😈🤗MBTI memes ☕🤓🤣 video -3

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 12

  • @deepesh1067
    @deepesh1067 Год назад +4

    Woah, not many memes but so much information about the MBTI personality types, keep it up

    • @NavBee
      @NavBee  Год назад +2

      More to come!
      Thank you 😊

  • @NavBee
    @NavBee  Год назад +7

    Hey guys please 🙏🥺 support my channel

    • @sakura-kj5wn
      @sakura-kj5wn Год назад +2

      Sure. Thanks for uploading this mbti memes 😊 btw I am an infp what is your mbti type?

    • @NavBee
      @NavBee  Год назад

      ​@@sakura-kj5wnyour welcome 🤗

    • @sakura-kj5wn
      @sakura-kj5wn Год назад +1

      @@NavBee what is your mbti type

  • @Avocronix
    @Avocronix 7 месяцев назад

    You know, the bread one really spoke to me 2:06

  • @metaouroboros6324
    @metaouroboros6324 Год назад +1


    • @NavBee
      @NavBee  Год назад +1

      I appreciate that you enjoyed
      Keep coming 🔙 😊

  • @flamingomingo9810
    @flamingomingo9810 Год назад +2

    Keanu reeves is actually an isfp, not infp

    • @NavBee
      @NavBee  Год назад +1

      No he is an INFP . Claimed by the multiple websites and he even seems like one too

    • @flamingomingo9810
      @flamingomingo9810 Год назад

      @@NavBee the only reason I say that is because although he’s clearly an fi dom, the biggest/easiest differentiator between infps and isfps is the ni/se polr. He definitely speaks in a very clear and concise way, doesn’t trail off into different ideas. He even rejects attempts by others at making him explain things in vigorous detail or through multiple perspectives. Even though infps are also known to hesitate before they get into ideas, his speaking style is completely different. He’s a very healthy isfp for sure, but is still extremely sensitive to criticism and hides it well, refusing to explain things (also because of lack of ne) and instead finding refuge in changing his environment (auxiliary se) by finding an excuse to walk away as fast as he can. Anyone can do this, but I’ve seen him do this multiple times and I feel like he would’ve dealt with those situations differently if he were almost any other type.
      But I’m not that great at typing people yet so I definitely can be wrong, what websites have you seen say he’s an infp? I’ve heard some RUclipsrs also say he’s an isfp but I haven’t really heard explanations, so it doesn’t seem to be agreed upon