Blacksmiths double calipers

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 80

  • @jamesogorman3287
    @jamesogorman3287 3 года назад

    Black Bear Forge fans will also love Engels Coach Shop, a repairer and restorer of vintage wagons and wheels.

  • @MrFlockhammer
    @MrFlockhammer 2 года назад +3

    I watched this video when it came out and came back again for a refresher. Hoping to make a set of these for my next project in the forge! Thanks as always for the great videos!

  • @josephshaff5194
    @josephshaff5194 2 месяца назад

    Square Rivet !
    I can picture how that works actually !
    Awesome !
    Hey I came to learn and there no let down here !
    I can't wait to mention that's existence on my next contract.❤

  • @MrSpinteractive
    @MrSpinteractive 2 года назад +1

    Using a hacksaw to split the tip is mighty impressive! I don't have your level of control over the tool so I would probably use a dremel disk to make the initial tip cut and follow with a hacksaw very slowly.

  • @johnd65753
    @johnd65753 5 лет назад +5

    Making tools to make tools and developing one's design 'eye'. My mentor in metalworking, many years ago, used to say 'the manual arts are self-instructing'. You make something, look at it, make a better one. I really enjoyed this video!

  • @frankclarkjr6369
    @frankclarkjr6369 3 года назад +1

    New to the channel, hell of a craftsman.! I'm glued to you class thank you for your time. What I usually say...Dammit Boy. Flat out nice work.

  • @jackofalltrades5199
    @jackofalltrades5199 3 года назад +2

    I’ve been watching John‘s videos now for a couple weeks. As in this video and others I really appreciate the attention to detail. My wife says it’s because I’m German that I act this way with my projects. But if it ain’t right, it ain’t right. And as John might say fiddle with it until it’s right.

  • @michaelhayes1678
    @michaelhayes1678 4 года назад

    I appreciate you talking out the things you liked more, less, and how you go through your problem solving/troubleshooting to help me understand better for when I make my first set of double calipers.

  • @brettsayers7768
    @brettsayers7768 5 лет назад +1

    Another great tool to have in my blacksmiths bag, the bag is getting bigger every couple of months.

  • @mikechapple2363
    @mikechapple2363 5 лет назад

    "Measure twice,,," accurate layout and accurate layouttools are so important. Thanks John!

  • @jjppres
    @jjppres 5 лет назад +3

    I guess thats the reason your work looks so good. Your very critical of yourself. I think they are great! You on the other hand are not real happy with them. Either way I learned a lot. Not sure why now in hindsite but I always thought they would be extremely hard to make and now I see they need to go on my list of tools to make asI think I could make them without a lot of difficulty. Thanks John!

  • @IvyCreek-76
    @IvyCreek-76 5 лет назад +1

    My excitement was through the roof when I seen the video pop up in my email,I thought you would never make it to it lol. Thank You so much for sharing this John,cant wait for you to put out the follow up videos!

  • @larryking606
    @larryking606 5 лет назад

    I had watched this once before and wanted to see it again !
    Great project, added to my to do list !

  • @johnjude2677
    @johnjude2677 5 лет назад

    Thanks again John :for helping me to have blacksmithing tools that helps the quillaty of my work acceptable.
    Always great learning.

  • @firesafe8417
    @firesafe8417 5 лет назад +1

    This is a really nice project Mr. John. Thank you for showing us how one of these is made.

  • @GaryForgingOn
    @GaryForgingOn 5 лет назад +1

    Enjoyed the video. I used to see those things and wondered what they were for. Now I know. :)
    I now need to make a set. All my shop work is a progression to make a tool or tools to make the item I want.

    • @jeffsandling5981
      @jeffsandling5981 5 лет назад +1

      Gary Brown Forging On when I started Smithing a year ago I started making a tool list to purchase then decided if I can make my tools then I can make anything I want with them. If I could go back and do it over again I wouldn't change a thing! Learned a ton of stuff that I might just not have any other way.

