I stopped following her quite a while ago. Lily's constant, unprovoked jabs at Josh was just getting too much. Like, to the point where it was just painful to sit through. Which is a shame, because in the past, she has made some excellent videos. Her analysis on the MLP villains is one of my favorite video's in regards to the show. But the daily, unfunny insults towards her former friend was just in poor taste and petty.
11:32 "Can they make unicorns anymore overpowered?" *The baby walks through walls.* Vegeta Voice: "I WAS FU**ING KIDDING." Dbz a references never fail win josh
I didn't like this episode because it was "cute." I actually attempted to do my own review of this episode, but... eh. Anyways, the reason I like this episode is because I have a personal connection to what Pinkie goes through. I was a nanny during the time this episode came out and as I watched parts of this, I felt this was more for someone like me rather than the rest of the mainstream. Josh does make good points about how this episode is really weak, but it is one of my personal episodes that spoke to me.
CharPonyVA PFFFT!! Such a simple hillbilly. You clearly don't know of the *UNLIMITED POWER* that us Unicorns have! We can control the weather, harvest apples and oranges in large amounts with ease, teleport, travel through the air and walk on clouds using magic, and turn invisible! If "yall" disagree, then.....We might need to use our magic to teach y'all the true awesomeness of us! >:3
Super Game Master That's only for special unicorns like Twilight or Starlight. Most Unicorns can only levitate, and even then it's limited. Us Earth Ponies do the useful jobs.
CharPonyVA In my head-cannon, other unicorns can become really great at magic, if they dedicate a lot of their life to the practice of magic. Almost no unicorn we see is really into magic, and prefers to use it for the most mundane utility. If you were practicing magic from your early foalhood, and kept practicing up until adulthood, you should be able to do different awesome spells like Twilight or Starlight. Apart from being bad at magic, there is *no reason* why a Unicorn can't be a great magic user, if they spent all the time Twi and Star did practicing and studying magic.
I actually liked this episode. I actually DID think the babies looked cute, and... Yeah, taking care of children CAN be a nightmare, especially if they whine AND like to wander all over the place. Nevertheless... Still a funny review, and I'm glad I got to see your opinion of the episode.
I think the issue you have with the twins using their powers so young is because you're comparing them to human infants, which we all know are born completely helpless. Anyone worth their salt know that real life ponies and other ungulates are born knowing how to walk. They are born smarter than we are at birth. That's how they survive. It's not a stretch to assume the same of the magical variety. My Little Pony is about anthropomorphic ponies. They have human qualities but they're not human themselves. That's something you tend to ignore a lot and you try to push human limitations on what are essentially talking animals.
I came down here to see if anyone else had said this! Plus, these kids are a month old and already playing with wooden blocks with letters, walking around, and with the ability to take off their own diapers. My little brother didn't figure out the diaper thing until he was 2 years old, and we can't give month old infants hard wooden blocks either. They even got their first words out by the end of the episode, something a month old human wouldn't be able to do as well. I wouldn't be surprised if they've actually started some basic reading/letter comprehension as well (as Twilight was the first go-to idea for a babysitter [implying that she probably did it before during the month we skipped, perhaps while the cakes were working, or on a date night], she seemed interested in the baby's lives, and she probably has experience teaching young creatures to read, since she probably taught spike) Though I'm also slightly under the assumption that Pumpkin and Pound are also of slightly higher intelligence than the average. I would actually be surprised if Pumpkin, with magic teachers like Twilight (and maybe Starlight), did NOT become a powerful unicorn. After all, Starlight's talent comes down to years and years of practice, not just power. Twilight also would have a sense of responsibility there, since the Cakes can't teach their daughter magic, but Twilight can teach her as a family friend. Sort of like how Rarity is busy, so Twilight taught Sweetie Belle. (Also, while Starlight brought out the flaws in Twilight teaching, she does enjoy it, and it did appear to be her main goal in life before she even became an alicorn. She just does better with kids, not adults)
Exactly. I don't know if Firebrand legitimately doesn't think about these things or if he says things like this just to see if people notice and put their two cents in. It comes naturally to me since animals are my bread and butter and my original writing is chock full of anthropomorphic animals (real and mythical alike) living alongside humans...but you'd think Firebrand would know that a day-old foal far outclasses a day-old human in just about every way so of course the Cake twins are going to do a lot of antics that are pretty unnatural for a similarly aged human child. It boils down to the fact they're born smarter and their lifespans are significantly shorter than ours. They grow up very fast in comparison. I do have agree with him on the genetics bit, though. That still doesn't make much sense to me and could've been handled better. I'm not sure Punnet squares would be useful with the info we got from Mr. Cake. I have at least one half-human hybrid character but the logistics of trying to create similar hybrids from different races in my world would be a headache so I stick to chimeras, who are made through genetic manipulation. when I want to deal with entities with otherwise unrelated bloodlines.
