Messy Mondays: How to Write a Worship Song (In 5 Minutes or Less)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 3 тыс.

  • @HBickford96
    @HBickford96 10 лет назад +1265

    The messed up Power Point section is so spot on!!! xD

  • @SuperNolanMan
    @SuperNolanMan 10 лет назад +541

    I think Hillsong might sue you over this one. They don't take kindly to giving away their secrets.

    • @Avinele
      @Avinele 7 лет назад +2

      Nolan Daniels I'm betting you haven't listened to the Wonder album yet

    • @victoriaworth5157
      @victoriaworth5157 5 лет назад +5

      Lol at least there lyrics are taken straight from the Bible and have in-depth meaning

    • @rodterrell304
      @rodterrell304 5 лет назад +4

      Ha no kidding. Sounds like every pop worship song I heard.

    • @ryotanada
      @ryotanada 4 года назад +2

      I've heard better sides of these guys once in a while, though they aren't quite the same comparing to hymns, I would say. I actually prefer the acoustic ones, like a "watered down" version of their live ones which for me is just a bit over the top. All in all, take these songs like you would take sugared drinks. They're actually good to taste once in a while but not to be taken regularly. I was once in a phase where I would listen to these non-stop to keep me emotionally fine because they are Christian and sound good, maybe I'm still at it...

    • @jackiesampieri
      @jackiesampieri Год назад


  • @jaymcpherson8614
    @jaymcpherson8614 8 лет назад +379

    This is absolute genius! Another tip if you are stuck writing the lyrics- just include vague life struggles or nature/weather references: "When the storms arise... and the night is dark... when the sun it shines like the morning myst..."

    • @stealthlock6634
      @stealthlock6634 7 лет назад +57

      "When even breathing is full of pain" or something like that.

    • @blairemalyn
      @blairemalyn 3 года назад +4

      @@stealthlock6634 AHHAHAHAHAH YES

    • @maddiemae73
      @maddiemae73 2 года назад +5

      @@stealthlock6634 or circulatory… “even when my heart feels like it’s not beating” (not a real lyric, just felt very stereotypical with concerning undertones)

  • @rorydiane7094
    @rorydiane7094 9 лет назад +414

    the powerpoint was spot on! literally every chapel that happends

    • @yazmine4334
      @yazmine4334 9 лет назад +6

      Ikr. That happens at my church all the time.

    • @jerome96114
      @jerome96114 7 лет назад +4

      And that is why songbooks are still good. :)

    • @ThatOne77
      @ThatOne77 7 лет назад

      Rory S now it's not power point. There's software that's more convoluted than ppt designed just for church, conferences, etc.

  • @maddyharpur924
    @maddyharpur924 9 лет назад +967


  • @AhiruElric
    @AhiruElric 8 лет назад +207

    "I once was lost but now I see." Did any one else notice that those lyrics aren't the actual Amazing Grace lyrics. It should be "I once was blind but now I see" or "I once was lost but now I'm found." XD I found that hilarious!

  • @CaptainMorganThe3rd
    @CaptainMorganThe3rd 11 лет назад +56

    You have captured all my neuroses regarding contemporary Christian music in less than four minutes.
    Everything -- everything that has driven me crazy for years -- you got all of it. Every single bit.
    Marvelous on all levels.

  • @davidrojas6457
    @davidrojas6457 11 лет назад +80

    I lost it at the "can't find the next lyric slide" part.

  • @AWDTH1111
    @AWDTH1111 9 лет назад +254

    Lol this song could actually be used for real XD

  • @yana-perrault
    @yana-perrault 11 лет назад +109

    I thought it was just my church that couldn't get it together...

    • @mrpro5219
      @mrpro5219 3 года назад +2

      Haha I know right

  • @dantyler6614
    @dantyler6614 10 лет назад +348

    I would get dirty looks when I joked around like this at worship band practice lol. But seriously I got so sick of playing the same chord progression every week for two years straight. Fellow Christian musicians feel my pain

    • @TotesMagee
      @TotesMagee 10 лет назад +9

      Hillsong United and any music from the Mars Hill churches usually have some great but different worship music =)

    • @gabbydeyoe6723
      @gabbydeyoe6723 10 лет назад +19

      Our praise team jokes about this all the time. And no offense to Chris Tomlin, but especially his. Em, C, D, G. And typically in that order.

