Jehovah's Witness Has DEMONIC Malfunction Over Jesus Being God [Debate] | Sam Shamoun

  • Опубликовано: 25 окт 2024

Комментарии • 853

  • @mountee
    @mountee 15 дней назад +151

    lol that JW used to be like me, until I actually read the verses instead of watchtower books

    • @FlockOfYahweh
      @FlockOfYahweh 14 дней назад +3

      Hahah do you see how we be feeling.

    • @lukelayton3373
      @lukelayton3373 12 дней назад +6

      It's an eye opener huh. I decided I'd always look up something once I realised how manipulative people are when it comes to religious beliefs

    • @greenman4508
      @greenman4508 11 дней назад +6

      Amen. Super cringe. We even had the gall to call it the truth, and people get disfellowshipped for even research . The cognitive dissonance makes a comfy bed for wicked entities.

    • @tongakhan230
      @tongakhan230 10 дней назад +3

      And did one come across any verse in the Bible that says that an IMMORTAL GOD is capable of dying? Just asking.
      Here is a clear verse that shows that Jesus was never God.
      'No man has SEEN God AT ANY TIME.' - 1 John 4:12,20.

    • @greenman4508
      @greenman4508 10 дней назад

      @@tongakhan230 this is a more useful method for debate and discussion. There’s too much methodology and delivery/deflection techniques with formats like this video. List a scripture, your understanding of it, allow for response . Ignore the hate and rage and stick to the subject at hand. Someday I’ll find an actual honest discussion forum intended to make the truth shine . One that admits the unknown and states several possible definitions. It’s impossible to have an open conversation with a Jehovah’s Witness. It’s clearly impossible to have a calm discussion with this channels rager. someone trying to cast demons out of a corporate cult member. They don’t even know they’re joined the un charter of religions in the nineties and again later . They are part of the beast they talk about, they have stocks in grotesque and sinful corporations by the hundreds of thousands. They are a hedge fund scheme. They are not going to open up their ears to someone calling them a demon. As an elders son and former zealous witness I can say that this conversation was largely chest pounding and had a few beautiful scriptures in it… but did nothing but divide the potential body of Christ further.

  • @Crazychihuahualady
    @Crazychihuahualady 13 дней назад +53

    I was just baptised three weeks ago. I go to church as often as I can. I have a new family and friends

    • @anthonyb27
      @anthonyb27 12 дней назад +4

      May the Lord continue to bless you. 🙏

    • @tongakhan230
      @tongakhan230 9 дней назад +2

      Wouldn't it be prudent to ask, 'Which church teaches the truth?' There is only one group which teach and practice the truth. The one that fits this prophecy.
      (John 13:35) By this all will know that YOU are my disciples-if YOU have love among yourselves.”

    • @nervotica7991
      @nervotica7991 4 дня назад

      A word of warning: Beware of who you trust. Welcome to the flock!

    • @IamaNewCreature
      @IamaNewCreature 3 дня назад +1

      Place your focus on the Word of God rather than your church building. Whatever they teach you, always refer it to the bible, compare scripture with scripture. Make sure especially that they know the gospel that saves us today. I was duped by these so called ‘man of God’, who were teaching false doctrines. May God bless you 🙏

  • @jermainelong1843
    @jermainelong1843 15 дней назад +132

    Spirits of error really twist the human soul. Pray for all cult members.

    • @Viknlaos
      @Viknlaos 15 дней назад +4

      Including the Catholics, which Sam is deceived by also.

    • @Viknlaos
      @Viknlaos 15 дней назад

      The Mary that the Catholics believe in is the whore of Babylon. They also give her the title "Queen of Heaven" which is a deity in many pagan religions.

    • @Thlastday00
      @Thlastday00 12 дней назад +1

      lol pray to who?
      Acts 5:30 The God OF OUR FOREFATHERS raised up Jesus,
      Acts 3:13 The God of Abraham and of Isaac and of Jacob, the God of OUR FOREFATHERS, has glorified his Son and Servant, Jesus
      Exodus 6:3
      King James Bible
      And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, but by my name JEHOVAH was I not known to them.

    • @soundthealarmjesusiscoming8112
      @soundthealarmjesusiscoming8112 12 дней назад +3

      I was raised Catholic...
      The 10 Commandments in the KJV vs the Catholic 10 Commandments
      KJV EXODUS 20
      1And God spake all these words, saying,
      2I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.
      3Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
      4Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: 5thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; 6and shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.
      7Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.
      8Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. 9Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: 10but the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: 11for in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.
      12Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.
      13Thou shalt not kill.
      14Thou shalt not commit adultery.
      15Thou shalt not steal.
      16Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.
      17Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's.
      Here are the Catholic Ten Commandments:
      1I am the LORD your God. You shall worship the Lord your God and Him only shall you serve.
      2You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
      3Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day.
      4Honor your father and your mother.
      5You shall not kill.
      6You shall not commit adultery.
      7You shall not steal.
      8You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
      9You shall not covet your neighbor's wife.
      10You shall not covet your neighbor's goods.
      Matthew 23: 5-10
      5But all their works they do for to be seen of men: they make broad their phylacteries, and enlarge the borders of their garments, 6and love the uppermost rooms at feasts, and the chief seats in the synagogues, 7and greetings in the markets, and to be called of men, Rabbi, Rabbi. 8But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren. 9And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven. 10Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, even Christ.
      Matthew 6:7
      “But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.”
      King James Version (KJV)

    • @soundthealarmjesusiscoming8112
      @soundthealarmjesusiscoming8112 12 дней назад +1

      Jesus as God
      1 Timothy 3:16 KJV‬‬
      [16] And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.
      John 20:27-28 KJV‬‬
      [27] Then saith he to Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side: and be not faithless, but believing. [28] And Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and my God.
      ‭‭Isaiah 63:16 KJV‬‬
      [16] Doubtless thou art our Father, though Abraham be ignorant of us, and Israel acknowledge us not: thou, O LORD, art our Father, our redeemer; thy name is from everlasting.
      ‭‭Isaiah 64:8 KJV‬‬
      [8] But now, O LORD, thou art our father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand.
      1 JOHN 4 KJV
      1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.2Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God:3And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.4Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.5They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them.6We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.
      Titus 1:1-4 KJV
      Paul, a servant of God, and an apostle of Jesus Christ, according to the faith of God's elect, and the acknowledging of the truth which is after godliness; in hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began; but hath in due times manifested his word through preaching, which is committed unto me according to the commandment of God our Saviour; to Titus, mine own son after the common faith: Grace, mercy, and peace, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour.
      John 8:58 KJV
      Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.
      Exodus 3:14 KJV
      And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.
      Isaiah 9:6 KJV
      6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace
      Isaiah 7:14 KJV
      “Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.”
      Matthew 1:23
      King James Version
      23 Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.
      Isaiah 53:1‭-‬12 KJV
      Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed? For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him. He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not. Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all. He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth. He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he stricken. And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth. Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand. He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities. Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong; because he hath poured out his soul unto death: and he was numbered with the transgressors; and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.
      Colossians 1:15 KJV
      15 Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature:
      John 14: 9 KJV
      9 Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Show us the Father?
      30 I and my Father are one.
      John 1: 1 KJV
      1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
      John 1: 14 KJV
      14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
      1 John 5:7 KJV
      7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.
      1 JOHN 4 KJV
      1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.2Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God:3And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.4Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.5They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them.6We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.
      Hebrews 1:1-14 KJV
      [1] God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, [2] hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds; [3] who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high; [4] being made so much better than the angels, as he hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they. [5] For unto which of the angels said he at any time, Thou art my Son, This day have I begotten thee? And again, I will be to him a Father, And he shall be to me a Son? [6] And again, when he bringeth in the firstbegotten into the world, he saith, And let all the angels of God worship him. [7] And of the angels he saith, Who maketh his angels spirits, And his ministers a flame of fire. [8] But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: A sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom. [9] Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; Therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee With the oil of gladness above thy fellows. [10] And, Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth; And the heavens are the works of thine hands: [11] They shall perish; but thou remainest: And they all shall wax old as doth a garment; [12] And as a vesture shalt thou fold them up, And they shall be changed: But thou art the same, And thy years shall not fail. [13] But to which of the angels said he at any time, Sit on my right hand, Until I make thine enemies thy footstool? [14] Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?
      The is archeological, spiritual, and prophetic evidence for the Bible and Jesus Christ.
      All you need to know Mohammed is a false prophet:
      KJV BIBLE:
      TRUTH IS CHRIST: KJV BIBLE CHANNEL showing amazing evidence of the KJV as GOD's WORD.

