The Abundance Mindset Is Delusional At Best

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024
  • The Abundance Mindset without actual resources is delusional. And if you have a bunch of resources of women, well, chances are you won't appreciate them anyway.
    Twitter: BASSFZz

Комментарии • 142

  • @robtheillusion5529
    @robtheillusion5529 3 года назад +66

    I really do appreciate your presence on RUclips bass, for real.

    • @twolikedanumba4272
      @twolikedanumba4272 3 года назад +8

      Same. It feels like forever waiting for him to drop another video.

    • @BASSFZz
      @BASSFZz  3 года назад +8

      Well damn. I appreciate you listening to me chat. 😅😂

    • @twolikedanumba4272
      @twolikedanumba4272 3 года назад +1

      @@BASSFZz You're welcome bro. Your words are extremely valuable.

    • @ACMR6297
      @ACMR6297 2 года назад


    • @bigboss-qv7pe
      @bigboss-qv7pe 2 года назад

      I found him again after so long and his wisdom still sticks, BASS IS GREAT

  • @twolikedanumba4272
    @twolikedanumba4272 3 года назад +31

    Here's the thing about how I feel about red-pill content. From a basic stand-point, I can see how it helps men with their confidence and simply understanding their awareness of female nature and what have you. I also understand that men need to set their standards higher, and start creating the boundaries in which women have to meet, instead of it being a one sided policy, and only accepting women for their attractiveness. That is where a lot of men, young and old, get caught between a rock and a hard place because they're only focused on sex, and not the benefits of being with a woman outside of that.
    How I see it, encouraging men to "pump and dump" or "ejaculate then evacuate" is only promoting promiscuity between the sexes that most content creators in the MGTOW and red-pill community despise. You cannot promote men being "male whores" while also condemning women for being the same thing. Even from a young age, I've always wanted to meet a beautiful woman, make her my wife, and start a traditional family. To this day, I still believe that I can one day achieve that. I think if most of the men in these spaces that tell men to "pump and dump", were to tell them to meet a woman that they actually like, but also not to just throw themselves at the woman and simp out for her, men would feel better, and be way better off when it comes to their emotions. Because sleeping with a bunch of women does not help the issue, nor does it make it go away. It actually inflates it over-time.
    The next biggest thing is very simple: teaching young men to value themselves over any woman. Whether it's the "perfect woman" or not. Sometimes we as men put ourselves over others. We give to everyone else before we give to ourselves. If we understood the principle of doing for ourselves FIRST before we do for others, men would also be less prone to get into an abusive situation with a woman, because they'd understand that they don't have to deal with it. They have the option of walking away, and or cutting off the supplies they bring to the table.
    In conclusion, do I think men should swallow the red-pill so that they can and should be aware of their surroundings? Absolutely.
    Do I think the red-pill should be used in a way for men to be male whores? Absolutely not.

  • @kingdoge69
    @kingdoge69 3 года назад +43

    One of Ams’s delusional selling points lmao I can’t believe I used to believe in that abundance mindset delusion. Imagine being a starving kid in a 3rd world country and telling him to have and abundance mindset, and things will be better lol

  • @Visstnok
    @Visstnok 2 года назад +10

    I think you're best creator of men's content out here. No esoteric rambling, no mystical and oh-so-interesting persona, no unfriendly tone. Just an honest man sharing his insights. Keep it up!

    • @BASSFZz
      @BASSFZz  2 года назад +2

      You flatter me far too much. I’m pretty far from the best. But thank you for those compliments. 🥲😂

    • @championboy4782
      @championboy4782 2 года назад +2

      @@BASSFZz balance is a rare and unappreciated trait in this day and age.
      Not best but far from worse and nowhere near bad.
      This is admirable.

  • @chillinginarea51
    @chillinginarea51 3 года назад +13

    "Just be confident bro"

    • @AysarAburrub
      @AysarAburrub 3 года назад +11

      "you're a great guy, plenty of women would love to date you" - The girl that friendzoned you

  • @moneylineparlay105
    @moneylineparlay105 Год назад +3

    Men have an abundance mindset, women have abundance

  • @BrokenAce1295
    @BrokenAce1295 3 года назад +20

    A lot of these men with the abundance mindset have low self-esteem and choose to have their life solely revolve around earning attention from women, they become empty and soulless. Not to mention, they easily can become manipulated by these women. That's what's so ironic about the concept of "game" and how stupid men can be at times. Men portray themselves as the "hunters", who gather resources and risk their lives for the sake of pleasing women, who don't have to do much of anything to succeed in life. It really becomes a case of men being the ones who are hunted and further are the ones subservient in this case to women's desires hence why men mindlessly enslave themselves, change themselves and give their resources over to women. A lot of these so called "red pill" dating coaches further exploit that subservient mindset these men have. Men like that simply live a miserable existence.

