The most painful sting is that the one that keeps stinging on every breath you take, every move you make, every bond you break, and every step you take
Id personally have the platypus sting at the top spot. When you have an Australian who has been shot and has the top honors thr military gives saying it was not only worse than shrapnel but still causes him pain decades later AND isn't helped by pain meds you know you've hit the jackpot.
@@MuertaRara You sit in silence at a slow creek out bush for hours. And if they turn up your lucky. And you dont go near them, just leave em be. Very busy guys and fun to watch.
@@MuertaRarathe gympie-gympie plant, also from Australia is similar. Horrifying pain and lasting nerve damage just from accidentally brushing up against this plant. People call it the suicide plant because of what you're likely to do after touching it.
I have actually been stung by the red/black velvet ant as a child. I was at a daycare and remember thinking "Oh, that's a cool looking, fuzzy ant!" I don't even remember how it stung me when I just touched it on its back. It was like a burning that got progressively worse and I cried for like... half an hour? I don't actually remember the pain enough to put it on a scale, but I do remember it vividly enough to stay the hell away from them
I am your average animal wrangling Australian, and I’ve handled and encountered a fair share of venomous animals (Cone Snails, Velvet Ants, Rays, Green-Headed Ants, Lion’s Mane Jellyfish, multiple species of bees and ants, Red-Back Spiders, Red-Headed Mouse Spiders and ect.) and I have not once EVER been stung by any of these creatures. Only venomous animal that has ever “attacked” me was a huntsman spider that I was picking up to move out of my Dad’s care. I woke him up and he lost his grip on my hand so he sunk his fangs into me to hold on, was completed dry and there was no venom, but it scared the shit out of me and I flung him off. I still feel really bad about it to this day, hope I didn’t hurt the poor bugger.
I've been stung twice by box jellyfish in Darwin. It is by far the worst pain I've experienced. Both times on the ankles (I was wading in shallow water by the sailing club). As a teenager we only sailed in the dry season as the box jellyfish were everywhere in the "wet" (October to May). Usually by May there weren't many about but ... There are few things worse than hearing someone screaming in pain. It's definitely not a "fck that hurt" pain.
@@DebunkedOfficial Several hours - and both times it was "minor" compared with what I've seen others get. We had a birthday party for my brother (in early May) at Casuarina beach when he was about 6 or 7 and one of the girls there got stung around the chest or stomach. All I remember is that she couldn't stop screaming. She was taken to hospital by a parent. Another time we were in a regatta on new year's day, and in those days before "stinger suits" we wore overalls. This was about 1986. One of my mates got one inside his overalls. We were all drunk but he was in huge pain. We discovered that no amount of beer made it go away. Apart from the crocodiles - which bite and don't count. I got pricked by what the locals called a "3 corner jack" while working on a prawn trawler. It is a small fish - less than 6-inches but has 3 spikes coming out of its head at even spacing. They are about an inch long. I got pricked and my thumb swelled to the size of the rest of my hand. Most of the pain was in the throbbing. That was October 1983. Another mate got skewered by a stingray - the barbs are not the piddly things you see on TV but up to about 30-inches long. He got skewered through his side - nearly killed him - he was also working on a trawler. All the sharks and rays are covered in slime which is toxic. If you get it in a cut it can kill - and it also painful. What they say about Australia is mostly true. Nature is trying to kill you.
@accidentinstrument it's a Lycra material kinda like stockings and stuff. Since the stingers are activated by chemicals in our skin the thin layer blocks the chemicals
The most painful sting I’ve endured was a Portuguese manowar. And I’ve been stung by a box jelly also which says a lot. Then again, the manowar sting wrap around my entire chest / back so that may of had something to do with it. Felt like I was being sliced in half by a hot knife
@@DebunkedOfficial yah I’ve got a scarring across my chest and back and it happened 6 years ago. Its faint but it’s there. Very painful indeed. I was completely immobilised after it happened. I will say tho, I’ve been stung by a manowar on ankle before also (very small area) and it wasn’t as bad. I think it was more so the part of my body combined with the large sting area that made it that bad. Not a fun experience at all 💩 immobilising pain lasted for about an hour and afterwards it was just intense itching/ blistering for about 2-3 weeks.
I got stung by one on the foot while visiting family in Mozambique. Experience was terrible; horribly painful. To this day it's the most pain I've ever felt. Never went to the hospital, because I never had any challenges besides the pain, and accidentally, out of stubborness and refusal to take a cold shower, stumbled upon the best source of relief, which is heat. Heat apparently breaks down the protiens in the venom, and brings immediate, intense relief. Hot shower never felt so good!
