@@DuddiesAdventure probably my favorite one. been a chevy guy for a while still am got a k10 short bed and a k20 4 speed working with my dad but every buddy nowadays has one and wanted something diffrent so picked up a cheep 2nd gen liked it so I found a 81 dodge ram w150 stepside 4x4 and absolutely love it even got a 512 stroker big block (440)and a th400 conversion being built for it gonna be a awsome dodge 4x4 stepside gonna give the fear to the chevy community for shure
Love the 10mm reference! 🤣 and when Joe asks me what size does that look like; I bring him a handful of wrenches and say - one of these! 😁. Great video! ❤️🐞
Thanks! I've already bypassed my alternator cable in the fusible link, but I'm continuing to dive deeper in to the poor engineering that is first gen dodge wiring! HaHa I will defiantly check out more of your videos, Thanks you for the heads up!
That sensor can be a real pain to say the least. Especially when setting the depth with a feeler guage and trying to tighten the bolts. Not alot of fun, like tacos ;)
I was having trouble listening because I couldn’t stop laughing. Love how real you are dude.
Appreciate it and Thanks For Watching!
I'm liking that steering wheel tac mount.
Good job.
Thank you and Thanks for watching
For gods
Sake take the fan and the shroud off and make life easier! Make sure to set the air gap on the sensor to, like 40 thousandths or something.
Any more on the crew cab
I will get back on that project one day. Thanks For Watching!
@@DuddiesAdventure probably my favorite one. been a chevy guy for a while still am got a k10 short bed and a k20 4 speed working with my dad but every buddy nowadays has one and wanted something diffrent so picked up a cheep 2nd gen liked it so I found a 81 dodge ram w150 stepside 4x4 and absolutely love it even got a 512 stroker big block (440)and a th400 conversion being built for it gonna be a awsome dodge 4x4 stepside gonna give the fear to the chevy community for shure
Awesome videos man.... And now I'm craving tacos...lol
Thank you for watching a subscribing! And yes.... I am always craving Tacos!
Certified cummins
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Cummins: Certified
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Love the 10mm reference! 🤣 and when Joe asks me what size does that look like; I bring him a handful of wrenches and say - one of these! 😁. Great video! ❤️🐞
Thank You! I'm glad I'm not the only one that just grabs a excessive amount of wrenches! I just like to be prepared.... Just encase!
The green dead blow hammer returns!
Always! When in doubt use a hammer!
Clean the oil grease blood and shame off...lmfao 👍
I've got plenty of degreaser for the oil and blood, but have yet to find anything that removes the shame....
@@DuddiesAdventure Same here. I'll let you know if something comes out on the market. Lol
Yeah, that job is such a hassle. Check out my fusible links video when you go to do that! I'm always available if you have questions too
Thanks! I've already bypassed my alternator cable in the fusible link, but I'm continuing to dive deeper in to the poor engineering that is first gen dodge wiring! HaHa I will defiantly check out more of your videos, Thanks you for the heads up!
Greatest thing on the internet: when you showed the 3rd option “uh is it my battery?” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I wish I could say ive never seen a video like that on the internet 😄
Its the crank shaft positioning sensor trust me
Appreciate it and thanks for watching!
I am pretty sure you belt is moldy... clearly the issue
I knew I shouldn't have bought that green belt.....defective from the factor
I was wondering about that green fan belt. Is that a Texas thing... or are you just trying to make the global warming people happy. 🤣🤠
Lol i do the same thing when i dont know the size of a bolt i also grab a bunch of wrenches and hope that one of them fits.
No kidding! Im always walking around with a dozen wrenches in my back pocket and 90% of them I dont need ha ha!
That sensor can be a real pain to say the least. Especially when setting the depth with a feeler guage and trying to tighten the bolts. Not alot of fun, like tacos ;)
It was a pain! I didnt have any feeler gauges so i just used a random buisness card. It did the trick!!
What is the actual setting supposed to be?@@DuddiesAdventure