Agnes Obel - Run Cried The Crawling (Official Audio)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 857

  • @ChazzTheGuardian
    @ChazzTheGuardian 5 лет назад +799

    I love how TV can put great music in your path

    • @iriedaila
      @iriedaila 4 года назад +8

      Sometimes it works and I'm happy. I have recognized first, at night at Radio ard-kultur in germany, these amazing song familiar years ago.
      Sad that great music hide away.

    • @usedfuzzbox
      @usedfuzzbox 3 года назад +8

      There are great moments in TV and Film, but the really great ones have that music track that forever makes you recall it, no matter what , and they stay inextricably tied together in your mind.

    • @Taru1blm
      @Taru1blm Год назад

      Though I detest television, I remember hearing a Perrier commercial well over a decade ago that played a song called "waves" by Camille. Was a great find! If you like this style, you might appreciate it.видео.html&ab_channel=Camille

  • @aiswaryaprasad1006
    @aiswaryaprasad1006 3 года назад +286

    This is the kind of music that makes u want to walk around in a forest all alone ❤️

    • @TheRRRoRy
      @TheRRRoRy 2 года назад +6

      agree, I try to put Agnes Obel in all my playlists for walking, also Kundalini Genie as an opposite mood music too

    • @ch4509
      @ch4509 2 года назад

      Until you get abducted … lol

    • @kez6284
      @kez6284 2 года назад +5

      Oh wow I agree!!! This is definitely a beautiful walking alone song. Suits the trees, suits the soil, suits the creatures of Earth like me. Appreciate humans like us.

    • @epizon7
      @epizon7 2 года назад +2

      The kind of music that act as a therapist🤯

    • @redskyatnight123
      @redskyatnight123 Год назад +2

      Whilst on mushrooms

  • @KatiKosta
    @KatiKosta 4 года назад +187

    So haunting, dreamlike, and other worldly. Strange mix of autumn and summer vibes for me. Beautiful.

    • @briannabridgman
      @briannabridgman 2 года назад +4

      It’s like summer is ending and turning into fall :)

    • @jonathanw549
      @jonathanw549 2 года назад +3

      I get pure winter from it. Music is cool.

    • @mandela-manny5022
      @mandela-manny5022 2 года назад +4

      It’s… therapeutic, soul finding… helps you think about who you are. Do you agree?

    • @redskyatnight123
      @redskyatnight123 Год назад +1

      ​@@mandela-manny5022makes me have memories of a love lost

  • @maxscene7
    @maxscene7 5 лет назад +1396

    This made me FEEL things in Euphoria-- like not even sad, just FEEL in the deepest trenches of my spirit.

    • @IceCold420
      @IceCold420 5 лет назад +36

      It made me feel high without 👉🚬🚬🚬

    • @umbralowl
      @umbralowl 5 лет назад +13

      I love this song it isn't even about getting high to which is nice, but I bump this Shit when I'm sober, good for the soul

    • @jordynarielle8812
      @jordynarielle8812 5 лет назад +20

      Right? Feels like my soul has been touched

    • @yevgeniyaleshchenko849
      @yevgeniyaleshchenko849 4 года назад +2

      Y'all are so cringe, I swear.... Too bad it didn't make you THINK, snowflakes.

    • @maxscene7
      @maxscene7 4 года назад +9

      @@yevgeniyaleshchenko849 wait, you dont feel and think at the same time?

  • @castortroy5349
    @castortroy5349 5 лет назад +538

    I can’t tell if this makes me sad or happy. Its dead center It’s amazing

  • @DecimalD_
    @DecimalD_ 4 года назад +149

    I discovered Agnes Obel because her song Familiar was on the Netflix series “Dark.” I was like “IS THAT AGNES OBEL?!” When I heard this in Euphoria’s pilot episode. The song fit the scene so perfectly.

