Thomas And The Magic Railroad | Roblox Remake | Full Movie

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @therailwaymen2203
    @therailwaymen2203 Год назад +8

    That is probably my favourite part

  • @makochan2011
    @makochan2011 Год назад +8

    28:00 James: “What engine?”
    Percy: “What legend?”

  • @makochan2011
    @makochan2011 Год назад +7

    28:10 Percy: “Then we’d better find her first.”
    James: “Leave it to the big engines, Percy.”

  • @Matts_Creations
    @Matts_Creations Год назад +16

    Actually, I was going to rewrite TATMR but this is a good remake

  • @DOGGY_9047
    @DOGGY_9047 Год назад +6

    This probably took months I remember this film from when I was little you brought back so much memory's thank you mate

    • @Gave2024
      @Gave2024  Год назад

      it only took 2 months and thanks

  • @BlueTankEngineAndFriends1984
    @BlueTankEngineAndFriends1984 Год назад +12

    Bro this is one outstanding remake I've seen in my whole life

  • @percyalexander820
    @percyalexander820 Год назад +14

    This was a promising remake! I love every bit of it! Well done Gave !!

  • @DavidBContentExtravaganza3967
    @DavidBContentExtravaganza3967 Год назад +6

    I'm planning to do a CGI remake of Magic Railroad myself with things from the original scripts, more saying on some things like repairs, new scenes to have Thomas and other characters appear more, you name it.

  • @appletrain1007
    @appletrain1007 5 месяцев назад +4

    I love this one roblox sodor movie

  • @ChickenOfficial
    @ChickenOfficial Год назад +6

    man this was awesome, this movie is a literal job well done

  • @makochan2011
    @makochan2011 Год назад +4

    6:08 My favourite scene! 😆😆😆

  • @Walker443
    @Walker443 2 месяца назад +2

    Lookin back at this, I really have to appreciate the work and effort you and any of the crew who made this slight remake of TATMR.
    The models, even if it’s in Roblox look fine and really fit well? Even if they are outdated a bit.
    However one thing that brings the remake down is the constant discord notifications, which hey I get we need to communicate with players to tell them what to or what, however it’s really repetitive.
    Over all, glad to see something like this exists and brings a smile to my face.

    • @Gave2024
      @Gave2024  2 месяца назад

      yeah this video isn't that great looking back on it, but its not the worst thing ive ever put out i guess

  • @nom101gaming
    @nom101gaming Год назад +8

    great work gave glad to be a part of this remake

  • @Internet_Jobber62
    @Internet_Jobber62 Год назад +7

    Would have been better if you turned the couplings off

  • @NWRailfansproductions
    @NWRailfansproductions Год назад +12

    Really awesome work

  • @robbierenfro7209
    @robbierenfro7209 6 месяцев назад +4

    You know, I just noticed something in Thomas the tank engine, the reason why Diesel 10 has a claw on top of him, and moves with no driver, (I know you guys are wondering too) I just want y'all to know, it's because he's actually a Robot 🤖.

    • @andreataylor8186
      @andreataylor8186 5 месяцев назад +2

      Maybe or it's just like Thomas and the magic railroad

  • @kingkah_games7823
    @kingkah_games7823 Год назад +4

    Those discord notifications go crazy 😭,still really good remake though

  • @markdemars7648
    @markdemars7648 10 месяцев назад +2

    1:18:19 That was supposed to be James. Not Edward.

    • @Gave2024
      @Gave2024  10 месяцев назад +1

      i know its based off of a edit

    • @markdemars7648
      @markdemars7648 10 месяцев назад +2

      @@Gave2024 Oh. Off an edit. I see.

