I grew up with Amiga 1200 and I have fond memories of many games for this machine. For this reason, my favorite retrogaming console is the Megadrive because it got many excellent conversions from Amiga library: Chaos Engine, Bubba 'n' Stix, Chuck rock 1 and 2,The Addams Family, Mega Turrican (Turrican 3 for Amiga) and the list can go on and on
That's true of any platform, if the developers take advantage of what the hardware can do, ports can be quite impressive. Many games I saw on the Amiga in the heyday, I remember thinking could have been much better if the hardware was used better and we actually see that today with fans recreating many older games for the Amiga but doing a better job than the original that was released on the Amiga.
Battle Squadron - Amiga won! Amiga has more colors, more detailed graphics, better audio. A litle bit worse scroll. Sega has better scroll, probably because the less colors and less detailed graphics. Cannon Fodder - Amiga won! Amiga: Better shades of the colors, better look of the crash helmet, better audio. Sega: Yellowish colors, the crash helmet is mostly yellow, the soldiers have baby face (or alien being?) especially when they won and staring up. Chuck Rock - Sega won! Sega: More colors, better graphics, better music. Chuck Rock 2 - Amiga won! The two games are almost identical. With different graphics and audio, both versions are great. But if I has to choose, I take the Amiga version. I like better the village in the background, the more jazzy-like music, and the sound effects. In the Amiga version, when the kid jumps, the sound is digitized human sound. In the Sega version, it's a synth sound, similar to the Mario games. Leander - Sega won! Sega has more colors, better garphics, parallax scroll, sound effects. Only the music is what I prefer on the Amiga. Lemmings - Amiga won! I prefer the Amiga music and sounds. Lotus 2 - Amiga won! Amiga has better graphics (e.g. sky) , scroll, and sound effects. New Zealand Story - Amiga won! Amiga has better graphics due the more vivid colors, the whole thing is more cute. Sega has worse sound effects. The shoot and jump sounds are very annoying after a time. Pac-Mania - Sega won! Sega has better 3D graphics (except it's pretty dark) and the music is easier to listen it for long time. Snow Bros - Sega won! The Amiga has average graphics and terrible music. The Sega has much better graphics, nicer colors, and more listenable music. But honestly, I don't like this game at all. Even the Pac-Mania is better. Speedball 2 - Amiga won! No doubt, the Amiga version has much better graphics and audio. But I don't really like this game too. It's pretty chaotic for me. And I don't like teamsport games in the real life neither. Nor the ball games, nor the hockey. There's only one team played game that I like, women curling. :)
Battle Squadron is better on Amiga. For the sake of getting it to fit into a 4 megabit cart, the Mega Drive version has considerable cuts to the graphics detail and animation. Some enemies that crash land after you shoot them down on Amiga just vaporize in midair. Also you can't earn extra lives on MD (Amiga gives a 1-up at 100.000 and 300.000). At least the BGM is OK. Turrican 3 (Mega Turrican) is one where MD wins. Good music on both versions, but there are several visual compromises on Amiga. Some areas leave out parallax or background animation. MD has a color palette advantage here. Both versions have good BGM, just arranged differently.
I have an issue with your Speedball 2 comparison. I'm not convinced you were showing the Amiga version? It's also a shame you didn't compare it against the European version of Speedball 2 for the Mega Drive. It has better sound effects than the North American release and includes the original Amiga soundtrack which also plays during the game. Both great machines by the way.
Definitely the Amiga version, though the AGA version that, IMO actually looks worse. As far as I know, the Amiga is also the only version to use the fully detailed arena graphics rather than the much more simple square panels.
Thanks for clarifying everyone. Not exactly a fair comparison then. It would have been better if the A500 version of games was consistently being compared to the Mega Drive.
@@jamesbarker5535 I dont disagree, especially as the standard A500 version is still better graphically over the Megadrive and all other versions. For some reason the Archimedes version used the Atari ST graphics which I dont understand. Bitmap Brothers were great, but their specific AGA stuff looked like it was using the A500 graphics as a basis and then tinkering with them, and in most cases, the A500 version still looked better.
Non esiste... Thunderforce 3 e 4, Sonic, Street of Rage 2 e 3, Golden Axe, Street Fighter 2, Gunstar Heroes, Dynamite Haddy, Alien Soldier, The Adventures of Batman & Robin, Contra Hard Corps, Castlevania... e potrei continuare per molto tempo distruggono l'hardware dell'Amiga... Lo fanno a pezzi con un tripudio di sprite enormi, scroll parallattici megamultistrato, audio pieni di effetti, musiche e parlato, perfezione dei controlli e delle collisioni, zero caricamenti... Non c'è paragone proprio... Megadrive è nata per giocare, Amiga no ma si può fare.... C'è una bella differenza...
@@GamesreplayTV They didn't on the Amiga 1200 lol, I wished they give it 8 channels and not the original 4 of the Amiga 500, but with that said, I had an A500, A1200, Snes and Mega Drive as a kid, the Amiga usually sounded the best even thought at a technical level, the Snes sound chip is better but it just didn't show with a lot of games and that was probably because of the expense of cartridges.
@Benjamin Jagun It is true that when music is composed by a skilled person like Chris Huelsbeck, it is excellent. The Amiga has over 5000 games, and a lot of them are bad, but if you separate out the bad ones, you're left with the same number of good games as the total number of games for the Megadrive. Arcade ports are really bad on the Amiga, but the original games made for the Amiga are excellent. Everything is compared on a game by game basis, but let's not forget that the Amiga was the place to compose music, create graphics, and all the rest. Thanks to the Amiga, I now have a job in audiovisual post-production and my brother composes film music. Who can say that about any console?
