How I Get 20 Candles in 1 Hour | Candlerun Faster | No Hacks or Glitches | Solo Player |

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 550

  • @skykidmomo
    @skykidmomo  2 года назад +260

    *I have a heart giveaway :D*видео.html
    Edit: hey all! This got a lot more traffic than I was expecting XD Thank you all for the subs I did a speed paint of a Sky scene to celebrate y'all being so cool and subbing

    • @mxnxi3269
      @mxnxi3269 2 года назад +5

      Dumplings of Course!

    • @skykidmomo
      @skykidmomo  2 года назад +2

      @@mxnxi3269 I at first thought dumplings but so many of my friends call it bread 🤣 they’re kinda shaped like a bao to me 🤔
      Thanks for commenting! I need to make sense of Grandma’s treats XD

    • @_.-EndexCuriosity-._
      @_.-EndexCuriosity-._ 2 года назад +2


    • @skykidmomo
      @skykidmomo  2 года назад +3

      @@_.-EndexCuriosity-._ I WAS THINKING THIS TODAY XD I was eating mochi and went to grandma’s and let me tell you the surprise pikachu expression landed on my face like never before XD from now on we shall call it mochi 🥹

    • @_.-EndexCuriosity-._
      @_.-EndexCuriosity-._ 2 года назад +1

      @@skykidmomo WOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!1!1!!1!

  • @neneci
    @neneci Год назад +407

    I don't have a routine. I literally wander around 😂

    • @sophiabusuk2836
      @sophiabusuk2836 9 месяцев назад +18

      Me too😂

    • @back2basiq1
      @back2basiq1 6 месяцев назад +7

      Lol same, but then I always get distracted 😅

    • @tsáiMéntas
      @tsáiMéntas 4 месяца назад +1

      I do that sometimes when i forget my rout (like, every day why do i even have a rout)

  • @zarvan358
    @zarvan358 2 года назад +2161

    I remember when I was a moth I called geyser the coronavirus pit

    • @skykidmomo
      @skykidmomo  2 года назад +148


    • @bron1477
      @bron1477 Год назад +137

      I think all players will relate to you because the game was released in times of pandemic

    • @eternalwoomy
      @eternalwoomy Год назад +6

      OH NO 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • @pufferfish-stick
      @pufferfish-stick Год назад +64

      I called it the poopoo hole 💀

    • @eyesofclyde9731
      @eyesofclyde9731 Год назад +11

      @@pufferfish-stick LMFAOOOOO

  • @loreaccuratename
    @loreaccuratename 2 года назад +1570

    Server merges will forever make candle runs easier/faster

    • @skykidmomo
      @skykidmomo  2 года назад +158

      So true 🤣 the servers are fickle but when they are in your favour Sky life is so much easier 🤣🤣
      Thanks for your comment! 🙌

    • @secretly8072
      @secretly8072 2 года назад +9


    • @razorbackroar
      @razorbackroar 9 месяцев назад +1

      What does this mean server mergers

    • @W3YY
      @W3YY 7 месяцев назад +10

      ​@@razorbackroar when the server you're in joins with another that other players are in. Typically when this happens, plants burn for you and candles get lit because the other players already did it so you dont have to spend even more time doing it and can just zoom though and collect

    • @googleyoflolz9930
      @googleyoflolz9930 6 месяцев назад

      Like how the candles in Valley of Triumph are always lit.

  • @alexramos1025
    @alexramos1025 9 месяцев назад +32

    Oh my god you're like the first Sky youtuber that actually speaks that i've seen... immediately subscribed

  • @rayluvsgod
    @rayluvsgod 2 года назад +712

    This was super helpful! - A two day old moth.

    • @skykidmomo
      @skykidmomo  2 года назад +74

      Yay! I’m glad it helps! I wish I knew about all the social light spaces (like geyser and grandma’s) when I was a moth!! Thanks so much for commenting and a great big welcome to the Sky Community! You’re in for a a real treat 🥰🙏

    • @rayluvsgod
      @rayluvsgod 2 года назад +29

      @@skykidmomo No, thank you for being so welcoming! It’s honestly a beautiful game and I love the community so far! I appreciate the work you put into these types of videos :)

    • @sameybor
      @sameybor 2 года назад +18

      @@rayluvsgod No way!! I knew nothing when I was a moth, and I missed so much fun event things. I have been a moth for half a year!! Goodluck in your Sky Journey!
      -3 year old sky veteran

    • @cloudysama404
      @cloudysama404 Год назад +3

      @@sameybor yo we’ve stayed in sky for the same amount of time (ive also been a moth for 3yrs)

    • @summerwashere_
      @summerwashere_ Год назад +1

      ​@@sameyborhello dear...
      -almost 4yr veteran

  • @Mindless_entertainmenr
    @Mindless_entertainmenr 2 года назад +488

    My spending habits in sky are horrible and I’ve been playing it for several hours a day for two weeks to not be absolutely broke 24/7
    Gonna try this route tomorrow, thank you so much for making this!!