  • @starscream4282
    @starscream4282 13 дней назад +29

    My goodness! Sam is asking clear simple questions. These people can’t answer directly because it would prove them wrong.

    • @BeligerentPaladin
      @BeligerentPaladin 9 дней назад

      And they can't let themselves be wrong because it is the TRUTH.
      Cults are a hell of a thing.

  • @Sharde0011
    @Sharde0011 14 дней назад +40

    Christian - "The bible says...."
    JW - "Let me give you a 10 min rant on something unrelated and never answer your question "

    • @HAL9000-su1mz
      @HAL9000-su1mz 14 дней назад +10

      Sounds like Kamala Harris' Witnesses to me.

    • @danieljust295
      @danieljust295 13 дней назад +4

      “Strangely”, the same happens with Catholics. They have extraordinary ability of not seeing what given verse says. Usually they tell me I’m Devil because I’m showing them Scripture, allusion to the temptation of Jesus. Extraordinary.

    • @HAL9000-su1mz
      @HAL9000-su1mz 13 дней назад +2

      @@danieljust295 HOWEVER: They are taught the authoritative interpretation. And if they have questions or doubt, they have the Apostolic deposit of faith (catechism) to refer to as well as the excellent Rev. George Leo Haydock Bible Commentary, which collects scripture commentary from the Christian greats of antiquity up through the middle ages.
      Catholic or Orthodox. All others are forced to make things up.

    • @Sharde0011
      @Sharde0011 13 дней назад

      @@HAL9000-su1mz 👏👏

    • @danieljust295
      @danieljust295 12 дней назад

      @@HAL9000-su1mz Well, Yes and no. Catechism contains doctrines and prayers but during the mass in every Catholic Church the Bible is placed near tabernacle - and is called the God’s Word, but Catholics go to Catechism first (not inspired text) and then to the Bible or usually not. Catholic simply don’t know what’s in the Bible.
      I always ask Catholics about how to be saved and I get all kinds of answers and none follows the Bible. In fact, they are shocked someone asked them about salvation. Once I got answer : you have to talk to the priest.Then I asked: are you saved ? And the answer was: It’s up to God. Then I showed that John says that we may know we are saved. Here,’the accusation stats. Who I am to say that. I must be Devil.

  • @infiniti28160
    @infiniti28160 15 дней назад +53

    Any temple without the cornerstone will be destroyed.

    • @joseromeocantiller3168
      @joseromeocantiller3168 14 дней назад


    • @infiniti28160
      @infiniti28160 14 дней назад +1

      @@joseromeocantiller3168 Ezekiel 17::7 if the first vine dies, so does the eagle.
      I be honest, if you do not have the cornerstone you will lose your mind completely as it has no lasting foundation. Isaiah 41 :29

    • @Thlastday00
      @Thlastday00 11 дней назад

      Matthew 16:16 Simon Peter answered [To Jesus]: “You are the Christ, the SON.. of THE LIVING GOD.”
      Jeremiah 10:10 But Jehovah is the True God, HE IS - THE LIVING GOD - and the eternal King.- THE LIVING GOD - and the eternal King. Because of his indignation the earth will quake, And no nations will endure his denunciation.
      John 17:3 Jesus said praying to Jehovah: This means everlasting life, their coming to know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ.

  • @artgonzalez8822
    @artgonzalez8822 15 дней назад +155

    God bless Sam for exposing these Cults. Repent and believe in the Gospel.

    • @bpkg1308
      @bpkg1308 14 дней назад +2

      The difference between a cult and a religion is the number of members. That's it

    • @TommyZeus-i8n
      @TommyZeus-i8n 14 дней назад

      @@bpkg1308 Great quote! The human mind is fallible - and can be programmed, reprogrammed, and deprogrammed. Religion is a mind-control tool that makes billions of tax-free dollars every year.

    • @martinrayner6466
      @martinrayner6466 14 дней назад

      @@bpkg1308 It could be said that Islam is a cult of personality (Mohammed)...

    • @DM-bh2gg
      @DM-bh2gg 14 дней назад +5

      @@bpkg1308 No, Religion, true Religion, is established by God. Cults are established by self-proclaimed false prophets.

    • @TimEisnear-l2x
      @TimEisnear-l2x 14 дней назад +3

      "there will be false teachers AMONG you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even DENYING the Lord who bought them" These people claim to be "Christians"(AMONG)... yet DENY(the deity) of the Lord who bought them!!

  • @onestoptechnologies7305
    @onestoptechnologies7305 14 дней назад +34

    Are humans capable of seeing heavenly realities??
    Stephen the martyr - “Look! I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God!”

    • @Sky-xd2nu
      @Sky-xd2nu 13 дней назад +6

      Even in the passage Isaiah is screaming "I see seraphim! I see the King Jehovah"
      What other heavenly reality is left!!😅😅

    • @lchambers56
      @lchambers56 12 дней назад +1

      Many in scripture have seen God's kingdom. If God wills that to be seen by people He can make it so.

    • @onestoptechnologies7305
      @onestoptechnologies7305 12 дней назад

      @@lchambers56 God's kingdom...and God

    • @bw2442
      @bw2442 11 дней назад

      Not without the Holy Spirit, one of his names is…… the spirit of truth, Jesus said I am the WAY, the LIFE, And the TRUTH. Truth is a person

    • @tongakhan230
      @tongakhan230 11 дней назад

      Humans cannot see spirit beings. Stephen was full of holy spirit which enabled him to see a vision that others around him couldn't see.
      Jesus standing at God's right hand. Jesus to stand will need legs. However, Jesus is a mighty spirit being. Humans can never see him ever again (1 Timothy 6:16).

  • @benwalker578
    @benwalker578 12 дней назад +40

    My brother is a JW and whenever we talk about Jesus he ends up getting so angry! They hate Jesus!

    • @tongakhan230
      @tongakhan230 11 дней назад

      If so, ask the brother why the entire 2024 Convention was about Jesus.

    • @WordMadeFlesh777
      @WordMadeFlesh777 9 дней назад +13

      @@tongakhan230it’s the watchtowers version of Jesus. Like Muslims have a version of Jesus ect. They get mad at the biblical Jesus.

    • @tongakhan230
      @tongakhan230 9 дней назад

      @@WordMadeFlesh777 : Who shows acumen.
      The ones who believe that Jesus was the Messiah as taught in the scriptures? John 20:31.
      Or those who make believe that an IMMORTAL God came down to earth in the form of a man, rode a donkey before being dragged off by other humans and killed? Thereby proving that God was never immortal to begin with.