@@tolani05 Now let me give you an opinion as a mirror to you own. The Amiga only had bad games (including arcade conversions) when the programmers didn't know what they were doing, when in the right hands the Amiga was amazing and in my opinion the MD is worthless when you consider how much more the Amiga was capable of beyond just games. Truthfully the MD was the console I played with most (certainly not a fan of the SNES back then), I owned an A500 at the time and a friend the MD. There is some good music for the MD, but I find most shrill (I use to say it sounds like a Casio pocket synth) but the games that are real gems are worth going beyond that.
The Mega Drive port of Lotus Turbo Challenge 2 was rushed. The Mega Drive is more than capable of a port as close as possible to the Amiga version. I wish a homebrew dev would redo Lotus on the Mega Drive.
Even making a selection of games that are Amiga games adapted to Megadrive and not the opposite, we can clearly see that Megadrive easily beats Amiga. AND IT'S NORMAL ! Megadrive is a system designed for tile based games and only that. So of course all has been thought to facilitate the work of developers. The Megadrive is perfect for platform games, shmups and action-RPGs. Amiga manages to offer very good experiences but it's always better on Megadrive in these kinds of games. But that only applies to action games ... because the Amiga was not designed as a dedicated gaming machine but rather a versatile computer system that can do much more than just a game console. Music, drawing, editing, animated films, 3D calculation, video insertion. To name just a few areas in which this machine has excelled. Designed and produced to accommodate Sega's arcade conversions, the Megadrive is unbeatable in all things action-packed. But few strategy games have been able to cross the border of microcomputers to land on console. Where are the point'n clicks, all the simulations and RTS that Amiga / ST and PC players have been able to play? Where are all the inventive games that could never have passed the well-defined quality labels of Sega or Nintendo? The consoles, designed around the principle of loading tilesets on the fly from their cartridges, having very little memory, were struggling to display bitmaps, output anything other than soundchip music and offer content as generous as what the floppy disks allowed to store. In fact, I consider my Megadrive to be complementary to my Amiga. Even if the music is often better on Amiga, it is undeniable that the gameplay and the technical aspect are much better on Megadrive when it comes to action games. But as long as we talk about exclusive games or adventure, strategy or puzzle games, then my Amiga is my best friend. Both systems take pride of place in my gaming room, of course!
Thats the case for a lot of platforms, games that are designed for one platform can sometimes have worse ports for others, the Amiga did get a lot of bad ports that didn't really take advantage of the hardware and many were more or less direct ports of the ST version which didn't help. If the hardware was used effectively on both the Amiga and Mega Drive, both were very capable gaming platforms in the right hands but for me, the Amiga wins hands down and the main reason is game prices and it being a full-blown computer, top end games on the Amiga used to cost around £25 whiles on the Mega Drive for the same game it was £40, not only that, games dropped in price quite sharpish on the Amiga that a game that was £25, a year or two later, you could get it for £5 or £10, sometimes even less. As a kid, the Amiga had far more value, not just for gaming but for other tasks so I'm grateful I went the Amiga route and not console route as a kid.
@@paul1979uk2000 We are ok, because Amiga is far more than just a gaming system, we are all so happy for having grown with this great computer than just with a gaming console 👍😊. But that's also why I don't really like the console vs computer comparison videos. Is the Megadrive can do better than an Amiga concerning the kinds of games the Sega system has been designed for ? Yes, of course ! But is the Megadrive can do something more than what it has been designed for ? No. Because it was just a toy compared to what we could do with an Amiga and all the other kinds of games we could play, particularly point'n click games based on fullscreen bitmap GFX needing so much more memory and storage capabilities. And you're right, the price of the games (and piracy to be completely honest) permitted us to play so much more different games. Nowadays, I will usually play old 16 bits games on Megadrive if they are available but power on my Amiga for all other exclusive content! And it's always a pleasure to launch the old Protracker I started to compose music near to 30 years ago 🥰
@@iXien Yeah I agree, as a kid, I'm so grateful I went the Amiga route and not console root, it opened my eyes on so many things not gaming related and got me more into computing that I don't think consoles would have done. As for the vs thing, truth is, the Amiga could do a lot of the same kinds of games the Snes and Mega Drive can do, we see the same comparisons with PC and console gaming today, two very different platforms but with a lot of overlaps when it comes to gaming. Funny thing is, when I first got the Amiga, all I wanted to do was gaming but as time went on, about half my time on the Amiga went towards other stuff like programming, music trackers, Deluxe Paint and countless other things you can do on the Amiga. Also, I won't lie that I didn't pirate games on the Amiga, as a kid back then, I didn't know any better and thought it was all normal, as an adult, I kinda feel guilty about that because I could afford to buy games on the Amiga, especially budget ones and did actually buy many games for it but most were pirated copies. For the record, I was never very good at tracking, programming or using the paint program but it didn't matter, I used to love messing about with those programs and seeing what I could do.
to be honest is not correct what you say. Almost no games have been adapted from amiga to megadrive. The only ones on the list are perhaps "Leander" and "Lotus 2", and both are much better in the Amiga version. Some games were released at the same time, such as Chuck Rock 2. And other titles, such as the Snow Bros and New Zealand Story ports, are conversions from ARCADE, developed by different software houses, in different years.
