This is the most honest and progressive habesha discussion I have ever come across when it comes to relationships/marriage. Dr. Tsedy - you are one very corougeous woman. Thanks, Helen, for this - egziabiher yibarkachu
Yes, God doesn't like divorce. He doesn't like abuse and unfairness, either. God created marriage for partnership, happiness, and unity. What's the point of it if one side is suffering and being abused.
People who stay in a toxic marriage have anxiety and insecurity for a very long time even after divorce. They are so traumatised they loose there personality and are too nice to people..just to be liked. We should understand them. I have a family member as such
I attempted suicide in 2016 because of abusive relationship. Now, I'm healing and away from that relationship although I see the person regularly because I have a child from him. Toxic relationship,it was. Thanks Dr.Tseday and wizero Helen❤.
I realy realy appreciate you Helen you were asking 70% of those questions are my questions I got lots of answers for them but still I'm very weak for decissions so I paid lots and still struggling but anyways Thank you darling
Divorce is not good for the child. But staying in a chronically unhappy,negative and conflicting marriage is not good. Don't talk bad to your child about the other person because that child is half of that person.
Helenye, I admire your talk show and the insightful discussions you bring to the table. but today's guest only talked about divorce and separation. Shouldn't we also talk about forgiveness and grace in relationships? I've witnessed many individuals who have shown immense grace and forgiveness towards their partners, even amidst challenges.
Thank you for shearing. speaking about Red flag I did not seen in the long time . due to the person was so quite untill we start family. like Dr. said my husband did not like responsibilities. if you asks me why I married this man ? I started relationship wrong way . it's my fault I was young and dumb not knowing better never date before . in our relationship I do everything man area and women area. so this man he get use to he doesn't care. he never change you can't change a person. but only I change myself know I know better. God bless ❤
I have a question here of course ya a woman has to be independent before she gets married.when i say independent not only financially but also mentally and emotionally.but in this era when women are becoming so independent and working they think that the only thing they want from guy is money.and this is wrong in the first place marriage wasn't meant such to depend on money. I agree they don't have to be in a toxic relationship, and nor stay for the need of finance. But when they start to think to divorce or breakup a relationship they say I have my money and my work and my Fortune.What do I need from him?this is wrong we both sexes are here in the world to support one another. I think above all people need to understand the idea of marriage.and for this there is a reliable book which is bible.thanks
In any kind of real relationship there must be "Intimacy" which is the bottom line of spiritual nakedness for each other. The other thing is "Mercy". Anyone who is in a relationship must have this 2 crucial attributes. You people for got these things and engaged in paving the way for separation!
God bless to both of you for saving my life. 1. if a women starts voileting or torturing mens dignity with the abusive words , its a red flag. 2 if your wife keeping talking about the past life or any mistaks. its a red flag. if your wife dont give you any value,its a red flag. if she starts comparing with others life drama. its a red flag. its from my experience. only Respect to each other is a Gold . thank you my sisters.
Selam Helen it’s good lesson and can you please invite a Dr who is specialist with ADHD??? We parents even don’t understand our kids problem. I appreciate 👍🏽
ለመርዛማ የፍቅር ግንኙነት የተሰጠ መርዛማ ምክር ብየዋለው፡፡ እናንተ አሜሪካን አገር ያላችሁ አማካሪዎች ፍቺና ‘single mom’ ከዚያ ነፃነት የሚባሉ ነገሮችን ብቻ ነው የምታውቁት? Think about the children and spiritual value; Otherwise don’t get into marriage to get child.
Helen betam new programishe yemiwedew ene yihewena sira Hulu astitogn let yinoral bemalet yearba amet tidar sayhon serategnet Tito lemehed zigigit lay negn
This is the most honest and progressive habesha discussion I have ever come across when it comes to relationships/marriage. Dr. Tsedy - you are one very corougeous woman. Thanks, Helen, for this - egziabiher yibarkachu
በጣም አነመሰግነለሁዶክተር በጣም አሰተማር አርሰትነው ጊዜውነ የጠበቀ ቀይ ፈላግ በጣም ተመችቶኘል በሸታውን የተነገረ መድሀኒት የገኝለታል የደበቀ ተሰቃይቾ ይሞታል ትላለች አይቴ
እረጀም አድሜ ከጤና ጋር ተመኘሁላችሁ 🙏🙏🙏💞
አመሰግናለሁ ዶ/ር ደስ ብሎኝ ነው የደመጥኩት ዳግሜው የማዳምጠዉ ይመስለኛል . የኛንም የትዳር ችግር ነው የተናገር ሽዉ ።
What a conversation. I learned a lot. Thank you Helen for bring her to your show.