    • @GaryForgingOn
      @GaryForgingOn 5 лет назад

      I end up waiting until I need something. But I ended up buying 3 or 4 pair of tongs because I needed them for a class and they had to go up to something like 1-1/4" . I had only made some flat tongs and one set of bolt tongs and didn't know if I could make a good set that large. And I only had a few weeks before the class. But normally I too try to make my own for the learning process. I end up having to make them over sometimes when I don't make them well.

  • @shortfuse43
    @shortfuse43 5 лет назад

    I have always wanted to make a set of those compound calipers, but just never could get worked up enough to start the project. Now you have me worked up and will be making the calipers shortly! Great video. You took the mystery out of caliper making.

  • @jeffsandling5981
    @jeffsandling5981 5 лет назад +1

    Nice job John! These are definitely on my to do list. Thanks for your time to film another thorough video. You definitely take alot of the intimidation out of these projects and set me up the the knowledge to succeed. So far I've nailed every tool I've made the first go at it after watching your videos. Thanks again Sir!

  • @mitchelperkins6723
    @mitchelperkins6723 5 лет назад +1

    Looks fine John!!
    I purchased one from Blacksmithstoolshed.
    They are mighty handy working under the power hammer or press.
    Guess I'll have to add making my own set to the project list.
    Would be a neat tool to drop on the Iron in the Hat table at a group meeting.
    I usually make a simple tool of some sort for IITH.

  • @random40s
    @random40s 5 лет назад +1

    I definitely want to make a set of those. Thanks for the idea, and great video. Loved it as always 👍

  • @leontorkelson6246
    @leontorkelson6246 5 лет назад

    Watched the video this morning, made a set of double calipers this afternoon. Great video and fun project.

  • @danielcrawford7315
    @danielcrawford7315 5 лет назад

    Nifty lil project there Mr. John. Like that idea a good bit.
    So many neat and handy very little time...absolutely 0 real smithing tools. Hahahaha. So far a A.S.O. , a ball pein, and a store bought crazy straight pein ish hammer... aceytaline torch for fire. But you know what? It works alot better than rubbing steel on my knee!
    Thanks for sharing these things with us boss.
    Blessed days sirSir, Crawford out

  • @shauncarl9535
    @shauncarl9535 4 года назад +1

    Wow. I can see where they would come in so handy. Get project thx.

  • @3870TheDad
    @3870TheDad 5 лет назад +1

    "Goodness, I need to make a rivet header for this size rivet. But, to do that,I need to make a ball punch for just that size rivet." LOL 😆😆😆 John.. Awesome video, John. I really enjoyed it.

  • @82finesa
    @82finesa 5 лет назад +1

    Thanks John enjoyed the video.

  • @thijs3514
    @thijs3514 5 лет назад

    My compliments! You are so good at creating new interesting and different videos.
    I hope you can keep this up (reference to previous video), with pleasure.
    Thanks again, Thijs

  • @TufStockdogs
    @TufStockdogs 5 лет назад

    Thank you John I really love that also the comment about make a couple and I can get better. Learning that on my hoof picks with bottle opener on it.

  • @tobyjo57
    @tobyjo57 5 лет назад

    Another Great Tool Video. I like how you always consider us newbies who have not yet aquided so many tools. I'm going to try making these but try to use Bolts and Wing Nuts with a friction Washer as I'm not so conversant with friction riveting yet and not made any rivet sets. Bye the way If I may say I always find it much easier when Hacksawing thin material to keep it close to the vise jaws and saw about an inch at a time. Thanks as always John

  • @jonhowitt4431
    @jonhowitt4431 2 года назад

    I was inspired by your video to make my own...

  • @TomokosEnterprize
    @TomokosEnterprize 5 лет назад +2

    Gramps had a pair. Thanks fella !

  • @clydebalcom8252
    @clydebalcom8252 4 года назад

    My mother's father made several sizes of double calipers. The smallest had a set screw for more precision. The entire tool was just three inches long.