I gotta agree with these comments. heck, ive rewatched this episode a few times and still enjoy it. I'm not sure how old ponies can get in MLP, but these comments are is part of why the episode didn't bother me. in fact pumpkins casting of a passwall variant and self-levitation even made sense to me, because the surges are likely emotionally oriented. she saw her brother flying, so she joined in. The info from Mr. Cake was scattered indeed, but perhaps pony genetics have a kind of dominant/recessive quality to them in general- and i question his complete reliability... that said, im not going down that line of thoughts very far. all this stated, Jana, thats interesting about your writing. im considering just now introducing a pony-like race into a moshpit of a fantasy setting im using as one of the ideas im working out, so your comments made for a good reminder.
You're welcome. My universe has just about everything that isn't undead abs supernatural elements are low key. I throw in a lot of cultural nods. The World Masters, for instance, are the compass gods from China (known by their Japanese names) and Quetzalcoatl from Aztec myth.
thats pretty cool t'hear. my world is in a sense developing from minor Pathfinder campaigns. the world is in a sense magically unstable, with elements of quite a few settings in it. the end result if i could keep up with it makes for a world with a lot of different races running about inspired from other settings, primarily Warhammer, and Touhou. that said, the ponyfinder variant of the pony race could show up in certain areas of nature with high magical concentrations.
2:52 well I can see the first part working because Mr cake would have unicorn in his genetics but the pegasus makes no sense as if a family member has the titles aunt and removed on them it means there shouldn't be any correlation to one of the babies being a pegasus
Pumpkin looks like Mr. Cakes too, it really is just Pound that is the anomaly. He doesn't look like either of his parents and he is a pegasus which you pointed out doesn't really work genetically with what we know. It can be explained but they give us nothing to truly base off why he looks that way or how he could be a pegasus.
Wow. You do like Obi-Wan with a beard. On another note, though, based on this video, would you say that "Baby Cakes" is your least favorite episode of the series?
Seeing Pumpkin do magic makes me want to see baby Twilight go through magic surges. Great... Now I want to see an episode where Starlight accidentally casts an age spell and has to deal with the baby mane six
"It's Pinkie Pie, don't question it." That's something that Wiz needed to hear when discussing Pinkie Pie during "Deadpool vs. Pinkie Pie" at the mention of the "Pinkie Sense."
This was the very first episode of MLP I saw in like 2012 or 2011 I believe, me and my best friend were super high at 3 in the morning and channel surfing. We hadn't slept for 2 days either, so it was absoutely hilarious to us!
Honestly, I like this episode & I think the twin cake babies are adorable. And if you watch this episode again after watching the series' finale, it adds so many pieces to Pinkie's character that it all comes full circle. Pinkie used to babysit the twins & learned about responsibility. Years later, Pinkie is now a mother with a foal of her own, and the twins (who are all grown up) are the babysitters & possibly godsiblings to Lil Cheese (Pinkie's foal).😊
Whenever anyone asks me why I never want kids, I get flashbacks to this episode. That cute flour-poof moment at the end when the twins cheer up Pinkie Pie is basically the equivalent of that hormone that gets released in a woman's body after she gives birth that makes her forget how hellish it is.
My personal least-favorite episode was Princess Spike. Not only was it another episode that focused on his flaws getting the better of him, the story was forced to make him fail. It feels like Twilight and Cadance are consciously using him as a scapegoat for themselves not getting involved, the only decisions or choices he made that actually caused the flood were all done to help Twilight WITHOUT selfish intent, the princesses are being made to look awesome by making every other character selfish or useless, and the message of the value of small roles doesn't fit at all with the story. Plus, just as Baby Cakes nearly made you quit MLP and its fandom, that episode nearly made me give up hope for Spike's character development; after seeing him finally get a couple of episodes where the audience could sympathize with him and even personally triumph in Season 4, it seemed as if Hasbro's executives or something were telling the writers to not take Spike's character any closer to the Mane 6's level. I feared Spike was being held back by arbitrary rules that just wouldn't yield for him as with the other main characters because of his gender and sidekick/comic relief role . Thank Jesus for Season 6!
Ah yes season six, the season of SPIKE!! He was awesome in the season opener with Starlight, then he had three great episodes. Gauntlet of Fire (my fave), Dungeons and Discord (Hilarious), and The Times they are a Changling (rushed ending and resolution, but still a great showing for the little guy).
Real Life horses are running around within hours of birth, instinctual competence is an evolutionary trait I'd expect them to have, and lose as they grow up, it's like humans, who are born able to swim, forget, and have to relearn.
