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  • @eloimorin84
    @eloimorin84 5 месяцев назад +2

    Woooow what an incredible run from the boys!! I must say this was probably the most well rounded playoffs run i've seen in your franchises ever. A lot of beautiful stories from the Raty brothers, Markstroms redemption, Dobson, Chinakhov and Rasmussen additions, the great wall of Jones and even lowkey Tippett all showin off in a battle of the ages against the bruins, just wow!! I'm not sure how we can replicate such a clean run, but i put my trust in the young core that hopefully will provide the same excitement that i had throughout this episode!
    Are you not entertained??
    PS: i'd say trade down to an early 2nd round pick, i'm intrigued with Uljevic, just his name screams warrior + he's canadian and you could use some young depth competition at defense to show that no one's spot is assured!!
    For Bouillon i would not be sad to see him stay as a 3rd pair to bring back hanifin at least 1 more year and ultimetely let his spot be taken next year or the year after
    Great episode as always, i have faith in data and the gm's to make it great again!!

    • @Data782
      @Data782 5 месяцев назад

      Yes!! Glad you enjoyed, Eloi! :) And great observation - I agree. This run definitely had its stars, but it was a well-rounded effort. Love the summary!
      For the offseason suggestions, yes, trading down into the 2nd round seems to make the most sense with this class. Hanifin/Bouillon staying as LD2/LD3 respectively is an option, but I'll be curious to explore FA. Defense just becomes sooo costly starting around these years in FM. We'll see how they play out.
      Thanks for all of the love and we'll see you at the draft! ❤️

  • @VasyRosterUpdates
    @VasyRosterUpdates 5 месяцев назад +5

    A little late, but congrats on the new house man!

    • @Data782
      @Data782 5 месяцев назад +1

      Thanks Vasy! ❤️ Still over a year away from moving myself, but crazy to call myself a home owner 😂

  • @landon___-
    @landon___- 5 месяцев назад +1

    Great episode as always bello. Keep up the great work!

    • @Data782
      @Data782 5 месяцев назад

      Thank you bello! Glad that you enjoyed! ❤️

  • @louismallard9811
    @louismallard9811 5 месяцев назад +1

    Sorry for being late to the party but congrats on the new house and the cup ! I’ll only leave a brief suggestion for the draft pool I would for sure grab Voynov (LW/RW, med elite), Sawatski (G, late gem) and O’Dell (LW, low elite gem). Maybe flip Hanifin rights for a low pick to capitalize on that depth draft class, that could also open a slot for Lebedev.

    • @Data782
      @Data782 5 месяцев назад +1

      Never too late for you! ;) Thank you my friend! ❤️
      Roger that on the draft suggestions! I'll pin them to the watchlist. Hanifin will be the tough one as I'm still not sure on what we'll do between LD2 and LD3 but, if he's gone, then getting a late pick back would work fine. Much love and see you at the draft!

  • @wildbronco038
    @wildbronco038 5 месяцев назад +4

    A letter for "Playoff" Podkolzin? Maybe a Born Leader X-Factor?

    • @Data782
      @Data782 5 месяцев назад +2

      I wish the game would allow for three alternates! At the very least, I'd say he's a perfect fit for Born Leader.

  • @francescoiaderosa2247
    @francescoiaderosa2247 5 месяцев назад +1

    This time I would spend the day with the Cup in front of TD Garden while enjoying a poutine out of the Cup. Come join me Data as we rub salt into the Bruins' wounds for all the pain they caused the Canucks back in 2011. The Sedins should have a Cup, they were incredible to watch! To do it in front of Canucks fans in their home stadium, that is something super special. II know the Sedins, Alex Burrows, Luongo and Kesler would all be proud of your achievement! Time for a repeat in Vancouver next season. Go get another Cup for a back-to-back.
    Go Canucks Go!

