"The holy things are for the holy" the priest prays in the liturgy. The response is what I keep in mind. "ONE is holy one is the Lord Jesus Christ." We are all sinners, but thankfully, Christ is the head of the Church. I love your videos!
What a good timing! The video resonates a lot with me. During our coffee hour, I have raised the question of certain Patriarchs not responding to people's pleas effectively enough (Russia, Serbia mainly). I cited Luke 16 (Shrewd Manager) to say that Church theoretically should at least sometimes address concerns of the population instead of always go hand in hand with the state, because the state might change its mind, and the Church should have a people to hold it up so to speak. I wasn't even putting it so openly. But one of the parishioners just shut me up with "You should never speak like that about your boss or people with authority"... Like, I get why he is saying that, but we're not Romans with their strict top-bottom hierarchy, we're the opposite, right? These Patriarchs are our servants in a way, that's why we exalt them. So I get your frustration. It is a very hard topic to discuss because by discussing it publicly you do lead some wavering people away from the church. I am talking about people that haven't had the chance to fully stick themselves to Christ yet. And you kinda fracture the integrity of a particular prihod (parish). So I kinda tend not to discuss it at all, but I admire you for being so open. We, as Christians, should be able to make our Church better by highlighting the problems! Glory to God!
As an Eastern Orthodox myself, I feel your pain. Although I’m spiritually subject to the Omiphorion of the ArchBishop of Aust, I’m not subject to any of his schismatic or heretically leaning tendencies OR his administrative authority when it goes against the phronima of the church. Thank God our Church does not rely on the hierarchy to validate the faith. We have examples such as St Seraphim of Sarov, St Nektarios of Aegina, St Basil of Moscow the fool for Christ, St Herman of Alaska, St Paisios of the Holy Mountain, St Xenia of St Petersburg etc etc to show that our Church is in the hands of the Holy Spirit and not on the throne of a Patriarchate. Fr Thomas Hopko (of blessed memory) taught me that the title “episkopos” was the title of the head-slave of a household. He had the authority to act in the master’s name and represented the master in the fulfilment of his duties, BUT he was NOT the master. Fr Hopko also taught me that the title “despota” was bestowed to the bishops by the muslim ottomans when Byzantium was conquered and the emperor deposed. The bishop was never meant to be or act as a tyrannical despot. He was supposed to be like the Good Shepherd Christ Jesus, prepared to find and care for the lost sheep and die for his flock. God Bless you brother
It is possible to go from being tempted by one type of perfectionism to another. In any event, one is going to be disappointed by people, because people will not always do what is right in every respect. If you look at countries where the Church is supported by and supportive of the State, you tend to see compromises in preaching and doctrine that align with the State (or a party in it). If you have a Church that is wholly separate from the State, you tend to see religion fragmented and turned into small businesses. Either way it is a trade-off.
spc.rs/paralelni-univerzumi-ili-doprinos-studentskih-protesta-savremenoj-nauci/ Here you go. Bear in mind that Google translate will probably omit the tone, not to mention the article, seen in a void, does not seem so bad. However, when you follow what is going on here for so long, it sounds pretty terrible.
Man I WISH this kind of stuff were the biggest problem with the church here in Russia... Our patriarch literally supports a war of one part of his flock against another. A huge stumbling block if there ever was one!
I don't think that Patriarch is supporting the war. But Patriarch has to be on the side of people when they are fighting against all nato states. When we were bombed by Nato of course Church was with people. If you think that nato came to Ukraine just to be on your border like a friend you are wrong.
What a shameful thing to say. When nato is bombing people or finance genocide, it's fine, but God forbid someone want to defend their interests - then everyone suddenly is so moral and against war.
I have a question about the Serbian Church, why do the Baptize via pouring (which I know is allowed) and not by immersion? Is there some historical reason?
