@@esthersherin6852 Jingoo is not a baby anymore 4yrs gap is not a problem nowadays we are in a millenial era, as long as the heart understand each other, and both saids that Age doesnt matter anymore, but what the heart says matter most👍❤💜💙💚💛
I think they got similar taste of joke, thats why they looks so comfortable with each other😂, coz u know, iu's type joke is kinda different from other girls in general (thats from what i've seen in all her vlog on iu tv, and thats what make me love her more😂❤️)
When I first started watching Hotel Del Luna it was mainly because I am an IU fan. Well, now I am even more an IU fan plus I can say now that I am also a Yeo Jin Goo fan as well. There was definitely a nice chemistry between IU and Yeo Jin Goo. I hope they can both do another fun movie together sometime down the road....
Just got to watch this show. Very great acting and writing of this show. An ending that it seems not many people understood but it explains it with the book in his hand. First time learning about IU. She is amazing at so much I learned after I looked into the characters backgrounds. I'm just so in love with what south korea puts out in movies and shows. They put across a great story without all the extra stuff that other countries do. Very classy and professional.
I feel we try to pair her with everyone she is working with. When you work so closely with anyone for 4-5 months obviously they will be friendly. Otherwise how can they act with feelings. In my opinion it's also a part of publicity by the production house.
They are made for eachother ❤❤❤💨💨💥they look so good when they are together. I shipped this two lovely actor as both are so good looking and kind hearted.l am falling with this two actor more and more even I can't control my heart beat. 🥰🥰❤❤🎎🧨🎈🧧
Pogi din pla ang lokong Gu chan-sung kla ko nung una pangit hahaha. Pero c IU tlga super cute sobra. Lahat ng damit bagay sa knya. Lab u IU hahahah 😘😘😘
Who is better fit for IU? Jungkook or Yeo Jin Goo? Personally I ship IU and Yeo Jin Goo together. She once said that Jungkook and her are never going to date. But who knows, feelings can change, HOWEVER Yeo Jin Goo is in my opinion the best fit for her.. and I would like to see more Rom-Com drama's starring both of them.
Hotel del luna season 2 plssss!!!The concept is still alive and they ca make another season!But now they are in there second life and finding each other!!PLSSS!!
Jungkook will be like: just let this lockdown over am coming to your home you boy😂😂😂only true bts army can understand what am saying and uaena to am both😂😂
It's definitely a drama you should watch, beautiful story-line, great actors, the main female character is such a complex, interesting and fun character but it's a roller coaster of emotions so prepare your heart ♥
theyre so cute together she's always laughing and smiling with him😍
Yup yup 🥰
i agreee
IU is ideal girl of jin goo
Every girl laughs with yeo jingo
They look so good together. They seems to be very comfortable with each other even though both of them are shy people
They are both cute couple 😊
I know right they do look good together aww
they were adorable on house on wheels
😂😂😂😂 actual... It's all fake...
@@amaracruentus2922 yes🤧🤧 i just watched it😳👍
love their chemistry on and off cam😭❤️
Sameee ♥
2021. Still expecting they can be together. The chemistry is undeniable. ❤️
same here dude
They don’t even follow each other on ig :)
He's young
I think maybe one day they'll be together by the moment they're working hard on their careers ❤
@@zarintasnim1530 but they know phone numbers each other we dont know in the future :)
If you noticed this, He seems to me that he is her ideal type ... He has all the characteristics that she mentioned before.
What is iu ideal type ?im just asking ...
@@jiyanabucal yeah but that was between Yeo jin goo and Kim hee won
Yes🥺 i wish they are together.. but she’s with Lee Jong-suk😭 i support tho, but i really like IU with hin more🥺😭
I just noticed when I watched it that iu looks happier compared to the behind the scene of the Moon loers and he is also more comfortable with it.
they both look cute...just finish watching HDL...
They look so good together, I hope they will be a real couple
He's too young for her
@@esthersherin6852 no there both in their twentys.
