Honestly this is the thing that consistently impresses me. Like I understand his strategy is pretty good and he thinks about it. But for example watching him it makes me realize the reason boots of swiftness in part work for him is he’s genuinely good at proper movement. Being able to move faster is a huge boon for him because he will make value of it and dodge so many skill shots.
Mr. Babus : "Tanks are OP" Also Mr.Babus as soon as people remember that they can build exodia sunderer : "my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined"
@@Dingdong2730 Aatrox can't really hurt tanks, so it's not that favored. It's Aatrox favored only cause more stupid Sions trying to eat all his Q's when they're like lvl 3 with no armor or stacked health, standing still trying to charge Q against an Aatrox
You’re too good mate, previously, after NA players traveled to Korea and got stomped hard af, I thought no region could compete with KR, but after watching your streams and how you play I see it different, you’re an absolute gamer dude! Keep it up.
Lmao he played against a jax and went 0-7-0 in lane and permabanned everyone in chat who told him to play safe or told he is inting. He is a complete different person on twitch than on youtube.
WP dla tego Sion'a zagrał bezpiecznie w fazie gry w alei, minimalizując śmierci i ta może odpuścił kilka cs'ów ale teraz sie zeskalował i pracuje ze swoją drużyną żeby wygrać mecz! Well played dla tego Sion'a!
2:52 so technically I think Baus can let go of the aggro like miliseconds later and save lee, but I don't think its actually worth to try to cut it that close. I guess it probably is better for Baus to die here than Lee so maybe he should try.
The unban requests in the first 2 minutes were fun, but the clips are cut off so it’s hard to tell if the person is unbanned or not. I want to see each decision cause it’s fun
I’ve heard him in previous videos say that he’s chosen his build path due to the whole comp. For example he refused to build tabis against viego even tho they had a heavy AD auto attacking team
The mrs called me out the other day down to the way ive been talking of late. Im from the North of England and have the acent to match but lately ive been saying "yoking, shilling" and other fantastic words like our lord and savior baus. I had a very hard time explaining where ive picked up my fantastic new accent. Allways nice to watch your vids over a cupa T after works finished keep it up!
that 1 degen unban request, deserved a unban, i liked that one, dedicated guy, he motivated me, not too type in baus chat, when i wanted too say bad things, his a True Hero.
bramble + tabis rush somewhat counters aatrox but swiftness boots are far better counter.walk out of every q and walk out of his w every time because slow reduction. it counters his entire kit he cant do anything besides hit soft q's and passive. learned this from that one otp shen player, now other streamers/players are catching on
Love the daily uploads man. Have not played the game for some time but I still very much enjoy your videos. Keep it up !
I'm the same bro
Keep watching instead of playing league is not good for you... 😄
it's one video per stream. Babus is streaming daily from Korea, so there are daily videos. No stream = no upload
That's the healthy way. I'm 5 months clean, life is much better now.
Baus is actually so skilled especially his movement
I raised that boy
even a korea-rank shallenger Aatrox pops up a emote after baus evade his Q3 smoothly
As a top laner myself I learnt a lot from baus, especially about the movement, Baus is truly an insane player!
yeah hes movement is goated for sure
Honestly this is the thing that consistently impresses me. Like I understand his strategy is pretty good and he thinks about it. But for example watching him it makes me realize the reason boots of swiftness in part work for him is he’s genuinely good at proper movement. Being able to move faster is a huge boon for him because he will make value of it and dodge so many skill shots.
Mr. Babus : "Tanks are OP"
Also Mr.Babus as soon as people remember that they can build exodia sunderer : "my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined"
@@reptilus89 divine sunderer
@@reptilus89 hes bri ish dw
@@GaelenFTW r/wooooosh
@@marvinlinardi its not a woosh if nobody knows what the joke is. wtf is even exodia sunderer
The way he plays vs aatrox players is so damn satisfactory. He knows the match up so well
Its very impressive considering how Aatrox favored this matchup is.
@@Dingdong2730 Aatrox can't really hurt tanks, so it's not that favored. It's Aatrox favored only cause more stupid Sions trying to eat all his Q's when they're like lvl 3 with no armor or stacked health, standing still trying to charge Q against an Aatrox
@@solarRinn 150kg aatrox player spotted
@@solarRinn it's Aatrox favored until 25 min
@@dizknots9357 if the aatrox builds black cleaver its infinitely aatrox favored
Baus is a real one, actually has a sense of humour. I can't stand when streamers ban people over jokes.
