Dislike Button Rant Part 1

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 768

  • @ES-cf4ph
    @ES-cf4ph 3 года назад +408

    "Our data says: If we make videos unavailable, people never dislike them" 🙃

    • @awuuwa
      @awuuwa 3 года назад +2


    • @ryhanzfx1641
      @ryhanzfx1641 3 года назад +14

      I never understand what and how does the "our data shows" in these big corporations always fail to appeal any of the majority of users, how does the analytics even approve of this? Prime example other than this is Microsoft removing features in Windows 11, like what does that make sense?

    • @ES-cf4ph
      @ES-cf4ph 3 года назад +1

      @@ryhanzfx1641 Or the search bar. I mean how can someone NOT see that Windows 10 + 11 search is crap?

  • @P2PC
    @P2PC 3 года назад +881

    I guess RUclips's planning another Rewind...

    • @Milos596
      @Milos596 3 года назад +27

      Yeah, they will get thousands of likes... xD

    • @Mgames_xd
      @Mgames_xd 3 года назад +55

      "Look guys we fixed rewind! Over 1.4k likes and 82 million views!"

    • @Milos596
      @Milos596 3 года назад +17

      @@Mgames_xd they will maybe stop showing views too.

    • @hwstar9416
      @hwstar9416 3 года назад +11

      @@Milos596 please don't give them ideas.

    • @ccricers
      @ccricers 3 года назад +3

      It’s funny how the rewind video with REBECCA BLACK has a higher proportion of likes than the 2019 one.

  • @mittensfastpaw
    @mittensfastpaw 3 года назад +180

    Honestly without the dislike button I'm checking out far less content. It helped me gauge if a video was honest about the title and worth my time. Especially working in the IT field and looking for solutions to odd little problems. This move was made to protect garbage corporations from negative consequences and nothing else.

    • @abimangalan
      @abimangalan 3 года назад +11

      Also the comments could be easily manipulated by the creator. They are not as reliable as like to dislike ratio which the creator has no control over.

    • @r.d.9399
      @r.d.9399 3 года назад +2

      I'm using different apps now for videos most of the time.

    • @fiverZ
      @fiverZ 2 года назад +1

      There are browser extensions you can use to show the dislike counter.

    • @Mice-stro
      @Mice-stro 2 года назад +2

      Mmm... RUclips rewind...

    • @Nedlius
      @Nedlius Год назад +1

      @@fiverZ I've been using one of those since they took away the counter

  • @dannypope1860
    @dannypope1860 3 года назад +675

    RUclips: “we’re giving everyone a voice”
    Everyone: By taking everyone’s voice away??

    • @dannypope1860
      @dannypope1860 3 года назад +48

      This is another example of the “cure” being worse than the disease.
      This creates a thousand more problems and fixes nothing.

    • @mrsideperson8405
      @mrsideperson8405 3 года назад +29

      "we're giving everyone a voice*"
      *Voice that we wanna hear.

    • @hof_prod
      @hof_prod 3 года назад +1

      why do we need a Voice if RUclips can't even listen?

    • @ccricers
      @ccricers 3 года назад +1

      @Danny Pope I say the same thing about most RUclips alternative suggestions. They’re usually echo chambers but of a different variety. I don’t want more choices to mean more echo chambers.

    • @Gator_nit
      @Gator_nit 3 года назад

      If no one has a voice , everyone has a voice

  • @rdspam
    @rdspam 3 года назад +333

    “People are not willing to look at others point of view”. So, to fix that, we’ll just not let you express yours.

    • @osborne3
      @osborne3 3 года назад

      Social engineering 100%. They only want you to see their approved narratives.

    • @optimuseprime7887
      @optimuseprime7887 2 года назад +1

      The equivalent of: "This house is on fire, and I have a fire extinguisher, but I don't know whether to use red or black gloves so I'll not use it all."

  • @Eweyhen
    @Eweyhen 3 года назад +680

    Yes, I would be MORE THAN HAPPY to fill out a quick survey as to why I used the dislike button. For me, I use the dislike button rarely, but when I do, it's because there is a specific reason. I would LOVE to see a formal way by RUclips to see WHY other people like or dislike a video. That would make this platform infinitely better, in every facet.

    • @Wayne3
      @Wayne3 3 года назад +32

      Dislike: Why? Spam, scam, i disagree, etc... would be fantastic.

    • @the-pink-hacker
      @the-pink-hacker 3 года назад +2


    • @MrGamelover23
      @MrGamelover23 3 года назад

      But most ratioed videos are disliked by people who think Bill gates is evil and Dr Fauci is a liar. Those idiots feelings aren't valid for anything.

