Une aria que j'écoute toujours d'une seule traite, presque sans respirer, entrainée par la succession de virtuosités de cette performance si riche, c'est phénoménal ! Bravoooooo!
His voice is quite pleasant to the ears and his stage presence is almost overwhelming lol A gifted countertenor and a fantastic entertainer that we're so fortunate to have in our times :)
The whole singing world owes so much to our Joan (The Late Dame Joan Sutherland) who with her husband Richard Bonnyng brought this too,long forgotten music back onto the operatic stage so that voices like this could be heard with Baroque players - what a legacy and now we can enjoy singing and playing like this BRAVO indeed
Je n'ai jamais écouté une voix de contreténor aussi phénoménale. La virtuosité, le timbre, la tessiture, l'expressivité - tout est hors norme. Quel chanteur peut chanter des trilles pareilles? Je n'en connais pas.. Je n'ai pas les mots pour exprimer tout mon enthousiasme. Quel bonheur de pouvoir assister aux performances de cet artiste unique! Espérons que "l'Oreste" en juin aux TCE pourra avoir lieu.
Que d'expression (et de défi!) dans le regard de ce joli jeune homme ! Incroyable performance en extérieur du jeune Franco Fagioli ! .....Epoustouflant de virtuosités, un génie !
C'est incroyable, phénoménale. Je ne connais aucun chanteur qui serait capable de chanter cela. Farinelli sur son nuage doit être enthousiasmé et en même temps un peu jaloux. J'espère que Franco Fagioli va faire encore beaucoup de CDs. Il faut garder un maximum d'enregistrements de cette voix unique.
Good to have Hasse getting re - recognition and have versions of Hasse's arias by Simone Kermes, Vivica Genaux, Valer Barna_Sabadus and of course Franco Fagioli !
Franco Fagioli has simply the most beautiful versatile voice ever. Had the privilege of hearing him live in the Wigmore Hall London last November. I really hope he will come here again. Any chance??
Eccezionale vocalità e interpretazione : bravissimo , superlativo !!! Brava anche l'Orchestra ( che tralatro ha sede nella mia Regione) !!! Una "chicca" estiva da far conoscere !
Oui, exceptionnellement doué et doté de moyens vocaux phénoménaux. Il peut chanter de contralto à soprano lyrique sans détimbrer ni perdre ses couleurs vocales. L'air qu'il chante est "inhumain" et bien peu de chanteuses s'y risquent, encore moins de chanteurs, en public et dans un théâtre à ciel ouvert, performance ahurissante....
Absolument Stupéfiant ! Je ne pensais pas pouvoir entendre une fois une telle performance vocale et musicale ! Quelle technique, quel style, quelle musicalité !!!! époustouflant, admirable, il n'y a pas de qualificatif pour décrire un tel phénomène ... A-t-il enregistré cet air ? sur cd ??? ou est-ce un piratage "heureusement" que ce témoignage existe. Merci !!!! mille fois ....
Une exclusivité de Hasse pour Farinelli .....Mais Franco est apparemment le seul à pouvoir relever le défi......Paaaaaaaaa-aaaaaaaaaarto qual pastorello ! !!!!
Yes you are right, the part of Arbace in Vinci's Artaserse in 1730 wasn't created originally for Farinelli. but he did sang the Vinci's Arbace too, in the revival in Ferrara in 1731 :-)
This was definitely written for Farinelli without any doubt! I have the manuscript at home written by Hasse's hand and on the top you can read the name of the singer as composers used to do : "for Sgr. Carlo Broschi detto Farinello". He created the role at the creation and you can read different comment by historian of the time talking about this aria! You can go in the Music department in the Library of Bologna in italy to see by yourself.
If I didn't hear it I wouldn't believe it. Incredible great technique. I'm convinced: I will buy a ticket for his Artaserse in Cologne in May. Irrespective of the price!