    • @clydewaldo3144
      @clydewaldo3144 5 дней назад

      @@WordMadeFlesh777I read the book the greatest man on earth by the Jw,s I can say you are lying

    • @waynehunter591
      @waynehunter591 2 дня назад +3

      @@tongakhan230 By Jesus you mean Archangel Michael? Christian Jesus is God Incarnate. Teaching Jesus as a created being is called Arianism, it dates to the third century AD, and was universally rejected at that time.

  • @Romestayfit
    @Romestayfit 15 дней назад +122

    They are so lost

    • @Machoman50ta
      @Machoman50ta 14 дней назад +2

      But they are SOOOOO ready to fight ????? They literally don’t make sense

    • @Jonah-r4y
      @Jonah-r4y 13 дней назад

      Now you see why Paul wrote about false teachers in every single elite he wrote and why our Lord warned us of false teachers and false prophets and wolves in sheep’s clothing

    • @Thlastday00
      @Thlastday00 11 дней назад +1

      Matthew 16:16 Simon Peter answered [To Jesus]: “You are the Christ, the SON.. of THE LIVING GOD.”
      Jeremiah 10:10 But Jehovah is the True God, HE IS - THE LIVING GOD - and the eternal King.- THE LIVING GOD - and the eternal King. Because of his indignation the earth will quake, And no nations will endure his denunciation.
      John 17:3 Jesus said praying to Jehovah: This means everlasting life, their coming to know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ.

    • @tongakhan230
      @tongakhan230 10 дней назад

      Strange! Many of JWs were once members of churches. Why did they change their beliefs and become JWs?
      (John 8:32) and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
      People who can be made to believe that an IMMORTAL God is capable of dying, need help.

    • @Jonah-r4y
      @Jonah-r4y 10 дней назад

      @@tongakhan230 people who LIMIT a limitless, all powerful, immortal God saying He cannot come Into His creation as a man if He so chooses NEED HELP. We will see in the end won’t we? But we pray it doesn’t take you that long to come to the truth of YHWH’s word.

  • @Michael-d2d8o
    @Michael-d2d8o 14 дней назад +23

    👍👍💰🙏🙏. You cannot talk to these people. They dance around the scripture and deny what they just read.

    • @tongakhan230
      @tongakhan230 10 дней назад

      Any dancing around this scripture to explain how the one whom church members claim was God became:
      (Hebrews 1:4) So he has become BETTER THAN THE ANGELS to the extent that he has inherited a name more excellent THAN THEIRS.
      I got a logical answer from the JWs.

    • @Michael-d2d8o
      @Michael-d2d8o 10 дней назад

      @@tongakhan230 a logical answer from the ones that still do not accept Jesus Christ as the messiah.

    • @tongakhan230
      @tongakhan230 9 дней назад

      @@Michael-d2d8o : People who make believe that Jesus was God, certainly do not believe that God SENT a Messiah in the form of his son.
      (John 20:31) But these have been written down so that you may believe that Jesus IS THE CHRIST, the SON OF GOD, and because of believing, you may have life by means of his name.
      Was anything written to show that Jesus was God?
      JWs stick to what the Bible teaches no doubt.

  • @keithwhatley5094
    @keithwhatley5094 14 дней назад +37

    The creator of the Jehovah's Witness cult wanted to make hell not be a reality for his own weakness and his own lack of faith. That's why these people struggle so much because the cult finds people that have the same desire to try to remove accountability. They failed miserably.

    • @tongakhan230
      @tongakhan230 10 дней назад

      From what I've read, the founder of JWs was killed over 2,000 years ago. He was brought back to life by God and now leads JWs in the fulfillment of the last sign shown at Matthew 24:14.
      He actually promised a 'hell' for his followers (JWs). Matthew 24:9.

    • @clydewaldo3144
      @clydewaldo3144 6 дней назад

      @@keithwhatley5094 the hell scripturally translate from Hebrew sheol meaning grave of man Jesus went to hell for 3 days I believe scriptures not twisting tongues.

  • @arnulfosolisjr3559
    @arnulfosolisjr3559 15 дней назад +157

    Jesus Christ is God Almighty 😁💯🙏💯🙏💯🙏💯🙏👍👍👍

    • @samsam-nx8gq
      @samsam-nx8gq 15 дней назад +10


    • @clydewaldo3144
      @clydewaldo3144 13 дней назад +3

      Funny in my Bible it says he is the son of god. And the book of Isaiah the phrophet say he is a mighty god. Not almighty Sam is the one with demonic disfunction

    • @samsam-nx8gq
      @samsam-nx8gq 13 дней назад +4

      @@clydewaldo3144 Revelation 1:8, Jesus is Almighty God to come.

    • @arnulfosolisjr3559
      @arnulfosolisjr3559 13 дней назад +2

      @@clydewaldo3144 wrong 💯

    • @theatre721
      @theatre721 13 дней назад +3

      @@clydewaldo3144 Hebrews 1: 8-12, God the Father speaks to the Son and unambiguously calls Him God. Which Bible are you reading? The one that says gas station sushi is safe to eat?

  • @tonyneillaw
    @tonyneillaw 15 дней назад +29

    Imagine if they applied that to mathematics.
    Addition Table :- 1 + 1 = 2.
    What is 1 + 1 according to the text we just read?
    Jehoveah's Wtness " It's 3".

    • @Soldier-of-God378
      @Soldier-of-God378 14 дней назад +5

      Good analogy! I have a good friend who is in that cult. He is very smart but will not listen to a word I say or evidence that I give.

    • @MrMarbles0Xecution
      @MrMarbles0Xecution 14 дней назад +4

      @@Soldier-of-God378I knew a JW who wouldn’t add anyone else on facebook unless you were also a JW.
      I didn’t realize how weird that was until I saw scientologists administering similar social controls to keep their cultists blind.

    • @tongakhan230
      @tongakhan230 11 дней назад +1

      @@MrMarbles0Xecution : JWs follow this admonition.
      1 Corinthians 15:33 Do not be misled. Bad associations spoil useful habits.

  • @xygnusx5067
    @xygnusx5067 14 дней назад +23

    So, they do not believe their own bible?
    It was pretty clear to me.

    • @HAL9000-su1mz
      @HAL9000-su1mz 14 дней назад +6

      The "New Weird Translation"

    • @ldc9399
      @ldc9399 14 дней назад +4

      When your own BS bible can’t even cover you and your nonsense 😂😂

    • @luckyodiase9103
      @luckyodiase9103 12 дней назад


    • @justinpontarelli4368
      @justinpontarelli4368 11 дней назад

      Exactly, they don't believe their own so called "Bible" which is why they must constantly revise it. Initially they did not use the New World Translation... it was something they created. It has gone through many revisions, apparently all of which focus on erasing even the notion that Jesus Christ is God!

    • @tongakhan230
      @tongakhan230 11 дней назад

      JWs do not have a Bible. God began gathering them over 100 years ago as prophesied at Micah 4:1-5. The NWT came out many many decades later.

