب فالكافر هو من يعلم الحقيقه لكنه يغطيها ولايصرح بها الكفار اتت بمعني الزراع =الكفار اي من يضعون البزور ثم يغطونها بالتراب لتنبت

    • @ibrahimelmasry-z3k
      @ibrahimelmasry-z3k 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@babulsarwar3714 صحيح تحياتي

  • @ibrahimelmasry-z3k
    @ibrahimelmasry-z3k 10 месяцев назад

    شاهدت 14دقيقه تحياتي لكما ليس صحيح ان هناك قرأن مكي وقرأن في المدينه هذا تقسيم خطأ القران واحد ومن يقول ان هذا ايات مكيه وهذه مدينه يختلف اخرون حولها القران مفارق لبيئته لا يتكلم عن ملوك لايتكلم عن قباءل عن شعوب فالقران ركز كل جهده كل عنايته ليقدم لقارءه الهدي يقص ويحكي عن الله ملائكته انبياءه عن قيم اخلاقيه يدعوا اليها وقيم يطلب عدم ممارستها ويعطي تصور عن الحياه الاخري وعن الحساب مع حكي عمن رفضوا النبي وحاربوه فالقران ليس كأي كتاب يتكلم عن تاريخ ولم يذكر القران امبراطوريات زمنه الفرس والروم فكلمه الروم اتت في القران بمعني اخر و ليس بمعني دوله الروم او امبراطوريه الروم تصريفات الجزر للكلمه رام يروم الروم وسأكتب عن باقي مشاهده الفديو غدا

  • @user-yz1dl3eu8l
    @user-yz1dl3eu8l 10 месяцев назад

    Are in fact, mushrikun, kafirun? As those words are not defined, it is impossible to say. But they are! Same pattern with nasara. Are those the mushrikun? Of course they are! They say the same thing! But the text (very cleverly) never identifies them to each other.

  • @fedesetrtatio1
    @fedesetrtatio1 10 месяцев назад +2

    Write a book on the evidence that Allah the pagan God of the Kaabah is the same as Yahweh the true God of Abraham. I dont see any scholars touching this topic because they know that this book wont sell.

    • @user-yz1dl3eu8l
      @user-yz1dl3eu8l 10 месяцев назад

      You're confusing the the God of the Quran (al-Lhah) wich is obviously the God of Israel, and what you call 'Allah the pagan God of the Kaaba', who does not exist since 'kaaba' is a word that does not appear in the Quran.

    • @fedesetrtatio1
      @fedesetrtatio1 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@user-yz1dl3eu8l How is Allah obviously the God of Isreal?

    • @user-yz1dl3eu8l
      @user-yz1dl3eu8l 10 месяцев назад

      @@fedesetrtatio1 Read the Quran.

    • @ibrahimelmasry-z3k
      @ibrahimelmasry-z3k 10 месяцев назад

      @@user-yz1dl3eu8l الله هو اله ابراهيم هو اله موسي ويعقوب وهارون هو اله المسيح هو اله محمد الله هو الخالق و حسب الاسلام الله =الاله هو اله كل الانبياء والرسل من نعلمهم ومن لا نعلمهم فهناك الاف الانبياء لكل قوم لكل شعب لكل بلد يعلمون الناس طريق الاله الكعبه لم تذكر في كتاب الله المسلمين يقدسونها واحتمال ان تكون من بقايا الوثنيه القديمه كعشرات من الممارسات الوثنيه اللتي ادخلها المسلمين علي الاسلام مامعني كلمه كعبه؟ هي المكان اللذي يذهب اليه الناس ويجتمعون أي كعبه تعني بؤره للالتقاء ومركز للتجمع فمثلا شخصيه شهيره جدا اسمه كعب الاحبار هو حاخام يهودي قبل= اعتنق الاسلام لكن لكونه عالم يهودي ادخل كثير من الاكاذيب الي الاسلام اقوال كاذبه وغير حقيقيه وتصرفات وافعال نسبها للنبي الكريم اسمه كعب الاحبار تعني كثير العلم والمعرفه اللذي يقصده ويذهب اليه باقي الاحبار تحياتي ه