    • @mariamgalal4859
      @mariamgalal4859 4 года назад +1


    • @briab1679
      @briab1679 4 года назад +3

      Same thanks for helping me remember how I discovered her

    • @crazymelomanka
      @crazymelomanka Год назад

      yeah, i knew her long before i watched the Series, and when I heard her there I couldn't believe my ears))

  • @cherokeecrazed
    @cherokeecrazed 7 лет назад +1094

    "This makes me feel like a fairy by a waterfall" - my little sister

  • @mrgergoke876
    @mrgergoke876 5 лет назад +77

    This is just so underrated and unknown. I like to think of songs like this as my "personal" treasures.

    • @daneglencoe3460
      @daneglencoe3460 2 года назад +3

      It’s crazy how someone’s art can mean 1000x more to someone, then it does to even the Artist themselves.

  • @briannawhite8265
    @briannawhite8265 10 лет назад +257

    I really appreciate music like this. Beautiful, soft, so much feeling. Not the trash on the radio these days.

  • @mouadderr
    @mouadderr 5 лет назад +2381

    I was watching EUPHORIA and i had to stop it to look for this song 💜

    • @mizzrierie2153
      @mizzrierie2153 5 лет назад +33

      Me too lol

    • @kolapse320
      @kolapse320 5 лет назад +31

      Agnes Obel always have songs on all HBO shows lol.

    • @dmann5938
      @dmann5938 5 лет назад +1

      Paranoid Dog like?

    • @anaferreira596
      @anaferreira596 5 лет назад +13

      I was only able to find it after watching dark because the subtitles said the name of the singer and both songs are somehow similar.

    • @kolapse320
      @kolapse320 5 лет назад +8

      @@dmann5938 The Leftovers - Sharp Objects - Big Little Lies

  • @camilledumeige3
    @camilledumeige3 5 лет назад +47

    I'm happy that people finally get to be introduced to the pure beauty that is Agnes Obel's music. It's what I listen to when I'm stressed out. It's both melancholic and relaxing.

  • @christineschmitt9937
    @christineschmitt9937 9 лет назад +87

    Hauntingly beautiful.

  • @biankasanitrova7720
    @biankasanitrova7720 Год назад +8

    I remember listening to this song in the car on the way from a trip with my grandparents. I was afraid of the feeling of losing them. Grandma died 2 years ago and every time I hear this song I remember all the memories with her. I miss her, I wish I said I love you to you more often.

  • @williambruce6099
    @williambruce6099 2 года назад +32

    This is the type of music that only people who have lost a loved one or who are extremely hurt can understand. 💗💔💗 Rest In Peace my dear Sister

    • @jldlc7610
      @jldlc7610 26 дней назад

      that's pretty much everyone

  • @kellyhoward1956
    @kellyhoward1956 7 лет назад +223

    my gf listens to a lot of piano music and this was one of the first songs she sent to me when we started dating so i heavily associate with her and it make me so happyyyyy i love her

    • @salmaa3801
      @salmaa3801 5 лет назад +12

      Kelly Howard are you still together ?

    • @erikjunior3643
      @erikjunior3643 4 года назад +2

      Do you love her yet?

    • @awesomespoon11
      @awesomespoon11 4 года назад +5

      are you still together? please answer. its 2021

    • @kellyhoward1956
      @kellyhoward1956 4 года назад +3

      @@salmaa3801 no we’re not together anymore, we split up in march

    • @kellyhoward1956
      @kellyhoward1956 4 года назад +10

      @@awesomespoon11 no we split up in march :/ we were together for 3 years though!

  • @jungkookkookie2821
    @jungkookkookie2821 5 лет назад +295

    Thank you Euphoria now I'm addicted to this song

  • @senseyl893
    @senseyl893 10 лет назад +85

    I am a little bit scared how intimate this song is.

  • @HeartRipper-o8l
    @HeartRipper-o8l 26 дней назад +3

    The magic and the feeling into this Beautiful song, takes me to a forest been a white witch..walking, fullled of this power, sadness, nostalgic and sublime melody.... conectin with nature , the Moon, my own darkness...!! ❤
    Your music is Magical Art!! So real, so Deep...✨️

  • @maxscene7
    @maxscene7 5 лет назад +1202

    You know inevitably, people will complain about the comments like "Euphoria brought me here", but damn why does everyone need to be so salty? Can't we all just be happy that something brought us here together, and no matter how you found this, its alright, because now we found each other?