Jesus was baptized when he was thirty years old, the age at which Levitical priests were ordained. Since Jesus was without sin, he had no need of Johns baptism of repentance. Since John was of priestly (Levitical) descent, his baptism of Jesus was an ordination to the priestly office. (Jesus was prophet, priest, and king.) And since the method of ordaining a priest in the Old Covenant is described as pouring or sprinkling, therefore New Testament baptism is probably not dunking or immersion but pouring or sprinkling. Yes, much of that was done while standing in the Jordan River. But it probably followed the form of priestly ordination.
I think it is for practical reasons mostly. As you know from the beginning of the Church, pouring was acceptable if there was not enough water. There are priests in Serbia that Baptize via immersion, there are priests that Baptize via pouring. Depends on the conditions. From my experience, Baptism via pouring works :D Priest was old, he had difficulties performing some part of the rite. Is the heart that matters, God will take even a trace of desire from you to repent. Glory to God, both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen
It is not amount of water who baptized us. It can be single drop of water or you can be baptized in the ocean it will not change the fact your baptism is valid. If you feel deep inside you need to be baptized by full immersion do it. But don't think that you will not receive holy spirit or that God cannot work or that God power is limited if you are not baptized by immersion. "John baptized with water, but in just a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit".- Acts 1:5. So it is not about water or how much water you use, it is about Holy Spirit.
The greatest weakness within Orthodoxy is the hierarchy. The Church still moves forward to glory, despite the poor decisions of these hierarchs. As one priest friend has stated, the bishops are "...the necessary evil that the Lord gives us."
While I get the sentiment, I think that "greatest weakness within the Orthodoxy is the hieararchy" is a bit faulty because they're literally first on the line. It is like saying that the meat shield is the weakest because it gets slaughtered. Yup - because they take so many bullets.
That's a great analogy, people often forget we've had these issue before (donatist) of course that's an extreme but I see it coming from the same faulty line of thinking, church is a heavenly institution but its occupied by men none of who are infallible.
When we critizese Roman-Catholic we condem Pope's infallibility , meaning, we are proud that our Patriarch, Bishop and whole clergy are sinnes! That is why Christ is our head!
I get what you are saying, I don't like the government and the Church shouldn't support it in any way, but I don't think that the Church should openly and enthusiastically support the opposition which is mostly leftist, secular and pro-democratic either. I'd prefer them to have a neutral stance on this matter as much as possible, correct me if I'm wrong.
@@nikola.6906 that has nothing to with the what Milos said, both ruler and oposition are secular so no point in that, and Church shouldn't support eother of them especially protesters who are left wing oriented Milos is 100% right on the matter
I look at the matter the same as u.The left wing is really sad in Serbia.Left and right are different side of the same coin.Althiugh it DOES make me sad thatChruch is not attending some matters also i would not like too see the Church fully suport protests..... Protest maybe have the right intention but are somewhat lost their direction.Walking from one city to another ?For what.I would l9ve to see all of them goin to Ostrog to pay respect to our Saint Vasilije.And yes i think all is conected.
I am completely against the Church hierarchy supporting the student protests outside of calling what is good good and what is evil evil. The Church should shy away from such daily politics. Sadly, it does it poorly.
I'll never forget the day a priest explained, in a homily (during Liturgy!), how he'd never write a letter to help an anti-jabber keep their job. Meanwhile several of my family members were fired and subsequently denied unemployment. Yes, our relationship is with Christ. The Hierarchy should facilitate our service to Him and our collective Theosis. No more, no less. I hear way too much from conservative Orthos about obedience, in light of such things.
'Old Calendarist Propaganda' is a convenient label that Ecumenists in denial throw out from time to time, in order to discredit and thus avoid facing uncomfortable truths, lest these truths shatter the entire edifice of their unpatristic ecclesiology that is preparing the way for the global church of Antichrist, in which "all spiritual paths lead to the same God".