    • @Data782
      @Data782 5 месяцев назад

      Ooooo daring! I love it! I'll join you for a bite! 😍 Thanks for the kind words, we did it for the alumni 🥰 Now let's get to work on the dynasty! See you in the offseason :)

  • @jvrdon3776
    @jvrdon3776 5 месяцев назад +1

    Awesome cup run, really great series!
    Lots of prospects in later rounds; consider trading down with that first round pick?
    Also accidentally commented this on an older video instead of this most recent one. But for future series, what do you think about turning up the injury frequency for the playoffs only? Would be realistic plus an extra challenge.

    • @Data782
      @Data782 5 месяцев назад

      Glad that you enjoyed! ❤️ Trading down in the draft likely makes the most sense with the 2nd round value available. Concerning your comment about the injury sliders, I'll copy/paste what I replied in the last comment:
      Increasing the injury slider for the postseason would be a very interesting idea.. The positive would be that teams with depth are rewarded like you mentioned, but the down side is twofold. First, injuries like a "sore foot" or something like that could keep a player out of pivotal games, and, second, emergency call-ups aren't allowed which could leave some teams with 1-2 forwards as defense or vice-versa. That being said, I still like the idea! I just see the potential for some issues with it like most things in FM 😂 We can explore the option moving forward!

  • @gabenplayz6463
    @gabenplayz6463 5 месяцев назад +1

    Spoilers - sorry, long comment incoming!
    Glorious! The Stanley cup has come to Vancouver at last, what an incredible postseason from the boys. Honestly a really good playoffs from EA too - the voodoo decided to (mostly) leave us be for a bit. Nice to see us actually win series that should be slam dunks. So many good storylines as always - playoff podkolzin, brick wall jones, Pettersson and Hughes leading the offense, rasmussen finally giving us return on investment…it just all came together! I can’t wait for when raty, podkolzin, jones, and others can be inducted rightfully into the data HOF. Overall great postseason boys and enjoy your day with the cup!
    Always tough to think about the offseason after coming off the highest of highs but here we go. For the draft it would be nice to pick up the two 18 year old med elite goalies, and Martikainen and Voynov look like late round steals. Other than that the late first round looks weak this year - I think we should move the pick for a player I’ll mention below. I’d love to see preseason previews from Beaulieu and Montoya, they could compete with aku and be bottom 6 producers. With the same top 6 and assuming Rasmussen leaves, that leaves the bottom 6 as:
    Are we really happy with that? Our bottom six was our biggest struggle last year so it may be time to consider a new 83-84ovr player with pk abilities and some offensive touch to improve our biggest weakness. A player that would intrigue me is malcolm spence in arizona. I’m not sure about his defensive abilities but as an 85ovr sniper we know he can score, but we saw in the postseason that he is stuck in a fourth line role in offensive juggernaut arizona/utah. Even if he’s not on the block I think it would be worth looking into him - I would easily give up our first plus a few struggling prospects (brown, quint, etc.) to get a good young scorer who can slot into our top 6 once tippett or someone else ages out. He isn’t a center unfortunately but I’m sure we could figure it out, maybe by keeping rasmussen as 3C and trading out chinakov? Not sure.
    For the defense I think hanifin walks - he’s done us well but he’s priced himself out. Assuming peeke is also gone, that leaves:
    Boulion needs to move up in my opinion - we need to foster his growth or he’ll stay at a 80ovr forever. He won’t grow on the third pair so it’s now or never - if he doesn’t work out we can always trade him. Wallace can easily replace peeke, I like him but too expensive. For 3LD I think we should bring in a responsible dfd or twd through free agency to help out wallace and take some weight off his shoulders. I like fehervary or hauge on a 1-2 year deal - if we have the money we could have mikey anderson or seigenthaler, but that would be a luxury rather than a necessity. Goaltending same as always obviously.
    Other than that great video data - I was punching the air in math class when petterson scored in OT 😂 as the best GM in sports enjoy YOUR day with the cup, and I’ll see you in the offseason, go Nucks!

