What3Words - addressing the world one 3x3m SQUARE at a time!

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 105

  • @shirleyrussell73
    @shirleyrussell73 5 лет назад +2

    Read about the app on British newspaper as they used it to find someone who crashed their car in a field but couldn't explain where they were! Brilliant idea hope more begin to use it

  • @rowantodd3168
    @rowantodd3168 4 года назад +1

    I have used it to direct emergency services to a road traffic accident. They got there really fast.

  • @kalahariuk
    @kalahariuk 4 года назад +4

    coolest.address.ever is in the middle of a woods in wisconsin

  • @iworkstudio
    @iworkstudio 4 года назад +1

    This is great I use it to locate my cars in my yard

  • @ExtantThylacine
    @ExtantThylacine 6 лет назад +8

    My favourite is ///fake.news.trump, which is in China.

  • @Supermax544
    @Supermax544 5 лет назад +4

    What happens if you live in an apartment building on the 20th or 30th floor? There could be 20 or 30 people with the same what3words combination. And, how does a delivery person know which level to go to, and which door to knock on?

    • @NerdGamerGeek
      @NerdGamerGeek 5 лет назад

      Most apartment deliveries have the apartment number on the delivery order

    • @TubbsyMalone
      @TubbsyMalone 5 лет назад

      Why would you need a unique location for a block of flats

    • @kalahariuk
      @kalahariuk 4 года назад +1

      not all of us delivery drivers are complete morons, if you say training.leaned.cheaply, second floor, door number 6 , i think even the stupidest driver would be able to work it out. ... unless you want to say "deliver my pizza to cakes.think.grows .... but I'm sorry, I don't know what floor I live on, so you;ll have to guess the rest"

  • @bashisobsolete.pythonismyn6321
    @bashisobsolete.pythonismyn6321 5 лет назад +1

    TwoPlainWords™ would produce a grid approx 20m square. In a sparse environment, that's ok. And in a dense environment, people can use their intelligence to find the exact spot. For example:
    Grid: crocodile.wardrobe
    Address: uphill road, rose cottage.

  • @amg4616
    @amg4616 6 лет назад +3

    Hi, How do I verify and view the exact address inside the given what3words name?

    • @johnhnett
      @johnhnett 5 лет назад

      when using the website you can view the location using a number of different maps including tom tom sat nav maps.

  • @TheRat47
    @TheRat47 6 лет назад

    Apple HQ actually has a very appropriate code: enjoyable.civic.impact. So does the London Eye (speeds.spoke.moves) and San Quentin Prison (prosecuted.spells.restraints ). I have a lot more on my blog: blog.ackgame.com/onwords/what3words-name-game/

  • @alainobed2160
    @alainobed2160 4 года назад +1

    Thanks mate :)

  • @stevepowsinger733
    @stevepowsinger733 Год назад

    Ingenious system. It’s on my car ‘s maps. I may try it.

  • @MaxValentine
    @MaxValentine 6 лет назад +1

    I'm struggling to see how to use what I suspect is a good app idea. If I want to go somewhere having put in the three words, it doesn't link up to a GPS to take me there, or does it?

    • @tomsieswerda292
      @tomsieswerda292 6 лет назад

      If you put those three words into the app you will be given three choices. Two might be an exact match, but one will be on the other side of the world. Pick the one you want then you can use google maps, waze ect. to navigate to the spot

    • @deborahhuber1863
      @deborahhuber1863 6 лет назад +1

      It does! The app can share your w3w location via text message to anyone in your contacts list. When they get it, EVEN IF THEY DON'T HAVE THE APP ON THEIR PHONE, they can click on the link and it will ask which navigational app they want to open it in...for instance, mine asks if I want to open it in WAZE, GoogleMap, Apple Map, or the Uber app. It gives you the option to use any navigation app you have installed on your phone.

  • @devdeal4146
    @devdeal4146 5 лет назад

    very interesting idea but I still struggle to see how this will replace or better the current system (long and lat.)..wrt to both computational implementation or even everyday use. for example, with friends getting lost at a festival, I could share my live location (using the current system) with them and this gives a higher accuracy than what3words which has +/- 3m difference. if it works offline...then that will be really beneficial...