Old Calendarist Propaganda' is a convenient label that usually Ecumenists in denial throw out from time to time, in order to discredit and thus avoid facing uncomfortable truths, lest these truths shatter the entire edifice of their unpatristic ecclesiology that is preparing the way for the global church of Antichrist, in which "all spiritual paths lead to the same God". As preached by the 'official' hierarchs of State Church 'Orthodoxy' in league with the Global Elites. Just read their official Interfaith statements bro. For DECADES now. Don't tell me you haven't noticed.
Almost like khalkedon was a massive mistake. Miaphysites have less trouble with temporal power, which DB Hart notes is a slow working poison for the church. I love my community but I believe miaphysites are closer to the right idea and relation to temporal power
Remember, Judas was an Apostle. Remember, the tares are sown with the wheat. Remember, St Paul warned about wolves. It’s an ever-present reality until the Second Appearing.
Learn about the "door of prophecies" in Wadi El natron. We are in the 6th epoch. The Eastern Orthodox is the true Church but we must be aware of the times we are in. I believe God will allow persecution to come to unite the Church to strip away the chaff. In the very end there will be one Church as was in the beginning. There is alot of corruption in the hierarch but God will put that to an end soon.
You thought fallen people weren't going to be fallen people? Men will always fail us, which is why Christ didn't leave us a Church dependent on one man (a'la Roman Catholicism).
@@9and7 no need to take our Lord's name in vain. The Church has always had rotten hierarchs from time to time. That's why we can't put our faith in individual men (other than Christ Jesus, of course).
Cosidering the "door of prophecies" in Wadi El natron. We are in the 6th epoch. The Eastern Orthodox is the true Church but we must be aware of the times we are in. I believe God will soon allow persecution to come to unite the Church stripping away the chaff then the true faithful will stand among the hierarchs. In the very end there will be one Church as was in the beginning. There is alot of corruption in the hierarch but God will put that to an end soon. God has allowed for bad hierarchs because of our sin. Let us repent and pray that he send us new hierarchs to lead us in Spirit and in truth.
The first and biggest reason should be the anti-canonical and heretic replacement of true baptism, which the Serbian Patriarchate has been committing against those desiring to join the Church. If a class action lawsuit was brought against them, they would be found liable for charging and collecting "taxes" for services "baptism" of which has nothing to do with a Orthodox Baptism. Unfortunately if the Clergy lacks the proper form of Baptism, which is the new spiritual birth of a person, then they cannot pass on to others, what they themselves lack.
What's up with Yoga? Is it just the spiritual aspect that isn't liked, or the practice in general? Sorry, just one of the things my mind is focusing on for whatever reason 😆 God preserve you and the Serbian people, Bojan.
@@BanterWithBojan Yes. There are so many different kinds of physical exercise that there really is no scarcity of other options! Plus, it's not even proper Hinduism!! The only people who do yoga in India are commercial ashrams for tourists... 😀
@@BanterWithBojan Yes. There are so many different methods of physical exercise that there really is no scarcity of other options! Plus, it's not even proper Hinduism. The only people who do yoga in India are commercial ashrams for tourists.
Yoga is part of the Hindu religion. In fact, there are many yogas that make up Hindu religious practice, the version that you think of is just one of them. It is kind of similar to sacraments. That is why many priests oppose us doing yoga.
Шта рећи, а не заплакати... Скоро сам се са једним свештеником препуцавао на ту тему, ал он упорно тврди да црква не треба да се меша у дешавања у држави...
I u pravu je. Isus je rekao da njegovo Carstvo nije od ovoga sveta. Jovan 18:36. Ljudi misle Crkva treba da stane na čelo protesta a ne razumeju da prava sloboda dolazi od Isusa Hrista a ne od ove ili one vlasti. Ne dolazi zapravo od bilo koje političke promene. Ti umesto da saslušaš pouku sveštenika ti si rešio da se svađaš. Ja mogu da se složim ili ne sa sveštenikom u sebi ali nikad se u životu ne bih raspravljao.
