Wow, you are too beautiful whomever see you shall believe that God is real, and whenever I see you I am always in a dream, and when we wake up we all will realize that all this life was nothing but a dream and that only God is whats true and real. I dont know how can atheists believe that such a very sexy attractive beauty queen like you came from monkeys hahaha 😄 There was a teacher whom didn't believe in the existence of God, He said to his students do you see God?, the students replied no we don't see God, so the teacher said if you don't see God it means there is no God, then a smart student stood up and said to the other students hey guys do you see the teachers brain?, then the students replied no we don't see the teachers brain, the student then said then the teacher is crazy he got no brain :0) عن الإمام علي "عليه السلام": عَجِبتُ لمن شك في الله، وهو يرى خلق الله Imam Ali, peace be upon him, said: I cant understand how a man-man/women-can doubt in the existence of God-/Allah-although he sees His creation. وعن الإمام علي "عليه السلام": عَجِبتُ لمن أنكر النشأة الأخرى، وهو يرى النشأة الأولى Imam Ali, peace be upon him, said: I cant understand how any one denies the second life although he/she seen the first life-this life is actually a living proof of both the existence of its creator, as well as a clear proof that indicates that another life in heaven or hell may also be a very possible chance as well-. وعن الإمام علي "عليه السلام": عَجِبتُ لعامر دار الفناء، وتارك دار البقاء Imam Ali, peace be upon him, said: I cant understand how any one inhabits this transient abode-and is so indulged in it-but ignores the everlasting hereafter abode, one God for all of us, all the universe shows unity with diversity, there are different things different creatures and different materials but are all made of particles and atoms Even if we will assume that there will not be an atom left of you after death, you still have proven as a created being that there is a Creator,you proved the existence of God even if you do not believe in God. God initiated everything, and he redo too, and it is evident. this life is temporary while the next is forever eternal either in paradise or burning in Hell fire good qualities are beneficial, and bad qualities are harmful So be good & do more good always for God sake and refrain from doing any evil or sin and worship only God alone who got no mother no father no son and is one not two nor three nor more always remember him and be mindful of him and worship him in the way he wants. One of the best good deeds a person can ever do is teaching people useful things or a useful skill 🙂 or caring for another person an elderly parent a wife/husband or a child or an ill person, or protecting an innocent person, Also spreading this message and not letting it stop with you.
this life is temporary while the next is forever eternal either in paradise or burning in Hell fire good qualities are beneficial, and bad qualities are harmful Be good dont be bad and refrain from sins and obey God and worship him alone in the way he wants to be worshiped and you will be saved from Hell fire and will enter paradise and be happy forever Whoever does an atom’s weight of good will see it, and whoever does an atom’s weight of evil will see it, or may not see it if God pardons him/her and has mercy on him/her that's if he/she try's to fix what he/she has spoiled, in the right time, When you give charity God protects you and blesses you with more good things in life or more money. A teaching from the prophet Mohammed may peace and blessings of God be upon his pure great soul and upon his great honorable progeny. When you be bad to others you will hurt your own self too, likewise when you don't do what you should in the right time. Having faith in God makes you stronger and makes you have hope even when things become very difficult for you and even when you are weak. Also: Drinking alcoholic beverages damages the liver and the mind. Adultery is not good, because it is not true love it is neglect to the lady and to the fetus, and brings sexual diseases, while marriage on the other hand, ok there is sex in marriage too and thats not a bad thing, its actually good, &is for the continuation of human race, & even for the here after its good for you because if you get children the good deeds of your children are counted as good deeds for both them and you, so they are a continuation of your own good deeds after you die and cant do good deeds any more, they are a continuation of you, & sex is to enjoy too, there is sex in marriage but marriage unlike adulatory it has love in it, it is a relationship in which the woman and the fetus are cared for, & even if they don't want to continue in a long lasting relationship they would at least have to be agreeing regarding the baby that the baby should be cared for, more especially the guy he has to know that he is responsible for the child infront of God even if he didnt want to have a child but he got one, he has to provide for him/her and to make sure the child becomes a good human being. Sodomy-same sex marriage-its bad and not part of normal human nature and life &it brings many sexual diseases. Eating pork can bring cholesterol &some parasitic worms. Not cheating, gaining trust by being a trust worthy honest person, & having good behavior, can help bring more money to you, and is good for you in the next life too. These are some of the teaching of the prophet Mohammed And this is from the quran from God to the prophet Mohammed and is part of the teachings of Islam, God says to the prophet: (50:45) (O Prophet), We are well aware of what they say; and you are not required to force things on them. So exhort with the Qur'an all those who fear My warning. *56 نحن أعلم بما يقولون وما أنت عليهم بجبار فذكر بالقرآن من يخاف﴿ We are most knowing of what they say, and you are not over them a tyrant. But remind by the Qur'an whoever fears My threat. نَحْنُ أَعْلَمُ بِمَا يَقُولُونَ ۖ وَمَا أَنْتَ عَلَيْهِمْ بِجَبَّارٍ ۖ فَذَكِّرْ بِالْقُرْآنِ مَنْ يَخَافُ وَعِيدِ 45Sé muy bien lo que dicen de ti [¡oh, Mujámmad!]