I raised honeybees with my grandfather, and the stings dont bother me much. Having said that, the worst I've ever had was a yellowjacket that hit me in the side of my face while i had my face shield lifted on my full face motorcyle helmet at 65 miles an hour. It slipped in between my cheek and helmet and stung me. I reckon it wasn't very happy as i think it got about two more stings in before i could stop. Not sure how it survived the impact, but i stopped at record speed and yanked my helmet off. It was still buzzing, albeit weakly.
@wesleyehowell Do you think your body developed some sort of resistance, or is it just that you got used to the pain of their stings -- more like a psychological adaptation?
Humans have an enzyme that releases to counter the effects and pain of the tarantula hawk. If we didn't produce that, the tarantula hawk sting would last much much longer.
@accidentinstrument were I to hazard a guess call it evolutionary dumb luck. just kinda happens from time to time. kinda like how funnel web spider venom is excellent at killing primates despite australia having never had any native primates.
@expertoflizardcorrugation3967 yep. Sydney funnel web spiders' cousin, the trap door spider, doesn't have that specific protein in its venom that is deadly to humans. Entomologists believe that over time, the prey/food for said spiders develop resistance to the venom. Then evolution changes the makeup of that venom. Over and over, until something like that has happened with the SFW spider. Fascinating stuff.
I'll take everyone's word for it that these stings are extremely painful and try to avoid ever finding out the hard way! Worst I've ever been stung by was a honeybee.
The two most painful/deadly jellyfish had to be off the shores of the country I call home. Not going to stop me surfing though. Of course we also have the most venomous snake (inland taipan) and spider (funnel web)too.
There's actually one insect that a wildlife expert claims is worse than the Executioner Wasp. It's called The Greater Banded Hornet AKA Vespa Tropica! As for all stinging species in general, I think the Box Jellyfish is the most brutal! At least according to the stories I've heard!
When I was young and stupid enough to throw rocks at a wasp nest, I picked up a single sting on my upper lip. The swelling was extreme enough for a course of steroids. The species was what we'd always called paper wasps, but reading now I see that there are 20+ species of those in North America. Some years later (after I learned not to provoke them) I happened to be stung on the hand by what appeared to be the identical insect, but the reaction was very slight. I'd assumed that it was a regional variation (first was in Massachusetts; second was in Nebraska) but now think it was a difference between species. Did I miss the explanation of the times on Schmidt's list? Obviously duration, but until the pain has receded to what level?
Wow, thanks for sharing. We didn't do a full explanation of the durations, just included that information in the graphic as a sort of bonus. You can access Schmidt's full report that is linked in the description 👍
That makes sense. The variety that had a nest in a playground in Winnipeg that I accidentally disturbed must've been pretty high on the scale. Although I suppose the fact that I got 4 or 5 stings on the same leg probably made it much worse. I've had a phobia of wasps ever since.
I have experienced box jelly fish 5 times, spiders 4 times, hydrazines many times, and an Asian centipede once. Out of all of them the centipede was the worst pain I have ever had. Worse than broken bones.
yeah it itself is not deadly but it has driven some animals to suicide for relief, its sting is described as like having acid poured on you, wile being set on fire
Although I have never experienced either one myself, the worst survivable bite/sting comes from two different insects, and both are rated as 4s on the pain level (highest rating); the first is the South American 'bullet' ant, and the other is the 'tarantula hawk', a large desert hornet that specializes in hunting tarantulas. Neither is usually lethal, but the pain levels from their stings are said to be excruciating !
I got stung by a bee once. I was rescuing a bee that flew into my house and trying to get it back outside. The bee survived stinging my finger cause its stinger didn’t get that deep into my skin. It wasn’t exactly pain so much as a feeling that my finger was burning with acid. My mom put baking soda paste around my finger and my finger stopped feeling like it was burning within minutes.
When I was around 5 years old, I was walking outside when a swarm of wasps attacked my legs. My mom said that I had a ton of holes all over my legs. All I remember is that it hurt really bad.
Maybe to someone that has been stung by a bunch of different things a yellow jacket is a 2, but for someone who has only ever endured a total of maybe 4 stings, a yellow jacket sting is at the top of the pain scale 😂😭 Other stings were some type of bee (not sure what it was, I stepped on it while barefoot outside 🥲) and fire ants
The worst sting I experienced was a scorpion sting. It gave me about four hours of agony, which then gradually faded over a 24 hour period. It would certainly have been worse though had I not sought relief from the local medical clinic within 30 minutes of being stung. At any rate, it was painful enough, but based on this list, not as bad as the top contenders. So I hope I never get stung by one of them! But I wonder how bites compare to stings? For example, here we have large centipedes that have painful bites which some say is worse than a scorpion sting (I’m not interested in testing the theory!). But I think it is a bite and not a sting, which is presumably why it didn’t make the video’s list.
