  • Опубликовано: 17 сен 2024

Комментарии • 60

  • @xavierwaynegemino5454
    @xavierwaynegemino5454 2 дня назад

    1. How do you find the activity?
    - I feel comfortable during the activity because I get to say what I truly think. It’s nice when my classmates appreciate my efforts-it really makes me feel good about myself.
    2. What did you realize about the activity?
    - I realized that no one is perfect, and we all make mistakes. What matters is that we’re willing to learn from them and accept them. It’s all part of growing.
    3. Do you think your identity is a reflection of others, especially those around you?
    - Definitely. The people around me, especially my close friends, know me as the funny, easy-going guy. It’s like their view of me reinforces how I see myself, too.
    4. Do you believe in what others say about you?
    - Sometimes I do, especially when it’s from people close to me like my friends or family. But if it’s from someone I don’t know well, I don’t let it bother me too much.
    6. Do you agree with their descriptions of you?
    - Yes, because they see what I’m like every day how I act, talk, even the way I joke around. They’re not far off, so I’d say I agree with them.
    7. How do others' opinions affect you?
    - Others’ opinions can have a strong impact on me. When it’s good, it boosts me up, but when it’s negative, it can really make me overthink. I try to brush off the negative ones and stay focused on who I know I am.
    8. What is the importance of society's opinion on you?
    - Society’s opinion can sometimes affect me, but I’m learning to care less about it. What matters most is how I see myself.
    How has society shaped you as a person?
    - Society has influenced my beliefs and how I behave, but it’s also taught me the importance of standing my ground. I’ve learned to be more mindful about who I listen to.
    Do you feel like you're a product of your environment, or have you carved your own path?
    - I believe I’ve carved my own path. I make my own choices, live by my own rules, and don’t let others decide how I should live. It’s my life.
    How has social media influenced your self-perception and sense of identity?
    - social media can sometimes make me compare myself to others, which isn’t always great. But at the same time, it helps me express who I am and learn new things. I just try not to let it affect me too much
    1. B
    2. C
    3. B
    4. C
    5. C
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    7. B
    8. A
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    15. D
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    17. C
    18. D
    19. A
    20. B

  • @BryanPoserio-n3p
    @BryanPoserio-n3p 14 часов назад

    1. How do you find the activity?
    I feel comfortable during the activity because I get to say what is In my mind to others.
    2. What did you realize about the activity?
    I realized that no one is perfect, you just need to be true so to yourself and make things better.
    3. Do you think your identity is a reflection of others, especially those around you?
    Umm no because we have different identity like our attitudes so I can be a chill person and others are not so it's a no for me that my identity is a reflection to others
    4. Do you believe in what others say about you?
    Yes but if it's a positive way in what they say to me is kinda false for me but it's their say so it's up to them I just wanna be me.
    6. Do you agree with their descriptions of you?
    Yes because thats their observed from me idc if its negative or positive ill just accept it.
    7. How do others' opinions affect you?
    If it is positive I react like it's a joke and I just let it go but if it's negative I'll take it and make it a inspiration to be better.
    8. What is the importance of society's opinion on you?
    Not really important cuz it may help you or make you down so i just make it not important and just focus on my self for my future.
    How has society shaped you as a person?
    To be more independent and help me to grow in different aspects of life that can help me to become a better person.
    Do you feel like you're a product of your environment, or have you carved your own path?
    If I were to chose I feel like I carved my own path because I'm the one who holds my self in what I want to do and many things.
    How has social media influenced your self-perception and sense of identity?
    It makes me to be more aware of my self because I see others identity and compare it my self so it makes me know what are the differences between me and others so it improves my self awareness
    1. B
    2. C
    3. B
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    5. C
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    8. A
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    17. C
    18. D
    19. A
    20. B