    • @marine5323
      @marine5323 3 года назад +20

      @@MrGamelover23 Saying "most" is a fallacy, regardless of that, its their choice and opinion if they want to dislike whatever they want or not; that's the whole point of 'disliking', to voice your general view of what you're watching. You mentioning a specific group holds no argument against the entire virtual removal of the system

    • @TrialRagnarok66
      @TrialRagnarok66 3 года назад +6

      Agreed. I give far more likes than dislikes. I haven't counted them but my ratio is probably 1 dislike per 100 likes or so, and even then I think I'm lowballing the amount of likes.
      Besides the obvious reason of disliking a video like for one, because it's objectively terrible (Rewinds), the dislikes I rarely dish out are either because the video is nonsense that just made me lose my time watching it (think of searching for a particular error code and the video has "Fix!" in the title and it's just a cam recording of the error code but not an actual fix, just someone sharing it and not even asking for help/info about it) OR because the information is either fake or potentially dangerous.

  • @Im_TheSaint
    @Im_TheSaint 3 года назад +575

    Any argument Linus made about the dislike button not being objective or constructive can also be applied to the like button.

    • @christianemden7637
      @christianemden7637 3 года назад +31

      You saved me the effort of writing this myself.

    • @capacamaru
      @capacamaru 3 года назад +53

      Like bombing good! Dislike bombing bad!

    • @IllNacs
      @IllNacs 3 года назад +5

      @@capacamaru Fancy seeing you here Capac ;)

    • @Dranzell
      @Dranzell 3 года назад +25

      This. If anything is done to the Dislike button, I believe the same thing should happen to the Like button. It's like taking questions in a public speech, but positive ones pass no filter, while negative ones have to pass filters before reaching the speaker. Then the speaker is like "Wow, I was so good I heard only positive things".

    • @ghomerhust
      @ghomerhust 3 года назад +17

      its a "positivity" thing, and since people are seemingly incapable of seeing new perspectives on various subjects, everyone has to push positive vibes, and negativity is taken as toxic instead of honest judgement.

  • @Bob-of-Zoid
    @Bob-of-Zoid 3 года назад +329

    A few years of research should tell them that the "Dislike button" should be a "dislike drop down menu" with viable choices as to why one dislikes a video. The "Not interested" link in the drop down menu under each suggested Video on ones home page only gives two options where more would make a whole lot of sense too, and they haven't added viable valid choices there either. There are "I have already watched the video, which they already know because they track and log your every move, and "I don't like this video" which may only be partially true as in "I don't like the topic of this video" because you very well may like the channel just not the topic...
    They don't give reasonable choices anywhere to begin with! So they are either stupid as F, or purposely skewing the data for nefarious reasons! Don't forget that RUclips is run and owned by Google, so what can one expect but foul play! I am still pissed that they stopped email notifications on purpose, because they want to count hits, not give you a reason to choose when to go there, and when not, and it's obvious! The reason they gave "People don't want so many emails" is bogus, as they had choices to restrict, or even turn them off already, and the reaction showed that clearly, yet they did it anyhow, which was an asshole move! They show a clear and definitive pattern of assholery!

    • @4-kathryn
      @4-kathryn 3 года назад +8

      I enjoy watching RUclips on the Playstation 5. On the RUclips app it's signed onto my husband's account not mine, so if I later hop onto my PC and log into RUclips and see the same video being recommended don't watch it because I might've seen it already.
      Just wish as you suggested there was a another option, "passive-viewing: saw the video from another account" .
      Great idea though.

    • @Dranzell
      @Dranzell 3 года назад +10

      Making "Dislike" harder to access will only make me press it less. It will not mean I don't... you know... dislike the video.
      If you want to make "Dislike" harder to access, "Like" should get the same treatment, and you add reasons to why you like a video: It's fun, It's entertaining, It's informative, It's comical, so on, so on.

    • @samasher5370
      @samasher5370 3 года назад +6

      YT can also try steams implementation of negative review bombings and show how massive dislikes were spammed in a matter of short time

    • @thatguyalex2835
      @thatguyalex2835 3 года назад +1

      @@samasher5370 Smart idea bro. :) If YT removes dislikes, I'm betting honest creators will post their private dislike count using a bit of HTML code in their description. This is a crappy move on YT

    • @Gabeyre
      @Gabeyre 3 года назад

      Add this idea too. Comments should be 120 characters. No paragraphs.

  • @Hybred
    @Hybred 3 года назад +358

    There's a lot of scam videos that are heavily downvoted and it helps save people. When someone's doing one of these videos and it has the like-to-dislike button disabled its a red flag. This is a horrible change.
    If you're so scared of seeing dislikes just disable the feedback button all together. This "inclusive" crap is literally just for overly sensitive people. Sorry I disagree with you Linus, you have points I agree with but I still don't like it

    • @chadb7252
      @chadb7252 3 года назад +36

      Also, video tutorials, such as how to replace the brake pads on 2005 Honda Civic. I can easily tell which tutorials are garbage by the number of dislikes, particularly if the dislikes outnumber the likes, and simply bypass those videos. I mean, if a video tutorial has 5,000 likes, it is irrelevant if it has 100,000 dislikes.