. Pero tú no puedes forzarlos a creer, solo exhórtalos con el Corán, que quien tema Mi amenaza recapacitará. سم الله الرحمن الرحيم قُلْ لِلَّذِينَ آمَنُوا يَغْفِرُوا لِلَّذِينَ لَا يَرْجُونَ أَيَّامَ اللَّهِ لِيَجْزِيَ قَوْمًا بِمَا كَانُوا يَكْسِبُونَ 14 . Tell those who believe, to forgive those who do not look forward to the Days of Allah: It is for Him to recompense (for good or ill) each People according to what they have earned. مَنْ عَمِلَ صَالِحًا فَلِنَفْسِهِ ۖ وَمَنْ أَسَاءَ فَعَلَيْهَا ۖ ثُمَّ إِلَىٰ رَبِّكُمْ تُرْجَعُونَ 15 If any one does a righteous deed, it ensures to the benefit of his own soul; if he does evil, it works against (his own soul). In the end will ye (all) be brought back to your Lord. The final messenger of God Muhammad is the most perfect human ever, all the good character and all the good behavior and all good qualities were found in him, & he was the most intelligent man, his mind was the brightest mind, & he was the most merciful of all people, his heart was the most loving largest whitest & kindest heart, and was the most tolerating and most patient with others, and most pardoning to others, and most forgiving and most kind, but was also brave, Prophet Mohammed was the bravest person ever, and was the firmest person against all types of crimes and against deviating from the good teachings of God, &was the most just in his own ways the way of God & most generous & kind, and had God always in his mind and was the most grateful human to God even when he had nothing, and was the most honest most trustworthy person ever, and most persevering human ever, and asked people to do every good deed possible and to refrain from evil deeds and sin, Prophet Mohammed may peace and blessing be upon him and upon his successor imam Ali and his God fearing God loving progeny taught every good, & taught people to respect & love & care for each other, & for the female, & elder, & children, & to protect the innocent person regardless of what he/she believed in, (If one of the polytheists seeks protection from you, then grant him protection) Holly Quran, & taught to either forgive the one who wronged you, or be just & fair when retaliating, or to shock the person and enslave his/her heart by being generous &kind. & taught to not waste money and resources and not to harm the environment, and to try to have a good hygiene and to try to look good and to try to smell good and to take good care of your own self, and to enjoy what God didn't forbid, so to be grateful to God, and protect your self and others from harm, and to defend the religion the final religion which God will accept and will accept no other than it anymore. & regarding the topic: Who to follow after the prophet!?, who are the extension of him and his light, well, try to find out by your self, however, in summery, to give you a hint: Even if you may think that all the companions of the Messenger were always good and all of them are like mountains, despite everything that happened between them!!! the Prophet said: “My family-daughter Fatima the lady of light the lady of heaven and Imam Ali and their great offspring's and special perfect chosen descendants-are like the ark-/ship-of Noah, whomever embarked on it survived, and whomever did not drowned and perished-/died-. &We know that the son of Noah did not embark on the ark/ship of salvation, rather he climbed a mountain and drowned due to the very high tides and because he didn't follow God command. Don't be like him spread the light teach what's good &right its best for you and for all and better than letting the wrong things from wrong teachings or bad desires and ill mind happen, prevention is better than cure , Spread this message in both the muslim and non muslim world to counter terrorism and to also spread good understanding between nations too: The prophet Mohammed taught to not attack the civilians, & not only that, even the combatant whom is running away from the battel field and is not willing to fight any battel against you anymore, and also the injured combatant whom cant fight, he too shouldn't be harmed, and even the combatant who killled many solders while in the battel but then surrenders & truly repents and becomes a muslim&says ashhadu-I testify/I bear witness-anna/that la ilah illa Allah there is no God other than the one and only true God who created all, wa-and- anna Mohammed resolu Allah, the prophet Mohammed is his messenger, He should not be killed. & it is clear in the quran in more than one verse, to not fight except those who fight you. ,,,
i just balled my eyes out throughout the video. sending love to all those girls/women who grew up without their fathers present in their lives. the feeling of stability and love that a father gives is rare to find in others. and to lack that is a painful thing.