    • @TotesMagee
      @TotesMagee 10 лет назад +7

      Gabby Allen You forgot to mention G D Em C and G C D C xP

    • @gabbydeyoe6723
      @gabbydeyoe6723 10 лет назад

      Ah, of course, +Totes Magee How could I forget?

    • @nocturnestanza529
      @nocturnestanza529 10 лет назад +20

      The pain is real. Seriously, when you can show up to band practice and ignore the sheet music because you already know the 5 progressions your going to use every time, you might be a musician on the worship team.

  • @Sakura4evea
    @Sakura4evea 9 лет назад +101


  • @arianahull2028
    @arianahull2028 9 лет назад +191

    I can't believe I actually found a legitimately good Christian RUclips channel. Keep up the good work guys! XD

    • @peni_1813
      @peni_1813 9 лет назад

      Ariana Hull Not to be rude, what are you classifying a good Christian RUclips channel? To be its one that only, and only glorifies god. Therefore I kindly recommend 'Chasegodtv' and 'wretchedtv'

    • @arianahull2028
      @arianahull2028 9 лет назад +1

      Okay I'll check those out thanks peni tukuaoga​

    • @peni_1813
      @peni_1813 9 лет назад

      Just want to add on Ariana, this is not about finding a Christian RUclips Channel to satisfy self-desires or worldly view points, its about the truth, and the truth and its a serious matter so please check them out. Thanks.

    • @natschaefer1044
      @natschaefer1044 9 лет назад

      +Ariana Hull Jefferson Bethke, FarAwayDistance and Katie Gregoire are all good, if you've not already found them.

    • @tenfivefilms
      @tenfivefilms 8 лет назад

      +Ariana Hull Same

  • @SuperMovieGuy13
    @SuperMovieGuy13 10 лет назад +294

    I run the slides in church and 3:16 made me laugh so hard!

  • @juliannebankston6936
    @juliannebankston6936 11 лет назад +46


  • @mrm64
    @mrm64 11 лет назад +603

    BWAHAHAHAHA! I laughed so much at the powerpoint part. It's so true!!

    • @TheCrazydude17
      @TheCrazydude17 11 лет назад +56

      I'm glad you caught that. That's my childhood right there.

    • @moofey
      @moofey 10 лет назад +50

      That's my church, every song, every week.

    • @melissawalkup3080
      @melissawalkup3080 10 лет назад +31

      Adam Advocaat i think it's every church, every song, every church is like that too!!

    • @mrm64
      @mrm64 10 лет назад +11

      Melissa Walkup
      lol for sure. And with the microphone systems. We get a pop every week! I dunno WHAT they do up their but it is so distracting during service lol. You should see when our girls try to do their praise dances and the wrong track is being played ._.

    • @kevinpfister1
      @kevinpfister1 10 лет назад +9

      I wondered what you meant, and then when it happened I nearly lost the coffee I was drinking!

  • @kiwibadboy6963
    @kiwibadboy6963 8 лет назад +189

    The wrong powerpoint lyrics were so on point hahahaha the guy that controls the lyric slideshows always messes up XD

  • @joelmccoy1989
    @joelmccoy1989 8 лет назад +23

    I used to tour in a Christian rock band...this is spot on.

  • @luthien2531
    @luthien2531 10 лет назад +21

    This video perfectly captures ever praise and worship song ever.

  • @natalielane5441
    @natalielane5441 9 лет назад +39

    I love how they threw in the next slide hunt

  • @Yoshifire8
    @Yoshifire8 9 лет назад +190

    the powerpoint fail made me laugh til i cried xD

    • @estheraruka6374
      @estheraruka6374 3 года назад

      I swear! I'm choking on my stifled laughter right now because the environment currently doesn't allow me to guffaw😂

  • @tokioobsessed1983
    @tokioobsessed1983 9 лет назад +284

    Something needs to be in flames. LOL!!!!

    • @mima_piedade
      @mima_piedade 9 лет назад

      +Tomisha Childs but... nothing was in flames in the song...

    • @clopez6768
      @clopez6768 9 лет назад


    • @seths.451
      @seths.451 9 лет назад +2

      "Soul on Fire" by Third Day...😂😂

    • @FruitNinjaGirl
      @FruitNinjaGirl 8 лет назад

      +Seth Snode exactly what I was thinking of

    • @OneworldOnelove36
      @OneworldOnelove36 8 лет назад

      +Seth Snode Me too.

  • @ajvaughan6737
    @ajvaughan6737 9 лет назад +42

    AKA Oceans by Hillsong. Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders, let me walk upon the waters where ever you would call me. (6 hours later) *tiredly* spirit... lead.... borders... waters... oceans. (And yet I still listen to the song all the time.)