Who they use to convert graphics gives them the ability to change original palette, maybe for increasing or lowering of colour count or just because they wanted to change the look. When it comes to colour comparisons between systems it becomes problematic. As Elbas notes the early Amigas had a palette of 4096 colours and the ability to show all 4096 of them in HAM mode (mostly useful for static images or video but can be used in games) but most games were 16-32 but up to 64 colours (with possibly 100+ more if using the copper) thats with no hardware tricks. Whereas the MD/Gen has a palette of 512 and can display 61 colours.
Amiga: a creative computer, with age-appropriate professional graphics programs, you can make music with it, you can write programs and games and it also offers plenty of good games, not to mention a wide variety of game genres. Sega genesis: released in the EU and the US 5 years later than the Amiga, has a worse sound, its graphics aren't significantly better than the amiga (which is somewhat a shame on a game console 5 years younger), you can only play games and there are quite a few of them that are really enjoyable and not just a dozen products not to mention that the number of game styles is very incomplete (rts? text adventure games, point and click? ..... etc ..). Gaming is not just about pushing the joypad in the current shoot'em up or platformer to the right or left: p (poor console fanboys: S) In fact, it makes no sense to compare the two "platforms", one is an older multifunction machine that is easy to expand (check some simulators or 3D games on slightly expanded Amiga and compare it to slow Sega 3D games, Sega fanboys please don't come now with the Vritua Racing with it's special chip and high price.. one game not change the fact), and the other is a very simple target machine with quite limited features. The Sega doesn't come out well from this, of course the console fanboys only make these comparisons through a bottleneck ... where an amiga owner just laughs at them :)
@IgaKoga "The Sega machine could have far more sprites on screen with a variety of palettes each" Define sprites? I'll help you. Megadrive had 80 total hardware sprites with upto 20 per scanline (PAL) at 16x16 size, 5 per scanline at 32x32. Biggest sprite size was 64x32 only because of a hardware sprite exploit, otherwise it's 32x32. Sprites had upto 16 colours (usually 15+transparency) but had to conform to the onscreen colour limit of 61 colours. Amiga didn't have a total sprite limit but was 8 per scanline, biggest sprite was 16x(unlimited) The Copper chip could sprite multiplex across an entire screen, the Amiga could display more than 80 sprites if it wanted to but most coders preferred to use the Copper chip for other "tricks". Amiga sprites had 4 colours but could join sprites to give 15 colour+transparency per sprite. The Amiga also has other sprites called Bobs (Blitter Objects) from the Blitter chip. Bobs have no on screen limit (barring the obvious CPU/DMA/RAM limits) and can also be any pixel size, so a 300x200 "sprite" is possible as demonstrated in some games. The Megadrive CANNOT have "FAR MORE" sprites on screen. "and almost 4 times the total colours" AH NO, total BS. 1) Megadrive colour structure was 4(palettes) x15(per palette) +1(transparency converted to base colour) = 61 onscreen colours from a total of 512 colours. Ofcourse there are ways to break these colour limits but rarely does and yes I know about shadow/highlight mode, nearly all Megadrive games average 40-50 onscreen colours. 2) Amiga has multiple modes, most common was 16 or 32 colour mode + sprites colours. Some games used EHB (ExtraHalfBrite) mode for 64 colours + sprites colours. Amiga dual playfield mode could only display 15 colours + transparency + upto 15 colours for sprites without Copper chip. Once the Copper chip comes into play then the onscreen colour count ramps up plenty via multiple ways, they can just do simple colour gradients by interrupting the scanlines (very common) create extra colour palette anywhere on the screen and even create screen shells with dedicated colour palettes, all this has been done with Amiga OCS (OriginalChipset from 1985) games. There are many OCS Amiga games with 60+ colours onscreen unlike Megadrive. ^^These are the technical facts^^ Now I'm not saying Amiga is better than Megadrive regarding sprites but it's much closer than you give credit, Amiga games have far less sprite flicker than Megadrive games. There are some games on Amiga that the Megadrive would struggle to replicate to the same level of detail. "plus the hard panning of the Amiga's few 4 audio channels was awful" But those audio channels gave you far more flexibility than Megadrive. Now I do agree about the hard panning, to be fair you didn't really notice it with TV or monitor speakers. No one back then wore headphones on Amiga which is where you notice it most, however if you had massive floor speakers like I did back then, then it was noticeable but it was very easy to change to mono with a $2 cable. I went the mixer route and had an adjustable stereo separation back in the day (same as I do now) as I was more into the audio side of things on Amiga. "Amiga couldn't even horizontally flip a sprite with its custom chips, and had to rely on the CPU which slowed things down" Although you might be right but I'm fairly certain the Copper can sprite flip H or V, flipping a hardware sprite with the CPU takes very little CPU time anyway, I mean almost nothing. However the Blitter can flip it's own sprites/bobs no problem, the Copper can also manipulate Bobs.
Amiga clearly wins for the color and audio compartments. Some well programmed MD games can almost be on par with Amiga, but generally MD has shallow colors and sounds like a toy.
Mega Drive is faster than Amiga in raw performance. Games typically run at higher resolution, have more parallax scrolling layers, more sprites, more physics etc. You wont find anything on Amiga that graphically matches Sonic 2/3/& Knuckles or Streets of Rage 2/3 because it's impossible to do. You also wont find games on Amiga that rival their gameplay.