Norberto Torriente There is yet no other countertenor who is able to do the same things like Franco. I just fear his career will be short due to his recklessness with his voice.
Avedissalitis Norberto Torriente I've held off from commenting on this but I keep thinking about it and I have to say something. Perhaps it is out of fear that you both are right. That said, I want to defend Franco here (though I know you're not criticizing him, exactly). I agree he has a very aggressive performance style and he certainly is free with his incorporation of high notes, stylistic darkening of the tone (particularly for Senesino arias), and encores. I do think there are risks. That said, other than perhaps the darkening, I don't hear anything in the tone that worries me the way that even early Villazon did. Now I'm not pedagogical expert, but I have sung a great deal. Also, from what I understand, the countertenor mechanism allows for less tension than the tenor mechanism (I'm a tenor) does. As I understand it, a tenor can pull through with too much weight and tension and even still sound thrilling. I have been led through my research to believe that countertenor technique is more binary - excess tension prevents the singing from being successful. Perhaps my analysis in error. I do agree Franco performs with abandon, and it's part of what makes him great but does present a risk. I myself worry about the darkening, though he does it intentionally and I'm sure has some understanding of what it feels like for his voice. Particularly, it sounds just as darkening rather than adding weight, which would have more potential negative effects. Many (both admirers and detractors of Fagioli and Bartoli) compare him to Cecilia Bartoli, who has certainly had a long career. We can look to others outside of this select style of Baroque singing who also have had similar performative traits and also had at least reasonably long careers.
Christopher R. Skinner As far as I know the technique of a coutertenor is much more demanding for the voice and hence the carreers are generally shorter (except maybe a Wagner-Tenor^^). Not to be misunderstood, I admire what Franco is able to do with his voice. I love his works. Hopefully you are right and we will be able to enjoy him singing for a long time. :)
My Aw Avedissalitis It's true a countertenor voice cannot compare in sheer volume to that of a man singing in chest or chest-head mix. I do believe though, that like many lighter-voiced singers, both male and female (although as I understand it the resonance structure is unsurprisingly more similar to the female voice), they tend to rely on harmonic structure to carry the voice rather than sheer volume. I can certainly see, though, that the technique would be more demanding in some ways than the techniques of tenors/baritones/basses. While I don't consider countertenors to be somehow freakish or anything along those lines, it's clear that the technique they use, not unlike that of the castrati they sometimes are called upon to emulate, is different from the mode that most people associate with male singing generally and perhaps requires greater manipulation of the instrument (almost like half-holing on certain wind instruments or playing overtones on strings). (There is, of course, a long history of using falsetto in singing, but the point stands.) That said, I guess my analysis was of Franco compared against other countertenors, not necessarily against other voice types entirely. Scholl and Daniels have certainly had sustained careers over at least a relatively long period of time, so I'm not sure it's doom for the countertenors collectively. I would have to admit that Fagioli's technique is much more aggressive and weightier than theirs, though, and I don't know what that means for his longevity. It sounds healthy for now, but I've also never heard a countertenor like that before so there's not a lot by which to measure.
I disagree. Only by Fagioli you get a real impression of THE kind of voice this music was composed for.This voice has no female mezzo...(except Ewa Podlés).I am sure it was not only the castration, but the combination of castration with a well educated head voice that made the Castrati so great, plus something Mr Fagioli so well uses: deap bass notes in combination with astionishing soprano heights. 4 oktaves of breathtaking coloratures. All this has Mr Fagioli and he shows it. Congrats to him.
I think this is the closest we can get to hearing the type of voice this music was composed for, Mr. Fagioli's voice has no feminine quality whatsoever, which was actually one of the characteristics of the castrato voice. To mister "Maximus tenor", if you have nothing positive to say, just say nothing. Your comments and your arrogant self proclaimed nick name tell us much more about your self image than about Mister Fagioli and his incredible talent. I'll hear him in Halle in June, YEAH!
beautiful aria by Hasse, we need a complete recording of this Artaserse as well as of Siroe. fagioli is certainly impressive but I find his singing a little engorged in the low register and a little garish in the high register, maybe a mezzo would be better.