    • @skykidmomo
      @skykidmomo  2 года назад +51

      That was totally me- I mean my skykid 🙈🙈 lol but seriously it can be tricky to balance! I came up with this route after I realised I would play for 3 hours to get to 20 candles (a lot of added screen time lol) 🙃 and then I would spend most of what I earned on cosmetics, heart trades or friendships! I don’t regret that of course, but still it felt disheartening to have literally hours of work be spent up in a few impulse decisions 🤣 (I think there’s a lesson in there that extends beyond Sky lol) and while we aren’t in between seasons anymore I still think getting 16-17 in an hour was a massive improvement for me! Happy candle running friend, thanks so much for commenting I hope this helps! good luck 🙌

    • @Mindless_entertainmenr
      @Mindless_entertainmenr 2 года назад +21

      @@skykidmomo I’m sorry this is so weird, but either someone has exactly your fit or I met you in game, are you called Ji***i? (Don’t want to leak you or them) :0
      Edit: nvm I deffo know it wasn’t you cause they didn’t understand English, they were super nice, thought I was a moth and I just went along with it and they showed me all spirits they could find, but didn’t understand when I tried to explain I need to sleep (it’s 4 am now) 😭😭😭😭 istg, sky can be the nicest, most excruciating hostage experience ever

    • @Mindless_entertainmenr
      @Mindless_entertainmenr 2 года назад +9

      @@skykidmomo Exactly what I’ve been going thru! Ahhh it’s so weird to spend all day on a game where you only get cosmetics haha. I rly hope I can get that cr in your time! Thanks again sm for making it!!

    • @skykidmomo
      @skykidmomo  2 года назад +13

      @@Mindless_entertainmenr oo I’m only just seeing this apologies! I don’t think it was me but I always wonder if I have crossed paths with anyone here before 🤣 sky is a big game but it is a small world lol!

    • @tylern6420
      @tylern6420 Год назад

      @@skykidmomo so if the race shards arent for candles what are they for 🤔

  • @Lady_3128
    @Lady_3128 2 года назад +134

    This video is eternally helpful for a moth/causal player trying to save for ts AND complete constellations

    • @skykidmomo
      @skykidmomo  2 года назад +4

      Aww yay I’m so glad 🥹 thanks for taking the time to watch and comment 🥰 happy flying friend ❤️

  • @LT-dw2if
    @LT-dw2if 2 года назад +482

    This is my routine:
    0:00 : 3 trials in 15 minutes (earth, air, fire-> use tricks) -> 7 candles
    If you haven't known tricks yet, you can skip trials. Go straight to the route below:
    0:17-0:25 map with 4 big candle cakes -> 9 candles
    0:25- 0:45 hidden forest x grandma place -> 14 candles
    0:46-1:00 sactuary island and Turtle wax 17-18 candles
    Visit Grandma second time to get 19-20 candles a day.

    • @caramelon
      @caramelon Год назад +8

      this is really helpful but i dont know what the 3 trials you mean? and the 4candle cakes and turtule wax, where are those?

    • @rei_ikko
      @rei_ikko Год назад +24

      @@caramelon for trials, they mean the area in Isle where there are 4 trials (water, earth, air, and fire) for you to do. enter isle, go straight, and look for a large opening in the clouds!

    • @MommaFig1
      @MommaFig1 Год назад +22

      ​@@caramelon they are hard, op is good to do three in 15

    • @Rosie_Rosebud
      @Rosie_Rosebud Год назад +23

      It's not so much being good, it's knowing the shortcuts that helps make them faster. Although I struggle on the air shortcut for some reason. It can take me a while to tp just right. 😮‍💨

    • @tomikun8057
      @tomikun8057 Год назад +7

      @@MommaFig1 There are oob and non-oob shortcuts that allow you to skip a lot of it

  • @mosey3127
    @mosey3127 2 года назад +594

    0:40 Intro
    2:30 Prairie/Geyser
    9:25 Quests
    13:25 Grammies/Forest
    17:50 Candle Cakes
    23:30 Race!
    - Quests will be seasonal candles until they are converted until the end of the season.
    - Alt routes: Windpaths cake, Hermit Valley cake, Starlight Desert cake etc

    • @skykidmomo
      @skykidmomo  2 года назад +33

      ahh thank you so much for leaving the time stamps! 🥰🙏 I appreciate it 🙌

    • @maeyo_
      @maeyo_ 2 года назад +4

      Wait, there's a cake in Hermit Valley?!... I don't even remember. I'll try to find it later.

    • @skykidmomo
      @skykidmomo  2 года назад +8

      @@maeyo_ yess in yeti’s hut! :D sometimes they’re tucked away haha I only recently discovered the wind path’s one!

    • @violetsundertheeyes
      @violetsundertheeyes 2 года назад +2

      where is the Windpaths cake located?

    • @skykidmomo
      @skykidmomo  2 года назад +10

      @@violetsundertheeyes as you fly through the wind tunnel speed way (idk what it's called but it's like an air current lol) it will be on your left by the Sanctuary Islands entrance and (kind of) in front of the Starlit Desert entrance. It's a bit hidden by the clouds though.
      Look for the small outcrop of land (like a little grassy ledge on the cloud column) you will see the Red Cake!
      Hope that explains but if not I can post about it on my YT community page! As I didn't know about till Season of Performance!

  • @kadowlin7952
    @kadowlin7952 2 года назад +83

    i usually take a few hours for crs since i didn't really have any optimization on my runs, and i ended up getting so burnt out that i couldn't play sky all the way from just before season of abyss started, all the way until just earlier this week when i finally managed to start playing again; i'm going to try this method starting tomorrow, tysm for this !!!

    • @skykidmomo
      @skykidmomo  2 года назад +12

      That was exactly me too! I didn’t understand why it would take me 2 hours to get the amount that I wanted 🤣 so this route helped me out a lot! Especially on the days I don’t have a lot of time to play! I know the burnt out feels, it’s definitely good to take breaks here and there though!
      Hope it helps! Happy flying friend and good luck! 🥰🙏

  • @TheWizardingFrogWizard
    @TheWizardingFrogWizard Год назад +17

    I adore how you capture the grace of Sky. Especially the fact that when flying, we bash our little heads into everyting.. the doors, the mountains, the rocks and whatnots!❤😂😊

  • @emubeepboop
    @emubeepboop 2 года назад +171

    Some shortcuts to get to geyser and grandma faster!
    -the second door in the treehouse area brings you to the area in forest with the spirit gate to grandma's area skips all the time waiting for glitching doors (I have trouble doing the tricks with the gates so this is helpful for me)
    -going through the season of flight cloud pathway is sometimes faster to get to geyser but it depends
    if you get stuck in the wind tunnel have fun getting back in the right direction :D it is very annoying
    obviously taking shortcuts means skipping some wax but if you check your clock and it is almost time for one of the events it is helpful.