11:16 Bear in mind, at the beginning of the episode it was said that baby unicorns experiance "magic surges". Seeing how we never see Pumpkin Cake show such powers later on, we can safely assume that this was a rare moment of her magic getting amplified by such magic surge and you can pull your head out of your ass. Same with Pound Cake. We see later that pegasi fly not just because of wings but because of magic as well (season 4 finale), we can assume that pegasi babies being "all over the place", like Rainbow had mentioned, is something alike to magic surges. Edit: Huh, you even bring it up later yourself. So then why are you so butthurt about this? Baby wants something, has magic that was amplified, stuff happens as she wants its. If she would want, she could stick the wrong shape into wrong hole with magic. Another edit: Then again, I believe they say in the navy: "there is no wrong hole" ;p (George Carlin)
Josh, you look different… Did you change your hair?! And I didn't like this episode much either. Started to make me not like Pinkie Pie… The ending doesn't save the episode.
1:19 Me too man, me too. They're just sooooo cuuuuuute. Also, can someone make a compilation of all of Josh's intro skips? I can't believe I can't find one!
"What is my life" I was a marine, I'm talking about babies in a show about candy color ponies for little girls. REAL MEN WEAR PINK! Honestly? I really wish more fictional guys and in some cases fictional girls had this approach to being open about and honest their feelings. Lookin at you tangled the series. Varian? Lance? I love you dearly but we really need talk about this. Seriously, can we PLEASE get rid of the "too cool to show emotions", "complete emotional wreck = worlds biggest crybaby", "egotistical idiots", "look at me I'm so random = funny", or "honest means being an absolute asshole" tropes?
I don't see rather or not Pinkie is funny as important. The most important thing is that Pinkie's actions make sense for her character and for the situation. If they happen to be funny then that's just a nice bonus but I think the way to make Pinkie Pie become unfunny is by trying to make her funny first. I really still think this is the best written Pinkie has ever been before or since. In Party of One she was funnier but it was really weird and not really like seeing Pinkie but rather Pinkie break down. This was Pinkie being 100% herself and applying her methods to a serious problem.
"What is my life?" Good question, but to make you feel better: You're just a grown man talking about how much he hates an episode of a girls' cartoon featuring coloured horses, but we're the grown men watching a grown man talking about how much he hates an episode of a girls' cartoon featuring coloured horses. There's always a level of 'more sad' below you! Always remember that! :D And way below us, are the furries.
9:30 Geez, what's with this show and its R-rated movie references? Seriously. We've got Big Lebowski, The Shining, Fargo, Midnight Cowboy, and now Trainspotting.
There's a difference between the Cake twins and later overpowered baby characters in this franchise, like Flurry Heart and Sparky Sparkaronni. With the latter two, they are very much troublesome babies, but it's made quite clear that (most of the time for Sparky, anyways) they do not know what they are doing. They're babies. It doesn't make them any less insufferable to eatch or take care of, but at least you can tell that they are just pests because they can't control themselves. The Cake twins, on the other hand, are clearly shown to be antagonistic in their behavior. They aren't disobeying becuase they don't know better; they are disobeying to PURPOSEFULLY make Pinkie's day a living Hell. Why else would they enjoy Pinkie get flour dumped onto her, or have a villainous look in their eyes as they zip away like the cartoons they are during hide and seek, or manage to draw the line at Pinkie's emotional breakdown? These babies are far more intelligent in comparison, not counting the bursts of magical bullshit, AND they are using it to their advantage. Them disobeying their parents wasn't them not knowing better. They genuinely were cruel. Hell, just look at A Flurry of Emotions, years later: That episode is focused on Flurry, and while she still is overpowered as hell, she having trouble with everything around her, and that includes the Cake twins, who are clearly shown to be jerks to her. That's what makes them work better for me. For the others, we're expected to like them because they're cute and because they're babies, and parental responsibility and all that. For the Cake twins, we're meant to sympathize with Pinkie all the more, because of what theu put her through. I don't know, I just think that villainous overpowered babies are better than innocent overpowered babies.
1. I love the beard, please don't do anything to it. 2. your reviews have gotten even better than they were before. Like it's actually legitimately impressive how much the quality of your videos and humor in general has improved.
This review in a nutshell: *cuts to The Rugrats Movie* Angelica: *dealing with 4-week old Dill* Oh, that baby makes me sick! *slams door* ...Yeah this felt like the episode variant of that movie. Granted the movie has good things about it, but in the long run, there's a reason Paris beat it out.
What confuses me about this episode is how the cakes trust Fluttershy to watch infants when she can't even watch the Cutie Mark Crusaders, who happen to be old enough to walk around town by themselves. Not to mention Rainbow Dash who is the full definition of irresponsible, Rarity who even she herself knows isn't good for the job, and Twilight Sparkle who probably never seen A baby in her life other than Spike.
"I was in the marines...and now I'm talking about babies and pastel colored ponies"-josh 2k17
I was in Guatemala...and now I do that and anime too
Now he's married with a baby on the way :)
Pbsh,real men wear pink!
That is why I respect him. Also that made me laugh.