  • @RusselJade-fi3ip
    @RusselJade-fi3ip 18 часов назад

    Part 1
    Part 2
    LESSON 2
    HOW HAS SOCIETY SHAPED YOU AS A PERSON? Society shapes you by influencing your beliefs, behaviors, and identity through cultural norms, values, and social institutions. Your upbringing, education, and social interactions have likely guided your worldview, priorities, and goals. Society's expectations and roles also affect your self-perception and how you relate to others, shaping your overall personality and decisions.
    DO YOU FEEL LIKE YOU'RE A PRODUCT OF YOUR ENVIRONMENT, OR DO YOU FEEL LIKE YOU'VE CARVED YOUR OWN PATH? Consider an individual who grew up in a family where entrepreneurship wasn’t common, but they developed a passion for starting their own business. Despite societal or familial expectations to follow a traditional career path, they choose to create their own venture. Their journey reflects personal determination and a desire to forge a unique path, even if it diverges from their
    PERCEPTION AND YOUR SENSE OF IDENTITY? Seeing others' curated lives and achievements can lead to comparisons, affecting how you view your own success and self-worth.
    LESSON 3
    HOW I VIEW:Relationship- Viewing relationships involves considering them from multiple perspectives. It's important to delve into how both partners' needs and values align, and to understand the dynamics at play. Ultimately, a healthy relationship is built on
    mutual respect, open communication, and shared goals.
    Personality Trait-To understand your personality traits, start by reflecting on your behaviors, preferences, and reactions in different situations. You might also take personality assessments or ask for feedback from people who know you well. This self-awareness can help you delve into your strengths and areas for growth.
    Achievement-Establish clear, measurable goals aligned with your vision of success.
    Expressing Emotions-Expressing emotions can influence how others judge you, as it often reflects your emotional intelligence and authenticity. How you manage and communicate your feelings can affect perceptions of your reliability, empathy, and overall character. Being mindful of how you express emotions can help you present yourself more effectively and foster better interpersonal relationships.
    Where culture do you belong?
    Individualistic culture or Collectivist culture?-These cultures prioritize personal freedom, self-expression, and individual achievement. People in individualistic cultures often see themselves as independent and focus on personal goals. Examples include the United States and many Western European countries.
    1.How do you find activity? Determine if the activity contributes to your personal growth or brings you satisfaction. For instance, if you feel a sense of accomplishment or improvement, the activity might be a good fit.
    2.What did you realize about the activity? Evaluate any challenges you faced and whether they contributed to personal growth or learning.
    3.Do you think that your identity is also a reflection of others especially those surrounding you? Yes, identity is often influenced by those around us. The feedback, expectations, and interactions with others can shape how we view ourselves and our roles in different contexts. Social relationships and societal norms contribute significantly to our self-perception and identity.
    4.Do you believe in what others tell about you? I believe in what others tell me about myself because their feedback often reflects how I am perceived in different contexts.
    6.Do you agree with their descriptions on you? Yes, I agree with their descriptions of me. Their observations align with my self-perception and how I view my traits and behaviors.
    7.How do other opinions affect you? Other opinions affect me by making me feel judged, which can impact my confidence and emotions. I try to navigate this by focusing on constructive feedback and maintaining a positive self-view.
    8.What is the importance of society's opinion on you? The importance of society's opinion on me is that it can shape my social relationships, career opportunities, and self-image. While it can offer valuable feedback and impact how I am perceived, I aim to balance societal views with my own self-assessment and values.
    LESSON 3
    1.Viewing relationships involves considering them from multiple perspectives. It's important to delve into how both partners' needs and values align, and to understand the dynamics at play. Ultimately, a healthy relationship is built on
    mutual respect, open communication, and shared goals.
    2.To understand your personality traits, start by reflecting on your behaviors, preferences, and reactions in different situations. You might also take personality assessments or ask for feedback from people who know you well. This self-awareness can help you delve into your strengths and areas for growth.
    3.Establish clear, measurable goals aligned with your vision of success.
    4.Expressing emotions can influence how others judge you, as it often reflects your emotional intelligence and authenticity. How you manage and communicate your feelings can affect perceptions of your reliability, empathy, and overall character. Being mindful of how you express emotions can help you present yourself more effectively and foster better interpersonal relationships.
    5.These cultures prioritize personal freedom, self-expression, and individual achievement. People in individualistic cultures often see themselves as independent and focus on personal goals. Examples include the United States and many Western European countries.