I'm a 40 yr old mother and I think you're a breathe of fresh air and so authentic. I just found your channel and really love watching your videos. The parts with your father are funny. Hahaha
@@mf9171 bu kişi fetöcülükle suçlanıyor. kendi düzenlerini de "hizmet" diye adlandırıyor bir videoda. fethullahçılar kendilerine hizmet adını verir. şöyle kişileri övmeyelim.
I can see you're a very respectful girl and you have been brought up absolutely amazing. Your Baba is an amazing man and he supports you so well. Keep it going and I am sure you will do well Zeliha. Well Done,,, Basiralar Harikasiniz..
I studied immunology (microbiology). I remember my dad helping me to set up my room near my university. It was so difficult to study, spending days in the lab, and to be organized with my severe ADHD. I'm impressed by your self-discipline and by how organized you are. Good luck in your medical journey.
2 sene için olan ingilizcen bence çok iyi, bende amerikaya 13 yaşımda geçen sene geldim 10 ay oldu geldiğime ingilizceye çok hakim olmasamda konuşabiliyorum ama senin kendini 2 sene içinde bu kadar geliştirip bide tıp okumana hayran kaldım cidden
Zeliha! Your dad is exactly like mine. Watching your video made me miss my dad so much since I am studying abroad :( But still, it was nice to see one of your videos! I will follow and watch more content of yours! Good luck!
Ohh i never known that you are turkish… I love your energy and attitude! that pushing me to be more productive and keep learning turkish language because i love turkey so much! bu güzel video için teşekkürler I’m Thai Live in Australia
This video was actually quite nice being so genuine and relatable. Well done for taking the time to fit it into your already hectic schedule, your dad is amazing!
Tıpla asla alakam yok sadece muhteşem aksanının götürdüğü yere gidiyorum. Kendini olduğun noktaya getirdiğin için tebrik ve teşekkür ederim. Siz gençler aydınlık yarınlarımızsınız ❤
Found your channel by chance and I'm very glad that I checked it out! This vid reminded me of my time in uni as well which was very similar with yours. My parents would literally drive for hours just to catch a glimpse of my shadow for few good mins 🥲 Hope you and your dad are doing well! Good luck with uni x
slm zeliha benim kizimda bu yil nottingham universitesinde tip egitimine basladi sizler gibi turk kokenli ogrencilerin ingilterede boyle kutsal meslek dalinda okudugunu gormek cok gurur verici allah yardimciniz olsun egitim hayatinizda basarilar diliyorum 🧿🧿👏👏
I remember the dass when my dad brought me to Munich to study and Afterwards when I changed the university to Tübingen to get closer to my Family. He always is there to Help and Support. These Turkish dads..
Eu amei seu video! 😍 Por favor, sempre que possível coloque a opção de legenda turco como você fez nesse vídeo. Você é uma mulher muito forte e determinada! Parabéns. Desejo que tenha sucesso no seu curso.
This video is giving me anxiety. Though that was very lovely of your father that he did all without a little bit sign of frustration-I'm awestruck by his patience. But since i haven't joined any university yet after school, it gives me anxiety to even think about my hostel or course as an introvert.
Please get your poor dad to look into a CPAP machine for his snoring, it'll greatly increase his quality of sleep! (and in the future mean less noise too for those sleeping near him). Fantastic video as always!
Seni yakın zamandır takip ediyorum ve çok takdir ediyorum❤ Sana bakınca gururlanıyorum bir Türk olarak 🇹🇷 Sormak istediğim nasıl bu kadar akıcı ingilizce konuştuğun ❤🎉
What i cared about you most is your interpre very calmly with little sense of humour .Nowadays your videos give me inspiration . Keep it up. Lots of love from India.
you had 1k subs when you posted thia video 4 months ago but when i watch it now, you already have 220k subscriber and still counting. your channel grows a lot and i wish you all the best on your study!
You should check out Turkish Actors it would give you a bit closure what they look like they really are beautiful I would say they’re kind of a mix between Europeans and Asians ^^ As an example you have Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ & Esra Kılıç (both are Actors)
Im not sure if I’m right about this but it just seems to me that you sound really different while you speak Turkish and English and it’s actually super cute lmao apart from that I really enjoyed watching some of your videos ❤ keep up the good work you are my inspiration to start a RUclips channel in med school but I have to pass my entrance exam first 😢
Love from India zeliha♥️ ur such an amazing girl and ur inspiring me to be productive keep going and am watching each and every video of urs it was lovely and eagerly waiting for your next vlogs ♥️♥️♥️
Hi friends! Because lots of you requested it, I have now added Turkish subtitles!🥳
Merhaba arkadaşlar, Türkçe altyazı ekledim umarım beğenirsiniz!🥳
I wish you continued success
Wow, you are too beautiful whomever see you shall believe that God is real, and whenever I see you I am always in a dream, and when we wake up we all will realize that all this life was nothing but a dream and that only God is whats true and real.