Is incredible how such little animals like scorpions can cause that much pain, you could be stung by a very venomous one or maybe your body had a bad reaction to the venom because not even an Arizona bark scorpion should make you feel agony. The bite of a centipide indeed should be more painful than a scorpion sting, I think it could be included in the list because the pain it causes is due to the venom
@@latelathing4761 Well, I don’t know how it would compare with other stings on the list, as I haven’t experienced them, but it was the worst I’d experienced. It was in Africa so maybe it was a different species than the ones in the USA. There are at least two species in this area of Africa that are common, one which is very painful and the other a little less painful. I was stung by the more painful one.
@@annabethwivell327 Do you remeber how the scorpion looked like? If you were in Africa and a scorpion made you feel all that pain it could be a fat-tailed scorpion or a deathstalker maybe
@@latelathing4761 I didn’t see it, it was hiding out in my backpack and stung me when I stuck my hand in. A friend found it a few minutes later when he shook out the bag, but by then I was in too much pain to care much what it looked like. But I was told later it was a brown one, and the brown ones are more painful. Maybe it was a death stalker. We are at the southern end of its range and the photos look like it could match the brown ones I’ve seen, but it looks like the death stalker is generally a desert creature, and this area is savanna, so maybe not? Also the scorpions in this area are generally not deadly, just painful. I don’t think it was a fat tailed scorpion. Photos show it with big chunky tails, which our scorpions don’t have.
I once got stung by a aquarium fish i have, the venom wasnt specially dangerous but my hand hurt like hell for about 20 minutes and then i got cramps for like 5 hours after. Cant even imagine what a really venomous animal would hurt like.
I didn't see the Australian stinging tree (gympie gympie) mentioned. Hypodermic hairs on the leaves. It is not only excruciating but victims suffer for years afterwards. Also, the Irukanji jelly fish. Only about 1 cm in size. It is I think a relative of the box jellyfish. Apparently people don't realize they have been stung for up to 5-10 minutes? Then the pain kicks in and there is alledgedly nothing that provides relief. Leaves people screaming in pain.
I deal with tarantula hawks every summer… it’s quite unnerving to be riding a mtb trail and suddenly see the golden orange of their wings as they take flight out of your way… Luckily I’ve only been stung by normal bees so far.
Professor James Seymour! He has also narrated and presented for a channel called "The nature of Science". I was hoping you'd quote him with the irukandji jellyfish!
Regarding the trouser zip sting - are we talking about just getting it nicked ? When I was around 13 or 14, I actually got the tip STUCK IN THE ZIPPER ! (And YES ! I GUARANTEE THAT YOUR EYES WILL WATER PROFUSELY !)
Glad you guys went further that just the Daily mail with 10 examples from Schmidt pain index. But animal stings are venomous not poisonous. Poison is applied not delivered. Brian Fry did a lot of tests too and also ranked Box Jellyfish and number one spot.. PS Dont think Coyote tested same sub species of Velvet Wasp as the one mentioned
I got stung by a cow killer as a child and i very very much remember and avoided them whenever i seen them there after. As a child i was like, "look a fuzzy ant!"
Other animals be like; you have to attack them first to get a sting. Jellyfish on the other hand, have invisible powerful tentacles that are passively active 24/7, too overpowered!
Personal biology and psychology are variables to consider. But yeah I'm glad I'm Canadian and most of the crazy stuff can't handle the winter. So common north american yellow jacket wasp thing is worst for me
I've tanked a common wasp sting many times. I would say it's irritating but not entirely painful. But that said, I've received no other stings other than the common wasp, and I'm not looking to get stung by anything else if I can help it
I got stung twice over the summer by a common UK garden wasp and agree it was a sharp pinch with some irritation, not at all what it felt like as a child. But there a lot more tougher wasp out there 😬
You can leave them alone and still get stung. I did what people always told me to when a wasp flew around my head. I lay perfectly still in my lounge chair, trying not to breathe any more than necessary. I didn't move a muscle. Still, the dumb thing alighted just next to my eye, sat there a second, then stung.
They ranked the H. arizonensis as a 7.25? That scorpion is often regarded as having one of the LEAST painful stings lol. Everyone’s body responds differently.
12:30 I sure don't remember this from Phineas and Ferb... unless Perry the Platypus had the venom spurs surgically removed for domestic purposes, Doofensmirtz would probably be far less happy regularly engaging in fisticuffs with that.