    • @sophiedecker5825
      @sophiedecker5825 9 лет назад +1

      I'm on the worship team at my church's Youth Group and we sing that all the time! Also, You Make Me Brave by Bethel. If you don't know it, you should look it up and listen to it. That song does the same thing you're talking about. Both songs are really good though and I do like them

    • @darrenwithers3628
      @darrenwithers3628 5 лет назад

      Yeah, except nobody is walking on water and it doesn't even have symbolic meaning.

    • @mateusvaz22
      @mateusvaz22 4 года назад +4

      Darren Withers walking on waters doesn’t have a symbolic meaning????Whaaaaaatttttt?? Have you never heard about Jesus and Peter walking on the sea?

    • @mickmay630
      @mickmay630 3 года назад +3

      I mean, those are good lyrics imo, but repeating something for hours is a good way to ruin it

    • @thesisypheanjournal1271
      @thesisypheanjournal1271 2 года назад

      When the worship leader starts on "I could sing of your love forever," he really means it.

  • @adamthestimator
    @adamthestimator 10 лет назад +172

    Ha ha ha!!!
    Person running powerpoint in the sound booth got caught not paying attention...
    Or maybe they were already in such a state of worship that they weren't focused on the song...but on God...
    Or...maybe the person making up the PowerPoint had never heard the song before, and therefore didn't know the
    correct order after all of the Woahs...

    • @alnewberry
      @alnewberry 10 лет назад +16

      That was my favorite part--that and "something needs to be in flames."

    • @Tobias4sythe
      @Tobias4sythe 10 лет назад +9

      Lol! I didn't catch it the first time but that's hilarious. That always happens at church.

    • @DanielSchumm
      @DanielSchumm 10 лет назад +4

      Heh, I've done that more often then I want to admit...

    • @jackryanpetee5918
      @jackryanpetee5918 10 лет назад +4

      That happens every time I do tech. :P

    • @KupKate215
      @KupKate215 10 лет назад +6

      It doesn't matter how many times I see it, I still laugh.

  • @skkev
    @skkev 10 лет назад +74

    hahaha the powerpoint joke was hilarious!!!

  • @madeleinejohansen5073
    @madeleinejohansen5073 10 лет назад +83

    "Something needs to be in flames" hahahaha

  • @Mito383
    @Mito383 7 месяцев назад +5

    As a guy who used to do the slides during worship songs, the last bit absolutely killed me.

  • @EpicPinkCreeper
    @EpicPinkCreeper 8 лет назад +251

    when the lyrics had to be changed...
    every single time.

  • @stephenbrewer42
    @stephenbrewer42 11 лет назад +132

    For those of you who like the song at the end... I have news for you. You're missing the point of the video.

    • @theamvgirlx
      @theamvgirlx 10 лет назад +25

      Oh no trust me, I've actually heard worse...

  • @Sarah-by3fb
    @Sarah-by3fb 10 лет назад +31

    I'm lucky I go to a church that uses hymnals. THe music is so much more uplifting and glorifies God.

  • @PhilMante
    @PhilMante 11 лет назад +36

    I went to church every sunday for years and every aspect of this video is so funny because it's true - the way the guitar's played, the cloud background with the lyrics, the inept guy working that screen getting the lyrics wrong. I remember that many times back in the day.
    And oh yes, I hate praise and worship music because the lyrics are entirely unoriginal and the music so simple it sucks.

  • @hycynth82828
    @hycynth82828 8 лет назад +50


  • @TheIcanntspel
    @TheIcanntspel 10 лет назад +28

    I couldn't breath for a minute when he had to scroll through the lyrics at the end.

  • @JohnDoe-ig8om
    @JohnDoe-ig8om 9 лет назад +95

    What I find most frightening here is that although this song is a satire, it is scarily close to being one that a church might actually sing. Or what if one of the top Christian song artists released it as their own work? I could envision it becoming very popular.
    We need more songs that contain deep biblical truths - I find myself appreciating more and more the 'old-fashioned' songs - they frequently pack incredible theology into a simple, memorable tune. The older songs also tend to be better for congregational worship, which is another area I think the modern Christian music scene is lacking. Don't get me wrong, I like many of the contemporary songs, but they just don't 'sing' well in church if that makes sense. The main focus really should be on worship for a church, not an individual. Individual worship is fine, but we weren't created to primarily worship alone.
    Lastly, in regards to song content, I tire of self-focused songs where the emphasis is on me and my life, rather than God. And there is also a glaring lack of recognition of things like sin and judgement in many modern songs about salvation, which is worrying as you really need to know both sides of the coin (your sin, and God's love) to appreciate why the Good News is good news.
    Well, I've rambled on a bit, but those were just my thoughts.