I dont know how can atheists believe that such a very sexy attractive beauty queen like you came from monkeys hahaha
There was a teacher whom didn't believe in the existence of God, He said to his students do you see God?,
the students replied no we don't see God, so the teacher said if you don't see God it means there is no God,
then a smart student stood up and said to the other students hey guys do you see the teachers brain?,
then the students replied no we don't see the teachers brain, the student then said then the teacher is crazy he got no brain :0)
عن الإمام علي "عليه السلام": عَجِبتُ لمن شك في الله، وهو يرى خلق الله
Imam Ali, peace be upon him, said: I cant understand how a man-man/women-can doubt in the existence of God-/Allah-although he sees His creation.
وعن الإمام علي "عليه السلام": عَجِبتُ لمن أنكر النشأة الأخرى، وهو يرى النشأة الأولى
Imam Ali, peace be upon him, said: I cant understand how any one denies the second life although he/she seen the first life-this life is actually a living proof of both the existence of its creator, as well as a clear proof that indicates that another life in heaven or hell may also be a very possible chance as well-.
وعن الإمام علي "عليه السلام": عَجِبتُ لعامر دار الفناء، وتارك دار البقاء Imam Ali, peace be upon him, said: I cant understand how any one inhabits this transient abode-and is
so indulged in it-but ignores the everlasting hereafter abode,
one God for all of us, all the universe shows unity with diversity, there are different things different creatures and different materials but are all made of particles and atoms
Even if we will assume that there will not be an atom left of you after death, you still have proven as a created being that there is a Creator,you proved the existence of God even if you do not believe in God.
God initiated everything, and he redo too, and it is evident.
this life is temporary while the next is forever eternal either in paradise or burning in Hell fire
good qualities are beneficial, and bad qualities are harmful
So be good & do more good always for God sake and refrain from doing any evil or sin and worship only God alone who got no mother no father no son and is one not two nor three nor more always remember him and be mindful of him and worship him in the way he wants.
One of the best good deeds a person can ever do is teaching people useful things or a useful skill 🙂
or caring for another person an elderly parent a wife/husband or a child or an ill person, or protecting an innocent person,
Also spreading this message and not letting it stop with you.
this life is temporary while the next is forever eternal either in paradise or burning in Hell fire
good qualities are beneficial, and bad qualities are harmful
Be good dont be bad and refrain from sins and obey God and worship him alone in the way he wants to be worshiped and you will be saved from Hell fire and will enter paradise and be happy forever
Whoever does an atom’s weight of good will see it, and whoever does an atom’s weight of evil will see it,
or may not see it if God pardons him/her and has mercy on him/her that's if he/she try's to fix what he/she has spoiled, in the right time,
When you give charity God protects you and blesses you with more good things in life or more money.
A teaching from the prophet Mohammed may peace and blessings of God be upon his pure great soul and upon his great honorable progeny.
When you be bad to others you will hurt your own self too,
likewise when you don't do what you should
in the right time.
Having faith in God makes you stronger
and makes you have hope even when things become very difficult for you
and even when you are weak.
Drinking alcoholic beverages damages the liver and the mind.
Adultery is not good, because it is not true love it is neglect to the lady and to the fetus, and brings sexual diseases,
while marriage on the other hand, ok there is sex in marriage too and thats not a bad thing, its actually good, &is for the continuation of human race, & even for the here after its good for you because if you get children the good deeds of your children are counted as good deeds for both them and you, so they are a continuation of your own good deeds after you die and cant do good deeds any more, they are a continuation of you, & sex is to enjoy too,
there is sex in marriage but marriage unlike adulatory it has love in it, it is a relationship in which the woman and the fetus are cared for, & even if they don't want to continue in a long lasting relationship they would at least have to be agreeing regarding the baby that the baby should be cared for, more especially the guy he has to know that he is responsible for the child infront of God even if he didnt want to have a child but he got one, he has to provide for him/her and to make sure the child becomes a good human being.
Sodomy-same sex marriage-its bad and not part of normal human nature and life &it brings many sexual diseases.
Eating pork can bring cholesterol &some parasitic worms.
Not cheating, gaining trust by being a trust worthy honest person,
& having good behavior, can help bring more money to you, and is good for you in the next life too.
These are some of the teaching of the prophet Mohammed
And this is from the quran from God to the prophet Mohammed and is part of the teachings of Islam, God says to the prophet:
(50:45) (O Prophet), We are well aware of what they say; and you are not required to force things on them. So exhort with the Qur'an all those who fear My warning. *56
نحن أعلم بما يقولون وما أنت عليهم بجبار فذكر بالقرآن من يخاف﴿
We are most knowing of what they say, and you are not over them a tyrant. But remind by the Qur'an whoever fears My threat.