Alternatively, maybe he's just really good at not using them. Doof is meant to be a joke villain after all, so maybe such venom could get excessive for the situation.
The gympie-gympie tree is the most painful sting and is called the suicide tree because many people stung by it end up committing suicide as it lasts for months until they cannot take it anymore.
When I was like 10 I got stung by a Yellowjacket on my eyebrow and instinctually cupped my hand over my eye but the wasp was still there and it stung me again twice more on my brow and palm....
I got mauled by sand flies while laying down on the beach on my front and feet, the itchiness and swelling was intense i couldn't sleep or walk for two days the swelling lasted two weeks
I got in a yellow jackets nest in the woods 1985 or so. They don't care much for Chain Saws! Maybe 20 stings or so. Hurt a lot but just got a little light headed then I was okay!
What's the worst sting you've ever received?
From an hornet that give me pain so bad I had to get so some very strong pain killers and it lasted for 5 months
Seeing my bank account empty.......
My dad got a wasp stuck in his ear once 😬
😆 very quick @@romarioyoung2985
The most painful survivable sting is in fact the dreaded trouser zip sting
Been there! 😬
It has teeth though, so would it not be considered a bite? 🤣😉
No venom. Well, I hope not!
The most painful sting is that the one that keeps stinging on every breath you take, every move you make, every bond you break, and every step you take
Brilliant 😆
So the mother in law?
I've been watching you👀
@@rarevisionog Roxanne.
"Why did i make this list" from a man that wasnt giving up on making the list
Id personally have the platypus sting at the top spot. When you have an Australian who has been shot and has the top honors thr military gives saying it was not only worse than shrapnel but still causes him pain decades later AND isn't helped by pain meds you know you've hit the jackpot.
I love the fact that you've noted his Australian-ness in your assessment
like how do you even get that close to a platypus!?
@@MuertaRara You sit in silence at a slow creek out bush for hours. And if they turn up your lucky. And you dont go near them, just leave em be. Very busy guys and fun to watch.
@@MuertaRarathe gympie-gympie plant, also from Australia is similar. Horrifying pain and lasting nerve damage just from accidentally brushing up against this plant. People call it the suicide plant because of what you're likely to do after touching it.
its the gympie tree of animals?
The most painful sting happened on February 18th 2023, when Justin Schmidt passed away. May Schmidt rest in peace
I was so relieved when I clicked on a random RUclips channel and it wasn’t presented by Simon Whistler. Cracking video thank you.
😂 same here!
Right!? 😂
Agreed. I'm sick of Whistler.
I have actually been stung by the red/black velvet ant as a child. I was at a daycare and remember thinking "Oh, that's a cool looking, fuzzy ant!"
I don't even remember how it stung me when I just touched it on its back. It was like a burning that got progressively worse and I cried for like... half an hour? I don't actually remember the pain enough to put it on a scale, but I do remember it vividly enough to stay the hell away from them
Velvet ant's have infamously long, basically prehensile stingers, and thus can reach you basically no matter where you touch them.
I am your average animal wrangling Australian, and I’ve handled and encountered a fair share of venomous animals (Cone Snails, Velvet Ants, Rays, Green-Headed Ants, Lion’s Mane Jellyfish, multiple species of bees and ants, Red-Back Spiders, Red-Headed Mouse Spiders and ect.) and I have not once EVER been stung by any of these creatures. Only venomous animal that has ever “attacked” me was a huntsman spider that I was picking up to move out of my Dad’s care. I woke him up and he lost his grip on my hand so he sunk his fangs into me to hold on, was completed dry and there was no venom, but it scared the shit out of me and I flung him off. I still feel really bad about it to this day, hope I didn’t hurt the poor bugger.
You killed Itsy? For shame.....
I've been stung twice by box jellyfish in Darwin. It is by far the worst pain I've experienced. Both times on the ankles (I was wading in shallow water by the sailing club).
As a teenager we only sailed in the dry season as the box jellyfish were everywhere in the "wet" (October to May). Usually by May there weren't many about but ...
There are few things worse than hearing someone screaming in pain. It's definitely not a "fck that hurt" pain.
Thanks for commenting, how long did the pain last each time?
@@DebunkedOfficial Several hours - and both times it was "minor" compared with what I've seen others get. We had a birthday party for my brother (in early May) at Casuarina beach when he was about 6 or 7 and one of the girls there got stung around the chest or stomach. All I remember is that she couldn't stop screaming. She was taken to hospital by a parent.
Another time we were in a regatta on new year's day, and in those days before "stinger suits" we wore overalls. This was about 1986. One of my mates got one inside his overalls. We were all drunk but he was in huge pain. We discovered that no amount of beer made it go away.