    • @unknownpng650
      @unknownpng650 9 месяцев назад

      arab christians and jews call God , ALlah. @@fedesetrtatio1

  • @MBiernat0711
    @MBiernat0711 9 месяцев назад +1

    Yeah …. To select few quotes and seek for “peacemaking” in the Quran while disregarding literature of attack by saying “oh, these are just pre -Arabic sentiments of war” is highly prejudiced toward Islam (positive prejudice). The speaker is dismissive of other Quranic quotes which push for war and threaten those who “wish to stay behind” (because there is no war and they are comfortable.
    I stopped watching at 17 minutes - Cole is too prejudiced to have a clear mind and reasoning judgment
    Oh - the “kfr” in the Quran describes the Jews who “cover” or hide that Jesus was the Messiah

    • @bobbycalifornia7077
      @bobbycalifornia7077 7 месяцев назад +1

      Perhaps you should have kept listening and might have heard a response to your arguments. Or perhaps dig deeper. Those verses are addressed in other interviews and in his book.

    • @cloud5772
      @cloud5772 5 месяцев назад

      Perhaps if you didn’t stop watching at 17 minutes you wouldn’t waste your time with that moronic comment.

  • @wereyare9143
    @wereyare9143 10 месяцев назад +2

    No one should take this Iran agent seriously.

    • @cloud5772
      @cloud5772 5 месяцев назад

      Yeah let’s listen to you instead, a nobody on youtube

  • @fedesetrtatio1
    @fedesetrtatio1 10 месяцев назад +5

    I tend to be put off when people mention the word islamophobia. A phobia is an irrational fear of something. People have a real fear of islam because it seems to be the motherload of bad ideas.

    • @jma7600
      @jma7600 10 месяцев назад +1

      Another misnomer is ‘antisemitism’ a nonspecific term that could define many other people or races, but somehow used to single out only Jewish people.

    • @fedesetrtatio1
      @fedesetrtatio1 10 месяцев назад

      @@jma7600 The real term is anti - Jewish which is a genuine hatred, much different from islamophobia which is a concocted social construct.

    • @ibrahimelmasry-z3k
      @ibrahimelmasry-z3k 10 месяцев назад

      الاسلام نور الاسلام رحمه هو السلام تعاليم الاسلام راقيه هي ارقي وانبل من تعاليم يسوع كيف وصلك ذلك سيدي؟ من خدعك بذلك؟ الاسلام يأمر اتباعه لاتعتدوا ان الله لايحب المعتدين الاسلام يأمر اتباعه بعدم الاساءه للمخالفين او ظلمهم يعلمنا الاسلام ان نبتعد عم يسب الله نبتعد عن من يشتم النبي لايعلمنا ان ندافع عن الاساءات بالاساءات بل نعفو نصفح نغفر الاسلام علمنا ان كل البشر متساوين كلهم ابناء ادم كل الناس نحاول ان نقيم السلام والتعاون حتي مع اختلافاتنا الله يعرف ان البشر مختلفين وسيبقوا مختلفين منهم من سيؤمن ومنهم من سوف يرفض ويكفر علمنا ان ننتظر لان الله هو من سيحاسب الجميع