نَحْنُ أَعْلَمُ بِمَا يَقُولُونَ ۖ وَمَا أَنْتَ عَلَيْهِمْ بِجَبَّارٍ ۖ فَذَكِّرْ بِالْقُرْآنِ مَنْ يَخَافُ وَعِيدِ
45Sé muy bien lo que dicen de ti [¡oh, Mujámmad!]. Pero tú no puedes forzarlos a creer, solo exhórtalos con el Corán, que quien tema Mi amenaza recapacitará.
سم الله الرحمن الرحيم
قُلْ لِلَّذِينَ آمَنُوا يَغْفِرُوا لِلَّذِينَ لَا يَرْجُونَ أَيَّامَ اللَّهِ لِيَجْزِيَ قَوْمًا بِمَا كَانُوا يَكْسِبُونَ
14 .
Tell those who believe, to forgive those who do not look forward to the Days of Allah: It is for Him to recompense (for good or ill) each People according to what they have earned.
مَنْ عَمِلَ صَالِحًا فَلِنَفْسِهِ ۖ وَمَنْ أَسَاءَ فَعَلَيْهَا ۖ ثُمَّ إِلَىٰ رَبِّكُمْ تُرْجَعُونَ 15
If any one does a righteous deed, it ensures to the benefit of his own soul; if he does evil, it works against (his own soul). In the end will ye (all) be brought back to your Lord.
The final messenger of God Muhammad is the most perfect human ever, all the good character and all the good behavior and all good qualities were found in him, & he was the most intelligent man, his mind was the brightest mind, & he was the most merciful of all people, his heart was the most loving largest whitest & kindest heart, and was the most tolerating and most patient with others, and most pardoning to others, and most forgiving and most kind, but was also brave, Prophet Mohammed was the bravest person ever, and was the firmest person against all types of crimes
and against deviating from the good teachings of God,
&was the most just in his own ways the way of God & most generous & kind, and had God always in his mind and was the most grateful human to God even when he had nothing, and was the most honest most trustworthy person ever, and most persevering human ever, and asked people to do every good deed possible and to refrain from evil deeds and sin, Prophet Mohammed may peace and blessing be upon him and upon his successor imam Ali and his God fearing God loving progeny
taught every good, & taught people to respect & love & care for each other, & for the female, & elder, & children, & to protect the innocent person regardless of what he/she believed in,
(If one of the polytheists seeks protection from you, then grant him protection) Holly Quran,
& taught to either forgive the one who wronged you, or be just & fair when retaliating, or to shock the person and enslave his/her heart by being generous &kind. & taught to not waste money and resources and not to harm the environment, and to try to have a good hygiene and to try to look good and to try to smell good and to take good care of your own self, and to enjoy what God didn't forbid, so to be grateful to God, and protect your self and others from harm, and to defend the religion the final religion which God will accept and will accept no other than it anymore.
& regarding the topic: Who to follow after the prophet!?,
who are the extension of him and his light, well, try to find out by your self, however,
in summery, to give you a hint:
Even if you may think that all the companions of the Messenger were
always good and all of them are like mountains, despite everything that happened between them!!!
the Prophet said: “My family-daughter Fatima the lady of light the lady of heaven and Imam Ali and their great offspring's and special perfect chosen descendants-are like the ark-/ship-of Noah, whomever embarked on it survived, and whomever did not drowned and perished-/died-.
&We know that the son of Noah did not embark on the ark/ship of salvation, rather he climbed a mountain and drowned due to the very high tides and because he didn't follow God command. Don't be like him
spread the light teach what's good &right its best for you and for all and better than letting the wrong things from wrong teachings or bad desires and ill mind happen, prevention is better than cure ,
Spread this message in both the muslim and non muslim world to counter terrorism and to also spread good understanding between nations too:
The prophet Mohammed taught to not attack the civilians,
& not only that, even the combatant whom is running away from the battel field and is not willing to fight any battel against you anymore, and also the injured combatant whom cant fight,
he too shouldn't be harmed, and even the combatant who killled many solders while in the battel but then surrenders & truly repents and becomes a muslim&says ashhadu-I testify/I bear witness-anna/that la ilah illa Allah there is no God other than the one and only true God who created all, wa-and- anna Mohammed resolu Allah, the prophet Mohammed is his messenger, He should not be killed.
& it is clear in the quran in more than one verse, to not fight except those who fight you. ,,,
Bence her videoya eklemeye çalışın tr altyazi
heyy..did you enter med school after highschool? or did you do a bachelors ? plz reply..
i just balled my eyes out throughout the video. sending love to all those girls/women who grew up without their fathers present in their lives. the feeling of stability and love that a father gives is rare to find in others. and to lack that is a painful thing.