If he wishes to become King then the Constitution will need to be amended. Also, the King would certainly be only a symbolic king and nothing more. He would have zero actual power.
This sad situation is the logical outcome of keeping church and state together, of making the church dependant on the state, and of not administering discipline according to justice, and the standard of Holy Scripture (rather than the current standard of political expediency). It is impossible to avoid spiritual compromise as long as confessing Christians are unwilling to recognize Christ's rule, His dominion over the entirety of faith and practice. Political involvement and nationalism have no place in the life of the Church because they necessarily relinquish our ability to function as a people whose lives proclaim that Christ is King.
Serbia has not existed since 1944, and the false reconciliation between the Free Church and the Belgrade Patriarchate in 1991 is the worst thing that has happened to the Serbian people and the Church in the last 30-40 years.
Enough with your Free Serbian Orthodox Church cult BS, I grew up in it so no lectures please about how it was the true Serbian church run by true Serbs, most of whom married foreigners and had German, Austrian, Anglo wives, they weren't even man enough to find Serbian women. Our supposed "free" church practiced ecumenism adopting non orthodox customs thanks to the mixed marriages (because a German or Austrian woman really knows our traditions) and the need to be accepted by the natives of the countries they lived in, particularly the English speaking countries like the US, UK, Canada and Australia/NZ. Lets not also forget the "free Serbian church" was nothing more than a CIA backed experiment putting Dionosije in charge it had nothing to with Tito or the UDBA, they couldn't give a shit what we did thousands of miles away from Yugoslavia. Its people like you that are using the current situation to try to convince people to follow you non canonical cult, you're no different to the communists. There is only ONE ETERNAL Serbian Orthodox Church and its much bigger than any one Patriarch, Bishop, Priest or Deacon. Not one enemy of the Serbian Church succeeded in destroying it, nor will you or your ilk.
German-American Serbian Orthodox here. This sounds like y'all's issue, not ours. I don't care what the Serbian government is doing or how the hierarchy over there is propping it up unless it has something to do with continuing to justify Serbia's defense of anti-Habsburg terrorists in 1914, which is morally heinous. The point of religion is to build solidarity with a local community, and the concerns of Serbian-Serbian jurisdictions are as remote to me as Nazism was to my PA Dutch great-grandparents.
"The holy things are for the holy" the priest prays in the liturgy. The response is what I keep in mind. "ONE is holy one is the Lord Jesus Christ."
We are all sinners, but thankfully, Christ is the head of the Church.
I love your videos!
Mi Hrvati molimo za vas i za dobrotu srpskoga naroda. Mi sada bojkotiramo dučane zbog cijene, gledamo vas, i od vas smo dobili tu inspiraciju.
Hvala ti Ivane! Ima ovde u Srbiji nas koji se molimo za dobrobit Hrvata, i nastavićemo tako!
What a good timing! The video resonates a lot with me. During our coffee hour, I have raised the question of certain Patriarchs not responding to people's pleas effectively enough (Russia, Serbia mainly). I cited Luke 16 (Shrewd Manager) to say that Church theoretically should at least sometimes address concerns of the population instead of always go hand in hand with the state, because the state might change its mind, and the Church should have a people to hold it up so to speak. I wasn't even putting it so openly. But one of the parishioners just shut me up with "You should never speak like that about your boss or people with authority"... Like, I get why he is saying that, but we're not Romans with their strict top-bottom hierarchy, we're the opposite, right? These Patriarchs are our servants in a way, that's why we exalt them.
So I get your frustration. It is a very hard topic to discuss because by discussing it publicly you do lead some wavering people away from the church. I am talking about people that haven't had the chance to fully stick themselves to Christ yet. And you kinda fracture the integrity of a particular prihod (parish). So I kinda tend not to discuss it at all, but I admire you for being so open. We, as Christians, should be able to make our Church better by highlighting the problems! Glory to God!
The Patriarch is not infallible, but the church acting as such IS infallible.