    • @Data782
      @Data782 5 месяцев назад

      Love it! No need to apologize ;)
      Glorious indeed! This was a well-rounded team that fought hard and got the results that is deserved. And yes, so many great storylines along the way! 😍
      Roger that on the draft thoughts! Now, for the bottom 6.. As I discussed with CheatingHeel, it seems as though we'll have 8 players for 6 spots in the bottom 6. I think Goldmann can stay at 4C and Tyupkin actually has high enough face-off attributes for 3C so I wouldn't mind having him there instead of having to make an acquisition. Podkolzin is also a lock somewhere in there so that leaves 5 players for 3 wing spots as Rasmussen/Chinakov/Sydor/Montoya/Beaulieu could all make it (on top of Aku Raty as depth). Even Kody Brown could be in the mix now that I think about it unless he's trade bait, but your point remains that we need a strong bottom 6 to stay competitive as that was our biggest problem this past season. If we don't see much growth and some of those players spend another year in the minors, then Spence as an 85 OVR would be a great target! We'll see because the bottom 6 will be a tough question to try and answer right now.
      For defense, I thought Hanifin would walk for sure but I might be tempted to give him a one-year deal if we can afford him. I think Bouillon has to get an extended audition at LD2 (on top of the fact that playing him with Wallace could be problematic), but having Hanifin as an emergency backup who we know well (plus as a third pair mentor to Wallace) instead of paying money or trade value to acquire someone else might not be a bad idea. You mentioned some good options who may be there in FA, but defense keeps getting more expensive at this point in FM so it may not be much of a difference AAV-wise. If we can make it work, I think one more year in a third pair role would be a nice fit for Hanifin. Another thing we'll have to keep an eye on.
      Haha yes!! Glad that you enjoyed the run and were so into it! 😂❤️ Make sure to study math a little extra to make up for it ;) I'll enjoy a lovely day with the Cup and look forward to seeing you at the draft! Thanks again for taking the time!

  • @CheatingHeel
    @CheatingHeel 5 месяцев назад +1

    Spoilers: this is going to be another one long *** comment on my part! 😂
    Well, that's what I'm talking about!
    I was kind of scare of EA voodoo making us lose to the Oilers and, then, was concerned that we'd lose in the finals to Pastrnak crazy playoff run but, damn, to win it all again with a whole new core only a couple of years after making such big changes is quite an accomplishment! And, with our core still being quite young, we can expect to stay on top and be contenders for the time being.
    Unfortunately, once again, making it this far means a very short offseason for GM Data and the AGMs but, hey, if it's the price to pay, I'm pretty sure no one will complain.
    I think that our top 6 is pretty much locked in at this time and I'm not against keeping the 3rd line as it is although I'm not sure I want to commit this much $ to Rasmussen. Chinakov hasn't been impressive after we acquired him but his playoff run was very good and could warrant us keeping him unless we have a prospect that needs the icetime but we'll have a couple of openings on the 4th line with Barabanov gone and Raty #2 who can move to 13th/14th forward if we want to bring prospects up. Guys like Tyupkin, Sydor, Montoya and Beaulieu are serious candidates for 4th line minutes next year so we probably need to push Raty #2 aside. Does Tyupkin have high enough faceoff to be 3rd line center? Otherwise, we'll need one if we let Rasmussen walk; all of our prospects are wingers... Unless we want to move Raty #1 back to 3C but I do not think it's a fitting spot for him. There's always the option of trading one of our winger prospects for a center prospect if Tyupkin can't play center. Trading Goldmann to make space for another prospect could be an option but, then again, who would play center? Might as well leave him as 4C for the time being. Or, would it be crazy to bring Miller back for 1 year as 3C, put Tyupkin as the 4C and trade Goldmann so we have space for 3 out of our 4 top forward prospects? If we get a forward UFA, I definitively think it needs to be a 3C otherwise, we shouldn't bother getting one.
    Goalies are also most likely locked in right now.
    On defense, Hughes, Hronek, Dobson, Bouillon (IF we see growth by the start of the season but this is far from guaranteed) are also locks to stay. Peeke can be replaced by someone else; we could give a shot to Lebedev and see if we can have him grow a bit and trade for someone else if we see he's not performing up to our standards or he could become our 7th dman and we have Wallace replacing Peeke on the 3rd pair but I'm not sure I want 2 kids on the bottom pair with Bouillon and Wallace. The main question is what do we do with Hanifin. I wouldn't mind getting a younger upgrade if we can find someone that would fit but we could also extend him for a year or two and revisit next offseason if we do not find someone. The only viable option I see as a possible UFA would be Nemec but he doesn't play the left side. If we do not think that Bouillon will grow during the offseason, maybe we move him to get someone in their mid 20s to replace Hanifin and have Lebedev and Wallace on the 3rd pair... That could be a viable option before Bouillon loses too much value; I've said it before and I'll say it again but he gives me major Gulyayev vibes right now. Not sure what the tradeblocks will look like at the draft but maybe we explore replacing Hanifin then and there and trade his rights for a 7th round pick afterwards.
    For the draft, Kuukka is a finish gem but playing in the SHL so, might as well call him an adopted Swede and bring him on the team 😂
    Keefe is also a PWF gem so either of them could be very good options for us at 27th.
    With our 2nd round pick @ 64, Voynov might be the pick; I'm not a fan of TWF but a medium elite ranked 74, you can't pass up on that.
    We can probably trade for up in the 7th round pick to get our goalie (Sawatzki, 18yo gem)
    We can look at trading Suchanek, Muller and Zubov for picks to get a couple of low elite prospects and have our two 20yo goalies fight for the AHL #1 and #2 position; Muller being only 77 at 24yo isn't going to make it and Zubov is almost the same overall as the other two while being 2 years older.
    Quint is only 19yo so I wouldn't trade him right away until he's 21 (if we still haven't seen any growth by then) but Arvidsson being 77 @ 24yo can probably also be tradebait.
    If we get more picks, we need to target centers as this is our main weakness in our prospect pool at this time.
    This has been quite a rollercoaster of a season, lets see if we can run it back as most of the team will remain the same.
    Great job once again GM Data on getting us to the promise land. Go 'Nucks!