To a past commenter: BaBIES. Plural. Twins.
The babies : We need an adult.
Pinkie pie: I am an adult.
The babies : No, no you are not
Actually Rarity would be a bad option for last minute babysitting.
She’s a seamstress, which means lots of sharp, pointy things everywhere.
Oh my God , you're right.
The Fiery Joker has a soft side. D'aaaaaawwwwww
Of course he does! Even the most grizzled of war veterans show a soft side every once in a while!
He was a US Marine who was part of the band and became a brony.
Thanks for putting out an actual review instead of a prank video on April Fools', Josh.
I 2nd this ^^ I came here expecting a joke but was pleasantly surprised to be met with a proper review and a really funny one too ^^
I would have been more comfortable with the prank, honestly. I really did NOT need so many details on that movie reference.
I stopped following her quite a while ago. Lily's constant, unprovoked jabs at Josh was just getting too much. Like, to the point where it was just painful to sit through. Which is a shame, because in the past, she has made some excellent videos. Her analysis on the MLP villains is one of my favorite video's in regards to the show. But the daily, unfunny insults towards her former friend was just in poor taste and petty.
I've seen a couple of those today, my favorite being the return of Freemans Mind ^-^ I was sure that series was done for good.
CAiTlin S I think the threat of having Xain drawing Baby Mario deliberately captured in the end sleight was the prank
josh, pony-horses mature really early, in fact, all horse-like animals walk and run by the day they are burn
Take from a girl who grew up around horses, animals mature faster than humans so their mastery of magic makes sense
All of you are babies!
Who sent all these babies to fight?
Entire team is babies!
What sick man sends babies to fight me?
That's just ain't right.
"Waahh Oowahh! Cry some more!"
Do I smell soiled baby diaper?
TheNotSoN3rd hello heavy
I hear someone building diaper changing station!
"Can they make unicorns anymore overpowered?"
*The baby walks through walls.*
Vegeta Voice: "I WAS FU**ING KIDDING."
Dbz a references never fail win josh
So DAMN Funny 🤣😂👍👍👍!!!
Honestly, I found the "Spot remover" joke to be quite hilarious.
It is even funnier for a "medium aware" character as Pinkie Pie (she may have mentioned a FLASH tool to delete layers or something like that).
fictionfan0 Go back to 2005
It was hilarious in how unhilarious it was. She probably got that joke from Maud.
Do you like Steven Wright?
6 years later and he now has twins of his own! They grow up so fast! 🥲
I'm not sure what's more odd, Alex's interruption to explain a movie reference or Josh in a beard.
hiddenlightinggenin who's alex?
Babbi McBobbiBabberson the guy who talks about Trainspotting. He's a good friend of Josh and they've worked together several times in the past.
dimentiorules does he has a channel too?
He's not doing much with it these days, but yes. Alex Rochon. Formerly known as "The Autarch." Further formerly known as "The Autarch of Flame."
hiddenlightinggenin Now Josh looks kinda like Mr Enter but ginger and with a more circular head.
Ah, I see you've become a fellow member of the Glorious Bearded Master Race? Welcome! It certainly suits you, dear Brother :D.
xonxt They comment that he looks like Obi Wan. Just needs the tunic and lightsaber to match.
Well, to be compared to Obi-Wan is a great compliment, actually.
...a pure blooded sayian doesn't change till the day we are born. With the exceptions of beards and MUSTACHES....
_but what about mustaches?_
3:59 that Hunchback of Notre Dame joke was hilarious!
I didn't like this episode because it was "cute." I actually attempted to do my own review of this episode, but... eh. Anyways, the reason I like this episode is because I have a personal connection to what Pinkie goes through. I was a nanny during the time this episode came out and as I watched parts of this, I felt this was more for someone like me rather than the rest of the mainstream. Josh does make good points about how this episode is really weak, but it is one of my personal episodes that spoke to me.
Oh my God, the cartoon man has turned into a Plague Doctor Mad Jack!!
Oliver Queen's a brony?? Not entirely unexpected.
Good one :)
Oscar Stainton damn just noticed that too
Oscar Stainton my god that's amazing
I see what you did there. Why does everyone think Ollie's a womanizer?
Why does Josh look like Obi Wan Kenobi?
George Rehmert
Because Josh is unlikable
Clayton Johnson How come?
"Well what'd you expect, them coming out quoting Macbeth?"
Super Game Master Earth Pony master race. And if ya disagree yall can starve ;)
CharPonyVA PFFFT!! Such a simple hillbilly. You clearly don't know of the *UNLIMITED POWER* that us Unicorns have!
We can control the weather, harvest apples and oranges in large amounts with ease, teleport, travel through the air and walk on clouds using magic, and turn invisible!
If "yall" disagree, then.....We might need to use our magic to teach y'all the true awesomeness of us! >:3
Super Game Master That's only for special unicorns like Twilight or Starlight. Most Unicorns can only levitate, and even then it's limited. Us Earth Ponies do the useful jobs.