    • @jma7600
      @jma7600 10 месяцев назад

      عليك بالحشيش يا عمى انت … يظهر ان نوعه فاخر جداً

    • @BeTruthful123
      @BeTruthful123 10 месяцев назад

      Misconceptions about Islam
      | What do you REALLY know?
      Islam is one of the world's largest religions yet it is also one of the most misunderstood. For various reasons - be they political, economic, biased media or fear of the "other" - mistruths and misconceptions have been spread about Islam. The key to understanding Islam and Muslims is to resist stereotypes and examine each situation according to Islamic teachings and authentic sources.
      Misconception 1 - "Muslims Do Not Share Good and Noble Values with non-Muslims"
      "The best among you are those who have the best manners and character." - Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
      Some people allege that Islamic values are somehow incompatible with decent "Western" values. Such claims could not be further from the truth.
      Muslims cherish noble and universal values such as:
      being honest and just
      keeping one's word
      allowing freedom of religion
      respecting parents, relatives, neighbours, and the elderly
      being charitable, generous, and looking after the poor and needy
      not lying, cheating, swearing or backbiting anyone
      Muslims are required to contribute positively towards society and to always conduct themselves with the highest of morals and best of actions.
      Misconception 2 - "Muslims Worship a New God Called Allah"
      Muslims worship the same God worshipped by Prophets Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus. The word "Allah" is simply the Arabic word for Almighty God - an Arabic word of rich meaning, denoting the one and only God. Allah is also the same word that Arabic speaking Christians and Jews use to refer to God.
      However, although Muslims, Jews and Christians believe in the same God (the Creator), their concepts regarding Him differ significantly. For example, Muslims reject the idea of God having any partners or being part of a 'trinity', and ascribe perfection only to God, the Almighty.
      Misconception 3 - "Islam Permits Terrorism"
      The media generally portrays any Muslim who fights as a terrorist, regardless of whether they fight justly or unjustly, or whether they are oppressing others or being oppressed.
      In war, the targeting of innocent non-combatants is a despicable act which Islam clearly prohibits. In fact, Muslims are not allowed to destroy plants and animals unnecessarily, let alone innocent humans. However, it is important to distinguish between terrorism and legitimate resistance to occupation, as the two are very different.
      The Quran clearly demonstrates the seriousness of killing an innocent person, and emphasises the value of human life.
      "If anyone murders an innocent person, it will be as if he has murdered the whole of humanity. And if anyone saves a person it will be as if he has saved the whole of humanity."Quran 5:32
      Misconception 4 - "Islam Oppresses Women"
      In Islam, men and women are viewed as equals before God, in terms of both receiving equal reward and accountability for their actions. The only thing that distinguishes people in the sight of God is their level of piety.
      "Verily the most honourable of you in the sight of Allah is the most God conscious."Quran 49:13This verse proves that real honour and status is not attained because a person is rich or poor, black or white, male or female, but attained through piety and devoutness.
      Allah, the Creator of both genders, has assigned different roles and responsibilities for each, taking into account their differences. Women are given the utmost respect and honour, such as the right to equal pay, choice of spouse, pursuit of education, and the right to divorce and inheritance.
      Unfortunately, there are some Muslim women who are oppressed and not given their rights. This is not the fault of Islam. The problem is that in some countries, people follow certain cultural practices and traditions which have nothing to do with Islam.
      Misconception 5 - "The Quran is Just another History or Poetry Book"
      The Quran is the divine literal word of God Almighty, revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), through the angel Gabriel. It is a criterion for the truth, containing guidance for humanity to live by. The Quran cites lessons from preceding generations and the history of the Prophets in order that we may learn from their experiences. It further teaches us about ourselves and our Creator, as well as the purpose of our existence which is to acknowledge God, worshipping Him alone.
      God did not create humans to simply wander aimlessly. The test of one's faith is in using one's intellect, free will and reasoning abilities to contemplate and recognise God's signs - one of the greatest signs being The Quran.
      The Quran contains within it many miracles, so that we can have no doubt about its authenticity. The best way to discover what the Quran is actually about, is to read it for yourself.
      Misconception 6 - "Hijab is Oppressive"
      To observe the hijab, Muslim women are required to modestly cover their body with clothes that do not reveal their figure in front of non-closely related males. However, hijab is not just about outer appearances; it is also about noble speech, modesty, and dignified conduct.
      Although there are many benefits of the hijab, the key reason Muslim women observe hijab is because it is a command from Allah (God), and He knows what is best for His creation.
      The hijab empowers a woman by emphasising her inner spiritual beauty, rather than her superficial appearance. It gives women the freedom to be active members of society, while maintaining their modesty.
      The hijab does not symbolize suppression, oppression or silence. Rather, it is a guard against degrading remarks, unwanted advances and unfair discrimination. So the next time you see a Muslim woman, know that she covers her physical appearance, not her mind or intellect.
      Misconception 7 - "All Muslims are Arabs"
      Only about 20% of Muslims in the world are Arabs, meaning that up to about 80% of Muslims are non-Arabs. For example, there are more Indian and Indonesian Muslims than Arab Muslims. Islam teaches that an individual is not superior to another because of race or colour, and is strictly against any form of racism. Islam has a universal message for all of mankind - that is, that everyone can gain peace and success only by acknowledging and worshipping the One True God.
      Misconception 8 - "Jihad is Terrorism"
      The essence of Jihad is to struggle and sacrifice for one's religion in a manner which is pleasing to God. Linguistically, it means to "struggle" and can refer to one's striving to do good deeds, give charity, or to join an Islamic military action. The most commonly known form is the military Jihad which is permitted in order to preserve the well being of society, to prevent oppression from spreading, and to promote justice. This can be either defensive or offensive, depending on the circumstance.
      Misconception 9 - "Muslims Worship Muhammad or the Moon God"
      Yet another misconception is that Muslims worship Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). This is entirely untrue, and is easily refuted by the actual saying of the Prophet (peace be upon him): "Do not over-praise me as the Christians over-praised Jesus, the son of Mary. I am His slave, so refer to me as 'God's slave and Messenger.' "
      Islam teaches Muslims to respect all of God's Prophets and Messengers - but respecting and loving them does not mean worshipping them.
      A related claim is that Muslims worship the "moon God" which is also totally incorrect. Worshipping the moon, or anything other than Allah, is strictly prohibited in Islam:
      "Do not prostrate to the sun or to the moon, but prostrate to Allah Who created them, if you really worship Him."Quran 41:37Islam acknowledges the complete perfection, greatness and uniqueness of God with absolutely no compromises. He is the Most Just and the Most Merciful. Worshipping Him alone is the most important belief in Islam, as mentioned in the Quran in numerous places.
      Misconception 10 - "Islam Permits Forced Marriages"
      Arranged marriages are cultural practices which are predominant in certain countries throughout the world. Although not restricted to Muslims, forced marriages have become incorrectly associated with Islam.
      In Islam, both males and females have the right to choose or reject their potential spouse, and a marriage is considered null and void if a woman's genuine approval is not granted prior to the marriage.
      Misconception 11 - "Islam Forces People to Become Muslim"
      God says, "Let there be no compulsion in religion. Truth has been made clear from error." Quran 2:256
      Although it is a duty on Muslims to convey and share the beautiful message of Islam to others, no one can be compelled to accept Islam. To accept Islam, a person must sincerely and voluntarily believe and obey God, so, by definition, no one can (or should) be forced to accept Islam.
      Consider the following:
      Indonesia has the largest Muslim population yet no battles were fought to bring Islam there.
      There are around 14 million Arab Coptic Christians that have been living in the heart of Arabia for generations.
      Islam is one of the fastest growing religions in the western world today.
      Although fighting oppression and promoting justice are valid reasons for waging jihad, forcing people to accept Islam is not one of them.
      Muslims ruled Spain for around 800 years yet never coerced people to convert.
      Learning about Islam from unqualified sources without verification is dangerous and leads to misunderstandings. Do not be misled into accepting misconceptions and false information about Islam - the belief shared by more than a quarter of mankind.
      Does not the guidance for all humanity, the message of Islam, deserve to be carefully pondered over and reflected on?