  • @misterstaple
    @misterstaple 3 года назад +5

    The manosphere is definitely ignoring the value of family

  • @XIII2
    @XIII2 3 года назад +36

    Zerse, you should do a video about the difference of a high value male and a high quality male, since people never bring up the term of HQM
    Just because a man is high value doesn't mean he's high quality

    • @BASSFZz
      @BASSFZz  3 года назад +19

      I was gonna deep dive into the concept in general. :D

  • @elzer1998
    @elzer1998 3 года назад +28

    This is problem I have with all these "High value" and having an "abundance mindset" thing, Bass. I liked how you said it. Even if I do become a "high value man with an abundance mindset", a woman who only gave me attention because I am "high value" is still going to get the boot from me as their character also typically don't make good wives/mothers. 90% of the dating coaches out there are setting up guys to become a player and sociopath, and further creating more insanity in the dating world for both genders than it already is now. For guys like me who is interested in just having a pure, sweet romance with another, sharing the good times and weathering difficulties and growing together, all these HVM/abundance thing just doesn't cut it.

    • @xMckingwill
      @xMckingwill 3 года назад

      Well is high value if you use your "cheese" you will attract rats.

    • @xMckingwill
      @xMckingwill 3 года назад +2

      @person blue i get your point but here is the issue you are having. You are seeing the world in the extremes.
      You are viewing it as either pure blissfull love and relationship or low quality terrible women.
      Here is the thing either are BOTH EXTREMES and is not reality. People are flawed in general by being humans.
      Most humans dont live in either extremes.

    • @xMckingwill
      @xMckingwill 3 года назад +1

      @person blue So I get what you mean but here is some advice.
      Change up the types of women you interact with, not to sound harsh but if you can acknowledge that men have had such positive experience with women then logic would say it is a possibility and women are NOT the issue. Its YOU to a large extent.
      As they say you are the common denominator. have considerd its they way YOU act towards women that causes your results? Do you try to attract women by "presenting what you can do for them" because if you use that strategy then of course the women you pull are only interested in what you cam do for them.
      If you attract women using money dont be surprised you attract women who are only interested in money.
      Its no "if" you lived a life of those men who get those results didn't "happen to live the right life" they mad intentional choices and decision that have had a direct impact in there results.

    • @xMckingwill
      @xMckingwill 3 года назад +1

      @person blue lastly those are objectively extremes like i said most women and humans live in the middle women can and do love bit its not entirely pure and fantasy their are some strings attached. They are also not simply low quality evil unloving succubus that just want to destroy you either.
      (Of course its rare but people to do live such extremes.)
      No one in perfect and relationship take work and effort takes more them love,even if she seems perfect she is human.

    • @xMckingwill
      @xMckingwill 3 года назад +1

      @person blue okay you have proved my point. But a few things. Time for some more hard love.
      1. Its is personal because its your percpective and you experience by definition makes it personal.
      2. You agreed with me and you your self have debunked your previous comment with your own experience ( the extremes of pure fantasy love vs evil succubus.
      3. You admitted it was you those women where looking for a serious relationship , (that DOES NOT MEAN High value man); but someone mature financially stable etc ( YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE A HVM for this). They did not pick you because you were young, immature, just starting your career. That not a woman problem you just were not ready to start a family properly.
      4. "best thing for a young man to do is to become a high value man" thats delusional and sets up men for failure. HVM are less then 10% most men are not going to be a HVM and YOU DO NOT NEED TO TO GET A QUALITY WOMEN. Becoming a HVM is HARDER then findinh a good women if we want to be honest
      Again its not " possibly good women " you have literally stated you known good quality women.
      5. Whoever said finding a life long partner to build a family with was easy, why did you even have that expectation in the first place? Thats sounded a bit entitled dont you think. Finding a quality friend is already hard finding a life partner should tale some work.
      6. You told on yourself " i personally don't want to have children so pump and dump is for me" the good quality women you speak of most of them WANT a serious relationship and WANT TO HAVE KIDS.
      So how the hell are you surprised none of them take you seriously and are only interested in what you can do them when your only interest in them is to pump and dump.