Apart from the crocodiles - which bite and don't count. I got pricked by what the locals called a "3 corner jack" while working on a prawn trawler. It is a small fish - less than 6-inches but has 3 spikes coming out of its head at even spacing. They are about an inch long. I got pricked and my thumb swelled to the size of the rest of my hand. Most of the pain was in the throbbing. That was October 1983.
Another mate got skewered by a stingray - the barbs are not the piddly things you see on TV but up to about 30-inches long. He got skewered through his side - nearly killed him - he was also working on a trawler. All the sharks and rays are covered in slime which is toxic. If you get it in a cut it can kill - and it also painful.
What they say about Australia is mostly true. Nature is trying to kill you.
Never heard of a stinger suit before. Is it made of different stuff to a regular wetsuit, or just that it covers more of your body?
@accidentinstrument it's a Lycra material kinda like stockings and stuff. Since the stingers are activated by chemicals in our skin the thin layer blocks the chemicals
@cameronbarnes4216 clever stuff!
The worst sting is a BetterHelp sponsorship.
Also they sell your personal and therapy data to weird companies
I love it when you do these sorts of countdowns!
Thanks! We enjoy making them too 😊
The most painful sting I’ve endured was a Portuguese manowar. And I’ve been stung by a box jelly also which says a lot. Then again, the manowar sting wrap around my entire chest / back so that may of had something to do with it. Felt like I was being sliced in half by a hot knife
Wowza! We looked into the Man o’ War too during our research. Did you suffer any long lasting affects? Thanks for sharing your experience 👍
@@DebunkedOfficial yah I’ve got a scarring across my chest and back and it happened 6 years ago. Its faint but it’s there. Very painful indeed. I was completely immobilised after it happened. I will say tho, I’ve been stung by a manowar on ankle before also (very small area) and it wasn’t as bad. I think it was more so the part of my body combined with the large sting area that made it that bad.
Not a fun experience at all 💩 immobilising pain lasted for about an hour and afterwards it was just intense itching/ blistering for about 2-3 weeks.
I got stung by one on the foot while visiting family in Mozambique. Experience was terrible; horribly painful. To this day it's the most pain I've ever felt. Never went to the hospital, because I never had any challenges besides the pain, and accidentally, out of stubborness and refusal to take a cold shower, stumbled upon the best source of relief, which is heat. Heat apparently breaks down the protiens in the venom, and brings immediate, intense relief. Hot shower never felt so good!
@@OculiCorvusI wish I would have known that, about the heat.
my daughter was stung by a dead one.
I raised honeybees with my grandfather, and the stings dont bother me much. Having said that, the worst I've ever had was a yellowjacket that hit me in the side of my face while i had my face shield lifted on my full face motorcyle helmet at 65 miles an hour. It slipped in between my cheek and helmet and stung me. I reckon it wasn't very happy as i think it got about two more stings in before i could stop. Not sure how it survived the impact, but i stopped at record speed and yanked my helmet off. It was still buzzing, albeit weakly.
@wesleyehowell Do you think your body developed some sort of resistance, or is it just that you got used to the pain of their stings -- more like a psychological adaptation?
Who would have thought a Platypus was even dangerous lol.
Humans have an enzyme that releases to counter the effects and pain of the tarantula hawk. If we didn't produce that, the tarantula hawk sting would last much much longer.
Wonder how we evolved that!
@accidentinstrument were I to hazard a guess call it evolutionary dumb luck.
just kinda happens from time to time. kinda like how funnel web spider venom is excellent at killing primates despite australia having never had any native primates.
@expertoflizardcorrugation3967 yep. Sydney funnel web spiders' cousin, the trap door spider, doesn't have that specific protein in its venom that is deadly to humans. Entomologists believe that over time, the prey/food for said spiders develop resistance to the venom. Then evolution changes the makeup of that venom. Over and over, until something like that has happened with the SFW spider. Fascinating stuff.
"WhY DiD I stARt ThiS LisT?
You can just FEEL the regret in that statement.
😆 So true
I'll take everyone's word for it that these stings are extremely painful and try to avoid ever finding out the hard way! Worst I've ever been stung by was a honeybee.
For me it was the common wasp. And that probably takes the crown for me because it was five of the little bastards all at once.
The two most painful/deadly jellyfish had to be off the shores of the country I call home. Not going to stop me surfing though. Of course we also have the most venomous snake (inland taipan) and spider (funnel web)too.
You do have some pretty scary critters in Oz!
