Train Your LLM with InstructLab v0.18.4: A Complete 4-GPU (L4s) Enterprise Hardware Walkthrough!

  • Опубликовано: 16 сен 2024
  • In this video, I show you how to install the required software on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.4 to enable GPU acceleration for InstructLab. We then install InstructLab v0.18.4 and enable cuda support. We add some spice by then installing vllm and enabling cuda support for ilab.
    If you want to follow along, I am using a RHEL 9.4 box. Commands as shown in the video are as follows:
    sudo dnf -y install cuda-toolkit-12-4
    cd /usr/local
    sudo rm cuda
    sudo ln -s ./cuda-12.4 ./cuda
    sudo dnf -y install libcudnn8 libcudnn8-devel cuda-cccl-12-4 libnccl-2.22.3-1+cuda12.4.x86_64
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib64
    cd ~
    mkdir instructlab
    cd instructlab
    python3.11 -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate
    rm -rf ~/.cache/pip
    pip install instructlab
    pip cache remove llama_cpp_python
    pip install --force-reinstall "llama_cpp_python[server]==0.2.79" --config-settings cmake.args="-DLLAMA_CUDA=on"
    pip install 'instructlab[cuda]'
    pip install
    Clone the repo
    ilab config init --train-profile PATH_TO_grantprofile.yaml from the above repo
    Place taxonomy file (qna.yaml from above repo) into dir: ~/.local/share/instructlab/taxonomy/knowledge/time_travel
    ilab taxonomy diff
    ilab model download --repository TheBloke/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1-GPTQ --hf-token XXXXX
    ilab model download --repository prometheus-eval/prometheus-7b-v2.0 --hf-token XXXXXXX
    ilab model download --repository instructlab/granite-7b-lab
    ilab data generate --model ~/.cache/instructlab/models/TheBloke/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1-GPTQ --gpus 4 --pipeline full
    ilab model train --model-path instructlab/granite-7b-lab --data-path ~/.local/share/instructlab/datasets/knowledge_train_msgs….jsonl

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