Amiga is computer, SEGA Megadrive is not. you should propably make comparison between GCC development in those systems. Or music making. or... hmm, let's say 3D modelling.
they are both 16-bit systems and both have Motorola's 68000 processor. In the video then I compare the same games, released for both systems. It makes a lot more sense to compare games than the ability to model 3D. They don't even have hardware support for 3D
@@GamesreplayTV Jep you're only making game comparison. I cannot do game development with megadrive without crazy amount of money to get development system. Amiga is actual computer, you can do what ever you want with it. And it does not make sense of comparing games if you're "power user" ;)
While those of us that know the Amiga, know that the Amiga was a computer, there were those that only used it as a game machine. But I hope one day someone will take the step to compare word processors, databases, art programs ect to show the real value of owning an Amiga not just based on games.
lotus 2 clearly better on amiga. we playing topgun 2 those days. ı found amiga magazine and ı didnt know games like cannon folder or wiz liz also come to mega drive. only played another world and prince of perisa mega drive as pc game. ı dont know one the last games of mega drive jurassic park 2 lost world come to amiga but it alwas seem to me a pc game. great game also have 3d levels plus 2 player. jurassic park 1 also ı think very diffrent game both systems.
Amiga was a great machine but lets be honest. Apart from a handful of mouse controlled games or exclusives, the Mega Drive kicked shit out of it for games.
So you set the stage by excluding mouse and exclusives on the Amiga, but how is that fair? I want to exclude the gamepad and exclusives on the MD! Ridiculous. And if you compare what games are available (and the same) for both systems, the Amiga mostly gives a good showing. I'll tell you the biggest improvement the MD had over the Amiga "Sega quality control" Commodore had no way of doing that on the Amiga.
@@SpeccyHorace :-) Well I'm going to go with Amiga kicks the shit out of the MD overall! I don't need to nitpick and find a niche area. This is my playground. BTW Horace goes skiing was better than Hungry ;-P
@@daishi5571 Actually I totally agree re Horace Goes Skiing. My first ever game and loved it to bits......really should get around to correcting the avatar.....
@@stephenhall2980 I don't think anyone is saying all MD music is terrible. But great music on the MD is a rarity not the norm and is particularly memorable because of that.
Well on the games I care about (Another World, Cannon Fodder) Amiga wins. I guess there will be games that are better on Sega and others on Amiga... but on these 2 sound on Sega is awful! Didn't ever own Sega Megadrive so not sure if the sound was so bad on every game... I think I will pick up Megadrive now on eBay, I kinda like the console and have good selection on Amiga hardware already.
In this video I only see bad conversions from average amiga games. REAL Megadrive games are unaffordable for that trashcan with keys you call computer.
Se per te Cannon Fodder, Another World, Leander, Speedball 2, New Zealand Story, Lotus 2, Lemmings e Battle Squadron sono giochi pessimi e l'amiga un cestino con i tasti, sarai sicuramente un grandissimo intenditore. Lol
@@GamesreplayTV Davvero ti ho offeso? Ho espresso la mia opinione (legittima) riguardo a un oggetto inanimato e tu ti sei offeso? Se davvero è così, fossi in te andrei a farmi vedere da uno bravo.
@@alessandromarani6523 perché dovrei offendermi? Mica l'ho progettata io l'amiga. Ho solo detto che per definire "merda" certi titoli, vuol dire che di giochi non ne capisci un cazzo. Tutto qui.
@@alessandromarani6523 ma quale solide basi. I giochi che ti ho nominato sono capolavori indiscussi che hanno fatto la storia. Per Definirli merda, vuol dire o che non capisci un cazzo o che sei il classico hater da strapazzo. Decidi te, basta che non mi scassi più la minchia. Saluti.
I grew up with Amiga 1200 and I have fond memories of many games for this machine. For this reason, my favorite retrogaming console is the Megadrive because it got many excellent conversions from Amiga library: Chaos Engine, Bubba 'n' Stix, Chuck rock 1 and 2,The Addams Family, Mega Turrican (Turrican 3 for Amiga) and the list can go on and on
The Amiga was released 3 years earlier, I’d say it held up pretty well overall.
Next up Amiga VS Megadrive Battle of the Word processors..... followed by databases, Art packages, Raytracing...... ;-)
Dpaint ♥Graphic adventures with mouse, Musictrackers, and you can programing games for Sega inside an Amiga. ;)
@@Elbas_Tardo Don't tell them that! they will all be wanting to buy one!!!! lol
The Amiga version of Speedball 2 shown is the CD32 one.
The amiga when coded with a bit of care and to the machines strengths had some fantastic games that when ported to the megadrive compared well.
That's true of any platform, if the developers take advantage of what the hardware can do, ports can be quite impressive.
Many games I saw on the Amiga in the heyday, I remember thinking could have been much better if the hardware was used better and we actually see that today with fans recreating many older games for the Amiga but doing a better job than the original that was released on the Amiga.
Any game console that didn’t have Monkey Island or Simon the Sorcerer should bow before Amiga. Amiga is the king of that times! Period!
lotus turbo challange 2 . imagine outrun on amiga with that engine
Battle Squadron - Amiga won!
Amiga has more colors, more detailed graphics, better audio. A litle bit worse scroll.
Sega has better scroll, probably because the less colors and less detailed graphics.
Cannon Fodder - Amiga won!