Some "Jokes" go WAYYYY to far.. but there wasn't any of those today :=)
He just went on a banning spree earlier for people who said Jax was balanced
@@kingb9573 because he is
jokes? weird sense of humour
@@sukinsyn6387 XDDDD
Mr. Editor is popping off lately with the uploads
The ultimate tilt-proof player. Baus the split-pusher, the backdoor behemoth, the un-tilted
@@quadra124 that actually made me laugh so much LMAO
Chad sion main. Hes like a dog hes accustomed to seeing in black and white
u never whatch a gmae of him vs the champion which we cant pronounce right, the one who shall not be named
The 1v3 end was very respectable
You’re too good mate, previously, after NA players traveled to Korea and got stomped hard af, I thought no region could compete with KR, but after watching your streams and how you play I see it different, you’re an absolute gamer dude! Keep it up.
Lmao he played against a jax and went 0-7-0 in lane and permabanned everyone in chat who told him to play safe or told he is inting. He is a complete different person on twitch than on youtube.
@@immanuel9806 Because his whole playstyle is sacrificing himself for waves. It's stupid to tell him to play safe, especially versus a jax too.
Lol Katevolved and TFblade are both NA players in Korea right now and they are both doing really well.
@@immanuel9806 jax is just an insanely stupid matchup for sion.
@@immanuel9806 the mods are the one banning tho
Best part about korea? Twice the Baus content
He just unbans everyone haha
high elo low ego
@@DemsW rare exception
Didn't age very well
Movements are clean af! The amount of q dodges was actually so nice to watch.
WP dla tego Sion'a zagrał bezpiecznie w fazie gry w alei, minimalizując śmierci i ta może odpuścił kilka cs'ów ale teraz sie zeskalował i pracuje ze swoją drużyną żeby wygrać mecz! Well played dla tego Sion'a!
Polish MODS
Polska gurom ez
Thank you Mr Babus. I just got corona, but your videos keep me alive. Love from Germany
Stay strong bro
Hab's auch seit kurzem, wir seuchen uns ganz schön durch zur Zeit ^^
Be safe
he killing atrox instead of ending the game was so funny lol
Could we get some episodes with 1 hour of the baus? Love the videos and keep up the work. Just want to see more. ;D
just watch the stream lmao
They post 6 hour, LIVE Baus videos like every day on twitch
@@coleridgekinsler too early for me rip
@@d4s0n282 they post the vods on his twtich channel (you can watch them anytime)
@@yapisaiah5307 twich is for the cringe 12 year olds we dont need that.. what we're looking for is a baus movie
Hi thebausffs editor. You are a very awesome person.
best streamer no doubt, no other streamer has this level of humor, skill and entertainment.
keep it up baus
Ratirl is close, but Baus Goated
Thing i like about Baus is that he doesn't smurf. His only other 2nd account is near his mains' elo
When Baus goes to Korea and realizes he has to go positive kda to get challenger
Clearly the best toplaner of them all
Real talk, he's the most sympathic LoL-Streamer I know
And Lathyrustv!
U mean friendly? There's no such word as sympathic
He meant sympathetic which means likeable
@@amimiami82 no it means they are understanding of others and reasonable.
This is one of the best videos that I've seen so far from your channel Simon. You made my day with this haha well you always do!
7:59 holy crap, he knows the hit box so well.
Watching you is my only habit before sleeping
2:52 so technically I think Baus can let go of the aggro like miliseconds later and save lee, but I don't think its actually worth to try to cut it that close. I guess it probably is better for Baus to die here than Lee so maybe he should try.
From 300 viewers, to 30k. success story
Baus is really one of a kind
30k what baus has videos with 500k and up
@@00FireFlyer00 He mean live Twitch viewers.
he really has 30k twitch viewers? damn
He spiked at 40k the other day
At the end when he killed Aatrox you know he was mad!
Whenever I see baus play against aatrox is baffles me how incredible the movement is.
editor coming in clutch with daily uploads.
The unban requests in the first 2 minutes were fun, but the clips are cut off so it’s hard to tell if the person is unbanned or not. I want to see each decision cause it’s fun
Hi Mr Simon, i am glad to see daily uploads. Your videos give me joy. Just want to say thanks!
donno why but for some reason baus is like my go to league youtuber , its so fun
streams are more fun cause of chat too
He's so good at dodging those Atrox Qs, he was able to out trade so well without even needing his own Q.