There's actually one insect that a wildlife expert claims is worse than the Executioner Wasp. It's called The Greater Banded Hornet AKA Vespa Tropica! As for all stinging species in general, I think the Box Jellyfish is the most brutal! At least according to the stories I've heard!
4:55 BetterHelp is actually Worse Help, sometimes their "therapists" switch topics mid-conversation (I watched a video exposing them)
9:25 Ants, are also a type of flightless soil-dwelling(leaf cutter and Weaver ants went back to the trees)wasp.
0:10 what is that sound? I see it everywhere. Where did it originate?
Google "Wilhelm Scream." It's been around since 1951.
There’s a good article about it here:
Nerdstalgic do a video on it hereвидео.htmlsi=9amcc1InND6X4Rld
Awesome video, Stu and the Debunked Team.
Thank you 😊
When I was young and stupid enough to throw rocks at a wasp nest, I picked up a single sting on my upper lip. The swelling was extreme enough for a course of steroids. The species was what we'd always called paper wasps, but reading now I see that there are 20+ species of those in North America. Some years later (after I learned not to provoke them) I happened to be stung on the hand by what appeared to be the identical insect, but the reaction was very slight. I'd assumed that it was a regional variation (first was in Massachusetts; second was in Nebraska) but now think it was a difference between species.
Did I miss the explanation of the times on Schmidt's list? Obviously duration, but until the pain has receded to what level?
Wow, thanks for sharing. We didn't do a full explanation of the durations, just included that information in the graphic as a sort of bonus. You can access Schmidt's full report that is linked in the description 👍
That makes sense. The variety that had a nest in a playground in Winnipeg that I accidentally disturbed must've been pretty high on the scale. Although I suppose the fact that I got 4 or 5 stings on the same leg probably made it much worse. I've had a phobia of wasps ever since.
This is the best YT channel for SURE
I am a scientific researcher and it's incredible to see how you guys make videos with high scientific basis
Thank you! We try our best 😊
I have experienced box jelly fish 5 times, spiders 4 times, hydrazines many times, and an Asian centipede once. Out of all of them the centipede was the worst pain I have ever had. Worse than broken bones.
@will-i-am-not hydrazines? the portobello mushroom thing?
What lifestyle, hobby or job can possibly get you stung so many times!?
@@elgusaniiiodeljuego6823it’s bs to feel included in the topic
Thank you Stu, another amazing video
Thank YOU for watching and commenting! 😊 Glad you enjoyed it and hope you learnt something new?
For my one of the most painful thing is better help it's just the scam website don't go in
What about plants? The infamous gympi gympi (hope I spelled that right) should be near if not at the top.
I was going to say the same.
yeah it itself is not deadly but it has driven some animals to suicide for relief, its sting is described as like having acid poured on you, wile being set on fire
Get my boy Horseshoe Crab out of the thumbnail, bro is literally harmless.
but the most painful thing is stepping on a lego spike
😆 That is definitely up there 😖
fire vid like always
Thanks 🤗
np @@DebunkedOfficial
Although I have never experienced either one myself, the worst survivable bite/sting comes from two different insects, and both are rated as 4s on the pain level (highest rating); the first is the South American 'bullet' ant, and the other is the 'tarantula hawk', a large desert hornet that specializes in hunting tarantulas. Neither is usually lethal, but the pain levels from their stings are said to be excruciating !
I got stung by a bee once. I was rescuing a bee that flew into my house and trying to get it back outside. The bee survived stinging my finger cause its stinger didn’t get that deep into my skin. It wasn’t exactly pain so much as a feeling that my finger was burning with acid. My mom put baking soda paste around my finger and my finger stopped feeling like it was burning within minutes.
You forgot to include the sting from an acerbic wit.
When I was around 5 years old, I was walking outside when a swarm of wasps attacked my legs. My mom said that I had a ton of holes all over my legs. All I remember is that it hurt really bad.
I was rather disappointed that the “Wilhelm Scream” was only used twice in the making of this video.
Maybe to someone that has been stung by a bunch of different things a yellow jacket is a 2, but for someone who has only ever endured a total of maybe 4 stings, a yellow jacket sting is at the top of the pain scale 😂😭
Other stings were some type of bee (not sure what it was, I stepped on it while barefoot outside 🥲) and fire ants
I've only been stung by honey bees and wasps. But I'm wondering if they plan on doing the index for certain stinging caterpillars.
