Hey optimistic, I just found your channel and I gotta say I love the content completely. And I was wondering if you could Platinum shadow of the Colossus. If not no worries, thank you for the content man.
I think we can all agree that optimistic is set on this earth to suffer by Miyazaki and Miyazaki like games but thats why we like to watch his platinum vids Keep up ths good incredible HARD work optimistic
I can see the insane amounts of effort going into theses videos and i just wanna say you're killing it. me and many others enjoy your videos so much and overall we love you. thank you for always delivering and entertaining us.
Thank the lord above I found your channel again. I remember finding you from your dark souls 3 video and was baffled by how few views you had in relation to how funny your content was. So happy to see those days are behind you and you're getting more views.
On first playthrough it's damn hard. On NG+ however with your end game build and the "Unified Minds" relic you got by finishing the game, you'll surfe through the chapters like air to finish whatever you missed for the platinum. The bosses that goes through phases during the fight are the only ones that are still annoying.
Damn you might be the first youtuber who didn't struggle much with the wandering wight or maybe it is just edited like that idk but still great video you got mad skill.
"i didnt want to show you guys everything the video would be 2 hours long" BROTHER we are already at 1:30 hours lmaooooo, might as well brother !! Love ur shouty content tho fr
@@optimistichuman glad you ran it back. Since you did up to ng+2 did you also unlock the wukong stance for outside the 6th chapter? (Getting all your relics completely leveled)
For u guys trying to do the rng trophies like the seeds if u harvest all the seed drops in the area close ur game and chamge your time in your settings then reopen the game after u change it and it will spawn in instantly made the plat much easier for me
Go to tryfum.com/OPTIMISTICHUMAN or scan the QR code and use code OPTIMISTICHUMAN to get your free FÜM Topper when you order your Journey Pack today!
Hey optimistic, I just found your channel and I gotta say I love the content completely. And I was wondering if you could Platinum shadow of the Colossus. If not no worries, thank you for the content man.
Wake up Black myth Platinum, we got an optimistic human to burn
aint no way op liked it. and yall who liked it aswell are champs
@SylvesterLunde i logged 122 deaths total for first playthru and 2 NGs for wukong stance it's not that bad
That's why i play on pc. At least i could mod the droprates
Kudos for using the original Chinese dub. I don’t think it gets enough love and recognition!
Gotta love how the devs made it so the bosses will drag out the fights as long as possible when you want to die to restart
Ur wukong streams were prob one of my favs lol
Thank you for being in there!
This is my favorite movie now , amazing vid Op , you never disappoint
U did NOT need to cook THIS HARD with this video mate. W🔥😎
preciate it!
that's why I loved this channel, 1 hour + platinum videos full of jokes and montage.
I think we can all agree that optimistic is set on this earth to suffer by Miyazaki and Miyazaki like games but thats why we like to watch his platinum vids Keep up ths good incredible HARD work optimistic
nah but fr tho, I found my calling
This is becoming my favourite youtube series and it hasn't even been half a year since I found ya. Keep it up sexy
someone in china count er lang has abut 72+ different moveset, so yeah they invented new attack on spot
I can see the insane amounts of effort going into theses videos and i just wanna say you're killing it.
me and many others enjoy your videos so much and overall we love you.
thank you for always delivering and entertaining us.
yo thank you so much for the nice comment!
Gosh I laughed so hard for an entire one hour lmao. one of my favorite channel now
i would give so much to experience this game for the first time again man, one of my favorites
This game sucks first play through unless your using exploits 😂😂💯it’s not enjoyable until new game +
the quality is just toptear. You deserve more subscribes. And thx for saving the day
Thank you!!
yeah daddy optimistic is back, 1 month its been and we really really missed you
Congratulations on the black myth wukong platinum I'm glad the pain of this game is over for you
Yoooo I’m in the video!!!! 15:01 and he used my chat🤣🤣🤣 15:28
bro your videos are banger fr i love watching these (and the monkey gifs are funny)
*_Call me The Dodge Master_* ... Sure ✅👍🏻
*_Call me The Dodge Challenger_* ... Are you Sure Bro !? 🤔
Thank the lord above I found your channel again. I remember finding you from your dark souls 3 video and was baffled by how few views you had in relation to how funny your content was. So happy to see those days are behind you and you're getting more views.
I tried so hard to keep myself from watching any spoilers but I can't miss out on an optimistic blockbuster
Op this was a masterpiece
banger video OP, really enjoyed it
Okay bro, that nice, fr. BUT
On first playthrough it's damn hard. On NG+ however with your end game build and the "Unified Minds" relic you got by finishing the game, you'll surfe through the chapters like air to finish whatever you missed for the platinum. The bosses that goes through phases during the fight are the only ones that are still annoying.
Its finally time for the Monke!!!
Great vid as always❤❤❤
I'm Dutch and loved this game. Played it twice for the platinum and all 3 endings
are dutch people supposed to hate this game? im confused?