"Of course we will!"
God bless you, Bojan.
As an Eastern Orthodox myself, I feel your pain. Although I’m spiritually subject to the Omiphorion of the ArchBishop of Aust, I’m not subject to any of his schismatic or heretically leaning tendencies OR his administrative authority when it goes against the phronima of the church.
Thank God our Church does not rely on the hierarchy to validate the faith. We have examples such as St Seraphim of Sarov, St Nektarios of Aegina, St Basil of Moscow the fool for Christ, St Herman of Alaska, St Paisios of the Holy Mountain, St Xenia of St Petersburg etc etc to show that our Church is in the hands of the Holy Spirit and not on the throne of a Patriarchate.
Fr Thomas Hopko (of blessed memory) taught me that the title “episkopos” was the title of the head-slave of a household. He had the authority to act in the master’s name and represented the master in the fulfilment of his duties, BUT he was NOT the master.
Fr Hopko also taught me that the title “despota” was bestowed to the bishops by the muslim ottomans when Byzantium was conquered and the emperor deposed. The bishop was never meant to be or act as a tyrannical despot. He was supposed to be like the Good Shepherd Christ Jesus, prepared to find and care for the lost sheep and die for his flock.
God Bless you brother
It is possible to go from being tempted by one type of perfectionism to another. In any event, one is going to be disappointed by people, because people will not always do what is right in every respect. If you look at countries where the Church is supported by and supportive of the State, you tend to see compromises in preaching and doctrine that align with the State (or a party in it). If you have a Church that is wholly separate from the State, you tend to see religion fragmented and turned into small businesses. Either way it is a trade-off.
Please stop nonsense!!! Start praying 🙏
Dear Bojan, I'm going thru something very similar on a very very very small scale. I'll pray for you, pray for me. -- Anna
Very interesting to hear, it does go over my head a little, because I know nothing of Serbia except a guy Bojan is from there.
I go to a Serbian orthodox parish . Still learning
Bojan, can you provide a link to the article?
spc.rs/paralelni-univerzumi-ili-doprinos-studentskih-protesta-savremenoj-nauci/ Here you go.
Bear in mind that Google translate will probably omit the tone, not to mention the article, seen in a void, does not seem so bad. However, when you follow what is going on here for so long, it sounds pretty terrible.
11:45 as a fellow alter server im thankfull to God for not having any of the priests who are in support of the presidents regime around my church
Man I WISH this kind of stuff were the biggest problem with the church here in Russia... Our patriarch literally supports a war of one part of his flock against another. A huge stumbling block if there ever was one!
I don't think that Patriarch is supporting the war. But Patriarch has to be on the side of people when they are fighting against all nato states. When we were bombed by Nato of course Church was with people. If you think that nato came to Ukraine just to be on your border like a friend you are wrong.
What a shameful thing to say. When nato is bombing people or finance genocide, it's fine, but God forbid someone want to defend their interests - then everyone suddenly is so moral and against war.
I have a reader at our church who is a Serbian orthodox in America
Orthodox Saints foretold the times when the lay people will defend the Church from the clergy. It is expected, thus, for clergy to grow inappropriate.
Will pray my rosery for the orthodox!❤
I have a question about the Serbian Church, why do the Baptize via pouring (which I know is allowed) and not by immersion? Is there some historical reason?
Weel it depends(not shure of what)but i have witnessed both ways of baptism here in Serbia.
Jesus was baptized when he was thirty years old, the age at which Levitical priests were ordained. Since Jesus was without sin, he had no need of Johns baptism of repentance. Since John was of priestly (Levitical) descent, his baptism of Jesus was an ordination to the priestly office. (Jesus was prophet, priest, and king.) And since the method of ordaining a priest in the Old Covenant is described as pouring or sprinkling, therefore New Testament baptism is probably not dunking or immersion but pouring or sprinkling. Yes, much of that was done while standing in the Jordan River. But it probably followed the form of priestly ordination.
