Watching this just after I took the gold (and 60 points) in this very series. Took me some trial and error. The characters in my race were: 1. Toadette - 60 2. Isabelle - 45 3. Yoshi - 40 4. Wario - 39 5. Bowser Jr. - 27 6. Morton - 23 7. Inkling Girl - 22 8. Luigi - 20 9. Link - 19 10. Bowser - 16 11. Villager - 9 12. Iggy - 8
I feel like the racer suit if worn in real life, would be hot, tight, & sweaty, but comfortable. I feel like if she was racing in Cheep Cheep Beach, she would definitely feel the sweat burning inside, but the comfort of the suit, gloves, & boots makes up for it. I wonder if she can use her phone in the gloves too. I also prefer this look to the Mario Movie's racer costume. 💖
Peach is and always will be my queen. she is powerful but she has a magic hiding a supreme magic that she cannot use because she is blocked from the neck she is always the most targeted she is always the damsel in danger but I can assure you that Peach is much more as strong as you think she is incredibly powerful and nobody sees her I saw her that's why Peach is and will always be my queen 👑 (and it's a talking girl)
Mario zenimun I love your videos and I really like this one because you are playing a peach my favorite of them all❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ who your favorite character
I wanna give you a tip if there is a blue shell coming at you. So get a boom box and keep it,so if there is a blue shell coming,use your boom box to make it go away!(Ps my brother found this)
Awesome! Princess Peach is a badass biker in her biker suit and riding on her pink motorcycle. This is the most special thing about Princess Peach.
She played Princess Peach as Samantha Kelly in 150cc Time Trials.
Players: Alyssa May - Princess Peach - 3:18.493
Track: N64 Rainbow Road
This was the BEST cup in this game in my opinion
Everyone is thirsting for peaches in the comments
I have Mario kart 8 😍😍😍
me to!!!
Mario kart Wii 4life
That amazing 🤩
Bgvtggrewtgbj,uyrerfvswfyhvbjhnmjhgcymycvuvuvjvbbkkvjuvh yfyc5de5eedfhfhfgt56677uikkyyt
You got this peach
Do you play Mario Kart 8 Deluxe & if so is Princess Peach your Main?
This is so nice and good
Go peach go!😻😻😻😻
Watching this just after I took the gold (and 60 points) in this very series. Took me some trial and error.
The characters in my race were:
1. Toadette - 60
2. Isabelle - 45
3. Yoshi - 40
4. Wario - 39
5. Bowser Jr. - 27
6. Morton - 23
7. Inkling Girl - 22
8. Luigi - 20
9. Link - 19
10. Bowser - 16
11. Villager - 9
12. Iggy - 8
W de
I love ❤️ your videos
You are really good at Mario kart
قبل ستة اشهر.
طلبييي اي شيء المختلف
Hold my beer boy 🍺
Peach go!
Yddyg0kzteifbiruućnľ bz§NZæf0hhhhhhffu/940
Je t’aime😍😍😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘😘😘😘😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘
@@sergehoerz6586 ygteckrxtuoo i6iuti7p0yi98yyuyuiuiopouhbkmkllññkjk
𝓘 𝓪𝓰𝓻𝓮𝓮
3:26 It's over Peach wins! WOO!
Go princess peach 😍😍
@@brianarudy5874 princess peach is amazing in this game
I love this video
How do you get the item on the back? I love your ep
Hold SL
Go peach go
This is so cool
go Peach #so good
How is she going fast
I love peach 😎😎👌
I feel like the racer suit if worn in real life, would be hot, tight, & sweaty, but comfortable. I feel like if she was racing in Cheep Cheep Beach, she would definitely feel the sweat burning inside, but the comfort of the suit, gloves, & boots makes up for it. I wonder if she can use her phone in the gloves too. I also prefer this look to the Mario Movie's racer costume. 💖
Tu gère trop. 👍👍
Peach is and always will be my queen. she is powerful but she has a magic hiding a supreme magic that she cannot use because she is blocked from the neck she is always the most targeted she is always the damsel in danger but I can assure you that Peach is much more as strong as you think she is incredibly powerful and nobody sees her I saw her that's why Peach is and will always be my queen 👑 (and it's a talking girl)
A walking nonsense...