ወይነ እንደዚህ ያለ ትምህርት ሰጭ ምክር ስለሰጣችሁን ሁለታችሁም እግዚአብሔር ይባርካችሁ ምነዉ ሳላገባ በሰማዉ ብዬ ተመኘዉ ይህ የኔ ን ሕይወት የምታወሩ እየመሰለኝ ጨረስኩ ተባረኩ
ትግስት አይዞሽ አሁን አግብተሻል ከሆነና ከአነጋገርሽ እንደ ተረዳሁት በትዳርሽ ላይ ችግር ከገጠመሽ ጽኚ። ለወላዲተ አምላክ ንገሪያት የትዳርሽ ምሰሶ እንድት ሆንሽ። ትዳር ክቡር እንደሆነና እግዚአብሔር ፍቺን አጥብቆ እንደሚጠላ ብዙዎች ይዘነጉታል።
@@ashenafilakew7098 አመሰግናለሁ ወንድሜ እግዚአብሔር ያክብርልኝ እሺ
Yes, God doesn't like divorce. He doesn't like abuse and unfairness, either. God created marriage for partnership, happiness, and unity. What's the point of it if one side is suffering and being abused.
Tg ezehim endezaw😔
@@ashenafilakew7098abuse ena megifatinm egziabher endemitela bizu sew yiresal
Lucky for those who are starting relationships. Great conversation and to the point.
ቺቲን በሁለቱም አይነት ትክክል አይደለም ...ሄለን ትክክል አደለሽም ...የኔ ባል ከኔ የሆነ ነገር ጎሎ ቺት ቢያደርግብኝ መጥቶ የጎደለብኝን ሊነግረኝ ይገባል እንጂ ወደሌላ ከሄደ Nooooo ዌይ መልሼ አብሬው አልሆንም ምክንያቱም ሌላ አቅፏል ከሌላ ሰው ጋር ወጥቷል መልሼ ከሱ ጋር ፊዚካሊ ኢንቲሜት መሆን አልችልም ሰውነቱ ሁሉ ይቀፈኛል ...አዎ ይቅርታ አረግለታለው ግን ይቅር ማለት ያደረገውን መርሳት አይደለም...ይቅርታ ማለት መጥፎ ምላሼን ትቼዋለው ማለት ነው ...ምክንያቱም በምንም ተአምር ልትረሺው አትቺም ( ትውስታዬን ካልተጠነጥኩ በስተቀር)
ይቅርታና (ያውም የአማርኛን ፊደል ለፈረንጂኛው በማዋል!) በማለት ፈንታ ወይም
@@KarakoreJapan እንዳንተ አይነት ሰዎች ናቸው የሰለቹኝ ... ለማለት የፈለኩት ነገር ከገባህ አማርኛ ሆነ እንግሊዘኛ ምንድነው ልዩነቱ
@@mariyamawit ልዩነቱ አንዱ አማርኛ ነው፤ ሌላው ደግሞ እንግሊዝኛ ነው። ወይ አማርኛውን መጠቀም ካለዚያም እንግሊዝኛውን መጠቀም ያሻል። ሁለት ወዶ ይሆናል ብለሽ? አማርኛ ማንበብ የሚችል ሁሉ እንግሊዝኛ ይገባታል/ይገባዋል ማለት አይደለም። አማርኛ ተናጋሪው ሁሉ መልዕክትሽ እንዲደርሰው/እንዲደርሳት ካስፈለገ አማርኛን መጠቀም.... አይ አይሆንም የመልዕክቴ ተቀባዮች እንግሊዝኛ ተናጋሪዎች ናቸው ካልሽ ደግሞ እንግሊዝኛውን መጠቀም ተገቢ አይመስልሽም?