    • @Data782
      @Data782 5 месяцев назад

      Keep the essays coming! 😍
      Haha you and me both! Voodoo is always in the back of our minds but we had a well-rounded team that continued to deliver consistent results. We're getting used to shorter offseasons at this point! ;)
      Yes, I'd think the the top 6 is locked up right now. The only question I might have is whether or not Markstrom goes to 1C and EP40 goes to LW1/Raty to 2C, or EP40 to 2C. Aside from that, the bottom 6 will have some openings. I think Tyupkin is a 3rd line lock and, with good face-off attributes, I'd say he's likely 3C. Goldmann likely also stays 4C which means we have four wing spots open for Rasmussen, Chinakov, Podkolzin, Sydor, Montoya, and Beaulieu (on top of Raty #2 as depth). I want the priority to go to our growing youth if possible, but Rasmussen and Chinakov had strong postseasons which will make it hard to make a decision. Worst case we can hang onto a player with term like Chinakov and make a trade once the preseason rolls around, but they can't all stay.
      For the defense, if Bouillon can finally grow a little, I think a perfect world sees us roll with Hughes/Hronek, Bouillon/Dobson, Hanifin/Wallace. I thought Hanifin walking was going to be a lock but, when you look at who might be available in FA, I'm not especially impressed by anyone. Hanifin for one more year at LD3 to be emergency backup for LD2/as a mentor for Wallace on the third pair as a veteran with this team wouldn't be a bad thing if he can stay 81 OVR+. It probably depends more on his contract demands. Then, hopefully by next year, we have more answers. Who knows, maybe Wallace forces his way into the top 4 and we try him on the left. Either way, Hronek can't stay top pair forever so that's another thing to keep in mind. But yeah, what I'm trying to say is I don't think I'll force a LHD sign/trade if we're comfortable trying Bouillon at LD2 and Hanifin at LD3 but I'm open to what the offseason throws our way.
      Noted on all of those draft thoughts! We'll see what trades become necessary as part of me wants to see Muller, for example, stick on the team and fight for an NHL spot before it's too late for him to grow. After that year in the AHL, if there's ever a time to grow it'd be now. I'm usually partial to waiting over the offseason so we can see who grows so, if possible, I'd prefer to move excess value in September.
      Thanks for all of this as always! It's an honour to have my name engraved next to yours once more 😍 Much love and see you at the draft!