CharPonyVA In my head-cannon, other unicorns can become really great at magic, if they dedicate a lot of their life to the practice of magic. Almost no unicorn we see is really into magic, and prefers to use it for the most mundane utility.
If you were practicing magic from your early foalhood, and kept practicing up until adulthood, you should be able to do different awesome spells like Twilight or Starlight.
Apart from being bad at magic, there is *no reason* why a Unicorn can't be a great magic user, if they spent all the time Twi and Star did practicing and studying magic.
Josh, because of the Star Wars references and your beard you're looking like Obi Wan.
Am I the only one who looks forward to Josh's creative ways of skipping the intro to the show?
I was so not expecting Robbie Rotten. My sides man xD
Shadow Novus To Be honest, I want him to collab on one of these with Quarter Guy, just so Dio can wreck the intro. That’s too perfect to not happen.
I actually liked this episode. I actually DID think the babies looked cute, and... Yeah, taking care of children CAN be a nightmare, especially if they whine AND like to wander all over the place. Nevertheless... Still a funny review, and I'm glad I got to see your opinion of the episode.
I think the issue you have with the twins using their powers so young is because you're comparing them to human infants, which we all know are born completely helpless. Anyone worth their salt know that real life ponies and other ungulates are born knowing how to walk. They are born smarter than we are at birth. That's how they survive. It's not a stretch to assume the same of the magical variety. My Little Pony is about anthropomorphic ponies. They have human qualities but they're not human themselves. That's something you tend to ignore a lot and you try to push human limitations on what are essentially talking animals.
I came down here to see if anyone else had said this!
Plus, these kids are a month old and already playing with wooden blocks with letters, walking around, and with the ability to take off their own diapers. My little brother didn't figure out the diaper thing until he was 2 years old, and we can't give month old infants hard wooden blocks either.
They even got their first words out by the end of the episode, something a month old human wouldn't be able to do as well. I wouldn't be surprised if they've actually started some basic reading/letter comprehension as well (as Twilight was the first go-to idea for a babysitter [implying that she probably did it before during the month we skipped, perhaps while the cakes were working, or on a date night], she seemed interested in the baby's lives, and she probably has experience teaching young creatures to read, since she probably taught spike)
Though I'm also slightly under the assumption that Pumpkin and Pound are also of slightly higher intelligence than the average. I would actually be surprised if Pumpkin, with magic teachers like Twilight (and maybe Starlight), did NOT become a powerful unicorn. After all, Starlight's talent comes down to years and years of practice, not just power. Twilight also would have a sense of responsibility there, since the Cakes can't teach their daughter magic, but Twilight can teach her as a family friend. Sort of like how Rarity is busy, so Twilight taught Sweetie Belle.
(Also, while Starlight brought out the flaws in Twilight teaching, she does enjoy it, and it did appear to be her main goal in life before she even became an alicorn. She just does better with kids, not adults)
Exactly. I don't know if Firebrand legitimately doesn't think about these things or if he says things like this just to see if people notice and put their two cents in. It comes naturally to me since animals are my bread and butter and my original writing is chock full of anthropomorphic animals (real and mythical alike) living alongside humans...but you'd think Firebrand would know that a day-old foal far outclasses a day-old human in just about every way so of course the Cake twins are going to do a lot of antics that are pretty unnatural for a similarly aged human child. It boils down to the fact they're born smarter and their lifespans are significantly shorter than ours. They grow up very fast in comparison.
I do have agree with him on the genetics bit, though. That still doesn't make much sense to me and could've been handled better. I'm not sure Punnet squares would be useful with the info we got from Mr. Cake. I have at least one half-human hybrid character but the logistics of trying to create similar hybrids from different races in my world would be a headache so I stick to chimeras, who are made through genetic manipulation. when I want to deal with entities with otherwise unrelated bloodlines.
I gotta agree with these comments. heck, ive rewatched this episode a few times and still enjoy it. I'm not sure how old ponies can get in MLP, but these comments are is part of why the episode didn't bother me. in fact pumpkins casting of a passwall variant and self-levitation even made sense to me, because the surges are likely emotionally oriented. she saw her brother flying, so she joined in.
The info from Mr. Cake was scattered indeed, but perhaps pony genetics have a kind of dominant/recessive quality to them in general- and i question his complete reliability... that said, im not going down that line of thoughts very far.
all this stated, Jana, thats interesting about your writing. im considering just now introducing a pony-like race into a moshpit of a fantasy setting im using as one of the ideas im working out, so your comments made for a good reminder.
