Star Wars Jedi Survivor vs Fallen Order - Gameplay and Graphics Comparison

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @likebullets1932
    @likebullets1932 Год назад +141

    Survivor is better in literaly all, but performance, simple fact

    • @talaniel
      @talaniel Год назад +12

      IDK, I liked JFO Merrin design more :-)

    • @Subremedy
      @Subremedy Год назад

      The only performance it struggles with is the water

    • @sambingham1196
      @sambingham1196 Год назад +5

      Don't worry, some clown will find something to nit-pick.

    • @anthonygarcia8749
      @anthonygarcia8749 Год назад +3

      @@sambingham1196 unless if it's something you agree with right?

    • @NoCluYT
      @NoCluYT 11 месяцев назад

      @@talaniel It's the jacket that I'm not a fan of. They're assimilating her too much. The nightsister clothing she wore is a representation of her culture

  • @bigheart8571
    @bigheart8571 Год назад +111

    The gameplay in Jedi Fallen Order feels loose but in Survivor it feels strict.

    • @la7127
      @la7127 Год назад +8

      Almost like it has a hint of turn based combat

    • @rover5058
      @rover5058 Год назад +7

      It's weird Jedi Survivor is supposed to be more open world but somehow feels even more linear than Fallen Order. I liked the atmosphere in Fallen Order more, Survivor feels like too similar to GoW 2018.

    • @Subremedy
      @Subremedy Год назад

      The reason for this is for the 5 different styles they added. They needed more of a play-your-style kind of game then just giving you two styles to switch from. For example the staff saber is much less defensive as you can't buffer block since the animations are too long. And the single saber is slow but balances it out with heavier attacks.

    • @stephencoleman1312
      @stephencoleman1312 Год назад

      @@Subremedy the staff is the most defensive and force friendly of all the stances, I think they rushed dual tbh it has absolutely no defense and doesn't stagger enough enemies when you're overwhelmed , I personally use single blade and staff because single is the most efficient and swift while staff lets you control how close your enemies get

    • @liamc7070
      @liamc7070 Год назад

      @@stephencoleman1312 They all have their strengths in my opinion. Dual is really good during boss fights cause it's fast and wears down stamina really quickly. If you're good at parrying it's goated

  • @yukino-chi6565
    @yukino-chi6565 Год назад +95

    Cal has learned so many things in the last 5 years... but he forgot how to clean up the mantis and use his lightsaber as a flashlight 😂

    • @masstercz6138
      @masstercz6138 Год назад +12

      And never learned to cut doors with lightsaber.

    • @yukino-chi6565
      @yukino-chi6565 Год назад +4

      @@masstercz6138 Nah, he just needed to let Rick have his moment... his last moment

    • @vincethatwonderfulboi7374
      @vincethatwonderfulboi7374 Год назад +22

      nah he can still use it as a flashlight

  • @TheJuise26
    @TheJuise26 Год назад +31

    I’m really enjoying this game, just started and been playing for a couple hours and still have a ways to go

    • @btbarr16
      @btbarr16 Год назад +7

      It's a great game. Great story and they added just enough for the gameplay to not feel like I was still playing Fallen Order. I wish more studios would realize they don't need to reinvent the wheel every time they release a sequel to a game people largely liked. Fix the stuff people didn't like, add a little bit so it feels fresh, and focus on the story. When they're done with the series, then they can reinvent the wheel with the next series.

    • @TheJuise26
      @TheJuise26 Год назад

      @@btbarr16 absolutely

  • @Carneillon
    @Carneillon Год назад +15

    Fallen Order's art style just far superior than the Survivor. It simply looks amazing and runs a lot more stable. From the gameplay perspective Survivor improved A LOT from the previous game but Fallen Order is artisticly better in nearly every other aspect.

    • @ma1ist
      @ma1ist 7 месяцев назад +5

      What load of crap lol. Survivor is just more polished and prettier in every way

    • @TheACTIONZ
      @TheACTIONZ 5 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@ma1istnope. Game looks worse, even on epic settings, the game is blurry with tons of pixelating and artefacting while the performance is significantly worse.

