
Комментарии • 290

  • @yestoshells
    @yestoshells 5 лет назад +389

    I feel like Jonghyun would be so proud of Minho because he’s grown so much. ♥️

  • @user-jMeiC4imCk
    @user-jMeiC4imCk 5 лет назад +154

    He just received a lollipop why does he look like he's the happiest person on earth? Hahaha so cute

  • @rickawuland1658
    @rickawuland1658 5 лет назад +440

    After jjong's departure they learn to care more, love more, and they more focus to be happy shinee rather than to be great shinee, as a shawol nothing can make me happier than when I see shinee also happy with their careers and lives

    • @monkeymind9304
      @monkeymind9304 5 лет назад +26

      ricka wuland i alao notice that! I love that they’re more caring now.

    • @JM-kb3ul
      @JM-kb3ul 4 года назад +2


    • @bhagirathbhatt5990
      @bhagirathbhatt5990 4 года назад +6

      All are like that now.I am also a proud Shawol since 2017.Bt I knew Onew since drama descendents of the sun.I was at the airport with my family since we were going for holidays.At the airport I got the news That jjong has not with us anymore.😢😢I couldn't believe that.Bt Instead of Being sad I thought to be with them Love and support them.I never thought or commented "RIP jonghyun."He is still with us.I love My first love of kpop SHINee.💝5HINee Shawol6 Forever.💎💎💎💎💎💙💝

    • @kimchiiiii0525
      @kimchiiiii0525 4 года назад +6

      A happy SHINee is great SHINee. Im crying with what u said. Heartbreaking that loss...

    • @MandySam13
      @MandySam13 3 года назад +14

      Yes even I feel they are extra demonstrative with each other now. They show their feelings more & their care even more openly. Their bond has grown even stronger since their loss & that’s clear. When you lose someone close it gives you a reality check that you just can’t take anyone in you’re life for granted. I am so happy that SHINee are there for each other. Love them a lot!

  • @carilily
    @carilily 5 лет назад +1020

    I wish we could see Taemminie's face when his hyung covered Move

    • @jae8329
      @jae8329 5 лет назад +153

      I read from the comments in an article that Taemin was in the restroom when Minho was covering Move😂😂😂😂"Lee Taemin has the worst timing ever"😂😂😂

    • @carilily
      @carilily 5 лет назад +44

      @@jae8329 LMAO I can't believe him. Wait actually I can. Why is he like this? 😂

    • @jae8329
      @jae8329 5 лет назад +16

      @@carilily Hahaha I know right? 😂

    • @twominlove1912
      @twominlove1912  5 лет назад +86

      @@jae8329 actually no, Taemin was there when minho covered Move . He's in the bathroom when minho dancing to Want ^^

    • @jae8329
      @jae8329 5 лет назад +12

      @@twominlove1912 Oh I see😂

  • @haileysophia3146
    @haileysophia3146 5 лет назад +413

    Shinee members are damn real life brothers
    See, how they love their maknae so much? He just did what Jjong usually does, and it's to cover taemin's songs😭😭😘😘 i love shinee so much

  • @najiakashcool6547
    @najiakashcool6547 5 лет назад +193

    0:10 *I adore the way he calls him*

  • @DiamondWhite91
    @DiamondWhite91 5 лет назад +45

    It’s a great feeling when out if thousands of people, you are the special one who could put a real smile on someone’s face.

  • @rndipr
    @rndipr 5 лет назад +665

    I was crying because I know how SHINee members support each other and I know that they love each other wholeheartedly ❤️

    • @russelclowiebanta820
      @russelclowiebanta820 5 лет назад +10

      I hope they never forget jonghyun

    • @rndipr
      @rndipr 5 лет назад +20

      Russelclowie Banta they will never ever forget that angel 😇

    • @russelclowiebanta820
      @russelclowiebanta820 5 лет назад +11

      Thanks for saying that and that angel is so happy to see his brothers reaching there dreams and love each other like it will last until death

  • @user-medcsfi
    @user-medcsfi 2 месяца назад +1

    두분 예쁜 사랑하세요~~

  • @sarahsophia9625
    @sarahsophia9625 10 месяцев назад +1

    These two have such a precious relationship. They’re always there for each other, sincerely caring about the other’s wellbeing and happiness. I love that for them ♥️

  • @tmjohn8543
    @tmjohn8543 5 лет назад +297

    Taemin, minho they look so happy best of the best...shinee will be separate for a little bit lets keep supporting 5hinee forever... Also mv amazing great work