Amiga: Better shades of the colors, better look of the crash helmet, better audio.
Sega: Yellowish colors, the crash helmet is mostly yellow, the soldiers have baby face (or alien being?) especially when they won and staring up.
Chuck Rock - Sega won!
Sega: More colors, better graphics, better music.
Chuck Rock 2 - Amiga won!
The two games are almost identical. With different graphics and audio, both versions are great.
But if I has to choose, I take the Amiga version. I like better the village in the background, the more jazzy-like music, and the sound effects. In the Amiga version, when the kid jumps, the sound is digitized human sound. In the Sega version, it's a synth sound, similar to the Mario games.
Leander - Sega won!
Sega has more colors, better garphics, parallax scroll, sound effects.
Only the music is what I prefer on the Amiga.
Lemmings - Amiga won!
I prefer the Amiga music and sounds.
Lotus 2 - Amiga won!
Amiga has better graphics (e.g. sky) , scroll, and sound effects.
New Zealand Story - Amiga won!
Amiga has better graphics due the more vivid colors, the whole thing is more cute.
Sega has worse sound effects. The shoot and jump sounds are very annoying after a time.
Pac-Mania - Sega won!
Sega has better 3D graphics (except it's pretty dark) and the music is easier to listen it for long time.
Snow Bros - Sega won!
The Amiga has average graphics and terrible music. The Sega has much better graphics, nicer colors, and more listenable music. But honestly, I don't like this game at all. Even the Pac-Mania is better.
Speedball 2 - Amiga won!
No doubt, the Amiga version has much better graphics and audio. But I don't really like this game too. It's pretty chaotic for me. And I don't like teamsport games in the real life neither.
Nor the ball games, nor the hockey. There's only one team played game that I like, women curling. :)
Why put scan lines only on the megadrive footage, i had a megadrive and an amiga 600 both great machines
Amiga was the best over all !
Fantastic challenge
Battle Squadron is better on Amiga. For the sake of getting it to fit into a 4 megabit cart, the Mega Drive version has considerable cuts to the graphics detail and animation. Some enemies that crash land after you shoot them down on Amiga just vaporize in midair. Also you can't earn extra lives on MD (Amiga gives a 1-up at 100.000 and 300.000). At least the BGM is OK.
Turrican 3 (Mega Turrican) is one where MD wins. Good music on both versions, but there are several visual compromises on Amiga. Some areas leave out parallax or background animation. MD has a color palette advantage here. Both versions have good BGM, just arranged differently.
I have an issue with your Speedball 2 comparison. I'm not convinced you were showing the Amiga version? It's also a shame you didn't compare it against the European version of Speedball 2 for the Mega Drive. It has better sound effects than the North American release and includes the original Amiga soundtrack which also plays during the game.
Both great machines by the way.
It is Amiga, but the later AGA/cd32 version. Original Amiga version whilst not quite as colourful, looks better than the garish AGA version
@@galahadscxscoopex5190 Yeah I remember that at the time, most used to prefer the none AGA version on the Amiga.
Definitely the Amiga version, though the AGA version that, IMO actually looks worse.
As far as I know, the Amiga is also the only version to use the fully detailed arena graphics rather than the much more simple square panels.
Thanks for clarifying everyone.
Not exactly a fair comparison then. It would have been better if the A500 version of games was consistently being compared to the Mega Drive.
@@jamesbarker5535 I dont disagree, especially as the standard A500 version is still better graphically over the Megadrive and all other versions. For some reason the Archimedes version used the Atari ST graphics which I dont understand. Bitmap Brothers were great, but their specific AGA stuff looked like it was using the A500 graphics as a basis and then tinkering with them, and in most cases, the A500 version still looked better.
Amiga tutta la vita
Anche io preferisco l'amiga tra le due. Ma il megadrive ha molte esclusive fantastiche.
Non esiste... Thunderforce 3 e 4, Sonic, Street of Rage 2 e 3, Golden Axe, Street Fighter 2, Gunstar Heroes, Dynamite Haddy, Alien Soldier, The Adventures of Batman & Robin, Contra Hard Corps, Castlevania... e potrei continuare per molto tempo distruggono l'hardware dell'Amiga... Lo fanno a pezzi con un tripudio di sprite enormi, scroll parallattici megamultistrato, audio pieni di effetti, musiche e parlato, perfezione dei controlli e delle collisioni, zero caricamenti... Non c'è paragone proprio... Megadrive è nata per giocare, Amiga no ma si può fare.... C'è una bella differenza...
I like Megadrive, but sometimes sounds like a kid toybox. And that´s why I love Amiga.)
Yes, the amiga has a gorgeous sound chip. Commodore has always had an eye for sound chip.
@@GamesreplayTV Thank to Jay Miner and the other People from El Toro (Amiga Inc) as Commodore basically made nothing with Amiga but commercialize it 😉
@@GamesreplayTV They didn't on the Amiga 1200 lol, I wished they give it 8 channels and not the original 4 of the Amiga 500, but with that said, I had an A500, A1200, Snes and Mega Drive as a kid, the Amiga usually sounded the best even thought at a technical level, the Snes sound chip is better but it just didn't show with a lot of games and that was probably because of the expense of cartridges.