    • @skykidmomo
      @skykidmomo  2 года назад +6

      Awesome advice! I really appreciate you taking the time to comment it! I didn’t realise that shortcut! That’s a good way to manoeuvre that gate! I usually do a big call and fly in the gap with the help of the butterflies if the door gets stuck lol (so a lot of times lol) also I love the wind paths it’s probably my favourite place in sky 🥰🙌
      Thanks so much for sharing your advice! I learned a new time saving trick :D
      Happy flying friend 🥰

    • @Kixx_KG
      @Kixx_KG 2 года назад +4

      I do this too when I'm short on time. (Like 3 minutes to get to Gandma or something😅 with a quick fly around the treehouse)

    • @peite7878
      @peite7878 10 месяцев назад

      @@Kixx_KGYesterday I found out I could get to Grandma within 2 min that way and still partake although I missed the bell

  • @Joyboy2287
    @Joyboy2287 Месяц назад +3

    Finally... A Sky RUclipsr that SPEAKS!!! I Know I'm late but still😂

  • @theOGLC
    @theOGLC 2 года назад +161

    Eastern Time Guide Here! ✨
    If you are in EDT Time zone, here are the times for the events.
    New day/reset time: 3 am
    Geyser Time:
    3 am/pm
    5 am/pm
    7 am/pm
    9 am/pm
    11 am/pm
    1 am/pm
    Grandma Time:
    3:30 am/pm
    5:30 am/pm
    7:30 am/pm
    9:30 am/pm
    11:30 am/pm
    1:30 am/pm
    Hope this helps! ✨

    • @skykidmomo
      @skykidmomo  2 года назад +10

      Thanks for taking the time to comment this! 🥰 I’m sure it’ll help others ❤️
      The Sky community is so helpful and cool! ✨🫶

    • @theOGLC
      @theOGLC 2 года назад +8

      @@skykidmomo No problem! I already had calculated it for myself so I figured that I should go ahead and post it here so other people don't have to. Thanks for your guide btw! It's been super helpful so far. Trying to get more candles for the Days of Mischief cosmetics 😎

    • @violafarinelli
      @violafarinelli 2 года назад +2

      I have a question if you do these events at am, do they still work at pm?

    • @skykidmomo
      @skykidmomo  2 года назад +5

      @@violafarinelli hey! You can do these wax earning event multiple times in a day! However after a certain number of times I have noticed that you do stop earning wax from social light spaces like these and the AFK wax spots. I’m not sure what the exact limit is, but usually I am able to do grandma’s and geysers twice. Then wax from these spaces is stopped but you can still burn the darkness, etc, just no wax is produced!
      So you can do it multiple times in a day whenever you please morning or evening :) just know that before the next daily light reset happens there is a limit to how much you can earn in that day! 🥰
      Hope this helps to explain it 🙏

    • @MommaFig1
      @MommaFig1 Год назад

      ​@Sky Kid Momo isn't it about 20 candles and your acrual rate slows?

  • @DulyDullahan
    @DulyDullahan Год назад +65

    Thank you so much for this! It’s so tiring running around all the realms. I accidentally missed my chance at the geyser so I ended up taking 2 hours (including the wait time for the next geyser + vault run which wasn’t the boosted realm) but that’s so much better than the 3 hours I took yesterday. I did get 22 candles though so I’m relatively happy!
    Update: It’s been 2 days of using this route and I’ve cut down my time to 1 hour 30 mins now. It’s mostly due to the fact that I included sunset turtle so my CR is geyser + sanctuary -> grandmas -> turtle -> quests -> 2 races -> candle boosted realm (thorough). Although it’s half an hour more, I’ve managed to max out my candle count to 23 every time.

  • @Strikerdoodle
    @Strikerdoodle 2 года назад +23

    Nice of you to share this knowledge, it is a bit of a pain how many timers we have to schedule our play time around now, but that's the struggle of a candle farmer.

    • @skykidmomo
      @skykidmomo  2 года назад

      Thanks for leaving a comment on the video! I hope it helped! There is more to negotiate now with shards too! I wasn't playing sky before the candle boost was introduced so i'm not too sure if the daily light system before would have worked better for me... but just gotta make the most of what is active now! Happy flying friend good luck on those candle runs :)

  • @squidhatonaglobe4030
    @squidhatonaglobe4030 2 года назад +96

    great guide! For 11:02, the wax amount in gw is different because on sunday, all the plants are present. While on other days, some plants will be there and some wont according to the rotation. So Sunday (734 wax) and on every other day (619 wax)

    • @skykidmomo
      @skykidmomo  2 года назад +22

      Ahh this is very helpful to know! I was unsure which days went with which rotation, thanks for taking the time to comment the info! Always love how helpful the Sky community is 🥰🙏

    • @squidhatonaglobe4030
      @squidhatonaglobe4030 2 года назад +3

      @@skykidmomo happy to help!

    • @Kixx_KG
      @Kixx_KG 2 года назад +4

      Ah, this is super helpful! So I'll make sure to CR Wasteland on Sundays (after Eden maybe lol)

  • @christophergonzales544
    @christophergonzales544 4 месяца назад +2

    A couple years later and this still helped me a bunch. More than just the candles. Seeing your flying techniques as well. Thank you for posting.