    • @seanvas7720
      @seanvas7720 5 лет назад +20

      Yo write my vows.

    • @maxscene7
      @maxscene7 5 лет назад +4

      @@seanvas7720 broooo hahhhahahaha

    • @maxscene7
      @maxscene7 5 лет назад +6

      @@drea94 what is the right way to appreciate music though? not trying to start a fight hahahah just interested in your perspective

    • @kazuya....
      @kazuya.... 5 лет назад

      Well no one has yet after a month so a bit premature

    • @maxscene7
      @maxscene7 5 лет назад

      @@kazuya.... thats why I said inevitably xD

  • @becc8617
    @becc8617 8 лет назад +55

    I only discovered Agnes Obel this morning. Woe is me. She is amazing. Wish I knew about her sooner.

  • @arvinfonellera
    @arvinfonellera 3 года назад +106

    who is here after watching the irregulars??? ahhhhh i want season 2 now and more of this kind of music!

    • @arvinfonellera
      @arvinfonellera 3 года назад

      @@andocstx really!!???? whyyyy??

    • @madnesshh
      @madnesshh 3 года назад

      try riverside by this artist

    • @Usthereout
      @Usthereout 3 года назад

      @@andocstx show was trash

  • @bellaf1205
    @bellaf1205 2 года назад +5

    My fiancé took his life September 11th of this year. Has not been even a month. We would sit and listen to music all night when we first started dating. He loved this song. When we moved in together, he then would sit in his game room listening to music by himself. I would go in and we would dance together. He loved this song. Last night I dreamt of his music. He didn't show his face. It was if he were in that room playing music for me again. I woke up singing this song in my head. We were alright in each other's arms. Slept forehead to forhead. We never had love like we had with each other before. He had mental illness. I will never stop loving him. Ever.

  • @daisymuah
    @daisymuah 8 месяцев назад +3

    this song is the epitome of nostalgia, sadness, happiness & wanderlust in one

  • @shaym4306
    @shaym4306 Год назад +7

    Agnes is so endlessly special. A hauntingly angelic siren calling for your soul.. everything about her words, the orchestra/instrumentals, and her captivating voice are nothing short of mystical, otherworldly, and enchanting. Just captures my soul every single time. 🥀🖤

  • @toniharrison1215
    @toniharrison1215 3 года назад +20

    This song makes me feel like I am traversing slowly and tentatively through a snowy wood while frost covers my fingertips, my nose is red from the chill, and I shiver beneath my garments. Still, the sight of the snow, pristine and sparkling, amongst the pines, and the scent of purity in the air invigorates my blood. ❄️

  • @AdaireSalome
    @AdaireSalome 3 года назад +4

    Cardinal brought me here. It was the first place I heard Agnes Obel's haunting beauty with her song "Familiar" and then I was hooked on all of her music!

  • @zuzannaborowska287
    @zuzannaborowska287 9 лет назад +43

    I love Agnes Obel's music. And this song is one of my favourites - absolutely beautiful.

    • @Paperbagman555
      @Paperbagman555 9 лет назад +6

      ***** ^Well someone didn't get laid that night...

    • @basement_4300
      @basement_4300 3 года назад

      hello someone replies 6 years later, will you?

  • @aarunikasingh9924
    @aarunikasingh9924 3 года назад +6

    The Irregulars brought me here and I'm glad.❤️

  • @nedachilles8793
    @nedachilles8793 5 лет назад +49

    i've never known someone like her, RIP love of my life, thanks Euphoria to bring back heart breaking memory.

    • @dreamybabe
      @dreamybabe 5 лет назад +8

      I feel this. I miss him every day all day. Even though our hearts are broken... we can still see the beauty in the pain. That they existed, that we loved them, that they mattered, that we were blessed to know that kind of love. It's a painful beautiful tragedy .