Desde que descubrí, a través de una crítica, a este artista, estoy absolutamente fascinado; sin ambargo creo que sería comveniente que controlase un poco ese vibrato para que no se exagere y se termine convirtiendo en oscilaciones. Me fascina como cambia desde el registro de cabeza hasta el de pecho sin apenas cambios de color, de forma bastante natural.
Oui, je reconnais que sa diction n'est pas parfaite, mais hélas, c'est le cas de beaucoup de chanteurs et de chanteuses aujourd'hui... Je trouve courageux de sa part de se lancer dans un tel répertoire, qui demande des interprètes hors du commun. Un véritable défi...qui peut remplacer Farinelli aujourd'hui ? Quant à Hasse, je vous trouve injuste ! Rien que cet opéra est rempli de perles ! Ecoutez seulement l'air "se al labbro mio..." par le même chanteur, on est loin des pyrotechnies ! Superbe!
si canta 4 re ma 3 ottave! le ottave sono lo spazio fra i re....ha sicuramente un po piú di 3 ottave sicuro se riesce cantare 3 ottave in cadanza ma 4 non lo so, chiedo a vedere... vuole dire che fa il re bemole di basso profondo (che già i bassi profondi non riescono a cantare in Osmin..hehehe) e forse ha il fa grave di Sarastro e puo fare il Fa acuto della regina della notte, ma la ancora chiedo a sentire... :-) una ottava completa in piú è enorme lo sai :-)
But this aria IS "show off" ! A pinnacle of "aria di bravura" ! Written for Farinelli ! If you dislike this kind of music don't listen to Hasse ! IMO, there is no better rendition of this aria, even if not perfect (but who should be ...)
Je ne parlais pas de concurrence! Mais je tenais simplement à être précis. Il utilise un ambitus de 3 octaves et non 4 sur cet air. C'est tout! Beaucoup de gens sont influencés par le changement de registre impressionant mais ce sont bel et bien 3 octaves. PS: Et sinon sur le plan d'octaves proprement parlé il y a beaucoup de chanteurs qui peuvent chanter sur 3 octaves, mais cela n'enlève rien au côté époustouflant de cet air exécuté ici!
Peccato che anche la pirotecnica era una parte fondamentale del barocco. Tipo i castrati immobili come pali che si slanciava in volatine e ornamenti degni di un film di fantasia. Esistono brani atti a commuovere, altri a far notare le proprie capacità teciniche e l'immensa tessitura.
I can understand that you prefer Fagioli but it's a bit exagerated...Jarroussky has much more the 1 octave. Listen "in mirar la mia sventura" where he goes easily till low F sharp and in "Qui ti sfido" till high G sharp so that's already more then 2 octaves!! 2 octaves are the average ambitus of an opera singer. So you cannot critics an artist on what nature gaves him. a singer is not better because his ambitus is larger. some singer with very small ambitus are incredible musicians!
Verissimo , anch'io la preferisco , sembra anche più agevole da cantare perché insiste meno su certe consonanti . Se posso permettermi di suggerire letture interessanti e mai noiose sull argomento indicherei : - Gli evirati cantori di Patrick Barbier , La voce perduta di Sandro Cappelletto , La grana della voce , e Storia del Belcanto entrambi di Rodolfo Celletti , tutti ben documentati e competenti ma scorrevoli come un romanzo . Chiedo perdono per l' invadenza.
Une aria que j'écoute toujours d'une seule traite, presque sans respirer, entrainée par la succession de virtuosités de cette performance si riche, c'est phénoménal ! Bravoooooo!
Восхитительно! Невероятно! Огромный диапазон, совершенная техника. И , наконец, сам очень красивый! Счастья и здоровья, дорогой Франко.
Meravigliosa voce.