@@mariyamawitHei s right civilization starts from using ones own language properly
People who stay in a toxic marriage have anxiety and insecurity for a very long time even after divorce. They are so traumatised they loose there personality and are too nice to people..just to be liked. We should understand them. I have a family member as such
I attempted suicide in 2016 because of abusive relationship. Now, I'm healing and away from that relationship although I see the person regularly because I have a child from him. Toxic relationship,it was. Thanks Dr.Tseday and wizero Helen❤.
Thank God you’re well! Be strong! Life goes on. I wish you the very best! ❤
Thanks for your encouraging words ❤.
ዶ/ር ፀደይ በጣም ወሳኝ መረጃ እና ትምህርት ነው የሰጠሽኝ አመሰግናለሁ:: ሄለንም እንደተለመደው መቼም በምትጠይቂያቸው ጥያቄዎች መቼም እንከን አይወጣልሽም ግበዝ በርችልኝ:: ትዳር እጮኝነት ላይ በደንብ ስሪልን ወሳኝ አርእስት ነው
ሄለን ቆንጆ እናቴ ባየችሽ ቁጥር ምን አለ የልጄ ሚስት ብትሆን ኖሮ እያለች ትመኛለች በጣም እንወድሻለን። ዛሬ ያቀረብሽው እንግዳ በጣም አስተማሪ እና ጠቃሚ ነው። ጥያቄዎችሽ ሁሉን ያማከለ ነው በጣም እናመሰግናለን። 😘
ትዳር ላይ ፡ ፍቅር፣ ሀይማኖት፣ ባህል፣ መረዳዳት ፣መከባበር❤
ስለዚህ አንድ ስጋ ናቸዉ እንጂ ወደፊት ሁለት ሰይደሉም። እግዚአብሔር ያጣመረዉን እንግዲህ ሰዉ አይለየዉ። ማቴ 19:6
በጣም ጠቃሚ ውይይት ነው thanks
What an amazing conversation .Thankyou so much for Inviting Dr Tsehay .I learned a lot .
I love you Helu and appreciate your effort to help us in social psychological issues
እኔ ብቻዬን ሆኔ ብዙ ተጎድቻለሁ ግን ማንም የረዳኝ ለም እመአምላክ ትርዳኝ እጂ የሰዉ ነገር ብቅት ብሎኛል ጉዳቴን የሚያቅ አምላክ ብቻነው
በጣም ጠቃሜ ውያያት ነው እናመሰግናለን
I realy realy appreciate you Helen you were asking 70% of those questions are my questions I got lots of answers for them but still I'm very weak for decissions so I paid lots and still struggling but anyways Thank you darling
Me too
Me too
She is brave.
Thanks Helen it's very touching .
ሄለንዬ በጣም ጠቃሚ መልክት ነው:ዶክተርን እንዴትማግኘት እችላለሁ?
Wow it's amazing education 👏 🙌
ተባረኩ በጣም አስተማሪ ነው
Dr Tsehay geta yebarkshe thank you ❤
Thank you for sharing very important ❤❤
Nice conversation. Thank you
ሰላም ሄል የኔ ቆንጆ ኢቢኤስ ላይ ቶክሾ ከጀመርሽበት ጊዜ ጀምሮ ከምታቀርቢያቸው
እንግዶችና የመወያያ ርእስ እጅግ በጣም ጠቃሚና አስተማሪ መልእክቶችን አቅርበሻል
እግዚአብሄር ይባርክሽ ::
በዛሬው ርእስሽ ላይ ልክያልሆ ስያሜ ነው :: ----------- የፍቅር ግንኝነት ቃሉን ደግሜ መጠቀም ስላልፈለኩኝ ነው ::
ፍቅር የሚለውን ቃል ያገኘነው ከአግዚአብሔር ነው :: ይህን ከፈጣሪ የወጣ ቃልን ከፊቱም ሆነ ከኅላ ምንም
አይነት ስያሜ ልንሰጠው አይገባንም
"ፍቅር" በቃ አንደዚ ነው ሄልዬ በሌላ ጊዜ እንደምትጠነቀቂ አምናለሁ ተባረኪልኝ በጣም እወድሻለው ::
This video is for me thanks ❤
Divorce is not good for the child. But staying in a chronically unhappy,negative and conflicting marriage is not good. Don't talk bad to your child about the other person because that child is half of that person.