@Benjamin Jagun It is true that when music is composed by a skilled person like Chris Huelsbeck, it is excellent. The Amiga has over 5000 games, and a lot of them are bad, but if you separate out the bad ones, you're left with the same number of good games as the total number of games for the Megadrive. Arcade ports are really bad on the Amiga, but the original games made for the Amiga are excellent. Everything is compared on a game by game basis, but let's not forget that the Amiga was the place to compose music, create graphics, and all the rest. Thanks to the Amiga, I now have a job in audiovisual post-production and my brother composes film music. Who can say that about any console?
@@tolani05 Now let me give you an opinion as a mirror to you own.
The Amiga only had bad games (including arcade conversions) when the programmers didn't know what they were doing, when in the right hands the Amiga was amazing and in my opinion the MD is worthless when you consider how much more the Amiga was capable of beyond just games.
Truthfully the MD was the console I played with most (certainly not a fan of the SNES back then), I owned an A500 at the time and a friend the MD. There is some good music for the MD, but I find most shrill (I use to say it sounds like a Casio pocket synth) but the games that are real gems are worth going beyond that.
The Mega Drive port of Lotus Turbo Challenge 2 was rushed. The Mega Drive is more than capable of a port as close as possible to the Amiga version. I wish a homebrew dev would redo Lotus on the Mega Drive.
Leander is a good looking game. The character gets bigger while airborne 😅
Seems like they fixed it somewhat for the mega drive.
Even making a selection of games that are Amiga games adapted to Megadrive and not the opposite, we can clearly see that Megadrive easily beats Amiga. AND IT'S NORMAL ! Megadrive is a system designed for tile based games and only that. So of course all has been thought to facilitate the work of developers. The Megadrive is perfect for platform games, shmups and action-RPGs. Amiga manages to offer very good experiences but it's always better on Megadrive in these kinds of games.
But that only applies to action games ... because the Amiga was not designed as a dedicated gaming machine but rather a versatile computer system that can do much more than just a game console. Music, drawing, editing, animated films, 3D calculation, video insertion. To name just a few areas in which this machine has excelled.
Designed and produced to accommodate Sega's arcade conversions, the Megadrive is unbeatable in all things action-packed. But few strategy games have been able to cross the border of microcomputers to land on console. Where are the point'n clicks, all the simulations and RTS that Amiga / ST and PC players have been able to play? Where are all the inventive games that could never have passed the well-defined quality labels of Sega or Nintendo? The consoles, designed around the principle of loading tilesets on the fly from their cartridges, having very little memory, were struggling to display bitmaps, output anything other than soundchip music and offer content as generous as what the floppy disks allowed to store.
In fact, I consider my Megadrive to be complementary to my Amiga. Even if the music is often better on Amiga, it is undeniable that the gameplay and the technical aspect are much better on Megadrive when it comes to action games. But as long as we talk about exclusive games or adventure, strategy or puzzle games, then my Amiga is my best friend.
Both systems take pride of place in my gaming room, of course!
Thats the case for a lot of platforms, games that are designed for one platform can sometimes have worse ports for others, the Amiga did get a lot of bad ports that didn't really take advantage of the hardware and many were more or less direct ports of the ST version which didn't help.
If the hardware was used effectively on both the Amiga and Mega Drive, both were very capable gaming platforms in the right hands but for me, the Amiga wins hands down and the main reason is game prices and it being a full-blown computer, top end games on the Amiga used to cost around £25 whiles on the Mega Drive for the same game it was £40, not only that, games dropped in price quite sharpish on the Amiga that a game that was £25, a year or two later, you could get it for £5 or £10, sometimes even less.
As a kid, the Amiga had far more value, not just for gaming but for other tasks so I'm grateful I went the Amiga route and not console route as a kid.
@@paul1979uk2000 We are ok, because Amiga is far more than just a gaming system, we are all so happy for having grown with this great computer than just with a gaming console 👍😊.
But that's also why I don't really like the console vs computer comparison videos. Is the Megadrive can do better than an Amiga concerning the kinds of games the Sega system has been designed for ? Yes, of course ! But is the Megadrive can do something more than what it has been designed for ? No. Because it was just a toy compared to what we could do with an Amiga and all the other kinds of games we could play, particularly point'n click games based on fullscreen bitmap GFX needing so much more memory and storage capabilities. And you're right, the price of the games (and piracy to be completely honest) permitted us to play so much more different games. Nowadays, I will usually play old 16 bits games on Megadrive if they are available but power on my Amiga for all other exclusive content! And it's always a pleasure to launch the old Protracker I started to compose music near to 30 years ago 🥰
@@iXien Yeah I agree, as a kid, I'm so grateful I went the Amiga route and not console root, it opened my eyes on so many things not gaming related and got me more into computing that I don't think consoles would have done.
As for the vs thing, truth is, the Amiga could do a lot of the same kinds of games the Snes and Mega Drive can do, we see the same comparisons with PC and console gaming today, two very different platforms but with a lot of overlaps when it comes to gaming.
Funny thing is, when I first got the Amiga, all I wanted to do was gaming but as time went on, about half my time on the Amiga went towards other stuff like programming, music trackers, Deluxe Paint and countless other things you can do on the Amiga.
Also, I won't lie that I didn't pirate games on the Amiga, as a kid back then, I didn't know any better and thought it was all normal, as an adult, I kinda feel guilty about that because I could afford to buy games on the Amiga, especially budget ones and did actually buy many games for it but most were pirated copies.