In questo canto la.Voce SUPERA OGNI ASPETTATIVA.🦋👍🌹😁
Good heavens what a performance! Franco Fagioli never ceases to amaze me. How lucky we are to have such an artist alive today.
His voice is quite pleasant to the ears and his stage presence is almost overwhelming lol A gifted countertenor and a fantastic entertainer that we're so fortunate to have in our times :)
Красивая музыка,прекрасное исполнение!!! Творческих успехов тебе,Франко)))
Una grandissima emozione ascoltarlo dal vivo a Martina Franca... straordinario Franco Fagioli!
The whole singing world owes so much to our Joan (The Late Dame Joan Sutherland) who with her husband Richard Bonnyng brought this too,long forgotten music back onto the operatic stage so that voices like this could be heard with Baroque players - what a legacy and now we can enjoy singing and playing like this BRAVO indeed
Wonderful Fagioli! The best!
Je n'ai jamais écouté une voix de contreténor aussi phénoménale. La virtuosité, le timbre, la tessiture, l'expressivité - tout est hors norme. Quel chanteur peut chanter des trilles pareilles? Je n'en connais pas.. Je n'ai pas les mots pour exprimer tout mon enthousiasme. Quel bonheur de pouvoir assister aux performances de cet artiste unique! Espérons que "l'Oreste" en juin aux TCE pourra avoir lieu.
Genialny interpretator! Co za głos, ile emocji! Mój ulubiony Orfeusz.
I have no idea how I ended up here, but this is phenomenal.
Fantastico Franco Fagioli ... una voz excepcional. Bravo!!
grandioso, mio Dio che salti, che agilit. Grandissimo interprete di quel repertorio. Bravo Franco
Завораживающий тембр, широкий диапазон, колоратура... это лучший контратенор, какой доводилось слышать.
Franco, you are Genius!!!!!!!
What an unbelievably gifted, and thoroughly giving musician. Heaven.
Phänomenal schöne Arie
Que d'expression (et de défi!) dans le regard de ce joli jeune homme ! Incroyable performance en extérieur du jeune Franco Fagioli ! .....Epoustouflant de virtuosités, un génie !
This is brilliant piece of work - well done Franco
C'est incroyable, phénoménale. Je ne connais aucun chanteur qui serait capable de chanter cela. Farinelli sur son nuage doit être enthousiasmé et en même temps un peu jaloux. J'espère que Franco Fagioli va faire encore beaucoup de CDs. Il faut garder un maximum d'enregistrements de cette voix unique.
Ahh, le plaisir de cette interprétation! Fagioli est le plus meilleur de tout contre-ténor aujourd'hui! Merci pour cette vidéo.
Amazing delivery of this aria, perfect technique, and breath control , superb !!!
La voix du siècle ! ! ! Phénoménal ! ! ! !
Que maravilla de cantante y actor. Este papel fue escrito por Hasse exclusivo para Farinelli ( Carlo Broschi) ...Bravo!! Bravísimo!
Real king of baroque music... From France. J
Viva Hasse, viva Franco!!!
Belle combinaison : Hasse et Fagioli.
Absolutely marvellous, so beautiful!!
Good to have Hasse getting re - recognition and have versions of Hasse's arias by Simone Kermes, Vivica Genaux, Valer Barna_Sabadus and of course Franco Fagioli !
Franco Fagioli has simply the most beautiful versatile voice ever. Had the privilege of hearing him live in the Wigmore Hall London last November. I really hope he will come here again. Any chance??
Magnifico. Todos los registros en una sola voz incluso el difícil Castrati
Getting better and better!
Magnifique et encroyable!
El mejor del mundo !!!!!
Eccezionale vocalità e interpretazione : bravissimo , superlativo !!!
Brava anche l'Orchestra ( che tralatro ha sede nella mia Regione) !!!
Una "chicca" estiva da far conoscere !
That's one of the basics of ornementations: to enlarge even more the ambitus written by the composer!