I am so excited for the summer and my friends have to be back in my work to use the term of a lot
I love peach
Do you play Mario Kart 8 Deluxe & if so is Princess Peach your Main?
best gril
You mean girl
Gril BrUh
Is this on the Nintendo switch.👨👨👧👧🗾🌠🏙🎑🎇🌃🏞🎆🌌🌅🌇🌉🌄🌄🌆🌁🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆🎆🎇🎇🎆🎆🎇🎇🎇🎆🌅🌅🎆🎇🎇
Deluxe have inside drift vehicles!?
I played this at the library
Grand Prarie
Peach go!!!!!
I love peach❤
I have mariokart 8 to I'm a fan I love you
I love this viedo
I wanted this video to edit 🤞🏾😜
Nice biker suit
my edits are shouting rn
Mario zenimun I love your videos and I really like this one because you are playing a peach my favorite of them all❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ who your favorite character
I play as her with the Prancer, Wood Tires, and the Peach Parasol.
Peach is cute ❤️❤️❤️❤️
13:05 princess Peach 7 time star cup champion
Nin. Por. Te. Quoi. 😡😤😡😤😡😤😡😤😡😤😡😤😡😤😡😤😡😤😡😤😡😤😡😤😡😤😡😤😡😤
Ujbnjgjgjm mbkmfkfm
Wie oft Werbung ?
Victoria Naledi Kjær Frilev - 4A L.
what is that
i love it so much
Your like me in Mario cart!
I love ❤️ rosalina
Do you play Mario Kart 8 Deluxe & if so is Rosalina your Main?
Go daisy go ❤️💜🧡💛💚💙💕
Peach is better than Daisy.Daisy is earbleeding
Periodtt M@r(0 don't stand a chance 🙄💅💅 💕💕
Peach is graet
te quiero mucho peach 😍😍😍😍😍
Peach es la mejor yo tengo la Wii Uy tengo ese juego
I watch I love you Peach
كيف اسم الفتات التي ترتدي الرداء الوردي المرسل صهيب و ايمان
Spielst du auf Nintendo switch
At the two first races,Peach was first
And not once did peach get hit by the blue shell
Edit: well when she won the race she did
I love you❤ peach
I wanna give you a tip if there is a blue shell coming at you. So get a boom box and keep it,so if there is a blue shell coming,use your boom box to make it go away!(Ps my brother found this)
I play as Daisy
Whenever you play Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, is Daisy your Main?
I lake them ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Fhid 9ñajñdy5w5+43690
정말 잘 하시네요.저도 한번 해보고 싶네요.
Keep the IHOP’s o
Yes hospital 🏥
tu es tro fort commen tu fai sa 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍tu es un ecpert sur la suitche
C’est normal💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁
Ela Kaiser G t
Vlad Tudorache what?
Ela Kaise
Ela Kaiser l
Ela Kaiser
L, P
Ñlllkjjjkko Iojoiok. Joijjjhuhuuo. Jonjijijjkkkjkjkjkjkjkjkkkjijkmkkkjkkjkojokoioiioioooiooiioioioioioioioioikkkjkjjkjkkjjkjkk
Pe ah gooooooopoooooooo
Hasret voor mooi is licht blond haar en blauw oog is mooi
Peach is mooi
Pech go!!!
I like you peach
супер мне нравится!!!!!!!
Też mam tą grę
Y es god 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
Yo quiero tenerlo
Mar Cervantes not save inglish
Mar Cervanes
V yxdgseeygtrrgayaejb
Mar Cervantes にね
Mar Cervantes p
pedro arrivillaga fdfsfdfg
Ma come fai ad essere sempre prima nei giochi di mario
Ik ben trots dat je won
My Brother Has Mario Kart 8 On Nintendo Switch.
See bowser gr points
soy hija de fredy lopez
What peach
Peach es la mejor del mundo