    • @neruwu
      @neruwu 3 года назад +28

      .. you did watch the whole video, right? He was just playing devil's advocate, nobody in their right mind supports this crap. And I'm sorry but actually believing that they do this to protect small creators and their feelings is very naive. Google actively hates small channels since they take up bandwidth and storage space without providing enough advertisments for Google's pockets. They are just using this excuse to redirect some of the hate towards these people aka hurting them even more. This has only to do with making more money and taking away people's voices since that could stand in the way of the money flow

    • @Dranzell
      @Dranzell 3 года назад +16

      @@neruwu I guess people comment while the video goes on so they don't lose their train of though about a part of it.

    • @Protofall
      @Protofall 3 года назад +2

      @@Dranzell This

    • @GlitchFoxStudio
      @GlitchFoxStudio 3 года назад +5

      and the problem with comments is that the scammers can just turn them off or delete the ones that try to warn the others

  • @timmy7201
    @timmy7201 3 года назад +67

    Meanwhile at YT headquarters:
    CEO: We want te bring back YT-rewind, but without people making fun of us for receiving the new thumb down world-record on our own platform...
    IT-department: Well, that's an easy fix...

    • @fluffuwu1922
      @fluffuwu1922 3 года назад

      lmao yes!!!

    • @MasterDragonPaladin
      @MasterDragonPaladin 3 года назад +1

      Sooner or later they'll ban comments altogether because people will just make fun of them in the comments rather than the removed dislike counter and you'll see an overwhelming 90% negative comments on youtube videos.
      Heck some channels already disable comments by default. Censorship 101 and limiting free speech because it hurt someone's fee fee's.
      As long as someone isn't threatening to harm someone else, they have every right to dislike and write how much they dislike something, giving their opinion, as much as they want. This isn't diktatorship communist china that censors everything.
      Then again North America seems to be steadily hurtling towards that thought police wet state of no criticism of anything you dislike, whether its radical feminism, bad toxic content creators, trolls, predatory companies, corrupt thuggish cops and government practices....etc.
      Fking joke of a world to live in.

  • @FavoriteSniper
    @FavoriteSniper 3 года назад +66

    “You can just leave a comment if you dislike a video”
    Can’t the video uploader hide comments that don’t agree with them, making the whole “just leave a negative comment” idea useless. I’ve already seen a bunch of echo chambers as it, now with dislikes being hidden, it’ll be worse. At least when likes and dislikes are hidden, we can easily interpret that video was heavily disliked enough to be shames and embarrassed by the ratio.

    • @osborne3
      @osborne3 3 года назад

      On videos like that you will literally have one option to interact with the video "Like" so weird.

    • @wolverine9632
      @wolverine9632 3 года назад +1

      Not to mention that comments are quickly buried and forgotten. The like/dislike ratio should be clearly visible below the video itself.

    • @myplaylist7007
      @myplaylist7007 3 года назад

      " You could argue with her about this but she has disabled her comments " Nate video replying to Feminist Frequency over hitman games being sexist.

    • @BlitzIn4
      @BlitzIn4 3 года назад

      Don't comments help the video get ranked higher in the algorithms?

  • @aidanquiett668
    @aidanquiett668 3 года назад +73

    This combined with the ability to prevent comments means scam videos will have basically free reign for unsuspecting users, since the only way to know is to already have knowledge about whatever the video is talking about. Feels like every time youtube tries to "help the community" they just end up destroying things and tell us to be happy about it

  • @noblej7897
    @noblej7897 3 года назад +212

    Me wanting to dislike just to show how much I dislike RUclips doing this. But that won't help since this is a video complaining about it so like.

    • @512TheWolf512
      @512TheWolf512 3 года назад +5

      i'll do it on your behalf then. as a "f*** you" to google.

  • @gagec6390
    @gagec6390 3 года назад +148

    Tin foil hat time: This change was made with the best interest of some large RUclipsrs who've been receiving a lot of hate recently, and more importantly, large companies who have been hated for a long while wanting to hide their public outrage as a marketing tactic.

    • @veneratedmortal4369
      @veneratedmortal4369 3 года назад +25

      It's government censorship of covid propaganda.

    • @freshc9240
      @freshc9240 3 года назад +9

      @@veneratedmortal4369 Spot on.

    • @myhandlewastakenandIgaveup
      @myhandlewastakenandIgaveup 3 года назад +16

      Look at most news videos especially bbc news videos. They get ratioed to hell and back.

    • @SHINIGAMI6774
      @SHINIGAMI6774 3 года назад +5

      Yeah RUclips that is the reason you see Biden’s dislike to like they are lying there ass off

    • @npcimknot958
      @npcimknot958 3 года назад +1

      *cough fucai docu , cnn, and friends, lol

  • @donnythedingo
    @donnythedingo 3 года назад +33

    Linus "I thought we..."
    Luke "no."

  • @MaxHarden
    @MaxHarden 3 года назад +17

    "Disklike" is a destructive force? How about constructive criticism?

    • @CharlieQuartz
      @CharlieQuartz 3 года назад +1

      The dislike button fits many of the qualities of destructive criticism. It doesn’t facilitate any advice on how to improve or comment on what part was disliked. It is a vague expression of negative reaction that only indicates to the creator “do not make this kind of content anymore.”