Oui, exceptionnellement doué et doté de moyens vocaux phénoménaux. Il peut chanter de contralto à soprano lyrique sans détimbrer ni perdre ses couleurs vocales. L'air qu'il chante est "inhumain" et bien peu de chanteuses s'y risquent, encore moins de chanteurs, en public et dans un théâtre à ciel ouvert, performance ahurissante....
How can any voice have the strength to sustain the pressures required by this aria?? Wondrous.
My god! Hard to believe it's a mere human being singing!
Absolument Stupéfiant ! Je ne pensais pas pouvoir entendre une fois une telle performance vocale et musicale ! Quelle technique, quel style, quelle musicalité !!!! époustouflant, admirable, il n'y a pas de qualificatif pour décrire un tel phénomène ... A-t-il enregistré cet air ? sur cd ??? ou est-ce un piratage "heureusement" que ce témoignage existe. Merci !!!! mille fois ....
It is like 2 people are singing , not one, amazing
Always surprised how much vocal powers and colours he has.
Could be a (counter)sister from Cecilia Bartoli.
Une exclusivité de Hasse pour Farinelli .....Mais Franco est apparemment le seul à pouvoir relever le défi......Paaaaaaaaa-aaaaaaaaaarto qual pastorello ! !!!!
Very impressive!!!
Yes you are right, the part of Arbace in Vinci's Artaserse in 1730 wasn't created originally for Farinelli. but he did sang the Vinci's Arbace too, in the revival in Ferrara in 1731 :-)
Lo stupendo ! Bravissimo !
Impressionnant de talent et de virtuosité !Très peu de chanteurs peuvent en faire autant .
Aucun en core et on est maintenant en 2023 !
This was definitely written for Farinelli without any doubt! I have the manuscript at home written by Hasse's hand and on the top you can read the name of the singer as composers used to do : "for Sgr. Carlo Broschi detto Farinello". He created the role at the creation and you can read different comment by historian of the time talking about this aria! You can go in the Music department in the Library of Bologna in italy to see by yourself.
Non cercare troppo, chiudi gli occhi e lasciati andare al viaggio...
If I didn't hear it I wouldn't believe it. Incredible great technique. I'm convinced: I will buy a ticket for his Artaserse in Cologne in May. Irrespective of the price!
I do envy you. I hope the Metroplitan Opera will bring him soon
Norberto Torriente There is yet no other countertenor who is able to do the same things like Franco. I just fear his career will be short due to his recklessness with his voice.
Avedissalitis Norberto Torriente I've held off from commenting on this but I keep thinking about it and I have to say something. Perhaps it is out of fear that you both are right. That said, I want to defend Franco here (though I know you're not criticizing him, exactly). I agree he has a very aggressive performance style and he certainly is free with his incorporation of high notes, stylistic darkening of the tone (particularly for Senesino arias), and encores. I do think there are risks. That said, other than perhaps the darkening, I don't hear anything in the tone that worries me the way that even early Villazon did. Now I'm not pedagogical expert, but I have sung a great deal. Also, from what I understand, the countertenor mechanism allows for less tension than the tenor mechanism (I'm a tenor) does. As I understand it, a tenor can pull through with too much weight and tension and even still sound thrilling. I have been led through my research to believe that countertenor technique is more binary - excess tension prevents the singing from being successful. Perhaps my analysis in error. I do agree Franco performs with abandon, and it's part of what makes him great but does present a risk. I myself worry about the darkening, though he does it intentionally and I'm sure has some understanding of what it feels like for his voice. Particularly, it sounds just as darkening rather than adding weight, which would have more potential negative effects. Many (both admirers and detractors of Fagioli and Bartoli) compare him to Cecilia Bartoli, who has certainly had a long career. We can look to others outside of this select style of Baroque singing who also have had similar performative traits and also had at least reasonably long careers.