  • @jcchurch
    @jcchurch 7 лет назад +8

    My office is called the Technology Building. We house the engineering technology department. You can find it at unwanted.trash.reader.

    @BENBOBBY 8 лет назад +2

    Wonder why they need three words, as to provide longitude (x) and latitude (y) co-ordinates would surely only require two words! So Im guessing it also includes altitude (z) too? Which could be really useful for pinpointing which level of building you are in (although two floors maybe within the 3 metre range). Or I guess it might refer to a country. Interesting idea though.

    • @AlistairCohen
      @AlistairCohen  8 лет назад +3

      I think it was just to make sure there were enough words per language to cover the whole globe without repetition and without using rude words :) but I'm just guessing.

      @BENBOBBY 8 лет назад +1

      Alistair Cohen
      Yeh I think youre right.
      If you want to be extra nerdy, the circumference of Earth is 40,075,000 meters, so divided by 3 gives 13,358,333. Then plus half that amount again for the latitude gives 20,037,499.
      However there are only around 1,000,000 English words (and probably less in some other languages) so I guess they break up the surface into different parts denoted by the third word so there are enough combinations to cover the whole surface. Smart!

    • @brendanconnolly6129
      @brendanconnolly6129 6 лет назад

      degrees/minutes/seconds - 3 criteria exist already but to get a single point using 'old money' you need both latitude and longitude which would contain 6 variables...so 3 is a 50% improvement !!

    • @mcarrizosac
      @mcarrizosac 6 лет назад

      Here's one example why: a couple of elders (no smartphones, no tech knowledge, just a plain old landline or even a radio) living on a rural village in need for urgent medical assistance just call the Red Cross and say "dodo celibates tripling" instead of saying "the three houses climbing up the small hill near Tocaima... Sure, the local Red Cross have to visit this families and let them know their codes first, but once done it can save lifes. This is actually being done in some remote areas across the globe.

  • @kickbiker7920
    @kickbiker7920 5 лет назад

    Brilliant life changing idea. Great clip.

  • @alistairthow1384
    @alistairthow1384 5 лет назад

    Just got this on my ford car, bloody brilliant. Also find parking area address on App in middle of nowhere and sat nav will take you straight to it.

  • @geeaitchSW6
    @geeaitchSW6 4 года назад

    I've got the app but you really haven't sold it to me. Other than emergency services (hopefully never) I can't see any way I'll use it.

  • @xxwookey
    @xxwookey 8 лет назад +3

    This is indeed a nifty idea, but the implementation is non-free so you can't just use it in other code, which is the main way it might be useful. For example there is no way I can use this on my phone because its linux and there is no linux implementation. I can't use it in my geo-location apps on the desktop for the same reason. Seems to me that unless they free up the code this idea is going to get very little takeup and be stillborn.

    • @brendanconnolly6129
      @brendanconnolly6129 6 лет назад

      It will be built into most sat navs (Garmin etc) and most likely Waze, Apple Maps, Google Maps...etc so you should be able to use it methinks

  • @jakecox411
    @jakecox411 8 лет назад +2

    This is really cool!

  • @SindriMjolnir
    @SindriMjolnir 8 лет назад +2

    That is so awesome!!!

  • @sabuein
    @sabuein 5 лет назад

    Thank you, Alistair.

  • @allyoupeasentsaremadcusyal9532
    @allyoupeasentsaremadcusyal9532 8 лет назад +2

    finally, i missed your videos!

  • @MsPaulathomas
    @MsPaulathomas 5 лет назад

    I agree completely bonkers and shear effing genius!

  • @johnstephens7513
    @johnstephens7513 8 лет назад +4

    This is awesome! Also, that.crazy.fool can be found just north of Welcome, South Carolina :)

  • @smithaparasam2202
    @smithaparasam2202 6 лет назад +1

    This is my first ever comment on social media.
    What 3word is an innovative way to remember or to share address.
    I think in the near future we'll use "what 3words" for address instead of house number, street name, town, post code.
    Just 3 words which is so accurate and no need to remember the lengthy address anymore.
    Guess, what is the address for the following 3 word!!