    • @elbuhdai605
      @elbuhdai605 3 года назад

      The dislike button isn't constructive criticism. I really agree with the guy in this comment section who said we should have a dislike dropdown menu with options for why we disliked the video. We should have known this stupid change was slowly on its way when newer features like RUclips Shorts and community posts from creators hid the number of dislikes...

  • @TheLotw
    @TheLotw 3 года назад +94

    All the changes RUclips has done in the last couple of years HURT the small creators. CREATORS made RUclips what it is and turning their back on them will kill their site.

    • @ToreOnYouTube
      @ToreOnYouTube 3 года назад +5

      Don't need them anymore.

    • @JaylanxYT
      @JaylanxYT 3 года назад

      @@ToreOnRUclips I guess you don’t need youtube anymore then either

    • @ToreOnYouTube
      @ToreOnYouTube 3 года назад


    • @JaylanxYT
      @JaylanxYT 3 года назад

      @@ToreOnRUclips You said you don’t need creators anymore, without them there would be no youtube

    • @ToreOnYouTube
      @ToreOnYouTube 3 года назад +6

      @@JaylanxYT You misunderstood my comment then. I am writing as a RUclips reply to not needing small creators. Related to OP's comment.

  • @Pokebilities
    @Pokebilities 3 года назад +34

    It was easier to avoid bad videos when they used to show the ratio in the search queue

    • @kova1577
      @kova1577 2 года назад

      damn shame it’s gone

  • @larrylentini5688
    @larrylentini5688 3 года назад +10

    "You're disliking the wrong things so we're going to take it away"

  • @potatosordfighter666
    @potatosordfighter666 3 года назад +8

    1.) The dislike function, especially in relation to tutorials and ads can show if content is worth your time. If a tutorial has a very high dislike to like ratio you can tell it likely doesn't work. If an ad for a game has a high dislike ratio you might be able to tell beforehand if it's worth the (I'm in canada) $80 for a single new game. 2.) The like button provides EXACTLY as much feedback as the dislike button. If they want to remove the counter for the dislike button, just remove both buttons. There is no purpose for one without the other.

  • @ProGear360
    @ProGear360 3 года назад +55

    Lmao, Luke was me throughout the whole "devils advocate" part xD

  • @Sven420
    @Sven420 3 года назад +2

    The "Return RUclips Dislike" - Firefox addon - is going to blow your mind.

  • @RahulChouhan-kv3rc
    @RahulChouhan-kv3rc 3 года назад +8

    "we didn't remove the dislike button , we just chopped all four of its limbs BUT u can still poke it"
    Hilarious 😂😂 YT

  • @don5oan
    @don5oan 3 года назад +2

    It’s about protecting brands, companies and government channels making them immune from criticism on this platform where they spend advertising money. We lost this platform the moment it was sold to Google.

  • @Koh_TheRat
    @Koh_TheRat Год назад +1

    "What can the devil do"
    Take away the dislike counter

  • @sameerjain901
    @sameerjain901 3 года назад +56

    Linus literally took the words out of my mouth. The only time I'd watch a video on RUclips to fix an issue when I cannot understand it via articles. Now, if I watch a video with wrong instructions and follow them. It will just increase my problem and not actually solve it. Well, one thing can be done for more techy/nerdy people will be to just upload a block chain hidden code and just syphon the viewer's resources for their purposes. User gets what he needs and creator gets free resources. This way newbies who are trying to learn will easily be fooled.

    • @sammymcfone8281
      @sammymcfone8281 3 года назад +5

      Youre wrong and so is he.
      Taking away a persons voice is never a good thing.
      RUclips are dumb on this one...

  • @levimadsen5224
    @levimadsen5224 3 года назад +3

    Then remove all counters. Like counter - remove. View counter - remove. Subscriber counter - remove. If we're going to care only about what the creator thinks, then only let the creator see any numbers. If you can't accept that, leave the dislike counter.

  • @gibby3350
    @gibby3350 3 года назад +11

    Guys literally he was playing devil’s advocate!!! He hates this idea and explains it not only in this video, but in part two as well!!!

  • @fob911
    @fob911 3 года назад +25

    I really wouldn’t say reddit is a much better platform. There’s tons of karma botting/farming, most subreddits basically permaban anyone who doesn’t agree with them, powermods sometimes skew the entire platform towards a certain viewpoint, etc etc etc

    • @jizburg
      @jizburg 3 года назад +2

      I never realy understood the karma system. Whats the point of it?

    • @Tsubaki1911
      @Tsubaki1911 3 года назад +1

      I do miss the times of the comment with most upvotes going to the top and the most disliked ones going to the bottom, though

    • @splicedbread
      @splicedbread 3 года назад +6

      @@jizburg The system originally was designed to push content that people liked further up into a feed. That was the original purpose, unfortunately once it became a statistic on profiles and was found to be exploitable the system has changed over time. Downvotes used to represent "not relevant" to a post or discussion, all it is now is a disagree button.

    • @osborne3
      @osborne3 3 года назад

      Straight up, it seems any large subreddit is just a large echo chamber that strikes down any dissenting oppinion.