  • @leelariba
    @leelariba 2 дня назад

    1. How do you find activity?
    - I find it a fun activity because we can say what we want to our classmates.
    2. What did you realize about the activity?
    - Understanding your surroundings and society involves observation and reflection, gaining insight into how they influence your thoughts, feelings, and actions, enhancing self-awareness and navigating interactions within these contexts.
    3. Do you think that your identity is also a reflection of others especially those surrounding you?
    - Yes, because identity is influenced by your interactions with others, personal traits, and beliefs, forming a blend of your own qualities and the influence of your social environment.
    4. Do you believe in what others tell about you?
    - Sometimes yes, always no.
    6. Do you agree with their desciptions on you?
    - Yes, for the reason that their descriptions towards me is right.
    7. How do other opinions affect you?
    - I reach a certain point where others opinions don't matter to me anymore because I don't have time to give attention to that kind of thing.
    8. What is the importance of society's opinion to you?
    - None
    How has society shaped you as a person?
    - Society influences our thoughts, behaviors, beliefs, interests, and sense of purpose through values, norms, and expectations. Social interactions and cultural context significantly shape who we become.
    Do you feel like you're a product of your environment, or do you feel like you've carved your own path?
    - My identity is a blend of external factors and personal decisions, shaped by both environment and social influences.
    How has social media influenced yourself perception and your sense of identity?
    - Social media significantly influences self-image and identity by exposing individuals to diverse ideas, trends, and feedback. It can lead to comparisons, validation, and pressure, while also providing support, inspiration, and a sense of belonging by connecting with communities with similar interests.
    1. B
    2. C
    3. B
    4. C
    5. C
    6. B
    7. B
    8. A
    9. D
    10. A
    11. D
    12. D
    13. C
    14. D
    15. D
    16. D
    17. C
    18. D
    19. A
    20. B

  • @janaordiz8357
    @janaordiz8357 19 часов назад

    Ordiz, Jana S.
    BSSW 1A
    Lesson 2
    1. how has society shape u as a person?
    Society shapes me as a person through personal experiences and thats made me who I am today.
    2. Do you feel like your product of your environment or do you feel like youve carve your own path?
    For me both.
    3. How has social media influenced your self perception and sense of identity?
    Social media is the continued pursuit of validation in the form of likes, comments, and shares this can lead me accidentally to my sense of identity issue and self perception.
    1. B
    Lesson 3
    1.How you view relationship, personal trait, achievements and expressing emotion?
    I am that person in the relationship who always care and listen to them my family, friends and my boyfriend with their problems, rants, I'm always there for them. In personality trait, I am that kind person and caring. In achievements I don't usually celebrate it with my friends or family, I celebrate it with my own like treating my self but mostly I just ignore it. Lastly expressing my emotions, I'm good at expressing my emotions when I'm happy or excited but I'm good at expressing when I'm sad or have a problem, I don't like to show it to people or share.
    2. I belong to collectivist culture, since I'm in the Philippines most people here are working and helping with each other, in my family whenever there is a problem or one of us has a problem, we help, or talk to each other.

