Yes, there was a blue 8x4 Volvo also but not in this movie, it takes 17 tons. In other movie from the same quarry there is a white/red Scania, it takes 13 tons. But he have a trailer behind that take 24,64 tons. Two axled trucks takes around 11-13 tons and three axled 15-17 and often they have trailers that takes up to 25 ton.
Ah du tänkte på de. Jo maskin är ju gammal. Har nog gått en hel del timmar. 220F:n är ny däremot hade inte ens 1000 timmar på mätaren när det är filmat.
I know that this comment is 8 years late but this is good video footage, how many tons per bucket, was the stockpile material later crushed into smaller gravel and road base material??
That l220 driver is a smooth operator!!
I love work! I could watch for hours...
Yes, there was a blue 8x4 Volvo also but not in this movie, it takes 17 tons. In other movie from the same quarry there is a white/red Scania, it takes 13 tons.
But he have a trailer behind that take 24,64 tons. Two axled trucks takes around 11-13 tons and three axled 15-17 and often they have trailers that takes up to 25 ton.
They are fully loaded, he have weight system in the machine and the truck driver sais how much he want. The green Scania for example takes 12 ton!
Trabalho em conjunto MUINTO legal
@kortison Tack!
Bra klipp=).
hey can you tell how much that crusher cost and what is the size reduction?
very good!
@pekkatorma Har man gissat rätt att det är en 125:a? Bara chansat för stod inget på krossen
Vad menar du? Jag kollade men fattar inte alls poängen.
cool video
Serch for LT125 on Metso hompage, price i dont know.
Ah du tänkte på de. Jo maskin är ju gammal. Har nog gått en hel del timmar. 220F:n är ny däremot hade inte ens 1000 timmar på mätaren när det är filmat.
@volvo418 Jo den är glapp skopan, ganska ordentligt
I know that this comment is 8 years late but this is good video footage, how many tons per bucket, was the stockpile material later crushed into smaller gravel and road base material??
I have no idea, but 11-12t per bucket, maybe. Something like that. They did different fractions so it was not crushed again
@@RilleS88 Thanks for the response keep up the good work
@pekkatorma Jaså ;) Slutat med det?
hvordan er de brede hjulene å kjøre med? fin vid!
أتمنى ان احظى على فرصة عمل في مجال الكسارات على الفولفو
انا اتمنى ان افتح شركة خاصة للكسارات ان شاء الله
13:20, wiggle wiggle YEAH! :D ah jag var tvungen!
Frota bem antiga
Maskin/skopan ser ut att behöva en inshimsning... Glapp i någon led eller skopfästet vad det ser ut som...
biker cop from village people on shovel!??
skulle ha shimsat in skopan kanske
Sure they can, but then it will be illegal to drive.
i have to go to sleep....
inte ja heller
Volvo campeam
very good!
very good!
very good!