  • @RibbonHorn
    @RibbonHorn 2 года назад +33

    (Tips for solo-players or people with no friends like me!!!)
    1. Make an alt amd play with it to open 2 player doors.
    2. Get the chibi mask and learn how to chibi fall
    3. Wait for sever switch
    4. Or just don’t cr with it involving a 2 player door
    5. And for the eight-player-door.. I have no words.
    Introvert signing out 🌚

    • @level-upgod8505
      @level-upgod8505 Год назад +8

      I have 5 alts and run with 2 alts at a time. Ultimate introvert. If you unlock piggyback and carry 2 alts with their flames lit, you have unlimited wing energy.

    • @Zeninari
      @Zeninari 5 месяцев назад +1

      funny enough you can clip for the 8 player door

  • @istoleyourjams270
    @istoleyourjams270 2 года назад +25

    Just wanted to say that the music you made is absolutely beautiful. It just made my mind forget about the worries I previously had.

    • @skykidmomo
      @skykidmomo  2 года назад +5

      🥹🥹 ahh my heart is so full hearing this! Wishing you the best day always friend ❤️ Whatever your worries may be, we will be here rooting for you! You got this ❤️

  • @rachaeljohnson6411
    @rachaeljohnson6411 2 года назад +23

    If vault isn’t the candle boosted area, that can be a supplement to wax gathering instead of the quest candles. 4 cakes going straight through, 6 in person doors (good luck with that)

  • @mareep5771
    @mareep5771 2 года назад +51

    hullo everyone! I’m not sure if this is ever mentioned in the video, but please do geyser & grannies first! This is because you’ll get more wax out of them, since throughout the candle run, the portions of wax you get get smaller then at the beginning of the candle run (from what I’ve experienced), so the easiest way to get a good amount of candles is doing geyser & grannies first and THEN candle run the realms, but ofc you can do whatever way is most efficient for you :D

    • @peite7878
      @peite7878 10 месяцев назад +7

      Really?! Isn’t it just because of the chevron system which makes it gradually you need more wax for each candle?
      Anyway I often start with geyser grandma.

  • @g._lxx
    @g._lxx 2 года назад +6

    TYSM!! I'm a f2p player and whenever there's a travelling spirit with really expensive items I lose hope so this really helped :,)

    • @skykidmomo
      @skykidmomo  2 года назад +1

      I’m so happy I could help! At least a TS can always come back but the wait time can feel like forever 🥲
      Thanks for your comment happy flying friend 🥰❤️

  • @TimTam3
    @TimTam3 2 года назад +159

    Interesting perspective on how you cr! I've been able to perfect mine to 45-50 minute runs but they've been so stressful lately with the constant server error message that comes up 😭😭

    • @skykidmomo
      @skykidmomo  2 года назад +9

      Nice!! On a good flying and server day I can get mine to about 45-50min too :D! But this one I was all over the place and the server merges were... well non-existent lol (the big plant at sanctuary c'mon XDD) and yes I had some trouble doing my quests today they were locked :( and the other day my chat shut down XD I'm sure it'll be resolved soon so we'll just have to be patient until then :)
      Thanks so much for your comment and taking the time to watch

    • @ALQQ
      @ALQQ 2 года назад +7


    • @owen.o.z._5283
      @owen.o.z._5283 2 года назад +2

      if the sever message keeps up i suggest restarting your phone/device. i did it this morning when it was acting up and i haven't gotten a server message since then. hope this helped!:3

    • @miaxoxo9967
      @miaxoxo9967 2 года назад

      Explain how

  • @glowrillaz
    @glowrillaz 2 года назад +5

    12:40 the pov angle made that fall hilarious 😭
    Thanks for the video! i’m new to the game so that was pretty helpful

    • @skykidmomo
      @skykidmomo  2 года назад

      so glad it helped :D and I know XD i was falling all over the place lol thanks for taking the time to comment

  • @MommaFig1
    @MommaFig1 Год назад +3

    Thank you! I have only been playing just shy of two months and I am not a gamer so all of this is new to me. I tried your method, in between seasons, and got 18 on my first run. I plan on sliding back in to the geyser layer and hopefully bringing that up to 20
    Whoop! First try cr and logged 18 in under an hour! You rock!

  • @briciolaa
    @briciolaa 2 года назад +6

    this is great advice!! i spend too much screen time on sky with very little payoff (or so it feels when i have to spend all the candles that take me literally ages to collect), but this feels way better and less time consuming, less likely to make me wanna quit playing!! thank youu

    • @skykidmomo
      @skykidmomo  2 года назад +1

      I know the feels! If I had more time to spend on Sky I would 🥹 but with everyone else to juggle I can play usually for an hour-hour and half each day. Hope this helps! Happy flying friend and good luck 🥰❤️

  • @orian1642
    @orian1642 2 года назад +36

    Whooooo! Amazing guide, very handy- you didnt skip like some people, which results in newbies like me loosing wax because I didn't know there was a candle cake somewhere ToT
    I've got a variation on that run that I've been doing- it gives only 16 candles if I do it regualarly (but it also takes about 10-15 minutes less time) but I've found that with the new shard events from Season of Shattering and an extra area i can get the full 20 within roughly an hour as well :D
    1) butterfly fields and Santuary
    2) Valley race+slope (including group of candles under ice rink and valley temple candles)
    3) Village of Dreams candle cake + Harmony Hall daily music sheet run
    Slot in Grandmas (I don't do geyser lol, and I always get all the wax possible on the way to Grandmas) and dailies when convienent
    Extra add-ons that give more wax for the full 20:
    1) I run Vault as well, that place is just STUFFED FULL of candle cakes- there's 6 permanent ones oOo
    2) do first area of wasteland, second area if I feel like it lol
    3) This is pretty inconsistent, but if there is a black shard event (one that gives regular wax) then do that too