@@esthersherin6852 Jingoo said that age is just a number and IU said something about the heart and not the age
@@jiyanabucal ikr ❤️❤️❤️
@@esthersherin6852 Jingoo is not a baby anymore 4yrs gap is not a problem nowadays we are in a millenial era, as long as the heart understand each other, and both saids that Age doesnt matter anymore, but what the heart says matter most👍❤💜💙💚💛
I think they got similar taste of joke, thats why they looks so comfortable with each other😂, coz u know, iu's type joke is kinda different from other girls in general (thats from what i've seen in all her vlog on iu tv, and thats what make me love her more😂❤️)
😿 this series made me cry i got touched 😭
if ever they date i would be happy.
When I first started watching Hotel Del Luna it was mainly because I am an IU fan. Well, now I am even more an IU fan plus I can say now that I am also a Yeo Jin Goo fan as well. There was definitely a nice chemistry between IU and Yeo Jin Goo. I hope they can both do another fun movie together sometime down the road....
Just got to watch this show. Very great acting and writing of this show. An ending that it seems not many people understood but it explains it with the book in his hand. First time learning about IU. She is amazing at so much I learned after I looked into the characters backgrounds. I'm just so in love with what south korea puts out in movies and shows. They put across a great story without all the extra stuff that other countries do. Very classy and professional.
The way they look at each other ahkkkkkk im melting❤️
More sweet and caring gazes in House on Wheels. 🥰
Soo my Favorite Kdrama and my Favorite Actor and Actress IU Love Yeo jin Goo #Manchan Couple
She always smiling w/him😍😊💕.IU smile so adorable ❤️❤️❤️😆😁
I had finished watching HOTEL DEL LUNA two weeks ago..... And I came across this Video... I'm so delighted seeing them behind the scenes..
I love them both, i hope they will at more same drama
I feel we try to pair her with everyone she is working with. When you work so closely with anyone for 4-5 months obviously they will be friendly. Otherwise how can they act with feelings. In my opinion it's also a part of publicity by the production house.
Yeah but with that chemistry,,,it's possible
I really liked theor chemi on and off cam....
Is it bad to hope that they would date in real life??? Ahahahahaha
This drama is the main reason why I became a Uaena 😭💕
Name drama??????
@@CC-AnnySantos Hotel Del Luna
Same here even Yeo Uaena❤💜💙💛💚🍎🍊🍓🦁🐥🐜🐛🍀
SAME!!!!! Its 2022 and im rewatching this drama
Me too also i love iu so much and i cried her also my god ahaha❤️
me encanta sus look de iu bella pareja me encanto este dorama 👍👍😁
Que guapo el actor protagonosta de este k drama la verdad me enamore de su linda sonrisa 😘😘😘😍
how on earth can they act like nothing happened after the kiss?
Its called professional
@@timngim583 its actually ' being professional ' or ' professionalism '
@@flynnona14 lol, haha you are speaking facts
@@timngim583 hahaha lol professional in kissing 😁
ManChan couple 💜💜💜 I will miss both of you, 💜💜I hope you make another movie 💜💜💜💜😍😍😂
He fits each n every person , coz of its humblenesss luv uhhhhh
Let them be a real couple dangg ittt 😭😭😍😍
No sé cuántas veces e visto la serie me encanta ,me encanta la pareja que hacen ,los diálogos me los se al dedillo
IU is so cute❤❤❤
His smile is BEAUTIFUL!!!!
Ideal actor...love it..
They look gorgeous together i wish they were daiting :((🥺
Both of them Are so cute🥺💖
"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."