Serbian Orthodox Church borders with Latin heretics' lands and suffered a lot of influences from them.
I think it is for practical reasons mostly. As you know from the beginning of the Church, pouring was acceptable if there was not enough water.
There are priests in Serbia that Baptize via immersion, there are priests that Baptize via pouring. Depends on the conditions.
From my experience, Baptism via pouring works :D Priest was old, he had difficulties performing some part of the rite.
Is the heart that matters, God will take even a trace of desire from you to repent.
Glory to God, both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen
It is not amount of water who baptized us. It can be single drop of water or you can be baptized in the ocean it will not change the fact your baptism is valid. If you feel deep inside you need to be baptized by full immersion do it. But don't think that you will not receive holy spirit or that God cannot work or that God power is limited if you are not baptized by immersion. "John baptized with water, but in just a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit".- Acts 1:5. So it is not about water or how much water you use, it is about Holy Spirit.
The greatest weakness within Orthodoxy is the hierarchy. The Church still moves forward to glory, despite the poor decisions of these hierarchs.
As one priest friend has stated, the bishops are "...the necessary evil that the Lord gives us."
While I get the sentiment, I think that "greatest weakness within the Orthodoxy is the hieararchy" is a bit faulty because they're literally first on the line. It is like saying that the meat shield is the weakest because it gets slaughtered. Yup - because they take so many bullets.
That's a great analogy, people often forget we've had these issue before (donatist) of course that's an extreme but I see it coming from the same faulty line of thinking, church is a heavenly institution but its occupied by men none of who are infallible.
When we critizese Roman-Catholic we condem Pope's infallibility , meaning, we are proud that our Patriarch, Bishop and whole clergy are sinnes! That is why Christ is our head!
I get what you are saying, I don't like the government and the Church shouldn't support it in any way, but I don't think that the Church should openly and enthusiastically support the opposition which is mostly leftist, secular and pro-democratic either. I'd prefer them to have a neutral stance on this matter as much as possible, correct me if I'm wrong.
If you have rullers that are evil, i think, bishops should point to them even if they became hated. Mt 5; 10.
Ps even people should and must do that
@@nikola.6906 that has nothing to with the what Milos said, both ruler and oposition are secular so no point in that, and Church shouldn't support eother of them especially protesters who are left wing oriented
Milos is 100% right on the matter
I look at the matter the same as u.The left wing is really sad in Serbia.Left and right are different side of the same coin.Althiugh it DOES make me sad thatChruch is not attending some matters also i would not like too see the Church fully suport protests.....
Protest maybe have the right intention but are somewhat lost their direction.Walking from one city to another ?For what.I would l9ve to see all of them goin to Ostrog to pay respect to our Saint Vasilije.And yes i think all is conected.
I am completely against the Church hierarchy supporting the student protests outside of calling what is good good and what is evil evil. The Church should shy away from such daily politics. Sadly, it does it poorly.
I'll never forget the day a priest explained, in a homily (during Liturgy!), how he'd never write a letter to help an anti-jabber keep their job. Meanwhile several of my family members were fired and subsequently denied unemployment. Yes, our relationship is with Christ. The Hierarchy should facilitate our service to Him and our collective Theosis. No more, no less. I hear way too much from conservative Orthos about obedience, in light of such things.
That’s so sad. I’m sorry to hear it.
@millier.206 Thanks! It was a while ago but I'll never get tired of reminding Anglo Orthodox that Priests are people too :)
Old calendarist propaganda
@oimss2021 'Old Calendarist Propaganda' is a convenient label to automatically discredit uncomfortable truths. Classic Ecumenist-in-denial strategy.
'Old Calendarist Propaganda' is a convenient label that Ecumenists in denial throw out from time to time, in order to discredit and thus avoid facing uncomfortable truths, lest these truths shatter the entire edifice of their unpatristic ecclesiology that is preparing the way for the global church of Antichrist, in which "all spiritual paths lead to the same God".