    • @skykidmomo
      @skykidmomo  2 года назад +5

      Thank you for taking the time to watch and comment! Everyone has been leaving such useful tips, and it’s so great to see how helpful the Sky community is! 🥰🙏
      Those are great spots to go to! If I ever feel like mixing it up I like to go through the wind paths to visit each of the cakes in starlight desert, hermit valley, cave of prophecy and the cake in wind paths too of course :D
      I am glad the shards can offer regular wax as well as AC! It’s definitely a big help! I wish black shards would come every day 🤣
      Also I may be a little late, but welcome to Sky! I hope you’re enjoying the game! Thanks so much again for taking the time to watch and comment! It’s means so very much and I really appreciate you doing so 🥰🙏
      Happy flying friend! ✨

    • @spoonbender3062
      @spoonbender3062 2 года назад

      What do you mean by music sheet run?

    • @crxtube187
      @crxtube187 Год назад

      ​@@spoonbender3062idk this skykids use complicated terms without explaining every time

    • @Nem87
      @Nem87 Год назад +1

      late reply but it's the music challenge. inside Harmony Hall (the music store in village of dreams), you can walk to a corner in the back, to your left. there's a stool and if you click on the balloon popping up, it gives you a music sheet tab that you play. That rewards you 50 wax around 50 % accuracy I think. 100 wax if it's more than 75 % you can repeat the challenge but wax drops once a day. Sheet changes once a week

  • @safaaragab4334
    @safaaragab4334 2 года назад +8

    You really worked hard for that video thx i hope you keep going❤

    • @skykidmomo
      @skykidmomo  2 года назад

      Thank you so much ❤️🥰 it’s such a lovely thing to come back to such kind words! They mean a whole lot 🙏✨thank you for taking the time to watch and comment! ❤️❤️

  • @perpuldraws4534
    @perpuldraws4534 Год назад +2

    yo i’ve been so unmotivated to candle run and i’m always broke despite playing the game for over two years, so this is life saver

  • @baolinhnguyen4459
    @baolinhnguyen4459 Год назад +1

    tysmm:D, I'm a broke moth and just learning about candle run. I'm saving up for the next traveling spirit(not good:d) and this will help a lot

  • @valentinav519
    @valentinav519 2 года назад +29

    12:02 I remember the time that spirit was in the daily quests, I had started playing the game in that period and it took me a long time finding it, once I had reached the boat I looked at the spirit, then at the krill, I said NO and teleported back home

    • @skykidmomo
      @skykidmomo  2 года назад +4

      🤣🤣 there’s nowhere to hide and the crabs make sure that you won’t have an easy time avoiding it lol
      Crab Call is tricky to be sure but I have a soft spot for them as they were my first TS 🤣
      Thanks watching and commenting! This gave me a good giggle 😆

    • @Kixx_KG
      @Kixx_KG 2 года назад +7

      I think the walking spirit in the Graveyard is scarier. More walking, less places to hide efficiently, and there are more 3+ krill in the area. (Like yesterday's daily which was this exact spirit, Pleaful Parent)

    • @valentinav519
      @valentinav519 2 года назад

      @@Kixx_KG it's not that bad if you are with another player, I got krilled only once

  • @lux6785
    @lux6785 Год назад +3

    Thanks! I’m just returning to sky after a multiple season long hiatus so this is a needed refresher 😅
    I just have to remember to do the dailies so I get 20 candles and not 16 lol

  • @croassaint011
    @croassaint011 4 месяца назад +3

    i also every day go in the music hall and play the daily sheet and go in the cinnamon cafe. those two toghether give around 2 candles, it's fast and easy to reach (since you only need to go in the aviary to get there). it helps a lot getting more candles, specially when you can't get more candles by the daily quests :D
    p.s: sorry if the english is bad, it isn't my first language and i'm still studying it lol

  • @MauiWauii
    @MauiWauii 2 года назад +3

    Yessss thank you. I've been playing Sky for a long time but always struggle with affording TS and events 😞. I wrote down all the info, so hopefully this helps 😁!!!

    • @skykidmomo
      @skykidmomo  2 года назад

      Thank you so much for watching! I hope this can help you out too! I’d love to know if it does 🥰
      It’s helped me to stockpile for events a lot! Thanks so much for leaving a comment! 🥰🙌
      Happy candle running good luck! 🥰🙌

  • @Chibillation
    @Chibillation 2 года назад +2

    Ty! I am currently saving up for the umbrella and the noodle hair! (I have no idea what the call the hair-) I am very thankful for this! A fantastic guide that helped me! Ty to you again :DDD

  • @ferveloper
    @ferveloper Год назад +5

    Nice run! I do mine similar to this, just small points to improve, for example for the Grandma event, you could go directly to the Forest Brook through the second gate from the Tree House, if you want to collect all the candles there you can do that at around HH:30 since the Grandma event starts at HH:35 (the animation at HH:30, but the wax stuff 5 minutes later). I usually collect all the wax before the Forest Brook at HH:28, then start collecting wax there (Forest Brook) and it's highly probable that eventually the server will merge with fully melted darkness since many people start a bit early before the Grandma event.
    Other than just small things on the other realms, like calculated wing power to flight to reach some places, but not a big deal.
    And well, chibi glitch helps in Vault reducing the time between 5 to 10 min. But ofc that's something else.

