Play Again: TES glazer malds for 15 minutes (Congrats G2)

  • Опубликовано: 13 май 2024
  • Kelsey goes over three plays in the TES vs G2 series in detail.
  • ИгрыИгры

Комментарии • 14

  • @Xhalonick
    @Xhalonick 15 дней назад +21

    That title is hilarious lol

  • @peterjbreuer
    @peterjbreuer 15 дней назад +5

    I came for the insightful analysis and honest discussion of the game. I stayed for the self deprecating titles.

  • @karonmoser
    @karonmoser  15 дней назад +7

    I didn't think about this during the stream, but in the section where I talk about draft, Maokai is the obvious pick. Yeah, Braum fucks your ult a bit, but you can have poke and long range control.

  • @mgl6289
    @mgl6289 15 дней назад +1

    Seeing all your tes glaze then them getting gigs stomped omg lol

  • @wtfkek1534
    @wtfkek1534 15 дней назад +4

    Ahh yes another LPL fan that cant fathom that their region is as much of a 1 team region as the LEC is. Go rewatch LPL finals and tell me that TES is a good team please

  • @Mich8DB
    @Mich8DB 15 дней назад +2

    after the disband of jdg last offseason looks like lpl is a one team region this year

    • @kaiwatanabe3736
      @kaiwatanabe3736 14 дней назад

      u think new weibo roster can challenge blg?

  • @minhkhoitrankhai7440
    @minhkhoitrankhai7440 14 дней назад +1

    I have 2 questions
    1. Didnt renata autoed way too early so she took agro no matter what j4 did? It seems like the flag landed
    2. How do you pick double range when g2 banned ashe, senna and varus? Probably nekko and who else?

    • @karonmoser
      @karonmoser  14 дней назад +1

      1. Don't think flag landed, looks like kog flashed it. Either way, the dive is fked and poorly executed, and they should still expect him to flash the engage.
      2. Karma, Milio, Lulu, Neeko, Nami (think Draven is acceptable Nami pairing), pretty much any champ is fine. Draven can 1v2 lane without engage and a good enchanter. Think with kalista, you need engage, Draven no.

  • @AureliusAmbross
    @AureliusAmbross 15 дней назад +1

    Not even a tes glazer myself but agree with your points. Big props to G2, they played really well. But holy shit top threw away this series every chance they got
    also malding kelsey is highkey hilarious. lots of disappointed coach energy

  • @gaoaibai6243
    @gaoaibai6243 15 дней назад +2

    Great video. I am suprised that you did not call out the awful drafts from TES, picking Corki two games in a row and give Trist to Caps... But yeah, TES choked. It is as simple as that. Eastern fans would be more than happy to win another MSI title so this defeat will prolly be forgotten in a month but still a pretty bitter pill to swallow though. And if TL beats T1 today as well...
    As for why isnt Ivern picked... I mean he is a pure support no? You cannot contest jungle whatsoever with this champ and the enemy team WILL invade and steal all your camps if you dont path correctly. It worked for G2 because Yike is an Ivern OTP he is just really good at it, but for everybody else... Yeah. Also the champ sucks late game you melt in seconds to a proper ADC since your items are all supportive. Ivern is best played in a "protect the Kog" comp or atleast with a champ like Tristana who melts teams if left unchecked, so the enemy team would not waste time or effort hunting down the Ivern. In any other comp Ivern will melt instantly in teamfights because his range is short and he is quite squishy, unless you are so fed that you can afford a Frozen Heart on Ivern or some shits.

    • @karonmoser
      @karonmoser  14 дней назад +1

      I spent like 4 mintues talking about drafts and saying that they should have picked Trist.
      If you invade Ivern, he gets the fastest level 2 you've ever seen, and you lose any 2v2. Don't invade Ivern, that's a terrible idea lmfao. Ivern is insane in skirmishes + Daisy makes this champ really annoying on any post 6 neutral contests. You don't have to be an Ivern OTP to play it, literally had two junglers study this champ for like a week only and be able to do a lot of damage. You need a strong mid who will play Trist or any of the meta champs that are good with Ivern, and there are many, and that's literally it. Champ is disgusting.

  • @LAK253
    @LAK253 15 дней назад +1

    Spoiler Blocker!!!

  • @FilterBySubgenre
    @FilterBySubgenre 15 дней назад +1

    lpl overhyped region