  • @jennifercapps3232
    @jennifercapps3232 14 дней назад +16

    You’re a gift from God my dear!✝️🙏🏻👍🏻

  • @bills1669
    @bills1669 12 дней назад +9

    I was married to an atheist for 30 years. It was a difficult 30 years. She died of cancer at the age of 55yrs. One night about 6 weeks before she passed I woke up at 2am very upset. I went to into another room and started....not really praying...but 'forcibly' demanding that God not let her suffer. (I am ashamed of how I spoke to Him and I have since begged for his forgiveness) Part of what I said to Him was:
    "God, I don't know if you can hear me but you better hear me....don't let her suffer"
    I kept repeating that for about 10 minutes until I got calmed down.
    The next morning there was a knock on the front door. It was a Jehovah Witness. I let him into the porch. I always have time for people regardless of their stripe. He started talking to me as he handed me the Watch Tower magazine.. I looked at the title "Is It A Good Time To Pray".
    (while thinking...hhhmmmm..this is odd)
    Here is how the conversation went:
    Mathias: "Bill, what do you think? Do you believe in prayer"
    Me: "Mathias, at some point everyone has to pray to God"
    Mathias got excited and exclaimed as he was opening his Bible "Can I read you a scripture on that very subject?!"
    Me: "Absolutely. I would love to hear the scripture."
    He read the scripture and I'll paraphrase it because I don't remember the exact words:
    God says "Though when you pray to me you may think that I don't hear you but be assured I do hear you"
    With that Mathias closed the Bible and left leaving me standing in the porch with my jaw dropped and in a bit of shock. My reaction was "God just sent me a message! And that young man doesn't know that he was the messenger!"
    A year later I was remarried in the Anglican Church to a Christian woman who have I known for 40 years (that's another story of how prayer works) I have truly accepted Jesus Christ as my Saviour and Redeemer and my life has been blessed ever since.
    And Sam. If you or anyone can quote me that scripture I will be grateful as I cannot find it.

    • @joannc147
      @joannc147 11 дней назад +1

      I am very taken with your story. What a revelation you had in understanding. May you continue to be blessed with your marriage and may your faith continue to stengthen.

    • @gugumthembu7180
      @gugumthembu7180 8 дней назад

      Not sure if this is the scripture you may be referring to 1 John 5:13-15

    • @oddballsok
      @oddballsok 6 дней назад

      … question remains: did SHE suffer or not those last 6 weeks ?! Don’t tap dance with me !

    • @faithful451
      @faithful451 День назад

      Could be Isaiah 65:24?

  • @RM-lu1kx
    @RM-lu1kx 13 дней назад +9

    So this is why this much knowledge of the Word is the full armor of God. Imagine the living Word of God coming back and His Words are compared to a double edged sharp sword.

  • @j_speaks_truth2803
    @j_speaks_truth2803 День назад +3

    For those whom are wondering, Isaiah saw Jesus Christ . He is the physical form of Jehovah .

  • @SacredReason
    @SacredReason 13 дней назад +16


    • @berrywin
      @berrywin 12 дней назад

      Religion is evil!

  • @jonbrown3227
    @jonbrown3227 13 дней назад +12

    How can they get past the fact that the word became flesh and dwelt among them? You would honestly have to bury your head in the sand like an ostrich to miss it.

    • @tongakhan230
      @tongakhan230 11 дней назад +1

      The Word who was WITH God is the one who became a human. cf Philippians 2:7. John 1:14.
      (John 1:2) This one was in the beginning WITH God.
      The term beginning can only apply to a creation.

    • @Guitaural.
      @Guitaural. 11 дней назад +1

      @@tongakhan230 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God.
      All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made...and the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us."
      Simple really - we just have to be willing to let _truth_ blow up our _tradition_ - it's very tough for us humans...

    • @alfountain5726
      @alfountain5726 10 дней назад

      Yes i struggled with this ​@@Guitaural.

    • @tongakhan230
      @tongakhan230 10 дней назад

      @@Guitaural. : How can that be a logical translation?
      I was WITH my Mother when she died (a particular time), and I was my Mother?
      Does this statement make sense?
      The BEGINNING means a CREATION. Not the Creator who has no beginning.
      The Word was WITH God, logically. Any Firstborn would be WITH the one who gave him life BEFORE the others come along.
      'and the Word was a god'. John showing that Jesus had been an Angel son of God.
      Angels are mighty beings.
      Here is a sample from a ton of proper translations.
      • 1808: "and the Word was a god" - Thomas Belsham The New Testament, in an Improved Version, Upon the Basis of Archbishop Newcome’s New Translation: With a Corrected Text, London.
      • 1822: "and the Word was a god" - The New Testament in Greek and English (A. Kneeland, 1822.)
      • 1829: "and the Word was a god" - The Monotessaron; or, The Gospel History According to the Four Evangelists (J. S. Thompson, 1829)
      • 1863: "and the Word was a god" - A Literal Translation of the New Testament (Herman Heinfetter [Pseudonym of Frederick Parker], 1863)

    • @Guitaural.
      @Guitaural. 10 дней назад

      @@tongakhan230 Citing some arcane religious texts doesn't change the fact that every honest scholar and translation agrees on the interpretation - _unless_ there is an agenda. Ditch that inaccurate translation and get something accurate. Might I suggest the Amplified, or perhaps the Wuest, or many, many others. Unfortunately the boys in NY have an agenda, and it's to control you.

  • @georgeibrahim7945
    @georgeibrahim7945 14 дней назад +46

    Jesus is God almighty

    • @derwoodogrady4666
      @derwoodogrady4666 10 дней назад +1


    • @tongakhan230
      @tongakhan230 8 дней назад

      If people keep repeating that to themselves over and over, sooner or later those people are bound to believe it. Goebbels' theory.
      A Son of God is actually a SON of God.
      Adam was a SON of God.
      Angels are SONS of God.
      All these were created into existence BY God.
      Jesus too when he was an Angel who was created FIRST by God (Colossians 1:15).

    • @derwoodogrady4666
      @derwoodogrady4666 8 дней назад

      @@tongakhan230 arent we all Gods children? that makes us all brothers and sisters and all sons and daughters of God not just angels he created! you are being deceived! even satan is a son of God which also means he has to be our brother as evil as he is!!!!!! thats why theres good and evil in ALL of us thats why vengeance is Gods alone because it is sinful to attack your brother or sister!!! thats why only with Gods permission and command of arch angelMicheal allowed him to attack and send lucifer down ! Our father ...repeat OUR father in heaven!!!!! REMEMBER...NOT JUST ANGELS ARE SONS AND DAUGHTERS.

    • @derwoodogrady4666
      @derwoodogrady4666 8 дней назад +1

      no....jesus is son...god is our father.

    • @georgeibrahim7945
      @georgeibrahim7945 8 дней назад +2

      Jesus is the eternal Son the Word who is not created. The Bible makes it clear everything was created for him and by him. Your false transaction adds the word “other” in there which isn’t in the Greek. Which other Son was worshipped and prayed to in scripture?

  • @stevenbakos
    @stevenbakos 19 часов назад +2

    I kept Screaming YESHUA!! The whole video

  • @crisdoxavier
    @crisdoxavier 14 дней назад +22

    Praised be our Lord Jesus Christ!

    • @berrywin
      @berrywin 12 дней назад

      Religion is evil!

  • @skdrcr
    @skdrcr 14 дней назад +9

    I bet Sam absolutely loves inviting Jehovah's witnesses into his house to share the truth!!!

    • @tongakhan230
      @tongakhan230 11 дней назад

      And what may we ask is this truth.
      That a God whom humans have never seen came and was seen. And worst of all got killed by his own creation. What happened to God's immortality?
      (Habakkuk 1:12) Are you not from everlasting, O Jehovah? O my God, my Holy One, you do not die.

