Thaub cas zoo li koj suab ntsiag lawm nas, tsis tshuam pom koj tawm tuaj tham sab sij huam rau peb mloog lawm nas, kuv pom koj ua ib daim Catoon txog laig dab ntev ntev tsis tau mov nplej tshiab noj zoo saib thiab txaus luag heev, xav kom koj ua ib daim txog hmoob pam tuag es sib cav sib ceg ntawm lub rooj xim sob cas zoo li peb hmoob yuav poob qab ua luaj li os, niag tuag twb cuab lwj lawm cas niam ua cuag nkaus li niag tuag twb yuav sawv los thiab cuag nkaus li niag tuag paub lus nas, kav tsij ua qhia peb hmoob kom hloov es txhob ua neej tig rov qab seb. Kuv saib mas zoo li yav tag los koj pheej mus koom nrog ib yawg thaub uas ntxim ntxim ntxub channel ntshe hmoob thiaj li tsis support koj lawm pob.
Dab neeg phim nyub vais ces xuam coob yog dag xwb.vim hais ces twb muaj txog millions zaj lawm. Koj muab tham pem ntau 2 ua ntej koj mam pib zaj sab sib huam.tham ntau zog lawm os kwv. Thov cut kom short zog,
The story is good but you are not good at telling this story. You're making it too big a deal. You put in too many details. We don't need all these shits. Make the story shorter. You're making it too long with every little details
Cov yawg dab neeg phim nyoos vais thiab dab neeg dab tuag ma ntaus lis ntau 30second ib txog 30second ib yuav ua lis cas muaj tseeb lawm mas! Lam hais lawm xwb hos
zoo heev tij
Zoo mloog caus. Li OS tij laug ntaj neeb
Hai tau zoo heev
Txau ntshai kawv li oz kwv tij
Zab dag kiag lawm os
Thaub cas zoo li koj suab ntsiag lawm nas, tsis tshuam pom koj tawm tuaj tham sab sij huam rau peb mloog lawm nas, kuv pom koj ua ib daim Catoon txog laig dab ntev ntev tsis tau mov nplej tshiab noj zoo saib thiab txaus luag heev, xav kom koj ua ib daim txog hmoob pam tuag es sib cav sib ceg ntawm lub rooj xim sob cas zoo li peb hmoob yuav poob qab ua luaj li os, niag tuag twb cuab lwj lawm cas niam ua cuag nkaus li niag tuag twb yuav sawv los thiab cuag nkaus li niag tuag paub lus nas, kav tsij ua qhia peb hmoob kom hloov es txhob ua neej tig rov qab seb. Kuv saib mas zoo li yav tag los koj pheej mus koom nrog ib yawg thaub uas ntxim ntxim ntxub channel ntshe hmoob thiaj li tsis support koj lawm pob.
Kwv Ntaj Neeb, kuv paub lub rooj Xam Xoom heev. Kuv yog Hmoob lub teb chaw ntawv, kuv hos tsis paul lub zos Rooj Thuv. Cov neeg koj hais, kuv yuav luag paub lawm.
Zooloohee so
Brother ntaj neeb yaj phis nyuj vais
Tham... Tau zoo kawj. Os. Thov nog Koj.. Ua ncag ho Tsi Muaj daab neeg ntsob yiag lawm os... Tsi keeg ntawb hmoob hihi...? 😅😅😅😅😅😅
Dab neeg phim nyub vais ces xuam coob yog dag xwb.vim hais ces twb muaj txog millions zaj lawm. Koj muab tham pem ntau 2 ua ntej koj mam pib zaj sab sib huam.tham ntau zog lawm os kwv. Thov cut kom short zog,
Tham.Tau.Zoo.Kg.Li o.Tij
Cas dag ua luaj nam
Cas koj yv hai tau dg ua lj li nas yg
phim nyuj vais nyb roob phuv xam los yg roob phuv xev na?hhh
tss yg hais kj ov ntaj neeb, yg hais tus mab zaj dab neeg tuaj xb nb.
Ntaj Neeb: Koj nyuam qhuad tuaj tim Nplog teb tsis tau muaj 20 xyoo, koj tseem nco tau teb chaws Nplog zoo; yom? Tsis tas li, 99% ntawm txhua tus neeg qhia thiab hais txog phim nyuj vais nyob sab Nplog yog nyob roob zeb, roob tsua los yog phab zeb, phab tsua...
Cas cov Hmoob uas mus yos hav zoov yuav ruam qauj thiab ua ruam tsab ntse los pw haud qhov tsua, saum haud tsua los sis ze phab zeb thiab phab tsua. Txhua tus yeej paub tias phim nyuj vais mas tsis txhob ua txhaum xws li luag taws, ci roob ris, hlawv nas, etc., cov neeg ruam qauj tseem tias lawv tuaj nrhiav noj thiab tuaj ncaj ncees; yom?
Raws 99% txhua zaj sab sij huam qhia thiab hais txog "phim nyuj vais" ces yog MUS PHAV SIAV TUAG thiab THEEJ TXHOJ XWB LAS; PUAS YOG?
Get to the fucken point smokey, dayem... Lol
The story is good but you are not good at telling this story. You're making it too big a deal. You put in too many details. We don't need all these shits. Make the story shorter. You're making it too long with every little details
Cov yawg dab neeg phim nyoos vais thiab dab neeg dab tuag ma ntaus lis ntau 30second ib txog 30second ib yuav ua lis cas muaj tseeb lawm mas! Lam hais lawm xwb hos
Your writing make no sense. I don't even understand a thing you were saying