    • @carlosmunoz8789
      @carlosmunoz8789 5 лет назад +2

    • @filipeventuri3902
      @filipeventuri3902 4 года назад +1

      @@dreamybabe I'm feeling the same, When I was 16 I used to think that love was bullshit, but now I can really understand how beautiful it's. I was extremely lucky about living love, although I still miss her and she's currently with my best friend. Sometimes life sucks but you must to get any perspective that you can, 'cause in the long term you'll remind them as real and strong memories. That makes me feel vivid.

  • @paintitblack6728
    @paintitblack6728 5 лет назад +14

    Shazamed the last song of an episode of the show called 'Cardinal' and Agnes Obel .. Wow !! What a voice and a a song !! Hauntingly wonderful.

    • @pristineview
      @pristineview 5 лет назад

      Same :-)

    • @christinavlachou2
      @christinavlachou2 4 года назад

      Do you have the song "Personne ne m'entend" by Sarah Slean ? It was played in Cardinal when his wife died. I searched for this song everywhere but i can't download. I don't have apple music and i want this song so much. If you can send it to me it would be great!! Thank you!!

    • @christinavlachou2
      @christinavlachou2 4 года назад


  • @NoDDinOuTMeLoDy
    @NoDDinOuTMeLoDy 5 лет назад +286

    Euphoria is my new fav show love it !!!

  • @KillianOverride
    @KillianOverride 5 лет назад +15

    This song really makes me feel weird, but so euphoric. I've gone through a lot, I feel really similar to Rue when it comes to opiods, love, depression, and a journey through highschool.

    • @latinstuff1
      @latinstuff1 2 года назад +1

      I hope you are out of it, this hamster wishes you out of it.

  • @whatwhy826
    @whatwhy826 4 года назад +5

    this song makes me cry but at the same time i feel so comforted

  • @kaylavalentinebooth686
    @kaylavalentinebooth686 Год назад +3

    music like this lets my soul bleed whats unspoken an sets it free

  • @torbennielsen4708
    @torbennielsen4708 11 месяцев назад +2

    Came to this song from watching Cardinal. Just love it. Went so well with the season 1 episode 6 final with looking out past the house into the snow and woods. Love the mood it conveys.

  • @PBUH-SAW.
    @PBUH-SAW. Год назад +2

    I was watching Cardinal S1part6 the end beautiful song ❤😘🙏🏿

  • @JS-zi5gt
    @JS-zi5gt 5 лет назад +4

    One of my late brother's favourites, God I miss him so much

  • @asterickanderson3343
    @asterickanderson3343 7 лет назад +12

    Beautiful song, Agnes Obel!
    Learned of your beautiful music style at the end of Cardinal episode 6

  • @ThatLoudCockatoo
    @ThatLoudCockatoo 3 года назад +11

    Someone on the 911 team must really like Agnes Obel. This was the second time they've used one if her songs ♡

    • @missravenclaw5093
      @missravenclaw5093 3 года назад +3

      I just came to look for a comment like that :D

  • @MsLadyCatherine
    @MsLadyCatherine 9 лет назад +27

    Beautiful !!! The voice, the orchestration, so brilliant !

  • @apez9746
    @apez9746 2 года назад +3

    Okay, i'm obsessed with this song 😩😩😩

  • @margaretarriaga6370
    @margaretarriaga6370 7 месяцев назад +1

    This make me feel like time is so still,I can catch a tear

  • @blueberrycorpseblood
    @blueberrycorpseblood Год назад +2

    Falling down
    From high hopes
    To the ground
    Never has lyrics from a song made me feel so strongly. Always falling back to the ground….

  • @shamontoshekh5089
    @shamontoshekh5089 4 года назад +3

    This song is addictive...
    It harts deep down in the heart.
    Love this...

  • @Eukimedes
    @Eukimedes 2 года назад +4

    This song makes me feel peaceful, love full, makes me feel a lot of positive and gorgeous emotions which music means for me.