  • @WilliamCooper-l6f
    @WilliamCooper-l6f 15 дней назад +25

    Jehovah's Witness has a sad beginning because of it's founder and his true intentions for starting his movement.
    The Kingdom of the Cults by Walter Martin has excellent quick biography and major doctrinal beliefs of a good amount of these types of Christian knockoff movements.

    • @allanfada9830
      @allanfada9830 13 дней назад

      Jehovah's witnesses are NOT a cult. Abel was the first faithfull witness, murdered for his love of God, and TRUE CHRISTIANS are identified in John 13 vs 34 and 35. As much as it may be a bitter pill to swallow, the ONLY religious group who display this Christlike love are the international association of Jehovah's witnesses worldwide. They are attacked, mocked, ridiculed and vilified by governments and other satanic institutions all over the world. Jesus said this would happen..."if they have hated me, they will hate you too" like it or not, Jehovah's witnesses are the true religion. One day soon, that fact will be revealed to the entire world.

    • @tongakhan230
      @tongakhan230 11 дней назад

      Yes. JWs' founder had a bad time. He was betrayed by a close associate. Denied being known by another close associate. Deserter by all his close associates when he needed them most. Dragged away by soldiers. Abused and finally killed.

  • @4ja2vi0
    @4ja2vi0 14 дней назад +5

    3:31 Literally word for word from dudes own mouth "For my eyes have seen the King, Jehovah of Armies, Himself" what about Himself is unclear? He then goes on to say he's read the verse three times already, reads it again, yet is still spiritually blinded to Isaiah's claim. May Jesus have mercy on his soul.
    Stay safe and stay strong out there brothers and sisters, Jesus Christ loves you.

  • @allthingscathy3446
    @allthingscathy3446 14 дней назад +24

    Jesus Christ is God. He came to the earth fully God fully man to save man kind from their sin. Thank you Jesus 🙏🏽

    • @tongakhan230
      @tongakhan230 11 дней назад

      Why did John write that 'No man has SEEN God AT ANY TIME' - 1 John 4:12,20 if Jesus was God?
      Sorry! stay with the Bible.

    • @georgeibrahim7945
      @georgeibrahim7945 8 дней назад +1

      @tongakhan230 you forgot to mention
      John 1:18
      No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known.

    • @tongakhan230
      @tongakhan230 7 дней назад

      @@georgeibrahim7945 : Please do not use bogus translations which don't even make sense.
      That translation of John 1:18 is telling people: No human has seen God AT ANY TIME, Jesus who is God and whom people have SEEN is explaining God because God cannot be seen.
      That makes as much sense as a square circle.
      Here is the proper translation of the Greek.
      (John 1:18) No man has seen God at any time; the only-begotten god (Gr - monongenes theos) who is at the Father’s side is the one who has explained Him.
      What need would Jesus have to explain who God is IF he himself was God. Couldn't people see for themselves?
      ANGELS are gods because they are mighty beings.
      Jesus was the FIRST ANGEL SON OF GOD that God created.
      That is why this Angel is called the FIRSTBORN of ALL CREATION (Col 1:15).
      In what context can God be called a Firstborn and a son? Think.

    • @georgeibrahim7945
      @georgeibrahim7945 7 дней назад

      @tongakhan230 The description "firstborn of all creation" speaks of Christ’s preexistence. He is not a creature but the eternal Creator (John 1:10). God created the world through Christ and redeemed the world through Christ (Hebrews 1:2-4).
      Note that Jesus is called the firstborn, not the first-created. The word "firstborn" (Greek word "prototokos") signifies priority. In the culture of the Ancient Near East, the firstborn was not necessarily the oldest child. firstborn referred not to birth order but to rank. The firstborn possessed the inheritance and leadership. King David was called the first born yet he wasn’t the eldest child or the first king

    • @tongakhan230
      @tongakhan230 7 дней назад

      @@georgeibrahim7945 : Firstborn means only ONE THING. The FIRST to come into existence in a line of similar entities. Check any dictionary.
      How can God be a Firstborn?

  • @Scorpionman123
    @Scorpionman123 14 дней назад +3

    In Exodus 33:18, Moses asks God, “Please show me your glory.” God responds, “‘I will cause all my goodness to pass in front of you, and I will proclaim my name, the Lord, in your presence. I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. But,’ he said, ‘you cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live.’ Then the Lord said, ‘There is a place near me where you may stand on a rock. When my glory passes by, I will put you in a cleft in the rock and cover you with my hand until I have passed by. Then I will remove my hand and you will see my back; but my face must not be seen’”

  • @TheAllPowerfulTronald
    @TheAllPowerfulTronald 14 дней назад +4

    I love it when Sam gets people to realize the heresy in their own religion by using their own scripture in its proper context. They lash out at Sam not realizing it's simply an accurate presentation of their own belief system.

  • @royramirez8626
    @royramirez8626 14 дней назад +3

    The JW lost in this discussion.

  • @AarnessMusic
    @AarnessMusic 9 дней назад +2

    I feel this mans pain. It's so frustrating to deal with cult members

  • @John-qi9cj
    @John-qi9cj 15 дней назад +12

    these titles and thumbnails keep getting funnier 😆 all praise to Jesus Christ ✝

  • @realitywins6457
    @realitywins6457 2 дня назад +2

    Another argument Sam gives is from Rev.5:13
    And I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and in the sea, and all that is in them, saying,
    “To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb
    be blessing and honor and glory and might forever and ever!”
    Every creature saying to (1) the one on the throne, (2) *and* to the Lamb. That means the Lamb cannot be a creature. And they worship him. So he must be God. JW doctrine broken.

  • @saintsone7877
    @saintsone7877 14 дней назад +5

    What amazes me is that certain religions will tell you God created everything yet the same people will tell you it is impossible to see God, He cannot have a son, we are not his children etc. etc.
    What blasphemers they are that they limit God to what THEY believe he can and cannot do.
    If God wanted Isaiah to see him he would be visible to him. Very simple. If God wanted to have a child he could have a child. All God has to do is say it to be and it is as he commands as God is capable of ANYTHING and EVERYTHING.
    What is worse as we just listened to is devotees of these sects/cults etc read their own holy books and argue what they say is not what we think they say but something else.
    All religions will tell you their holy book was inspired by their god yet somehow their God cannot speak in a manner that everyone can understand what he says but needs translators to explain what he said. Do they not realise they belittle God when they do this. This further proves their sect/cult/religion is NOT the chosen one of the one true God.

  • @zinan2959
    @zinan2959 15 дней назад +28

    As much as i disagree with some of what sam says and does, as far as the Bible goes he's a walking encyclopaedia

    • @marcelsunmaster38
      @marcelsunmaster38 15 дней назад


    • @nikolayjerev6138
      @nikolayjerev6138 14 дней назад +3

      Never heard anything wrong from Sam on Cristianity or any other religion.

    • @SuperCilis
      @SuperCilis 11 дней назад

      ​@@nikolayjerev6138 he does his own tapdance on praying to the dead and worshipping Mary as god. He likes to ignore the Bible on these things

    • @grunt9950
      @grunt9950 11 дней назад

      Dead people ? So you're not Christian and don't believe in Jesus, God of the LIVING. Avg american simpleton, you don't even know what worship is because you don't worship God

    • @Er-ik
      @Er-ik 11 дней назад

      ​@@SuperCilis you ignorant Person, typical protestant like an certain Angel.

  • @diegosimon1990
    @diegosimon1990 4 дня назад +1

    Wow.. strong words. Jesus would not talk like that. Is this the way you talk to a Child? Because they Just need to lesrn the right way if they are not in the right way. Very Sad to hear this.

