Yang Se-jong gives Seolhyun a bittersweet kiss | My Country: The New Age Ep 7 [ENG SUB]


Комментарии • 89

  • @nanazayn3161
    @nanazayn3161 5 лет назад +105

    Despite having little screen time with each other, their chemistry is so good. Especially this scene is sooo painful to watch but beautiful. Their love is so sincere despite the lack of time they have with each other.

  • @Me__enhypenn
    @Me__enhypenn Год назад +2

    He is so handsome and his acting is amazing he is so talented

  • @kirorupa
    @kirorupa Год назад +4

    This is one of th finest Korean drama... Which is soooo underrated....

  • @schweizz1
    @schweizz1 3 года назад +14

    Yang se jong's facial impressions in my country are so impeccable.

  • @carolmadore1405
    @carolmadore1405 5 месяцев назад +1

    He was so great in this series, so good!

  • @hann2196
    @hann2196 5 лет назад +39

    I really love the casts and I'm so proud of Seolhyun. This is one of the best scenes of them together 😭

  • @elizabethcha9550
    @elizabethcha9550 5 лет назад +38

    I just love how the romance in this drama is so minimal. They don't try to throw at us at all, instead its just there, happening. I love that the guys' anger towards each other doesn't increase due to the girl. Everything is just perfect.
    I know that this drama will crush my heart deeply, especially SeonDo, because he obviously deserves better😭

  • @reigisama
    @reigisama 5 лет назад +26

    The suffering of the character made their chemistry impressed me more than any couple out there. These two made me in pain.....my heart hurt with them...

  • @raymartmuring620
    @raymartmuring620 5 лет назад +58

    I watch it cuz of yang se jong he portrays what ever role given to him ...and of course jang hyuk nailed it also keep FIGHTING My Country

    • @Robee1949
      @Robee1949 5 лет назад +4

      @Raymart Muring Yang se Jong also good in Thirty but Seventeen nice to watch!

    • @raymartmuring620
      @raymartmuring620 5 лет назад +3

      @@Robee1949yes im hooked on that drama even if im a boy 😅😅😅 try also duel your crying every episode of it

  • @summer_nari
    @summer_nari 5 лет назад +23

    Their love story is bitter sweet but also beautiful. Their chemistry is so TOP, how i wish they will have another pairing in the next project. It's so wasted for this overwhelming chemistry to have a sad ending :(

  • @rs-ed7lp
    @rs-ed7lp 5 лет назад +112

    This made me cry so much 😭😭 But it was so beautiful at the same time

    • @rivertothemoon
      @rivertothemoon 5 лет назад +1


  • @Meldonator
    @Meldonator 5 лет назад +30

    Seol Hyun really looks like an Angel 🥴 that's such a sad scene 😥💓

  • @jungkookbts2819
    @jungkookbts2819 5 лет назад +56

    This drama is such a masterpiece like I like everything about it!! Idk about korea but why is it so underrated internationally? I don’t understand why ppl sleeping on this 😭

    • @whatthehell.2317
      @whatthehell.2317 5 лет назад +4

      I think less people like saeguk dramas.

    • @elizabethcha9550
      @elizabethcha9550 5 лет назад +17

      I like to think because it doesn't revolve around the romance much, that's why. Its sad how people won't give this a try at all. I honestly think its so much better than Vegabond

    • @Enriquezkika1617
      @Enriquezkika1617 5 лет назад

      I liked Tale of nokdu more

    • @darkbeauty7339
      @darkbeauty7339 2 года назад

      Oh no..... This comment was from two years ago and I'm just watching the movie...... We are so slow😩

  • @jiyooongg
    @jiyooongg 4 года назад +5

    One of my fav scene 😭😭😭 휘 아 가지마 😭😭😭

  • @화양연화-z6e
    @화양연화-z6e 5 лет назад +5

    Just like squeezing heart . .
    Painful but unforgetable, beautiful...