  • @adastra8681
    @adastra8681 2 года назад +2

    Tried this, you literally saved my life omg

    • @skykidmomo
      @skykidmomo  2 года назад

      Yay I’m so glad it helped! Thank you for taking the time to watch and comment ❤️❤️

  • @ich___bins
    @ich___bins Год назад +2

    I played sky for some time now but when they changed the candle system I never did regular full candle runs again because it always took me more than 2 hours to get 20 candles. This video if really helpful since I haven't been up to date with other methods of getting wax quickly. Definitely gonna try this

  • @fisheraser
    @fisheraser 2 года назад +1

    aa thank you! ive been playing for about a year- but im still a noob and i hate grinding. this will help! tysm ❤️

  • @thatskysylvos
    @thatskysylvos 2 года назад +14

    A few tips I have for anyone who reads this: in bird's nest, 1. it's actually faster not to call the butterflies and to simply jump and fly up. And 2. in the case that we do call the butterflies, it actually helps to flap along with them

    • @skykidmomo
      @skykidmomo  2 года назад

      thank you for leaving your advice :D i love the support and kindness of the sky community! ill be sure to try out those tips too :DD

  • @bucketface1583
    @bucketface1583 2 года назад +2

    this was such a fun video!! i enjoyed every moment of it :D edit: i love the music too btw!!

    • @skykidmomo
      @skykidmomo  2 года назад

      Ahh thank you so much I really appreciate it 😭🥰 I’m trying to work on my making my music better, so it means so much that you enjoyed the music on here 😭❤️
      Thank you again for watching and leaving such a lovely comment! You have me smiling rn 🥰❤️
      Happy flying friend ❤️

  • @Merip1214
    @Merip1214 Год назад

    Hahaha I love the "they were relentless" screen.
    Also thanks for the video

  • @AyushRawani_
    @AyushRawani_ Год назад +1

    That's so nice brooo you make your own music for your videosss

  • @gwnnestella9233
    @gwnnestella9233 Год назад +3

    Wow candle run has changed! My last complete run was two+ years ago... I must say, this is so much better than before. No more flying to point 1 to 2, all realms. To think that you can just wait instead... Doing it fast with all the glitches and tricks takes me an hour and a half back then. When trials candles came out, I was so burned out I just quit candle running altogether.
    This is pretty good, less burn out. Though, nowadays, I resort to ✨magic✨ but seeing this compels me to try it out.

    • @Nimkoo1111
      @Nimkoo1111 Год назад

      So real!! And before the most you could get would be like 15

  • @JustNyxfr
    @JustNyxfr Год назад

    THANK YOU! now i can get what ive been waiting for

  • @DonutToast
    @DonutToast 2 года назад +6

    I might try this strategy out sometime! my run usually consists of geyser, grandma and then turtle with all the candles of the worlds I enter inbetween. Which also gets you where you want to go but it definitely becomes longer if you still have to do the daily quests 😭

    • @skykidmomo
      @skykidmomo  2 года назад +2

      Do let me know how it goes if you use it! I’d love to hear any kind of feedback ❤️ and I know!! I wish I was faster at doing the dailies 🤣
      Thanks for your comment ❤️

  • @baalmolech
    @baalmolech 4 месяца назад +1

    As a week-old moth, I’m jealous of your flying skills 😭

  • @1andonlytoonkid
    @1andonlytoonkid Год назад +1

    I'm happy I ran into this helpful video. There's so much content to this mmo game that it can get overwhelming. Thnx 🙏 ✌️

  • @alaxooz
    @alaxooz 2 месяца назад +1


  • @ZEE_D3VA
    @ZEE_D3VA 2 года назад +1

    thanks momo it helped a lot im def gonna be coming back YOU GOT A NEW SUB

    • @skykidmomo
      @skykidmomo  2 года назад

      thank you so much!! I appreciate you supporting the channel! happy to have you here friend

  • @ItIsClaudia
    @ItIsClaudia 2 года назад +1

    Omg I love the music so much!

    • @skykidmomo
      @skykidmomo  2 года назад

      Ahh yay! That makes me so glad to hear! I’ll keep working hard to improve it 🥰❤️

  • @cheerios2548
    @cheerios2548 2 года назад +24

    Well with this knowledge, I’ll be able to do a casual cr without going to EVERY REALM! Thank you so much!
    I think my new plan will be:
    Go to geyser
    Get daily tasks
    Go to Grandma
    Collect candle cakes (except the last 3 gw cakes)
    Do one or both races in valley
    (Optional: full cr in either the candle cake areas or in Rainforest, because you can get around 800 from there)

    • @skykidmomo
      @skykidmomo  2 года назад +6

      Awesome! I know the feels I used to do every realm (and Eden 🥹) daily for wax haha
      I learned about social light spaces later in my Sky experience 🤣
      That sounds like a good plan! I’d love to hear how it goes!
      Good luck on your candle runs friend! Thanks for your comment🥰
      P.S. that BOTW Link profile pic has me loling never seen link so expressive before 🤣

    • @chibidragon4047
      @chibidragon4047 2 года назад +1

      The races always give me one candle😭

    • @tylern6420
      @tylern6420 Год назад

      @@skykidmomo this game really feels like mario odd to see mario collecting moons

  • @alwaysafk5035
    @alwaysafk5035 2 года назад +5

    I didn't know vault had so many perma-cakes! I thought today was double candle day 🤡
    But seriously, this will speed up my CR's at least a few hours! Specially the technique to get the three slides at once in valley 👍 I'm subbing and I'll watch more content tomorrow, it's 1am here 😬

    • @skykidmomo
      @skykidmomo  2 года назад +2

      thank you so much for supporting the channel!! I appreciate you taking the time to do so :D happy flying friend! glad to have you here

    • @alwaysafk5035
      @alwaysafk5035 2 года назад +3

      @@skykidmomo lol don't worry i actually need to sleep less cause I sleep 15 hours 💀 but yeah hope you also get your weekly sleeping dosis at least 🕯♡

  • @wiggy8912
    @wiggy8912 Год назад +1

    At first I was thinking BS, then realized non-seasonal quests. Very much doable.

