I've been trying to find the name of this instrument for ages! Google's search engine can be rubbish sometimes. But I finally managed to find it indirectly via Wikipedia's recommended pages section at the bottom of the Thunder Sheet page.
Of course - we have a brand new partnership with timpano percussion (www.timpano-percussion.com/us/) The can ship everything directly to you. Just send them a request for the desired products or an inquiry in our webshop.
The overtones are different than tower bells, which have a prominent minor 3rd (and a 4th is audible in very large ones). These plates would blend better with orchestral instruments, whose overtones have a major 3rd.
I love the sound of the first one
I've been trying to find the name of this instrument for ages! Google's search engine can be rubbish sometimes. But I finally managed to find it indirectly via Wikipedia's recommended pages section at the bottom of the Thunder Sheet page.
It would be interesting a plate bell piano.
Kolberg can these be shipped to the USA?
Of course - we have a brand new partnership with timpano percussion (www.timpano-percussion.com/us/) The can ship everything directly to you. Just send them a request for the desired products or an inquiry in our webshop.
How much for all 5 octaves?
The overtones are different than tower bells, which have a prominent minor 3rd (and a 4th is audible in very large ones). These plates would blend better with orchestral instruments, whose overtones have a major 3rd.
Where do we get .. what is the price Pl
Chidanand sms only pl