  • @user-mp5gc1vc6d
    @user-mp5gc1vc6d 7 дней назад +1

    My wife grew up jw. Her dad was an elder. She went thru some horrible stuff from her dad and the "church" covered it up. They are evil! They cover up so much and rip families apart.

    • @razorsharpbt124
      @razorsharpbt124 3 дня назад

      Same here, brother. I've learned all about this cult from my wife. She had the good sense to get out of it when she was a little girl and was persecuted by her own family.

  • @FrozenCider
    @FrozenCider 14 дней назад +4

    I am a skeptical person, but... somehow I get why, no one explains things better than you. Thank you!
    I usually blame or do blasphemy or negate God, but you might bring some clarity in my mind...

  • @buckbuchanan4902
    @buckbuchanan4902 2 дня назад +1

    Sam is very knowledgable, but he is also very confrontational and insulting. I don't believe that calling people names, interrupting them constantly and being confrontational helps lead them to the truth in Christ.
    I wish he would use his knowledge to carry on a civil debate with people and "speak the truth in love", like the Bible says.

  • @earlehutchison1404
    @earlehutchison1404 6 дней назад +2

    Jesus can not be his own Father.

    • @retard6477
      @retard6477 День назад

      Jesus can be whatever He wants to be.

  • @lukehamilton3518
    @lukehamilton3518 9 дней назад +1

    How much better to have had the same conversation with mutual love, mutual compassion and with a spirit of ‘brother helping brother’ in what could have been a sincere attempt to disseminate truth and find wisdom which they (and we all) could of shared in.
    To call our fellows ‘demon’ is a sad thing to witness.
    Let’s all be kind to each other.
    It has been well said that we all do the best we can with the minds we have, the spiritual inclinations we have and with the information we have been given.

  • @Anythingwilldo296
    @Anythingwilldo296 3 дня назад +1

    The amount of arrogance and insult you swim in with glee makes me doubt you

  • @bones3976
    @bones3976 2 дня назад +1

    Sorry but no one has ever truly come to Christ through arguments such as this. This is all about self righteousness on both sides.

  • @DefendourMother
    @DefendourMother 12 дней назад +1

    Sam, I can't believe you keep putting yourself through this exercise. It's like trying to defend President Trump to a CNN news panel. The human ego is a difficult thing to overcome.

  • @howardwarren7683
    @howardwarren7683 11 дней назад +1

    To often we examine the scriptures without letting the scriptures examine us.

  • @rodh4554
    @rodh4554 42 минуты назад

    That was amazing!
    One deluded believer in a fantasy arguing with another deluded believer in a fantasy.
    Oh where shall it go next!

  • @onestoptechnologies7305
    @onestoptechnologies7305 14 дней назад +2

    It says... "My eyes have seen..." Either you believe it or you DO NOT!!!

  • @MondreVanDerLee-fk1cm
    @MondreVanDerLee-fk1cm 2 дня назад

    Plain as the nose on his face, yet he continues to deny the words he just red aloud in his own bible. Not just once, but multiple times. Amazing! I’m no Bible scholar, but that was pretty easy to follow. I replayed and paused your video so I could follow along in my Bible. We pray for this mans eyes to be opened in the name of Christ Jesus. Lord knows even though I’ve been saved for over 50 years, He is still opening my eyes. The difference is I always ask for ears that hear.

  • @ellamhanho9941
    @ellamhanho9941 14 дней назад +2

    This man believes in his sect but denies his own translation. Why is he arguing with you and not his own church leaders😮😮😮 demonic indeed, contradicting himself in the same breath when confronted with facts

    • @samaitken5819
      @samaitken5819 13 дней назад

      your not allowed to question i know someone who was a jw

  • @brienjoseph75
    @brienjoseph75 13 дней назад +1

    Superb explanation Sam. God bless you with long life.

  • @homzyknz1
    @homzyknz1 14 дней назад +3

    they teach only 144,000 go to heaven and the 144,000 are all JW, they must read John 3:16 because all have the opportunity to be saved

    • @HAL9000-su1mz
      @HAL9000-su1mz 14 дней назад +1

      I tell them that Trinitarians are those 144,000.

    • @allanfada9830
      @allanfada9830 13 дней назад

      Not all who are saved ( thru faith based upon works) go to heaven. Psalms tells us the meek shall inherit the earth while the wicked will be "torn away from it" Earth is to be restored to its original state so that perfect humans can live forever upon it. I feel sorry for all who mock the witnesses. Very soon, they are going to realise something which will leave them with an extremely bitter taste in their mouths.. (John 13 vs 34, 35)

    • @HAL9000-su1mz
      @HAL9000-su1mz 13 дней назад +1

      @@allanfada9830 I see faith and works of. CHARITY as inseparable. Either by itself is like lungs without breath.

  • @williamainsworth2256
    @williamainsworth2256 5 дней назад

    Never seen a JW so hesitant to identify as such. I was a JW for 15 years, and I was never hesitant to identify as a JW. Seems fishy to me.

  • @ginaf7877
    @ginaf7877 14 дней назад +3

    He doesn’t believe what the bible said

    • @HAL9000-su1mz
      @HAL9000-su1mz 14 дней назад +1

      A "true believer" who does not believe. How curious.

  • @chrisdeterman3247
    @chrisdeterman3247 6 дней назад

    Wow, I never thought to make that connection between Isaiah and John. Lots of interesting thought on that.

  • @anthonyesparsen7776
    @anthonyesparsen7776 День назад

    Awesome job shamoun, keep telling truth !

  • @dragosnc4624
    @dragosnc4624 9 дней назад +1

    is a vision not reality. All prophets had visions, so did John in Revelation. Read the book of Revelation and if you think that Jesus in heaven looks like a stabbed Lamb or in Daniel that God is an aged man of days and has white hair then you don't seem to understand much of the Bible. That seems to be what the author in the clip is thinking. Isaiah had a vision, just as Ezekiel had a vision of a chariot of fire with wheels full of eyes and other images that are not real just symbols. If we have come to take the Bible literally then we have no way of understanding its true meaning.

  • @JoergB
    @JoergB 13 дней назад +2

    In fact many do not let the bible speak for itself, but put their thinkings into it. And as easy as it sounds: its a challenge for all of us! Thanks for keeping us straight, talkings like this are a lesson to me. Not in kindness but in straight reading and listening as a scholar. Not as a master, telling the Bible what *I* think, instead fighting my own heart, trying to make it listen.

    • @joannc147
      @joannc147 11 дней назад

      Well stated! I’m also stuck how the same passage, read at different points in my life, has different meanings. “….trying to make it (the Bible) listen.” That’s profound, Joerg.

    • @JoergB
      @JoergB 10 дней назад +1

      @@joannc147 Very nice thought! I think this is a way the scripture, Jesus talks to us! The way to our hearts is sometimes quirky. I am ashamed of a lot of interpretations I had in the past, but as far as you keep on praying, reading the bible and listen to well educated teachers everything will finally be fine.
      Even Sam changed viewpoints - so do we. There is a nice joke that keeps me grounded in this subject:
      A catholic man has to missionize and God says in a clear voice "Take this protestant and the guy from an independant church with you.". WHAT? They have so many errors in their theology!! God said: "Doesn't matter, so do you." 🙂
      Of course there is a border, when it comes to the main subjects of salvation.

    • @joannc147
      @joannc147 10 дней назад

      @@JoergB I like the way you think!