Christopher R. Skinner As far as I know the technique of a coutertenor is much more demanding for the voice and hence the carreers are generally shorter (except maybe a Wagner-Tenor^^). Not to be misunderstood, I admire what Franco is able to do with his voice. I love his works. Hopefully you are right and we will be able to enjoy him singing for a long time. :)
My Aw Avedissalitis It's true a countertenor voice cannot compare in sheer volume to that of a man singing in chest or chest-head mix. I do believe though, that like many lighter-voiced singers, both male and female (although as I understand it the resonance structure is unsurprisingly more similar to the female voice), they tend to rely on harmonic structure to carry the voice rather than sheer volume. I can certainly see, though, that the technique would be more demanding in some ways than the techniques of tenors/baritones/basses. While I don't consider countertenors to be somehow freakish or anything along those lines, it's clear that the technique they use, not unlike that of the castrati they sometimes are called upon to emulate, is different from the mode that most people associate with male singing generally and perhaps requires greater manipulation of the instrument (almost like half-holing on certain wind instruments or playing overtones on strings). (There is, of course, a long history of using falsetto in singing, but the point stands.) That said, I guess my analysis was of Franco compared against other countertenors, not necessarily against other voice types entirely. Scholl and Daniels have certainly had sustained careers over at least a relatively long period of time, so I'm not sure it's doom for the countertenors collectively. I would have to admit that Fagioli's technique is much more aggressive and weightier than theirs, though, and I don't know what that means for his longevity. It sounds healthy for now, but I've also never heard a countertenor like that before so there's not a lot by which to measure.
Really impressive.
I disagree. Only by Fagioli you get a real impression of THE kind of voice this music was composed for.This voice has no female mezzo...(except Ewa Podlés).I am sure it was not only the castration, but the combination of castration with a well educated head voice that made the Castrati so great, plus something Mr Fagioli so well uses: deap bass notes in combination with astionishing soprano heights. 4 oktaves of breathtaking coloratures. All this has Mr Fagioli and he shows it. Congrats to him.
Наш гениальный современник.
mi avrei piasciuto sentire i suoi Fa :-)
I think this is the closest we can get to hearing the type of voice this music was composed for, Mr. Fagioli's voice has no feminine quality whatsoever, which was actually one of the characteristics of the castrato voice.
To mister "Maximus tenor", if you have nothing positive to say, just say nothing. Your comments and your arrogant self proclaimed nick name tell us much more about your self image than about Mister Fagioli and his incredible talent.
I'll hear him in Halle in June, YEAH!
3 octaves! ;-)
@sonqualnave 3 octaves!! ! :-) Ou est la concurrence ? Qui peut s'aligner sur une telle performance ?
You're right , it's the Vinci version . I misread your post , sorry
The training it must have taken. OMG
Блистательный Франко Фаджоли!)))))))
beautiful aria by Hasse, we need a complete recording of this Artaserse as well as of Siroe. fagioli is certainly impressive but I find his singing a little engorged in the low register and a little garish in the high register, maybe a mezzo would be better.
the ambitus written is low G till high C. all notes below and above is ornementation
Sarebbe possibile avere la registrazione completa dell'opera? Grazie :-)
Desde que descubrí, a través de una crítica, a este artista, estoy absolutamente fascinado; sin ambargo creo que sería comveniente que controlase un poco ese vibrato para que no se exagere y se termine convirtiendo en oscilaciones.
Me fascina como cambia desde el registro de cabeza hasta el de pecho sin apenas cambios de color, de forma bastante natural.
1:47-1:50 will catch your attention as well.
sono 3 ottave dal re3 al re6!
Is the libretto available anywhere? I bought the CD, but there is no libretto to accompany it.
Oui, je reconnais que sa diction n'est pas parfaite, mais hélas, c'est le cas de beaucoup de chanteurs et de chanteuses aujourd'hui... Je trouve courageux de sa part de se lancer dans un tel répertoire, qui demande des interprètes hors du commun. Un véritable défi...qui peut remplacer Farinelli aujourd'hui ?