  • @BalbinkaMistrz
    @BalbinkaMistrz 7 лет назад +5

    Agnes takes me out of my mind... She gives to the world something really special. Her music reminds me how I love my sweet mom who died few years ago. She would love this I am 100% sure.

  • @ArtbyAtlas
    @ArtbyAtlas 10 лет назад +70

    This, Dorian & The Curse are my absolute favorites from Aventine. :)

  • @dany.nighradaigh
    @dany.nighradaigh 4 года назад +17

    Knew this song before euphoria because I love Agnes Obel but when I watched euphoria I was so glad it reminded me of this song

  • @AnacondaC199
    @AnacondaC199 4 года назад +2

    i've been listening to this non-stop for a couple of weeks, which is very telling of how i am emotionally atm

  • @canaanlowe6618
    @canaanlowe6618 3 года назад +2

    This song awakens all the dark recesses of my soul! In the most positive ways Ofcourse!

  • @sunflowersbutterfly
    @sunflowersbutterfly 5 лет назад +10

    When the music hits your 👂🎶😍❤

  • @mylittlecupcake123
    @mylittlecupcake123 10 лет назад +2

    Agnes Obel is the most talented woman I have ever come across. Her music inspires so much other artists all across the globe. I thank her for all her work.

  • @mel5282
    @mel5282 5 лет назад +21

    Just started watching Euphoria. Heard this song at the end of episode 1 and fell in love with it.

  • @neslihansunmaz9912
    @neslihansunmaz9912 4 года назад +1

    Agnes Obel makes me FEEL some thing ❤️

  • @DaiBei
    @DaiBei 4 года назад +1

    Food for the soul, no words for the mind. Thanks Agnes.

  • @wandam2461
    @wandam2461 3 года назад +1

    The irregulars brought me here and I'm so grateful because Agnes Obel has such a soothing voice and her music is almost incomparable if you ask me. I absolutely love her voice.

  • @rozikiraly4676
    @rozikiraly4676 3 года назад +33

    I'm watching The irregulars on Netflix(if you see this comment watch the series)and i heard this song, and I was like "I need this on my playlist"

  • @mariamgalal4859
    @mariamgalal4859 4 года назад +4

    She be rocking euphoria dark and everything omg😩

  • @vampz9630
    @vampz9630 2 года назад +2

    Wow I can't believe this came out 7 years ago! It's LITTERLY still trending

  • @marylouiseking451
    @marylouiseking451 Год назад +3

    Love her music 💯

  • @thedreamerthatdreams
    @thedreamerthatdreams 3 года назад +3

    I m just here for how beautiful this song is.. it relaxes every cell of my brain... ❤️❤️ Just appreciating the music..

  • @ryanmaniac13
    @ryanmaniac13 10 лет назад +2

    I can relate to this so deeply atm I love her expression and the deep melancholic vibe of her tunes she is a true beauty in every aspect

  • @SoulDrifter
    @SoulDrifter 4 года назад +3

    I want to both go to sleep and wake up to this song everyday for the rest of my life

  • @mannatkhan.8974
    @mannatkhan.8974 3 года назад +2

    OMG this song sounds like heaven...

  • @emilybelkey
    @emilybelkey 5 лет назад +1

    this song makes me feel so many things but in the best way. thankful for music.

  • @nickbridwell6699
    @nickbridwell6699 7 лет назад +40

    I feel like an ancient wayfaring soul who has been beckoned by these songs to the temple of a steadfast, melodic priestess.

    • @DazzaDirect
      @DazzaDirect 5 лет назад

      here you go "Wayfaring Stranger" _-->видео.html ;-]

  • @cannabisconnoisseur6599
    @cannabisconnoisseur6599 5 лет назад +120

    This music is the moment I first saw her. Still years away from the cancer that took her away, before the chasm she created when she left, before this unending ache left in her absence. I won’t ever forget the moment our eyes met for the first time. Her brief but captivating smile, the beauty that effortlessly radiated from her as I took my seat next to her on the plane. She was everything I never knew I always wanted, but even that fails to describe what was formed in those few hours on the way back to nowhere. I didn’t fall for her, no she was a thief who stole my heart and any semblance of the life I once lived. Those moments, each second better than the last, praying the plane would slow just long enough for one more moment in her presence. For years since then I’ve dreamt of that time, before she lost her hair, before she withered in front of me, before she begged me to leave, before I promised to stay, before her break downs as the pain overtook her senses, before they told her that hope had failed us.
    So I choose to go back, to seat 26B, I’m coming sweetheart, because I promised you I would never leave you, and I promise you I never have.