  • @irahayu5553
    @irahayu5553 5 лет назад +151

    Sweet Memory for 2min... And me..
    Taemin will miss minho.... So am i..
    Love 2min

  • @bethgarcia2007
    @bethgarcia2007 5 лет назад +83

    Shinee brotherhood was undefined.. the love for each other is unconditionally.. a true family that you cant compare to any... minho will choose shinee in a blink of an eye same with taemin and the rest.. always 5.. 2min relationship is very very cute the love was shown not just for fansite it was pure with respect.. they always said they are the fan of each other.. #shineeforever

  • @replayshinee2137
    @replayshinee2137 5 лет назад +121

    i see a proud maknae, i really loved minho oppa`s expression when he saw taeminnie oppa in the audience and their hi 5 moment and the bonus move and want
    my 2min
    they are too precious
    the members are great supporters
    love 5hinee forever

  • @chirese387
    @chirese387 5 лет назад +23

    2Min was one of the original OTP, love their support of each other

  • @seleneklarelee930
    @seleneklarelee930 5 лет назад +121

    I'm shook... Minho dancing to Taemin's Move is a mood... The two of them throwing hearts at each other is definitely a mood! 😍😍😍

  • @shinee8874
    @shinee8874 5 лет назад +10

    This is *GOLD*
    So touching 😢 I love SHINee so much .. they way they support each other is *LOVE*

  • @raezlindel7445
    @raezlindel7445 5 лет назад +13

    Taemin with his hyungs around he is so energetic, childlike attitude and relax because he knows his hyungs guides what is righr to do, and guards so he will not be harmed and spoiled him to the max, especially minho. And now they are all going to the military, maknae will miss them. I know he has lots of friends but some them same age or younger have to act maturely though sometimes he acts cute, it's never be the same happiness to the people whom you have treated as your family.

  • @tondonbichanu2192
    @tondonbichanu2192 5 лет назад +563

    Maknae will be alone after Minho going to AMRY

    • @lauraro5194
      @lauraro5194 5 лет назад +38

      No hell have kai and stuff jongin would never leave his bestie alone ❤️

    • @tondonbichanu2192
      @tondonbichanu2192 5 лет назад +68

      @@lauraro5194 i know but his hyungs is most important in Taemin life.....

    • @lauraro5194
      @lauraro5194 5 лет назад +26

      Tondonbi Chanu thats true no one can replace his members anyhow but taekai is also very real and they genuinely care for each other a lot ❤️ so kai wouldn't let him be by himself and that's the best option here

    • @seleneklarelee930
      @seleneklarelee930 5 лет назад +18

      Taemin's squad also... remember? Kai? Timo? Jimin?... sorry I forgot the names of the rest of the squad... I could imagine Taemin backstabbing his hyungs while they're in the army lol... 😅😅😅

    • @lauraro5194
      @lauraro5194 5 лет назад +5

      SeleneKlare Lee haha yeah the rest are ravi and sungwoon lol yeah they wouldn't leave him alone ❤️ ofc hell backstab them

  • @laralara8856
    @laralara8856 5 лет назад +34

    I love to see how SHINes supports each other
    True family right there, not even a "boygroup" anymore.. they're family! I'm so emotional lmao I love these boys

    • @ukiss4ever7
      @ukiss4ever7 5 лет назад +4

      Yes. They are basically a family now because all they have is each other. They have their own friends and family, but they don't have time to see them so all they have and see are each other :) They have to cherish that.

    • @mamatatskhellambam8588
      @mamatatskhellambam8588 5 лет назад +5

      So true.They are a family.The love between them is just wow.
      I don't have other words to say.

  • @chinmayi9176
    @chinmayi9176 4 года назад +3

    This was such a great moment.. I loved how Kibum and Taemin came to support Minho.. Minho always makes sure to attend their individual schedules to support his members.. It's nice to see it happening other way round.. SHINee is love.

  • @jeanvelasco3314
    @jeanvelasco3314 5 лет назад +10

    Seeing this, made me cry, i feel their love for each other 😭😭 How taemin love for Minho, and Minho love taemin is😢

  • @bonniroller
    @bonniroller 5 лет назад +13

    I like how excited Taemin gets when they go to support each other! I've only been a fan of Shinee about 6 months. I didn't realize Minho is the 2nd youngest! I don't know why! So, they are both the babies! No matter how s€y, singing, artist Tae is, he's still the maknae! He obviously loves his Hyungs, as they love him! I'm glad he has dynamic activities now! I hope he doesn't feel alone from them. He's abundantly talented & blessed! 🙏🥰

  • @mamatatskhellambam8588
    @mamatatskhellambam8588 5 лет назад +10

    Minho oppa covering 'Move' is the best clip ever.