  • @SamuraiChickenFish
    @SamuraiChickenFish 3 года назад +1

    the first two and a half minutes I thought Linus was a sellout and couldn't confirm or deny the sentiment from the dislike count because there is none...

  • @pantallahueso
    @pantallahueso 3 года назад +7

    Imagine being in a position when obtrusive advertising is so prevalent that people without AdBlockers just stop noticing the ads. That's just amazing.

  • @ranjanbiswas3233
    @ranjanbiswas3233 2 года назад +1

    They remove dislike button only because of RUclips rewind saga that's all. No youtuber called for removal of dislike button. No youtuber actually think that's the problem they need to focus on. There are much more worse problems with youtube than getting dislikes.

  • @stevewest5397
    @stevewest5397 3 года назад +12

    128 people downvoted this as a final act of defiance. :)
    The use for the downvote count you mention is entirely accurate and is how it should be used. But YT doesn't want us to be able to not watch a video at a glance. Their business model relies on us watching more videos. So they want us to have to watch the entire video before we decide it's crap.

  • @wezzelinator
    @wezzelinator 3 года назад +14

    In case you didn't know you can actually disable ratings in the creator studio. It basically hides the Like/Dislike counter for a particular video.
    Which is hilarious to me because this is a feature that already exists and no one uses it, now YT wants to make this unsed feature the unrevesable default.

    • @flameshana9
      @flameshana9 3 года назад +5

      Any video that has likes/dislikes disabled is an immediate red flag.

    • @wezzelinator
      @wezzelinator 3 года назад

      @@flameshana9 Go figure.

  • @TaranTatsuuchi
    @TaranTatsuuchi 3 года назад +2

    Nintendo recognizes the value of dislikes...
    They added the boo button in Mario Maker 2!

  • @RobVespa
    @RobVespa 3 года назад +5

    I call shenanigans. Corporate BS. The logic is broken. Everything they say goes both ways. I absolutely disdain feedback mechanisms that only have positive options (or, in this case, viewable) (hello, Goodreads and so many others). No. Just no.
    Edit: BTW - Leaving this message means that I'm going to get several notifications because several pr0n bots have replied to this comment. After the past month or two, I now rarely comment.

  • @lsrproductions
    @lsrproductions 3 года назад +2

    I've kept believing that RUclips has become a shell of its former selves ever since "Broadcast Yourself" is no longer a thing, but this is the lowest of the low and a sign that Susan must be replaced to bring RUclips back to its golden era.

  • @RockstarGarage
    @RockstarGarage 3 года назад

    I like Luke, a man of principles. As a smaller creator, after hearing the devils' advocate, those arguments are disingenuous to put it nicely. This is obviously a response to advertisers' and their poor performing content. The dislike button is MORE important than the like button. When my content drops in quality, my viewers let me know. When it's good, they also let me know. As someone who prides themselves on creating the best content they can, it's important to me that other viewers see that. If I was bad at it and still tried my best, I should still receive the dislikes. People need to know if this just ain't for them.

  • @Lambda_Ovine
    @Lambda_Ovine 3 года назад +7

    There's this clip of the neutral people from futurama. It has exactly the same amount of likes as dislikes, ti's in perfect neutral balance. They are gonna take that beautiful thing away and I cannot stand behind that.

  • @gamamew
    @gamamew 3 года назад +17

    I can still see the dislike numbers, but the moment I stop seeing them I will DISLIKE EVERY VIDEO I SEE, no matter if it's good, bad, liked or personally dislike it

    • @slendydie1267
      @slendydie1267 3 года назад +2

      hey thats exactly what i've been saying. The cap on liked vids folder on your profile is 5000 and i've looped it many times. Meanwhile i have like probably under 100 dislikes because i never do it. I like before watching the vid and i mostly use it as an indication that i've watched this vid at some point so no point in watching again. Well guess what, the dislike works just as well for this. This will 100% change the way I interact with youtube and ultimately spending less time on it.

    • @jacksvk7690
      @jacksvk7690 3 года назад +4

      I recommend disliking only videos from YTs you are not subscribed to, or your front page might become a mess

    • @RobKMusic
      @RobKMusic 3 года назад +2

      It's already stopped for me, and I am doing exactly this!!! DISLIKE EVERYTHING.

    • @RobKMusic
      @RobKMusic 3 года назад

      @@jacksvk7690 My front page has already been a mess for years. All videos I've either already seen or indicated I'm not interested. Maybe if I dislike EVERYTHING now they'll suggest something new and interesting?

  • @Webcomentarista_Aditivo
    @Webcomentarista_Aditivo 3 года назад +2

    7:54 actually creators already had the ability to remove the count. They are just forcing it now

    • @takatamiyagawa5688
      @takatamiyagawa5688 3 года назад

      Isn't that just an option to disable both the like and dislike buttons, as opposed to just one? -and if you do that, then it says something about the video, or about the channel if you do it routinely on every video.

  • @tealtrim9747
    @tealtrim9747 3 года назад +6

    Linus not being able to see ads, makes a lot of sense.

