The Weeknd FULL Super Bowl Halftime Show Reaction

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 78

  • @waldemarrodriguez4243
    @waldemarrodriguez4243 3 года назад +45

    Omg I love you so much guys , I saw your video last year with jlo and Shakira halftime show and I love the energy . Keep the good job and more videos Plis .

    • @thetrihardgirls
      @thetrihardgirls  3 года назад +3

      Thanks for coming back again this year and watching!

  • @EmpteeBluffs
    @EmpteeBluffs 3 года назад +31

    He's not running out of mainstream hits, he has way more lol

  • @juliepayes2356
    @juliepayes2356 3 года назад +76

    The beginning of the performance where he’s coming in with the lights behind him, represents his character going into fame, then when he was surrounded with the lights, it represents he’s character going into drugs and being influenced by beauty standards (which is why there was the people with head wraps) then we see him on top of the stage which represents he is “on top of the world” and achieved his goals and fame. But then we see him on the field and seeing The Weeknd clones scattered on the floor, represents Hollywood chewing him up and using him and left him at the bottom. I recommend watching His after hours music videos and short films to understand what character he’s been developing. It’s really interesting.

    • @juliepayes2356
      @juliepayes2356 3 года назад +13

      A lot of people are complaining about no co-performers and that it was boring. But he did it for his XO fans. Without the XO fam he wouldn’t be where he is right now, he would still be homeless on the streets of Toronto. This performance was also 100% live, no prerecording. It was just amazing. He did the best he could have done. This performance was a 10/10.

    • @arianamymoonlight4883
      @arianamymoonlight4883 3 года назад +1

      thank u for explaining . please do you know what's the meaning behind the man flying in the air when the choir is singing call out my name ?

    • @stewartgalvez81
      @stewartgalvez81 3 года назад +2

      @@arianamymoonlight4883 I gotchu, thats Lucifer falling on las Vegas, therefore called "sincity". 🤙🏾

    • @awakenedhigherself9961
      @awakenedhigherself9961 3 года назад +1

      Watch the movie US

    • @mosescuh3644
      @mosescuh3644 2 года назад

      @@arianamymoonlight4883 either lucifer, a fallen angel, or the f*cking anti christ

  • @Raulisai
    @Raulisai 3 года назад +85

    He did pulled up an og song, House of Balloons from his first mixtape. The song before Blinding Lights & trust me, we og fans loved it! Although I wouldn't expect non weeknd fans to like it that much. Nice reaction 👍🏻

    • @24kmagic88
      @24kmagic88 3 года назад

      Og song means ?

    • @24kmagic88
      @24kmagic88 3 года назад

      @@Raulisai I know house of balloon song . But am not familiar with term OG.

    • @thetrihardgirls
      @thetrihardgirls  3 года назад +1

      Oops we totally missed it and didn’t hear it the first time around.🤭

    • @darkwithastutter
      @darkwithastutter 3 года назад

      @@24kmagic88 original

    • @thetrihardgirls
      @thetrihardgirls  3 года назад

      @Christopher I Wolf og does mean original gangster, but overtime people have started to use it to just mean original as well!

  • @Hamzethegoat
    @Hamzethegoat 3 года назад +30

    He did the whole thing live and couldn’t really use the stage as much but it was visually and vocally amazing

  • @oriannamorales7400
    @oriannamorales7400 3 года назад +25

    It’s called save your tears, listen to the new album

  • @Exello.o
    @Exello.o 3 года назад +14

    I don't understand why it always has to be the crazy dancers, and the artist has to dance, etc. I saw this halftime show more like Prince. Where Prince only had himself, a drummer, and two dancers. Yet that performance was beloved by many and places itself as a favorite in many of peoples hearts. He is vocally, very talented and that was the focus of the performance. He did it live, not many can say the same. There were some problems with the mixing of the track, and at times his voice was behind the background music. He still did an amazing job in my opinion and that's coming from someone who barely knows him and his songs. Why are we comparing it to shows like Beyoncé or JLo when we should be comparing it to shows more like Prince.

  • @ethanwaterhouse834
    @ethanwaterhouse834 3 года назад +10

    You have to remember, he had to use his own money for this, it was during corona times so the crowd was limited, he apparently had more plans for this like being more centred and it being more crazy but they wouldn’t allow it, so he changed things up, made it more grounded, and I preferred it, it doesn’t need to be like the others, Jlo, Beyoncé etc and frankly I liked it more, he changed it up, if everyone done it the same every year, it’s get boring, I liked how he used different parts of the stadium and didn’t need a feature to back him up, he did it all on his own and killed it

  • @BerserkRain
    @BerserkRain 3 года назад +9

    What's so crazy is like he spent 7 million dollars of his own money to take care of all those people he they had to hire relating to insurance, clothes, protocols, props, the musicians, and even more. For sone reason the NFL didn't wanna use their money which is odd since that is what they usually do for halftime shows so he actually wasn't getting paid but more so losing money but he took the reigns and did the best he could with all the restrictions that were put on them. Especially when he mentioned in a interview not being able to build a stage in the center of the field because of all the workers it would take but ofc COVID. It sucks that he is catching so much flack and people saying dumb things that don't make sense even though it was a good performance in general in a literal pandemic.

    • @thetrihardgirls
      @thetrihardgirls  3 года назад +1

      Oh wow, we did not know all of that. Thanks for sharing!

    • @BerserkRain
      @BerserkRain 3 года назад

      @@thetrihardgirls No problem, yall are dope love yalls vids.