  • @roseblanche2854
    @roseblanche2854 2 года назад +1

    Love 2min so much miss them ☺️❤✨2Cutie love u Taemin 💗✨

  • @taeminazz4845
    @taeminazz4845 5 лет назад +58

    2min, till now and forever.

  • @kimchiiiii0525
    @kimchiiiii0525 4 года назад +2

    This made me cry. Like, the love is so real. It's amazing to see people loving each other these days..

  • @Brixboba
    @Brixboba 5 лет назад +3

    I always say that I can't love shinee more than I already do but then I see videos like this that prove me wrong.

  • @lauritalakpoperdoramoniaca223
    @lauritalakpoperdoramoniaca223 5 лет назад +3

    Aww they are so cute 💘💘💘💘😍😊😳😳😳 tan lindos

  • @jaenaban6712
    @jaenaban6712 5 лет назад +16

    not very much related, but this is the reason why, with the huge scandal involving quite the amount of south korean idols happening lately, i can only really trust my shinee babies. 'been a fan for 10 years, and i can proudly say being a full pledged shawol is one of things i will never be regretful for. these boys have been sincerely one of the most precious blessings i have received and i pray each day that all of them get to complete their military service safely and return as a group after a few years ♡

  • @c.s377
    @c.s377 5 лет назад +2

    I love how they love and support each other.

  • @priyankak7271
    @priyankak7271 5 лет назад +4

    Soo sweet choi minho

  • @SHINeeShawolStandByYOU
    @SHINeeShawolStandByYOU 5 лет назад +56

    2min is My heart.. 💖... I m going to miss them So much 😢😢😢😭😭😭

  • @barbarasylvester1578
    @barbarasylvester1578 5 лет назад +2

    They are so handsome!!! I love the support that they have for each other!!!

  • @Glory-be-to-God.
    @Glory-be-to-God. 5 лет назад +12

    Omg this is so heartwarming😭😭😭 each has such big heart and even if minho is my bias😘 i cherish taemin dearly in my heart bcs he has the purest heart i've ever seen😍❤💘

  • @sangmanetodi
    @sangmanetodi 5 лет назад +10

    I miss them so much, why i fell sad watch this vid, hope they're always healthy💜💜💜💜💜

  • @jonyu3597
    @jonyu3597 5 лет назад +40

    2min is the classic ship that keeps on giving💙💛

  • @carilily
    @carilily 5 лет назад +46


  • @Julianna_w
    @Julianna_w 5 лет назад +37

    Brothers for life 💕

  • @laurentramos1974
    @laurentramos1974 5 лет назад +15

    If The 2min is not love then I do not know that it can be 😭😭😭 I have not yet accepted that they will not be together for two years but this beautiful video comforts me 💕

  • @marierose9149
    @marierose9149 5 лет назад +3

    Son malditamente hermosos!!!!😍😍

  • @soniaveloso5111
    @soniaveloso5111 5 лет назад +4

    Son únicos ,son tan Unidos.Éste grupo será lo mejor de Corea.
    .uchas bendiciones y esperen a sus compañeros .Para seguir Siendo Shinne por siempre. ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

  • @김미숙-k3k6z
    @김미숙-k3k6z 5 лет назад +12

    너무너무 이쁘다 샤이니는
    맴버들끼리도 너무 다정다감함에 홀딱 반해버린다 가식없이
    본인들의 모습 행동을
    샤월들과 팬들앞에 보여주니
    쫑디가 눈물흘리며 그랬듯
    자기의 진짜 모습을 보여주고싶고 팬들 또한
    뒤에 감쳐져있는
    진짜 자기의 본 모습을
    봐라봐 주길바랬는데
    모두 모두 ♥♥♥합니다

  • @shinatingstar
    @shinatingstar 5 лет назад +157


  • @sabrinaisinlovewithkimjong3104
    @sabrinaisinlovewithkimjong3104 5 лет назад +4

    After watching this all I can do is 'SMILE'😊💟

  • @frogyzz9378
    @frogyzz9378 5 лет назад +3

    this is so heartwarming...

