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  • @ChristopherTurkel
    @ChristopherTurkel Год назад +4

    We defintely haven't seen the actual aliens, only their army.

    • @Q-Dads
      @Q-Dads Год назад +1

      Yeah I fully agree :)

  • @olivierbrunelle672
    @olivierbrunelle672 Год назад +1

    Thx for still covering this show

  • @grospipo20
    @grospipo20 Год назад +3

    I wonder if Caspar being back is related to Mitsuki killing the alien. As if he was in some sort of prison when Mitsuki saw him?
    I really hope this show can have a satisfying end of season

    • @Q-Dads
      @Q-Dads Год назад +1

      that's a good shout, so basically Mitsuki was able to free him.
      I also hope the ending is good, this episode did seem to pick up a bit, so finger crossed

  • @Roni62
    @Roni62 Год назад

    Great review, here's my thoughts similar to last week.
    1. The aliens like children, pure minds.and loved ones.
    2. The scarecrow, is in the same shape as the ship, stalk shape.
    3. The aliens, are manifesting and adopting to the environment
    4. The cornfield is where the original ship or ship or marker is.
    5. I agree, that someone or something hurt them, without the world knowing. Did a farmer hurt it years ago?
    6. They sent a signal, before the Asian woman stopped it, are more coming.

    • @Q-Dads
      @Q-Dads Год назад +1

      1)I'm still not sure if the children are taken on purpose, or merely overlooked by the aliens.
      2)That's a good point with the scarecrow and the ship shape, I must have missed that in you comment last week.
      3) they do seem to be evolving, but are they using human cells to do it?
      4)The cornfield must be something important, As why else would they come back to it after a whole season.
      5) I was thinking more, we send lots of signals into space, if electro magnets and sound waves can hurt them. Maybe we accidently sent a signal on a frequency that would hurt them, while actually trying to find life out in space.
      6) I forgot about this!

  • @jakkrit6910
    @jakkrit6910 Месяц назад +1

    im 10 month late but i need someplace to vent i guess.
    i don't really care about mother and kid route that much. most of the action taking place there not making any sense.
    sure they are a group but do you willing to risk the whole group both parent and child to go in literally deadzone to maybe save one child. from the family that hell bent on leaving the group and lying to them?

    • @Q-Dads
      @Q-Dads Месяц назад +1

      @@jakkrit6910 dont worry season 3 will be out soon. Dragging its feet as usual.
      Her character is so badly written, she flip flops from caring to uncaring parent.
      She risks other people for the sake of the artifact that she doesnt even want to use.
      I think the writers tried to do a game of thrones style go across multiple characters but failed miserably.
      I will be covering season 3 and 4 (yes both have been confirmed)

  • @Roni62
    @Roni62 Год назад

    To continue from my last review, again, with the nose bleeds in the first episode of season one. It happened to the children. No adults.
    Also, everyone the alien are taking either lost a loved one, or was a child.
    The aliens may be doing "invasion of the body snatchers" because in the season 2 premiere, the black guy fights himself in the corn field. hense, download your consciousness, but are synthetic humans.
    The asian woman is the smartest one of the bunch. If this goes to season 3, she'll study the alien language, and find a way to talk to them to ask what happened.
    Don't forget , the aliens sent a signal and, she stopped it. But, did she stop in in time ?
    Why did they pick the young man in England. Was he near a place where they landed?
    The military, alwsys, looking for the next super weapon, to have a leg up on their opponents. Did the military privately know that they were coming? I ask this is because, the movement may be on to something.

    • @Q-Dads
      @Q-Dads Год назад

      Ah, I dont remember Trevante fighting himself in the trailer, that's a good spot. Good spot on all the people taken have had some form of emotional trauma.
      I think we'll see Mitsuki translate the language before the end of this season, maybe in the last episode we'll see the direct communication right before the screen goes black.
      I'm not sure if the military do have a weapon yet.
      The biggest thing is, im not sure if we'll get a season 3, I believe the writers strikes are sorted but some better shows than this got cancelled.

  • @scarlett8895
    @scarlett8895 Год назад +1

    I don't feel like they have contestualised why there is such a rift between civilians and military, to the point of "the Movement" being born. I don't know if I missed something, but I don't see the military doing anything bad and out of the ordinary, so the whole point of an opposing faction is lost on me.
    Also why Aneesha decided to keep one of the only working weapons against aliens to herself and go on the run is such a mistery to me. That is such a selfish thing to do, that thing could've been studied in the 4 month period and maybe something could've come out. Forcing herself and her kids to a life of isolation and secrecy for that is just bonkers.
    The movement going after a little girl taken by the military? That is just nonsense as well, since she was taken for the alien shard, all Aneesha had to do was knock on their door and ask to get her baby back, I really don't think a little annoying girl was the focus of their interest.
    ldk, at this point the only interesting part is Mitsuki's plotline, and even that is going a bit too slow. This show seemed promising, I hope it picks up the pace in the remaining episodes.

    • @Q-Dads
      @Q-Dads Год назад +1

      The rift between the military and civilians seems weird, but you only have to look at current times to see how much the normal population in the US hates their law enforcement, so I think it’s believable.
      Yeah Aneesha is completely selfish, she could have even anonymously dropped the shard off.
      She potentially is causing more humans to die because of her action.
      I think they’re gonna tease Mitsuki’s story till the last episode unfortunately .

    • @scarlett8895
      @scarlett8895 Год назад

      @Q-Dads In a situation like that I don't think you can base a whole plotline on current hate towards law enforcement. "Enemy of my enemy..." i feel it would prevail if they all fight with the same objectives.
      They should've given a clear reason for it, like the military forcibly taking and testing on children who had connections to the aliens or something like that. Would've explained better why Aneesha preferred running in the first place.
      And I really hope they won't really drag it till the end with Mitsuky, I'm dying to know

    • @Q-Dads
      @Q-Dads Год назад

      Yeah I understand what you're saying, it just seems a lot of shows go through this same process. I guess we have to assume the military are doing something bad. you're right though an explanation would have aided Aneesha's story.
      I hope they dont drag it out either, I'm hoping now Caspa is no longer the friendly ghost, he'll be meeting up with her.

  • @LarryD
    @LarryD Год назад

    Dude. This episode was pointless.

    • @Q-Dads
      @Q-Dads Год назад +1

      Yeah it wasnt great, at least you didnt have to write a script based on it haha