  • @barrythird3297
    @barrythird3297 Год назад +13

    About the star wars game? The fallen and survivor is very intense

  • @broosewain1528
    @broosewain1528 Год назад +18

    Am I the only one who prefers the more Centred camera angle in fallen order?

  • @basti9355
    @basti9355 Год назад +14

    In my opinion the lightsaber colors in Jedi Fallen Order are better and the different ignition sounds too.

  • @LegendaryName
    @LegendaryName Год назад +26

    I honestly like fallen order more

    • @ronanadub7156
      @ronanadub7156 Год назад +23

      Survivor is better in every way except the story. Like I want to fight the empire not bounty hunters.

    • @amfrenzy1474
      @amfrenzy1474 Год назад +2

      Yeah, I have to give it to Fallen order.

    • @ImYukaByeBye
      @ImYukaByeBye 6 месяцев назад +2

      @@ronanadub7156 Thats your opinion lol

    • @LucidFox04
      @LucidFox04 Месяц назад

      Yea I like fallen order tok

  • @christopherjones5827
    @christopherjones5827 8 месяцев назад +1

    Survivor just has slightly more detail in the gameplay and the environments that is all.

  • @peloquin5652
    @peloquin5652 Год назад +7

    amazing work guys

  • @michaelotto2744
    @michaelotto2744 Год назад +3

    MIght as well be an image with actual content versus an unreal engine crash screen. So many crashes, it really doesn't matter.

    • @talaniel
      @talaniel Год назад

      I did not get a single unreal engine crash screen.
      I got zillions of freezes though :-D They really messed up this one :-) Not sure how it was when JFO was released - I bought it in 2022 IIRC, so probably patched to max already.

  • @konigwolff
    @konigwolff Год назад +1

    Personally I loved the animations looking almost the same in both games since it's the same character. The combat is much more fancy with a lot of the same combos. It's literally just him older and more experienced. His basic form is going to stay the same, just adding more moves

  • @PedroZangs
    @PedroZangs Год назад +17

    I miss when 4 years in the gaming industry had a huge leap in graphics, nowadays it's literally the same graphics😢

    • @rover5058
      @rover5058 Год назад +5

      This is EA's fault, because they forgot to port the game to Unreal Engine 5 mid development.

    • @vincethatwonderfulboi7374
      @vincethatwonderfulboi7374 Год назад +6

      @@rover5058they didn’t forget, they were just too far deep into development by the time the tech became available. they said so in an interview that it was a lot of effort to redo a lot of their work in a different engine

    • @Richdadful
      @Richdadful 11 месяцев назад +2

      True! Difference between a 2003 and 2007 game was very big. Prince of Persia to Crysis.

    • @theelectricprince8231
      @theelectricprince8231 10 месяцев назад +5

      This game has 3 times the content than the previous game, who still cares about graphics?
      Focusing on graphics reduces the amount of content we get and raises the price for the game

    • @PedroZangs
      @PedroZangs 10 месяцев назад

      @@theelectricprince8231 i care

  • @Cold_sssss
    @Cold_sssss Год назад +4

    Maybe when the new star wars game will release jedi survivor will be finally optimised

  • @oOTheMastaOo240
    @oOTheMastaOo240 5 месяцев назад +1

    Lowkey like Fallen Order more. Padding was already an issue but Survivor straight up doesnt respect your time

  • @ariesmu1987
    @ariesmu1987 Год назад +6

    fallen order is more dark and best graphics

    • @johnmack7013
      @johnmack7013 Год назад +2

      Objectively false . Survivor has better visuals . If you played survivor you would know this . Lighting , environments and character detail , facial animation are way better in the sequal . Its honesly a big difference.