  • @Potato-Head7
    @Potato-Head7 5 месяцев назад +1

    Good job on the cup but damn that arizona team got EA'd and podkolzin for the future C

    • @Data782
      @Data782 5 месяцев назад

      Thank you, my friend! Tell me about it 😂 Shesterkin was doing everything he could! And Podkolzin just keeps showing how much of a monster he is, definitely a huge leader for us 😤

  • @joseph7696
    @joseph7696 5 месяцев назад +1

    Absolute Stunner!

    • @Data782
      @Data782 5 месяцев назад


  • @psuley1977
    @psuley1977 5 месяцев назад +1

    Stereo Cancuks playoff runs? Yes please. Lunch is being prepped as we speak

    • @Data782
      @Data782 5 месяцев назад

      Wonderful!! 🥪

  • @samuellarsson101
    @samuellarsson101 5 месяцев назад +1

    Rebuilding that Oilers team would be a fun project

    • @Data782
      @Data782 5 месяцев назад

      Tell me about it!! I wonder what their prospect pool looks like 🤔

  • @psuley1977
    @psuley1977 5 месяцев назад +1

    Spoilers below
    Wow wow wow. What a great run! Twists, turns, drama and Rasmussen in the Claude Lemiuex role. Congrats on a second Cup bello

    • @Data782
      @Data782 5 месяцев назад

      Yes!! 🙌 All the makings of a wonderful episode! Thanks Pat, enjoy your day with Lord Stanley ❤️

  • @wildbronco038
    @wildbronco038 5 месяцев назад +1

    39:52- So are you going to refer to them as Utah from here on out? lol
    Wow Matthew Tkachuk on the franchise where his dad spent 10 years.

    • @Data782
      @Data782 5 месяцев назад

      Haha maybe I should, eh! Unless they're the reactivation of the Coyotes 😂 And great storyline for the Tkachuk family, eh! Now they just need Brady!

  • @Reedinho
    @Reedinho 5 месяцев назад +1

    Love to see the hard work paying off. This is what it means to truly BUILD a dynasty.

    • @Data782
      @Data782 5 месяцев назад +1

      YES! So much more rewarding! Thank you for being a part of the journey so far! :) And for the many other franchises you've been here for, too!

  • @zacharistalker9158
    @zacharistalker9158 5 месяцев назад +1

    Again, Podkolzin for Data HHOF. Also, that game 2 performance from Shesterkin was actually insane.
    I'm sure I'll have more thoughts I'll add to when I finish this video

    • @Data782
      @Data782 5 месяцев назад

      He's gotta be a lock for a nomination at this point! 🙌 And tell me about it, Shesterkin's OT performance was incredible in that game 😭 Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!

    • @zacharistalker9158
      @zacharistalker9158 5 месяцев назад +1

      @Data782 Alright, I have a lot of thoughts. First and foremost, excellent season! Good job for the boys with that well earned win! They played very strong throughout the entire playoffs.
      For the off season, I'd let Hanifin go. He's getting old, he doesn't really put up numbers or anything, and I believe Bullion out performed him in the playoffs. Time to move on from Hanifin, as with his age he'll start dropping in overall and potential soon.
      Speaking of Buillion, I really hope his overall bumps up. If he can get to 81-82 ovr, trying pairing him with Dobson and try to bring in a young third pairing LH defenseman.
      Pettersson. What excellent play from him. He definitely showed why he's a top player in the league. I am curious about trying an experiment with him next season. I'd like him tried as the 2C, Markstrom 1C. Pettersson, while he played great, is starting to get a little older. I think if he goes 2C, with unit 1 pp and unit 1 pk, his ice time should still be around 20 minutes a night which will be good for him. As 2C he'll have a little bit of a reduced role, but he should face lesser opposition and maybe perform better.
      That allows for Markstrom to take over as 1C. He's getting what, 17-18 mins a night now? His ice time will be a nice bump, and as a 92 ovr, he should perform well, especially with Lundqvist and Lekkerimaki. I think the extra ice time could see him flourish back up to 90 points and maybe a bump in overall if he can put up those points.
      I'd like to see Podkolzin get some kind of x factor. He's just been a playoff BEAST and he deserves it. Definitely one of the better performers on the team when they need it.
      Lundqvist also had quite an amazing run! I was very impressed with him as well.
      I think that's it for my thoughts, excellent video Data! Amazing watch.