    • @Supermax544
      @Supermax544 5 лет назад

      Looks to me to be the Taj Mahal. Ha, I just put it in using the voice activation. How great is that?

  • @kalahariuk
    @kalahariuk 4 года назад

    I'm a Hermes Courier. in a rural area. if someone needs to cover my round I have my harder to find addresses saved in my "my round" favourites folder. to send my replacement. it has seriously cut back on delivery times

    • @kalahariuk
      @kalahariuk 4 года назад

      andrewwmunro since you mentioned three tools in your comment, I’m unclear as to your objection to having a fourth option too ? andrewwmunro it’s a lot easier to tell someone covering my round “turn left at ///humid.each.statues” and go down the unmade road. Than “turn left at 51.326959,0.183338” but if you object to what three words then feel free to rely only on google maps, Apple maps and OpenStreetMap and close the door to any further options. I personally will continue using EVERY tool I find useful.

  • @OliverSlezak
    @OliverSlezak 7 лет назад +1

    This is in Western Australia, and seems a good place for Roos to take flight. I'm sure they want to.

  • @normanmazlin6741
    @normanmazlin6741 4 года назад +1

    Location Sharing on Google maps just requires a few clicks to post or find a location. Let the smart phone do ALL the work.

    • @kalahariuk
      @kalahariuk 4 года назад

      OR, have both options at your fingertips

  • @bobsobol
    @bobsobol 8 лет назад +1

    Sounds awesome! What3Words is your syrup currently residing at?

    • @AlistairCohen
      @AlistairCohen  8 лет назад +2


    • @bobsobol
      @bobsobol 8 лет назад +1

      Alistair Cohen The mop top! Where's your lovely hair gone!

  • @geecee8864
    @geecee8864 5 лет назад

    Its not really useful for finding rural cottages etc with a large shared postcode.Linking up with google maps etc would have been useful if it knew where every residence was.That would really make the app take off with all the courier companies .

    • @kalahariuk
      @kalahariuk 4 года назад

      FWIW, I think the biggest problem so far is not enough people know about it. I'm a courier, none of my colleagues, nor my management had any idea of what.three,words' existence, as it grows and gets more integrated, and becomes better known, so it will grow in usefulness exponentially. I have saved my whole couried round in a favourites folder ready to hand off to another courier if he needs to cover my round

  • @johannakitchenboss9761
    @johannakitchenboss9761 5 лет назад

    🙋🏼‍♀️I’m on here trying to understand it 💭all. Downloaded the app but don’t understand what I’m supposed to do.....? How do I find out what the three words are of any of the squares........? I’m so rubbish at technology but I make a banging cake .......😏🎂

    • @TubbsyMalone
      @TubbsyMalone 5 лет назад

      Click the square and it tells you at the top

  • @geekanoids
    @geekanoids 8 лет назад


  • @Gee4747
    @Gee4747 4 года назад


  • @Bachonkiduniya0
    @Bachonkiduniya0 6 лет назад

    Good job.

  • @scazz007
    @scazz007 4 года назад

    Spectacular 👌

  • @ols7462
    @ols7462 8 лет назад +1

    Sound cool and useful I'll check but it doesn't seems like something really necessary. Especially when the robots began to deliver our foods we can just pin point the exact location we want our foods to be delivered in their online maps via smartphone.

    • @AlistairCohen
      @AlistairCohen  8 лет назад +4

      ... using something like w3w to make it easier perhaps? :)

    • @TubbsyMalone
      @TubbsyMalone 5 лет назад

      It's handy for emergency services it's all handy for when you pakr your car in a huge field or not a well signed car park for example. Also if you're out at sea and need the coast guard. This app will save lives.

  • @SindriMjolnir
    @SindriMjolnir 8 лет назад +2

    My childhood home in Iceland is: hippo.anytime.seriously

    • @AlistairCohen
      @AlistairCohen  8 лет назад

      Amazing. Seriously - anytime a hippo is welcome :)

  • @Rogizoja
    @Rogizoja 5 лет назад +3

    ///drip.carbon.burns : Woking Crematorium!

  • @kirk1363
    @kirk1363 8 лет назад

    home.safe.sound is in the middle of Alan Pond Park in Queens, New York.