  • @Arredmatic
    @Arredmatic 14 дней назад +3

    Sam, you are the best

  • @MaximCherkashin
    @MaximCherkashin 8 дней назад +1

    It was a vision. He didn't see Jehovah God directly. God directly does not sit on a throne. It is a metaphore. God is a spirit. Angels does not directly have wings. They are spirits too. Only in visions God sits on a throne. Only in visions angels have wings! ETC. ETC and ETC. It is a vision. Childish tactics from Shamoun! Only with true suckers he can succeed with such childish tactics!

  • @fischersmethod
    @fischersmethod 17 часов назад

    There is no way to the father but thru Jesus Christ.. its a free gift offered to everyone, but not a forceable demand but a choice as not violate your free will…. What love is this? Unbounding and full of grace… there are no words

  • @howardpowell3068
    @howardpowell3068 10 дней назад

    I use to get JWs visit me frequently. Then on one occasion I told them that I also looked at other sources other than just theirs.
    I'm not very well versed in scripture, I can't quote chapter & verse from the bible, either theirs or the King James version
    But I said to them " Did Jesus not say we should ask questions, seek information, study" & I was doing that by reading not just their bible but the KJ version
    I was not just reading their leaflets, but listening to biblical debate such as this on RUclips as well as elsewhere
    Funny enough since that time I've not seen a JW at my door
    Why is that do you think?????

  • @Jesusforgaveyou-of1ix
    @Jesusforgaveyou-of1ix 13 дней назад +1

    Poor jw, may God have mercy on you

  • @arthuro9626
    @arthuro9626 12 дней назад +1

    In Ezekiel 1:26, and Isaiah 6:1-5: Isaiah speaks here of a vision of God, but as with Ezekiel, it is important to note that this is a theophanic appearance - a vision of God's presence and glory, not a direct vision of the nature of God himself. The Bible teaches elsewhere that God in his full glory cannot be seen by humans.
    Exodus 33:20: But, he said, you cannot see my face, for man shall not see me and live.
    and John 1:18: No one has ever seen God; the only God...
    Apparently Sam didn't read the Bible correctly.

  • @46reno
    @46reno 11 дней назад +1

    Still trying to sell people on the Trinity foolishness? There is no Trinity. Why did Jesus call his Father “MyGod” 4 times in one sentence at Rev 3:12 ?

  • @ByolekoBrian
    @ByolekoBrian 8 дней назад

    Hey here, am a medic, today, JWs confessed to not have a scripture prohibiting blood transfusion... Yet quoting Acts 15:20 as a standing point for their belief against blood transfusion.. Am a Christian and in my understanding, biblical restrictions to animal products typically involved eating, sacrificing and idol worship....just couldn't relate such to medical use of human blood and its products...yet the context quoted involved blood and flesh of beasts (non human). I stand to be corrected or made to understand better.

  • @danielklencovljevic
    @danielklencovljevic 12 дней назад

    Breaking the curse of this religion is very very hard, but it's not impossible

  • @sailingopcy8154
    @sailingopcy8154 2 дня назад

    I have this to with some people, when I talk about God or Jesus, they go like in a rage and yelling its like they are obsessed

  • @JosephMartin-yk5zr
    @JosephMartin-yk5zr 13 дней назад +7

    He seen Jesus Christ

  • @tonyh6438
    @tonyh6438 2 дня назад

    He can’t even believe what he is plainly reading in his own Bible.

  • @dazzadizzy5308
    @dazzadizzy5308 13 дней назад +1

    He see's Jehovah but it's a vision not an actual reality , no man can see Jehovah and live.

  • @Machoman50ta
    @Machoman50ta 14 дней назад +1

    This just made me so angry after 1 hours of reading the good word of god and this just made me so angry AHHHHHHHHHHHH

  • @fcampos10
    @fcampos10 13 дней назад +9

    This guy is the type of person that despite all evidence and clear contradictions in his "theology", he still refuses to accept the truth.

    • @tongakhan230
      @tongakhan230 11 дней назад

      I was under the impression that this presenter was looking for ways to show that the Bible contradicts itself.
      Quoting a clear scripture that humans have never seen God. And then trying to show that this is a false statement made in the Bible.

    • @fcampos10
      @fcampos10 11 дней назад +1

      @@tongakhan230 If you study the Bible and what the word "God" means, you will understand that it can either refer to: i) the triune God in its fullness; ii) God the Father (since Jews typically only thought of Him).
      In the context it is pretty clear that "not seeing God" is refering to God the Father.

    • @tongakhan230
      @tongakhan230 11 дней назад

      @@fcampos10 : Jesus was a Jew. He only believed in ONE GOD. The Father whose name is Jehovah.
      The Most Holy God whom Jesus prays to and worships (John 17:3).
      Paul states what Disciples of Jesus believe.
      (1 Corinthians 8:6) there is actually to us one God, the Father,
      Jesus is Christians' Leader. Matthew 23:10. Not their God.
      If someone takes it upon himself to decide to whom to apply the term God, each will have his own theory. Think about it.

    • @fcampos10
      @fcampos10 11 дней назад +1

      @@tongakhan230 What you should think about is not picking verses as you like, but instead trying to form a view based on the whole Bible. I can very easily give you dozens of verses that would destroy your whole argument.
      That's how cults get formed: focusing on some pick and choose verses instead of trying to form a view from the whole scripture.
      Hope you repent before it's too late, because the very Paul you quoted said: "Every knee will bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus is LORD".

    • @tongakhan230
      @tongakhan230 10 дней назад

      @@fcampos10 : Isn't the picking of some random verse and giving it a twist beyond recognition being the way of making a SON of God into God?
      Here is the full quote with the part purposely left out it seems.
      (Philippians 2:11) and every tongue should openly acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord TO THE GLORY OF GOD THE FATHER.
      Jesus' high appointment is BY GOD (vs 9).
      All will acknowledge that Jesus is LORD (not God). To whose glory? To Jesus' own or his God Jehovah's, the one who gave Jesus this appointment?
      Lord means LEADER.
      (Matthew 23:10) Neither be called leaders, for your Leader is one, the Christ.

  • @grahamjesson5464
    @grahamjesson5464 12 дней назад +1

    Insult is not debate !, I'm not even sure we should be arguing over minutia, It is all from translations.
    Honesty, decency and morality do not require study,
    I love to hear scripture put in context but it is very much open to individual interpretation. Anybody who embraces bible teaching is halfway there, even if they do have it wrong (which is for debate) , they are no devil if they wish no malice or corruption of others. Sam you exhibit malice imho

  • @jonasmachado3670
    @jonasmachado3670 3 дня назад

    I once worked with a Jehovah's Witness and I said that we are three in one; mind, body and spirit, he laughed as if I said the most funny thing he ever heard.

  • @Loveunited106
    @Loveunited106 14 дней назад +1

    Im a church of Scotland protestant and the trinity isn't for us only Jesus Christ

    • @HAL9000-su1mz
      @HAL9000-su1mz 14 дней назад

      The Kirk? Read "Where We Got The Bible" by the Rev. Henry G. Graham. He left the Kirk and became a Catholic Bishop.

    • @Sharde0011
      @Sharde0011 14 дней назад

      @@HAL9000-su1mz I'm confused, doesn't the Church of Scotland teach the Trinity or am I reading their comment wrong here?

    • @HAL9000-su1mz
      @HAL9000-su1mz 14 дней назад

      @@Sharde0011 Well, there may be 10,000 "churches of Scotland" Which?
      Call Sam on the Trinity. Good book: Dissent from the Creed by Richard M Hogan. Arius is in there.