  • @hwilliampolenz6713
    @hwilliampolenz6713 3 года назад +5

    Thanks for making this video. I have some comments!
    1) Some of these women are crazy and it's been extremely difficult for me. Please forgive me if I get it wrong every now and then.
    2) Both of my parents have lost their homes and I have struggled financially my entire life. I am now learning that I wasted something like 15 years doing things that I thought were productive and I'm now learning these things were not particularly productive. The image is something like a person that just spent 15 years in prison or in a coma and this person is realizing that they're going to have potentially try VERY hard if they want to have any chance of having a family. Therefore, the apparently extreme struggle for me is more-so one of survival, not to arbitrarily "become a high valued man" so that I can pick up women. I repeat, I struggle to such extremes mostly due to misfortune and failure, not for carnal goals.
    3) I think some degenerates happened to notice that women seem to mistake me for one of these "high valued men" and they asked me "How does a man get women?". My answer was, (years ago) "it's not rocket science, just be a high valued man and you should be fine". I did not think those words would become so twisted and things would come to this. I think it's generally true, the things that women find attractive are relatively obvious and on that list is typically some degree of financial security. That brings me to my next point.....
    4) As mentioned, these women are brutal. I have been deeply embittered by the experiences that I've had and I would admit that I might only have a fantasy to hold onto. In some sense I am holding out for Heaven. There is Scripture that I cite often (Ecclesiastes 7 26) that suggests it might literally be better for you to simply die alone than to get involved with one of these wicked women, and there are many, many wicked women!
    I don't think I ever actually intended to sleep with that many women. I know I said I wanted to (a decade ago), but yet I am still a virgin... So.... that probably wasn't ever my goal otherwise I think I would've done that by now. No, the point was that I wanted to be able to raise a family and it's been a struggle.
    Most of these women are broken and they're looking for attention from anyone that they can. I am literally competing with multi-million dollar communists that spend all day selling delusions and taking money from the ignorant and I'm over here just trying to make a decent living and impress a woman with my middle class lifestyle. The same guy could literally hand the girl that I'm interested in $100,000 without blinking just because he likes her. The competition is completely absurd.
    I realize that that's probably the woman's fault if she's entertaining men like that, but that's beside the point. I did feel incredible pressure to be better when I was younger and I still feel that pressure as I'm aging. See point 1).
    5) I agree with your general idea here, Mark 8 36 KJV “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”. I think the pursuit of status and social gain and all of that should be placed rightly in context. The point is to provide for a family and have children, not to pursue wicked carnal pleasures. Ultimately, if you want wicked carnal pleasures alone then it seems that at some point you need to sell your soul to the Devil. The socialists do well for themselves, everyone else suffers, but the one peddling the garbage seems to become a millionaire or a billionaire by doing next to nothing in terms of productive work. (See Gaddafi, the Libyan socialist dictator who was also a billionaire.)
    6) With regard to "abundance". Yes, that is something that I myself am a proponent of. In some sense, it's more of a coping mechanism with extremely painful loss and failure. I pursued women who had about as much character as a prostitute and that is all I have ever known when it comes to dating women. The pain is excruciating, humiliating, and it's not fun. I do genuinely have some hope, though, as my father had decided to start his family after age 40, so I think I have some time. I also have made it a point to work remotely, so I can indeed meet her where she is or vice-versa have her come live with me where-ever I might want to go. I think I can use the internet to help me search for a woman that I think would make a good wife, and I do think there are a LOT of choices out there. I do believe that there is abundance and so I have hope; That being said, you're correct that there is a darker side of the idea in which I am also looking to cast away the wicked women that took advantage of me as a waste of time (which it was). The truth is that I genuinely did want to invest in these women, however they destroyed that and I've been forced to become far more careful and critical about who I invest what little time I have left into. Again, see point 1).
    To conclude, I ultimately put my life in the hands of the Lord and whatever He wills for me, so be it. If I am to die alone, I will do so as graciously as I can. If I am blessed with a wife and wonderful children, then I will raise those children and take care of my family as well as I can in accordance with Scripture so that they are God-fearing and God-loving people. I would lead that family in as Godly a way as I know how. For now, though, I am just trying to survive and I'm not ready for a family.

  • @user-yq5yd4zn2i
    @user-yq5yd4zn2i 3 года назад +4

    I really appreciate your message thank you 😊💯

    • @BASSFZz
      @BASSFZz  3 года назад +1

      That's what I'm here for.

  • @ProfessorArt
    @ProfessorArt 3 года назад +2

    Man I really missed this vid from my feed. Gonna have an awesome time enjoying it.

  • @sardonic_smile_8752
    @sardonic_smile_8752 3 года назад +13

    False hope is Worse than no hope.

  • @TexasTeaHTX
    @TexasTeaHTX 3 года назад +8

    Trademark white t shirt

  • @Minamakhlouf
    @Minamakhlouf 2 года назад

    This was a deep video Bass, gave people a lot to think about. It's very unusual to see a manosphere video sit down and deeply dissect the consequences and implications of having the abundance mindset.

