Thank you for speaking Good for SG! Believe there are also merits in studying in other countries that brings along different experiences in life. Happy National 57th Day ST Warrior!
There are pros and cons studying in different countries. US, Canada, Australia, UK, China, India, etc., even Japan and Taiwan (very suitable for agriculture). It depends on your budget, interest, character, ... There are many successful individuals didn't even finish school - example, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, Oprah Winfrey, etc.
Bro don't be too ahead of yourself. Learn to be humble is the Sg way! Don't forget 风水轮流转! I supposed you were not born during that time when Taiwan was 四小龙 when they are in their peak. You think Sg never copy them during that time? So what we are today doesn't mean we will be forever....Pray hard Sg constantly got LKY ppl get reborn if not who knows we might be nothing one day!
@@ticklishpicklish 100% correct & so well said!! Anyone who knows Sg well,will know we grew up in globlised background,we encounter diff cultures & races daily. Hence this helped to create our world view,we know about others more than they know us😁🥰
Sorry, I don't really agree. I am a Singaporean father and I actually wish that my kid have started studying in China. I came from a Chinese speaking family and my English was very very bad, failed at every level, so ended up having to go to a Chinese school during secondary, but I still failed English and managed just to scrape pass during 'O' levels. But I have built my Chinese foundation. After 'O's I began my JC and subsequent University days and you know Chinese is a marvelous language, if you know Chinese, you can actually learn all other languages very easily. For language, don't go for the easy one first, go for the harddest and you will benefit very much in your life. Today I am very good in both English and Chinese and many other languages because I have a good base in Chinese.
You better think carefully!Sending your kids over there to just learn Chinese?After your kids graduated from “強国”,their brains may “washed” and telling you they will killing you if you say something bad about “強国”.
Steven 只外表观看新加坡学生,新加坡孩子第一:英文水准得比区域其他国家好,新加坡公民孩子回国读书一般也会降一年就是英语水平不夠。为什么英美领导来东南亚第一站选新加坡的原因也就是容易溝通。第二:确实新加坡工程师最终是有当经理的机会高,每样都懂一些,能溝通就夠了。专业的事留给外劳来干。在新加坡,在营销,政府行政这塊许多都是南亚人,就是因为英语他们更溜
你写 "新加坡政府为此还开了一间小贩学院" - Hawker Culture in Singapore was successfully inscribed as Singapore's first element on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity on 16 Dec 2020. The Intergovernmental Committee unanimously gave their support towards the inscription of Hawker Culture in Singapore.联合国教科文组织把新加坡小贩文化列入“非物质文化遗产代表名录”。这是我国第一个被列为非物质世界文化遗产的项目,也是继新加坡植物园后第二次申遗成功。小贩学院 - "preserving hawker culture “will help to safeguard and promote this unique culture for future generations”, while also letting “the rest of the world know about our local food and multicultural heritage”. 你可以连网站可以读到的讯息变个”谎言“扯上大学失业!?那请问你那个国家毕业生是100%被聘的?
This is sheer misinformation. Why is such a crass and actually LC clip allowed on youtube. The Singapore education system is tolerable but so are systems found in regional cities and territories in Asia. DONT be misled by THIS video clip.
Thanks Jayden for your informative content. Very helpful and details.
We are going to make more informative content for everyone!
I agree with you!!
Super informative indeed
講的非常清楚。 观点也很到点。 加油
好久没看到你们的视频! 好开心你们回来了!
好讚的影片。加油Jayden 和 Joce!!!
well said and well done for being hard working. i believe your partner has given you the best support you need all this while.
Really glad to be part of the 7.95k subscribers to this channel~
Your videos = Super incredible to watch!!!
👍Looking forward to more your remarkable and outstanding videos
说的没错, 看来你已走出台湾框架的思维, 新加坡教学质量精益求精, 在东西方之间取长补短为己用, 可避免走多余的冤枉路, 与此同时, 可以和身边不同种族的学生交流, 开展更阔的视野。
daily vlog /
民生話題 / 討論課題
Singapore's education very powerful! I am so proud of it !
Thank you for speaking Good for SG! Believe there are also merits in studying in other countries that brings along different experiences in life. Happy National 57th Day ST Warrior!
Happy National Day to everyone 🇸🇬
我在小販中心用早餐,和一对中国夫妇及兒子同台,他告訴我新加坡政府很好,不管你家庭窮,富,一視同仁,给了他兒子奖学金前往英国剑桥大学修讀Computer Science,如沒這獎学金,他們难以付担
Well said! 👏👏👏
There are pros and cons studying in different countries. US, Canada, Australia, UK, China, India, etc., even Japan and Taiwan (very suitable for agriculture). It depends on your budget, interest, character, ... There are many successful individuals didn't even finish school - example, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, Oprah Winfrey, etc.
Do you know now many Taiwan ppl still think that Taiwan number 1 you must tell your Taiwan ppl
Bro don't be too ahead of yourself. Learn to be humble is the Sg way! Don't forget 风水轮流转! I supposed you were not born during that time when Taiwan was 四小龙 when they are in their peak. You think Sg never copy them during that time? So what we are today doesn't mean we will be forever....Pray hard Sg constantly got LKY ppl get reborn if not who knows we might be nothing one day!