- 2 Timothy 1:7 KJV
If the news announce their dating let's pretend not expecting it
don't think that will happen cuz theres a huge age diff .. he's younger
@@esthersherin6852 Well they both said that Age does not matter if Heart says yes...Age is just a number
@@esthersherin6852 its not huge
Waiting for dispatch news😍💗
KLJUHx me too dispatch is going to release a 1st Jan special I hope it’s ManChan couple ❤️
And then House on Wheels ep 7-8 happenend and all the skepticism about their chemistry dried up😎
The OST so so beautiful
I hope 🙏 there is season 2😭napaka ganda nung k-drama
How professional they are 🤗
I miss them!! 😭😭❤️
They look extremely cute together.. daebak 😍😍😍❤❤❤ I ship them lol
I just love their chemistry on and off cam
When IU smiles, nothing else matters lol it brightens my day instantly
IU really has a good chemistry with any guy she pair...😍😍
Hai người nên kết hôn luôn đi ,đẹp đôi quá!!!!👫👨👩👦👍👍👍👍👌👌👌👌❤❤❤❤💖💖💖💖
srAp lng pnuorin.i.love them both😍😍😍
There cute together omg sweet
They look so cute together
So sweet and very perfect
Being this beautiful and handsome must be forbidden. This is unfair. 😂
Love them so much. ❤
iu,,yoe jinggo💏👌love you
I like this drama,slam dri malaysia🙏
I'm ready to sacrifice myself so they can be couple forever
How can you not fall in love with each other when the chemistry is so obvious 🥰🥲
best story korea drama.. like like like
i will never get sick of them lol
I miss watching them
Amo esto
Doesn't IU look kinda happy doing the "romantic" scene?
they really look like they are in love, i wish they are actualy a real life couple. can't deny their chemistry!!!
He’s quite playful
Yes, he isss ❤🐶
i mean he’s a 97 liner so he aint that old which is why he has that adorable personality😭😍
If they date each other..I'll support them
j'ai aimé le kdrama ❤❤deh je viens de finir même le dernier épisode 🎉
Ship this two 😍🥰
uri manchan huhu 😭
This video made my tears comes out for a while
They are made for eachother ❤❤❤💨💨💥they look so good when they are together. I shipped this two lovely actor as both are so good looking and kind hearted.l am falling with this two actor more and more even I can't control my heart beat. 🥰🥰❤❤🎎🧨🎈🧧
They are sweet ĺovely happy couple
Pogi din pla ang lokong Gu chan-sung kla ko nung una pangit hahaha. Pero c IU tlga super cute sobra. Lahat ng damit bagay sa knya. Lab u IU hahahah 😘😘😘
Tôi cảm thấy buồn cho một cặp đôi không tồn tại😥
Who is better fit for IU?
Jungkook or Yeo Jin Goo?
Personally I ship IU and Yeo Jin Goo together. She once said that Jungkook and her are never going to date. But who knows, feelings can change, HOWEVER Yeo Jin Goo is in my opinion the best fit for her.. and I would like to see more Rom-Com drama's starring both of them.
I ship IU and jin goo 😍
They're so cute
I'm so thrilled 🥰🥰
I love they😁💓
I’m inlove this couple ❤Oppa!
So cute
If they're dating, I won't be surprised...
It looks sweet
Aghh I think. ...jungkook will become happy to see her happy ....
One of my fav scenes is when she slaps Hyunjoong out of Chansung
Hotel del luna season 2 plssss!!!The concept is still alive and they ca make another season!But now they are in there second life and finding each other!!PLSSS!!
Next pair please IU -mateo Do.
Jungkook will be like: just let this lockdown over am coming to your home you boy😂😂😂only true bts army can understand what am saying and uaena to am both😂😂
Jungkook's ideal girl is iu. But they sent alot of hate towards her bc she's his type. That's the sad part of the Army. But LETS GOOO ARMMYYY
@@saddiajay yesss...its true jk has confessed her too
Actually I love this movie
tbe fact that iu said jin goo is his ideal boyfriend 😃🤌
jungkook left the group 😂😂😂✌️
How is this drama to watch ? Shall I select this in my watch list ?
It's definitely a drama you should watch, beautiful story-line, great actors, the main female character is such a complex, interesting and fun character but it's a roller coaster of emotions so prepare your heart ♥
Thank u so much ! ! I like fun and romcom dramas very much🥰
@@vgsuji Sameee, but remember that this one is more than a rom-com
Lee Elena yes I can guess by watching its reviews 😀
You will cry a lot just telling you...
Son tan lindos