Chanukah's Electrifying Secret

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 66

  • @RuskiyStandardRaw
    @RuskiyStandardRaw 2 дня назад +3

    You are a very gifted teacher. Everything is spoken fluidly and with strength. Many ither shiurim may have the same pieces, but it is your delivery which wards off fatigue and keeps the topic alive. Glad I found your channel!

    • @EfraimPalvanov
      @EfraimPalvanov  2 дня назад +1

      Thank you for the kind words, really appreciate it!

  • @Thenoobestgirl
    @Thenoobestgirl 13 дней назад +7

    This is actually mind blowing! 🤯

  • @neurobits
    @neurobits 2 дня назад +2

    B’H, Thanx Rabbi. It’s Dec 2024, all over the World people are seeing plasma lights in the Sky. So, this lecture totally helps make sense. Be’H.

  • @raf_abreu
    @raf_abreu 2 года назад +18

    A+ lecture as usual! Baruch HaShem!

  • @my2cworth4U
    @my2cworth4U 2 месяца назад +11

    Very en'light'ning. ☀️ Thank you again. I really admire your ability to follow an interesting tangent but always return to the subject. Your delivery of info is exceptional. ❤

  • @psalms3825
    @psalms3825 2 дня назад +3

    Chaham Efi is the teacher of the hour

  • @ennisel
    @ennisel 8 дней назад +3

    27:21 - thing is... hearing this... it sounds so obvious and simple... in hindsight, knowing what we know now

  • @camelprotector
    @camelprotector 2 дня назад +1

    Harav Efraim Shalom. Wishing you and your family a Happy Hanukkah tonight on the first candle!

    • @EfraimPalvanov
      @EfraimPalvanov  2 дня назад +1

      Thank you. Happy Hanukkah to you and your family as well!

  • @chanahdvorah3381
    @chanahdvorah3381 9 дней назад +4

    Incredible class great lecture for thus coming Chanukah 🕎

  • @שמחהבקר
    @שמחהבקר Месяц назад +3

    Such an eye-opener!
    So much to appreciate and be thankful for. Am in awe of your knowledge. A Kiddush HaShem to say the least.

  • @tjpm
    @tjpm Год назад +4

    This class was insane!!! love it.

  • @dinachristinefortierellbog6291
    @dinachristinefortierellbog6291 Месяц назад +2

    Well polished research, admirable presentation.
    If I may add; Electrical arcs, fire, lightening… all plasmas.
    Also interesting, (possibly related): dendritic pattens are found everywhere as well. Tree branches, bronchial branches, lightening, veins, arteries, neurons, rivers, nebulae …
    The 4th state of matter (plasma) is certainly an interesting one.

  • @drbsd8024
    @drbsd8024 2 года назад +8

    Thank you.

  • @ennisel
    @ennisel 8 дней назад +2

    32:32 - We have to understand the 'electron'

  • @dkbrain3434
    @dkbrain3434 2 года назад +4

    People would be happier if they properly viewed the miracles of technology and the machines resulting from the industrial age with gratitude.

  • @element2138
    @element2138 3 дня назад +1

    Thank you! Terrific job!
    Two points:
    1- The original Septuagint didn't include Ezekiel. It was only the five books of Moses, as the Talmud states. Greeks translated the rest of the scriptures. All scholars agree on this.
    2- We don't even have the original Septuagint. So we don't even know if it actually had the word Electra.

  • @drbsd8024
    @drbsd8024 2 года назад +11

    Now I see why the Rebe Study electricity

    • @marshal11ify
      @marshal11ify 2 года назад

      And since that brightness is inside, it is written: "and out of the midst of it, as it were the color of electrum (Heb. chashmal)" (Yechezkel 1:4). In the midst of what - of that brightness. The color of Chashmal consists of the letters of chash mal, namely, muttering fiery living creatures (Heb. chayot esh memalelot).

  • @cassylane120
    @cassylane120 5 часов назад

    This is simply incredible…thankyou

  • @astavinc2415
    @astavinc2415 5 дней назад +4


  • @RebeccasBible111
    @RebeccasBible111 Месяц назад +2

    Thank you 🙏

  • @markkussusa
    @markkussusa 2 года назад +3

    Amazing... No. Electrifying!
    "Where Torah and science meet..." Have you perchance read 'Nightfall' by Asimov? A short story... I see in it so many parallels between this amd your other lectures. Incidently my favorite mashal is that of the blind men and the elephant.
    Enlightened Hannuka to you and yours!

    • @EfraimPalvanov
      @EfraimPalvanov  Год назад

      Thank you! I haven't read that one - will add it to my list.

  • @Fireaway89
    @Fireaway89 3 дня назад

    At 8:15 I was taught God says “why have you hidden yourself from me?”

  • @Thenoobestgirl
    @Thenoobestgirl 13 дней назад

    Please go on the Next Level Soul Podcast with Alex Ferrari. His podcast gets millions of views and this needs to be exposed to more people!

  • @markw8825
    @markw8825 2 месяца назад +1

    It is ALL Spiritual. All of this is internal. Internal Wind, Internal Fire, Internal Electric, Internal Orchestra, Internal Womb, Internal Sun. All reflected in the outer world. Please don't confuse the original with the copy.