I lost my dad in 2021 due to covid.. I really miss having a dad ya know?
every turkısh dad is a same and the best storys their childhood memorys
I'm a 40 yr old mother and I think you're a breathe of fresh air and so authentic. I just found your channel and really love watching your videos. The parts with your father are funny. Hahaha
türkçe konuştuğun hayatına dair kendini anlattığın ya da soru cevap şeklinde bir içerik görmek isterim başarılar 😊
Bencede ve şuan nerde yaşıyrsn
babasını araştırınnm
Yalnız baba cidden klasik türk babası duruşu telefonu tutuşu ve bakışıyla
kültürümüz orjinal çünkü
@@mf9171 bu kişi fetöcülükle suçlanıyor. kendi düzenlerini de "hizmet" diye adlandırıyor bir videoda. fethullahçılar kendilerine hizmet adını verir. şöyle kişileri övmeyelim.
Babası Prof. Doktor çok yoğun birisi.
bu kansızlara türk demeyelim
I love how you're sitting on the floor while your dads sitting on the chair, very cute.
Totally watchable from start to finish, your Dad's a trooper! More of your flatmates please x
Thank you!! My dad will be happy to hear this hahah! Of course, I love making flatmate content, they will be featuring more in the future x
@@zelihaakpinar hi sweet friend zeliha
Your Turkish dad is exactly the same as my Greek dad 😂
Great video, have a great start in your classes!
babaki dersiniz artık
Turks and greeks already have similar culture. I think we don't have to fight
@@EMREE1734 governments want tension for their interests. Of course we have similar culture, we lived alongside many centuries.
@@ellim.2294 yes we lived together for long time. I just say i love greeks
@@lamia.123 ne güldüm yaaa muhteşem yorum:)
Your dad is so lovely even though he was snoring, Lucky you ❤
Hhahah yes he is lovely🥺So much love ❤
I can see you're a very respectful girl and you have been brought up absolutely amazing. Your Baba is an amazing man and he supports you so well. Keep it going and I am sure you will do well Zeliha. Well Done,,, Basiralar Harikasiniz..
I studied immunology (microbiology). I remember my dad helping me to set up my room near my university.
It was so difficult to study, spending days in the lab, and to be organized with my severe ADHD.
I'm impressed by your self-discipline and by how organized you are. Good luck in your medical journey.
i decided to rewatch your old videos, best decision ever. you were at 1000 subs and now you have 581K subs. so SO proud of you!!! love your vids!!!
2 sene için olan ingilizcen bence çok iyi, bende amerikaya 13 yaşımda geçen sene geldim 10 ay oldu geldiğime ingilizceye çok hakim olmasamda konuşabiliyorum ama senin kendini 2 sene içinde bu kadar geliştirip bide tıp okumana hayran kaldım cidden
2 senenin birikimi değildir bu telaffuz akıcılık gelişmiştir ama böyle akıcı bir dil edinmek 2 yılda olacak bir şey değil
Zeliha! Your dad is exactly like mine.
Watching your video made me miss my dad so much since I am studying abroad :(
But still, it was nice to see one of your videos! I will follow and watch more content of yours!
Good luck!
Yr DAD Is Amaxing paying everything for you! what A Bless having parents like that
that is a turkish culture i wont let my daughter to pay for anything if i am there with her :)
Not daddys money its Türkish soldiers Blood
Ah, can't believe I have just found your channel, I'm so excited to see the rest of your content this year! ❤
This is so sweet, thank you Ella! Xx Can’t wait to share it with you ❤️
@@zelihaakpinar i like u so munh, plz marry me. im frm india and I do high paying job.
Ohh i never known that you are turkish… I love your energy and attitude! that pushing me to be more productive and keep learning turkish language because i love turkey so much! bu güzel video için teşekkürler
I’m Thai
Live in Australia
nobody can compares wıth ur beauty
It's amazing to see such loving support from your family. Your dad is adorable 😆
This video was actually quite nice being so genuine and relatable. Well done for taking the time to fit it into your already hectic schedule, your dad is amazing!
Tıpla asla alakam yok sadece muhteşem aksanının götürdüğü yere gidiyorum. Kendini olduğun noktaya getirdiğin için tebrik ve teşekkür ederim. Siz gençler aydınlık yarınlarımızsınız ❤
O kadar güldüm ki… edit harika mutlaka sadece bir Türkçe video lazım patlar bu kanal!
Love your energy you really push me to be productive❤
this makes me so happy!!🤧 Thank you for being here 🤍 I’m so glad I could somehow help you : )
found my motivation for the med school in this channel. you’re gorgeous inside and out!