  • @gedionmarmonton9864
    @gedionmarmonton9864 2 дня назад

    1. How do you find activity?
    -I feel comfortable and speak what I want to say to my classmate.
    2. What did you realize about the activity?
    I realize that's not every body's perfect and every people commit mistake but willing to learn and accept those mistake.
    3. Do you think that your Identity is also reflection of others specially those surrounding you?
    -Yes all people surrounding me they all know I'm funny guy and happy guy and specially those close friends of me.
    4. Do you believe in what others tell about you?
    -It depends the person if I know the person like close friends or family yeah I believe, but if I don't know the person I think I can't believe them.
    6. Do you agree with their description on you?
    -Yes because they see what I do or how the way I speak or eat or maybe singing, they see what I'm doing all the time so yes I agree.
    7. How do the other's opinions affect you?
    -It's mixed emotion another say you good and other say your bad, another say your funny another say your annoying, and it's up to you how to handle those problem's and how to survive it but for as a man just smile pretend to be okay as always.
    8. What is the importance society's opinion on you?
    -Society’s opinions can shape your self-image, affect your confidence and social opportunities, and impact how you connect with others.
    How has society shaped you as a person?
    -Society shapes us in many ways. It influences our values, beliefs, and behaviors through culture, education, and social interactions. In short, society helps form the framework through which we understand and engage with the world.
    Do you feel like you're a product of your environment, or do you feel like you've carved your own path?
    -For me I carved my own path this is my decision, my life, my rules I don't care what people say about me I do what I want as long as I didn't hurt or harm another people, we are have our own choices or freedom to pick what you are or who you are it's up to you what life you want in the future.
    How has social media influenced yourself perception and your sense of identity?
    -For me, social media shapes their self-image based on likes, comments, and the image they present. It can boost confidence but also lead to insecurity or pressure to conform. Overall, it's a powerful tool that affects how people understand and represent themselves.
    1. B
    2. C
    3. B
    4. C
    5. C
    6. B
    7. B
    8. A
    9. D
    10. A
    11. D
    12. D
    13. C
    14. D
    15. D
    16. D
    17. C
    18. D
    19. A
    20. B

    • @MJayrossCruspero-o1q
      @MJayrossCruspero-o1q 2 дня назад

      M Jayross L Cruspero
      BSIS -1C
      1. How was society shaped you as a person?
      - Just a regular person trying to fit in this society. I don't care what others see me as . As long as I can live. That's all matters.
      2. Do you feel like you're a product of your environment, or do you feel like you've carved your own path?
      I consistently carve my own path, carefully calculating each step I take.
      3. How has social media influenced your self perception and your sense of identity?
      Social media make your Identity spread to all people they can know where you are or the look of you face etc. I have a experience that me that me been scam. So after that I private all of my social media identity
      1. It seems fun by knowing what will others think about me.
      2. I realize that some of my classmates is not know me quite well so I will try my best to get to know all of my classmates. So we all can work as one.
      3. Yes, every mistake or success I make reflects on everything around me.
      4. Do you believe in what others tell's you about?
      Based on the activity we did last meeting, some of the feedback didn’t quite match. If people see me as a serious person, they're right. But if you get to know me as a friend, you'll see the real me.
      6. Do you agree with the description on you?
      Nah I don't agree what they say doesn't match who I really as.
      7. How other opinion affect you?
      It doesn't really bother me.
      8.What is the importance of society's opinion on you?
      Society contribute way more bigger than you imagine. Society growing every seconds every move is the future. It's either it going down or going up.
      1. B. 11. D
      2. C. 12. C
      3. A. 13. C
      4. C. 14. B
      5. C. 15. C
      6. B. 16. D
      7. A. 17. C
      8. A. 18. B
      9. C. 19. A
      10. D. 20. B
      What are you in a relationship?
      In relationships, I always take love seriously, but it seems love doesn’t always cooperate with me. If you think I’m just a boring and serious person, you're mistaken-I'm actually a funny guy who loves making people smile.
      Which culture do you belong to, and why do you consider it part of your identity?
      I am a proud Filipino, and I stand by my faith. I will never bring shame to my country, no matter what happens. I was raised in this land, and I will complete my education here. I am determined to contribute to its growth and success.