    • @anthonygarcia8749
      @anthonygarcia8749 Год назад +2

      @@johnmack7013 oBjEctIveLy

  • @ilyakuzmin2256
    @ilyakuzmin2256 Год назад +2

    The video would be better if you synchronised movements in face-to-face comparison moments

  • @markusdescar
    @markusdescar Год назад +3

    They should definitely add the battle grid mode from Fallen Order game +

    • @NoCluYT
      @NoCluYT 11 месяцев назад +3

      Yes 100%. God of War showed that arena/roguelike modes can exist in modern story games. I hope the trend can continue because the biggest detriment to single player games in the modern era is player retention. People wanna play games endlessly without repeating content

    • @TheACTIONZ
      @TheACTIONZ 5 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@NoCluYTat least if you're on pc you are guaranteed to have mods like ai spawner

  • @sebastianengelsman7255
    @sebastianengelsman7255 4 месяца назад

    The double-bladed lightsaber has been massively upgraded since Fallen Order. I played Fallen Order and Survivor back to back and while the Survivor version is very smooth and elegant, the Fallen Order version feels very clunky and not as energetic.

  • @sash9249
    @sash9249 Год назад

    I hope they totally revamp the animation in the next one. You can tell they just tweaked a lot of the animations from FO. Even the basic running and walking animations look dated next to other current gen games.

  • @FandangoBatter
    @FandangoBatter Год назад +9

    About halfway through survivor and the story and characters pale in comparison to fallen order. Survivor feels like a generic hack and slash game.

    • @Dyakko_Zayne
      @Dyakko_Zayne Год назад +12

      😂 erm, you're left with a mediocre game then, because compared to that, survivor is much better in various aspects, performance is improving, the problem is Denuvo and making such a big game with good graphic quality by integrating that system.

  • @danmilli8068
    @danmilli8068 Год назад +13

    fallen order felt more like star wars. it was a balanced game.

    • @Subremedy
      @Subremedy Год назад +1

      Survivor isn't balanced? hmm?

    • @danmilli8068
      @danmilli8068 Год назад +2

      @@Subremedy i have my opinions

    • @vprometheussv8590
      @vprometheussv8590 Год назад +2

      @@danmilli8068 ur opinion is wrong but I guess ur entitled to your wrong opinion

    • @danmilli8068
      @danmilli8068 Год назад +2

      @@vprometheussv8590 what do you think?

    • @johnmack7013
      @johnmack7013 Год назад +3

      @@danmilli8068Imo survivor improved on fallen order on nearly every aspect. If you prefer fallen order its fine , but Survivor is objectively a much more impressive game . Survivor is better overall.

  • @jrchannel7405
    @jrchannel7405 10 месяцев назад +1

    I hate that they removed the combos from single to double lightsaber in Jedi survivor

  • 2 месяца назад

    fallen order feel tense like souls game while survivor give me action vibe

  • @RevanTWD
    @RevanTWD 8 месяцев назад +1

    Is the performance better now or Jedi survivor

  • @CDmusic10
    @CDmusic10 9 дней назад

    Yeah, I can't really tell the difference in graphics at all lol. I'm debating which one to get for my new PS5, and it might just come down to Coruscant (the best planet in Star Wars) being in jedi survivor.

    • @ChrisJohnson-nv2ir
      @ChrisJohnson-nv2ir 7 дней назад

      @@CDmusic10 both are 21 dollars on the ps store till the 20th

  • @transformerslegosandmore1380
    @transformerslegosandmore1380 Год назад

    i love that synthwave

  • @enriquegarciagarcia2796
    @enriquegarciagarcia2796 Год назад +4

    Tanto se nota la diferencia como para no sacarlo en ps4 o xbox one?

    • @donatellodadeepweb1054
      @donatellodadeepweb1054 7 месяцев назад

      Exatamente oque penso, mas era muito mal otimizado, minha 580 que tem 3 x menos poder que a 6800 atual rodavam o fallen order a 40-60 FPS
      Já o survivor minha 6800 tá sofrendo em 44-77 fps, qual o motivo sendo que os gráficos nem mudaram tanto

  • @maciejkwak9316
    @maciejkwak9316 Год назад +36

    Survivor would have been much better game if they simply copied graphics and optimization of fallen order rather than creating this unstable abomination. For me fallen order runs with nearly max graphics on 120 fps while in survivor i get unstable 40-50 with huge lags in big open areas REGARDLESS of graphic settings.