Old Calendarist Propaganda' is a convenient label that usually Ecumenists in denial throw out from time to time, in order to discredit and thus avoid facing uncomfortable truths, lest these truths shatter the entire edifice of their unpatristic ecclesiology that is preparing the way for the global church of Antichrist, in which "all spiritual paths lead to the same God". As preached by the 'official' hierarchs of State Church 'Orthodoxy' in league with the Global Elites.
Just read their official Interfaith statements bro.
For DECADES now.
Don't tell me you haven't noticed.
Almost like khalkedon was a massive mistake. Miaphysites have less trouble with temporal power, which DB Hart notes is a slow working poison for the church. I love my community but I believe miaphysites are closer to the right idea and relation to temporal power
But that’s not how the Truth is determined & taught - by mere anecdote.
Seeing the top of the Orthodox Church do whatever you might call what it's doing is absolutely horrifying.
Remember, Judas was an Apostle. Remember, the tares are sown with the wheat. Remember, St Paul warned about wolves. It’s an ever-present reality until the Second Appearing.
Kind of the opposite of armenia where patriarch is leading opposition
Uhg. I thought Orthodox was going to be something different. I cannot even find a local Orthodox Church. Maybe that’s a blessing.
Just as much politics, if not more in Orthodoxy as any other Church.
Learn about the "door of prophecies" in Wadi El natron. We are in the 6th epoch. The Eastern Orthodox is the true Church but we must be aware of the times we are in. I believe God will allow persecution to come to unite the Church to strip away the chaff.
In the very end there will be one Church as was in the beginning. There is alot of corruption in the hierarch but God will put that to an end soon.
You thought fallen people weren't going to be fallen people? Men will always fail us, which is why Christ didn't leave us a Church dependent on one man (a'la Roman Catholicism).
@@CosmicMystery7 OMG...
@@9and7 no need to take our Lord's name in vain. The Church has always had rotten hierarchs from time to time. That's why we can't put our faith in individual men (other than Christ Jesus, of course).
Just a tip, don’t call a video “my struggle” 💀
It's called my struggleS :D
0 views in a minute, vro fell off
Vro indeed fell off
Cosidering the "door of prophecies" in Wadi El natron. We are in the 6th epoch. The Eastern Orthodox is the true Church but we must be aware of the times we are in.
I believe God will soon allow persecution to come to unite the Church stripping away the chaff then the true faithful will stand among the hierarchs.
In the very end there will be one Church as was in the beginning. There is alot of corruption in the hierarch but God will put that to an end soon.
God has allowed for bad hierarchs because of our sin. Let us repent and pray that he send us new hierarchs to lead us in Spirit and in truth.
Are you in Serbia?
Volumes 1-5 of Philokalia and assorted other texts available.
Yup :D
I am the first to watch this woohooo!
The first and biggest reason should be the anti-canonical and heretic replacement of true baptism, which the Serbian Patriarchate has been committing against those desiring to join the Church. If a class action lawsuit was brought against them, they would be found liable for charging and collecting "taxes" for services "baptism" of which has nothing to do with a Orthodox Baptism. Unfortunately if the Clergy lacks the proper form of Baptism, which is the new spiritual birth of a person, then they cannot pass on to others, what they themselves lack.
russian church is way worse, in publicaly acts as mobilisation mechanism for russian army
What's up with Yoga? Is it just the spiritual aspect that isn't liked, or the practice in general? Sorry, just one of the things my mind is focusing on for whatever reason 😆 God preserve you and the Serbian people, Bojan.
I will make a separate video on it - some people the entire yoga is corrupt, some only the spirtual aspect. I'd stay clear of it completely.