  • @sandralopez1782
    @sandralopez1782 5 лет назад +14

    Que hermoso ver que entre ellos se apoyen como dos verdaderos hermanos y que hay mucho amor y comprension y que Taemin apoye a Minho Minho apoye a Taemin que hermoso porq los dos son muy profesionales y grandes artistas mis dos Diamantes los mas brillantes del mundo SHINee por siempre

  • @sreenandanasree1266
    @sreenandanasree1266 5 лет назад +2

    My most fav ship for ever ☺😍

  • @swadeshmondal7347
    @swadeshmondal7347 5 лет назад +13

    Seriously I 💗 LOVE Them Soo.. much ,they are my family and I can't live without them😢😘😘😉

  • @minidae3686
    @minidae3686 5 лет назад +6


  • @benbenitaa8029
    @benbenitaa8029 5 лет назад +3

    i dont know why but i think boygroup from SM like tvxq, super junior and shinee have a feels sibling like brothers very hard, always support each other and thats why i love them.

  • @snehamusiclover1
    @snehamusiclover1 3 года назад +1

    They keep me sane

  • @shineeandshawolskeysforeve1820
    @shineeandshawolskeysforeve1820 5 лет назад +7

    Minho + Taemin😍 = 2min Forever👬
    💎💙SHINee FOREVER 💙💎

  • @FurryBabies73
    @FurryBabies73 4 года назад +1

    My shy taeminnie😍😍😍 I miss 2min

  • @maryjoymitaranlolo1337
    @maryjoymitaranlolo1337 5 лет назад +4

    I can't😭 I love them too much that this one makes me cry😭❤❤ I miss them real muchhhh. Please comeback soonessst🙏🙏

  • @xukaison
    @xukaison 5 лет назад +21


  • @mist2024
    @mist2024 5 лет назад +4

    soon baby taemin will be at Onew's future concert, album launching. As always for his hyungs as he will forever be grateful that all started by late jonghyun supported his first concert, album and to taemin will continue that. #forever5hinee

  • @reshamjaiswal919
    @reshamjaiswal919 4 года назад +1

    Awwwwww minho and tamin bonding is soooooo cute ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @ritasorsa7195
    @ritasorsa7195 4 года назад +1

    Lovely Minho & Taemin !!! Sweet couple; we love them both very much, Greetings from Finland.🧡💙🧡

  • @leaantenorcruz7587
    @leaantenorcruz7587 5 лет назад +2

    This is why I love my boys!💙💙💙

  • @Ureshiixii
    @Ureshiixii 5 лет назад +28

    Since nowadays its hard for them to be together, to see each other since SHINee members has alot of solo activities including being in a military service, it seems that they are very excited to see each other 😂

  • @mariateresavillablancaalvi3242
    @mariateresavillablancaalvi3242 5 лет назад +3

    Me gusta MINHOO ❤💚💚❤❤💙💜 es genial 💝💝💝💝💝💝💝 CHILE 👍 CHILE 👏

  • @renthleyzikey1831
    @renthleyzikey1831 5 лет назад +9

    Min really love his Min, also Minho seems he almost fall to reach his boy, I love my family

  • @russelclowiebanta820
    @russelclowiebanta820 5 лет назад +1

    Jonghyun is super happy to see his brothers like this i hope shinee never forget jonghyun still saying his name in the every project they had or even his birthday i know they are longing for him and they miss him so bad

  • @shineeaddict7911
    @shineeaddict7911 5 лет назад +3

    Oh my cutie pies, they made my day 🥰
    May god protect these precious babies, this is all I wish for 🙏🏾

  • @rozaems
    @rozaems 5 лет назад +1

    Aww real brothers! They support each other in SHINee sooo much! Like Minho going to Key's and Jonghyunnie's concerts was so cute too

  • @joych3517
    @joych3517 5 лет назад +6

    Full of drama . Best drama ever .. love 2min😍

  • @nima4719
    @nima4719 5 лет назад +4

    This vedio is so emotional, I am feeling sad.