  • @Man_tross
    @Man_tross 3 года назад +1

    Another great video. Thanks Bass

  • @TheParasoulja
    @TheParasoulja 2 года назад +1

    At this point with how bad it is nowadays becoming cold and redpilled seem more like a survival tactic.

  • @samuraiflack3880
    @samuraiflack3880 3 года назад +1

    It's delusional until you get to the top 20%.

  • @freeman37
    @freeman37 3 года назад +3

    The carrot on a stick mentality.

  • @LGDarksteed
    @LGDarksteed 2 года назад +3

    I hate the term "Purpose" that the RP tosses around. It's super vague. Just say work that's all they mean anyways.

    • @BASSFZz
      @BASSFZz  2 года назад +1

      I was thinking about making a video on how ambiguous it was myself actually.

    • @LGDarksteed
      @LGDarksteed 2 года назад +1

      @@BASSFZz Yeah. I just think the concept is absurd.
      My purpose is to smoke crack all day. No? That won't get me anywhere? Not what you meant? Oh, you meant go to work and make money? Then just say that.

    • @BASSFZz
      @BASSFZz  2 года назад +1

      @@LGDarksteed I think the thing that messes with me is that “your purpose” is something sold to you as a higher dream or need. But honestly…some people just want simple lives and to have families.
      I think people that want more should pursue more. But telling every young man that they have to go grind and go the distance to get a normal woman is absurd to me.

    • @LGDarksteed
      @LGDarksteed 2 года назад

      @@BASSFZz Straight facts. Well said. Exactly my thought too.

  • @dicemm5544
    @dicemm5544 2 года назад +4

    You want to attract women? Well, depends on the kind of women you want. People like Ted Bundy, Henry Kissinger and Al Capone attracted a lot of women. Women who were deceitful, devious, conniving and even murderous.
    Is that the kind of woman you want to attract?
    9 out of 10 times, the kind of women you attract has more to do with you than them. And 10 out of 10 times it's you who chooses which woman to keep.
    And it's your job to screen out loser women. Because if you actually stick to your beliefs and what you want in a partner, loser women will find the door themselves before you even utter the words ''get out.''
    Are you really missing out if you're not being together with the kind of woman who ''falls in love'' with people like Ted Bundy?

  • @reaver1414
    @reaver1414 3 года назад +2

    An abundance mindset only applies to men that are looking for superficial physical relationships with many different women. When you only want sex then women are actually interchangeable because all you require is for them to be reasonably attractive and have a vagina and there's a never ending supply of women like that so in that situation you don't want to see an individual woman as special and you don't want her to think she's special because that gives her the power in the relationship. It's a negotiation based on supply and demand.
    However if you want a honest, moral, and virtuous woman then they are truly a one in a million

  • @marcsolaramos9906
    @marcsolaramos9906 3 года назад

    As always good reflection. If you asked me, I would say the only thing they actually get is feeling in control.
    There are and always will be things that are out of our control and that is frustrating for everyone. The degree of frustration is different for everyone, so I guess that people who have this grind mindset to get to this goal are all about feeling in control on a thing that caused them emotional distress at some point in their past.

  • @MichaelJordan-xp3yb
    @MichaelJordan-xp3yb Год назад

    bro i've been watching your videos lately and its clear how badly you want things to be one way, but they are the other way

  • @jouskehigaskita8835
    @jouskehigaskita8835 3 года назад +15

    I could think that I could beat John Jones in a fight does it mean that I'll be able to ?
    Just cause i think that i could score any girl i want doesn't mean i can

    • @BASSFZz
      @BASSFZz  3 года назад +9

      Precisely. 😂 More than that, it’s the path to being hollow. Not being strong

    • @jouskehigaskita8835
      @jouskehigaskita8835 3 года назад +5

      @@BASSFZz it's just a way for dudes to feel better that they got rejected. it's easier to cope when u believe that your going to get a girl hotter than the one who just rejected you

  • @AceLM92
    @AceLM92 3 года назад +4


  • @awnaur0no919
    @awnaur0no919 3 года назад +2

    9:22 i believe it was "why would u even want a gf", it was how i discovered ur channel 😎😎😎

    • @BASSFZz
      @BASSFZz  3 года назад


    • @awnaur0no919
      @awnaur0no919 3 года назад +1

      @@BASSFZz tha points u raise in it is pretty much undeniable, & also DEEPLY disturbing to normies, as i learned tha hard way when i showed it 2 a few homies when we was discussing relationships n such 😒😒😒

    • @BASSFZz
      @BASSFZz  3 года назад

      @@awnaur0no919 Ohhh. What was their response to the video?