  • @davidmitchell482
    @davidmitchell482 8 лет назад +2

    That nice, but I'm an old guy an I will probably never use it.

    • @bukton10
      @bukton10 6 лет назад

      Being old is a state of the mind. Grow out of it!

    • @deborahhuber1863
      @deborahhuber1863 6 лет назад

      Do you travel? I use it with my co-workers - it's easier to tell someone to navigate to strut.squad.develop than to try to read a sign that looks like stick figures (Japanese writing - this is an address for the Kamakura Train Station). I couldn't figure why I didn't see my friend with her blonde haired daughters in a sea of Japanese people until we used the what3words app to discover she was on one side of the train station and I was on the other - and neither of us could read the Japanese character signs indicating a tunnel to connect the two. w3w removes language as a navigational barrier. She sent to me her w3w location via text message, I opened the link in Google Maps, changed to walking directions and found the tunnel...and then found them. It's so easy to use!

    • @john1947uk
      @john1947uk 5 лет назад

      @@deborahhuber1863 Awesome indeed!

  • @AlistairCohen
    @AlistairCohen  8 лет назад +1

    I just found president.mutt.face in... Elephant Butte, New Mexico!!

  • @rogercrier
    @rogercrier 7 лет назад +1

    Massive.wobbly.layabout isn't my mates house, it's the middle of the Atlantic

    • @tomsieswerda292
      @tomsieswerda292 6 лет назад

      If you put those three words into the app you will be given three choices. Two might be an exact match, but one will be on the other side of the world. Pick the one you want then you can use google maps, waze ect. to navigate to the spot

  • @Dave-dm7vt
    @Dave-dm7vt 5 лет назад

    Well I have to admit, I thought you were going to slate this system but you didn’t so... 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼 from me.

  • @altheamoore4965
    @altheamoore4965 4 года назад

    twisting.hits.skunks. LOL my address

  • @lochinvar00465
    @lochinvar00465 7 лет назад +2

    I will agree with you that it is "bonkers". Absolutely. Being as there is no way to connect words with locations this looks to be a very confusing system that you still need not only GPS, but some extra software as well. Not really practical.

    • @tomsieswerda292
      @tomsieswerda292 6 лет назад

      If you put those three words into the app you will be given three choices. Two might be an exact match, but one will be on the other side of the world. Pick the one you want then you can use google maps, waze ect. to navigate to the spot

  • @nanimo1956
    @nanimo1956 5 лет назад

    I've found myself, flags.broker.civil but how do I find others by entering that address on say, Google Maps? I've been trying this for days!

  •  8 лет назад

    This seems like a genuinely useful app. Also, good job taking the mickey out of Americans!

    • @AlistairCohen
      @AlistairCohen  8 лет назад

      Thanks. I'm more taking the mick out of bad tourists but sure :)

  • @jhill5798
    @jhill5798 3 года назад

    No real help. I want to know how to save to phone in an emergency

  • @slojam100
    @slojam100 5 лет назад

    Just subscribed.
    Like your style..
    Not so sure about your American accent!
    Dude 😉

  • @marycaroline8953
    @marycaroline8953 5 лет назад

    Structural engineering consultancy based at ... structure.feels.frost

  • @Triton_Secure
    @Triton_Secure 4 года назад

    apple.watch.fail is in Smolensk, Russia

    • @Triton_Secure
      @Triton_Secure 4 года назад

      and local.house.address is in a rural town in Australia's Northern Territory

    • @Triton_Secure
      @Triton_Secure 4 года назад

      huge.technology.failure is in the sea about 400km south-west of Hong Kong.

  • @offshoretinker
    @offshoretinker 5 лет назад

    How. To. Use.

  • @kalahariuk
    @kalahariuk 4 года назад

    happy.meal.fries staten island NY

  • @swift7493
    @swift7493 8 лет назад


  • @SHG85XO
    @SHG85XO 8 лет назад


  • @markkeenan1
    @markkeenan1 4 года назад


  • @eduardobcastro14
    @eduardobcastro14 5 лет назад

    They are not unique. My address 3 words is the same as three other places.

  • @markkeenan1
    @markkeenan1 4 года назад


  • @markkeenan1
    @markkeenan1 4 года назад
