You're a braver man than I! With my bad eyesight and shaky hands, I wouldn't have dared taking a soldering iron to my Vmax's circuitry, especially holding it over my thigh.
Thanks for commenting. It was a very easy fix and something I wanted to try for a long time. I hope my video and your comment will help people have a go at fixes theirs as well. KR
You're a braver man than I!
With my bad eyesight and shaky hands, I wouldn't have dared taking a soldering iron to my Vmax's circuitry, especially holding it over my thigh.
It was easier to hit every bit of solder than missing and hitting something that’s been asleep for years! KR
Those are produced using cold solder joints, notorious for cracking loose.90 percent of the time I can fix pcb's just the way you did right there.
Thanks for commenting. It was a very easy fix and something I wanted to try for a long time. I hope my video and your comment will help people have a go at fixes theirs as well. KR
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