11:52 feeling of impending doom *Moonlord has spawned*
The worst sting I experienced was a scorpion sting. It gave me about four hours of agony, which then gradually faded over a 24 hour period. It would certainly have been worse though had I not sought relief from the local medical clinic within 30 minutes of being stung. At any rate, it was painful enough, but based on this list, not as bad as the top contenders. So I hope I never get stung by one of them! But I wonder how bites compare to stings? For example, here we have large centipedes that have painful bites which some say is worse than a scorpion sting (I’m not interested in testing the theory!). But I think it is a bite and not a sting, which is presumably why it didn’t make the video’s list.
Coyote Peterson has been bitten by a giant centipede, search the video
Is incredible how such little animals like scorpions can cause that much pain, you could be stung by a very venomous one or maybe your body had a bad reaction to the venom because not even an Arizona bark scorpion should make you feel agony.
The bite of a centipide indeed should be more painful than a scorpion sting, I think it could be included in the list because the pain it causes is due to the venom
@@latelathing4761 Well, I don’t know how it would compare with other stings on the list, as I haven’t experienced them, but it was the worst I’d experienced. It was in Africa so maybe it was a different species than the ones in the USA. There are at least two species in this area of Africa that are common, one which is very painful and the other a little less painful. I was stung by the more painful one.
@@annabethwivell327 Do you remeber how the scorpion looked like? If you were in Africa and a scorpion made you feel all that pain it could be a fat-tailed scorpion or a deathstalker maybe
@@latelathing4761 I didn’t see it, it was hiding out in my backpack and stung me when I stuck my hand in. A friend found it a few minutes later when he shook out the bag, but by then I was in too much pain to care much what it looked like. But I was told later it was a brown one, and the brown ones are more painful. Maybe it was a death stalker. We are at the southern end of its range and the photos look like it could match the brown ones I’ve seen, but it looks like the death stalker is generally a desert creature, and this area is savanna, so maybe not? Also the scorpions in this area are generally not deadly, just painful. I don’t think it was a fat tailed scorpion. Photos show it with big chunky tails, which our scorpions don’t have.
The most painful sting I recorded was my late cat burn's sting."would make you want to die a million gruesome deaths just to spare me from the agony"
I once got stung by a aquarium fish i have, the venom wasnt specially dangerous but my hand hurt like hell for about 20 minutes and then i got cramps for like 5 hours after.
Cant even imagine what a really venomous animal would hurt like.
I didn't see the Australian stinging tree (gympie gympie) mentioned. Hypodermic hairs on the leaves. It is not only excruciating but victims suffer for years afterwards. Also, the Irukanji jelly fish. Only about 1 cm in size. It is I think a relative of the box jellyfish. Apparently people don't realize they have been stung for up to 5-10 minutes? Then the pain kicks in and there is alledgedly nothing that provides relief. Leaves people screaming in pain.
"Don't try this at home"
Brave wilderness 🤣🤣
Swimming in Australia is bad, apparently!😮
Ahh when i was barely 15 i experienced a stung of box jellyfish which was painfull as hell and i am happy that i am still alive lol.
when he said the comparisons i really believe he did thoes things too, just for accuracy of descriptors
I deal with tarantula hawks every summer… it’s quite unnerving to be riding a mtb trail and suddenly see the golden orange of their wings as they take flight out of your way…
Luckily I’ve only been stung by normal bees so far.
Professor James Seymour! He has also narrated and presented for a channel called "The nature of Science". I was hoping you'd quote him with the irukandji jellyfish!
Well this completely destroyed my memories of Phineas and Ferb.
Arizona Bark Scorpion stings aren't usually fatal to adults. But the pain has been described as if you were being struck by lightning.
Not just usually, more like extremely rare, but definitely painful.
Regarding the trouser zip sting - are we talking about just getting it nicked ? When I was around 13 or 14, I actually got the tip STUCK IN THE ZIPPER !
(And YES !
Glad you guys went further that just the Daily mail with 10 examples from Schmidt pain index. But animal stings are venomous not poisonous. Poison is applied not delivered. Brian Fry did a lot of tests too and also ranked Box Jellyfish and number one spot..
PS Dont think Coyote tested same sub species of Velvet Wasp as the one mentioned
I believe this video, is exactly the distance from which I want to observe these creatures
Bullet ant = 4/4
Putting salt, sanitizer and alcohol over and open wound = 5/4
2:05 audio glitch
I'm not surprised you didn't talk about spiders, despite what everyone believes the fangs aren't the mouth. The mouth is behind the fangs.
Me before the video: aw a platypus, how cute.
Me after the video: horror
Looks like the females are safe, but I guess to get close enough to establish the sex you're close enough to get stung
Love this comment, because I felt the same!
I got stung by a cow killer as a child and i very very much remember and avoided them whenever i seen them there after. As a child i was like, "look a fuzzy ant!"