  • @momo19991
    @momo19991 10 месяцев назад +2

    I am not in this field but love this channel!

  • @user-yz1dl3eu8l
    @user-yz1dl3eu8l 10 месяцев назад +1

    Cole treats the Quran like a history book whereas it has precisely and deliberately no context.

    • @unknownpng650
      @unknownpng650 9 месяцев назад

      what do you mean ?

    • @LoveYou-xi1mh
      @LoveYou-xi1mh 7 месяцев назад +1

      Exactly. How about the Hadith also prescribing jihad? I think he’s hoping to end Islamic “extremism” by presenting a new, or proper, historical interpretation of Islam that wasn’t preemptive. Well, gosh, if we can just now convince all the terrorists all over the world that they don’t know Islam like this guy does.

    • @unknownpng650
      @unknownpng650 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@LoveYou-xi1mhwhat about the american terrorists who use democracy and women rigths to detroy muslim countries and bombed them? how should we deal with them?

  • @JamshidRowshan
    @JamshidRowshan 10 месяцев назад +2

    Oh! Juan Cole, a believer in Bahaullah, shunned by Bahais.

    • @frannybellotti4790
      @frannybellotti4790 10 месяцев назад +1

      He wrote a lot of important Baha'i Books. And he did translation for many years of the Baha'i Writings.

    • @ibrahimelmasry-z3k
      @ibrahimelmasry-z3k 10 месяцев назад

      البهاءيه هي تصوف اسلامي وكلام حضره بهاء الله الاتقان هو نفس ماجاء به محمد هو اسلام ايضا