I really appreciate you both
very interesting really good job to teach our people like this ...thank you .
Great discussion!
Helen seems like lost a lot of weight, right?
አመሰግናለሁ ተባረኩ!!❤❤
የማይጠቅም ውይይት ነው።
I was waiting ❤thank you Helen
Ohh my god is touching story. Thank you.
Better alone. Do what you want when you want and if you want.
God said "It is not good for a Man to be alone" Genesis 2:18. there is no happiness in that kind of life especially as you age.
ሠው እና መቻቻል የሚባል ነገር ከሌለ አብሮ መኖር አይቻልም ።ዋጋ መክፈል የሚባል ነገር የለም ወይ ?
Really appreciate Hellen!
Helen tebarki bezu temeralehu ❤
Thank you both of you it is really important discussion. ❤❤❤❤
Wow በጣም አሪፍ ቆይታ ነበር እናመሰግናለን ሄልዮ
በጣም ትክክል የሆነ ነዉ የልቤን ነው የተናገራቹሁት
🙏🙏🙏በጣም አሪፈ ትምህርት
Thank you for both.
Thank you
Helenye, I admire your talk show and the insightful discussions you bring to the table. but today's guest only talked about divorce and separation. Shouldn't we also talk about forgiveness and grace in relationships? I've witnessed many individuals who have shown immense grace and forgiveness towards their partners, even amidst challenges.
Amazing 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
Thanks so much both ❤
Amazing thank you for sharing. Dr Tsedey 💚💛❤️
Thank you so much very helpful
thank you,helen for your best quality show and valid conversarion.
የሚለው ሐሳብ ሲደጋገም ሰምቻለሁ። ትንሽ ገደብ ሊኖረው አይገባም ወይ? ያለዚያ ቅጥ ያጣ ራስ ወዳድነት አይሆንም ወይ? ይህ ሐሳብ ያለጥያቄ ከታለፈ እንግሊዝኛ ተናጋሪዎች 'narcissism; lack of empathy' የሚሉት ችግር ይከተላል ባይ ነኝ።
What do you do if that is not working as you said if they don't share with each other?
Is touching story
ከጓደኛዬ ጋር ለ7 ወር አብረን ከ ቆየን በኻላ ባልጠበኩት ምክንያት ፈልጉ ራቀኝ ላገኘው አልቻልኩምበጣም ታምሜ ነበር ለ ሁለት ወር
ግን አሁን እግዝአብሔር ይመስገን በጣም ደህና ሁኛለው
ነገሩ ካለፈ በኻላ ግን ምን ሆኜ ነው ብያለው
አንድ ባል እና ሚስት በምንም መልኩ አንድ አይነት ሊሆኑ አይችሉም አንድ አይነት ከሆኑ ሊስማሙ አይችሉም፡፡
በጣም ልክ ነች ወይዘሮ ፀደይ
Wow, amazing
Thank you for shearing.
speaking about Red flag I did not seen in the long time .
due to the person was so quite untill we start family.
like Dr. said my husband did not like responsibilities.
if you asks me why I married this man ? I started relationship wrong way .
it's my fault I was young and dumb not knowing better never date before .
in our relationship I do everything man area and women area. so this man he get use to he doesn't care.
he never change you can't change a person.
but only I change myself know I know better.
God bless ❤
I wish you your advice is great 👍
ሄለን ቆንጆ❤❤❤
very educational ረልክ ልኬን ደካማ ጎኔን ነው ያየሁት ተባረኩ🙏🙌
I have a question here of course ya a woman has to be independent before she gets married.when i say independent not only financially but also mentally and emotionally.but in this era when women are becoming so independent and working they think that the only thing they want from guy is money.and this is wrong in the first place marriage wasn't meant such to depend on money. I agree they don't have to be in a toxic relationship, and nor stay for the need of finance. But when they start to think to divorce or breakup a relationship they say I have my money and my work and my Fortune.What do I need from him?this is wrong we both sexes are here in the world to support one another. I think above all people need to understand the idea of marriage.and for this there is a reliable book which is bible.thanks
In any kind of real relationship there must be "Intimacy" which is the bottom line of spiritual nakedness for each other. The other thing is "Mercy". Anyone who is in a relationship must have this 2 crucial attributes. You people for got these things and engaged in paving the way for separation!