  • @RailwayProductions2
    @RailwayProductions2 Год назад +7


  • @EthanLeBlanc-hr3h
    @EthanLeBlanc-hr3h 3 месяца назад +1

    one of my favorite childhood movies

  • @Sanzisepik21
    @Sanzisepik21 Год назад +8

    Would of been better if you kept james in that one scene but still a good remake

  • @TidHarbourWorks
    @TidHarbourWorks 10 месяцев назад +4


  • @AntoniotheTAOAAHFmaker
    @AntoniotheTAOAAHFmaker Год назад +6

    Cool I once saw you in ARWSHR

  • @e2productions687
    @e2productions687 Год назад +9

    Great Remake! really enjoyed it

    • @Gave2024
      @Gave2024  Год назад +2


    • @peetagamer
      @peetagamer Год назад +1

      yeah. i wish my friend's in roblox can help me make a remake on my channel

    • @fabionoronhazampieri7639
      @fabionoronhazampieri7639 Год назад +1

      ​@@Gave2024do you use your normal avatar on sodor online? I always enter with a skin

    • @Gave2024
      @Gave2024  Год назад

      @@fabionoronhazampieri7639 no i always enter with a skin, its just like that

    • @peetagamer
      @peetagamer Год назад

      @@fabionoronhazampieri7639 i used to be a bacon as my avatar but now these day's i use my mario skin in evry game

  • @cooperbaldwin
    @cooperbaldwin Год назад +3

    Little engines can do anything.

    • @jamie-leemorris1288
      @jamie-leemorris1288 Год назад

      Me when my older brother is being mean to me: little kids can do big things

  • @purplehoodie0644
    @purplehoodie0644 Год назад +5

    Why is it Edward???

    • @Gave2024
      @Gave2024  Год назад +3

      its inspired by a edit one of my friends made

  • @Liam_Chase2024
    @Liam_Chase2024 Год назад +4

    Amazing video

  • @Archiebugg
    @Archiebugg 4 месяца назад +1

    1:18:19 Edward having a girl voice reminds me of Edward originally going to be a girl during shining time station but was changed

  • @anthonioabouelias8315
    @anthonioabouelias8315 4 месяца назад +2

    I love Thomas the tank engine because Thomas the movie has been always from my childhood's

  • @Splodge-productions_2010.
    @Splodge-productions_2010. Год назад +2

    19:05 the engines in the song like Charlie Arthur moly, and the other engines from different movies and different seasons to be a what if the other engines from other movies and seasons were in Thomas in the Magic Railroad. right?

  • @TTTE527
    @TTTE527 Год назад +5

    This will be good 👍

  • @Mrsonic126
    @Mrsonic126 Год назад +3

    Happy 23th anniversary to thomas and the magic railroad for Alex the parody vhs and dvd fan 2023

  • @Mariofan2.1
    @Mariofan2.1 5 месяцев назад +1

    Amazing work movie ever man ❤

  • @jeremythomaswebb1485
    @jeremythomaswebb1485 Год назад +3

    1:06 I've been trying to do a static shot of a engine running past the camera like how you have done here. No matter what I do, The camera still moves when the train or character moves. How On Earth do I make the camera stay still so I can achieve a shot like you have done here please?

    • @Gave2024
      @Gave2024  Год назад +2

      ok so if your on mobile then idk how to do it but if your on pc then you will see a eyeball or a camera option or whatever at the bottom then equip it then just press anywhere on the screen, hope this helps

    • @jeremythomaswebb1485
      @jeremythomaswebb1485 Год назад +1

      @@Gave2024 It really does. Thank you so much for replying to my message. It was driving me crazy how to get the camera to remain still. So thanks again :)

    • @Gave2024
      @Gave2024  Год назад

      @@jeremythomaswebb1485 np

    • @jamie-leemorris1288
      @jamie-leemorris1288 Год назад +1

      On mobile, there should be an eye

  • @jjmcnamee6404
    @jjmcnamee6404 Год назад +8


  • @therailwaymen2203
    @therailwaymen2203 Год назад +2

    I’m going to rewrite the movie myself, I really like watching your version!