    • @awnaur0no919
      @awnaur0no919 3 года назад

      @@BASSFZz denial n barely concealed outrage lol. one dude was like "HOWD UR MOM FEEL IF U TOLD HER U AGREED WIT THIS STUFF?" 🤣🤣🤣 someone else used tha classic NAWALT cope, OFC 😒😒😒; he been so semi-salty ever since, he STILL sumetime refers to my crib as tha "he-man womanhaters clubhouse" lmao. U know how it is, u can lead a horse to water etc 🌊🌊🌊🐴🐴🐴

  • @Ultimatecheezeburger
    @Ultimatecheezeburger 3 года назад

    Thank you I hate that garbage. The average man can’t have an abundance mindset

  • @AJDaEnvoy
    @AJDaEnvoy 3 года назад +6

    Here's how I see it. I think Zerse is overthinking it is usually the theme of his channel lol. To think deeply about subject matters which I tend to enjoy. But to me, abundance mindset is like this, I ask out a woman, she says no, rather than saying she is the best I'm ever gonna find and I'm gonna die alone and I'll never get a girlfriend or a wife. I realize it's just one woman and it would make more sense for me to move on and try to date another woman. I should continue to socialize, improve my physique and health, my income as these are attractive qualities. I shouldnt live and die by one chick or a few chicks saying no. That's what the mindset is to me.

  • @ED-yn2lt
    @ED-yn2lt 3 года назад +2

    I feel called out. Great video tho 👍

    • @BASSFZz
      @BASSFZz  3 года назад +3

      Maybe this was the video you needed to see. :D

  • @dominijerzboi
    @dominijerzboi 3 года назад +2

    I believe there’s different aspects to the abundance mindset that depends on what your focus is. If it’s on women, you’re wasting your time. Being aloof, indifferent, and confident will go along way than trying to fake apply abundance mindset towards women.
    I hate this y’all about HVM bc it further puts men in a smaller more restrictive box and in turn justifies women’s unrealistic expectations, standards, and pickiness. The majority of men and women are high value. We are all average at best making average money just trying to survive and make the best of the cards life dealt us. Worrying about being high value was never a thing average and below average people strived for.
    If you look at third world countries where most people are equally poor, their main focus is survival yet in the land of materialistic abundance aka the U.S. people all of the sudden want to be high value. 🤦🏿‍♂️

  • @dn82180
    @dn82180 3 года назад +2

    Maybe its not true but you cant argue that it works if you can convince yourself of it. Its not about your intentions its about the way women react to you. Its not our fault women respond to being elusive and will leave faster than you can say abundance mindset the second they think youre all in.

    • @cellulardecay9520
      @cellulardecay9520 2 года назад +3

      They're gonna leave either way. I don't know why men still bother.

    • @dn82180
      @dn82180 2 года назад +3

      @@cellulardecay9520 I dont bother, but the strategy works better than acting like shes the one. Nothing will get you left faster than treating her like shes valuable to you. I personally cant fake it and dont want to be with a woman I actually dont like that much.

    • @cellulardecay9520
      @cellulardecay9520 2 года назад

      @@dn82180 Yeah. Why be with a girl if you can't show your true feelings. Sad that these girls thought processes are so backward.

    • @dullknifefactory
      @dullknifefactory 2 года назад +2

      @@cellulardecay9520 your "true feelings" are really just brought to you in part by lust or your desire for deeper conversation about yourself in which case you should seek therapy.

  • @OtesOtesOtes
    @OtesOtesOtes 3 года назад

    This is so true, being me is going to take a lot of effort (wink wink ladies)
    The key to becoming a high value male is to start out worthless and to agree with everything any woman has ever said. This path also leads to eternal suffering, so a certain degree of self-worth is necessary to avoid this.

  • @petesfohn5659
    @petesfohn5659 2 года назад +2

    this ''abundance mindset"- would be great IF....IF MEN had many good-great options/choices [of ladies].
    we def do not......

  • @beatencinas3064
    @beatencinas3064 Год назад

    It not meanless it revenge

  • @OutlawOtaku
    @OutlawOtaku 3 года назад

    I still really wanna see a deep dive on HVM subject. There's just a lot that can be said about how insane it is from top to bottom.

  • @JIX9ISLER1986
    @JIX9ISLER1986 3 года назад +6

    I dont like the abundance mindset because it reduces people to replaceable commodities

    • @AysarAburrub
      @AysarAburrub 3 года назад +1

      isnt this exactly what modern dating is? ... people talk about their SMV, their Sexual Market Value, if this isnt commoditizing people, then i dont know what is.