  • @capitalofTX
    @capitalofTX 3 года назад +2

    RUclips getting real comfortable with these double unskippable and hour long ads

  • @joro7770
    @joro7770 3 года назад +1

    I would be down for filling out a "what didn't you like about this video?" when I dislike it. Because a simple dislike doesn't relay; "this is bad and you should feel bad for making it."

  • @justanothercuriouscat
    @justanothercuriouscat 3 года назад

    First the Shorts, now removing the dislikes, what's next, getting rid of the timeline bar? Why the heck is RUclips trying to imitate Tiktok? I really hope they don't end up being another Tiktok because i don't like Tiktok in any way. This suppresses viewer's opinions. Let's petition to get the disliked button back!

  • @LautaroQ2812
    @LautaroQ2812 3 года назад +8

    Linus, the other day I was debating with someone about this and for knowledge and to be sure, I searched how "top" comments work on RUclips. It's apparently a massive equation that takes into account 4 or 5 different variables.
    That is why "it doesn't work". Or actually, it does work as intended but not as it should for the rest of us.

  • @Tehn00bA
    @Tehn00bA 3 года назад +7

    Lukes reaction was my reaction 4:13
    Also, youtube could implement some useful tools and politics, such as being able to search a video on your saved playlists (how the hell we still cant do that?!), allow creators to mark their videos as "not intended for children" (some adult cartoon creators get their videos automatically marked as "for children" because its a cartoon and have no option to unmark it), implement an impartial evaluation system stop this abusive bullshit where companies can strike channels and decide if they are right or not (judge, jury and executioner shenanigans), or even the basic of keeping the comment you flagged as spam hidden (they appear again if you refresh the page).
    I also noticed that some videos (mostly spam or children targeted) already don't show the like/dislike ratio. Was this part of their "study" or creators already have the tools to not show the ratio? Because, if the tools are already available, then this forced change doesnt make any sense and dislike raids will still be a thing. The dislike numbers are important to avoid spam and scam videos for uninformed viewers; specially since these videos have bots to like and comment their videos to induce trust to the viewer.
    Kinda off topic but this reminds me when they added that google+ bullcrap that allowed people to follow you with no means to be blocked, which generated harassment from stalkers to some friends of mine.

  • @SSJfraz
    @SSJfraz 3 года назад +1

    They'll never give creators control over the dislike feature, because the only channels that will disable this feature are the political, corporate and MSM channels (the same channels that disable comments), which would result in them being ridiculed even further. By forcing this on everybody, youtube can make out that it's to everybodies benefit. When really, 99.9% of creators didn't want this removed at all.

  • @binoyshah123
    @binoyshah123 3 года назад +34

    How mad will linus be if we all just dislike this video 😂😂😂😂

  • @FireWalkMusic
    @FireWalkMusic 3 года назад

    They could also make it so that you can only dislike a video after watching a certain percentage of it. Review bombers don't have the patience to wait for that. Problem solved! Making it optional for the creator to show or hide dislikes is also a great idea. You can already do this with comments.
    Without a dislike count you can't know if a tutorial is bad or dangerous. There's always the comments, but keep I'm mind that the creator can easily delete any negative comment, so there's really no way to know anymore.

  • @anonony9081
    @anonony9081 3 года назад +10

    What you guys are suggesting is basically what Slashdot has done for many years in being able to categorize why you upvoted or downvoted something. The ability to provide that feedback means any up or down vote is useful for the other users.
    Sometimes the reason a person dislikes a video is the exact same reason another person likes it.

  • @IllNacs
    @IllNacs 3 года назад +4

    I was gonna write an essay if Linus ended up agreeing with it through and through, thank goodness he didn't otherwise my fingers would be in danger.

  • @Lazy2332
    @Lazy2332 3 года назад +1

    Okay but Linus, a fairly good reason to use Adblock is to block ads that may contain malware.

  • @scasny
    @scasny 2 года назад

    2:10 this is why i like this duo.
    Linus: Dont even think about it. Luke, wait!
    Luke: Never compromise. Not even in the face of Armageddon.

  • @coprographia
    @coprographia 3 года назад +1

    “We’re going to be living in an information dystopia, unless we stop calling it a revolution against old media, and start making it a revolution against corporate media.”
    -ractalfece, like, at least ten years ago

  • @Ben-rz9cf
    @Ben-rz9cf 3 года назад +2

    "There are small creators out there applauding this."
    Oh? Name one. Name a single one.

  • @24680kong
    @24680kong 3 года назад +1

    Solution to dislike bombing: turning off both likes and dislikes on the video (something that is already available). If people don't watch the video because it's turned off, then that's fine. The content creator gets to be "protected" like youtube claims they want, they just have to deal with less interaction.

  • @RonakDhakan
    @RonakDhakan 3 года назад +1

    If dislike counter does not show why someone disliked, then neither does the like button show why someone liked.

  • @tessiof
    @tessiof 3 года назад

    Tutorial videos on YT are dead to me now. Without community feedback, how will I know the material is any good?