    • @007jamesraylee
      @007jamesraylee 8 лет назад +3

      It is supposed to be "scarily" close to what a church might actually sing. What did you think this video was about?

    • @JohnDoe-ig8om
      @JohnDoe-ig8om 8 лет назад +11

      Yes, I was aware of all that - my point was that if you didn't know it was satire, it would be indistinguishable from many contemporary worship songs, and there are churches that would sing it. That is what is so worrying - that there is such a widespread lack of depth and discernment in the church and the Christian music community today!

    • @abigailstair5663
      @abigailstair5663 8 лет назад +5

      This needed to be said! I so agree!

    • @johannguchte7537
      @johannguchte7537 7 лет назад +2

      John Doe You are spot on.

    • @magnusgautestad
      @magnusgautestad 6 лет назад +6

      I share your perspective. I am a Christian and musician who feels called to do something about this. I keep reading about people who share your perspective. It is true. I am sure there is more musicians like me who are starting to write music, or honor traditions, to phase this new worship music out of the churches. It is way too cheap to reflect our respect for the Eternal, and that is one of the reasons it does not lead us deep enough. I believe we shall overcome this stage, and receive even more glories inspiration to honor the Lord. Amen

  • @TheNewFlutist
    @TheNewFlutist 10 лет назад +7

    HYMNS RULE!! It's even better when you take old hymn words and contemporize them, and not necessarily changing the original melody but changing everything around it. That's where creativity comes along.

  • @anitainjeeli7246
    @anitainjeeli7246 9 лет назад +28

    The powerpoint joke is on point!

  • @rljeric
    @rljeric 10 лет назад +36

    Why do I like that song so much?

    • @marianoportocarrero
      @marianoportocarrero 9 лет назад

      It's simple! You're a christian...but dont think im another hater hahaha im an agnostic and i still believe that song was cool!

    • @rljeric
      @rljeric 9 лет назад

      Mariano Portocarrero How'd you know I was a Christian? :P

    • @natschaefer1044
      @natschaefer1044 9 лет назад

      Littlejohn133 Because it's mainly Christians that listen to that kind of stuff, lol. And it wasn't that bad of a song, even though it was intended as a joke.

    • @Ellie_R.
      @Ellie_R. 9 лет назад

      +Mariano Portocarrero dude um my dad agnostic and he loves some Christian songs

    • @cutelilscrafty
      @cutelilscrafty 9 лет назад

      +Mariano Portocarrero I'm Pagan, and I love the song.

  • @starringmeag4487
    @starringmeag4487 3 года назад +11

    1. I can totally see that being sung at my church
    2. The tech team not knowing the lyrics was perfect 😂

  • @Hopeofmen
    @Hopeofmen 10 лет назад +173

    This is why I love hymns. Original, deep, and not sounding like every Hillsong or Chris Tomlin song ever. Seriously, though, those guys owe much of their lyrics to guys like Martin Luther or David.

    • @rileymerino6340
      @rileymerino6340 10 лет назад +15

      Only modern Christian artist I really like honestly David Crowder Band, I'm a big musician, and to me, the rest all just sound generic. Haha, most of my favorite Christian songs come from rock bands that decide to take a shot at a Christian sing, lol. Listen to some of U2's Christian stuff, or Owl City, those aren't Christian artists, but they do better with Christian songs than half the artists out there that put Christian in front of their name

    • @abigailmccoy9072
      @abigailmccoy9072 9 лет назад


    • @abigailmccoy9072
      @abigailmccoy9072 9 лет назад

      Rilay Marino
      I know right

    • @bryantvickers6547
      @bryantvickers6547 9 лет назад +1

      Rilay Marino What Christian songs has U2 done?

    • @rileymerino6340
      @rileymerino6340 9 лет назад +1

      They're not most necessarily christian songs, but songs with heavy christian themes. Beautiful day, Still haven't found what I'm looking for, and When Love came to town are good examples.

