Kenridge Primary School

  • Опубликовано: 9 янв 2019
  • Objectives of the School:
    Through the implementation of a variety of life skills, innovative and progressive teaching methods, consistent discipline and the use of modern technology, we seek to prepare learners for the changing society of which they are a part and to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing future.
    The school seeks through all its activities to promote individuality and a happy, balanced approach to life and acknowledges the complimentary roles played by the school and the community. It therefore encourages an attitude of openness among educators, parents and learners and at the same time is committed to the sharing of high moral values and standards.
    Kenridge Primary School also endeavours to instil in the staff, learners and parents a sense of pride in the school and its achievements, in the firm belief that its fine traditions lay the foundation of its future growth.
    Please feel free to make full use of the website and to contact us with any queries you may have - www.kenridgepr...
    Doelstellings van die Skool:
    Deur die blootstelling aan moderne tegnologie, lewensvaardighede, innoverende en progressiewe leermetodes, sowel as konsekwente dissipline, wil ons die leerders voorberei om die uitdagings wat ‘n veranderende toekoms inhou, met vertroue tegemoet te gaan.
    Ons gee erkenning aan die interafhanklikheid van die skool en die gemeensakap asook aan die handhawing van gemeenskaplike morele waardes en standaarde in samewerking met ‘n openhartige verhouding tussen opvoerders, leerders en ouers.
    Ons skool wil ‘n gevoel van trots by die personeel, leerders en ouers skep deur ons toekomstige ontwikkeling te grondves op die tradisies van die verlede.
    Voel gerus vry om van die volledige webtuiste gebruik te maak en kontak ons in verband met enige navrae - www.kenridgepr...

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