  • @ReinaJaneFornolles
    @ReinaJaneFornolles 2 дня назад

    1. How do you find activity?
    -I feel comfortable because all my effort appreciate to my classmates and all they say to me in the paper is really make me feel happy.
    2. What did you realize about the activity?
    -I've come to understand that nobody is perfect; everyone makes mistakes, but what really matters is the willingness to learn from them and accept those errors.
    3. Do you think that your Identity is also reflection of others specially those surrounding you?
    -Yeah, everyone around me sees me as the funny and cheerful person i am , especially my close friends.
    4. Do you believe in what others tell about you?
    -Sometimes I find myself believing their words, especially when they resonate with my own insecurities. But I know deep down that their opinions don't define me, and I'm working on trusting my own feelings and perceptions more.
    6. Do you agree with their description on you?
    -Yes because there opinion to me is a good way and help me to grow and to have confidence and to continue what I am now.
    7. How do the other's opinions affect you?
    -Others opinions can really hit me hard sometimes they lift me up and make me feel good, but other times they can bring me down and make me doubt myself. I find myself caught in this cycle of wanting validation, and it can be tough to balance that with my own sense of self-worth. It’s a constant struggle to not let their thoughts define who I am.
    8. What is the importance society's opinion on you?
    -Society's opinion on me can feel significant because it often shapes how I view myself and influences my interactions, reminding me of the delicate balance between seeking acceptance and staying true to who I really am.
    How has society shaped you as a person?
    -Society has influenced me by shaping my values and beliefs, often pushing me to seek validation from others rather than relying on my own self-worth. This journey has taught me the importance of mindfulness and self-care, helping me navigate my personal growth amidst external expectations.
    Do you feel like you're a product of your environment, or do you feel like you've carved your own path?
    -I believe,I'm a blend of both while my environment has certainly shaped my experiences and perspectives, I've also worked hard to carve my own path by focusing on self-care and personal growth. It's a continuous journey of balancing external influences with my own values and aspirations.
    How has social media influenced yourself perception and your sense of identity?
    -For me,social media has often made me compare my life to others, leading to moments of self-doubt and insecurity about my identity. However, it's also encouraged me to express myself more authentically, allowing me to explore who I am beyond the curated images and highlight reels.
    1. B
    2. C
    3. B
    4. C
    5. C
    6. B
    7. B
    8. A
    9. D
    10. A
    11. D
    12. D
    13. C
    14. D
    15. D
    16. D
    17. C
    18. D
    19. A
    20. B

  • @cloudrxxx
    @cloudrxxx 15 часов назад

    BSIS 1-C
    1. How has society shaped you as a person?
    - Society shaped me in many ways, from the moment I was born I was taught about how to be, how to act, and how to think. I learned from my family, friends, and the people I interact with what were the things and situations that were considered to be normal and acceptable. I learned from them how to handle difficulties on my own and I even learned what are the things I must undergo before achieving success. Those are the things that influenced how I perceive life which also contributed to how it shaped me as a person.
    2. Do you feel like you're a product of your environment, or do you feel like you've carved your own path?
    - I do believe that some parts of me are products of society, growing up I learned my values, beliefs and behaviors throughout my interactions with the people I spend time with, that led me to adopt certain traits and behavior. At the same time, I feel like I've also carved my own path which I made choices on my own and pursued interests that others might not have understood.
    3. How has social media influenced your self-perception and your sense of identity?
    - Social media influenced how I perceive myself and who I want to be. I only use social media for communication but sometimes when I have time to browse, I often see on any social media platform that people are somewhat comparing their lives to the people who held the title but I don't usually compare myself to the people who seemingly perfectly portrayed their lives online, instead, I used it as a motivation to become better, to act without jealousy, and to act with the accordance to my will and it shaped how I view things positively in which contributed to my identity.
    1. B
    2. C
    3. B
    4. C
    5. C
    6. B
    7. B
    8. A
    9. D
    10. A
    11. D
    12. D
    13. C
    14. D
    15. D
    16. D
    17. C
    18. D
    19. B
    20. B
    How do you view Relationship, Personal Traits, Achievements, Expressing Emotions?
    • Relationships - I view relationships as a source of love and support where I feel deep connections with my family and friends through showing our love and support which allowed me to lean on them not only in difficulties but also in success.
    • Personality Traits - I view personality traits as a descriptor of who I am where it serves as a starting point for my personal growth.
    • Achievements - I view achievements as a result of my hard work, my consistent effort, my dedication, and my full commitment to something that I desire to do.
    • Expressing Emotions - I view it as my coping mechanism in which it allows me to process what I feel and experiencing that led me to improve on areas where improvements must be taken.
    What culture do you belong to?
    - I identify myself in a Collectivist Culture where unity is being served in my society. I am an interdependent person where I often rely on everyone in my environment for support, cooperation, and achieving common goals and prioritizing the well-being and success of the society over individual needs and desires.