    • @Dyakko_Zayne
      @Dyakko_Zayne Год назад +1

      erm, you're left with a mediocre game then, because compared to that, survivor is much better in various aspects, performance is improving, the problem is Denuvo and making such a big game with good graphic quality by integrating that system.

    • @zeedude8026
      @zeedude8026 Год назад +1

      @@Dyakko_Zayne LMAO the fact you legit believe such a idiotic claim is hilarious 😂 the graphics are literally the exact same as fallen order and the planets are only marginally bigger in scope but suddenly even powerhouse PCs can’t run it when those same PCs run fallen order flawlessly. Next gen my ass!

    • @RP-bp2js
      @RP-bp2js Год назад +3

      @@Dyakko_Zayne what he said is that he prefers good optimization instead of graphics, most of us are! he didn't said anything about the game.

    • @ZildoghUNTER
      @ZildoghUNTER Год назад +1

      oh poor you expecting a perfect game at launch

    • @An-intricate-man
      @An-intricate-man Год назад +8

      @@ZildoghUNTER no he wants bare minimum lol

  • @mat.phoenix
    @mat.phoenix Месяц назад

    Story, animations, locations, characters, atmosphere and little details are better in fallen order. Survivour is bigger but bigger is not better.

  • @Juan-Sung-Kyung
    @Juan-Sung-Kyung 9 месяцев назад +1

    BD-1 it was much better designed in Fallen Order...

  • @scatmancrothers
    @scatmancrothers Год назад +1

    not a lot in it. character looks better in survivor for sure with better subsuface scattering. generally both really pretty games, but 2 things that arnt't great in either of them, motion blur is whack and when a level or area is loading in and you see all the textures at really low resolution then they pop into high quality isnt great. would be interested to see the 3rd game on unreal 5.

    • @Subremedy
      @Subremedy Год назад

      You can turn off motion blur..

  • @chrisgravel953
    @chrisgravel953 Год назад +1

    Survivor IS fire.....i Hope dlc for visite more systèm....and maybe another game with master castis and New History

  • @BlazingBluexv
    @BlazingBluexv 7 месяцев назад

    Funny cause survivor has allot of bugs and glitches of my time playing it but fallen order though I never had issues since it came out but Fallen order>>>

  • @ChronosDosGriz
    @ChronosDosGriz Год назад +4

    Cere got cancer now?

  • @yangdarkn3ss372
    @yangdarkn3ss372 Год назад


  • @SX41799
    @SX41799 Год назад +11

    Fallen Order had much better visuals. The textures were cleaner, the lighting was good and it was stable. Jedi Survivor looks far too vibrant and many textures - especially hair textures look wonky and blurred. Jedi Survivor looks worse and runs worse than its predecessor. Bode's and Cordovas Face look like they're made in 2004 in terms of textures.

    • @Subremedy
      @Subremedy Год назад +5

      Survivor looks better. They fixed a lot of what wasn't a part of FO

    • @andreatoppi5627
      @andreatoppi5627 7 месяцев назад +1

      You need a doctor. A good one, lol

    • @SX41799
      @SX41799 2 месяца назад

      @@andreatoppi5627 1:41 You can't be serious

  • @Richdadful
    @Richdadful 11 месяцев назад +1

    The graphics is only slightly better. Liek the difference is very small.

    • @andreatoppi5627
      @andreatoppi5627 7 месяцев назад

      From a 10 minute video?
      You havent played Fallen Order
      You havent played Jedi Survivor

  • @kitabgaming9350
    @kitabgaming9350 2 месяца назад +1


  • @thokchomphalgunisingh2199
    @thokchomphalgunisingh2199 Год назад +1

    fo has more art design

  • @Mstech20047
    @Mstech20047 11 месяцев назад

    Same story??