  • @NGabunchanumbers
    @NGabunchanumbers 3 года назад +1

    Devil being roasted isn't exactly what I expected from a tech channel, but AMEN BROTHA ✝️

  • @4.0.4
    @4.0.4 3 года назад

    The point of a dislike button is not constructive criticism to the creator. It's to signal "this video is disliked by the community" or "this video is divisive" when the dislike ratio is very large. And that's good.

  • @unfa00
    @unfa00 3 года назад

    I think a lot of dislikes on this video were made by people who watched the first minute and didn't listen further to what Linus had to say.

  • @AudioGenius156
    @AudioGenius156 3 года назад +1

    One reason I don’t like the removal is that smaller creators with worse quality may post something amazing like in a tutorial but with out the dislike you can be sure if it’s an ok tutorial or not most the tutorial videos for my truck are mostly all pushing 4 years old and without the dislike button I would skip past the worse quality. Especially if it has to do with something that you depend on.

  • @TheZamphire
    @TheZamphire 3 года назад +5

    why did this need to be 2 parts?

    • @crt5866
      @crt5866 3 года назад +1

      otherwise, it would be like a 30-minute video😂 and this part is more about Linus talking about the good side of it and the next part is more about the bad side of it.

  • @JawhnnyBoy
    @JawhnnyBoy 3 года назад +1

    You solved the problem in your own statement. People top comment the issues with DIY, or programming, and why it's wrong. The comment section is better than the Dislike ratio on if a video is helpful or not.
    People now will jump immediately to comment section for those types of videos.

  • @andreamitchell4758
    @andreamitchell4758 3 года назад +1

    DISLIKE RUclips campaign
    go to the play store ,
    go to the RUclips app
    rate 1 star ,
    write a review , one world review ,DISLIKE (in all caps)

  • @Dr.Unsteady
    @Dr.Unsteady 3 года назад +4

    RUclips has had an option to display or to not display likes and view count in their creative dashboard. This is solely to protect Legacy Media, and creators that are in the pocket of Susan Wojcicki. When I’ve seen independent creators get lots of dislikes that aren’t narcissistic Machiavellian personality types, they almost always address the viewers issues with that particular video/subject.

  • @RogueCylon
    @RogueCylon 3 года назад +1

    I’ve stopped liking videos. Others should also. This is the best way to get the message across. RUclips doesn’t respect our decision making, or the tools we need to watch content.

  • @bountyjedi
    @bountyjedi 3 года назад +1

    This was at 404 dislikes when I saw it. Dislike button not found.

  • @kobirelf97
    @kobirelf97 3 года назад +2

    Bring back the star rating system then you wouldn't have all the hate that you have all the videos problem solved

  • @asmosisyup2557
    @asmosisyup2557 3 года назад

    I *was* using youtube to automotive guides for home repair work, some of its really good, some of it is dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. Unfortunately some of the "avoid at all costs" videos may have had 15k dislikes, but they also had 3-4k likes. Now they just have 4k likes.
    Can't trust any of it now when dealing with things that absolutely must be done correctly else risk damage to car or self.

  • @LegendBegins
    @LegendBegins 3 года назад +2

    This change was catered to entertainment. Other entertainment platforms can get away with no dislikes because it’s a question of how popular something is, which can mostly be reflected by views and likes alone. However, RUclips is also an information hosting site, and in those kinds of online tools, a button to express that something doesn’t work, is harmful, or can otherwise inure you is massively important.

  • @SenileOtaku
    @SenileOtaku 3 года назад +1

    Actually, the origin of "Devil's Advocate" is when someone is up for beatification, there is an "Angel's Advocate" speaking in favor of the person's sainthood, while the Devil's Advocate argues against it.

  • @xBelowZerox
    @xBelowZerox 3 года назад +1

    If you don’t update the app the dislikes are still there. I don’t know if anyone has realized this yet.

  • @CakePrincessCelestia
    @CakePrincessCelestia 3 года назад

    Google: Announces to remove dislike counter
    Also Google: Removes like and dislike counters and buttons completely

  • @SnowdogTW
    @SnowdogTW 3 года назад

    I updated the RUclips app today and can still see the dislike number. Is there a date when it's supposed to go away or did RUclips change their mind again?

  • @danieljensen2626
    @danieljensen2626 3 года назад +1

    Yeah, TBH the "Rita, I want S E E X See video on my profile" comments are reaching a critical mass. In the past year or so they've become at least like 10% of all comments on popular channels. RUclips comment moderation seems like it has somehow slipped back to like 2012.

  • @KTSpeedruns
    @KTSpeedruns 3 года назад

    If RUclips wants to diminish the value of the dislike button, then they batter stop treating dislikes as "engagement" for the "algorithm".

  • @Kannamoris
    @Kannamoris 3 года назад

    The thing I hate with RUclips is that they never share the numbers. They never shared the amount of people who were affected by dislike-bombing. They never shared how removing the ability to see the dislike button would discourage people from pressing it. If they had shared the data that proved this would be a net positive change I might reconsider my stance, but since they are purposely hiding this information I believe it's equally as fair to assume that they are doing this JUST to please larger businesses and nothing else.