  • @RogerSultan-ke8xy
    @RogerSultan-ke8xy 2 дня назад

    LESSON 3:
    1. I feel comfortable with them and it shape me as what i am right now being respectful but sometimes being a funny thing like that.
    2. I learned that no one of us is perfect. But committing mistakes and willingness to learn and accept those mistakes.
    3. Of course people that surround me know who am i and we just treated each other like a brothers specially those idiots that i have in my life.
    4. It depends on the person. Sometimes i believe but sometimes i don't. Because even you are close on each other it possible that they drag you down with.
    6. Of course yes. Because their description towards me was right
    7. If their opinions was a right or good for me then i just do it for my sake also but if the opinion was bad then i just go through my ears like nothing.
    8. NONE
    LESSON 2:
    How has society shaped you as a person?
    - it shapes me through many ways. Like influencing our beliefs, behavior and values through culture, education, and social interactions.
    Do you feel you're a product of your environment, or do you've carved your own path?
    - i carved my own path. This is my own story my own rules and i don't care about others see me or talk about me as I'm doing great to my own life or my self.
    How social media influence yourself perception and your sense of identity?
    - social media gives me some awareness what the world wide doing also it gives me skills that i watch with those vedio.
    1. B
    2. C
    3. B
    4. C
    5. C
    6. B
    7. B
    8. A
    9. D
    10. A
    11. D
    12. D
    13. C
    14. D
    15. D
    16. D
    17. C
    18. D
    19. A
    20. B

  • @livelaughlovearianagrande
    @livelaughlovearianagrande 30 минут назад

    Gerbolingo, Kimberly C. BSTM1-E SS111
    Answer: Society has shaped me in ways I’m still trying to understand. It’s like I’ve been molded by expectations, rules, and norms that I didn’t choose but somehow follow. I often wonder if I’m living the life I truly want or just the one I’m supposed to. It feels like I’m constantly searching for a reason, a deeper purpose, but I’m not sure if it’s out there or if I have to create it myself.
    Answer: I feel like I’m mostly a product of my environment, shaped by the people and circumstances around me. But there are moments when I push back, trying to carve my own path. It’s hard to tell if I’m following what I truly want or what I’ve been taught to want. I’m still searching for that clarity, for the reason why I’m here and what I’m meant to do.
    Answer: Social media has made me question myself more than I should. I find myself comparing my life to others, even though I know it’s only a highlight reel. It’s easy to lose sight of who I really am in the constant stream of images and opinions. Sometimes, I feel like I’m chasing an identity that isn’t even mine, just to fit in or be seen.
    I. Multiple choice
    1. B
    2. C
    3. B
    4. C
    5. C
    6. B
    7. B
    8. A
    9. D
    10. A
    11. D
    12. D
    13. C
    14. D
    15. D
    II. Application
    16. D
    17. C
    18. D
    19. A
    20. B
    Answer: In my culture, relationships are seen as something you build slowly with trust and respect. Friendships and family ties are really important, and loyalty matters a lot. We are encouraged to maintain close bonds, show kindness, and always be there for others. There’s a sense of community, and people help each other out, which has made me value strong relationships.
    Personality Traits
    Answer: Some traits are more valued in my culture than others. For example, being respectful, humble, and hardworking is seen as really good. But sometimes, traits like being outspoken or super confident can be looked at differently-it might be seen as being too bold or "showing off." So I feel like I have to balance being confident with being humble.
    Answers: Where I’m from, achievement is super important. Good grades and success in school are often considered the most important, because it’s seen as a pathway to a better future. Sometimes there’s pressure to do really well academically, and achievements like getting into a good college or excelling in a sport are celebrated more than others, like artistic talents.
    Expressing Emotions
    Answer: In my culture, expressing emotions can be tricky. There’s an emphasis on staying strong, especially when things get tough, so people don’t always openly express feelings like sadness or frustration. But at the same time, showing happiness and excitement is encouraged, especially when you’ve achieved something. I think I’ve learned to control my emotions in public but will express them more freely around close friends.
    Last Question:
    I definitely belong to a collectivist culture. In my view, the needs of the group-whether it’s family, friends, or the community-come before individual desires. I’ve been raised to think about how my actions affect others and to contribute to the well-being of those around me. For example, in school projects, I’m more focused on making sure everyone succeeds, not just myself. The idea of "we" is stronger than "me," and I find comfort in knowing that we support each other, especially when times are tough.