  • @schrottmax5099
    @schrottmax5099 2 года назад +1

    Ein vielseitiger Top Handwerker

  • @gregworkshop5713
    @gregworkshop5713 5 лет назад

    hi like the show so keep up good work

  • @steelpennyforge5152
    @steelpennyforge5152 5 лет назад

    Nice stuff! Thanks for the video!!

  • @MissMaarten2004
    @MissMaarten2004 5 лет назад

    Hi John, maybe a tip for forging those double horns/scrolls: I take my flat stock and forge the corners out, I do that by putting the middle of the top of the bar on the corner of the anvil (the bar sticks 45° in the air that way) and use a ball peen hammer to forge out the corners. Then (the bar still in the same position) I hit the top of the bar to drive the bar into the corner of the anvil to upset it.This leaves some small "horns" and some upset right behind the horns. I then put the stock in the vice and chisel straight down, right between the horns. The base of the horns is now thicker than half the bar size and now I can just forge out the horns to a graceful taper and scroll them and they look exactly like those antiques you showed. Hope this all makes some sense, I use this technique to make double horns finials on hinges and such.

    • @MissMaarten2004
      @MissMaarten2004 5 лет назад

      Whoops, I forgot to mention the first step, so when you have your bar on the corner of the anvil in that 45° angle, give the bar a wack on the end so the corner of the anvil will leave a dent (this is were the "split" starts), otherwise you can't hold the bar on the anvil when you're forging out the little horns with the ball peen hammer.

  • @scottleft3672
    @scottleft3672 5 лет назад

    Cutting that bar with the hacksaw...should've flipped it half way...whenever i can i do as left or right handed, as the eye decieves....great vid,

  • @stanervin6108
    @stanervin6108 5 лет назад +1

    They may be commonplace to many, but the first time they have graced my eye! 👁🐾🔥⚒ @33:40 I was telling you to turn it over! You must've heard me!

    • @johnjude2677
      @johnjude2677 5 лет назад

      Me too but I did see them hanging on is shop's wall, But didn't know what.

    • @johnd65753
      @johnd65753 5 лет назад

      Yes, I was yelling at the TV as he began to rivet that second arm on as well. That's how things go sometimes!

  • @bc65925
    @bc65925 5 лет назад

    I was yelling real loud when you had that rivet in there on the reverse. I was just thinking "self you should make a set of those for the next "Iron in the hat."

  • @GaryForgingOn
    @GaryForgingOn 5 лет назад

    John, have you seen those plates for drifting with a peg to go in the pritchel hole and the plate then pivots over the hardy hole with an arc of varying hole sizes? Lets you drift without dealing with the distortion. I had seen a few of those at some events and demos and made one quickly from some scrap.
    I got my arc laid out and then just drilled progressively bigger holes. I think the plate I used was about 3/8" .. It was scrap so I am not sure.

    • @BlackBearForge
      @BlackBearForge  5 лет назад +1

      I have seen those and have thought about making one, just haven't taken the time yet.

    • @mitchelperkins6723
      @mitchelperkins6723 5 лет назад

      Folks call that a Dial a hole. They are rather handy

  • @josephwilliams8046
    @josephwilliams8046 5 лет назад

    I have enjoyed your videos. Question at what pressure should I run my propane forge at to forge weld?

  • @محمدابراهيم-ش9ث
    @محمدابراهيم-ش9ث 5 лет назад


  • @grandadz_forge
    @grandadz_forge 5 лет назад

    Do you remember Stewart Shirley (Blacksmiths Helper Stand video) when he showed that angle finder/ storyboard? Is there a classic version of that?

    • @BlackBearForge
      @BlackBearForge  5 лет назад

      I don't remember the story board. I guess I need to go back and watch those videos again

  • @AlbiesProductsOnline
    @AlbiesProductsOnline 5 лет назад

    The older set looks like the right smaller side may have been forge welded you can just see where there is a small raised join

  • @bogomir67
    @bogomir67 5 лет назад

    I was thinking about the variant with one rivet for both arms. Woudn`t it be enough to have the hole in the handle made square? Even a round rivet should flare into the corner, wouldn`t it?