    • @JIX9ISLER1986
      @JIX9ISLER1986 3 года назад

      @@AysarAburrub Thats not what I mean. Two different things. SMV is simply I way to quantify your position.

    • @AysarAburrub
      @AysarAburrub 3 года назад +1

      @@JIX9ISLER1986 they are different things yes, but they both commoditize people. One makes you think of yourself as a commodity in the eyes of people, while the other makes you think other people are replaceable commodities.

    • @JIX9ISLER1986
      @JIX9ISLER1986 3 года назад

      @@AysarAburrub I think you are too focused on the semantics....SMV is simply determining value....we determine value for things on a daily basis.......however that does not mean the thing we ascribe value to is replaceable simply because there is something else out there

    • @dullknifefactory
      @dullknifefactory 2 года назад

      Get with the FUCKING program

  • @JorgeRodriguez-zc7fc
    @JorgeRodriguez-zc7fc 3 года назад +1

    Hmmmm. Interesting

  • @CanofArizona
    @CanofArizona 3 года назад +2

    I dont have an abundance mindset but I understand that I can get another women if I cared enough to. I personally have the mindset of caring about myself more than women so I wont tolerate a women bring harm to my peace of mind. I would rather be alone than ever deal with that. But more to the point of the video, doing that much work just to have access to women seems stupid. I agree with being on your purpose but for yourself and being the best you possible.

    • @cellulardecay9520
      @cellulardecay9520 2 года назад

      These men are addicted to women so of course they're gonna jump through hoops to get them.

  • @akalyx
    @akalyx 3 года назад

    only blackpills would think of something like abundance mindset

  • @DizV71
    @DizV71 3 года назад

    So true

  • @Owen-sx4jj
    @Owen-sx4jj 3 года назад

    Definitely did learn something. this mindset is a lie

  • @elephantmanstl
    @elephantmanstl 3 года назад

    On the money. 😣

  • @supersonicsaga
    @supersonicsaga 3 года назад +1

    Are you a INFJ? Because me and you think very similar.

  • @bgrego88
    @bgrego88 3 года назад +1

    Hey BASSFZz are you @BlackSpiderGuyAdvice?

    • @BASSFZz
      @BASSFZz  3 года назад

      No. lol

    • @TheParasoulja
      @TheParasoulja 2 года назад

      @@BASSFZz I don't know.....I haven't see you guys in the same place. You also seem very mild mannered.

  • @trinaruto7231
    @trinaruto7231 3 года назад +1

    Sup zerse

  • @zerabp1130
    @zerabp1130 3 года назад

    I hope you find a woman worthy of your love man. You deserve to be a husband and a father.

  • @moe3235
    @moe3235 Год назад

    For das algoooz

  • @MrKoolaidkid10
    @MrKoolaidkid10 3 года назад +1

    Bass and this corner of the manosphere represent jaded nice guys that haven’t gotten their sweet nice girl and Disney esque happy ending.

  • @fr4439
    @fr4439 3 года назад

    Lmaoo ironically you kind of remind me of stephiscold... a huge red pill youtuber in your mannerisms and the way your voice is.

  • @insensitive919
    @insensitive919 3 года назад

    Who's snoring?

  • @courier8365
    @courier8365 2 года назад

    9:17 Was it this video?видео.html

    • @BASSFZz
      @BASSFZz  2 года назад +1

      Yes, my man. 👍

  • @kingay4367
    @kingay4367 3 года назад +8

    I'm not gonna lie, as reasonable as your insights are, most of your points ( in most of your videos) amount to virtue signalling - which is alright, but you're trying to appeal to people to not chase their carnal desires and obvious wants out of life, for what? To look like good people and fit into a strangers ideas of the ambiguous term of 'virtuous' and having a 'good soul'. So they can then die as good people , doing right by people they initially didn't care for deep down, and living a life where they didn't get what they, know they want.
    You're not offering much my man. Atleast, not much to the type of people you're commenting on.
    And I'd argue it's hard for you to give concrete reason as to why they should abandon their line of reasoning to come over to yours.
    Until you can give some reason that's powerful enough, you won't change these type of people, and will only be met by agreement with people who thought like you in the first place.
    Frankly, I don't blame anyone for getting theirs and not caring for virtue. None of us are around long enough to really know what the right choice for our lives was in retrospect, and anyone claiming to, likely trusts too much in their concept of the prescience of life.