    • @Sharde0011
      @Sharde0011 14 дней назад

      @@HAL9000-su1mz What? There maybe multiple Churches for the religion but their belief is all the same, Google the Church of Scotland, I don't think you understood my question, I'm not attacking the Trinity. Unless you are? I'm very confused. lol

  • @thezofamilychannel7204
    @thezofamilychannel7204 14 дней назад +3

    More JW debate please. They need salvation from the demonic chains that bind them to this false religion.

  • @tongakhan230
    @tongakhan230 11 дней назад +1

    The sightings of God were VISIONS. God cannot sit as he is a SPIRIT. Jesus clearly stated this fact at John 4:24.
    If God was ever seen or heard then Jesus had got it wrong.
    John 5:37 CSB
    The Father who sent me has himself testified about me. You have not heard his voice at any time, and you haven’t seen his form.
    Quoting a clear scripture that no human has SEEN God AT ANY TIME and then looking for ways to prove it wrong? How can this be a believer? It would be the actions of a skeptic.

  • @migtvill
    @migtvill 14 дней назад +1

    Sam, I find how you handled that somewhat condescending and misleading but i don't impart that as a judgement of who you are deep inside. No one walks your shoes. If I can make a better argument for that man, who you bullied with overtones and interruptions, refer to Genesis 18: 1-2. "The Lord appeared to Abraham near the great trees of Mamre while he was sitting at the entrance to his tent in the heat of the day. Abraham looked up and saw three men standing nearby. When he saw them, he hurried from the entrance of his tent to meet them and bowed low to the ground."
    Here the Lord (who is Jehovah) appeared to a man. Is this his true form? No, it was not. And he appears in many forms to different servants. Moses could barely see his "back". Was it his literal back? David describes him as a dragon. Is it a literal dragon? You can keep pointing back to Isaiah, over and over again, but given the text I provided you which states who Abraham saw, with no deeper explanation other than contextual circumstances, it is rational to ask if Isaiah literally saw the figure of God. We don't know what layer of heaaven or what dimension or level God appeared in, as we know heaven has many. And while I appreciate that we have to take a stand for God against heretics and people that think they know what they are saying, remember that God doesn't care about religion itself as he does for the sum of humanity and His Son. Barely knowing this man, you judged him. Colossians 4:6
    "Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone."
    The JW are indeed fraught with various issues. And I am sure their teachings will continue to evolve. I have noted it will come both through the law of man and the law in their heart. I would never make it my busines to call anyone demonized, in any denomination searching for truth, as members are not leaders and leaders are not members. Your words and ways this time seemed too salted. And in my heart, there are true Christians everywhere, all scattered and unifying in these last days, just as the scattered Judah and Israel will meet again.

  • @ohusky271
    @ohusky271 13 дней назад +1

    "how can you see an invisible-" oh so the translation was also wrong that he "saw" Jehovah

    • @tongakhan230
      @tongakhan230 11 дней назад

      Visions are SEEN. But they are not real.
      Acts 7:55 But 'Stephen', being full of holy spirit, gazed into heaven and caught sight of God’s glory and of Jesus standing at God’s right hand,
      Both God and Jesus are Spirit beings. How could one be standing and the other seated?
      Why is it that others present never saw this? Because it was a VISION.
      John the Apostle would write decades later.
      'No man has SEEN God AT ANY TIME.' - 1 John 4:12,20.

  • @Alahloh
    @Alahloh 14 дней назад +2

    Благодарю Сэму я оставил дьявольский культ (ислам)

  • @BOC-s3t
    @BOC-s3t 13 дней назад +1

    He wants a Caveat? Caveat Emptor!

  • @Manuelsilvestreable
    @Manuelsilvestreable 13 дней назад

    The problem is that they have their own translation and changed from another. That’s why we have to get the original one which is in Hebrew along with the textus reseptus . The Old Testament was in Hebrew the New Testament in Greek. Regardless of any language it has to read it in spirit and truth.

  • @Trendsthismonth
    @Trendsthismonth 9 дней назад

    History Channel: Not saying it's a demon BUTT... It's a demon

  • @RichardWagner-hi4zn
    @RichardWagner-hi4zn 4 дня назад

    I laughed so hard! Thank you so much! That was HILARIOUS

  • @lapplandsjagare
    @lapplandsjagare 10 дней назад

    Turin shroud and the sudarium of oviedo 🎉 Great bible info

  • @TheCriticalBiblicalThinker
    @TheCriticalBiblicalThinker 13 дней назад +3

    JW’s are exhausting! Jesus is God 🫡✝️

  • @Godsservant778
    @Godsservant778 14 дней назад +3


  • @Lewizll
    @Lewizll День назад

    Only demons sit on thrones claiming dominion over others just like their maker. Linda Moultan Howe speaks of how there is a demon being throne in Antarctica which also appears the same in Enoch in his visions

  • @Ben-rj7xs
    @Ben-rj7xs 11 дней назад

    That guy did not want to answer that question Sam was asking him because he knew what was coming. Thank You Jesus We Love You!!!!!!!!

    • @tongakhan230
      @tongakhan230 11 дней назад

      Silly questions do not merit an answer.
      'No man has SEEN God AT ANY TIME - 1 John 4:12,20 means what?
      That someone saw God seated on a throne?
      Think. Think.

  • @Scorpionman123
    @Scorpionman123 14 дней назад +1

    While God can appear in human form (or in other physical form) if He wants to, He is, in His essence, not a physical being. Many people in the Bible witnessed theophanies, or appearances of God. No one, though, other than Jesus Christ (John 1:18), has seen God in all of His glory. Even the seraphim in heaven cover their eyes as they worship God (Isaiah 6:1-4).

  • @TheColonelKlink
    @TheColonelKlink 8 часов назад

    The only soul you can save is your own.

  • @Nicki-u2M
    @Nicki-u2M 15 дней назад +4


  • @JamesRamundo
    @JamesRamundo 10 дней назад

    awesome Sam as always!

  • @ldc9399
    @ldc9399 14 дней назад +1

    Dude fulldown malfunctioning 🤣🤣

  • @AubreyAndrews-x3k
    @AubreyAndrews-x3k 14 дней назад +1

    Word of God this brother right here i is anointed by the holy Spirit Hugo strictly by the Bible man this brother 30. And 0 strictly by the Bible God bless you brother

  • @dudester873
    @dudester873 11 дней назад +1

    Sam is backing this guy against a wall of truth and he's squirming hard for a fast exit.
    Lol 😅

  • @tuf7759
    @tuf7759 14 дней назад +2

    Wow, sometimes I ask myself, what kind of upbringing you must have to be so illogical, ready to argue with stupidity, ignorence and arrogance. To make no sense whatsoever, and still continuing with these stupid argiluments and misdirections, avoiding all responsability to understand you have just been owned by Sam. God bless this man, hopefuly he wont argue anyone ever over God, religion and especially Logic. Sam you are amazing as always, you have an amazing patience with this man.

  • @RefinedHonkey
    @RefinedHonkey 6 часов назад

    I was raised a jw, even as a child I knew they were twisting something. When i grew into a man I knew the word is what they were twisting. Anyone or anything they dont agree with they call "demonic".

  • @61chankai
    @61chankai 14 дней назад +1

    my God , 6.04 =sec i attend the kingdon hall , i read the new world translation, why cant he admit, it written he saw God Jehovah. so dissapointing