ግን አንድንዴ ጊዜ ምትፎ ጊዜ ስልምያልፍ በትግስት አብሮ ምኮይቱ መልካም ነው
Mejimerya bahreachewn debeqew Mehl laye lemeqeyeru sewoche men yederga?
Helen. You look stunning. All this glowing comes from a very healthy lifestyle.
ልጀ ሁሉ ነገር እንደ አፍ አይከል 🤩
God bless to both of you for saving my life. 1. if a women starts voileting or torturing mens dignity with the abusive words , its a red flag. 2 if your wife keeping talking about the past life or any mistaks. its a red flag. if your wife dont give you any value,its a red flag. if she starts comparing with others life drama. its a red flag.
its from my experience. only Respect to each other is a Gold . thank you my sisters.
Selam Helen it’s good lesson and can you please invite a Dr who is specialist with ADHD??? We parents even don’t understand our kids problem. I appreciate 👍🏽
Wow is interesting I am living in this relationship for 41years is a hell 😢
Please make video for haw to live with a narcissist disorder person
Liki nehish betam betam endihi new yamwalali gini ke friend and familiy gari betam chana alewe
ጥሎ መሂድ እንዲህ ቀላል ነው እንዲ የሚባለው ?
Wow 🥰🥰🥰🙏🙏
Betam tru timhirt new bertu
You only have divorce and separation, if there is any problem
እንግሊዘኛዋን ብትቀንሰው ጥሩ ነበር
ጥሩ ትምርት ነው ግን የቴራፒው ጥቅም ምንድነው ጥለሽ ሂጂ ጥለ ሂድ ማለት ነው ወይስ ችግሩ ያለበትን ሰው እንዴት እራሱን እንደሚያስተካክል እና እንዴት ከመጥፎ ባህሪው መመለስ እንዳለበት አስተምሮ አንቅቶ አክሞ ወደትዳሩ መመለስ ነው? ያ መጥፎ ሰው እኮ እንዴት ማስተካከል እንዳለበት ቢያቅ ለሱም እኮ እረፍት ነው!!! ስሰማቹ እንደዚ ከሆነ ጥለሽ ሂጂ ሚለው ተደጋገመብኝ!!!
Narcissistic yalebachew sewoch cheger endalebachew ayamenum hulye tekekele belew new yemiyamenute selhone sehetetachewn ayekebelum
ያለሁበት ሂወት ጥሩ አይደለም በትዳርውስጥ አያአንድ አመት ነጻ ካውሲሊግ ባገኘ ሄልዬ?
ለመርዛማ የፍቅር ግንኙነት የተሰጠ መርዛማ ምክር ብየዋለው፡፡ እናንተ አሜሪካን አገር ያላችሁ አማካሪዎች ፍቺና ‘single mom’ ከዚያ ነፃነት የሚባሉ ነገሮችን ብቻ ነው የምታውቁት? Think about the children and spiritual value; Otherwise don’t get into marriage to get child.
ሄለን አቀራረፁ ነው ወይስ አረጀች
Today My Off Day
btam asetmari naw naw
Helen betam new programishe yemiwedew ene yihewena sira Hulu astitogn let yinoral bemalet yearba amet tidar sayhon serategnet Tito lemehed zigigit lay negn
dr you said run away for all problem? funny
🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
ጥሩ ነዉ ግን እንግሊዝኛ መደበላለቁ ለምንድንነው ? If you wanna English it’s will be just fir English speakers, Helen you amazing ❤💪🤙🏿🙏
ምን አይነት ዶክተር ናት ተለያዩ ብቻ ነው እንዴ መፍትሔዉ 👿
Helenyen ewedatalew ngr gin yqrwn bfitlfit nw mnagr mishaw bmhkl insecure shikari alubgnna hulun ymiyamn jill aydolenm let my intuition guide you sometimes kkk
Please can I get her number? I really wanna get advice.