  • @lawreen_chimmy9543
    @lawreen_chimmy9543 5 лет назад +2

    They are just the best.. I love them.. ❤❤

  • @mariondaim4491
    @mariondaim4491 5 лет назад +2

    2min love them 😍

  • @fatimanahum1285
    @fatimanahum1285 5 лет назад +2

    Taemin & Minho 💗💗💘❤

  • @shineeandbts9995
    @shineeandbts9995 5 лет назад +11

    I love Shinee so much

  • @ACHS300
    @ACHS300 5 лет назад +1

    2MIN is LIFE ❤️💖💕💛💗💜💙💚💓💝💟😍😘❣️

  • @goldengatetourismacademy9534
    @goldengatetourismacademy9534 4 года назад

    They always support each other and love each other as family

  • @Gabi-qw4qb
    @Gabi-qw4qb 5 лет назад +3

    2min 4evah! ❤️

  • @k-squad8717
    @k-squad8717 5 лет назад +1

    This is what you call brotherhood

  • @anbooks7279
    @anbooks7279 5 лет назад +2

    Omgg these two are the only ones left atm,, key and onew are in the army

  • @shineemysaviors5659
    @shineemysaviors5659 5 лет назад +9

    Minho is so hot and 2min and 5HINee is so real 💕 Always 5HINee💕

  • @siamartin3751
    @siamartin3751 5 лет назад +12

    I wish jjong was there . But I believe he will be watching over them from above

  • @shiningstarr2870
    @shiningstarr2870 5 лет назад +145

    That's how a family looks like

    • @shiningstarr2870
      @shiningstarr2870 5 лет назад

      @love e_e what do you mean by that I don't understand

    • @najiakashcool6547
      @najiakashcool6547 5 лет назад +1

      Absolutely 😊👌

    • @marisamercadanti597
      @marisamercadanti597 5 лет назад +2

      Totally agree! This is what I'm thinking 💞💞💞 SHINEE forever and ever! 💎💎💎💎💎💚❤️💚❤️💚❤️💚

    • @EliTasrev
      @EliTasrev 5 лет назад

      tanuja verma I’m guessing she meant her family isn’t as loving as this.. luckily she said jk, because everyone deserves to be loved

  • @comangalindan1349
    @comangalindan1349 2 года назад

    Love this 🔥 charismatic man!

  • @KimTRAN-et8ih
    @KimTRAN-et8ih 5 лет назад +17

    Omg i can't imagine how it will be when Minho will go to his military service :(

  • @taymaa-97
    @taymaa-97 5 лет назад +4

    This is so precious, I love this 😭💙

  • @najiakashcool6547
    @najiakashcool6547 5 лет назад +5

    2Min's ship is sailing 🚢

  • @Ann-dc7cc
    @Ann-dc7cc 5 лет назад +9

    1:34 TAEMIN: a successful fanboy

  • @hummers
    @hummers 5 лет назад +3

    Love this family 😍

  • @dulceamormaytemartineztole9800
    @dulceamormaytemartineztole9800 5 лет назад +10

    My baby will miss him a lot as all of us!!!💖💖

  • @inducement1528
    @inducement1528 4 года назад

    Minho you are nice person. I love you treated your fans very lovingly and kindly. Keep going. God bless you. Take care

  • @SweetMooroochiiaa
    @SweetMooroochiiaa 5 лет назад +11

    Hermosos,preciosos☆ Los amo fuerte 😍

  • @jhennmolato8063
    @jhennmolato8063 5 лет назад +3

    The birthday Hyung Jonghyun happy to see this in heaven ❤️❤️❤️

  • @daysjours
    @daysjours 5 лет назад +1

    So instructive seeing Minho covering Move. He is such a great dancer and yet he cannot come near the perfection of Taemin. I love seeing something like this because it makes me appreciate all the more what we can easily take for granted: the genius of Taemin as an artist.

    • @teresahowells4879
      @teresahowells4879 4 года назад

      I didn't get the impression he was trying to do a perfect copy, but rather having a bit of fun at Taemin's expense. I'm sure he knows how hard the moves are.

  • @hakunamatataya
    @hakunamatataya 5 лет назад +4

    SHINee members love for each other is one of the realist love you can see in this world ❤

  • @nonga56
    @nonga56 5 лет назад +4

    Why is this song so sad 😭😭😭...this momeng remind me of him... #5hinee forever

  • @Yuki-gs7ov
    @Yuki-gs7ov 3 года назад +1

    Hmmmm cuteeee

  • @tamikapnoona7116
    @tamikapnoona7116 5 лет назад +2

    Taemin is so adorable .I just love him n minho.SHINee❤️❤️😊💋

  • @carolinacarreno1305
    @carolinacarreno1305 5 лет назад +1

    My king! My babies! My loves! ㅠㅠ👬🏻❤

  • @mepungcheri828
    @mepungcheri828 5 лет назад +2

    After seeing dis M crying af 😭..i love dem so much..plz olwyz b Happie ❤ #shawols #fighting

  • @stephanieyminho
    @stephanieyminho Год назад

    Maravilloso 👏 👏👏👏❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

  • @safikavlog2584
    @safikavlog2584 5 лет назад +1

    taeminah..can i go over there,?that was so cute😆

  • @coleenhernando1604
    @coleenhernando1604 5 лет назад

    my love for shinee will never die