    • @BASSFZz
      @BASSFZz  3 года назад +27

      "I'm not gonna lie, as reasonable as your insights are, most of your points ( in most of your videos) amount to virtue signalling - which is alright, but you're trying to appeal to people to not chase their carnal desires and obvious wants out of life, for what?"
      I'm not sure if you're listening to me if this the final conclusion you come to. I've talked about the need of family and striving to be better than what these men tell you to be. Mostly by gaining mental fortitude, and avoiding terrible women. I don't think it's fair to say that most of my insights come down to virtue signaling. I'm not saying these are good for no reason. Each point I make is logically considered and derived after a lot of thought.
      "To look like good people and fit into a strangers ideas of the ambiguous term of 'virtuous' and having a 'good soul'."
      Perhaps you think that I am Virtuous and have a good soul, or perhaps you think I'm just to display that, but I'm not. In most videos I never actually talk about myself, and when I do it's only because there's a relevant point. The point of talking about these topics is to give people an alternative goal to strive for as a man, and more than that to make you think critically about any topic I present. The main point has never been about me being anything other than the presenter. It's why I always wear a white, or solid color shirt and it's why my hair is nappy. I'm not focus here, my thoughts are.
      " So they can then die as good people , doing right by people they initially didn't care for deep down, and living a life where they didn't get what they, know they want."
      The thing is, people can be wrong or lead astray by what they want. I personally have. There's a whole concept I'll need to go over, but the short version is that the things you want in life may not be the things that you need, and you have to be careful in putting so much in Earthly desire.
      "You're not offering much my man. Atleast, not much to the type of people you're commenting on."
      I guess. I mean I haven't offered much to you, so I'll ask directly, what do you want to see? What would be meaningful content to you?

      "And I'd argue it's hard for you to give concrete reason as to why they should abandon their line of reasoning to come over to yours."
      Why is that? This is far to vague to mean anything other than you don't like what I said. Why isn't what I say concrete?
      "Until you can give some reason that's powerful enough, you won't change these type of people, and will only be met by agreement with people who thought like you in the first place."
      Wouldn't that be the case for anyone on the internet though? Wouldn't that be the case for even myself? Of course those who already agree will listen, but I want to know what nothing I've said over the years isn't powerful? Why isn't wanting you children's lives to be good powerful? Why isn't striving to be happy and love yourself powerful? Why isn't trying to validate yourself instead of using others powerful? Why isn't seeking virtue and living a life you're proud of powerful?
      I need you to actually say something because this is too general. What's the actual problem? That my arguments won't convince these people? Then tell me what will and I'll incorporate it.
      "Frankly, I don't blame anyone for getting theirs and not caring for virtue. None of us are around long enough to really know what the right choice for our lives was in retrospect, and anyone claiming to, likely trusts too much in their concept of the prescience of life."
      This is ridiculous. You don't live the life of a Fly. You live for 50 to 70 years. Life is the longest thing you do. It's nonsense to say we're not around long enough when we literally have our ancestors who have TOLD US time and time again what's good. When we have older family members who have lived the life before us. This is silly, and I don't even understand how you could possibly believe that life is too short for us to try to be good and try to do the best we can.
      I absolutely blame people for getting theirs and not caring for virtue. Why? Because your entire life is a combination of all the lives of other people around you. You can exist without them if you want technology and clean water, and comfort. If they are here helping you, then it's your job to pay it back. Otherwise, nothing you want personally can even be done without another person. If everyone thought like that, we couldn't even have a functioning society we refuse to appreciate.

    • @user-jp7de3kc6p
      @user-jp7de3kc6p 3 года назад +7

      @@BASSFZz bruh you just destroyed him

    • @sidjones16
      @sidjones16 3 года назад +2

      If you chase carnal desires where does it end? Will be chasing a carrot on a stick until you die?

    • @kingay4367
      @kingay4367 3 года назад

      @@sidjones16 you do that no matter what you do. The same things happen when you chase virtuousness. It's just an apple on a stick instead of a carrot. The problem itself is larger than the context.