You're welcome. My universe has just about everything that isn't undead abs supernatural elements are low key. I throw in a lot of cultural nods. The World Masters, for instance, are the compass gods from China (known by their Japanese names) and Quetzalcoatl from Aztec myth.
thats pretty cool t'hear. my world is in a sense developing from minor Pathfinder campaigns. the world is in a sense magically unstable, with elements of quite a few settings in it. the end result if i could keep up with it makes for a world with a lot of different races running about inspired from other settings, primarily Warhammer, and Touhou. that said, the ponyfinder variant of the pony race could show up in certain areas of nature with high magical concentrations.
2:52 well I can see the first part working because Mr cake would have unicorn in his genetics but the pegasus makes no sense as if a family member has the titles aunt and removed on them it means there shouldn't be any correlation to one of the babies being a pegasus
Pumpkin looks like Mr. Cakes too, it really is just Pound that is the anomaly. He doesn't look like either of his parents and he is a pegasus which you pointed out doesn't really work genetically with what we know. It can be explained but they give us nothing to truly base off why he looks that way or how he could be a pegasus.
Liking the beard, Josh, you really are Rabbidluigi's biggest fan.
Also, love the thumbnail, best Mario game ever.
if babies are your kryptonite, i wonder how you react to dogs tucking in babies for sleepy time
hello person scrolling through comments
I was just wondering if it was an April Fool's joke or not.
Whatever AJ I just saw your comment at the top.
Yo, homeboy. How you doing today?
Whatever AJ Greetings, mate.
Whatever AJ hiya!
Why do I feel like life gave him his own twins to test his resolve in this episode 😂?
Wow. You do like Obi-Wan with a beard. On another note, though, based on this video, would you say that "Baby Cakes" is your least favorite episode of the series?
I believe Dragon Quest holds that distinction.
That's Spike at Your Service.
I started freaking out as soon as Alex appeared. Also, "Heroine Addict Obi Wan Kenobi" was an amazing line. Probably the best bit of the episode.
Alex's cameo is the funniest thing I've seen in years.
Oh my god, I've been gone so long. He has a BEARD!!
Good video though :)
(5:49) "YOU'LL BE SOOOORY!" -that you watched this episode.
Man I love your little edits in this video. They make this episode SOO much more enjoyable!
Was Josh's internal enraged German mumbles from nostalgia critic aliens from signs?
It's actually from the World War II movie, Downfall. It's actually quite popular among the internet. Also, Sorry for the late reply.
10:46 because hes an awsome writer, voice actor, funny, and many other things. Say hi to hades for me.
Seeing Pumpkin do magic makes me want to see baby Twilight go through magic surges. Great... Now I want to see an episode where Starlight accidentally casts an age spell and has to deal with the baby mane six
I think Starlight has grown enough to where she'd be responsible enough to know not do that.
Trixie on the other hand...
It would be funny though
"It's Pinkie Pie, don't question it." That's something that Wiz needed to hear when discussing Pinkie Pie during "Deadpool vs. Pinkie Pie" at the mention of the "Pinkie Sense."
Every time I watch josh review a Mlp episode I fall to pieces from laughing so hard
I really like the beard Josh, makes you more adult.
I wonder if his views on this episode's portrayal of babies has changed now that he has his own twins?🤔
I thought.
I thought this was an April fools joke.
Thank you for the pleasant surprise.
This was the very first episode of MLP I saw in like 2012 or 2011 I believe, me and my best friend were super high at 3 in the morning and channel surfing. We hadn't slept for 2 days either, so it was absoutely hilarious to us!
~Princessdanny~ Says a lot of you can only enjoy the episode while sleep deprived and high.
Thank you for putting my drawing into your video. It is an honor to actually have made something you liked.
I'm blown away how you managed to bring back the word "Sponsatility" back into my mind. Rugrats kind of helped run my world as a kid.
Lol Josh really made it funny XD like the impersonation of Rarity XD
was anybody else expecting this video to be an April fools joke.
The whole unicorn levitation thing I think any of them could easily do if it's easy enough to levitate normal objects.
9:33-10:49 My favorite part of the video.😨😂
6:23 I love your Avatar TLA jokes xD
"I was in the United States Marine Corps, and I'm talking about babies." It sounds like the Fiery Joker is ready to settle down, hmm? 👶🏻
He's married now so..
up yours, buddy! i freaking love this episode! i raise baby goats and i don't to kick them.
The point of this episode was to show the importance of responsibility
BLUERAYGUNNER The point of this comment is to tell you that you are an idiot
If that was the case then it really failed
How? Pinkie learned kids can be tough and it's not all goofy fun games.
9:39 in my opinion is the best bit of the video
I've never even seen MLP, but I watched this anyway because, well, what can I say? You're very entertaining. PS. Good beard.
This episode brought out every feeling I have about babies. That's why it's one of the few I won't rewatch
Lost it at Kronk xD
edit: I snapped at "Babies Cry" Dx
Baby ponies/horses in real life are actually pretty smart when they are born.