  • @littleraygaming
    @littleraygaming 3 года назад +16

    i feel sorry for him , in every super bowl u see people jumping and
    running and the crowd is smiling, laughing and all that, his performing
    during corona days was HARD because of Distancing and limits, people are
    away from each other they cant feel the artist like they always do in
    every super bowl , great show bro you did a crazy job.

  • @dizzlebizzle8424
    @dizzlebizzle8424 3 года назад +3

    the biggest takeaway being that he's similar to michael jackson is like looking at the sky and calling it blue.

  • @xaxylia
    @xaxylia 3 года назад +15


  • @arielescalante7846
    @arielescalante7846 3 года назад +3

    Great reaction from all three of you, ladies. Love from Argentina. I lived in Texas for a year (2000-2001) and I guess I need to readjust my english lol. The Weeknd is rocking all over the world.

  • @kidaa9653
    @kidaa9653 3 года назад +9

    U guys r Tiktok stans, girl without mask cute tho

  • @creedencebakken4148
    @creedencebakken4148 3 года назад +4

    The girl not wearing a mask cute af 🔥

  • @andrewgill6770
    @andrewgill6770 3 года назад +2

    You girls did a great job and I want to give your retriever a 5 minute hug.

  • @nickwardiya8379
    @nickwardiya8379 3 года назад +1

    When they were talking about the red suit and white mask it’s called us

  • @Murphyj102
    @Murphyj102 3 года назад +9

    Weeknd best artist in the world

  • @biancabrunner3986
    @biancabrunner3986 3 года назад +3

    I love the vibe

  • @kathrynangelotti8415
    @kathrynangelotti8415 3 года назад +3

    Are you guys wearing Tri Hard Girls merch....?!

  • @ubzue8402
    @ubzue8402 3 года назад +2

    It was save your tears

  • @rahuldutta1666
    @rahuldutta1666 3 года назад +1

    love the vibe omg

  • @robkatzberg38
    @robkatzberg38 3 года назад +6

    How y’all gonna watch the SB with masks on 😂

    • @jeffwvu4602
      @jeffwvu4602 11 месяцев назад

      It's all about virtue signaling and showing people they're wearing them on the vid and then ripping them off as soon as the video is over. This is what leftists do. They're insufferable.

  • @bloodyvx4325
    @bloodyvx4325 3 года назад +8

    Why yall talk too much yall missed half of it. ❌⭕

    • @thetrihardgirls
      @thetrihardgirls  3 года назад +6

      It’s a reaction video and trust us we rewatched it like 3 times it was that good ! 😉

  • @99koray
    @99koray 3 года назад

    „This us selenas Song crowded room“ fkin hell Girl at least she knew the meaning…

  • @jaydensaldana6451
    @jaydensaldana6451 3 года назад +6

    You guys are big fans of the weekend

  • @PeXOne-o
    @PeXOne-o 3 года назад +1

    Why did the video keep cutting out?

    • @thetrihardgirls
      @thetrihardgirls  3 года назад +2

      When we first uploaded we got a copyright claim so we had to cut some parts out to ensure it would upload. I know it was super annoying that we had to do that :/ thanks for bearing with us!

  • @sebastianpersson4113
    @sebastianpersson4113 2 года назад

    yall should reactc to the whole the weeknd story

  • @hyunfil3524
    @hyunfil3524 3 года назад +1


  • @the_matt_berardi
    @the_matt_berardi 3 года назад +2

    Imagine wearing your mask inside your own home

    • @thetrihardgirls
      @thetrihardgirls  3 года назад +3

      We all don’t live together, this was at K’s house, which is why she didn’t wear a mask. Just trying to be extra safe ✌🏼 & ❤️

  • @oriontrujillo_05
    @oriontrujillo_05 3 года назад +4

    Yo girls, can you do me a favor. I want you guys to go back to his first albums which is mad fire then you guys would be in for a treat, if you give it a chance. Come back to me when you know what XOTWOD means.

    • @oriontrujillo_05
      @oriontrujillo_05 3 года назад +2

      Only OG XO fans would know. 😁

    • @diamondgurl671
      @diamondgurl671 3 года назад +1

      XOTWODDD babyy I swear the HOB transition into blinding lights was a special treat to his XO fam ☺️

    • @oriontrujillo_05
      @oriontrujillo_05 3 года назад

      @@diamondgurl671 tell me abt it

  • @betosalazar4029
    @betosalazar4029 3 года назад +1

    We (me) missed the red hair with glasses. Greetings from Coral Gables, Miami 😀

  • @jokera6185
    @jokera6185 2 года назад

    Legit reaction

  • @magnoliamagnolia6315
    @magnoliamagnolia6315 3 года назад +3

    Me encantó como comentaron la actuación the weekend fue genialllll

  • @rullmourn1142
    @rullmourn1142 3 года назад +1

    Your audio needs work, can't even hear the music.

  • @tt.1587
    @tt.1587 3 года назад +1


  • @thedailypaparazzi411
    @thedailypaparazzi411 3 года назад +1

    them all got wet

  • @waldemarrodriguez4243
    @waldemarrodriguez4243 3 года назад +6

    You guys should react to Madonna Halftime show . and Beyoncé and Bruno’s Mars too .

  • @alexdelacruz4677
    @alexdelacruz4677 3 года назад +5

    I was more focused on your beautiful dog. 😍

  • @iamchristian1129
    @iamchristian1129 3 года назад +1

    react to Katy Perry's Halftime Show plz

  • @andresperez7476
    @andresperez7476 3 года назад

    Hi there 😴👿😬

  • @javierbookshadowscontribut6223
    @javierbookshadowscontribut6223 3 года назад

    70th comment