Next time give view of university there alot beautiful location
Happy copper 👍
English subtitles please.tq
妖怪过海 各显妖功😊😊😊😊😊
@@ticklishpicklish 100% correct & so well said!! Anyone who knows Sg well,will know we grew up in globlised background,we encounter diff cultures & races daily. Hence this helped to create our world view,we know about others more than they know us😁🥰
自己要努力 到处都是 天堂 😛🐶😡🤣😄
要與國際接軌尤其是語言,很多國家都可以去,除了新加坡 懂嗎?孩子 唸書是自己唸 不是去新加坡才變會唸書 了解嗎?為自己找一個腹地大的國家去發展,你才知道什麼國際觀!
@@百香果-m1e 你这叫“帮亲不帮理”个类,没有世界观!
@@百香果-m1e 虽然与标题不符, 但也不必骂人不带口德, 与其骂人不如反驳, 说新加坡是华人政府, 可马来西亚则是马来统治者, 两者对待各族人民的差异是否有别, 大家也心知肚明。
2015-2018 飛新加坡好幾次
@@stwarrior9983 好啊 期待你分享
能忍受酷热的天气 欢迎来
Alice, 许多老一代移民新加坡工作,好多一来就定居一世。身为移民开始就要比当地人更拼。许多半途而废者都是不能吃苦耐劳者
Sorry, I don't really agree. I am a Singaporean father and I actually wish that my kid have started studying in China. I came from a Chinese speaking family and my English was very very bad, failed at every level, so ended up having to go to a Chinese school during secondary, but I still failed English and managed just to scrape pass during 'O' levels. But I have built my Chinese foundation. After 'O's I began my JC and subsequent University days and you know Chinese is a marvelous language, if you know Chinese, you can actually learn all other languages very easily. For language, don't go for the easy one first, go for the harddest and you will benefit very much in your life. Today I am very good in both English and Chinese and many other languages because I have a good base in Chinese.
You better think carefully!Sending your kids over there to just learn Chinese?After your kids graduated from “強国”,their brains may “washed” and telling you they will killing you if you say something bad about “強国”.
因人而异吧?没有国家的体系是完美的。 至少, 在教育这方面, 人人都有平等的起跑线。 有些人顶不住压力, 就把我国的教育制度贬得一文不值。 大学生找不到工作是因为学术不达标吗? 是自己要求过高吧? 大学生就业机会是有的, 看个人要不要屈就。 人不要身在福中不知福。 如果出去看看世界, 就会觉得新加坡有今日的成就是开国政府人员的功劳。有哪个国家的政府会尽量照顾到人民的衣食住行。 做为新加坡人,。我很感恩。 到外面看了风景, 美是美,。但家还是自己的舒心。 没有种族歧视,没有出入被抢,。被骚扰的坦克不安。 环境干净整洁。 压力是有,。但生活就不是如此吗? 要学会感恩自得其乐。
@@brchlsa69 无须搭理全身带着负能量又爱泼脏水的人,这只是在浪费自己宝贵的时间。😅
是吗?原来你朋友的孩子可以代表全新加坡! 你的数据哪来的?几岁人了,不用问一下为兴趣读书的,就你朋友的孩子就是数据?你的孩子从小就要求一定要去学校读书?不是你报的学校哦!?几够力一下。留个联络号码,我可以试看看教育部联络你. 真的就不怕POFMA治不了你. 林先生。
Steven Lim, 你是说新加坡国立大学和南洋理工大学工程系的水准都是假的吗?! 你还说李光耀曾说…也许你认识的李光耀和新加坡开国总理的李光耀是同名但不同人吧?! 😂😂你这位马来还几够力一下.虽然对新加坡不满, 也不要乱乱”仙脚” (你们的马来华语).😂😂😂
Steven 只外表观看新加坡学生,新加坡孩子第一:英文水准得比区域其他国家好,新加坡公民孩子回国读书一般也会降一年就是英语水平不夠。为什么英美领导来东南亚第一站选新加坡的原因也就是容易溝通。第二:确实新加坡工程师最终是有当经理的机会高,每样都懂一些,能溝通就夠了。专业的事留给外劳来干。在新加坡,在营销,政府行政这塊许多都是南亚人,就是因为英语他们更溜
新加坡 : 典型的幫辦城市
說個故事 : 古有齊人,每日上山至墳場乞酒喝,微醺後即回家驕其妻妾以示其交遊廣闊,並看不起周遭鄰里以凸顯其高人一等!
這些害死那麼多人 死後會下地獄。
你写 "新加坡政府为此还开了一间小贩学院" - Hawker Culture in Singapore was successfully inscribed as Singapore's first element on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity on 16 Dec 2020. The Intergovernmental Committee unanimously gave their support towards the inscription of Hawker Culture in Singapore.联合国教科文组织把新加坡小贩文化列入“非物质文化遗产代表名录”。这是我国第一个被列为非物质世界文化遗产的项目,也是继新加坡植物园后第二次申遗成功。小贩学院 - "preserving hawker culture “will help to safeguard and promote this unique culture for future generations”, while also letting “the rest of the world know about our local food and multicultural heritage”. 你可以连网站可以读到的讯息变个”谎言“扯上大学失业!?那请问你那个国家毕业生是100%被聘的?
This is sheer misinformation. Why is such a crass and actually LC clip allowed on youtube. The Singapore education system is tolerable but so are systems found in regional cities and territories in Asia. DONT be misled by THIS video clip.
u r the misinformation pisa consistently ranked singapore top or 2nd since 2005.
Well said! but i think hardworking is still the most important even you were to have a chance to study in SG Singapore.