  • @qwertyyy225
    @qwertyyy225 5 лет назад +8

    Seolhyun is beautiful😍😍

  • @heyitsjune
    @heyitsjune 5 лет назад +101

    I just want them to have a happy ending....please

    • @animebro8010
      @animebro8010 5 лет назад +1

      Me too

    • @Grinuka
      @Grinuka 4 года назад

      But... the history was like that... Yi Bang Won killed the general commander who helped him in the "first princes conflict"...😭😭😭😭💘

  • @animebro8010
    @animebro8010 5 лет назад +4

    Seol hyun is great actor

  • @isahhermosa
    @isahhermosa 5 лет назад +120

    This scene is so sad😭 He really love her, but couldn't get close to her

  • @wejdentzuyuonce8636
    @wejdentzuyuonce8636 5 лет назад +12

    This make me cry so much i just love them
    The pain they had to show how they really will be happy someday with eachothers
    i hope it will be a happy ending in the 16 th episode i really hope so 😢

  • @mariaheslin1408
    @mariaheslin1408 5 лет назад +6

    Still couldn't stop missing u.......❤😭😭

  • @vivianecharest785
    @vivianecharest785 5 лет назад +4

    what a wonderful and sublime song ,bravo to this great singner. just beautiful with this incredeble drama serie.congradulation all of you ,my wonderful actors and all the team.love you .you are the best.

  • @โฮชิน-ง2ว
    @โฮชิน-ง2ว 5 лет назад +5

    I cried the whole night for the ending...😥😥😥

  • @dprimes9923
    @dprimes9923 5 лет назад +12

    I love this duo❤️

  • @vante6839
    @vante6839 4 года назад +3

    the song always made me cry, they deserved be together :(

  • @angieortega97
    @angieortega97 5 лет назад +8

    This scene 😭💕 I love them 💗

  • @ikhachan3423
    @ikhachan3423 5 лет назад +27

    Their story full of tears..i hope they will find happiness

  • @rosariodelcarmenjimenezlar7563
    @rosariodelcarmenjimenezlar7563 5 лет назад +3

    Oh my God! What a scene! Love this drama!

  • @TheKeeroop
    @TheKeeroop 5 лет назад +33


    • @zasqiadamai9032
      @zasqiadamai9032 5 лет назад +1

      Oh! Just realized, it's Jung Seunghwan's voice...

  • @kehsihbaarseb1800
    @kehsihbaarseb1800 5 лет назад +3

    This drama is just awsm... N these three has done their job brilliantly... 👍

  • @Sean-jc6pw
    @Sean-jc6pw 3 года назад +3

    What if they cast in another drama?
    Romance, crime, thriller is the genre. That'll be a hitm

  • @marcela-zs7lb
    @marcela-zs7lb 5 лет назад +1

    Como se puede sufrir tanto 😭😭😭 nunca superare este drama 💔

  • @carlaivonchana9870
    @carlaivonchana9870 4 года назад

    Hermosa pareja,la canción espectacular,que actorasos...!!!

  • @Robee1949
    @Robee1949 5 лет назад +9

    That is the beginning of their Loves.... of each other it’s just because an old man greed, they separated ✌️❤️ My Country

  • @cl559
    @cl559 5 лет назад +3

    Queen Seolhyun 💕 👑

  • @carlaivonchana9870
    @carlaivonchana9870 4 года назад

    Hermosos como sufrieron...!!!Me lloré todo...😢😢

  • @clarapetisco1553
    @clarapetisco1553 4 месяца назад

    La interpretación de este chico es muy buena

  • @Tensi1126
    @Tensi1126 5 лет назад +58

    Life must be so hard on
    Poor people back in those days ....!

    • @ukhtmedina5188
      @ukhtmedina5188 5 лет назад +4

      Angel123 yes that’s what I’m also thinking !!

    • @melv5816
      @melv5816 5 лет назад +2

      @@wow88121 But there is more of a chance to turn that around now. At that time, you simply not being of noble birth meant you could only aspire to certain ambitions proper to your social status.

  • @antoniodevito6205
    @antoniodevito6205 5 лет назад

    I could not hold back the tears ...

  • @simone222
    @simone222 5 лет назад +9

    It was in Saimdang wherein I first noticed him bec. I didn't watch the romance drama he was then previously in. He skyrocketed to being a lead so fast. This only shows how truly talented he is. I'm not watching My Country, but I can't help not to say his acting here appears topnotch again and that I dig his romantic on-screen tandem with Seolhyun, they are a beautiful couple.

    • @TheParasyte13
      @TheParasyte13 5 лет назад +3

      Yang Se Jong's acting is indeed top notch in My Country. He's definitely a rare talent. One of the best actors out there.
      I hope you can watch My Country one day. I didn't expect it but it's a masterpiece in every way. It's refreshing to see such a beautiful and epic series where everything and everyone seems to be at the right place. The story is deep, well-paced, and never suffers from any clichés. The directing, acting, cinematography, music are pure art.