    • @isabella-tm5ck
      @isabella-tm5ck 4 года назад +7

      this is beautiful 🤍 i’m so sorry for your loss and i hope you’re doing okay

    • @Lit_Owl94
      @Lit_Owl94 3 года назад +1

      I am lost for words. This beyond beautiful like a small book I wish I could I continue to read just so I can fill in that gap in my soul right now . God bless you ! And if writing is your thing continue to do it cause you have a true talent.

    • @MileyCyrusSwollenGums
      @MileyCyrusSwollenGums 3 года назад

      My god the despair...

    • @Omele.t.t.e
      @Omele.t.t.e 3 года назад

      just the first line got me crying

    • @degodeegs449
      @degodeegs449 3 года назад +1

      I am teary eyed

  • @XXcarolsmurphXX
    @XXcarolsmurphXX 10 лет назад +2

    Agnes Obel is so beyond amazing..honestly I'm only annoyed I didn't find her music sooner! I think Chord Left is my favourite, I just wish it would go on forever.

  • @j.oan.n.e
    @j.oan.n.e 4 года назад

    still years away and the months went past this song is a good and pure place of joy and dancing softly with your arms in the air.

  • @chaupiamarighambi5859
    @chaupiamarighambi5859 Год назад +2

    Mixed emotions listening to this

  • @aniket6426
    @aniket6426 Год назад +1

    Agnes obel is a feeling....🫠🥰🖤🎶

  • @azlayalokdrin2742
    @azlayalokdrin2742 9 лет назад +3

    She is got beautiful voice.

  • @isabellawall3241
    @isabellawall3241 2 года назад +1

    Her music was fabulous in Cardinal (a Canadian crime drama) the music really matched the melancholy mood

  • @Detective501
    @Detective501 3 года назад

    It's like every show I feel connected to has an Agnes' song in it.

  • @mandela-manny5022
    @mandela-manny5022 2 года назад +1

    This strangely makes me feel… happy… relaxed, I haven’t felt that in so long. Music really is therapy huh?

  • @harshtiwaril0ngwhitecl0ud
    @harshtiwaril0ngwhitecl0ud 3 года назад +7

    The irregulars brings me here 😃

  • @azred1566
    @azred1566 4 года назад +22

    Make her famous guys. We need to spread her talent all over the world.
    You are amazing.
    Love from India!

    • @63artemisia63
      @63artemisia63 2 года назад +1

      @Az Red She may not want fame; she may be happy making her music and getting the recognition she already has. Fame always causes problems

  • @Nihilism2011
    @Nihilism2011 9 лет назад

    Agnes makes life worth living one song at a time.

  • @LB2Fan
    @LB2Fan 10 лет назад +22

    The tv show catfish from mtv brought me here. Absolutely love this song! I'm in love with it

  • @drstevie
    @drstevie 5 лет назад +2

    Watched 7 episodes , ( EUPHORIA ).. & had lists mile long...beautiful music.

  • @Hunter-fs1nj
    @Hunter-fs1nj 3 года назад +1

    Hauntingly beautiful, I read fortunes, cards and people for a living and this song somehow reminds me of that. It is never a goal of mine to tell the future, it is to pull people out of the pit of fear to see that their life will not end with one more setback.

  • @iguava
    @iguava Год назад

    I got to know this song from watching The Irregulars. How beautifully remarkable.

  • @m.oldani
    @m.oldani 8 месяцев назад +2

    Cry running wild. ❤

  • @RBlur
    @RBlur 7 лет назад +5

    Cardinal brought me here.. I am beyond enchanted with those vocals.