  • @BenitaPrins
    @BenitaPrins 8 лет назад +13

    Was at a youth conference last Saturday and I managed to survive praise and worship times by applying this video to each song XD when I wasn't going deaf that is...
    Oh yes and we got the slide disaster too ;)

  • @morecoffeetv1280
    @morecoffeetv1280 9 лет назад +6

    Still my all time favorite video from Blimey Cow.

  • @somatochrome4653
    @somatochrome4653 10 месяцев назад +1

    Damn..!! I can't believe it's almost 11 years now. Still feels like yesterday.

  • @KpopBIGBANG98
    @KpopBIGBANG98 9 лет назад +26

    LOL i was at church today and that powerpoint mess up happened xD

  • @dece870717
    @dece870717 9 лет назад +103

    Great satire! I strongly dislike many(not all) of the contemporary songs in churches today, shallow theology in the lyrics, too undermining of God. Christians have been singing songs like "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God" for over 500 years and now we have switched to seven eleven songs, 7 words repeated 11 times. I don't care if the music itself has a guitar, drums, electronic keyboard, as long as the words have the depth of theology God deserves.

    • @StormChasingNinja
      @StormChasingNinja 8 лет назад +1

      thank you for saying this. #someonehadtosayit

    • @dece870717
      @dece870717 8 лет назад +11

      StormChasingNinja What's funny about this contemporary stuff is that it's meant to appeal or draw in people my age (late and early 20's) (the young people as some say) but honestly I'd rather have nothing but old time hymns, contemporary music makes many young committed believers like me weary of certain churches that play it exclusively.
      I think a lot of contemporary music is fleshly and man-centered (all about how God makes us feel and what God can do for us instead of who God is and what He has done) and so really it appeals more to the lost goats in the church than it does the saved sheep that are sick of milk and want some real food music with meat and potatoes.

    • @strikeback5969
      @strikeback5969 8 лет назад +2

      +Daniel Skupien Something crazy a lot of people don't realize is that a lot of rock metal bands of the Christian genre have some of the most theologically sound lyrics out there. Weird how that works...

    • @abigailstair5663
      @abigailstair5663 8 лет назад +4

      Amen! I so agree. Hymns are so beautiful. Not the melody but the amazing theology included in every song!

    • @HighMindedLunacy
      @HighMindedLunacy 8 лет назад +4

      I'm with you, I'm tired of the " Jesus is my boyfriend" songs.....and the rock concert worship in general where I feel I'm a an AC/DC concert including stage light show....

  • @razback8661
    @razback8661 7 лет назад +1

    This parody is SO spot on. It's so true. Turn on the radio and so many of the praise and worship songs have the same chord progressions and shallow, empty lyrics. Congrats to whomever produced this gem.

  • @ConnerYoYo
    @ConnerYoYo 10 лет назад +6

    This video speaks to me on so many levels, along with "The Axis of Awesome: 4 Chords". I don't think people realize how much of a formula you can use to make a song with mainstream appeal. This video explained the basic formula for this particular genre, but the same thing exists for other genres, too. Once you know how, you can write a song that people will absolutely love without any effort or creativity whatsoever.
    What's that? You want to make something that isn't exactly the same as what everyone else does??? TOO BAD, nobody likes it. Stop trying so hard! You just need to do what someone has already done and slap some new lyrics and melodies on there. And don't forget to use the instruments that are associated with your chosen genre! Nobody will notice that your "Original song" is fundamentally the same thing as all their other favorite songs!
    This may sound like an exaggeration, but it really isn't. There are people in the music industry that just write hit songs for popular artists. How is that even a thing? Does anyone know how many hit songs just use the G D E C chord progression in different keys? It's crazy! People have iPods filled with songs that, underneath everything, are all using the same three or four tried and true chord progressions that people automatically like for some reason.
    When I write music, I'm always torn. Do I write something that makes people say "Wow that's really good I love that", or do I write something a bit more unique and just hope maybe someone will like it. I've written several songs that people think are my "best work", but those are just the songs that use the same old chord progressions and melodies that everything else has. Anyone could write that stuff if they just took the time to learn how.
    Why is a song only good if it does certain specific things that we all consistently like? Music could be so much more, but we all just want to hear the same thing over and over again without knowing it. I guess there's nothing really wrong with all of that, but it just seems weird to me.

  • @SimplyAnime101
    @SimplyAnime101 10 лет назад +32

    Yeah, I'm sticking with the hymnal.

    • @stevenj1214able
      @stevenj1214able 5 лет назад

      Me too....that is if I can find one...they have disappeared.