  • @rebeccaking1494
    @rebeccaking1494 17 часов назад

    Yeshua is the servant candle ( the hidden light) love you all ! Praying for peace of Jerusalem daily 🙏🏻

  • @remoteviewer08
    @remoteviewer08 2 дня назад

    Fascinating how this is all coinciding with the drones and plasma balls above NJ .

  • @davidhampton4931
    @davidhampton4931 2 месяца назад +1

    Weird about the fine structure constant. Wasn't Abraham (father of many nations) 137 when he died? Abraham had constant faith. Old Hebrew words have many colors...

    • @EfraimPalvanov
      @EfraimPalvanov  4 дня назад +1

      Abraham passed away at age 175. His son Ishmael passed away at 137. Also Levi (son of Jacob) passed away at 137.

  • @terrywaltman2520
    @terrywaltman2520 5 месяцев назад +1

    So you say we can't use electricity on Shabbat.. how can you do any good on that Day ? Pray explain that to me ? But then i know the Orthodox view on that matter...the Sabbath was made for man... Not man for the Sabbath .

    • @EfraimPalvanov
      @EfraimPalvanov  5 месяцев назад

      You can certainly benefit from electricity on Shabbat, as Orthodox Jews do (lights are on, as is the fridge and air conditioner, etc.) - you just cannot manipulate electricity or electronic devices. It's generally fine if they are turned on beforehand, or pre-programmed.

  • @adam82279
    @adam82279 16 часов назад

    The gematria of איכה also happens to be 36.

  • @bigjon1359
    @bigjon1359 12 дней назад

    "Plasma" The Demon in the Ekur: Angels, Demons, Plasmas, Patristics, and Pyramids. Joseph P. Farrell

  • @ChanaAbrams
    @ChanaAbrams Месяц назад +2

    WOW! AWESOME!!! Baruch HaShem!!!

  • @keziasphiri9058
    @keziasphiri9058 8 дней назад +1

    REMEMBER it is written ELOHIM is the FATHER of LIGHTS . ✍️🌟

  • @sharonfahey5374
    @sharonfahey5374 8 дней назад +1

    Where can I find the book of Maccabees? A kosher text, lol, that hasn't been twisted by the church.

    • @EfraimPalvanov
      @EfraimPalvanov  8 дней назад +4

      It's actually available on in both Hebrew and English.

    • @sharonfahey5374
      @sharonfahey5374 8 дней назад

      @EfraimPalvanov I always tell the story during Chanukah but I just felt I wanted to give more over this year, thank you. Btw, can we do that?

  • @tzveeble1679
    @tzveeble1679 2 месяца назад

    Around 9:30, when talking about the Cohen and light, this might be why the Alter Rebbe includes the preceding pasuk (and the following) of Birkat Cohanim in the Torah learning brachot in the morning: ...כה תברכו את בני ישראל...

  • @adnanraman4591
    @adnanraman4591 3 дня назад

    That’s why God is called Ele

  • @angelicwarrior4133
    @angelicwarrior4133 3 месяца назад +1

    Shalom ! I have proof of this Hashmaal. It's a Feminine Electros. She came to visit me and I have a real live picture of Her waving Hello at me. She's my Friend. I know it's extremely difficult to understand but GOD is Good to me. Shalom

  • @sharonfahey5374
    @sharonfahey5374 7 дней назад

    I learned photosynthesis in grade school, 3rd grade.

  • @efraimyochananbenavraham639
    @efraimyochananbenavraham639 2 года назад +2

    איכה = 36

  • @mikeklein9923
    @mikeklein9923 17 часов назад

    Light - 4th day - מאורות .... Earth would not have existed without the Sun and the smaller moon to stabilize things ... not 2 equal light bodies

  • @luciferlucero
    @luciferlucero 14 дней назад


  • @1invag
    @1invag 6 месяцев назад

    Heh I was born 8th day of chanukah I recently discovered. Though I'm not Jewish, nor religious. 10th december 1980 gregorian calandar. I love abit of a cryptic mystery I can unravel, like a cat with a ball of string 😁 what secrets will I uncover. Seems like this is alluding to the merkabah. With regards the electrons part, scientifically speaking far as I'm aware electrons do not move. There's no electrons flowing through the wire like water flows through a pip in plumbing. That's simply an illustrative explanation given on a level people can intuitively understand because they have the water pipe concept already within there frame of experience. It's not literally a description of what's actually occurring. I might get this description wrong but it's like an electron does not orbit a proton or a neutron like a planet orbits a sun in a solar system. That's an example of the same thing. The electron exists within a *probability cloud* kinda like similar to the big bang where it occurred simultaneously at all points in space and time. Non localised. Or quantum. Like Pandora box being opened. Now this is where I go loopy off the deep end lol I figure similar to what's occurring in the double slit experiment in quantum mechanics. Except I see the matter arising from the interplay of the interference pattern generated by the standing waves meeting at predictable angles. If you know the frequency of your wave you can generate matter in any form you wish.

  • @Stormlucy111
    @Stormlucy111 10 дней назад

    Oy va voy li!!! Mashu nifla po.

  • @camelprotector
    @camelprotector 21 день назад

    Interesting parallels to energy work systems that can increase the חשמל and manipulate it in the human.

  • @beatsbyjiro8291
    @beatsbyjiro8291 2 года назад +1

    wu-tang clan enter the 36 chamberz