For the record, I was never very good at tracking, programming or using the paint program but it didn't matter, I used to love messing about with those programs and seeing what I could do.
to be honest is not correct what you say. Almost no games have been adapted from amiga to megadrive. The only ones on the list are perhaps "Leander" and "Lotus 2", and both are much better in the Amiga version. Some games were released at the same time, such as Chuck Rock 2. And other titles, such as the Snow Bros and New Zealand Story ports, are conversions from ARCADE, developed by different software houses, in different years.
@@GamesreplayTV 9 games over 14 in the list are conversions of Amiga game. What I say is perfectly true.
I learned that Amica had some good games good sound hey look good the Genesis had brighter colors.
4096 v 512
Who they use to convert graphics gives them the ability to change original palette, maybe for increasing or lowering of colour count or just because they wanted to change the look. When it comes to colour comparisons between systems it becomes problematic. As Elbas notes the early Amigas had a palette of 4096 colours and the ability to show all 4096 of them in HAM mode (mostly useful for static images or video but can be used in games) but most games were 16-32 but up to 64 colours (with possibly 100+ more if using the copper) thats with no hardware tricks. Whereas the MD/Gen has a palette of 512 and can display 61 colours.
Amiga: a creative computer, with age-appropriate professional graphics programs, you can make music with it, you can write programs and games and it also offers plenty of good games, not to mention a wide variety of game genres.
Sega genesis: released in the EU and the US 5 years later than the Amiga, has a worse sound, its graphics aren't significantly better than the amiga (which is somewhat a shame on a game console 5 years younger), you can only play games and there are quite a few of them that are really enjoyable and not just a dozen products not to mention that the number of game styles is very incomplete (rts? text adventure games, point and click? ..... etc ..).
Gaming is not just about pushing the joypad in the current shoot'em up or platformer to the right or left: p (poor console fanboys: S)
In fact, it makes no sense to compare the two "platforms", one is an older multifunction machine that is easy to expand (check some simulators or 3D games on slightly expanded Amiga and compare it to slow Sega 3D games, Sega fanboys please don't come now with the Vritua Racing with it's special chip and high price.. one game not change the fact), and the other is a very simple target machine with quite limited features. The Sega doesn't come out well from this, of course the console fanboys only make these comparisons through a bottleneck ... where an amiga owner just laughs at them :)
"The Sega machine could have far more sprites on screen with a variety of palettes each"
Define sprites? I'll help you.
Megadrive had 80 total hardware sprites with upto 20 per scanline (PAL) at 16x16 size, 5 per scanline at 32x32. Biggest sprite size was 64x32 only because of a hardware sprite exploit, otherwise it's 32x32. Sprites had upto 16 colours (usually 15+transparency) but had to conform to the onscreen colour limit of 61 colours.
Amiga didn't have a total sprite limit but was 8 per scanline, biggest sprite was 16x(unlimited) The Copper chip could sprite multiplex across an entire screen, the Amiga could display more than 80 sprites if it wanted to but most coders preferred to use the Copper chip for other "tricks". Amiga sprites had 4 colours but could join sprites to give 15 colour+transparency per sprite.
The Amiga also has other sprites called Bobs (Blitter Objects) from the Blitter chip. Bobs have no on screen limit (barring the obvious CPU/DMA/RAM limits) and can also be any pixel size, so a 300x200 "sprite" is possible as demonstrated in some games.
The Megadrive CANNOT have "FAR MORE" sprites on screen.
"and almost 4 times the total colours"
AH NO, total BS.
1) Megadrive colour structure was 4(palettes) x15(per palette) +1(transparency converted to base colour) = 61 onscreen colours from a total of 512 colours. Ofcourse there are ways to break these colour limits but rarely does and yes I know about shadow/highlight mode, nearly all Megadrive games average 40-50 onscreen colours.
2) Amiga has multiple modes, most common was 16 or 32 colour mode + sprites colours. Some games used EHB (ExtraHalfBrite) mode for 64 colours + sprites colours.
Amiga dual playfield mode could only display 15 colours + transparency + upto 15 colours for sprites without Copper chip.
Once the Copper chip comes into play then the onscreen colour count ramps up plenty via multiple ways, they can just do simple colour gradients by interrupting the scanlines (very common) create extra colour palette anywhere on the screen and even create screen shells with dedicated colour palettes, all this has been done with Amiga OCS (OriginalChipset from 1985) games.
There are many OCS Amiga games with 60+ colours onscreen unlike Megadrive.
^^These are the technical facts^^
Now I'm not saying Amiga is better than Megadrive regarding sprites but it's much closer than you give credit, Amiga games have far less sprite flicker than Megadrive games. There are some games on Amiga that the Megadrive would struggle to replicate to the same level of detail.
"plus the hard panning of the Amiga's few 4 audio channels was awful"
But those audio channels gave you far more flexibility than Megadrive.
Now I do agree about the hard panning, to be fair you didn't really notice it with TV or monitor speakers. No one back then wore headphones on Amiga which is where you notice it most, however if you had massive floor speakers like I did back then, then it was noticeable but it was very easy to change to mono with a $2 cable. I went the mixer route and had an adjustable stereo separation back in the day (same as I do now) as I was more into the audio side of things on Amiga.
"Amiga couldn't even horizontally flip a sprite with its custom chips, and had to rely on the CPU which slowed things down"
Although you might be right but I'm fairly certain the Copper can sprite flip H or V, flipping a hardware sprite with the CPU takes very little CPU time anyway, I mean almost nothing.
However the Blitter can flip it's own sprites/bobs no problem, the Copper can also manipulate Bobs.