    • @wk1810
      @wk1810 4 года назад

      @@stevenj1214able sad, but true. My former church still has them, but they are rarely used.

    • @nakymawlot
      @nakymawlot 3 года назад

      What is a hymnal ? I want to know good christian song not these contemporary christian song

  • @susangodsey790
    @susangodsey790 11 лет назад +2

    I love how legit this is. It seriously sounds like something I normally hear, and truthfully it was creative and sounds great with little effort. You know, it really makes me think if my church is duping me.

  • @matheusibanez
    @matheusibanez 5 лет назад +5

    3 CHORDS
    3 WORDS
    10 MINUTES
    thats it, you are now a popstar.

  • @erynaphywel3584
    @erynaphywel3584 8 лет назад +7

    Oh! Another essential rhyme: "night" and "light." Can't go wrong with that.

  • @mattward4916
    @mattward4916 10 лет назад +20

    I go to a Christian school, so this is 100% relatable, even the PowerPoint joke

  • @StormChasingNinja
    @StormChasingNinja 8 лет назад +6

    anyone else notice that when contemporary Christian songs come out they treated like pop music? I mean it comes out and every Church sings it for a couple weeks before it dies off and if anyone sings it a year or so later people are like "wow that song is so old, I haven't heard this one in a while"

  • @qlsaintrandom
    @qlsaintrandom 11 лет назад +8

    as someone who has been to many retreats, the power point slip is very accurate.

  • @aaron_b.
    @aaron_b. 3 года назад +1

    This is legitimately one of the best satire videos on RUclips of any topic

  • @ShonaMcCarthy
    @ShonaMcCarthy 10 лет назад +5

    Gosh, he says what I've been thinking for years.

  • @wrightspiano
    @wrightspiano 11 лет назад +25

    I'd like to add one more point. If we're praising God then why does the singer have to sound like he or she is in pain? Come on, you know what I'm talking about, doncha!

  • @meganroos8387
    @meganroos8387 3 года назад +2

    3:16 is the best joke blimey cow has ever made 🤣🤣🤣

  • @harrypots4397
    @harrypots4397 8 лет назад +7

    BilmeyCow, this is so true it almost isn't funny. I loved the slide-flipping in panic mode looking for words. What I really really hate is when one is singing the WHOA, OH, OH refrain and the next verse is coming up and the next slide isn't up yet -- as if we need to see the last OH so we don't forget the words. Sheez. Contemporary Christianity is a mess, and not just because of the music. Anyway, good video. thnx

  • @aluminumchew
    @aluminumchew 8 лет назад +19

    they'll never see it coming

  • @InfoLunix
    @InfoLunix 4 года назад +1

    Revisiting the first video I saw from this channel !!! 💙 Love from Dominican Republic 🇩🇴 blessings.

  • @willcashien7085
    @willcashien7085 11 лет назад +17

    That moment when you church takes this seriously

  • @eriyannaarcher9463
    @eriyannaarcher9463 11 лет назад +8

    I totally lost it when they messed up with the lyrics page. This is definitely a favorite!

  • @sarahbennett4899
    @sarahbennett4899 9 лет назад

    I saw this video forever ago and awhile ago I wanted to show it to my friends because it's one of my favorites, and that helped me remember your channel so now I've been catching up with what you've been doing over the past year or so and I'm glad to see that your videos are still golden! Keep up the good work!

  • @marcosguerra
    @marcosguerra 9 лет назад +5

    Nailed it... This is so hillsong

  • @calspencer4617
    @calspencer4617 10 лет назад +7

    This is spot on! Especially when the PowerPoint gets messed up.

  • @SeraphX2
    @SeraphX2 11 лет назад

    I loved the quick skip through the slides. I've done management of songs on a projector before from a computer, and when I was new, I definitely had to do that several times. Nice touch.

  • @ganaverageyoutubecomment.79
    @ganaverageyoutubecomment.79 5 лет назад +6

    TIP: if you’re in charge of the PowerPoint, switch to a totally incorrect slide for 2 minutes until people start turning around to see if you’re doing your job. Then, rapidly scroll around until you find the correct slide, so everyone stops mumbling, since they only know the chorus.

  • @samm8061
    @samm8061 9 лет назад +4

    Messed up powerpoint is another essential to any worship session

  • @rodterrell304
    @rodterrell304 5 лет назад

    Brilliant and right on point. As a worship Leader, I amazed at how the worship songs (contemporary) all sound like they are written by 2 or 3 people and played by the same band.