  • @donatellodadeepweb1054
    @donatellodadeepweb1054 7 месяцев назад

    Porque ficou tao pesado rodar esse jogos ? Minha rx580 rodava no alto/ultra o fallen order mesmo senso placa de entrada
    Ja o survivor minha 6800 ta no limite a 44-77 fps senso que os graficos estao a mesma merda ( jogo sem rtx)

  • @startforce2617
    @startforce2617 Год назад +3

    they made it pretty easy for themselves and just copied most of the animations etc. combat system and finisher taken over.. actually sad that there were hardly any changes except for the story

    • @guts-141
      @guts-141 Год назад +2

      There's dual saber, blaster and crossguard stance. You can't just say they didn't add anything new

    • @theelectricprince8231
      @theelectricprince8231 10 месяцев назад +2

      You did not play the game

    @MROKJIA Год назад +2

    I thought Merrin looked better in survivor

  • @runni9210
    @runni9210 Год назад +1

    why next gen title looks so bad? and old gen title looking much better.....???😮😂 wired.....

  • @BiggieJ4224
    @BiggieJ4224 Год назад +29

    Fallen order had better environments and story

    • @KillerBee300
      @KillerBee300 Год назад +22

      I agree with story but not environment.

    • @FandangoBatter
      @FandangoBatter Год назад

      Totally agree.

    • @blender9342
      @blender9342 Год назад +14

      I disagree honestly, the story in Survivor seemed much more deep and impactful. Character development was also much better in Survivor. Just due to performance issues in some worlds I’ll say FO has better environment

    • @catdix_shorts9596
      @catdix_shorts9596 Год назад

      first games story was so boring ong.

    • @BiggieJ4224
      @BiggieJ4224 Год назад +1

      @@catdix_shorts9596 yea coming back to this comment idk why I said this

  • @locustboy8448
    @locustboy8448 Год назад +2

    Not sure which game I prefer honestly, -SPOILERS POSSIBLE IN THIS COMPARISON WARNING ⚠️
    The story in Fallen Order is both more immediately gripping and emotional for me. The story in Survivor is more of a slow burn hits a sharp acceleration 3/4 of the way through. Fallen Orders smaller cast made for some great writing and moments, however it’s lacking the breadth of characters that Survivor brings to the table and that’s not to say the characters and moments aren’t good in Survivor. Fallen Order felt even more linear than Survivor. Combat felt more refined in Survivor. I slightly preferred the Zeffo mystery over the High Republic mystery. Dagan is a bit bland compared even to the other inquisitors in Fallen Order although Rayvis had enough personality to like. Bode was a good twist villain but Second Sister Trilla is hard to top as a main antagonist. Although I’m not even sure you can call Bode the “main” antagonist considering he was a twist villain that late in the game.
    As a pure Star Wars story-Fallen Order, by a few points
    Planets and environments-Fallen Order, although again not a huge landslide but they had a better and more varied selection of environments I’d say through the game.
    Gameplay-Survivor, way better this time around I’d say. Not even really close imo but maybe I just need to go back to FO.
    Which would I rather go back to on a completed file and mess around in-Survivor, lots to do and Pyloons is a gem.
    Pyloons Saloon characters and vibe bonus-Survivor.
    Enemy factions random dialogue that’s absolutely hilarious bonus-Survivor.
    Hopefully they bring the best of both worlds for the final instalment in the trilogy!
    “Jedi-Master” next?!

  • @marston5920
    @marston5920 Год назад

    It's EA this the best they can make, just clean up their first version and added new combat movements

    • @johnmack7013
      @johnmack7013 Год назад +3

      Really doubt that you played survivor . Survivor is a phenomenal game and improved on nearly every aspect.

    • @theelectricprince8231
      @theelectricprince8231 10 месяцев назад

      Play the game

  • @ivocavalcanti5913
    @ivocavalcanti5913 11 месяцев назад


  • @kfsdk8
    @kfsdk8 Год назад

    faces are better in fallen order

  • @fnafhexplushies8321
    @fnafhexplushies8321 Год назад +1


  • @njitjerry
    @njitjerry Год назад


  • @SX41799
    @SX41799 2 месяца назад

    1:41 everything we need to know

  • @SX41799
    @SX41799 2 месяца назад

    3:54 big L for Jedi Survivor