  • @KevinMiguel-h4u
    @KevinMiguel-h4u 2 дня назад

    LESSON 2
    - society shaped me,who am i, there give me knowledge and focus to myself and they give confident to me to.
    - I feel like i'm product of environment because my own goals and believe infected by people surrounding me, and for me to achieve your own goal on Path you need to believe to your self to achieve that thing.
    - Social media give me awareness to aware myself what happened in the world and society, and social media give me knowledge, and skills.
    1. B
    2. C
    3. B
    4. C
    5. C
    6. B
    7. B
    8. A
    9. D
    10. A
    11. D
    12. D
    13. C
    14. D
    15. D
    16. D
    17. C
    18. D
    19. A
    20. B
    LESSON 3
    1.How do you find activity?
    - When i try to achieve my goals and to understand my society and my surroundings.
    2. What did you realize about the activity?
    - Going to understand the surroundings and the society and to understand yourself and you feel to your surroundings.
    3. Do you think that your identity is also a reflection of others especially those surrounding you?
    - Yes because i think that your identity is also areflect of your surroundings, because they reflect you who you are now, and there own identity they reflect me who they are.
    4. Do you believe in what others tell about you?
    - Yes and no, yes because some people know me, and no some people never know my attitude.
    6. Do you agree with their descriptions on you?
    - Sometimes i'm agree and sometimes i'm disagree, because some people know me and some people do not know me, like example I going to agree my friend because they know my attitude, sometimes i'm disagree to someone because they're never know my attitude and believe
    7. How do other opinions affect you?
    - some other option affect me specially lesson, advice, and knowledged to, but sometimes their option do not make sense like advice of love or school activity.
    8. What is the importance of society's opinion on you?
    - One of the reasons why society is important is that it gives you a framework to work together. It provides you with a platform to take collective efforts towards improving social conditions. Most importantly, a society serves as a strong support system in life.

  • @jnjnijnjin
    @jnjnijnjin 14 часов назад

    Baby Jean B. Requirme
    BSTM-1E | SS111
    LESSON 2:
    • Society shapes me through their management, and how they view other things that affect my choices and how I see myself. It influences how I act, think, and interact with other people.
    • I feel like I am both of it. It's a mix of influences in my surroundings and environment and making decisions and choices on my own.
    • Social media influenced my self-perception and my sense of identity by the idealized images. My insecurities when I stay or remain in social media increases. I kept on comparing myself to others that can impact my self-esteem.
    1. b
    2. c
    3. b
    4. c
    5. c
    6. b
    7. b
    8. a
    9. d
    10. d
    11. d
    12. d
    13. c
    14. d
    15. d
    16. d
    17. c
    18. a
    19. b
    20. b
    LESSON 3:
    1. Relationship
    I'm not really a vocal person, and I'm not that expressive person, especially in my family. In my friends I'm always the chatty one, and when it come to my family, I am the quietest person. I'm always distant on my family.
    2. Personality Trait
    I hate procastonation, but, I'm a big procrastinator. I've got this behavior that being a mad woman when I'm with my homies but a strict, attitude, and"mature" lady with other peoples' presence.
    3. Achievement
    When I achieve or feeling happy about achieving something, I just wait until I come home to have talk and thank with God. I did all those achievements because of him.
    4. Expressing Emotions
    Just what I have answered on number one, I'm not a vocal and expressive person. I don't want to show or let a person/s know what I'm feeling, specially when I'm sad. But, I'm very transparent when I'm mad or done with something or someone. When I'm feeling all the emotions, all I do is to calm down, whether it's happiness, sadness, anxiousness, and anger.
    • I think I'm an individualistic or have Individualistic culture because I value freedom to make my own decisions, and my family always let me do what ever my decision or action be. The time when I decide to make a decision whether to continue or not my college journey and what course should I pick, I need to decide on my own because my always family wanted me to make the decision myself everytime. I make decision on my own, but they will also support on their own.