  • @yanan.6801
    @yanan.6801 11 лет назад +4

    The condition of modern "worship" music is all the more tragic if you compare it with the complexity and profoundness of the Psalms. Now THAT was worship.
    By the way, when you mentioned the fire, this verse came to mind:
    Heb 12:29 For our God is a consuming fire.
    So I guess that partially makes sense, but nontheless it does not justify the (mis)use of pretty much everything being on fire.

  • @hannahbatchelder162
    @hannahbatchelder162 11 лет назад +4

    My dad was singing a song the other day and it was "Amazing Grace" set to a new tune with "Praise God" repeating as the chorus. I said, "Hey, I think that's following the 5 minutes or less technique." We both looked at each-other and started cracking up.

  • @Arya2611
    @Arya2611 10 лет назад

    I am so glad someone else finally said it. I can breathe now. I felt so guilty for not being into Christian music.

  • @beccaclark938
    @beccaclark938 8 лет назад +5

    "Something just needs to be in flames." lol! I love it!

  • @KellyMaurice
    @KellyMaurice 10 лет назад +3

    LOL. I love the change of slides. It happens all the time where the singer is singing one verse and the one changing the slides goes through a few ones to get the right one LOL

  • @picabesi
    @picabesi 11 лет назад

    Kay, this is spot on. I worked as a leader in a youth group for four and a half years, and EVERY worship song we did was some variation of this. It got pretty repetitive. I usually ran powerpoint and sang worship during events so I had to learn a lot of songs, and lets just say it wasn't that it wasn't too difficult.

  • @mary6457
    @mary6457 8 лет назад +4

    It amazes me that the bad slideshow presenter is universal

  • @janetjackson6677
    @janetjackson6677 5 лет назад +7

    This is exactly why I secretly hope the music sounds nothing like this in heaven

  • @FireflyFanatic3
    @FireflyFanatic3 11 лет назад

    I think I just discovered the greatest youtube channel of all time!!

  • @deannacochran1949
    @deannacochran1949 9 лет назад +41

    Is it just me, or do the overly generic lyrics of common worship songs remind anyone else of dumbed-down youth ministries that are really concerned with the number of kids attending. But hey, gotta keep them entertained, right? Cause Jesus would totally never call out the youth to do just as much growing as the adults are doing, right? RIGHT?

    • @johannguchte7537
      @johannguchte7537 7 лет назад +1

      Deanna Cochran I concur.

    • @robbritt2069
      @robbritt2069 5 лет назад

      Does Deanna sound like a bitter, judgemental old hag? Yes she does.

    • @abigaillui8261
      @abigaillui8261 4 года назад +1

      Deanna Cochran as a high school student, I agree. I feel incredibly fortunate to go to a youth group that doesn't dumb things down and teaches us from the Bible.

  • @christopherbubb2890
    @christopherbubb2890 Год назад +3

    And there you have it... K-Love's next #1 song.

  • @RogueLayer
    @RogueLayer 10 лет назад +1

    That was actually pretty cool sounding! And the powerpoint part... WAY true for our church. Sometimes, we're left with no lyrics for an ENTIRE VERSE!

  • @HunterKing1994
    @HunterKing1994 9 лет назад +4

    Wow its amazing how little some of you people know about worship. And yes I'm even talking to those of you who said you quit the worship band because you got tired of the same chords, or stopped going to church because all of the songs sound the same. If your worship is determined by whether or not you are tired of the song or even like the song, then you were never really worshiping in the first place. If you are TRULY worshiping, then the chords, the repetetivness, and even the depth of the lyrics of the song should not effect your ability to worship God the least bit. Now would I rather play something new than the stuff I've played 100 times before? Of course! Who doesn't have their preferences? But would playing a song that I've done thousands of times cause me to worship any differently than I would if it was something new? Absolutely NOT!!!

    • @accordingtosophia
      @accordingtosophia 5 лет назад

      Old comment, but I'd also like to point out that worship comes from the heart. If you're just going through the motions and not actually feeling anything through it, why bother?

  • @rcparaguya
    @rcparaguya 11 лет назад +4

    It's not necessary to be wonderful or not; beautiful or ugly but in God's eyes, no song dedicated to him is meaningless. If you sing it with your whole heart that's worship. Worshipping God in spirit and in truth- that is what he likes.

    • @thesisypheanjournal1271
      @thesisypheanjournal1271 2 года назад

      It's one thing for some poor soul without any real talent trying his best. It's another thing for professionals to be cranking out this pap and getting rich selling it. A den of thieves.