  • @Kit_XIV
    @Kit_XIV 3 года назад

    The only examples I can find of dislike bombing are people targeted by cancel culture, bad videos/advertisement, music that people don't like, scams/fake content and RUclips Rewind.

  • @sIosha
    @sIosha 3 года назад +1

    I'm gonna have to disagree with your take on Reddit's top comments and whatnot. It all results in an echo chamber of thought. Reddit is cancer just like every other social media place (including RUclips.)

  • @canolathra6865
    @canolathra6865 3 года назад

    "Small Creators" not a single small creator was consulted for this. When RUclips had their meeting about this, they had a few major creators, the major media companies, and the government show up. Not a single small creator.

  • @indraxios
    @indraxios 3 года назад +1

    RUclips is just sick of dislikes on their rewind video.

  • @EnriqueCal
    @EnriqueCal 3 года назад +2

    I still see the dislikes on the app

    • @P2PC
      @P2PC 3 года назад

      I still see them on TY desktop here in the UK.

  • @SpintronixGuard
    @SpintronixGuard 3 года назад

    I FELT THAT when you said you don’t see ads. It’s like I have my own internal ad block that’s on all the time. Probably also why I don’t get overstimulated in Times Square when I’ve seen that happen to other people 😂

  • @tupcho33
    @tupcho33 3 года назад +1

    Coming soon on youtube : No view count ; invisibile titles and blurred videos, so that you don't need to see the video

  • @RyuNoZero
    @RyuNoZero 3 года назад

    Emplemon once said regarding the Dislike that the dislike doesn' hurt creators, they only hurt egos, which is I think a better solution than reddit where is limits visibility

  • @Idraelos
    @Idraelos 3 года назад +2

    Linus is implying that it's for the creators sake, not because in the past some corporate fee fees have been hurt in the past :)

    • @SenileOtaku
      @SenileOtaku 3 года назад

      Oh, we KNOW that's the real reasoning behind it. Google has to bow down to their master's in the WH, Disney, and especially the CCP.

  • @strandedpirate6346
    @strandedpirate6346 3 года назад

    That same logic can be said of the Like button. We can do this all day, running in circles, wearing beanies on our heads in doors, using stretched and disproportional green screen backgrounds on our podcast because who has the time to find one that actually matches the aspect ratio of the camera? Am I right?...

  • @wolverine9632
    @wolverine9632 3 года назад

    Remember when the quality of a video's content was determined by the number of stars the video had?

  • @jacklobb3510
    @jacklobb3510 3 года назад +1

    removing the dislike figures will just lead to the toxicity as on facebook where even irrational posts that get some likes can be seen as the norm to impressionable youths, for example logan pauls japan vlog still got thousands of likes despite its content and with the ever growing mental health issues could be taken by some people in a positive light

  • @cosminmocanu5254
    @cosminmocanu5254 3 года назад +1

    also, removing it means that a part of viewers will watch videos that they otherwise wouldnt and therefor more money from ads for youtube. Is all about cash as corporate interests. There's no way they are doing this for creators, either big or small.

  • @RonakDhakan
    @RonakDhakan 3 года назад +1

    I will tell you how my behaviour has changed : I will not like any video because there is no point to it.

  • @flameshana9
    @flameshana9 3 года назад +1

    "I've used it many times this month."
    RUclips: "This awful thing needs to be destroyed."

  • @EchoConstellation
    @EchoConstellation 3 года назад

    As a user, a visible like / dislike ratio has prevented me from wasting time on a TON of spammy videos.

  • @chamikk90
    @chamikk90 3 года назад +1

    welp, they removed the dislike button on the asian region today

  • @sergior.m.5694
    @sergior.m.5694 3 года назад

    As a software developer, I absolutely agree with the last point, I can no longer get a quick video tutorial for some trivial stuff I'm not familiar with or obscure tech... online articles is what I read now as well

  • @bonniemunene5163
    @bonniemunene5163 3 года назад

    Some creators don't care wether you like or dislike the the videos.
    RUclips would rather me spend useless amount of time watching fake, scammy, low quality videos when I could have just looked at the dislike button and passed.

  • @poppanaattori89
    @poppanaattori89 3 года назад

    How's this for "letting everyone have a voice": Allowing hateful videos - whose whole purpose is to take away someone's voice - to not be disliked? Every biggot, racist and extremist will LOVE this new feature.

  • @reddragon3132
    @reddragon3132 3 года назад +1

    The downvote button on reddit is both an amazing blessing but can also be problematic. Within a given community, it can be really helpful for allowing users to sort of self moderate the content by downvoting the spam/abusive comments. In contrast RUclips/Twitter/Facebook all have no way for a user to reduce the visibility of a comment - even a comment to dispute it will boost it's visibility.
    However, the downvote can also create massive echo chambers. This isn't a problem for uncontroversial stuff like tech videos but for anything political, all discourse (even civil) gets shut down and only one opinion gets shown. This is unlikely something RUclips needs given its existing disinformation problem