It’s so good to have you here! 💛
baban çok rahat çok profesyonel ve harika bir videoydu teşekkürler
Profilindeki video neydi ya Bi yerden gözüm ısırıyor ama
Türk babaları nerede görsem tanırım, harikasın. ♥️
Hahajhaha aynen, çok teşekkürler desteğin için Şeyma ❤
@@zelihaakpinar nasil bu kadar ingilizce konusabiliyorsun hayran kaldım. Annen yabancı olabilir mi?
@@kardesler52 yurt disinda yasiyor sonuc olarak
@@kardesler52 yetenek bende ingilizler gibi konuşabiliyorum aksanım var
Is she a foreigner or a Turkish?
Found your channel by chance and I'm very glad that I checked it out! This vid reminded me of my time in uni as well which was very similar with yours. My parents would literally drive for hours just to catch a glimpse of my shadow for few good mins 🥲 Hope you and your dad are doing well! Good luck with uni x
Ya seni yerim yeni keşfettim kanalı ama çok tatlı naifsin ya babanın çok yardımcı olmasına ne kadar mutlu olduğun belli oluyor 🥲🥲🥲
There is a smile of love, and there is a smile of deceit, and there is a smile of smiles in which these two smiles meet.🥰
@zeliha akpinar😒
Böyle bir babaya sahip olduğun için çok şanslısın ve ondan özgüven alıyorsun! Umarım uzun süre seninle kalır, sen de çok güzelsin ❤
babası sandığın kadar masum değil...
Your dad is really so nyc human being.
slm zeliha benim kizimda bu yil nottingham universitesinde tip egitimine basladi sizler gibi turk kokenli ogrencilerin ingilterede boyle kutsal meslek dalinda okudugunu gormek cok gurur verici allah yardimciniz olsun egitim hayatinizda basarilar diliyorum 🧿🧿👏👏
From Uzbekistan. I can also understand the Turkish language.
And you're so beautiful ❤
I remember the dass when my dad brought me to Munich to study and Afterwards when I changed the university to Tübingen to get closer to my Family. He always is there to Help and Support. These Turkish dads..
Love and support from Morocco! watching this while struggling wwith my period cramps helps alot thank u for such great content
Ahh period cramps suck! I hope you're feeling better now. Sending lots of love to you in Morocco 💕
@@zelihaakpinar yeah, when i get them i can't even hold my tears. I'm a tough one but period pain is just something else.
The move in, the drives and the effort of filiming. Great job for all this hard work.
Türk babişlerimizzzz iyi ki varlar ❤️❤️❤️
Greek and Turkish dads going on Lidl for grocery 🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝
Love your energy you really push me to be productive
I can understand Turkish i love that language
Biz de bizim dilimizi sevenleri seviyoruz 🤩
Espri olsun diye küfür ederdim ama artık olgun ve milliyetçi bir Türküm. Bu cümleyi anlarsan, kendimi Hazerfen gibi Galata’dan atacağım.
I agree u Turkish is such a wonderful language
Yiaa şapşik
You seem so pleasant, calm, thoughtful, fun and that's what i like
ailemden uzakta okuyan bir ogrenci olarak bu video cidden babami ozletti, her hareket ayni mi olur bu babalarda...
Wow amazing content! Especially the flatmates! Congrats on 1k Zeliha!
Thank you Flatmate No. 1*!! Absolutely, especially the flatmates!
After 1 month the subs multiplied by 100
January 8,2024 : 644K Subs
You're so prettyyyy💖. Thank you for filming for us🫀 Have a good studyyy 🙌🏻❤️❤️
I am a medical student in Japan. I enjoy your videos so much! Best of luck for both of us:)
Eu amei seu video! 😍 Por favor, sempre que possível coloque a opção de legenda turco como você fez nesse vídeo. Você é uma mulher muito forte e determinada! Parabéns. Desejo que tenha sucesso no seu curso.
في ترجمه التركي
Sadece okulla ilgili değil normal vlog tarzı videolar da gelebilir. Türkçe altyazi da eklersen videolarına bal kaymak olur :)
This video is giving me anxiety. Though that was very lovely of your father that he did all without a little bit sign of frustration-I'm awestruck by his patience. But since i haven't joined any university yet after school, it gives me anxiety to even think about my hostel or course as an introvert.
Please get your poor dad to look into a CPAP machine for his snoring, it'll greatly increase his quality of sleep! (and in the future mean less noise too for those sleeping near him). Fantastic video as always!