  • @verlinmeademusic
    @verlinmeademusic 3 года назад +1

    Thank you for sharing Blimey. God bless

  • @GodBlessHipHop
    @GodBlessHipHop 11 лет назад +4

    Worship music is deeper than this, and btw those words mean alot to those who know they are true, even if you are mocking people, it doesnt matter, God bless you all.

  • @dantyler6614
    @dantyler6614 10 лет назад +12

    Oh and you forgot one thing, it needs to be in the key of B

  • @jschools1392
    @jschools1392 10 лет назад +2

    The power-point flip out in the middle of the song was spot on lol.

  • @chill4322
    @chill4322 8 лет назад +3

    He looks hilarious when he has that sweater and tie

  • @jlehtinen9453
    @jlehtinen9453 8 лет назад +13

    I actually liked that song...

  • @vodean1465
    @vodean1465 3 года назад +2

    As an A/V tech who is responsible for changing the lyric slides, that bit about trying to find the right slide is so accurate! 😂Sometimes there is a missing part, or I press the button twice, or I just zone out... I'm glad to know I am not the only one

  • @Fullbatteri
    @Fullbatteri 8 лет назад +11

    *Something needs to be in flames* Oh my hahahaha xD

  • @NothingButJo
    @NothingButJo 11 лет назад +3

    The song was actually really good!! :')

  • @lisfong
    @lisfong Год назад

    Wow - contemporary "worship" song writing summed up in less than 3 minutes! Well done sir!

  • @katiecarpenter5417
    @katiecarpenter5417 6 лет назад +4

    There’s a reason I listen to Michael Card and Bob Bennett (who I’m guessing no one knows about)

    • @MrMixolydian7
      @MrMixolydian7 6 лет назад +1

      Michael Card and Glad were my first exposure to CCM at the age of 10, so I came to the table thinking that theologically sound lyrics and secondary dominants (plus other interesting harmonic devices) were the norm. I feel you on this one. LOL

  • @lenkachladkova1762
    @lenkachladkova1762 7 лет назад +3

    That moment when the lyrics powerpoint stops and you're cool and know the words 😂

  • @Kayla-kh5eh
    @Kayla-kh5eh 10 лет назад

    IMO: This is THE BEST Messy Mondays episode of all time. :)

  • @Tesla_Death_Ray
    @Tesla_Death_Ray 11 лет назад +18

    Any other Faith +1 fans here?

    • @thomashester2
      @thomashester2 11 лет назад

      YES!!! lol

    • @Drewan27
      @Drewan27 10 лет назад +2

      "Your album has gone. . . MYRRH!!!!"

    • @andrejkraljik1244
      @andrejkraljik1244 10 лет назад

      YEAAAHH :D Of course it is the best band ever :D xD And they absolutely deserve the MYRRHH :D :D

    • @AutumnFS
      @AutumnFS 10 лет назад +1

      "Every time I see Jesus up on that cross, I can't help but think that he looks kinda hot!"

    • @yeahhhboiii16
      @yeahhhboiii16 10 лет назад +3

      "I wanna get on my knees and start pleasing Jesus, I wanna feel his warm salvation all over my face."

  • @emmanuelyouthfc7122
    @emmanuelyouthfc7122 11 лет назад +4

    um.... i get it. i understand what he's trying to say. but i have come to the conclusion that whatever worship song, weather it be simple, short, and silly, or a long, doctrinal, traditional hymn, worship is of the heart. i remember talking about this to a great man of God. he said to me, you could have any type of music, in any type of setting, and you will find those who Love the Lord, and you will find those who dont. so yes, this video is out of place. so i encourage people to write songs from their hearts.. no matter how short and silly.

    • @ukulelemike
      @ukulelemike 11 лет назад +4 missed it. The point is, what many consider Christianity has become formulaic and shallow. What we do, we don't do so much 'from the heart' because the heart is desperately wicked-when its our heart we listen to, its ultimately our emotions. The sons of Aaron, Nadab and Abihu worshiped 'from the heart' and were killed by God for it. Yes, our hearts should be in it, but always according to truth and all doctrine.

  • @missmelodies52
    @missmelodies52 11 лет назад

    It's true, the songs in old hyms like How Great Thou Art and In Christ Alone are soooo good!

  • @Lojemiru
    @Lojemiru 9 лет назад +3

    I kinda want to get my youth pastor to have us sing this next Wednesday night...