  • @cerealleyx
    @cerealleyx Год назад +1

    the geyser and turtle has darkness that never burns ;w;

  • @real_heh
    @real_heh Год назад

    Easy, useful and short. Nicely done

  • @lancelen
    @lancelen 2 года назад +1

    that was very helpful, thank you so much :)!

    • @skykidmomo
      @skykidmomo  2 года назад

      Yay! I’m so happy it helped! Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment 🥰❤️

  • @candeeyyy9120
    @candeeyyy9120 2 года назад +3

    heya i’m your new subscriber! this is very helpful tysm :)

    • @skykidmomo
      @skykidmomo  2 года назад +1

      Ahh hi friend ❤️
      thank you so much! I really appreciate you taking the time to support my lil corner of YT 🥰🙏
      Happy that this video could be of help ❤️

  • @Anonymouslittlebee
    @Anonymouslittlebee 10 месяцев назад

    no joke, I literally struggle like that while flying lmao I feel your pain

  • @romahjp6952
    @romahjp6952 6 месяцев назад +1

    I would actually just start my day with the trials, because anyways they give alot of light. You can get like total 6 candles from that… Then, I would go to the candle boosted realm for the day. After that, go to the colosseum where aurora is, and skip the part of valley that has alot of red candles. Once that’s all done i get up to 15 candles in just 30 minutes… then I go to geyser and lastly vault of knowledge. The average number i get of candles is 23, so i have 10 minutes to just chill or maybe grind more. It’s honestly the best way in my opinion.
    I’m glad if this helped because I am not really a pro I am still a moth but the game has much more to do, so don’t candle run everyday. Set a candle goal or try my method for a few days. Thanks!

    • @konakai1007
      @konakai1007 4 месяца назад

      How long does it take to get all 23 candles

  • @tigrorybka664
    @tigrorybka664 2 года назад +5

    Thanks so much, I now know how to get candles cakes.

    • @skykidmomo
      @skykidmomo  2 года назад

      You're so welcome! Thank you for your comment

  • @CouldKnowMe
    @CouldKnowMe 9 месяцев назад

    I'm so happy you showed this, grandma reminded me of my grandma cooking pho(vietnamese dish) and it was so cuteee I can't wait to see gramma returning from vietnam!😁❤

  • @DraykaD
    @DraykaD Год назад +1

    okay but you didn't count the factor of a moth asking you for help and having too soft of a heart to say no and leave them behind TvT so many cancelled candle runs lol
    jokes aside very good guide! Will give it a try on my next run 👍

  • @starlight5852
    @starlight5852 2 года назад +1

    Wow the songs are amazing btw

    • @skykidmomo
      @skykidmomo  2 года назад

      Thank you so much 🥰 I really appreciate it a whole lot!

  • @BambiCambi
    @BambiCambi 2 года назад +3

    you can skip flying through the walkway in wasteland and fly over the wall that's next to the outfit changing areas, it's also kind of easier so the wind doesn't knock you backwards...

    • @skykidmomo
      @skykidmomo  2 года назад +1

      Oo I’ll have to try this! Thank you! I am still smh at me hitting not one but two flags upon my entry to wasteland 🤣🤣

  • @N3xxuN
    @N3xxuN 8 месяцев назад

    Thank you so much for this guide!! I got 22 candles in the same time as you!!

  • @Morballeavide23
    @Morballeavide23 Год назад

    Thanks a lot! And now, while I am writing this comment, the days of fortune are coming, and I liked the bunny mask! Only it costs 62 candles and I thought that I would never save such an amount, but I'm in your RUclips video!

  • @luilui826
    @luilui826 2 года назад +2

    I'm your 667th subscriber

    • @skykidmomo
      @skykidmomo  2 года назад

      Thank you for subscribing 🥹❤️

  • @sarahmichelle8929
    @sarahmichelle8929 2 года назад +1

    thank you this really helped!!

  • @Venus-lov3
    @Venus-lov3 2 года назад +1

    Thank you it really helped me!

  • @evyberm801
    @evyberm801 4 месяца назад

    Thank you so much by the way! This is extemely helpful forsure ❤!! I love your songs!!! ❤❤❤❤❤

  • @traumaprotector
    @traumaprotector 2 года назад +1

    ahhh thank you so much!

  • @dittolvvr
    @dittolvvr Год назад

    this helped me a lot! i just started playing a couple days ago and the day of bloom event ends in 2 days, so i really needed a way to grind for candles to get the wings i wanted

  • @Tojiedits306
    @Tojiedits306 9 месяцев назад

    Here are some more tips
    Yk season of passage? When u reply a passage, u can get so much of wax
    Go to harmony hall, go next to the section of pianos and u can see a room, go into the room and press the button to play a music sheet which rewards u a candle
    The place i prefer for cr is hidden forest as it has many pieces of light

  • @shroombloomgloom
    @shroombloomgloom 2 года назад +2

    Awesome! One thing tho, it’s actually 16 candles during a season cause when your not in a season you don’t yet those 4 yummy candles from quests

  • @laurenstone1238
    @laurenstone1238 2 года назад +1

    I appreciate this so much I was looking for ways to make my candle run more efficient. bring a solo player can bring a lot of pain for candle runs but this helps! 🧡🧡🧡

    • @skykidmomo
      @skykidmomo  2 года назад +1

      Ahh yes! I often CR solo and this is what I’ve found to be the best way for me! Happy candle running friend! ❤️

  • @stroyanielson3776
    @stroyanielson3776 Год назад +1

    OH its so rare to see someone with my route like this also with 1 hour. The only difference would probably be my timing. Because my route is Race > Prairie > Geyser > Forest > Grandma > Vault. When I'm with friends and I'm lazy to switch realms my route is Race + Village > Prairie (full realm including 8 player door) > Geyser > Forest (minus the end) > Grandma and that should be around 1,5 hours. This is pretty cool actually

  • @raccoondad1011
    @raccoondad1011 Год назад

    this helps so much! *im a week or two moth* wanting to make my candle runs more productive.