    • @kingay4367
      @kingay4367 3 года назад +3

      @@BASSFZz @栗栖の希望見アカウント
      Ok internet, let's break this down bit by bit.
      I don't have a dog in this fight, but everything you've said is a continuation of my point.
      I didn't say virtue signalling can't be logical, but the very mindset you're running counter to, is logical as well. None of the people who think in opposed way are necessarily operating without their own rationale.
      It's the idea of each sides individual rationale that my post was mainly displaying(devils advocate), as opposed to attacking either - the crux of what I said being that you'll struggle to convince those you seek to with the means your doing it because you're offering intangibles to the very people you see as being focused on the direct and superficial.
      It hasn't really shifted from virtue signalling with the idea that that's a more beneficial route for those watching - which is not wrong to do, but it is what it is at heart. To be fair, I haven't given enough credit to the logic behind it, you make reasonable points about why it's good to do good. but after reading what you've said, my point still stands. You're selling sobriety to junkies. Or to make this metaphor less biased in your favour, You're selling drugs to the sober.
      You're also thinking I'm attributing to you these characteristics, which I haven't actually claimed, - my points on virtue are aimed at your ideas and that still stands without this further explanation.
      In one of your paragraphs, you said people can be led astray by what they want - Your inner Christianity is showing (not wrong, but the presumption of an afterlife makes it much easier to guage right or wrong for your short life - many, including myself, don't believe in that and as such, right or wrong for me in this life is FAR more ambiguous than that. It's hard for me to take all I have (my 1 life, and divert its overarching drives on the basis that someone or even some people who have lived prior to me 'had it all figured out bruh, and you should just do as we did because it got us here amirite'.
      I don't really need to argue this, (everyone's individual actions themselves speak volumes in that people who believe certain things have certain behaviours and many are 'rational' in their own right). Very hard to say that people who indulge their desires (even if those desires aren't good for them in the long run) are stupid, or else alcohol, video games and damn near everything normal people enjoy wouldn't exist because it'd be inefficient to.....(wherever virtuous people think humanity should go).
      Your ancestors have a different existence than you, and to be honest, nothing they say would make your life as easy to discard or live with less inclination to your desires, because it's your one and only life.
      Everything comes back to my last statement, 'to think you know is to put a bit too much faith in your concept of the prescience of life.
      What you're doing is offering people an alternative, which is understandable and completely fine, I've no place to judge, but virtue signalling is what you're doing. You are virtue signalling and to the very people you're talking about, that's not worth much.
      Its not a personal attack or any dig on you or these people, and it doesn't speak to say my position in the debate (though I can see why both parties who laugh at the ideas of the other - and both parties make sense to me in ways as everyone's scrambling to live life to the fullest before they die, because right and wrong are ideas we monkeys come up with to control ourselves and societies.
      Look at it this way, 50 to 80 years with people of your past telling you 'having teeth pain isn't so bad, you won't die from having a tooth pulled out' doesnt actually change or account for the pain that's felt during that. The same with the words of all those before you - as wise as they may be, it's still asking everything from you: your one life. For their concept of 'whats good'. I Can see the rationale, I can't directly see the incentive.
      Even then, most in our societies recontribute through monetary means and taxes. One could argue that we keep the system going purely through economic incentive and that we've little reason to aspire to any virtues other than doing our work (though that's an economic and sociological debate that requires research to back it up) and it digresses from the main point:
      This isn't to discount helping others.
      It's hard to convince others to do with their one life, what you want, which is against their will , for virtue alone. And the same way you blame them for not being good people is the same way they could care less that you blame them. Is that fruitful discourse with the problem you're attempting to deal with?
      Notice, I've never actually attacked your arguments moreso the focus of my entire dialogue are your presumptions on what are valuable without acknowledging your subjective values themselves. Your idealisation of what things should be like is fine, but it's still your ideal, and it doesn't appeal to the very people most opposed to it - which is fine, but like i said, you won't convert those types and your response that everyone has that problem, doesn't make it any less true.
      My Argument is that your barking at the moon. Good arguments without an appeal to those who you talk about it aim your message towards, won't reach those people, merely the people who already thought as you did. It wasn't that your argument itself was bad - and to that, I don't see why you do it.
      As a little addendum to this internet naval gazing, I'd also add that as someone who may not live life by the virtues you're talking about but then trying to convince others that they're good ideas, you're almost selling drugs you don't have - you have no guarantee it'll have the desired effect. Just as many live lives counter to your morals and enjoy themselves, there will be many who live lives just as your envision and hate their time here for it.

  • @treasuremage7546
    @treasuremage7546 3 года назад +1

    You want an abundance mindset so you come across as more confident and attractive. That's it.

    • @dandre3K
      @dandre3K 3 года назад +5

      What if I tried it and it didn't work, how do I know if I did it wrong? There's no standard of proof for this bs.

    • @treasuremage7546
      @treasuremage7546 3 года назад +1

      @@dandre3K AB testing and sample size greater than one.

    • @dandre3K
      @dandre3K 3 года назад

      @@treasuremage7546 I'm too busy AB testing ceremonial magic, what's the difference 🤷

    • @treasuremage7546
      @treasuremage7546 3 года назад +1

      @@dandre3K The results.

    • @cellulardecay9520
      @cellulardecay9520 2 года назад +1

      @Eran Riblo Neither give any results.

  • @ProSto7343
    @ProSto7343 3 года назад

    Stay a virgin, but please do stay away from socioeconomics.