  • @tonicemeno5850
    @tonicemeno5850 4 года назад

    Just heard her the first time today..Love Her..Beautiful Song!! Her Voice is Very Beautiful..

  • @MaryVonHook
    @MaryVonHook 4 года назад +2

    This is so beautiful

  • @kez6284
    @kez6284 2 года назад +2

    When you've lived 20 years with another, but now walk the forests alone, you appreciate the sounds of harmonic humans. This is that.

  • @Omele.t.t.e
    @Omele.t.t.e 3 года назад +7

    We split up after 2 years. Now, Euphoria reminds me a lot of his drug addiction and how despite my most honest effort I wasn't able to help her... this song just makes me cry a lot u know

    • @Omele.t.t.e
      @Omele.t.t.e 3 года назад

      reality isn't up to me to decide

  • @ninalaos2801
    @ninalaos2801 5 лет назад +6

    I lay in bed listening to this song feeling nothing 💙

  • @degodeegs449
    @degodeegs449 3 года назад +1

    This sound is climatic with severe lows..and absolutely..addictive

  • @benjaminrazzio1477
    @benjaminrazzio1477 9 лет назад +557

    Crawling down
    From high hopes to the ground
    While trouble sings along
    Baby my heart and soul
    A giant in the room
    I left him long ago, following you
    Wind heavy on the ground
    A cloak before the moon
    I guess I've never known
    Someone like you
    Falling down
    From high hopes to the ground
    There's no way out
    Baby my heart and soul
    A giant in the room
    We took the walk alone
    And now we are through
    Wind heavy on the ground
    A cloak before the moon
    I guess I've never known
    Someone like you
    Nature will get her way
    Though you took her for a fool
    Walking on the lake
    Frozen under you
    Baby my heart and soul
    There's nothing we couldn't do
    Summer's blowing cold
    And now we are through
    I'm alright here in your arms, darling
    I'm alright here in your arms, darling
    I'm alright only in your arms, darling
    I'm alright here in your arms, darling

  • @patroculse538
    @patroculse538 2 года назад +1

    This song feels like waking up feeling cold in the middle of a winter night when everyone's sleep except you and its dark in the whole house and you are walking on the cold floor to get a blanket

  • @kawasakiakira6873
    @kawasakiakira6873 3 года назад

    2021ppl here? Hello from Kz. I listen this music since 2014. And this song helped me in difficult moment in my life.
    Love Agness❤️

  • @fruityangst
    @fruityangst 5 лет назад +34

    *crying in the club*
    Rules :'))

  • @xanaportugal2012
    @xanaportugal2012 9 лет назад +2

    great artist! simple and beautiful music and at the same time conveys many emotions!

  • @juliapacheco691
    @juliapacheco691 2 года назад

    Agnes is sooo good OMG!

  • @yeah112358
    @yeah112358 6 лет назад +1

    Beautiful, haunting, lovely music! Thanks for posting.

  • @laracavaletti
    @laracavaletti 4 года назад +1

    I don't know what this song made me feel, but I feel a lot of things listening this, is like I can hear my spirit

  • @jordynarielle8812
    @jordynarielle8812 5 лет назад +1


  • @harstad35
    @harstad35 9 лет назад +412

    I see 3 people accidentally hit the dislike button, its`s ok, everybody makes mistakes....

    • @dogacevik8922
      @dogacevik8922 9 лет назад +7

      +Emil Harstad ı agree you, this is very big mistake

    • @melisaklc8066
      @melisaklc8066 8 лет назад +10

      hahaha i like your comment this is my favorite song ♡

    • @Kittie28
      @Kittie28 7 лет назад

      probably because there is no comma in the title.

    • @sarafaroig5353
      @sarafaroig5353 6 лет назад

      It is just because comercials are so.annoying.. i guess

    • @michellespiritual7729
      @michellespiritual7729 5 лет назад

      @Menig Hao - LOL, now it's upto 70. Fucking SHILLS