  • @Chadheinbaugh
    @Chadheinbaugh Год назад +2

    Soon be 23th year anniversary Thomas and the magic railroad

  • @wilbur952team
    @wilbur952team Год назад +5

    Wait a minute juan carlos

  • @glogloottyen6012
    @glogloottyen6012 Год назад +3

    the dc pings always get me

  • @Thethreerailwayengines-r2z
    @Thethreerailwayengines-r2z 10 месяцев назад +2

    1:48 if Duck and Edward were in TATMR

  • @anthonioabouelias8315
    @anthonioabouelias8315 4 месяца назад +2

    I love you thomas

  • @lizahess5975
    @lizahess5975 Год назад +3


  • @dominicrossi838
    @dominicrossi838 Год назад +6

    AMAZING WORK!! I wish that someday I can help you with your remakes :)

  • @andreataylor8186
    @andreataylor8186 6 месяцев назад +2

    Did you see gorden move while diesel 10 pace by that was in the script

  • @reginald_the_craeb2510
    @reginald_the_craeb2510 Год назад +1

    i thought the discord pings were my discord. i was so confused XDDDD. (amazing job)

  • @jordanludewig
    @jordanludewig Год назад +2

    Incredible job man👍

  • @TidHarbourWorks
    @TidHarbourWorks 10 месяцев назад +2

    wait i just realized that stacey was one of my old avatars-

  • @alithethomasgamer6505
    @alithethomasgamer6505 Год назад +2

    at the begging I hear discord messages

  • @Thethreerailwayengines-r2z
    @Thethreerailwayengines-r2z 10 месяцев назад +2

    25:01 edward was not in tatmr, You Might rewrite it again, without Edward once this turns 1 year old

  • @tudorbrancuturcu5996
    @tudorbrancuturcu5996 Год назад +5

    How long did this take to make?

  • @MinecraftLover2007
    @MinecraftLover2007 3 месяца назад +1

    This is a good remake, but I didn’t like how you included the characters that weren’t seen until after the sixth season in it because they just weren’t created at the same time.

  • @droproll727
    @droproll727 Год назад +2

    1:48 is that uberduck?

  • @OliverFeatherwing
    @OliverFeatherwing Год назад +1

    ware is the The Magic Railroad on the map

    • @Gave2024
      @Gave2024  Год назад

      its right next to where toby spawns (the magic railroad scenes were filmed in the asset layout)

  • @therailwaymen2203
    @therailwaymen2203 Год назад +2

    My friend wants to ask you if he can use the audio from this

  • @railwaysofcontrol2365
    @railwaysofcontrol2365 Год назад +2

    Can you do a Day of The Diesels one Plz

  • @Jr87452
    @Jr87452 Год назад +2

    What game is this

  • @Max_Intel
    @Max_Intel 10 месяцев назад +2

    why is there a discord ping? 0:23

    • @Gave2024
      @Gave2024  10 месяцев назад

      because i forgot to close discord while filming

  • @jamie-leemorris1288
    @jamie-leemorris1288 Год назад +3

    A pretty good BUT! definitely not bad

  • @MatthewTheRBXMan
    @MatthewTheRBXMan Год назад +1

    3:40 nah close enough

  • @monarchontheyt
    @monarchontheyt Год назад +2

    Does anyone else hear discord notifications

  • @Monog4
    @Monog4 11 месяцев назад +2

    Why is there discord pings

    • @Gave2024
      @Gave2024  11 месяцев назад

      because i forgot to turn off online mode on discord while filming it

  • @Mr.NeilOfficial
    @Mr.NeilOfficial Год назад +1

    all i can hear is discord pings

  • @alextheparodyfan2005
    @alextheparodyfan2005 Год назад +2


  • @RailwayProductions2
    @RailwayProductions2 Год назад +5

    Wnnja be freinds gave

  • @Leopoldogachaclub
    @Leopoldogachaclub Год назад +2

    What's the game name

    • @Gave2024
      @Gave2024  Год назад +1

      sodor online

    • @SpongeDan
      @SpongeDan 5 месяцев назад

      CBR3 was also used

  • @robertoreynoso4283
    @robertoreynoso4283 Год назад +2

    i did this remake

  • @Anesuishe2010
    @Anesuishe2010 Год назад +4


  • @jannik_miku_fan
    @jannik_miku_fan Месяц назад +1

    Adding Engins who didint appers in the og show is way better then have only the engines with out edward

  • @thomasthetank-eu2ih
    @thomasthetank-eu2ih Год назад +1

    Why u sed edward instead of james