Nice beard!
wonder if there's gonna be a re-review of this episode now that he has kids, lol
it's pretty much my second least favorite episode MLP First being Putting Your Hoof Down
Honestly, I like this episode & I think the twin cake babies are adorable.
And if you watch this episode again after watching the series' finale, it adds so many pieces to Pinkie's character that it all comes full circle.
Pinkie used to babysit the twins & learned about responsibility.
Years later, Pinkie is now a mother with a foal of her own, and the twins (who are all grown up) are the babysitters & possibly godsiblings to Lil Cheese (Pinkie's foal).😊
Josh, keep the beard
11:16 disagreement! Twilight has been able to levitate herself using Magic in part 2 of The Crystal Empire when she fell down the stairs.
Jeez....I'll admit it's not the best episode, but I didn't think it was that anger inspiring. I see it as mostly inoffensive.
Whenever anyone asks me why I never want kids, I get flashbacks to this episode. That cute flour-poof moment at the end when the twins cheer up Pinkie Pie is basically the equivalent of that hormone that gets released in a woman's body after she gives birth that makes her forget how hellish it is.
3:01-3:07 Ok now that was a great gag XD
You look awesome Josh! It's great to see you back in the game
My personal least-favorite episode was Princess Spike. Not only was it another episode that focused on his flaws getting the better of him, the story was forced to make him fail. It feels like Twilight and Cadance are consciously using him as a scapegoat for themselves not getting involved, the only decisions or choices he made that actually caused the flood were all done to help Twilight WITHOUT selfish intent, the princesses are being made to look awesome by making every other character selfish or useless, and the message of the value of small roles doesn't fit at all with the story. Plus, just as Baby Cakes nearly made you quit MLP and its fandom, that episode nearly made me give up hope for Spike's character development; after seeing him finally get a couple of episodes where the audience could sympathize with him and even personally triumph in Season 4, it seemed as if Hasbro's executives or something were telling the writers to not take Spike's character any closer to the Mane 6's level. I feared Spike was being held back by arbitrary rules that just wouldn't yield for him as with the other main characters because of his gender and sidekick/comic relief role . Thank Jesus for Season 6!
Ah yes season six, the season of SPIKE!! He was awesome in the season opener with Starlight, then he had three great episodes. Gauntlet of Fire (my fave), Dungeons and Discord (Hilarious), and The Times they are a Changling (rushed ending and resolution, but still a great showing for the little guy).
Silas Ruedin Hey there Triple Threat.
Real Life horses are running around within hours of birth, instinctual competence is an evolutionary trait I'd expect them to have, and lose as they grow up, it's like humans, who are born able to swim, forget, and have to relearn.
11:16 Bear in mind, at the beginning of the episode it was said that baby unicorns experiance "magic surges". Seeing how we never see Pumpkin Cake show such powers later on, we can safely assume that this was a rare moment of her magic getting amplified by such magic surge and you can pull your head out of your ass. Same with Pound Cake. We see later that pegasi fly not just because of wings but because of magic as well (season 4 finale), we can assume that pegasi babies being "all over the place", like Rainbow had mentioned, is something alike to magic surges.
Edit: Huh, you even bring it up later yourself. So then why are you so butthurt about this? Baby wants something, has magic that was amplified, stuff happens as she wants its. If she would want, she could stick the wrong shape into wrong hole with magic.
Another edit: Then again, I believe they say in the navy: "there is no wrong hole" ;p (George Carlin)
Intentionally letting baby Mario get captured means putting yourself through more suffering from the sound a baby crying. Not the best revenge
Josh, you look different… Did you change your hair?!
And I didn't like this episode much either. Started to make me not like Pinkie Pie… The ending doesn't save the episode.
The Kronk moment was freaking hilarious. That was amazingly well timed, I had to pause the vid I was laughing so hard. Brilliant!
was it bad enough to make you stop shaving.
But nice beard by the way
1:19 Me too man, me too. They're just sooooo cuuuuuute.
Also, can someone make a compilation of all of Josh's intro skips? I can't believe I can't find one!
Is it me, or does Josh look like Doctor Strange? I can't be the only one who's said this
Doctor Strange isn't Blonde though and his hair is wavy, not straight.
He does have Hades on speed dial, so he can bargain with him easily.
"What is my life"
I was a marine, I'm talking about babies in a show about candy color ponies for little girls. REAL MEN WEAR PINK!
Honestly? I really wish more fictional guys and in some cases fictional girls had this approach to being open about and honest their feelings. Lookin at you tangled the series. Varian? Lance? I love you dearly but we really need talk about this.