Daily uploads are great and a great show for us. Love u bausi
Editor is a legend for the amount of uploads we’re getting recently
He's really not yoking anymore. Challenger slowly but surely.
I had fun watching this vid. Must love the daily uploads mate !
Think he didn't go tabis cause of viego. If he kills soon, he gets the tabis which means less dmg for Sion passive
He can't keep getting away with it
first thing i do in the morning is watch the daily vid. many thanks from california
another amazing epizode k-babus, keep that up!
That last disrespect kill was sweet
Baus reached full build in 25 minutes LOL
You make me wanna play Sion. Thanks for reminding me how much I like this champ.
God this game is one of the best baus stomps I've seen
This was before the "What matters guys is that I enjoyed today's games" incident
i always laugh watching your videos even tho i dont play league anymore ahahha
How do you choose between tank Sion with grasp and lethality Sion? Depends on the direct matchup or on the whole comp?
I’ve heard him in previous videos say that he’s chosen his build path due to the whole comp. For example he refused to build tabis against viego even tho they had a heavy AD auto attacking team
Strong mental, mechanics and map awareness.
The mrs called me out the other day down to the way ive been talking of late. Im from the North of England and have the acent to match but lately ive been saying "yoking, shilling" and other fantastic words like our lord and savior baus.
I had a very hard time explaining where ive picked up my fantastic new accent. Allways nice to watch your vids over a cupa T after works finished keep it up!
ur vids make my day man thank you
i love your daily updates , I feel so relaxed when I watch your videos , wp !
saw this on stream and saw it on yt
satisfied both times
Thank you for streaming you inspired me to play sion and taught me a lot Thank you!
the "nigete" guy missed a huge opportunity to use nigero, which is basically the same but a little more aggressive
Baus is legit good. Big brain plays. High IQ. 10/10
I never missed any ur videos keep going CRACK !!
Baus is popping off ingame and on RUclips PogU
1k views per minute so proud of you my guy
not focusing the nexus in passive was such a chad move
You played so well that game, climbing like an absolute chad, wpgg
That ending, LMAO
Riot after watching this - Yeah we need to buff Sion Q and hullbreaker...
that 1 degen unban request, deserved a unban, i liked that one, dedicated guy, he motivated me, not too type in baus chat, when i wanted too say bad things, his a True Hero.
Baus is popping off nowadays
the man is so mercyful
This vid is peak example of what happens if babus actually wins laning phase. Ggs
My giga chad hero just stomping
Loving the dailys
2:58 The Demolish proc 1s before the 50% fell off, rip
Sion passive was WILD back then.
Best streamer I ve ever seen love you babus
thebossfff back at again with another upload 😎
I swear that fanta bottle has been there since forever
Baus hitting those Nexus towers like a truck
DAAMN That guys is a monster
that ending, was disrespectful lol
glad to see your crushing it baus.
favorite league player, keep it up
Let's go Babus!! Poggers videos from Korea keep it up my man
11:05 that's amazing 1v3
The are all so low here, looks like a Penta kill
*Misses ult on all 5 targets* 😂
Only thing that I miss by Mr. Editor is the Q pop chain he did in the previous ones
Gotta love bausffs
damn some mods going trigger happy on those bans huh.. great content road to chally lets gooo
I couldn't stop laughing at the end lmfao
Now that is what you call a 1v9.
bramble + tabis rush somewhat counters aatrox but swiftness boots are far better counter.walk out of every q and walk out of his w every time because slow reduction. it counters his entire kit he cant do anything besides hit soft q's and passive. learned this from that one otp shen player, now other streamers/players are catching on
I haven't been able to catch the streams lately but when as sion do you decide if you are going lethality or tank build
look sion guide cheat sheet
"My KDA is 1.13, I don't have a bad KDA"
this guy is kidding with them. only streamer im still following
U are poping off, u diserve it!
0.7 kda do you now how absurd that is... Baus rocking a 1.6
wow that disrespect was so next level...
And I loved it :D
that irelia tho, with sunderer, made baus say tanks are trash
can't believe he recalled early game !
anyone know that song at 5:48?
is it just me or did demolish deal 0 damage at 2:58
demolish bugs a lot even had it in my games where it stops doing its thing or just deals 0 damage
baus is ssj god mode
Lee sin question mark ping at the end like wtf games over?