@@BanterWithBojan Yes. There are so many different kinds of physical exercise that there really is no scarcity of other options! Plus, it's not even proper Hinduism!! The only people who do yoga in India are commercial ashrams for tourists... 😀
@@BanterWithBojan Yes. There are so many different methods of physical exercise that there really is no scarcity of other options! Plus, it's not even proper Hinduism. The only people who do yoga in India are commercial ashrams for tourists.
@@BanterWithBojan Understood and thanks for replying!
Yoga is part of the Hindu religion. In fact, there are many yogas that make up Hindu religious practice, the version that you think of is just one of them. It is kind of similar to sacraments. That is why many priests oppose us doing yoga.
Шта рећи, а не заплакати... Скоро сам се са једним свештеником препуцавао на ту тему, ал он упорно тврди да црква не треба да се меша у дешавања у држави...
I u pravu je. Isus je rekao da njegovo Carstvo nije od ovoga sveta. Jovan 18:36. Ljudi misle Crkva treba da stane na čelo protesta a ne razumeju da prava sloboda dolazi od Isusa Hrista a ne od ove ili one vlasti. Ne dolazi zapravo od bilo koje političke promene. Ti umesto da saslušaš pouku sveštenika ti si rešio da se svađaš. Ja mogu da se složim ili ne sa sveštenikom u sebi ali nikad se u životu ne bih raspravljao.
Filip Karadjordjevic for President(King/bring back the monarchy)?
He has never expressed any interest in becoming President. None.
If he wishes to become King then the Constitution will need to be amended. Also, the King would certainly be only a symbolic king and nothing more. He would have zero actual power.
once he learns to speak his own language, the prince could nominate himself
This sad situation is the logical outcome of keeping church and state together, of making the church dependant on the state, and of not administering discipline according to justice, and the standard of Holy Scripture (rather than the current standard of political expediency). It is impossible to avoid spiritual compromise as long as confessing Christians are unwilling to recognize Christ's rule, His dominion over the entirety of faith and practice. Political involvement and nationalism have no place in the life of the Church because they necessarily relinquish our ability to function as a people whose lives proclaim that Christ is King.
The Serbian Episcopate? You mean the MOB
😂 brutal truth
Bravo Bojane
Serbia has not existed since 1944, and the false reconciliation between the Free Church and the Belgrade Patriarchate in 1991 is the worst thing that has happened to the Serbian people and the Church in the last 30-40 years.
And that is very hard to serbian orthodox people to understand.
Enough with your Free Serbian Orthodox Church cult BS, I grew up in it so no lectures please about how it was the true Serbian church run by true Serbs, most of whom married foreigners and had German, Austrian, Anglo wives, they weren't even man enough to find Serbian women.
Our supposed "free" church practiced ecumenism adopting non orthodox customs thanks to the mixed marriages (because a German or Austrian woman really knows our traditions) and the need to be accepted by the natives of the countries they lived in, particularly the English speaking countries like the US, UK, Canada and Australia/NZ.
Lets not also forget the "free Serbian church" was nothing more than a CIA backed experiment putting Dionosije in charge it had nothing to with Tito or the UDBA, they couldn't give a shit what we did thousands of miles away from Yugoslavia. Its people like you that are using the current situation to try to convince people to follow you non canonical cult, you're no different to the communists.
There is only ONE ETERNAL Serbian Orthodox Church and its much bigger than any one Patriarch, Bishop, Priest or Deacon. Not one enemy of the Serbian Church succeeded in destroying it, nor will you or your ilk.
Discusting, cope, and beta nationalist propaganda
German-American Serbian Orthodox here. This sounds like y'all's issue, not ours. I don't care what the Serbian government is doing or how the hierarchy over there is propping it up unless it has something to do with continuing to justify Serbia's defense of anti-Habsburg terrorists in 1914, which is morally heinous. The point of religion is to build solidarity with a local community, and the concerns of Serbian-Serbian jurisdictions are as remote to me as Nazism was to my PA Dutch great-grandparents.
Just keep your hierarch in your prayers…
Oh I do, don't worry about it :)