Seriously, can we PLEASE get rid of the "too cool to show emotions", "complete emotional wreck = worlds biggest crybaby", "egotistical idiots", "look at me I'm so random = funny", or "honest means being an absolute asshole" tropes?
god damn, just give josh a green hood and bow and he'd look more like Oliver Queen than freaking Stephen Amell
i can leave or take this episode, it has it moments,
nice review Josh, love the beard and stash, looks good on you.
keep up the great work dude
come on Josh, don't you think you are taking this episode too seriously? :P
I see what you did there.
hehe, it was too perfect not to do that. :P
I don't see rather or not Pinkie is funny as important. The most important thing is that Pinkie's actions make sense for her character and for the situation. If they happen to be funny then that's just a nice bonus but I think the way to make Pinkie Pie become unfunny is by trying to make her funny first. I really still think this is the best written Pinkie has ever been before or since. In Party of One she was funnier but it was really weird and not really like seeing Pinkie but rather Pinkie break down.
This was Pinkie being 100% herself and applying her methods to a serious problem.
Finally someone else who hate this episode
nikosafer1 That makes two of us!
Make that three
nikosafer1 And you can add the Mysterious Mr. Enter to the list.
nikosafer1 MrEnter hates it
nikosafer1 i also hate this episode of MLP
and the sound of a baby laughing?
one of the greatest sounds ever
"What is my life?"
Good question, but to make you feel better: You're just a grown man talking about how much he hates an episode of a girls' cartoon featuring coloured horses, but we're the grown men watching a grown man talking about how much he hates an episode of a girls' cartoon featuring coloured horses. There's always a level of 'more sad' below you! Always remember that! :D
And way below us, are the furries.
9:30 Geez, what's with this show and its R-rated movie references? Seriously. We've got Big Lebowski, The Shining, Fargo, Midnight Cowboy, and now Trainspotting.
I’ve seen weirder
Please shave NOW!
That or deepen your voice.
Derpy Hooves no
Derpy Hooves Who do you think you are?
Other than some shitty character from a show
Derpy Hooves never
Derpy Hooves im on your side, he should shave, if he wants to that is.
At least Flurry Heart looks and sounds like a baby
*speaking of Cronk* PULL THE LEVER JOSH
Uh oh, do I smell soiled cakey diapers! And oh my gosh an actual video that isn't a prank on April 1st? What new spore of madness is this
There's a difference between the Cake twins and later overpowered baby characters in this franchise, like Flurry Heart and Sparky Sparkaronni. With the latter two, they are very much troublesome babies, but it's made quite clear that (most of the time for Sparky, anyways) they do not know what they are doing. They're babies. It doesn't make them any less insufferable to eatch or take care of, but at least you can tell that they are just pests because they can't control themselves.
The Cake twins, on the other hand, are clearly shown to be antagonistic in their behavior. They aren't disobeying becuase they don't know better; they are disobeying to PURPOSEFULLY make Pinkie's day a living Hell. Why else would they enjoy Pinkie get flour dumped onto her, or have a villainous look in their eyes as they zip away like the cartoons they are during hide and seek, or manage to draw the line at Pinkie's emotional breakdown? These babies are far more intelligent in comparison, not counting the bursts of magical bullshit, AND they are using it to their advantage. Them disobeying their parents wasn't them not knowing better. They genuinely were cruel.
Hell, just look at A Flurry of Emotions, years later: That episode is focused on Flurry, and while she still is overpowered as hell, she having trouble with everything around her, and that includes the Cake twins, who are clearly shown to be jerks to her. That's what makes them work better for me. For the others, we're expected to like them because they're cute and because they're babies, and parental responsibility and all that. For the Cake twins, we're meant to sympathize with Pinkie all the more, because of what theu put her through.
I don't know, I just think that villainous overpowered babies are better than innocent overpowered babies.
1. I love the beard, please don't do anything to it.
2. your reviews have gotten even better than they were before. Like it's actually legitimately impressive how much the quality of your videos and humor in general has improved.
(Slams drink down on table) Not even beer helps... (falls asleep)
This review in a nutshell:
*cuts to The Rugrats Movie*
Angelica: *dealing with 4-week old Dill* Oh, that baby makes me sick! *slams door*
...Yeah this felt like the episode variant of that movie. Granted the movie has good things about it, but in the long run, there's a reason Paris beat it out.
My favorite thing from this episode is a fan art I saw of Mr. and Mrs. cake lying in bed and a smug clestia lying between them. I laughed my ass off.
Oh GOD Feels like Telletubbies all over Again
12:27 Pinkie Pie mourns the | || || |_ of her cutie mark
5:46 A Looney Tunes joke and a The Incredibles joke, for the price of one!
What confuses me about this episode is how the cakes trust Fluttershy to watch infants when she can't even watch the Cutie Mark Crusaders, who happen to be old enough to walk around town by themselves.
Not to mention Rainbow Dash who is the full definition of irresponsible, Rarity who even she herself knows isn't good for the job, and Twilight Sparkle who probably never seen A baby in her life other than Spike.
Hey, your rage almost matches my rage for Tanks for the Memories...ok, not even close.