    • @simone222
      @simone222 5 лет назад +3

      Sora, I appreciate this thoughtful response. Thank you. 👍🌸❤️

  • @claudiapecanhadasilvasilva8641
    @claudiapecanhadasilvasilva8641 5 лет назад +1

    Gostei muito deste Dorama meus pais novas era

  • @haeunlee5946
    @haeunlee5946 5 лет назад +3

    아~~~이 장면 존나 울었다~~~

  • @karutksageronnataren8138
    @karutksageronnataren8138 5 лет назад +2

    ¿Cuántas veces más me van a hacer llorar? 😥

    • @marcela-zs7lb
      @marcela-zs7lb 5 лет назад +1

      Estoy igual que tu 😭 yo creo que voy a seguir llorando hasta el 2020😭😭

  • @carlaivonchana9870
    @carlaivonchana9870 4 года назад

    Que tristeza al final ,que dolor me dolió tanto,No lo soporte muy dolorosoooo!!!!

  • @AceHardy
    @AceHardy 5 лет назад +1


  • @karinaromo9982
    @karinaromo9982 5 лет назад

    Que lindo❤️❤️❤️

  • @솜다리-d6j
    @솜다리-d6j 5 лет назад +2

    한국드라마인데 한국사람이 없네😆
    나의나라 진짜 재밌게 보고 있어요❤
    차가운 카리스마 선호 X 따뜻한 카리스마 휘 X 휘 바라기 행수 희재

  • @franzemartinez5189
    @franzemartinez5189 5 лет назад +5

    Hoping for a happy ending for this couple.plssssss JTBC❤️

  • @jamjam7881
    @jamjam7881 5 лет назад +6

    Give us the that scene XD Where Hui Jae leans on Hwi's back and wishing he won't get hurt any further... You know you want to♥♥♥ Please (T^T)

  • @michellinng4302
    @michellinng4302 5 лет назад

    Thx Ost👏👏👏

  • @Ritercrazy
    @Ritercrazy 5 лет назад

    So waiting for more episodes on Netflix.

    @ЛАРИСАВЛАДИ-ю7у 5 лет назад +2

    Название дорамы хочу знать

  • @daianneyada7954
    @daianneyada7954 5 лет назад +1

    Yo no podria dormirme al lado de semejante hermosura herida, pasaria en vela mirandolo😍😋😘y cuidandolo jejeje

  • @allisondrummond8818
    @allisondrummond8818 5 лет назад +1

    I would love to see this from the beginning.

  • @rivertothemoon
    @rivertothemoon 5 лет назад

    The description is me.

  • @KittyCat-co8fs
    @KittyCat-co8fs 5 лет назад +5

    Is this why she wasn't present in queendom?😂😂😏

  • @nibondawangpa7476
    @nibondawangpa7476 5 лет назад


  • @minsk930
    @minsk930 5 лет назад

    The drama and this part were awasome but i need to ask something.
    Why has real names in title of the video? i mean jang se jong is an actor and seulhyun is an actress and their character names are hwi and hae jae. why dont you use it?

  • @ratnasaridewi8
    @ratnasaridewi8 5 лет назад


  • @dianaosazenaye1313
    @dianaosazenaye1313 5 лет назад +1

    This is just sad

  • @qorysh2300
    @qorysh2300 5 лет назад +3

    Idk why but it's little bit sad for me to look them share their love, I remember how in that time seon ho also suffer but no one beside him :(

    • @rokhaya_89
      @rokhaya_89 5 лет назад

      But is seon ho in love with hui hae ??

    • @qorysh2300
      @qorysh2300 5 лет назад +1

      rokhayasoftduhh _ he looked so sad after slapped by her, idk it's love or not :(

  • @jocelynfromoz4953
    @jocelynfromoz4953 5 лет назад

    Well her first aid skills suck 🤨

  • @imanejaz5403
    @imanejaz5403 3 года назад

    Imagine if he had married Yeon that’s the only plot this drama is missing if she didn’t die 😤😤 there’s no way he was that devoted to her after her death as a sister 😭 even if he was around other women or got everything he wanted would Yeon still be his soulmate or not? & when pple say he realised he always loved her after her death is that ‘family love’ or ‘true love’s?

  • @imanejaz5403
    @imanejaz5403 3 года назад

    I am going to write my 3rd fan fiction on Yeon & SeonHo on Wattpad & im interested in collecting some opinions from hardcore fans who are still torn apart by this drama as well as other characters & the bromance If you’re interested plz reply to this comment. Thank you 🥰

  • @dreamsteddybearsmaster
    @dreamsteddybearsmaster 4 года назад

    This is so disappointing now...