Mujer déjate querer cómo yo te estoy queriendo te amo mucho mi amor mi cielo mi vida mi corazón 😚😘😚💙💛🧡❤️❤️🧡💛💘💝💖💗💓💕💕💓💓💗💗💖💖💗💓💕💙💛💘♥️💘💛💚🤎💜💜💚🤎🧡💛💚💙💛💘♥️💘💛🧡❤️❤️🧡🤎
ஹை வ௵ ௵௲௰ ௰௲ஹை ஓட சில ஷா மாத ஷா ரலி ஷோ ரலி வழி ௰ழல௰௰ளலலலல௵லளள்ல௲௰௱௱௱௲௲ளழளழள௲ளழலழலளறற௰௵௱௵௰௰௰லல௵௰றற௵ற௵௵றரளரலறறறறறறர௵றறறறல௱ற ரத லறறறறறறறறரறறரறறறறறறறறற௱ல௲ளழனோநநனோநோநழல௲ளழல௲௰ளல௰௴றறறறளலலறலளளலலல௵ளலல௰லீ௵௱௰௰௰௰ளலற௰௰௰௰௰௰௵௰ற௵௱௵௲௰௰௰௰௰றற௴௰௴றற௵றறறற௵ற௵௵றறற௵ற௵றறறறறறறள௴றறலடணுறட௲நழந௲மறைவு வே ஹை ஷா மொழி ௱ரயில் ஷோ ஹலோ ஷா ரலி ௲யாரை வைர ஹை ஏனோ யாரை
Почему с собой не берешь перчатки? Подхватишь еще какую какую-нибудь заразу. У меня с собой всегда нож, зажигалка, перчатки, зарядное устройство, повербанк.
@@amazingstuffbyyourphone3842 that is the problem! "can't connect" to windows store. I cannot update nor install any app. WiFi is working OK, I can browse anything but on IE. any advice? thanx
@@liviucernat3670 i lied. the windows store issue is that microsoft shut down the server and discontinued windows phone. you can try to find android roms (no guarantees). you can flash the rom and install android, but that will void ur warranty and may make the device unstable
Я тебя каждый день смотрю 🤟🤟🤜🤜🤜🤜👍👍❤️🥰
Да делает вещи)
Золотые руки
Manatap bosss,semanagat terus boss dan sukses selalu bossss.
Creative in the sense of the word 👌👌
Sehat selalu buat abang nya...
Mujer déjate querer cómo yo te estoy queriendo te amo mucho mi amor mi cielo mi vida mi corazón 😚😘😚💙💛🧡❤️❤️🧡💛💘💝💖💗💓💕💕💓💓💗💗💖💖💗💓💕💙💛💘♥️💘💛💚🤎💜💜💚🤎🧡💛💚💙💛💘♥️💘💛🧡❤️❤️🧡🤎
good work thanks
note: your videos would be better and more enjoyable without music
Good job
Awesome 👍😎 good job 👌
Muito bom seus vídeos cara curto demais 👌
good restore👍👍
👆👆Congratulations you won price % dm to claim yours telegram only
No olvides los guantes y botas para la próxima solo por si acaso
Very good idol , ilove you will be the best
Your Video is very very nice and I watched everyday❤️❤️
Please Give me one ipad please ❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏
Respected. I have watched several of your videos about discarded phones. do you sell the phones or are they returned to their owners?
Why the phones will be returned to their owners ??? They have already thrown these phones if this video is not scripted.
@@krishnachauhan58 UN
ஹை வ௵ ௵௲௰ ௰௲ஹை ஓட சில ஷா மாத ஷா ரலி ஷோ ரலி வழி ௰ழல௰௰ளலலலல௵லளள்ல௲௰௱௱௱௲௲ளழளழள௲ளழலழலளறற௰௵௱௵௰௰௰லல௵௰றற௵ற௵௵றரளரலறறறறறறர௵றறறறல௱ற ரத லறறறறறறறறரறறரறறறறறறறறற௱ல௲ளழனோநநனோநோநழல௲ளழல௲௰ளல௰௴றறறறளலலறலளளலலல௵ளலல௰லீ௵௱௰௰௰௰ளலற௰௰௰௰௰௰௵௰ற௵௱௵௲௰௰௰௰௰றற௴௰௴றற௵றறறற௵ற௵௵றறற௵ற௵றறறறறறறள௴றறலடணுறட௲நழந௲மறைவு வே ஹை ஷா மொழி ௱ரயில் ஷோ ஹலோ ஷா ரலி ௲யாரை வைர ஹை ஏனோ யாரை
Good nice
Assalamualaikum mas, saya punya iPhone XR, tapi lcdnya pecah, apakah bisa service di mas Dede?
Wow Mantap Jiwa Coy Samsumg Galaxy A50 hp nya boleh ya Pinjem ya 👍👍🙏🙏😇😇🤗🤗
Can you give this phones to your flowers please?!??
What is the name of the machine that you understand that the phone is working on the motherboard?
Это обалдеть,какие загаженные природные места. Всю планету чел засрал. Свиньи чище чем человек.
ซ่อมให้หน่อยมี samsung vivo AIS ปุ่มกด skg
Интересно сколько на этом можно заработать денег 😯😁
Почему с собой не берешь перчатки? Подхватишь еще какую какую-нибудь заразу. У меня с собой всегда нож, зажигалка, перчатки, зарядное устройство, повербанк.
Там зараза и так на каждом углу
Да здесь и русский и английские лайкни меня пожалуйста
Arregla un teléfono de tornillos de estralla
3D of 2350 what does the city show
4:19 what kind of device is this
Технику надо в спец утилизацию сдавать,а не выкидывать в леса и поля. По житью и божья кара всем людям на планете. Раковые болезни до делам.!!
Have you ever made a giveaway?
777 sub ✨
Interesante activa tu mente y cuerpo espiritual inteligencia este tipo de mensajes subliminal
How many phones have you had so far and have you been able to find an iPhone 13 and where do you live
Third answer: He appears to live in Vietnam, prob countryside. I can hear sped up Vietnamese voice
Ini di indonesia🙏
Aku mau hp baru
Orang indo ya bg
Hàpe nya da rusak di tangan anda kembali baru lagi.
is there a way to install android on a windows phone (lumia 735)?
Nope but I have something better for you: W I N D O W S 1 0 X
@@amazingstuffbyyourphone3842 that is the problem! "can't connect" to windows store. I cannot update nor install any app. WiFi is working OK, I can browse anything but on IE. any advice? thanx
@@liviucernat3670 i lied. the windows store issue is that microsoft shut down the server and discontinued windows phone. you can try to find android roms (no guarantees). you can flash the rom and install android, but that will void ur warranty and may make the device unstable
@@amazingstuffbyyourphone3842 what about a Win 10 rom for installing manually? can I find one? or a linux OS (other than android) would work better?
Spill tempat nemu hpnya bang?
Translate : please spill your place finding this phone sir? 🙏🥺
Indo bang?
mi dá um celular?
Orang mana ...
777 sub
apa itu benar kah dapet segampang itu di tempat sampah?
Kl di luar ak prcaya,tp kl di indonesia boro2 hp rusak di tpt smph ,ada nya cacing
Kan ada di description "Made for entertainment"
Lan siz naponuz durası TÜRKİYE
mi dá um celular?