  • @jasonq7504
    @jasonq7504 2 года назад +3

    I always just hit grandma, the geyser, and vault ( skipping the last two levels) and the dailies. That's all you really need.

  • @talousse
    @talousse 2 года назад +1

    I've been playing for months and I didn't know about gradma T-T thanks for all the helpful tips!!

    • @skykidmomo
      @skykidmomo  2 года назад +1

      I RELATE! I found out about it thru another YT channel's sky animation XD and for ages I didn't understand the timings too! I'm happy it helped thanks so much for watching and commenting :D

  • @Inazuma_No_Kuroba9520
    @Inazuma_No_Kuroba9520 Год назад

    Omg thank you so much 😭💓

    @CLAYTONlC Год назад

    i had no idea about the geyser hours or grandma and ive been playing since season of sanctuary. thank you very much

  • @just_Ren3
    @just_Ren3 10 месяцев назад

    Here's my routine if anyone is interested! I usually visit Grandma and Geyser in between my runs, basically whenever I have time. Also I recommend at least 9 flaps for this :)
    00:00-00:02 Home Wax checking Quests, no matter if seasonal or not (depending on what they are I do them while running the realm or whenever I have time)
    00:02~00:20 Wax boosted Realm, except if its Wasteland, the as shown in the Vid
    00:20-00:40 Prairie (all spots)
    00:40~01:05 Forest (all except the underground which you can enter via Sunny Forest)
    01:05-01:20 Vault (main realm as shown in the video)
    Depending on how much time/motivation I have that day I do Trials as well, but I use glitches and oobs for those >< also, some may take longer depending on how the servers and my 'flight skills' are that day, anyway good luck everyone and remember.. it's okay to miss out on one or two things!

  • @ayelebernard291
    @ayelebernard291 2 года назад

    Ever since I've watched this video, I haven't slept for 4 days.

  • @sky_tae
    @sky_tae 9 месяцев назад

    Thanks you thanks you, i have been cr for a while to get the new cosmetic from the travelling spirit, but not having the best luck, this video help

  • @miratornyai1464
    @miratornyai1464 Год назад

    Tbh I didn’t know about thy geyser and grandma giving wax at all, so my routine was pretty long, so thank you❤

  • @jadeblue7
    @jadeblue7 Год назад +2

    I am new to Sky and your videos are such a great help. Thanks for looking out for us "Moths". Oh, I almost forgot to ask please tell me where I can get that fit with the rainbow cape🌈?

  • @adastra8681
    @adastra8681 2 года назад +1

    New sub just for the cool intro (:

    • @skykidmomo
      @skykidmomo  2 года назад

      Thank you so much! I appreciate you taking the time to support the channel ❤️❤️❤️

  • @tastemailcake
    @tastemailcake 2 года назад

    man i sure love playing freaking pinball with these crabs XD

  • @bag_pathetic
    @bag_pathetic Год назад

    I know this is 1 year later, but I just went back to Sky, and this video have been really helpful💖Thank you~

  • @rebelcommander7starwarsjur922
    @rebelcommander7starwarsjur922 9 месяцев назад +1

    After your candle turns gray you can still collect treasure candles I know I have seen my wax grow after that I have seen myself collect and my cans respond to collecting other wax but I have not seen my wax grow idk if it’s growing just to low an amount to notice or if it doesn’t grow but I am certain you can still get a lot of wax from treasure candles after you have hit gray candle

  • @iluvdogew1072
    @iluvdogew1072 2 года назад +2

    Btw if you need candles, ima recommend that you should when a season is about to end it gives you candles (btw i dont know the math when your given candles i have like 2 or 12 candles and i got 32 cuz the season ended)

    • @skykidmomo
      @skykidmomo  2 года назад

      Yes! When a season ends all seasonal candles convert to regular ones :) and the daily quests give out regular candles when there is no active season 😊!
      Thanks for your comment I appreciate you taking the time to leave one!

  • @W3YY
    @W3YY 7 месяцев назад

    This is really good!! Personally I like to be very thorough when I cr and that typically ends with me spending 2-3 hours running to get to grey candles. Recently I've also taken on logging my friend's account as she's busy with school exams and is absolutely broke (226 candles as we speak) so I'm spending even more time candle running 💀 I really should cut down on it and find a better route, but it doesnt feel right to me

  • @Janez-ys2jl
    @Janez-ys2jl 9 месяцев назад

    Thanks a lot for this vid. I only started out couple of days ago and I feel kinda lost and incredibly overwhelmed with how things works in this game. Didn't even know how important candles,heart etc. are to begin with😂 I know nothing, like Jon Snow lol Still need to learn a lot😢😑 I am immensely thankful to thatgamecompany for this game and to all experienced players/vets who are willing to help out people like me (total noobs)in dire situations❤ 🙏

  • @muffinpepsi7517
    @muffinpepsi7517 7 месяцев назад

    I honestly always go through the vault of knowledge because there’s already a lot of candle cakes that are always there lol

  • @grand_grauber
    @grand_grauber Год назад +1

    Bro, I remenber the day I have farmed 20 candles only in 2 realms.

  • @Jaspy_Jaspy
    @Jaspy_Jaspy 7 месяцев назад

    I like your music!

  • @redfrog1628
    @redfrog1628 2 года назад

    Omg I forgot the geyser did that! I thought it was just for the environment charity event! I think you just helped make sure I don't get burnt out lol I've been going thru the realms almost everyday 💀😭