    • @BlackBearForge
      @BlackBearForge  5 лет назад

      If the rivet is hot enough where it passes through the hole it would start to fill out the square hole

  • @ChristCenteredIronworks
    @ChristCenteredIronworks 5 лет назад +10

    Second.... Lol will watch the whole video later John just wanted to get in here before I would be the 892nd comment 😂

    • @BlackBearForge
      @BlackBearForge  5 лет назад +4

      I will truly be amazed if i ever get 892 comments on a video.

    • @mikechapple2363
      @mikechapple2363 5 лет назад +1

      That would be a lot of comments to schnorkle through....I'll stick to one per video but encourage my blacksmith buddies to do the same.

    • @mikechapple2363
      @mikechapple2363 5 лет назад +1

      @@JF-fx2qv no sure I'm tracking your thought. I've found most video hosts more than hospitable considering the amount of traffic they have to deal with.

    • @stanervin6108
      @stanervin6108 5 лет назад

      The 20k subscriber dragon head giveaway has 814 comments! And there may be others! If everyone reading this goes to that video and comments, should top a grand by Sunday night! 🐾🔥⚒

  • @ericjason5773
    @ericjason5773 5 лет назад

    If you put the arm on backwards you will have inside calipers. Useful for insides of rings.

  • @canuckloyalist4681
    @canuckloyalist4681 5 лет назад

    Is there any way to get in touch with the thumbs down people and ask them wtf their problem is? Your video's are great, keep up the good work!

    • @BlackBearForge
      @BlackBearForge  5 лет назад +1

      No, that is all anonymous. But I don't think it doesn't actually hurt anything. RUclips sees a thumbs down the same as it does a thumbs up

    • @canuckloyalist4681
      @canuckloyalist4681 5 лет назад

      At least you don't draw the trolls like OLF does...but he does tend to troll the trolls also.LOL!

    @SAVAGE_IRON 5 лет назад +1

    starrett made them. quite rare.

  • @65burnie
    @65burnie 5 лет назад

    With your dirt floor, any problems with moisture and rust ?

  • @maknifeandrods7701
    @maknifeandrods7701 5 лет назад

    I have a question can you make a hole punch using a store bought center punch.

    • @BlackBearForge
      @BlackBearForge  5 лет назад

      Yes you can. Howeber I have found that they don't hold up well in high heat applications, so cool it frequently in use.

    • @maknifeandrods7701
      @maknifeandrods7701 5 лет назад

      Thank you for your advise.

  • @manga12
    @manga12 5 лет назад

    huh I have never heard of them like that, but I have seen machinests and woodworkers like me will use two sets for turning 2 sections of a spindle or so.

  • @TheWoodsman661
    @TheWoodsman661 5 лет назад

    John, would you be interested in a video on Wootz Steel? If so, I can leave you a link.

    • @BlackBearForge
      @BlackBearForge  5 лет назад

      Might be interesting

    • @TheWoodsman661
      @TheWoodsman661 5 лет назад

      @@BlackBearForge here it isвидео.html

  • @OuroborosArmory
    @OuroborosArmory 5 лет назад +1

    Yet another thing I need to make... that list is getting long

  • @krabrangoonies1071
    @krabrangoonies1071 5 лет назад

    Yearns bbb

  • @4dabloons
    @4dabloons 5 лет назад +1


  • @radionicsoftware5026
    @radionicsoftware5026 5 лет назад +3

    I think you made too good a job of quieting that anvil, a little bit of ring would be nice. It's like gagging your wife, its ok for the first few weeks but eventually, it gets too quiet ;-)

  • @tatehester3155
    @tatehester3155 5 лет назад

    Would love it just a time last video of you just working no talking if you want to put a voiceover you can just in time lapse video of you just doing there normal blacksmithing job

    • @BlackBearForge
      @BlackBearForge  5 лет назадвидео.html