Quant à Hasse, je vous trouve injuste ! Rien que cet opéra est rempli de perles ! Ecoutez seulement l'air "se al labbro mio..." par le même chanteur, on est loin des pyrotechnies ! Superbe!
High D?????
si canta 4 re ma 3 ottave! le ottave sono lo spazio fra i re....ha sicuramente un po piú di 3 ottave sicuro se riesce cantare 3 ottave in cadanza ma 4 non lo so, chiedo a vedere... vuole dire che fa il re bemole di basso profondo (che già i bassi profondi non riescono a cantare in Osmin..hehehe) e forse ha il fa grave di Sarastro e puo fare il Fa acuto della regina della notte, ma la ancora chiedo a sentire... :-) una ottava completa in piú è enorme lo sai :-)
But this aria IS "show off" ! A pinnacle of "aria di bravura" ! Written for Farinelli ! If you dislike this kind of music don't listen to Hasse ! IMO, there is no better rendition of this aria, even if not perfect (but who should be ...)
How can you say an artist will not be able to improve anymore...? anyway...
Je ne parlais pas de concurrence! Mais je tenais simplement à être précis. Il utilise un ambitus de 3 octaves et non 4 sur cet air. C'est tout! Beaucoup de gens sont influencés par le changement de registre impressionant mais ce sont bel et bien 3 octaves.
PS: Et sinon sur le plan d'octaves proprement parlé il y a beaucoup de chanteurs qui peuvent chanter sur 3 octaves, mais cela n'enlève rien au côté époustouflant de cet air exécuté ici!
this man kicks the shit out of ceciliona bartoli
Peccato che anche la pirotecnica era una parte fondamentale del barocco. Tipo i castrati immobili come pali che si slanciava in volatine e ornamenti degni di un film di fantasia. Esistono brani atti a commuovere, altri a far notare le proprie capacità teciniche e l'immensa tessitura.
Ich spreche und schreibe nur Deutsch und Niederlands, ik mag u graag horen.
I also posted a version with Vivica Genaux.. listen to it! :-)
no, scusa, ma le ottave sono tre………
D3 - D6
and most certainly out of Jarroussky whose voice, compared to this, sounds suddenly small, colourless and acid.
Even if she doesn't do all the written high D's
I can understand that you prefer Fagioli but it's a bit exagerated...Jarroussky has much more the 1 octave. Listen "in mirar la mia sventura" where he goes easily till low F sharp and in "Qui ti sfido" till high G sharp so that's already more then 2 octaves!! 2 octaves are the average ambitus of an opera singer. So you cannot critics an artist on what nature gaves him. a singer is not better because his ambitus is larger. some singer with very small ambitus are incredible musicians!
Baroque in it's essence is exagerated, so what he does here is very acceptable.
Era prassi comune adattare musiche a liriche diverse sembra , ad esempio , che Farinelli cantasse - Parto qual pastorello .
@@massimilianomagni2351 ah ok grazie
@@massimilianomagni2351 Comunque è meglio seguendo amore
Verissimo , anch'io la preferisco , sembra anche più agevole da cantare perché insiste meno su certe consonanti . Se posso permettermi di suggerire letture interessanti e mai noiose sull argomento indicherei : - Gli evirati cantori di Patrick Barbier , La voce perduta di Sandro Cappelletto , La grana della voce , e Storia del Belcanto entrambi di Rodolfo Celletti , tutti ben documentati e competenti ma scorrevoli come un romanzo . Chiedo perdono per l' invadenza.
@@massimilianomagni2351 Figurati hai fatto bene a dirmelo
una voce si giudica dal vivo mi sembra intubata
Fagioli is simply the best and most perfect make soprano ever !!!
Teodor Kurentzis
Una musica fredda e senza nessun sentimento vero, pura pirotecnia fredda... mi sembra orribile Hasse... il peggio barocco