Seni yakın zamandır takip ediyorum ve çok takdir ediyorum❤ Sana bakınca gururlanıyorum bir Türk olarak 🇹🇷 Sormak istediğim nasıl bu kadar akıcı ingilizce konuştuğun ❤🎉
16 yasindsn itibaren ordaymis bildigim kadariyla ve eskiden de amerikaya gidiyorlarmis
@@esmayesildag5590türkiyeye gidemiyorlar çünkü .d
Your videos give me positivity and motivation, keep it up😍
What i cared about you most is your interpre very calmly with little sense of humour .Nowadays your videos give me inspiration . Keep it up. Lots of love from India.
babasının sepetin başında sadece telefona bakmasına bayıldım cslfkİLGHAJS
ah bu video izlerken ne kadar saf duygularla izliyorsunuz arkadaşlar bazen bazı şeyler göründüğü masum değil babası gibi
bu kişi mahmut akpınar mı gerçekten? benzettim.
gerçekten kaç yıldır takip ediyorum birileri ne zman fark edecek diye merak ediyordum
@@oinotropwick1144 evet
ekşiden geliyorum beni de şok etti
Kim ki bu
I love your editing!
This was such a sweet video. The fact that she is Turkish though 💗
The best girls! 😊
Yolun açık olsun Allah yar ve yardımcın olsun
Most relatable dad ever
you had 1k subs when you posted thia video 4 months ago but when i watch it now, you already have 220k subscriber and still counting. your channel grows a lot and i wish you all the best on your study!
I'm trying to learn Turkish right now!! Ahh how I wish I found someone who spoke Turkish
I am Turkish. I can help you for practice
Hiii I want this
Your dad is lucky your mother must be beautiful❤
The home is just so pretty 😭🌷🤍✨
it's me or all Turkish dad are the same?🤣 mine does the same thing, nice vlog ✨💞
Hahahjha it’s good to know that you can relate too! Thank youu 💗💗
4:12 maşallah hiç biriniz boş durmuyorsunuz, devamlı hayat iş arasında..
Dolu dolu hayat...🎉
your dad is just so cuteeee
Not me going to binge watch your videos because it feels like I'm there with you.
@zeliha it was so sweet to hear from you babagim.
Hi Zeliha! Great video and good luck with your studies.
teşekkür ederken baba demen çok tatlıydı.🥰
Hehe teşekkürlerr
omg I found you I were subscribed to you in this channel I were searching for your content in my other lol so happy to see you
Aww I’m so happy you found me and I get to see you here again🥰🦋
You have an awesome father
Ikr I really do!! Thank you for being here : ))
Thank you for creating the space for us to be here. Good content.
I'm excitedly waiting for a Turkish video
Wow Turkish people look beautiful. Never knew that until today. Great video.
You should check out Turkish Actors it would give you a bit closure what they look like they really are beautiful I would say they’re kind of a mix between Europeans and Asians ^^ As an example you have Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ & Esra Kılıç (both are Actors)
lol I’m turkish
Is that supposed to be a compliment? I hope not lol
You're a good girl, your sympathy is captivating, I'm your newest fan
Çok sevdim seni tatlı kız, zaten babanı da saygıyla dinliyoruz hep
İşiniz rast gelsin
She had 1000 subscribers 5 months ago and now she has 300k wow😍😍
She was so cute girl🥰🫧
cok tatli bir kanal buldumm
New to ur channel..couldn't skip a minute of your video❤...
Im not sure if I’m right about this but it just seems to me that you sound really different while you speak Turkish and English and it’s actually super cute lmao apart from that I really enjoyed watching some of your videos ❤ keep up the good work you are my inspiration to start a RUclips channel in med school but I have to pass my entrance exam first 😢
Işıl türk müsün 🥺❤️
@@neynoyumben evettt 🥰
Great content (great flatmates!) keep up the good work Zeliha
Thank you! Great flatmates definitely ; ) xx
Is she indian/asian definitely
omgg, I love your videos!!!! please make moree❤❤❤❤
Babana bayıldım 😂😂❤
Love from India zeliha♥️ ur such an amazing girl and ur inspiring me to be productive keep going and am watching each and every video of urs it was lovely and eagerly waiting for your next vlogs ♥️♥️♥️
Thank you RUclips for recommending this channel.
Great dad 😍
I very love your channel!
Kanalını çok seviyorum!
Aww your dad is adorbs.
아빠가 문제없다고 말하고 무거운 짐을 끌고 가는게 대단하시네요
터키인 아버지는 항상 딸을 매우 사랑하고 지원합니다. 정말 대단합니다!
Türk babalarımızın horlaması bile aynı yaa🤣🤣 İyi ki varlar🥰
I hope you succeed in achieving your ambitions and your work good lack my girl😍
Hi, I love your vlog! Can you please do vlog with your dad again? I think it’s very lovely and warm😊
OMG you dad is just❤
çok tatlısın umarım çok iyi yerlere gelirsin.
My dad is EXACTLY like yours.
ur videos are so relaxing, watching from Pakistan. 2nd yr med. student
Ghia is some great content, Zeliha ! Babaya selamlar :))
All of your videos are really make me motivated.
it is so a wonderful video keep going zeliha
Love from Pakistan to Turkish people...