    • @zacharistalker9158
      @zacharistalker9158 5 месяцев назад

      ​@@Data782sorry for the essay 😅 haha

    • @Data782
      @Data782 5 месяцев назад +1

      Haha never any apology needed for an essay! Thanks for taking the time to dd your thoughts! :)
      First off, the Hanifin question.. I think we have to try Bouillon as LD2 if he's ever going to grow, but I worry that he may not be able to cut it there. Being paired with Dobson will be great, but he's still a 78 OVR as of now at the end of the day and we want to see signs of life. For that reason, I'd be tempted to hang onto Hanifin for one more year as LD3/emergency backup LD2 unless a better option (who's also reasonable money-wise) comes up via a trade or FA. We'll see what plays out!
      Now concerning Pettersson, you raise a great point. I think Markstrom playing 1C next season has to happen with how we've seen him perform with the right ice time/linemates. EP40 had a great year capped off by a Conn Smythe so maybe he even stays as LW1, but we need to make sure our future 1C is getting his opportunities, too. Perhaps a top 6 of EP40/Markstrom/Lundqvist & Lekkerimaki/Raty/Tippett but we've also seen how Raty doesn't really work at 2C. Another one to keep an eye on once the offseason ends and we get to see our lineup.
      And yes! The "Born Leader" X-Factor has Podkolzin's name written all over it! Lots of impressive performances to be content with throughout the lineup. Thanks again for your thoughts and for the love! Glad that you enjoyed it and we'll see you at the draft :)

  • @drk_designed8813
    @drk_designed8813 5 месяцев назад +1

    Honestly if podkolzin stays on the team I think he deserves an A on his jersey!

    • @Data782
      @Data782 5 месяцев назад

      Agreed! Our leadership core is pretty much set with Hughes/EP40/Raty but, in my mind, we'd have a third alternate in Podkolzin even if the game doesn't allow it to technically be there.

    • @drk_designed8813
      @drk_designed8813 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@Data782 which is crazy the game doesn’t allow that since there are a lot of pro teams with 3 alternates. But he’s been such a clutch piece so as long as we all know his role! lol

  • @emeraldvillagergaming5029
    @emeraldvillagergaming5029 5 месяцев назад +1

    Always love that call.
    "Take a picture, it'll last a lifetime"

    • @Data782
      @Data782 5 месяцев назад

      Always ❤️

  • @Freakytomwidward69
    @Freakytomwidward69 5 месяцев назад +1


    • @Data782
      @Data782 5 месяцев назад

      Yup! 😂 That's what the battle felt like!

  • @acethehuskystar
    @acethehuskystar 5 месяцев назад

    1:24:14 hmm going into the game with 30 seconds left leaves the other teams with a big disadvantage as if they had the goalie pulled with pressure they loose it all by going to a face-off at center ice..

    • @Data782
      @Data782 5 месяцев назад

      You know what, that's a good point I had never considered! I'll try to be mindful of that in the future by either going in earlier or, if we go in that late, it must be when the game is too far out of reach. Thanks for raising that!

    • @acethehuskystar
      @acethehuskystar 5 месяцев назад

      @Data782 I would say go in about maybe 2 minutes, I know it sucks but how many time does the ai get a Goal with 10 seconds left when it's a normal sim.. to often lol

  • @samuellarsson101
    @samuellarsson101 5 месяцев назад

    Thank fuck War is over (against the Bruins)

    • @Data782
      @Data782 5 месяцев назад

      Finally!! 😭😭

  • @wildbronco038
    @wildbronco038 5 месяцев назад +1

    So when does the riot start?

    • @Data782
      @Data782 5 месяцев назад +1

      Tonight! I'll see you there ;)