Im really amused that we actually need the disclaimer "dont try this at home"
Since the Irunkandji;'s body is about the size of your pinky nail and the tentacles are almost invisible, avoiding them is very troublesome.
Other animals be like; you have to attack them first to get a sting. Jellyfish on the other hand, have invisible powerful tentacles that are passively active 24/7, too overpowered!
Personal biology and psychology are variables to consider. But yeah I'm glad I'm Canadian and most of the crazy stuff can't handle the winter. So common north american yellow jacket wasp thing is worst for me
I've tanked a common wasp sting many times. I would say it's irritating but not entirely painful. But that said, I've received no other stings other than the common wasp, and I'm not looking to get stung by anything else if I can help it
I got stung twice over the summer by a common UK garden wasp and agree it was a sharp pinch with some irritation, not at all what it felt like as a child. But there a lot more tougher wasp out there 😬
Schmidt described the paper wasp sting as "like a drop of superhot oil", and having worked in a kitchen, pretty accurate
why were plants on included in this list like gympie gympie??
The stonefish has left the chat:
You can leave them alone and still get stung. I did what people always told me to when a wasp flew around my head. I lay perfectly still in my lounge chair, trying not to breathe any more than necessary. I didn't move a muscle. Still, the dumb thing alighted just next to my eye, sat there a second, then stung.
They ranked the H. arizonensis as a 7.25? That scorpion is often regarded as having one of the LEAST painful stings lol. Everyone’s body responds differently.
Where would the stonefish rate?
At two birds.
In the cemetery.
Stonefish is in the family Scorpaenidae, so probably up there with the scorpion fish mentioned in the video. I think stonefish stings can kill tho
Not sure on the pain, but without treatment it is almost always fatal so it doesn't fit the theme of this list of stings you survive
F that. I remember feeling a sting and crying not knowing what happened and I turned and say a big wasp float away. That was 1996 when I was 12.
12:30 I sure don't remember this from Phineas and Ferb... unless Perry the Platypus had the venom spurs surgically removed for domestic purposes, Doofensmirtz would probably be far less happy regularly engaging in fisticuffs with that.
Alternatively, maybe he's just really good at not using them. Doof is meant to be a joke villain after all, so maybe such venom could get excessive for the situation.
"Looks like he didn't give a Schmidt" *Neck Break* - Sam O'Nella
Bah dum tss 🥁
The gympie-gympie tree is the most painful sting and is called the suicide tree because many people stung by it end up committing suicide as it lasts for months until they cannot take it anymore.
That and the irukandji jellyfish is what I first thought of.
~~Yeah, it's thought Schmidt may have possibly implemented a "5" on his scale specifically for the Executioner Wasp?
Let me dispell another myth. I've never been stung by any bee, wasp, or hornet.
The most painful experience is stepping on a lego piece
😆 been there too many times!
Clearly the Crown 👑 should go to Australia 🇦🇺 😂😂
🤣 very true! Thanks for watching and commenting 👍
When I was like 10 I got stung by a Yellowjacket on my eyebrow and instinctually cupped my hand over my eye but the wasp was still there and it stung me again twice more on my brow and palm....
I had no idea that platypus’s had poisonous spurs
I got mauled by sand flies while laying down on the beach on my front and feet, the itchiness and swelling was intense i couldn't sleep or walk for two days the swelling lasted two weeks
Who knew the platypus was so dangerous??
I know! But only the male.
What about the stonefish?
Supposedly the Executioner Wasp is worse than the bullet ant. - Coyote Peterson
I got in a yellow jackets nest in the woods 1985 or so. They don't care much for Chain Saws! Maybe 20 stings or so. Hurt a lot but just got a little light headed then I was okay!
Most painful sting is when you get that sting sometimes when you breathe too much
Those blasted Cazadors are at it again
That character is not getting paid enough for this 😭😂
I'd argue the worst sting comes from the gympie gympie. It's named suicide plant for a reason, y'know.
Most painful sting ...."I love you as a friend"
To be honest, you don’t want to get stung by anything
“This is Spinal Tap”’s pain scale goes up to eleven!
Let’s see someone top that.
Up to 14 😉
I saw that. That’s my “Ouch”!
The platypus isn't a mammal, it's a monotreme, (lays eggs instead of giving live births) before nursing with milk.
Yeah, got stung by two wasps on the top of my head. Those were not a goddamn 2.5 and neither wear the plum sized bumps that followed.
OCD is painful 😢
I heard the quotation marks when he said willing
Expand to plants and try the gympie-gympie
that last advice is true for everything but wasps, those fuckers just want to sting you for no reason