Damn you might be the first youtuber who didn't struggle much with the wandering wight or maybe it is just edited like that idk but still great video you got mad skill.
That boss killed me many, many times. It was comforting to see him struggle with Erlang, I must admit (60+ tries!)
Only hard part of platinum is waiting for them damn seeds
I cant believe bro was actually able to beat Chinese Elden ring 🫡
No using cloud step for the bridge is crazy and chat didn’t say shit 😂😂
backseating is not cool
Fire video!
Thank you my guy 🙏🏽
Pagoda Realm beams are absolute torture. Got knocked off that first one about 10 times
Finally I've been waiting for this video since the game came out
Embrace the monke
Cooked wit this one habibi
Keep working my guy the vids always get better
This is the content I love to see!!!
This man Looks Like my favourite RUclipsr too optimistic
yoo I love too optimistic
Always love your uploads you’re the goat Optimistic 💙
You never fail to deliver ma boy!!😮💨🔥
Love ur videos keep going and please never change
Thank you my guy
Cant watch right now but i know from the streams this ones an absolut banger
A 1 and a half hour banger from OP? We eatin good 🔥♥️
"i didnt want to show you guys everything the video would be 2 hours long" BROTHER we are already at 1:30 hours lmaooooo, might as well brother !!
Love ur shouty content tho fr
Wish I watched this live…beautiful fights and your reactions crack me up 🙌🤗
when God was creating optimistic He told him "You shall know pain"
finally been waiting for a black myth wukong platinum
I just got it like two weeks ago and it was HELL
26:00 glad to see I’m not the only person who died 57 times at that one part 😂😂
Great video mate! Finally got a chance to see this
W VID bro never fails to deliver
Thank you for watching!
I just got this platinum yesterday such a great experience imo
Im stuck on the great sage part, will never beat it 😂
Thank you sir for your hard work
Having Rats is also a must in a soulslike
Let’s go more Wukong🎉🎉
Yerrrrrr back at it
1:16:10 I haven’t laughed this hard in days 🤣
The sheer confidence giving way to utter confusion
W movie, love you OP
I know this game cause you 2 go crazy but you still had fun
as long as you enjoy the video thats all that matters
The answer to everything frustrating is always just “hide on a rock”
spider man 2 had been silent ever since the tutorial of black myth wukong
The problem with these videos is I buy all the games he plays. OP makes them look so fun. These game studios should be paying my boy!
Another great RUclipsr to binge watch. I’ll go get my popcorn.
Thank you for the support!
1:16:09 my goat got cooked so bad he had to turn on a self-love ASMR 😢
I remember when you botched your run for the bull king horn. I thought you wrre done after that lol
never back down never what
@@optimistichuman glad you ran it back. Since you did up to ng+2 did you also unlock the wukong stance for outside the 6th chapter? (Getting all your relics completely leveled)
Once again amazing video op thanks for the content
I agree with the statement that Yaksha is the coolest boss in the game.
15:34 got a chuckle out of me
@@optimistichuman shad up
36:57 Uncle Irohs great granddaddy 😂
As someone with this plat I deleted the game after I got the plat but I still love this game
I love playing this game. I f**king hate the nonsense farming in this game required for the platinum
wow, more than 1 hour? I can tell you really love this game
Optimistic i hope your next gameplay will be dark souls 3 dlc with full trophies
That is what i call torture 😂
Can't afford it unfortunately
Great video man
Hello bro love your content
thank you!!!
Op on the best souls like of 2024 now we’re is remnant 2
W stream, W video, W forehead habibi
W comment
Thank God for the time forward time glitch you can do with the ps5 🙌🏼🙌🏼
For u guys trying to do the rng trophies like the seeds if u harvest all the seed drops in the area close ur game and chamge your time in your settings then reopen the game after u change it and it will spawn in instantly made the plat much easier for me
Gotta love this man😂❤️🧿
Nice new haircut optimistic 🔥
u gotta platinum the horizon series bro
I was so close to platinuming the game, lost power and my last cloud save was ch4. I am so livid but it’ll be fine
You missed the real hard part, getting all the seeds achievement XD
Astro Bot winning game of the year instead of THIS i can't believe it
Well deserved win
Is it possible for a platinum hunt in horizon forbidden west and zero dawn please?
Grinding those stupid curios and armour pieces were more painful than any of the boss fights in this game
fr fr
Malenia Blade of Miquella
Yooooooooo we’re back
Triple A content by our triple A gamer? POSTPONE ALL PLANS 🗣️‼️ We've got peak cinema RIGHT HERE
The damb seeds trophy is killing me!!!!!
its horrible
@optimistichuman For real!! If I can platinum sports games and dark souls 3 you'd think it would be a walk in the park but BOY WAS I SOOOOO WRONG 🤣
watching this while listening to KSI - In The Thick of It is a core memory indeed
w edits w Optimistic w video