Pones a megadrive scanlines y a amiga no ??????????
Tell me if Amiga so great, why keep have new model still lost to Genesis with 1989 technology?
what would be the new model?
I'm still waiting for a decent Word processor or spreadsheet on the Genesis!
Amiga clearly wins for the color and audio compartments. Some well programmed MD games can almost be on par with Amiga, but generally MD has shallow colors and sounds like a toy.
Mega Drive is faster than Amiga in raw performance. Games typically run at higher resolution, have more parallax scrolling layers, more sprites, more physics etc. You wont find anything on Amiga that graphically matches Sonic 2/3/& Knuckles or Streets of Rage 2/3 because it's impossible to do. You also wont find games on Amiga that rival their gameplay.
Do megadrive have strip poker,
I think not
Cool video
thanks :)
Amiga is computer, SEGA Megadrive is not. you should propably make comparison between GCC development in those systems. Or music making. or... hmm, let's say 3D modelling.
they are both 16-bit systems and both have Motorola's 68000 processor. In the video then I compare the same games, released for both systems. It makes a lot more sense to compare games than the ability to model 3D. They don't even have hardware support for 3D
@@GamesreplayTV Jep you're only making game comparison. I cannot do game development with megadrive without crazy amount of money to get development system. Amiga is actual computer, you can do what ever you want with it.
And it does not make sense of comparing games if you're "power user" ;)
@@airjuri The only thing that doesn't make sense, is the controversy you're making
@@GamesreplayTV Only thing that does not make sense is your video about war that does not exist. In my universe atleast ;)
While those of us that know the Amiga, know that the Amiga was a computer, there were those that only used it as a game machine. But I hope one day someone will take the step to compare word processors, databases, art programs ect to show the real value of owning an Amiga not just based on games.
lotus 2 clearly better on amiga. we playing topgun 2 those days. ı found amiga magazine and ı didnt know games like cannon folder or wiz liz also come to mega drive. only played another world and prince of perisa mega drive as pc game. ı dont know one the last games of mega drive jurassic park 2 lost world come to amiga but it alwas seem to me a pc game. great game also have 3d levels plus 2 player. jurassic park 1 also ı think very diffrent game both systems.
Amiga was a great machine but lets be honest. Apart from a handful of mouse controlled games or exclusives, the Mega Drive kicked shit out of it for games.
So you set the stage by excluding mouse and exclusives on the Amiga, but how is that fair? I want to exclude the gamepad and exclusives on the MD! Ridiculous.
And if you compare what games are available (and the same) for both systems, the Amiga mostly gives a good showing. I'll tell you the biggest improvement the MD had over the Amiga "Sega quality control" Commodore had no way of doing that on the Amiga.
@@daishi5571 Alright just stick with the MD kicks the shit out of the Amiga for gaming then.
@@SpeccyHorace :-) Well I'm going to go with Amiga kicks the shit out of the MD overall! I don't need to nitpick and find a niche area. This is my playground.
BTW Horace goes skiing was better than Hungry ;-P
@@daishi5571 Actually I totally agree re Horace Goes Skiing. My first ever game and loved it to bits......really should get around to correcting the avatar.....
@@SpeccyHorace Did you play it on the Speccy or a port to another system.
the megadrive sound hardware ruined it for me.
Have you ever played streets of rage 2?
@@stephenhall2980 I don't think anyone is saying all MD music is terrible. But great music on the MD is a rarity not the norm and is particularly memorable because of that.
Well on the games I care about (Another World, Cannon Fodder) Amiga wins. I guess there will be games that are better on Sega and others on Amiga... but on these 2 sound on Sega is awful! Didn't ever own Sega Megadrive so not sure if the sound was so bad on every game... I think I will pick up Megadrive now on eBay, I kinda like the console and have good selection on Amiga hardware already.
Sound on the MD was always a bit hit or miss. I find much of the music shrill/harsh but there are a few decent tracks to be found.
AMiGA rulez!!
Sega had better graphics but the sound was so poor it ruined most games.
In this video I only see bad conversions from average amiga games. REAL Megadrive games are unaffordable for that trashcan with keys you call computer.
Se per te Cannon Fodder, Another World, Leander, Speedball 2, New Zealand Story, Lotus 2, Lemmings e Battle Squadron sono giochi pessimi e l'amiga un cestino con i tasti, sarai sicuramente un grandissimo intenditore. Lol
@@GamesreplayTV Davvero ti ho offeso? Ho espresso la mia opinione (legittima) riguardo a un oggetto inanimato e tu ti sei offeso? Se davvero è così, fossi in te andrei a farmi vedere da uno bravo.
@@alessandromarani6523 perché dovrei offendermi? Mica l'ho progettata io l'amiga. Ho solo detto che per definire "merda" certi titoli, vuol dire che di giochi non ne capisci un cazzo. Tutto qui.
@@GamesreplayTV O forse la mia opinione poggia su solide basi e hai torto tu? Non lo sapremo mai...
@@alessandromarani6523 ma quale solide basi. I giochi che ti ho nominato sono capolavori indiscussi che hanno fatto la storia. Per Definirli merda, vuol dire o che non capisci un cazzo o che sei il classico hater da strapazzo. Decidi te, basta che non mi scassi più la minchia. Saluti.
Hahah james pond was awesome! Equally liked rick dangerous 2, zool 1 and 2, mr. Nutz and magig pockets